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Theories of Intelligence
Theories of Intelligence So, let's start in introduction So, in introduction, it is said that if we define
intelligence in layman's terms layman means if we ask a normal person what is intelligence then how
will he define it he will define such as qualities like alertness, quickness of mind academic success or
what is the status in occupation This is very commonly said in layman's terms But, we will study its
theoretical definition and operational definition that what is intelligence technically in terms of
psychology We will begin with some definitions to bring home the point that even among psychologists,
there is a lack of unanimity about this term Because, even psychologists have different views Some call
intelligence as something else and some as something else So, we will study this thing when we will
study different definitions So, here it is said that we will study two-factor theory of Spearman and past
theory which is very famous What are the objectives in this? So, first of all, let's start with the nature of
intelligence What is intelligence? So, according to Indian system it is said that intellect means decision
maker it is described as an inner instrument which possesses wisdom, prudence, emotion societal values
and relations So, it is said in Indian terms that what is intelligence So, in our common parlance when
people speak of intelligence they not knowingly as if they share a common definition If you generally
ask people what they know about intelligence what is intelligence they all will say that we know what
intelligence is but actually everyone's viewpoint is very different about intelligence everyone will not
define it in the same way So, let's define intelligence theoretically Intelligence has been defined as the
sum total of everything you know Sum total of everything you know means whatever you know is called
intelligence Ability to learn or profit from experiences Ability to solve problems Ability to cope with
demands of the environment All these things are included in it So, the problem arises when we try to
search for a definition that seems to say it all precisely People have been using intelligence as a general
label for so many cognitive abilities So, if we try to put all these things where the different abilities are
mentioned Ability to learn, profit from experiences Ability to solve problems Ability to cope with the
environment If we want to put all these things in one particular definition then it becomes a little
difficult So, if we talk about intelligence then we only talk about cognitive ability But there are more
things involved in intelligence than just cognitive ability So, a symposium was organized in 1921
Symposium means a kind of conference meeting 13 psychologists specializing in the area of intellectual
assessment considered the definitional aspects of intelligence So, they called a lot of psychologists and
tried to make a proper definition of intelligence The symposium proceeding published in a special issue
of the Journal of Educational Psychology So, whatever happened in this journal was printed in it And it
was that all the experts there they all had different views Some of them are given here Intelligence, that
is to say reasoning, judgment, memory, power of abstract Someone said that intelligence is made by
combining all these things Reasoning, judgment, memory The second one is given above Intelligence is
a general capacity of individual consciously to adjust to adjust his thinking to new environment So, if
someone's thinking adjusts according to the environment requirement that is called intelligence Then
Terman said that individual is intelligent in proportion as he is able to carry on abstract thinking Then
came Spearman Spearman said that intelligence is the capacity So, in their own theories their viewpoints
are also seen If someone has said that it is abstract thinking then their theories also talked about abstract
thinking Like Spearman said that intelligence is related to adjustment So, in their theory also we get to
see that they talk about adjustment So, in this way in that symposium everyone had their own viewpoints
Then Terman found that 24 prominent scholars had 24 different definitions of intelligence So, 24
scholars had their own definitions of intelligence So, Sternberg has attempted a comparison of the two
surveys Sternberg compared both the surveys Which survey was done here in which there were 13
psychologists He remarked that in 1921 survey the elements that appeared most often in definition were
Adaption to meet demands So, these elements were common In 1986 survey common was higher level
abilities and valued by culture and third was executive process So, in both the surveys Sternberg and
Terman found that these elements were common Snyderman and Rothman have asked all the experts
around 1000 experts and whatever they have told those experts are not only from psychology they are
from sociology, education, genetics from different fields according to their definition they have
downloaded the entire list and these are the words which you can see in the list in which percentage of
respondents showing agreement so, out of those 13 people most of them are agreeing so, according to
that 99.3% agree that it should be there problem solving ability 97.7% agree capacity to acquire
knowledge 96% agree general knowledge 88% agree memory 80% agree achievement motivation
18.9% agree so, these are the words which are in the definition of intelligence but most of the people are
agreeing which are written above so, in this way, no proper fixed definition of intelligence could be
made because everyone had different views here you can see some definitions written here now, what is
common in all these what is common in all these the most common definition is adaptation adaptation is
very important how we adapt to our environment ability to modify one's behavior means how we change
our behavior according to the environment so, people who are very rigid for example the way you
behave at home and the way you behave in your office or school both are different so, if a person does
not change his behavior he behaves the same way at home like he does in office or office like he does at
home so, if he is not able to adapt to his environment so, it means that the person who can change his
behavior according to the environment is very intelligent and the second thing is ability to think
abstractly using symbols so, when we do abstract thinking abstract means we think something which we
have never seen or which we have never heard so, that will also come under intelligence the ability to
acquire new information learn new things learn from your own experiences like we say, don't make a
mistake by learning from your own experiences so, that is also considered an important element in
intelligence the ability to think abstractly and the third one is to acquire information so, these three are
important terms which should come under the definition of intelligence then comes operational
definition of intelligence operational definition means something which we can use and measure so,
describe intelligence in this way so, we can test it and measure it so, Boring operationally defined that
intelligence is what intelligence test measure so, he said that whatever intelligence test we measure we
will consider it as intelligence so, this operational definition because he is talking about measurement so,
you may notice that this operational definition is a conceptual problem of coming to grip with the true
nature of intelligence so, here this definition is not that perfect because it is not talking about the nature
of intelligence it is just being said that whatever we measure that will be considered as intelligence so,
most intelligence test have been constructed with the assumption that intelligence is some kind of
general attribute more or less of which exist in everyone and which determines how an individual will
be able to deal with the problem situation now, he is talking about measurement because it is about
operational definition so, all the intelligence test have been constructed with the assumption that
intelligence is with everyone it is a general attribute, general means everyone has it second is that some
have less and some have more but it exists in everyone and how we can see that how people solve their
problems we can know from that how much intelligence they have now, what was the historical
perspective of this because it is talking about individual differences how it is coming because we have
said here more or less more or less means someone has more intelligence and someone has less so, it is
talking about individual differences and their abilities the measurement of human abilities was started by
Francis Galton and this is a very important name and this whole paragraph is very important so, Francis
Galton who was the cousin of Charles Darwin you know that Charles Darwin talked about origin of
species so, his cousin was Francis Galton who started measuring human abilities and for the first time he
invented a term called mental test now a days we call it intelligence test but he started mental test and
invented the first psychological test method to measure and for the first time he invented psychological
test method to measure intelligence ability so, this is why this name is very important Francis Galton
who invented mental test and psychological test for the first time to measure intelligence and human
ability after that he set up first test laboratory in London in 1882 where he had a lot of psychological
tests battery of psychological test means he had a lot of tests which he could do by paying fees so, each
visitor could take a battery of psychological test on a fee paying basis so, the one who wanted to do the
test he could do the psychological test on height, weight, breathing power, strength of pull hearing,
sight, colour sense all these things not only psychological but also physical so, both physical and sensory
tests were involved Galton thought that we can inherit psychological traits inherit means if we have
those traits in our parents then we will also have those traits plus, he gave a very important contribution
in statistics by developing correlation method which is always used in any research so, he developed that
method and later his student Carl Pearson who studies product moment correlation so, he developed that
method so, this was the beginning of intelligence testing and we also call this father of psychological
testing so, this is very important information for you to note so, what happened after this Alfred Binet
came and started intelligence testing but actually for intelligence a French government gave him a job in
a school he was asked to identify mentally deficient students mentally deficient means weak students
special needs the French government gave him a job to identify mentally deficient students so, what he
did with his partner Theodore Simon he made an intelligence test to identify weak students the test
comprised a list of 30 problems the ability to understand reasoning problems the problem range in
difficulty the test was tried on a sample of 50 children this was a very important step in testing of
intelligence because after this in 1908 the revision was made the highest age level for children was
mental age as I spoke that in 1908 the mental age term came the formula of IQ is mental age divided by
chronological age into 100 so what is mental age? no matter how old the child is he can solve the
problem of any age he can solve the problem of more age than him or he can solve the problem of less
age than him so the highest level which he can perform successfully is mental age chronological age
means actual age of the child so the highest level that a child could perform successfully was his mental
age this term came in 1908 in the same test modification was done later Williams turn 1914 suggested
that this be divided by chronological age for each child and multiplied by 100 so who came up with this
formula? Williams turn divided mental age by chronological age and multiplied by 100 IQ means
intelligence quotient he got this influence from Binet's work but the formula given by Williams turn so
the subsequent work on measurement of intelligence is modeled after Binet's test that's why people
know Binet's name because he was the first person who made a test for intelligence now there are self
assessment questions which you can see in which you have to tell how layman will define intelligence
and what were the common factors 13 experts wrote in 1921 symposium after that you have to complete
the list which was written by Snyderman and Rothman with 1000 experts you have to write operational
definition and brief account of individual difference

Spearman's two-factor theory of intelligence.

Today we will study Spearman's two-factor theory of intelligence. Charles Spearman gave this theory in
1904, which was a very crucial step because his theory is such a theory that forms the base of many
other intelligence theories. He used correlation analysis very well in his theory and factor analysis.
Earlier, Carl Pearson developed these two-factor analysis and correlation methods, but no one was able
to use it so well practically. Spearman used both these methods very well in his theory. And with these
two methods, he made his theory, which was considered a very important theory of that time for many
years. There were many other researchers who praised this theory a lot. Like Gilford, he also said that no
one has used two-factor analysis so well yet. Like Spearman used this in his theory and made his theory
of intelligence. Spearman opposed Binet and Simon's intelligence test very much. He did not believe
that the tests they take, like I told you that Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon made an intelligence test in
which they measured children's weaknesses and smartness. So Spearman said that this is a completely
wrong way to test because in that particular test, we cannot see which factor is common in all types of
intelligence. So nothing can be known about the general factor in it. And according to that test, we
cannot even know about the different types of intelligence of people. So he told his test very wrongly.
And after that, the two things he included in his theory were a G factor and an S factor. So whenever
you see in his theory, you will get such a diagram in which you will get G and S written mostly. So what
did he mean by G factor? It is such an ability that is generally required for everything. And S factor
means that which is specific related to that particular work. Like suppose if someone studies in English
medium school, so if he wants to score well in all subjects, then what is the general factor requirement in
it? That he should know English. Because he is studying English medium, so his mathematical test will
also be in English, in which word problems will come, so it will come in English. If we take his science
test, it will also be in English. If we take his social science test, it will be in English. So it means that
there will be specific tests, which he has written here A, B, P, Q. These are different types of tests. So he
will be able to do this specific test only when his general factor will be in English, which is common in
everything. But if his English ability is very poor, then how will he do it? Neither will he be able to
solve the paper of political science, nor of psychology, because he does not know English properly. So
here English has done the work of the general factor G. Similarly, when you do math, then you also get
different topics, you get to find the average, you get to find the square root, but in all of them, the
general factor is calculation. So how can someone whose calculations are not clear, do different specific
things? So he said the same thing, G factor and S factor. And this big G that you see here, this is the
factor that is required in all things. Now, suppose he took two different tests, one was A, one was B.
Here you can see A also written, these are two different types of test of abilities. Then here he took P
and Q. There was something common in this, there was something common in this, which he called
small g in both. Then he saw that in all four tests, there is one thing that is required for all four, that is
common. So he named it capital G. That means if someone has specific intelligence, specific ability,
then to do that, he needs a very big common general ability, which he called G. Like I gave you an
example of English language. Similarly, in all our abilities, we have some common factor, because of
which we can do all four, five abilities. Now, suppose we take the example of psychology. What is G in
psychology? Suppose, in psychology, if you take a test of psychological theories, if you take a test of
statistical testing, if you take a test related to counseling, and here you specifically take a test related to a
particular concept. So these are the specific tests. But what will be common in all this? Your basic
knowledge about psychology should be clear, whether you are talking about statistics in it, whether you
are talking about theories in it, whether you are talking about anything in it. The knowledge that is
common here, the general factor that you need, that you have the aspect of critical thinking inside you,
then only you are able to understand psychology, because you think of things critically. So in this way,
what happened to this capital G? It became a common factor, it became a common intelligence or
ability, which you need to understand other things in psychology. So Spearman's theory focuses more on
these two factors. So what is A and B? They are both tests that he has taken to measure. And the specific
abilities in it, he called them SA and SB. Similarly, P and Q are also those two tests, which he took for
two other abilities. He also got something common in it, so he gave the names G and G'. Then it was
seen that there is something common in all four, so he called it capital G. So this is what Spearman's
general factor and specific factor means. Now Spearman says that we can also call the general factor as
mental energy. Mental energy means that it is a common thing, which is a common factor in all of us,
which helps us in all other things. So first let's say that whatever test we take in psychology, it is very
important for us to see what is common in all the tests we are taking. All our intelligence tests should be
like this, which he said was not in Simon's test. That in those tests, you are putting so many abilities, so
after reading it, it should be understood that there is something common in everyone. And that is our
general intelligence. So that's why he focused more on general intelligence. And the requirement of
general intelligence is that we need to show all kinds of specific abilities in life, which is our specific
intelligence. So this was his theory of intelligence. What did he do? They analyzed intelligence by using
tetradifference. This is a kind of mathematical statistical technique, tetradifference, whose table you can
see here. What do they do in this? They take four things and divide them into two groups. Suppose they
took two tests, A, B, and P, Q. They divided it into two groups, and the difference between the two is
found. In the same way, all the correlations they took, analogies, completion, they took different things.
They did a tetrad analysis of all these. We denote tetrad analysis by F. And generally, if there is not
much difference in both things, then its value is 0. So this tells us how similar and different both things
are in each other. If any value comes here, 0.12, whatever comes, then the difference is seen that there is
a difference in both. If the value does not come, but 0 comes, which should come, then it is similar. So
this tetrad analysis was used for their analysis. So this was the main thing that is important for you to
know in this theory. So here they have shown a picture, which means that this is the factor which is
required for many different intelligences. There are some that are not required. Suppose I took the
example of English, that someone is studying in an English medium school, he needs a little English for
Maths, but if he is giving an English paper, then he has a full requirement for it. If he is giving a science
paper, then he has a full requirement for it. Suppose if it is a Hindi exam, then there is nothing more
common than this in Hindi and English. So this one is totally different. So this ability, the ability to
come to Hindi, is not similar to the English ability. It is not above the G factor. This means that there is
nothing common in this and this ability. Similarly, suppose if a child gives a French paper, he
understands French language, he is studying in school, and he has to give a French paper. So there is
very little similarity between French and English. It means that there should be a little knowledge of
English, so that French comes. capital g Even if it doesn't come, it will work. So it means that this is
such an ability, which we need in many specific abilities, but there are some abilities in which even if it
is not there, it works. So the G factor has become a general factor, and the S factor has become a specific
factor. So intercorrelation matrices prepared by Spearman and his students show some tests had
something common besides G factor. So in all their intelligence tests, it came out that there are some
common things in all of them, which they named G factor. And there are some overlapping things, so
they have shown you everything here diagrammatically, that what things are overlapping. Now, like
these two are overlapping in each other, if you can see this particular circle, these are overlapping in
each other. So there are some specific abilities that are overlapping in each other, and there are some
common things in both of them. So these are overlapping here, in which this knowledge is needed, but it
is also necessary to have knowledge of each other. So they had seen this type of ability in their
intelligence test, in which all these things came out. So this is their common factor or G factor. So the
factors like verbal ability, numerical ability, these types of things came out. So as I said verbal ability, so
where does he need verbal ability, where does he need numerical ability, where does he need mental
speed, what are the tasks in which mental speed is needed. Here attention came out, attention is such a G
factor, imagination is such a factor, like if he has joined an art class, then this factor will be needed in
that. So all these factors came out. So in the theory of Spearman, why is it important, the mathematical
models developed in this, related to G factor, that was a very different thing, they have used factor
analysis very well, which was a very good example, for the coming theories. They had used correlation
analysis in this. So it had become a very important theory. And Spearman's work had established, had
made a tradition in a way, how we should investigate human abilities. Now what is their critical
appraisal, critical appraisal of two-factor theory, why is it called two-factor, because there is S factor and
G factor, there are two factors. So criticism was leveled against formulation of the two-factor theory.
One of the standard criticism of the factor analytic approach is that, it was purely psychometric. In the
same way, the whole theory is based on psychometric. There is no talk of cognitive aspect in this. Only
based on the common factor, that what is common is G, and what is not is S. So they have used
psychometric. And this was one of its criticisms. And in this they are saying that, Spearman proposed
that intelligence dependent on a number of qualitative principles of cognition. For example, presenting
of any character together with any relation tends to evoke immediately the knowing of correlative
character. So he is saying that whatever intelligence theory they have made, they have said that we are
needing correlative character. So to present any character, with any relation tends to evoke immediately
knowing the correlative character. Means if we find its correlation, then we will understand how one
character is more related to another character. So there is a lot of relation between each other in their
theory. jabki it is possible that some factors have no relation are independent Spearman also described 5
quantitative principles of cognition, which are relevant to intelligence. So these are some of their
principles, which they have told. Cognitive control, fatigue, mental energy, primordial potencies,
retentivity, Then we come to Thorndike's theory. Thorndike's theory, he also believed in the inter-
correlation. He also said that just like Spearman has made the theory by inter-correlating, he also
believed in the inter-correlation. But there were more than two factors in his theory. This is also called
multiple factor theory. So he objected very strongly to the idea of existence of characteristics such as
general intelligence. One thing he objected to Spearman that there is no such thing as general
intelligence. Instead of one kind of factor, he maintained that there are large number of separate factors.
There can be different specific factors, but it is not necessary that there is a general factor between them.
Thorndike was against this general factor. He argued that instead of generality of intelligence,
communality in the act of people to perform intelligently needed to be looked into. According to
Thorndike, the common thing is not the ability of people, but the commonality of that particular task. He
argued that the common thing is not in people, but in the nature of task.. The common thing is not in
people, but in the nature of task. People have different abilities. They perform at different levels. They
manage their difficulties in their own way. But they also differ in the range and number of tasks. How
long they can do that task and how many tasks they can do. So people differ in their ability to perform
any specific act in terms of level of difficulty they can manage. They also differ in the range and the
number of tasks. So this was Thorndike's main point that people have their own abilities. There is no
such thing that we can say that it is general or common. Everyone has their own way of managing
Thorndike's intelligence was more like a series of skills or talents and several other many tasks might
call for the same kind of ability. According to him, the correlation between various tests are the result of
the fact that tests have features in common with each other even though they are called measures of
different aspects. So people have their own way of managing their intelligence like skills or talents. And
skills are like we have a particular skill in us, so we do a lot of work with it. Someone has good speaking
skills, so he can use those speaking skills to perform well in debate competitions, he can perform well in
teaching, he can perform well as a politician. He can do a lot of things with the same ability. And the test
we take, whatever we take someone's test to check all these things, why is it common in this? Because
whatever we have asked in the test, whatever we are measuring, there are some things in it that we have
asked something or the other. So that's why that common factor is visible in it. A contention that there is
no general intelligence but very specific acts. So mainly he is saying again and again that there is no
general intelligence, there are specific acts of everyone and their skills are used in it. However, does not
hold water in view of the fact that some tasks have so many elements in common that it is desirable to
have it. It is not common. Thorndike has classified intellectual activity into broad three types. So
according to him, the multi-factor that is being talked about, which he gave, he gave three, one was
social intelligence, how we maintain our social relationships, how we conduct ourselves among our
people, he said concrete intelligence, which can also be used in this way, how to solve puzzles, this type
of intelligence has happened and then abstract intelligence means how much we can imagine, how much
creative we can think. So he said three types of intelligence, however, this is a classification of the type
of task, not an analysis of mental organ, he just repeated one thing here that these three things I have told
you, these are just three different types of tasks to do, they should have some skill and some ability. the
three are not diff mental organisations. they are independent So it means that he is saying the opposite of
the theory of Spearman and he is saying that we do not have such a general factor in us, which would be
required in all three or would be required in the rest of the task.

Thompson's theory
Last time we were studying Spearman's theory In that we discussed that Spearman said that there is a
general factor and a specific factor And general factor means that in all our different abilities There is a
certain general factor which he named as G And it is very important for us to have it so that we can
perform well in other specific abilities So he focused more on general factor, G factor And we also read
that he used factor analysis in the best way After that he used the same thing to make other theories So
he set a prototype in a way that how we can make theories on intelligence by using factor analysis After
that we are studying its critical appraisal So first of all we read in Thorndike's theory that Thorndike said
that the general factor is not in mental abilities This general factor is in the test papers which we use So
he contradicted the general factor After that comes Thompson's theory In Thompson's theory also he is
saying that the general factor is not dependent Like in Spearman's theory we can see that it is
interdependent Here Thompson is denying the interdependence Thompson argued that the
intercorrelation between tests are actually the result of common sampling of independent factors So he is
saying that it is common sampling Sampling means that suppose you are taking an intelligence test And
you have put some questions in it to check its different abilities If you want to check its verbal ability
then you have to put 2-3 questions in it If you want to check its mathematical ability then you have to
put 3-4 questions in it So this is called sampling So he is saying that whatever test papers we make
Whether it is entrance test or any other test In those tests some questions are put from each ability And
those 4-5 questions are judged based on that ability Like in your question paper or in your entrance
exam If 5 questions are of English, 5 questions are of your reasoning, 5 questions are of Math, 5
questions are of Hindi If there are questions like this It means that through those sample questions they
are judging your full ability That how is your full ability in that language, how is the full ability of your
reasoning So they want to judge your full ability through those 5-5 questions So he has given the word
sampling What is there in sample? That you do testing on some people to represent the whole population
Now here he is saying that whatever questions we put in that test Or whatever we ask in that That is also
a kind of sampling And that sampling is done for our mental abilities And through that we can judge the
whole ability of any person And he also says that these samples are independent Which means that our
different abilities Our verbal abilities, our mathematical abilities, our reasoning abilities They are not
connected with each other They are all independent So he is focusing more on being independent
Spearman used to call them dependent And he used to say that there will be a common thing in between
which is called g factor So he rejected that thing here As such if the test incorporates many of these
independent factors in common So he says that we put all these independent factors in the test The tests
are all measuring some of the factors They will be highly inter-correlated And it will appear that they are
measuring one general g factor So he is saying that in the test We put questions to judge all these factors
And those questions judge these factors Which are independent among each other But if suppose all
your verbal questions Means as I said in your test that it is divided into 5-6 parts One part will have
questions related to verbal ability In that you will have 4-5 questions related to different verbal abilities
Then you will have one part which has questions related to reasoning So out of that 4-5 questions will be
related to reasoning So he is saying that the questions in the verbal part are inter-correlated Of course
these reasoning and verbal abilities have no relation with each other But the questions in the verbal part
are inter-correlated Similarly the questions in the reasoning part are inter-correlated So he is saying that
the factors that we are measuring are inter-correlated So there can be a general factor between them
Means we can't say that there is a general factor in verbal, reasoning and mathematical But we can say
that there can be a general factor in mathematical So here he is talking about this Thomson has
accordingly proposed a sampling theory Which maintains that every test samples a certain range of
elementary abilities These abilities are called elementary abilities Which I am talking about
mathematical and verbal Or I am talking about reasoning abilities or language He has called them
elementary abilities And he is saying that there are some tests in which we check all these things in a
very wide range Now let's talk about verbal abilities Where they will check you in a wide range Then
you will have to write essays related to it There will be a lot of big questions in which your verbal ability
will be checked a lot Language ability And if it is narrow, then there will be small questions From which
small grammar questions can come So he is saying that it depends on us in a particular test Whether we
want to check that ability in a wide range or in a narrow range So the degree of correlation between any
two tests depends upon the number of units of abilities they have in common So it depends on the test in
this way that which ability we want to check in it So according to Thompson, abilities combine in such a
way that their correlation approach Spearman hierarchical order Thompson believed that in a general
ability like Spearman g But according to him it was not a basic entity It was rather a constant
combination of ability elements So what is the difference between Spearman's theory and Thompson's
theory According to Spearman, all our abilities Like if we have language ability or we have
mathematical skills Or we have reasoning skills or something else According to Spearman, it is
necessary to have a g factor in all of them It is necessary to have a common factor in all of them Because
of which we can do all those things According to Thompson, all these are different It is not necessary for
them to have anything in common Language ability is different Reasoning is different Mathematical is
different And the factors in their language are inter-correlated So Thompson says in this way And he
says that all the questions we ask in the test are to check these abilities So this is the basic difference
And this is a little critical of Spearman's theory Then let's come to Thurston's theory Thurston offered a
new factor model in the 1930s Using improved techniques of statistical analysis To come vastly
different conclusions from Spearman Thurston generalized Spearman's methods and formulas Translated
them into matrix algebra And carried out large-scale studies Using as many as 57 tests on one group of
subjects So what did Thurston do? He took 57 tests on a particular group of subjects On the basis of
these studies, he concluded that Instead of Spearman's g factor, 7 primary abilities fit the data much
better Now what did he say? Instead of g factor, 7 primary abilities fit the data much better This was
Thurston's theory of 7 primary mental abilities And what were those 7 primary mental abilities? He did
not mention here Let me tell you He talked about verbal comprehension He talked about word fluency
He talked about number facility He talked about spatial visualization Which we call spatial intelligence
To be able to imagine 3D images To be able to make cognitive maps He talked about memory Then he
talked about perceptual speed Perceptual speed means If you are trying to understand something Then
how fast are you able to understand it? How fast are you able to perceive it? He talked about perceptual
reasoning He talked about 7 primary mental abilities Instead of g factor, our intelligence is divided into
7 things This is called Thurston's 7 primary mental abilities 7 primary mental abilities So Thurston later
on recognized the force of these points And incorporated them in his substitute Later on he made his
theory Which we call theory of primary mental abilities He gave further explanation about this theory
Thurston So now in this Aizankh said some things Which were wrong The test he took One thing
Aizankh was saying The test which Thurston took Was only for students He did not include adults in it
So his sample was very small He did random sampling But only students were there There were no age
groups Second thing he was saying Like Spearman wanted Whenever we take a test There should not be
much similarity Of questions There should be different types of questions So that we can see different
abilities But the test which Thurston took Was a very similar test There was a lot of similarity Often
almost identical So that is why Aizankh says With his findings He cannot reject Spearman's hypothesis
So whatever critical appraisal was done It was seen as critical But Spearman's theory Was getting a lot
of recognition Then we will go to The past theory of Das, Naglieri and Kirby And As it is said here
Spearman, Thorndike, Thomson and Thurston We have seen these four theories And the other ones are
based on Isolating factors after administering Several intelligence tests over a large sample The theory
of all these Was actually isolating factors Means different mental abilities So here they took Many
different types of tests On people And told about many different types Someone said Spearman said
specific is different General is different And Thurston said seven So in this way They talk about
different factors Now they did not take into account How an input Example a test item is received How
a cognitive recognition Reorganization takes place Prior to giving a response Now what was lacking in
their theory They did not pay attention to this That when you give a test item to someone To do a test So
how does he Perceive it How he processes it in his mind How Cognitive reorganization Of cognitive
information Means if someone gives a response To a test So what happens before giving a response
Why was not seen Why is it only about After giving a response Because intelligence So all the previous
Processes Processes of preparation Processes of preparing So all these should also come In that
intelligence But the theories we read above After giving a response They are not analyzing intelligence
Before giving a response No one is analyzing How we have processed that information How we
understood that question How we prepared To answer that question All these things Are not given
attention So here when this Past theory came In 1994 Their theory was Multidimensional view And they
Borrowed from the contemporary Research in Neuropsychology Information Processing and Human
Cognition In their theory Neuropsychology is discussed That how we perceive Information How we
recognize stimuli Then in this Information processing is discussed That once we Read the question Then
how will you process it How will you process Information Then about Human Cognition That how we
prepare Ourselves to give Mental Intelligence test So all these processes Also come in this So this is the
diagram of their Past theory The theory has four components Planning, PASS, PASS So in that you have
Planning, Attention, Arousal And then S is Simultaneous And S is Successive PASS, Processing System
So here you can see the diagram Of this This is the diagram of past theory In which input is Serial
Concurrent and output is Serial Concurrent After input and output This is the brain stem Where arousal
and attention Memory, conceptual Perceptual And then here planning is going on In this particular part
On the frontal side of the brain And then See how they have used neuropsychology They have talked
about different parts of the brain They are talking about brain stem Which is called Medulla Oblongata
They are talking about frontal lobe Where our cognitive functions are And here they are talking about
Frontal lobe. occipital parietaland temporal lobe ki bt kr rhe So this is Neuropsychology After that they
are talking about Information Processing How information is entering How processing is going on So
this information processing system is also used And after that they have talked about How memory is
used How perception is used So in this they have included These three things So if I tell you in short So
the meaning of their theory is As soon as we get some information We become attentive As soon as you
get a test in class You become aroused and attentive Your memory, your concept Your perception,
everything starts working After that You start planning How to write the answer Before that As soon as
you get to know about the exam You become attentive in class You start thinking how to study You start
planning in your mind So here As soon as we get to know We start planning In planning also Cognitive
processes are used In which our frontal lobe is involved After that Simultaneous and successive What
happens The information we receive Is simultaneously and successively Some information is
simultaneous Means some things we have to do together And some have to do step by step So this is
simply Telling that our intelligence Prepares us To handle things Helps in planning Plus all the
information Simultaneously and successively Helps in understanding That is called intelligence Not how
much it comes in English Or how much it comes in math So it means they are taking new intelligence in
that way How to do it in different fields Because in that case Sometimes people say We can call it talent
Because what is the difference Between talent and intelligence Talent means How good you are in
specific areas Intelligence means How you handle everything So If we talk about the theories above The
theory of Spearman That can also be a talent If we are good at mathematical ability Then we have talent
in math If we are good at verbal ability Then we have talent in that So here they are saying That don't do
Mathematical, verbal

Das Nagri or Kirby

Das Nagri or Kirby? Ki Pass theory. Discuss Karenge. Aur ye iska diagram hai jisamen pass ka matlab
hai, planning attention arousal, simultaneous and successive processing. Or iski detail dekhte Hain aaj.
To yahaan pe pahale to teen chijon ke baare Mein baat kar rahe Hain Ki jaise pass theory Maine aapko
last video Mein bataya tha Ki isamen unhonne alag alag fields ko include Kara hai jaise
neuropsychology ke baare Mein bhi baat karni hai. Information processing ke baare Mein baat Hui
cognitive psychology ke baare Mein bhi baat Ki hai. To tinon chijon ko combined karke unhonne pass
theory banai tinon chijon ki knowledge ko aur ye Jo researches Hui hai Tino chijon Mein. Ye Kari thi
Alexander Luria ne to Luria divided human cognitive process into 3. Primary functional unit to inhonne
apni theory ka base Ye Luria ki research hai. Jisamen unhonne hamare cognitive function ko teen unit
Mein divide kiya hai. Issi ko paas theory ka base banaya tha aur woh teen unit kya hai. Maintaining
appropriate cortical arousal and attention to allow for adequate vigilance and discrimination between
stimuli is the primary function of the first unit. AB ye Wali Jo line hai first unit ke baare Mein baat kar
rahi hai. Yani key is diagram Mein Jo hamara ye vala unit hai.(first functional unit) Ye kaha hai. Jo
hamara attention or arousal wala Jo cognitive function hai. Woh hamen arouse karke rakhte Hain aur
hamen alag karta hai Ki attention dena properly us cheese pay to jyada jaruri hai matlab Jo stimuli is
time par jyada jaruri. Attention dena uspe dhyan de jisko hum selective. Attention bhi bolte Hain aur
isase hum discriminate bhi kar paate Hain kaun si cheez hamare liye jaruri nahin hai. To jaise suppose
AAP class Mein padh rahe or class Mein padhte suddenly aapko teacher ne bol diya Ki aapka is cheese
ka exam hoga to aapka ye Jo first functional unit hai iska Jo arousal or attention wala part hai seedha
aapki Attention us baat pe leke jayega to vahaan pe kya hoga Ki AAP apni attention us cheese par de PA
rahe ho to jyada jaruri baat us time boli gayi hai aur AAP us cheese ko discriminate kar doge to us time
pe jaise aapke dost aapas Mein Agar baat kar rahe Hain to Wale stimuli. AAP bilkul hi block kar doge
AAP ka dhyan udhar nahi jayega to AAP discriminate kar paoge kaun si cheez sunana jaruri hai kaun si
nahi hai kaun si information dekhni jaruri hai kaun si nahin hai ye hota hai arousal Attention pehli
cheese pehla unit hamare cognitive function ka Jo according to lurya tha second unity kaha it is
responsible for obtaining, elaborating upon and storing information using successive and simultaneous
process. second unit matlab Ki ye Wali Jo unit hai ye kya karegi us information ko store karegi.
Elaborate karegi usako samjhegi aur usko store karegi information ko ya to successively ya
simultaneously. Simultaneously means Agar aapko koi cheese Ek saath samajhane Ki jarurat hai toh Ek
saath usako samajhengi Agr step by step koi cheese aani chahiye to step by step samjhegi AB jaise
yahaan pe Agar main aapko Ek Ek kar ke point step by step bata rahi Hoon to isamen AAP kya kar rahe
ho successive processing kar rahe ho Ek ke baad Ek koi cheez aisi hoti Hain jisamen sari chijen Ek saath
samundar paar structure of brain samajh rahe Hain. Usman Tino Charon lobes hamen Ek saath padhai
step nahin hai to usme hum simultaneous processing karenge to ye inaki second unit Hain Jahan pe hum
information ko process kar rahe Hain. 3rd unit kya hai luria ke according 3rd functional unit hai Jo
programming ke liye responsible plus hamari mental activity ko regulate karti hai. Control karti hai. Isko
hum executive function bhi bol sakte Hain to yahaan pe kya ho raha hai. Planning ho rahi hai. Apne
AAP ko monitor karna plan karna apne aage karne Wale Kam Ki planning karna apne behaviour ko
monitor karna or apani cognitive activities ko structure dena to Isco unhonne Bola hai 3rd unit. So
according to Luria, the 3rd unit of our cognitive, this function is planning Jahan pe hamen jab ye samajh
Mein AA jata hai Jo information di JA rahi hai usko aage hamane kya karna hai toh hum planning karna
shuru kar dete Hain Ki hum usko aage further AAP kaise aage hamane usako process karna hai ya
follow karna hai jaise yahi example utha lete Hain. JA Maine Bola kya aapko classmate. Suddenly
teacher Padhaate hue Bola Ki aapko Kal exam hai. Aapka tension arousal aapki body ekdam se alert ho
gayi attention is baat pe gayi uske baad aapke mind usako simultaneously process kiya hai. Kyonki
usmen successively process karne Wali koi baat nahi hai. Simultaneously Puri baat ko process kar liya
AB kya karenge us information ke according AAP planning karna shuru karoge kya padna hai. Kaise
padhana hai. Kya exam Mein AA raha hai. Kya mujhe aasman se chijen samajh aati hai ya nahi aati.
Aapke brain men saree cognitive jitane bhi abilities hai aapki wo SAB planning Mein lag jayegi hamane
us process Mein karna kya hai toh ye inaki 3rd unit to inhin tinon K chijon ko base pay pass theory
banai Gai thi to ye Jo Puri research Kari thi in dinon Ki Ek Kari thi Alexander luria ne or ISI cheese Co
utha ke. Jo pass theory Bani hai usko AB yahaan pe describe karenge. So the first functional unit is the
attention arousal or yeh kaha located hota hai hamara ye vala unit hamare brain stem or array system
Mein to ye area bhi aapko Pata hoga ye particular unit kahan par located hote Hain ye brain stem men or
array reticular activating system ye vala kaam hota hai Agar hamare brain ke part Ki baat Karen to.
Uske baad aata hai attentional processes. Attention to hum dete hai kisi cheez ko. Attentional processes
are engaged with multidimensional stimulus array is presented. To the subject and task requires selective
attention to one dimension. That means ki jo subject hai, Jo individual hai usko bahut sare
multidimensional stimuli present kiye jaate Hain lekin is task Mein kya hota hai. Attention process Mein
woh sirf usi cheese ko attend karta hai Jo uske liye us time jaruri to baki sari chijon ko who inhibit kar
deta aur jyada salient ya jyada important stimuli hai usko who attend karta hai aur is time pe cheese or
bol rahe hai Ki bahut. Jaruri hai Ki optimal level of arousal ho optimal level matlab itane jyada bhi
arouse nahi hone chahiye Ki AAP aage Ki planning na kar Sako or bahut Kam arousal bhi nahi hona
chahiye jaise for example Agar exam ka sunane ke baad ekdam hi AAP anxious ho jao ghabarane lag
jao bilkul hi AAP us time pe soch na pao kya karna hai toh AAP over aroused ho utana bhi arouse nahi
hona chahiye yahaan under arouse mahiya relax baithe ho AAP socho koi farak nahin padta Jo bhi hoga
dekh lenge mujhe nahi padhna. Top under arousal Hain to optimal level of arousal hona chahiye tabhi
AAP aage Ki planning karte ho jyada hoga toh bhi AAP planning nahi kar paoge Kam hoga toh bhi
AAP planning nahi karoge hi nahi toh AAP to is tarike se jab hum koi aisi situation dekhte hai jaan
attention deni jaruri hai vahaan pe hamare ko optimal level of arousal or attention Dene Ki jarurat hai to
Ek to selective recognition honi chahiye stimulus Ki Jo hamare liye important hai aur Jo irrelevant
stimuli hai usko us time hata do. Does the AAP news Mein koi aisi cheese news sunte sunte koi aisi baat
bhi AA Gaye Jo aapko aapke liye bahut important news hai? Aapke exam se related toh baaki saari awaz
hai. Jo bhi honge unpe dhyan nahi doge aapka dhyaan seedha US news par jayega AB AAP yahan to
over aroused ho jaoge unke ghabrana shuru kar doge samajh nahi paoge kya karna hai ya bilkul under
arouse Rouge relax yoga aapko koi farak nahi padega to yahaan pe optimal level of arousal key
requirement hoti hai. Uske baad aata hai second functional unit. That is the 2 basic forms of integrity
activity of cerebral cortex Cerebral cortex key activity hoti hai or check in functional unit Mein which
are responsible for receiving, analysing and storing information. Abhi yahaan pe kya hai. AAP
information receive kar rahe ho analyse kar rahe ho store kar rahe ho receive kar rahe hai. AAP usako
dekh rahe ho. News ko. AAP sun rahe ho AAP information receive kar rahe ho. Secondly, AAP analyse
kar rahe ho information aapke liye jaruri hai. Nahin hai. Kitna jaruri hai. 3rd AAP usko store kar rahe ho
Agar aapko koi important date batai JA rahay to aapko yaad kar rahe hai. Mujhe is date ko yaad rakhna
hai. Koi important baat batai JA rahi hai. Toh usko to yahaan to AAP simultaneously kar rahe ho AAP
successive matlab AAP donon chijon ka use kar rahe ho simultaneously. Sun bhi rahe ho aur
successively. US cheese Co process bhi kar rahe ho Ek ke baad Ek cheese Co process kar rahe ho to
simultaneous processing hoti hai. Occipital or parietal lobe Mein occipital matlab backside wala Jo lobe
parital matlab upper ka brain ke upar wala part. Essential aspect of simultaneous processing is the
survey bility, that is each element is related to every other element simultaneously. Kya matlab hota hai
aapki Jo Puri news AAP sun rahe Hain Jo Puri baat AAP sun rahe ho usme Jo bhi points batate Jai Ek
dusre se related hai Puri news Mein particular article Mein yaad Jo bhi padh rahe ho Ek dusre se related
hai toh poora simultaneous processing ho raha hai sari chijen aapas Mein jod PA rahe ho wo ho Gaya
simultaneous processing jaise unhonne example. Agar aapko diagram banane ke liye aapko Bola JA
raha hai. Aapko koi instruction de raha hai. Draw triangle above a square to AAP. Usko simultaneously
process kar PA rahe hum Ek square banana hai uske upper triangle banana hai ye simultaneous
processing hai fir aati hai. Successive processing Jo frontal or temporal areas Mein hoti hai. Frontal
matlab aage wala part brain ka temporal matlab Jo kanoon ke paas wala area donon side to vahan pe kya
hota hai. Stimuli ko Ek serial order Mein process kiya jata hai. Serial order matlab series men jaise Ek
ke baad Ek cheez Ki batai JA rahi hai. Kaise language processing Mein kya hota hai bachpan se jab
language sikhna shuru karte ho to aapko Ek stepwise sikhaya jaata dheere dheere bolna sikhaya jaata
hai. Pehle Ek cheese fir dusri cheese to woh successive processing hoti hai. Fir aate hai teesra function
Jo kahan located hai. Prefrontal division of the frontal lobe Frontal lobe to prefrontal hai or age ka part
hai Jo thoda sa, that is Luria stated. The frontal lobe synthesise the information about the outside world
and are the means whereby the behaviour of the Organism is regulated in conformity with the effect
produced. Bisection to aapka Jo prefrontal lobe usaka kaam kya hai Ki aapki information ko synthesise
matlab saree information ko Ek sath jodkar. Aapko bahar ke world ke baare Mein samjhana or aapko
uski knowledge dena plus aapke behaviour ko according to that regulate karna taki AAP bahar jis tarah
ka bhi behaviour hai. Use confirm kar Sako usako bolte Hain ye Jo uska function hai. Prefrontal lobe ka
Jo function to planning AA Gaya uska matlab planning process kya hai. Programming karna regulation
karna verification of the behaviour Ye saari chijen aapke behaviour Mein kaise questions poochhana.
Vaise aapne who news suna aapko laga aapka kaam Ki important news hai apne uske baare Mein search
karne Ki koshish karna kya wo actually mean verify matlab valid hai news AAP Sahi bata rahe Hain.
Suppose unhonne koi date batai aapke exam key to aapne usako net pay search Kara logon se pucha
asking questions aapne problem Jo bhi aapko us time pay mind Mein Jo bhi problem AA rahi thi kab
hoga kaise hoga kitne ghante ka paper hai kya hai wo saree problem solve karne Ki koshish kari hai toh
apni activities ko monitor kar rahe ho or voluntarily kar rahe ho regulation of voluntary activity.
Voluntarily kar lo AAP ye saare kaam kyonki aapko uske baare Mein aur janana planning karni impulse
control kar rahe ho linguistic skills ka use kar rahe ho to ye Sara planning Mein AA jata hai. To all 4
processes of past theory have been operationally defined by das Nigerian Kirby abhee to hamne iski
theoretical definition padi thi yahaan pe uski operational definition bata rahe Hain jaise planning process
men ye bol rahe Hain are required when a test demand that individual make some decision about how to
solve a problem, execute an approach, activate attentional and simultaneous successive processes to
planning kya hota hai, jab hamen ye dekhna hota hai ke aage kaun si decision lene. Problem kaise solve
karni hai. Kaise execute karna hai. Kisi bhi planning ko kaise hamen apni attention ko or apne
information processing to execute karna hai toh ye ho Gai Operational definition planning key planning
is involved when a person is asked to decide how to perform a test. Jaise koi test hai usko kaise perform
karna hai woh bhi Ek Tara Ki planning hai. Jaise Maine aapko example diya tha exam Mein aapko kaise
likha jata hai kaise to writing a composition usko kaise plan karna hai kaise organise karna hai usko
composition ko kitna likhna hai kitna nahi likhna is tarike se unhonne planning ka example diya to
planning kaha pe hai frontal lobe paise kamane abhi discuss kiya prefrontal specially prefrontal cortex
matlab bilkul hi samne vala Jo party aapke brain ka and iske connection aapke pure brain se hai iska
connection parietal lobe se bhi temporal lobe se bhi occipital lobe bhi hai Jahan se aapki information.
Process ho ke AA rahi hai toh ye saare apas men interconnected hair attention arousal kya hai uski
operational definition hai- It is a complex process arousal keep the person alert Agar AAP arouse rahoge
to AAP alert roge. It is the activity associated with the brain stem, brain stem main activity. Hoti and
attention on the other hand is associated with frontal lobe and lower portion of the cortex or Jo attention
wala part hai woh frontal lobe and lower step portion of the cortex to ye thoda sa aapko step. Yaad karna
padega kaun sa part kahaan pe belong karta hai. Agar aapne answers Mein ye likhna jaruri hai aapko.
Then simultaneous processing ko ye classify broadly associate kar rahe hai Ek to occipital lobe
associated Hai doosra parietal lobe associated. And successive ko ye frontal lobe se kar rahe hai
temporal lobe se kar rahe Hain to yahaan pe frontal lobe ka teen jagah pe naam aage planning Mein bhi
frontal lobe tha Ek aapki attention Vale Mein bhi front lobe aur aapki successive processing Mein bhi
frontal lobe hai. Toh ye apne note karna hai dhyan se kaun sa part kisse related. So pass, model Mein ye
alag alag jitane bhi dimensions Hamane, padhe and. The base of the knowledge included in the past
model is intended to represent all information obtained from the cultural and social background of the
information to yahaan pe kahi Jo bhi knowledge base hai jis person Ki baat ho rahi hai uska cultural
background or social background. Important Hain is case Mein to Jo bhi bachcha process kar raha hai.
Jo bhi analyse kar raha hai kis tarike se bhi attention arousal kaam kar rahe Hain uski usaka culture aur
uski social life bahut important role play karti hai. The final output component of the past model is the
output or action and behaviour. The final output kya hai hum plan kar lete Hain SAB kuch kar lete Hain.
Finally hum usko process karte Hain matlab hum usko actually Mein act karte Hain us cheez ko hum
karte Hain action dikhaate Hain behaviour karte Hain toh jisamen processing information or successive
and simultaneous processes involved hote and explain its salient features. The past theory of intelligence
number one has given us test to measure intelligence iski importance kya hai is theory key?Iski
intelligence ko measure karne ke liye proper test hai hamaare paas Jo cognitive processes ko measure
karte Hain doosra discuss what the major processes are. Ismen ye discuss bhi kar rahe Hain Ki major
processes kaun kaun se Hain hum abhi discuss kar chuke Hain teesra guides in the remediation of
processing difficulties. Plus Agar kisi ko information processing Mein difficulty hai to usko better karne
Mein usako remodify karne ke liye guide bhi karte Hain. Recognition ko ye bol raha. It is a dynamic
process that works within the context of the individual knowledge to Jo bhi hamare cognitive processes
hamane pade Hain wo hamari knowledge or hamare experience iske base Hain Jo Ki hamare apne
culture hamare social background ke base par bane hote Hain. Or isamen koi or cheese important hai toh
main aapko bata deti Hoon. To Yahi Hai main toh pass theory. AB iska critical appraisal dekh lete hai
chota sa hai pass theory has provided a novel approach to ye novel approach hai Kyonki pahale hamane
to theories badi usmen who particular kisi Ek specific ability Ki baat kar rahe the jabki yahaan pe Jo ye
poora cognitive framework Ki baat kar rahe hai to ye to Ek nayi approach hai Jo Ki luria Ki theory ko Jo
bhi research. Thi uske uper base yaar dekho Alexander luria ka naam aana bahut Jaruri hai kyonki
unhonne Jo bhi theory Banai pass theory. Uske bina incomplete hai main research work to Alexander
luria Ki tha jiske base pe pass theory Bunny thi plus ye theory Jo hai wo multidimensional view leke
chalti intelligence ka to ye bhi uski bahut hi different iske andar Jo feature. Another attribute to this
theory is that it has developed a cognitive assessment system test also which offers a unique opportunity
to examine relative contribution of cognitive processes as a test undergoes our testing scenario. So gas
has 4 subscales named after pass. The test items are specially designed to assess tests proficiency in each
of them separately To yeh Jo sabse important cheski Ek is theory according and our test bane Hain Ek
Battery of test matlab bahut sare test aise develop Karenge jisko hum. Cognitive assessment system
bolte. Usmen ISI theory ko base Mein alag alag cognitive processes ko test karne ke liye test ban Gaye
Hain jisko hum kisi bhi person ka proficiency ka test le sakte Hain separately or collectively Bhi to ye
toh bahut achi cheese is theory se banti hai Jo cognitive assessment system key test hai pure to ye thi
aapki pass theory

multiple theories
pahale hum Gilford key Structure of intellect theory start karte Hain. Intelligence ko lekar do distinct
approaches to Hain wo Mani jati hai. Pehli approach kahati Hain Ki intelligence Ek single entity hai aur
jiske Jo various reason die jaate Hain wo biological reasons Hain biological matlab hamare Jo brain
Mein Jo neural processing hoti hai uski speed kitni hai aur kitne neural connections Hain uspe depend
karta hai. Hum kitane intelligent hai. Second approach ye kehti hai Ki Jo intelligence Hain woh single
nahin Hain not a single. Or unitary matlab Ek single cheese ko intelligence nahi bol sakte Hain bahut
alag alag multiple type key intelligences hoti hai aur ISI approach ke base par Gilford key theory
inhonne bhi intelligence ko bahut alag alag types Mein divide kiya tha to Gilford key structure of
intellect model hai jisko hum bolte Hain Soi model ye unhonne Ek cube K form Mein apni Jo theory ko
bataya tha hamari Jo intelligence hai wo Ek cube Ki tarah hai or usmen. Bahut sare aise unhonne tukde
kar diye the US cube ke or us cube ke andar inhonne har Ek block ko Ek wo de diya tha yeh har Ek unit
hai hamara Jo block hai na ye Ek block intelligence ka unit to is tarike se unhonne apani theory present
Ki thi hum padhenge to aapko samajh Mein AA jayega to inhonne theory ko is tarike se 3D Ki tarah.
Explain karne Ki koshish kiya tha apni intelligence theory ko to JP Guilford ka background kiya tha JP
Guilford ka Jo birth Hua tha woh Nebraska Mein Hua tha. Or inco bachpan se hi individual difference
Mein bahut jyada interest tha Ki alag alag unki family Mein bhi Jo log the unhen ko dekhte the Ki har
kisi Ki capacity alag alag hai har kisi Ki ability alag alag hai koi jyada samajh jaata hai. Kisi chijon ko
koi nahi samajh Pata toh individual difference yani ke har Ek intelligence Mein farak hai is cheese Mein
bahut pahele se interest tha. Uske baad unhonne Edward Titchener Jo khud bhi Ek bahut hi famous
psychologist Hain unake under inhonne intelligence Ki padhai Ki thi aur apani Cornell University Mein
padhe or unhonne intelligence key testing kari the bachchon ke upar aur uske baad jab ye retire ho Gaye
the to. Uh teaching karte the last Mein jab apne job se retire hue the he was a teacher AB inaki theory
kya. He believed that intelligence was a not a monolithic monolithic matlab khali entity. Nahin hai balki
multiple chijon se milkar Bani hai Jo Ki apas men independent Hain apas men kuchh bhi Lena dena nahi
hai or multiple abilities ka of course unhonne Charles Spearman Ki woh Vale view to reject kar diya tha
Jo g factor vala view tha unhonne Bola tha aisa kuch bhi nahi hai Ki hamen common intelligence. Puri
General Sari chijen karne ke liye inhonne Charles Spearman ko reject kar Diya tha Inhonne Thurston
key primary abilities Wali theory bhi ekdam reject kar di thi. According to him intelligence consists of
numerous intellectual abilities to ye bolte Hain Ki primary mental abilities to Thurston ne bataya hai.
Sirf utani hi nahi Hain bahut sari Hain. There are numerous bahut sari intellectual abilities to unhonne
apana Structure of intellect Model Diya tha 1956 men. AB is model ke according intelligence kya hai
systematic collection of abilities or functions for processing different kind of item of information in
various ways. Matlab simple tarike main bolu to ye bol rahe Hain Ki collection hai bahut badi collection
hai isme bahut sari abilities hai do teen char panch nahi hai bahut sari h to jinki original model tha usme
unhonne 120 factors Ki baat Ki thi bad mein model change Hoke 150 ho Gaya tha to original model tha
usme kya tha unhonne teen dimensions lie the. 4 dimensions are the 4 type of mental content dimension,
figural, symbolic, semantic, behavioural, the Palazzo dimension, tha, that is mental content dimension.
Uske andar ye char chijen. Figural, Symbolic, semantic and behavioural. 5 Type of operational
dimension Operational dimension Quinone 5 hisson Mein divide kar diya to pale Mein kya hai. Ek do
teen char 5 Ek do teen char pahale vala jinka mental content hai usme char chijen Hain uske baad Jo
Operational dimension hamari intelligence ka usmen 5 chijen Cognition Memory evaluation Conversion
production divergent production ho Gaya 5 or multiplied by . Next in one dimension boli thi. And 6 type
of product dimension is Machete woh kaunsi, the unit classes, relation system, transformation
implication tobacco in tinon ko Agar multiply Karoge 4X5X6 to Aapka answer Aayega 120. To
unhonne kya Bola hai hamari jitni bhi intelligence hai. Isamen 120 abilities hai Ek tarike key matlab
isase pahale hum dekh rahe the kayi yo ne 9 boli 8 boli unhonne Bola itani Kam nahin hai hamari Jo
intelligence usmen itane saare factors Hain Jo hamari intelligence ko banate Hain AB aapko detail Mein
batata Hoon kya. Jaise suppose inhonne ye cheez cube K form may represent Kari thi aur woh Bola tha
Ki cube Jo hai woh 3 dimensions occupy karta hai Ek hi site pay or UN tinon dimensions Mein ye AA
jati hai pehli a jati hai content dimension dusri AA jaati operation dimension teesri product AB usko
hum detail Mein dekhenge. Bad men ye change ho Gaya tha isamen 150 dimensions AA gayi thi wo bhi
yahaan pe AAP pahle sun lo Gilford modified is model and diverted figural factors of content dimension
into visual and auditory to isamen Jo figural vala factor tha ye wala Isco unhonne do men divide kar
diya tha visual or auditory Mein thus making 5 type of to yahaan pe char Ki jagah 5 ho Gaye is Vale
dimension Mein char Ki jagah 5 AA Gaye the and in modified version number of cells became 150. Or
Jo inake cube mein number of cells The inaka Jo model Agar AAP dekhoge to woh kuch is type se
dikhaate Hain Internet pe aise divide kiya hai unko to pahale Isco 120 boxes Mein divide kiya Hua tha
lekin baad Mein Jo inko model dikhaate Hain Ki isamen 1 50 woh Hain cells hai. To is tarike se inaka Jo
naya model tha usmen 5 * 5 * 6 ho Gaya tha pehle kya tha 4 * 5 * 6 tha. To 120 ban raha tha 120 sales
ban rahe the lekin bad men because ye figural to do men divide kar diya tha to ye char Ki jagah 5 ho
Gaye the to 5 * 5 * 6 karke 150 ho Gaya tha to ye thoda sa modification Hua tha AB Isco Detail Mein
dekhte. Content dimension ka kya matlab hai dimension includes broad areas of information in which
operations are applied. Jaise hamen content utana content kisi cheez ka wo hame kaise Pata chalta hai
hamari visual Jo hamari capability hai visual ability hai Ki hum information apni ankhon ke through
dekh ke apne brain Mein enter karte Hain process karte Hain Ek woh hoti hai dusri auditory hoti hai jise
hum sunte Hain Jo hamare year Mein jaati hai fir symbolic matlab koi symbol. Dekhte Hain usko
pehchante Hain jaise AAP ye letters likhe hue dekh rahe ho AAP pehchan rahe ho kya likha hai
symbolic ko kya semantic matlab aapka meaning Pata chal raha hai kaise word Agar yahaan likha hai
sentences to AAP Isco Dekh ke iska matlab bata sakte ho Ki sentence ka kya matlab hota hai hota hai
semantic or behavioural matlab hum kis tarike se information ko dekh ke react karte Hain act karte Hain.
Toh ye Jo hamara kaam hai hamari intelligence Mein aata hai. Agar hum visually dekh chijon ko samajh
PA rahe Hain sunke samajh PA rahe Hain symbols ko samajh PA rahe Hain. Unake meanings ko samajh
PA rahe hai usi ke according hum behave kar rahe Hain toh ye hamari content dimension ho gayi toh ye
hamari memory Ki Ek dimension hai hai sorry memory nahin intelligence Ki Ek dimension hai theek hai
AB isamen 5 chijen ho gayi 5 doosra ye kehte Hain operation dimension hoti operation dimension
matlab Jo hum kaam karte Hain actual Mein jaise hum cognition ka use karte Hain jab AAP samajhane
Ki koshish kar rahe ho model ko to aapko cognition ka use kar rahe ho AAP comprehend kar rahe ho.
Understand Kar rahe ho AAP isko yaad karne Ki koshish Kar rahe ho AAP memory ka use kar rahe ho
AAP iske alag alag tarike dhundh rahe ho samajhaane kya main Agar jaise aapko samajhaane ke alag
alag tarike dhundh rahi Hun to main apni divergent thinking ka production ka use kar rahi Hoon
conversion production jaise AAP is Puri cheese ko samajh. Ke answer banane Ki koshish karoge to
AAP conversion production ka use kar rahe ho Maine aapko alag alag tarike se theory samjhaane Ki
koshish kari aapko theory samajh AA gayi or aapne. Muktsar tarike sunk particular answer Bana liya
apna exam Mein toh ho Gaya convert divergent ko use karke convergent production or last Mein
evaluation. Matlab jav mai apne hi aapko judge karte Hain hum Jo kar rahe ho theek hai Ki nahi hai to
ye wahi kaam hai. Jo actually maam kar rahe Hain Isco unhonne Bola operation Mein aata hai to Ek to
hamari intelligence ho jati hai Jahan par hum khali information ko dekh rahe Hain samajh rahe Hain wo
agya content Mein fir hum kya kar rahe Hain us information ko hum. Actually may use kar rahe Hain
apply kar rahe Hain toh ho Gaya operation dimension aur uske baad product dimension product
dimension matlab kis tarike se hum information ko apane intelligence Mein store kar rahe Hain to alag
alag tarike Hain store karne ke. Ek to unit hota hai matlab single single item key form Mein Ek
particular unit means one single item. Ya fir class ho Gaya class matlab aapne usko particular Ek group
Mein daal diya to Ek unit means aapne alag alag single single jaise AB theories padhoge alag alag aapne
alag alag theory Ek theory form Mein save kar liya apne mind Mein doosra apne class Mein divide kar
diya class means aapne Jo intelligence theory hai usko apne Ek particular block Mein divide kar diya
block one Mein block 2 mein. Fir aate Hain relation relation matlab AAP do items ke Beech Mein
connect kar PA rahe ho jab aapko koi kisi Intelligence theory ke baare Mein puchhati toh AAP uske
particular block se connect kar PA rahe ho toh relation ho Gaya in donon ke Beech ka fir system aata
system matlab organization of item or network kis tarike se aapne UN chijon ko apane mind Mein
organise karke store kiya hai then transformation transformation matlab AAP apne perspective se kaise
chijon ko bata paate ho kaise who chijen aapke mind Mein jakar change ho sakti hai. AAP kaise reverse
karke likh likh pana kisi cheez ko olta like pana kisi cheez ko apane words Mein likh pana AB jaise.
Suppose AAP ye padh rahe ho lekin kab iska answer likhoge to AAP apne wordings Mein likhenge
AAP pura ka pura book wordings Mai likh sakte to Jo AAP apne wordings Mein likhoge who
transformation kar rahe ho AAP fir implication matlab kisi cheez ko predict kar pana ya kisi ka
Inference nikal paana Inference matlab ke saara kaam karne ke bad kya result aayega consequences ke
baare Mein jaan paana. To ye implications ho gayi toh ye bhi kaam karte Hain hamare intelligence Mein
hum chijon ko samajhna usako alag alag jagah pe store karna. Or usi cheese ko apane samjhi cheese ko
dobara bol pana kisi ke samne rakh paana or uska apas men relation bana pana chijon ko aapas Mein jod
pana or finally usako print uske base par aage kuchh chijen predict kar pana ya kisi cheez ka
consequence bata paana to ye product dimension hai to ye tinon chijen milke hamari intelligence banate
Hain toh unhonne bahut hi jyada detail Mein intelligence ko divide kar diya tha AB yahaan pe upper to
hamane 5 factor the. Uske baad yahaan pe Cognition memory divergent convergent evolution Ye bhi 5
aage to 5 * 5 auruske baad again. Yahaan pe unit class relation system transformation ye aage 6 to 5
factor into 5 factor into 6 To unhonne kitna factors bole the Ki hamari Jo intelligence Hain usmen 150
factors Hain. Some examples may provide a feel for the kinds of distinction made in the model. Suppose
a subject is given a long list of unrelated words to study. When is asked to recall them later, the content
of this kale is semantic since it involves the words. The operation is memory and the product of the
recall of the words. As unit of example, in one aapko samajhaane ke liye hai Agar manlo aapko kisi ne
koi list diya words Ki yaad karne ke liye. Aur woh list Jo hai usme who unrelated words hai matlab
aapas Mein koi relation nahin unka vaise words hai. Jisko aapas Mein jod nahi sakte AAP kaise book
likha hai fir bed likha hai fir uske saath likha hai Food to aapas Mein koi relation nahin hai to aise. List
of words ko jab hum dete hai kisi ko yaad karne ke liye to woh Jo hamane diya hai content who kismen
aayega aayega semantic Mein woh AA jayega semantic Mein kyonki hamane kuchh words diye Hain
yaad karne ke liye to semantic ho Gaya na hamane Bola hai. Na sunane ke liye Bola hai na dekhne ke
liye Bola hamane. Kuchh samajh ke yaad karne ke liye semantic Mein AA Gaya doosre Vale operation
dimension Mein woh kisna aayega wo memory Mein kyonki hamane unko yaad karne ke liye Bola hai
ye nahin Bola Ki AAP uske alag alag tarike se usako likh kar dikhao to divergent bhi nahi aayega na
ham ne Bola hai Ki AAP in SAB ko jod ke kuchh banao conversion bhi nahi aayega lekin hamane Bola
yad karo to memory wala part AA Gaya to is Wali dimension ka memory ho Gaya aur teesra Vale
product Mein kya hai Ki hum usko bol rahe hai yaad karke hamen Ek word batao. Toh hum usko single
single bol rahe Hain to single single poochhane ka matlab hai Iska unit vala part hum use kar rahe Hain
Agar hum usko bolte Hain words ko yaad karke AAP category Mein divide kar do kaun se word a se
start ho rahe Hain kaun se KB se kaun se C se to aapka class vala Jo isamen Jo chijen class valo use hota
content use hota to is tarike se jab hum koi cheese padhte Hain samajhate hamari intelligence ke Jo tinon
dimension Hain content. Operation or product tinon dimension Mein se hum koi na koi Ek particular
factor ko use kar rahe Hain. Fir evaluation Mein discuss kiya hai Ki unaki theory, kitni achhi hai, kitni
hai, Show Gilford Key structure of intellect theory, theory, complex hai jaise Ki aapne bhi dekha hoga
Ki thoda sa samajh men complex, Mani jaati h. Developmental psychology, artificial intelligence and
neurology shows that mind consist of several independent or dependent dependent modules or
intelligences. Aisa mana Gaya hai studies karke hai kuchh aisa hamare intelligence Mein Jo bahut sare
factors Mein divided hai wapas men interdependent hai hai AB Isaac kya bolte hai concentrated. Gilford
concentrated most of his studies on population with the restricted range of intelligence, thus reducing the
scope of g and he has used orthogonal methods of rotation, thus ignoring the correlation between simple
factors to isaki Kai Gilbert ne apni Jo theory hai woh bahut hi. A limited number of logo ko base banaya
islie usmen g factor ke baare Mein Pata karna bahut hi mushkil hai thoda sa Isco criticise kar rahe Hain.
And more practical importance is that the criticism that Gilford factors are so narrow and specialised
that they have little value in prediction or plus Agari Ki Jo inko factors unhonne bataaya bahut hi narrow
Hain aur bhut hi Specific factors Hain to jiska prediction Mein matlab bahut important mushkil hai jiske
baare Mein predict karna. Education se related ho ya vocation se related ho us us time pe in factors
through predict karna bahut mushkil hai toh thoda sa criticism her theory Mein hota hai isamen bhi hai
thoda sa criticism but ye kafi jyada comprehensive or bahut detail theory hai

Howard Gardner Ki Theory of multiple intelligence

Howard Gardner ka Jo birth Hua tha woh Pennsylvania Mein Hua tha 1943 main aur uske baad jab
unhonne university join Curry the Harvard University unhonne join Curry thi aur unke to us time pe Jo
unke Twitter the woh the Eric Erickson. Or Eric Erickson Ki vajah se inaka Jo aage to further Jo career
Bana tha Ericsson ka bahut jyada role tha aur uske baad unke saatH hi vahaan pe kaam karte the OR
unke under ye the padh rahe the plus Ek project zero par unhonne kaam kiya tha Jo bahut si Ek
important project maana jaata hai jiske base pay unhonne apne aage theory banai thi intelligence Ki ye
project zero Jo tha woh actually hamari jitni bhi cognitive abilities hai. Thinking learning to different
abilities, Hai usi ko samajhane ke liye ye project tha jiske upar Kam karte the ye. Or project zero Ki
vajah se hi Howard Gardner ka Jo interest hai woh human cognition Mein Jo tha wo jyada hone lag
Gaya tha to isliye unhonne bad men Jake apni Jo apna Jo interest hai. Woh intelligence ko samajhane
men lagaya aur uski theory banai thi. Inako 1981 Mein Award Mila Tha Ek MacArthur Prize Fellowship
in support of Project Zero ISI Project Ki Vajah se. And uske baad inki usame aate Hain intelligence
theory par aate Hain inhonne intelligence theory ke baare Mein jab baat Ki thi to ye bolte the Ki Jo
intelligence hai woh bahut jyada different multiple intelligences hai matlab koi Ek intelligence nahi hai
bahut hi multiple perspective hai intelligence ke usko hum Ek particular jaise g factor ho Gaya Ek
common cheeZ Mein nahin daal sakte to Jo multiple intelligence Ki baat hamane pahale bhi Ki thi. To
usi cheese ko ye kah rahe the Ki unaka manana bhi tha intelligence Jo hai woh bahut alag alag type Ki
hoti hai. Aur woh sare ke sare hamare andar present hoti hai, but depend karta hai Ki kiske andar kaun si
type ki intelligence jyada hai aur kaun sa kaam hai. Or IQ ko wo gathering IQ Jo hai na wo intelligence
nahi hota IQ ka matlab ye nahin hai iq JISKA HIGH HAI Woh bahut achha productive person hai? Aisa
nahin bol sakte hai hum productivity or IQ ka apas men Lena dena nahi hai. So According to him,
intelligence is a biopic psychological potential to process information that can be activated in a cultural
setting to solve problems or to create products to yeh kaha Hain intelligence biological psychological
donon process ko Mila ke hoti hai intelligence sirf psychological nahi hai biological bhi hai
psychological bhi bio psychological potential hum sabka hamari capability hai Ki hum information to
kitane achchhe se process kar paate Hain. Apne apne cultural setting ke andar to culture ka bhi unhonne
include kar diya yaar Ki hum apne apne culture ke according information ko kitane achchhe se samajh
paate Hain process kar paate Hain aur usi ko use karke kaise hum apni problems ko solve karte Hain
kaise naye naye solutions nikalte Hain aur kaise create karte Hain naye naye chijen to usko inhonne
intelligence Bola hai toh intelligence according to single entity nahin hai ye bahut sari alag alag entities
Hain aur ye bahut alag perspective Hain har Ek entity ke. To yahaan pe unhonne multiple intelligence
Wali japani theory di thi isamen bhi unhonne pahale 8 type ki theory di thi Aath type ki intelligence
Badhai thi bad men 9 ho gayi thi isamen existential bhi add ho gayi thi to AB isko 9 types of
intelligences bolte Hain. So to qualify as an intelligence, the particular capacity under study was
considered from multiple perspective. To ye kisi Ki bhi intelligence ko check karne ke liye usko
multiple perspectives se dekhte the matlab isamen biological science ka bhi use hota tha logical analysis
bhi use hota tha developmental psychology ka bhi use karte the experimental ka bhi karte the
psychometric ka bhi to har tarike se alag alag perspective se kisi person ki intelligence ko study karna
inka tarika tha intelligence ko samajhane ke liye. The potential for brain isolation by brain damage its
place in evolutionary history to kya criteria dekhte candidate ki intelligence kya criteria ho sakte Hain to
Ek do potential hota hai brain isolation by brain damage kaise hum brain ko train Mein kuchh changes
karke Agar hum dekhen kaise Pata chal sakegi unki functioning Mein kya farak aaya hai toh biological
perspective AA Gaya yaar evolutionary perspective tha ke evolution se kya cheez chalti AA rahi hai kya
changes hai Jo hamari history Mein bhi milte Hain. core operations kya h hamare main basic operations
kya hai encoding kaise hoti hai hamare andar information hum kaise usako samajhate Hain court karte
Hain developmental progression matlab jaise jaise hum develop hote Hain toh uska kya farak padta hai
aur kuchh aise log Jo exist karte Hain Jo bilkul hi alag hote Hain exceptional hote hai ya to bilkul hi Jo
kehte Hain Ki mentally disable hote Hain ya bahut hi genius hote Hain jinko prodigies bolte Hain unka
kya. Dunkin diligence Mein kya fark hota hai support from experimental psychology support leke or
psychometric finding se ye sari chijon K through inhone apni Jo theory hai woh banai thi. So Gardner
initially formulated a list of 7 intelligences, then he added naturalistic intelligence and later on he added
existential intelligence to total 9 intelligences. The first 2 have been typically valued in school, toh AB
isamen kya hai Jo 9 intelligences hai usme se pehli do woh hai Jo schools Mein bahut prefer karte Hain.
Next 3 woh hai Jo arts Mein bahut prefer karte Hain uske baad to next to hai unko personal intelligence
Bola hai unhonne or last Mein Jo do add Curry gain naturalistic or existential vo related to esthetics and
philosophical view of life to aesthetic matlab beauty ko kaise admire karna hai philosophy. Or
Philosophy SE related. Tujhse pehle yeh linguistic to Pala jaise unhonne Bola Ki pahali do aise Hain Jo
schools Mein bahut prefer karte Hain to school Mein kaunsi prefer karte Hain to aapke aapko verbal
ability hoti hai kis tarike se AAP answer bana sakte ho kaise AAP language ka use kar sakte ho kaise
AAP likh sakte ho to linguistic ho Gai dusri hogi logical mathematical AAP kis tarike se apane sum
solve kar lete ho ya aapko Jo bhi problem di jaati hai AAP kaise solve karte ho to ye linguistic ho Gaye
logical mathematical ho Gaya ye donon schools Mein bahut prefer karte Hain. To linguistic Mein
capability hoti hai to use language to express oneself rhetorically or politically. Apne AAP ko express
kar pana language ka use karke information ko yaad rakh pana writers poets in logon Mein jyada hoti
hai ye Wali ability to writer hote Hain poets hote Hain lawyer hote Hain speakers hote Hain unme
ability bahut jyada hoti hai linguistic ability. To yahaan pe wo words ka use karte Hain bahut ache tarike
se chaho spoken ho chahe wo return or verbal linguistic donon Ek hi saath chalti hai matlab bol kya
likhe kisi bhi tarike se to reading writing Mein achhe hote Hain ye log story making Mein achhe Hain
chijon ko yaad rakhne achhe hote Hain dates ke saath jaise dates yaad hoti hai saath Mein year usako
feel like pana properly Ek story ki form Mein toh aur ye log foreign languages bahut jaldi yaad kar lete
Hain into foreign languages bahut jaldi samajh Mein AA jaati hai. Aur aise log aapko kisi tarah ke
profession Mein milenge journalist hote Hain Jo philosophers hote Hain, politicians hote Hain, poets
hote Hain. Teachers lawyers, policemen to ye linguistic intelligence Mein aate Hain. Fir aati logical
mathematical again Jo school Mein bahut prefer Ki jaati hai jaise Ki isamen kya hai. AAP problem kaise
analyse kar sakte ho logically. Jaise hum mathematical problems Karte Hain yahan koi dusri type ki
problem di jati hai. Jisamen reasoning karni hoti hai. Deductive reasoning inductive reasoning type ki fir
scientific jaise ko science bachche hai usme Jo scientific problems hoti hai. Unko solve karna
mathematical problems reasoning numbers ke saath to ye saari cheeze hai jisme hoti hai. Woh logical
mathematical intelligence uske andar jyada hoti hai?So just Jo log maths Mein achchha karte Hain Jo
chess Mein achhe hote Hain chess khelne mujhe computer programming Jinko achchhi aati hai ya Jo
numerical activities Mein bahut jaldi matlab bahut achha samajh lete Hain bahut jaldi se kar lete Hain
aur is tarah ke kaun se professional jinmen ye log jaate Hain Jo logical mathematical isamen Achhe
Hain intelligence Mein unka Jo professional aapko dikhega jaise ko scientist hote Hain physicist hote
Hain mathematicians hote Hain logicians hote Hain engineers doctors economist. Philosophers to Yeh.
Fir aage unhonne Bola Ki iske baad Jo pehli do hai. Woh to schools Mein prefer Ki jaati next to 3 hai?
Woh arts ke liye achhi hoti hai. Matlab arts ki field machi Mani jati hai. Jaise musical intelligence to
musical Mein kya hota hai. Jisme AAP perform karte ho compose karte ho appreciate Kar paate ho kisi
Ki musical skill ko AB samajh paate ho music tone ko usaki pitch ko usaki rhythm ko samajh paate ho
toh isamen aapka singing part bhi AA jata hai toh thoda sa isamen linguistic bhi involved hai. Kyonki
isamen singing bhi AA jata hai plus aapki Jo sensitivity hoti hai. Sound ko leke rhythm ko lekar Tone ko
leke wo bhi hoti hai. To aise logon Ki generally pitch achchhi hoti hai. They have a good pitch. They are
able to sing, They are able to play musical instrument bahut achhe se play kar lete Hain music bana bhi
lete Hain unki auditory sense bahut strong hoti hai. To aise professional aapko kaun se vaale milenge Jo
is tarah ke log hote Hain professional milenge jaise Ki Jo instrumental list hote Hain Jo instruments
bajate Hain singers hote Hain fir jockis vagairah hote Hain orators hote Hain writers composers hote
Hain Jo to ye sare musical intelligence Mein hote Hain. Fir bodily kinesthetic Matlab Kinesthetic matlab
body movements related ho Gaya to Jo jinke andar potential hota hai apni body ko balance kar pane ka
to wo apni body movements ko itane achchhe tarike se balance karte Hain jisamen muscular movement
AA jaati hai aur jaise. For example main deta Hoon aapko iska jaise gymnast hote hai wo log kis tarike
se apni body ko balance karte Hain athletes hote hai. Jisamen apni body ka balance bahut jyada jaruri
dancers ho Gaye isamen musicians ho Gaye actors actress bhi ISI men a jaenge bodily. expressions ka
use karte Hain wo surgeons ho Gaye kyonki unhen bhi apni body ko bahut balance maintain karke
rakhna hai while doing surgery. Doctors ho Gaye builders police officers to jinke matlab bodily strength
or muscular movement. Bahut jaruri hai Jinke andar aur unki Jo physical activity hai. Wo achi hoti hai in
logon Ki inco acting karna perform karna acha lagta hai cheese banana building type ka kaam karna
acha lagta hai. Aur ye sare careers hai Jo Maine aapko bataya iske andar aata hai teesra hai special
intelligence. Spatial intelligence matlab aapko spaces ka idea ho jata hai kitna navigation karte time
matlab kitna door hai kaun si direction hai toh jaise ko pilots hote Hain navigators hote Hain unke andar
special intelligence bahut achi hoti toh. They can recognise a particular jagah ko recognise kar paate
Hain wo white spaces to manipulate kar paate Hain while they are driving or while they are. Flying a
plane to who pilots Mein navigators Mein ho Gaya confined spaces ko samajh paate Hain achhe se skirts
bhi isamen a jaenge architects AA jayenge championship chess players bhi aate Hain isamen to ye
special intelligence hoti hai. The area deals with special judgment and the ability to visualise with mind's
eye To visualise kar paate Hain pyaar hum aise karenge aise banaaenge to aise hi itani jagah lagengi
itana door hoga itana ka map bana paate Hain cognitive map. to is type ke careers aapko Jo log dikhenge
who isamen Jo artist hote Hain designers hote Hain architects hote Hain ye log puzzles Mein bhi bahut
achhe Hain special intelligence to ye teen Jo thi humne padhi who arts related Hain uske baad Jo uske
baad hai Jo next to aayegi who personal intelligence related hai personal intelligence to next 2 yaniki
interpersonal or intrapersonal interpersonal matlab Ek dusre Ki baat ko samajh paana intrapersonal
means apne AAP ke saath hi. To intelligence concerned with capacity to understand the intention and
motivation and desires of other people. To dusre Ki baat ko samajh pana uske desires ko samajh pana
usaki motivations To understand kar pana. To educators hote hai jaise Jo educate karte Hain logon ko
unake perspective ko samajh ke sales people hote Hain. Religious people hote Hain. Political leaders
hote Hain counsellors hote Hain isamen Jo dusre ke perspective ko samajh paate Hain toh ye dusron se
interact karte Hain. Or interpersonal interaction K through unki point of view ko samajhane Ki koshish
karte Hain to Jo aise log hote Hain jinmen interpersonal intelligence achhi hoti hai woh generally
extrovert hote hai kya dusre se baat karna pasand karte Hain aur woh bade sensitive hote Hain dusron ke
moods ko leke unko samajh Mein aata hai jab samne Vale ki feeling ya temperament Mein koi change
hota. Cooperative hote Hain communicate kar paate Hain aram se empathise kar paate Hain dusron ki
feelings to empathise kar paate Hain to ye achchhi team leaders achhe bante Hain ye log and then they
typically learn best by working with others. To dusron ke saath discuss karte hue ya debate karte hue
bahut achha perform kar lete Hain to isamen Jo career suit karte Hain woh hai. Salesperson, politicians,
managers, teachers and social workers to aapko ye dikh raha hoga Ki bahut sare aise career hai. Jisamen
overlapping ho rahi hai. To iska matlab ye nahin Ki Ek intelligence hone se aapka career decide ho jaata
career ke liye aapke andar do teen intelligences Ki jarurat hoti hai. Jo aapko yahaan pe dikha raha hoga
Ki overlap ho raha hai fir intrapersonal AA jaati intrapersonal matlab apne AAP ko samajh pana to apni
khud Ki feeling to appreciate kar pana apne fears and apni motivations ko samajh pana having an
effective working model of ourselves apne AAP ko highest potential Tak kaise pahunchana hai is cheez
ko samajh Lena to isamen introspection involved hota hai. Self reflective capacities involved hoti hai.
People with interpersonal intelligence are intuitive ye log introvert hote hai kya apne AAP se jyada baat
karna pasand karte Hain instead of doosre se aur ye intuitive hote Hain intuitive matlab intuition pe
jyada kaam karte Hain aur inco bahut deep understanding hoti hai apni apni strength or weakness ki. Or
they can predict their own reactions and emotions or consent careers hote Hain jaise philosophers hote
Hain Jo apne AAP ke baare Mein apne human being as a human being ke baare Mein bataate Hain.
Colleges hote Hain Jo human behaviour, ko samajh jaate Hain. Fir writers hote Hain, lawyers hote Hain
Iran ke log. Fill last Mein Jo do ad Hui hai Jo extra naturalistic in diligence or existential ye vla unhonne
Bola hai Jo naturalistic intelligence ye esthetic Ki taraf hai aesthetic matlab beauty ko appreciate karne
Ki toh nature Ki beauty kyonki naturalistic hai toh nature ho Gaya nurturing ho Gaya Anything related
to nature surrounding toh koi nature ko Agar appreciate kar Pata hai apne Aspas K numerous species ko
appreciate kar Pata hai apne Aspas ki nature ko. To wo uske andar naturalistic intelligence hai jaise
isamen farmer AA jaate Hain aur gardeners AA jaate Hain Jo actually main in chijon ke saath kaam
karte Hain fir existential AA jaati existential matlab Jo philosophical point of view se sochte Hain ke
existence human existence ko kya kahte hai kya reason hai or isamen philosophers to obviously aate
Hain kyonki philosophers ka main aim bhi hota hai Ek tarike se apni khud Ki existence ko samajh pana
to isamen who careers AA jaate Hain kaise cosmologist AA jaate Hain philosophers AA jaate Hain is
type ke log. To According to Gardner, each of these intelligences has a specific set of abilities that can
be observed and measured to you. Kehte Hain sari intelligence aisi hai jinko hum observe bhi kar sakte
Hain aur measure bhi kar sakte Hain aur kuchh aisi intelligence hai jinko mix karke kuchh careers hote
Hain Jo jisamen log bahut achha kar sakte Hain jinke andar do ya teen intelligence ka mixup to yahaan
pe unhonne different type of intelligence apni theory Mein bataye. Or Gardner ka view ye bhi tha
isamen jaise bahut sare log hote hai jaruri nahi Ki academically ya linguistically unmen wo Wali
intelligence ho Jo school Mein prefer Ki jati hai to isliye to school ka Jo Ek assessment ka tarika hota
hai. Us tarike se hona chaahie jisamen har Ek tarah ke intelligence ko access kiya jaye na Ki sirf wo
Wali intelligence jo particularly school se related hai jaise sirf linguistic net Check Curry Jaya sirf
logical mathematical ko na check kiya jaye to isamen. Ek assessment is tarah Ki honi chahiye schoolon
Mein Jahan par logon Ki alag alag abilities ko check kar saken aur kuchh bachche hote Hain Jo
particular Ek cheez Mein achchhi hai jaise Agar hum add ka example attention deficit disorder hota hai
jisko yaar learning disability hoti toh aisa toh main Agar Agar academically bacha nahi kar PA rahe to
unke andar koi aur ability nahi hogi to inaki theory se hi Pata chalta hai Ki Agar kisi person Mein Ek
type ki ability nahi hai toh ho sakta hai usme baki 9 Mein se koi na koi ability to hogi. To hamen
abilities ko dhundhana chahiye Kai baar hum galat job I join kar lete Hain kahaan hum apne AAP ka
poora use nahi kar Pate. To us case Mein hamen apne AAP ko Ek tarike se evaluate karna chahiye Ki
hamare andar kaun si ability hai kaun si job hamen uske according suit karegi to is tarike se inaki theory
practically bahut operational hai matlab AAP Isco real life Mein apply kar sakte ho iski valuation Mein
kya Bola Gaya theory Mein Ek to isamen positive point ye hai inaki theory make learning Mein unki
theory bahut kaam aati hai. Jaise jab teaching or learning material tyar hota hai to usme kuchh chijon
Mein linguistic intelligence k use hota hai kuchh chijon mathematical ka kuchh spatial ka to us cheez ka
kaafi inaki matlab bahut applicable theory hai bahut jyada to jisko hum. Actually main use kar sakte
Hain fir multiple intelligences hai toh alag alag cases Mein alag alag hamari intelligences use ho sakti
hai to kisi case Mein hum Ek particular type ki intelligence to use kar sakte Hain toh usi ke base par
hum learning material bhi taiyaar kar sakte Hain jise hum mostly. Jyada se jyada koshish Karen Ki hum
har Ek intelligence ka use Karen taki sirf aisa na ho Ki Jo sirf Ek type ki intelligence Mein achha hai.
Student usi ko samajh Mein aaye baki ko na aye to learning material Taiyaar karne Mein aur learning
teaching strategies taiyaar karne Mein unki theory bahut jyada applicable h.criticism kyonki criticism
her theory ka hota hai toh inaki theory Mein bhi kuchh logon ne criticise karna hai. Jaise Ki kuchh kah
rahe Hain Ki theory Jo hai woh evaluate nahi Ki JA sakti hai. Usako evaluate karne ke liye enough
measurement models nahin hai kuchh bolte Hain Ki hamein doubt hai. Aisa Ki unhonne intelligence Ki
jagah pe abilities ke baare Mein baat Ki hai to inako. According ye Jo bol rahe Hain intelligences nahin
hai ye logon Ki abilities hai To kuchh log aise doubt karte hai. To yahaan pe criticism ho raha hai Ki
manlo Suppose koi Agar deaf hai or physically uncoordinated hai. To kya hum usko unintelligent bol
denge kyonki uske andar na to linguistic hogi na musical hogi To Agar kisi ke andar ye char paanch
chijen absent ho jati hai ya who disable Hain jiske andar ye SAB chijen nahi hoti. To kya hum usko
totally unintelligent bol denge par aisa ho nahi sakta Ki koi zero intelligence vala bhi ho to kuchh aise
criticism Hain is theory Mein bhi lekin fir bhi at the end is theory Ki Jo bhi uske andar kaha Gaya hai
woh dekhne Mein actually main milta hai kyonki jab hum musical ability Ki baat karte Hain hum
playing chess Ki baat karte Hain to usmen Pata chalta hai Ki humkafi different type of apani intelligence
iska use karte Hain to ye the gardener Ki theory AB.

Sternberg, Triarchic Theory of Intelligence

Adam Sternberg, Triarchic Theory of Intelligence, . To Robert Sternberg Jo hai wo Ek American
psychologist Hain aur unki Jo triarchic theory hai wo Ek comprehensive theory Mani jati hai kyonki
usmen unhonne social contextual. Factors include kiye Hain, saath Mein, human abilities, Ko bhi
include kiya hai. Social factors bhi AA jate hai jaise Ki hamare Aspas Ki chijen Jo Hain uske according
hamare intelligence kya hai. Contextual factors matlab hamare environment se related chizen or hamari
khud Ki abilities kya hai in sabko milakar unhonne apani theory banai hai intelligence key aur ye aisa
mante Ki inse pahle jitni bhi theories Bunny thi wo totally incomplete the incorrect thi so consequently
his theory like gardeners takes into account creative or musical intelligence In key theory may be
unhonne creativity Ki baat kari h but inhone. Apni theory Mein itani saari different intelligences nahi
banti hai. Jaise gardener key theory Mein hamne dekha tha inhone usako 2 categories main divide kar
diya Ek unhonne Bola analytical hoti hai doosra practical hoti toh inaki theory Mein jyada focus kar
rahe Hain Ki do hi categories hoti hai Ek hoti analytical jisamen hamari academic bhi AA jati hai dusri
practical hoti hai AB analytical problem kya hoti hai jaise analytical problems hoti hai jismen aapko
analyse karna padta hai. Chijon ko samajhna padta hai. Usko solve karna padta hai. Uska answer nikalna
padta hai kisi Ek tarike se. Usaka answer nikal ke aata hai wo analytical problem ho gayi practical
problem thodi si alag hoti hai practical problem hoti hai. Jismen aapko bahut sari practical solutions
dhundhane padte hai usmein aapko information bahut jyada chahiye hoti hai Jo acceptable solutions
Hoon jiske everyday experienced key requirement hoti hai. Isme aapko motivation or personal
involvement Ki jarurat hoti toh analytical ho Gaya Ek tarike se AAP ko academically to problem solve
karte ho practical ho Gaya Jo aapki daily life Mein Jo AAP problem solve karte ho to aise do tarah Ki
hamare intelligence hoti hai Jo is tarah ke kaam karti hai. Sternberg theory Mein fir teen woh Hain teen
facets bolo ya fir AAP SuB theories bolo unko to 3 sub theories Hain jaise Pehla hai componential sub
theory yahaan pe main aapko Ek baar iska diagram bhi dikha deta Hoon. To yahaan pe Jo aapko nazar
AA rahe Hain 3 facets Hain ye componential, experiential, contextual. So components of theory, which
are outlines the structure and mechanisms that underline intelligent behaviour. Categorised as
metacognitive performance knowledge acquisition or ye saari chijen componential Mein aati hai Jo Ki
Ek tarike se aapki mechanism ko intelligence K mechanism ko aur uske structure ko samajhata
componential Mein jaise meta components AA jaate Hain meta components kya hota hai jitne bhi aapke
cognition se related Jo bhi chijen hoti hai. Thinking learning uske baare Mein jab socha that is meta
component performance related job Actually perform karte ho kisi cheese Co acquisition ka matlab jab
AAP learn karte ho information ko sunte ho. Usako samajhate ho or usako acquire karte ho so
componential main aapki ye tinon cheese AA jaati meta cognitive performance and knowledge
acquisition component AA jata hai fir dusri aapki experia experiential sub theory experiential sub theory
kya hai that proposes intelligent behaviour to be interpreted along a continuum of experience from novel
to highly familiar tasks. Matlab Ki koi person Jo bilkul hi naya hai kisi task ko leke aur koi person Jo
bahut highly experienced. Yeah new hai ye Jo is side to person. Suppose ye pehli baar koi task kar raha
hai. Aur ye vala Jo person hai. Woh bahut experienced person hai? Jo bahut baar kar Chuka hai. Is
continue Mein kahin na kahin hamari intelligence Jo Hain wo aati hai aur woh dheere dheere is level se
is level par pahunch jaati experience ke saath. To isamen aapki novelty automation ye SAB chijen
aayengi novelty means koi pehli baar koi kaam kar rahe koi naya kaam kar rahe ho automation matlab
AAP itane experienced ho jaate ho Ki aapko bina soche AAP wo kaam kar lete ho bina jyada dimag
lagao. To ye hamari experiential intelligence kahi jaati hai, aur isamen pehli cheese AA gayi that
intelligent behavior be interpreted along the continuum of experience. To yahaan se yahaan Tak Jo bhi
jitna bhi aapka experience hai uske base par aapki intelligence behaviour ko dekha jayega second the
contextual sub theory fir uske baad teesri cheese aati contextual jisamen adaptation a context ka matlab
environment hota to adapt karna select karna environment ko apne hisab se shape karna. To is tarike se
is context Mein woh bata rahe Hain kaise intelligence hum define karenge hamare socio cultural context
according or kaise Hua usme apne AAP ko adapt karte Hain aur kaise hum apne liye better environment
dhunde apne AAP ko shape karte Hain apne behaviour ko iska hum detail Mein bhi padhenge.
According to Sternberg complete explanation of intelligence in details. The interaction of these 3 sub
theories matlab Ki jab hum in Tino theories ke baare Mein padhenge or in tinon theories ko hum jayenge
tab hamen. Complete Information milegi key intelligence hoti kya hai toh ye tinon hi hamare aise mental
processes hai Jo hamare behaviour key cause hote Hain Jo hamara behaviour. Jo bhi hum behave karte
Hain aasman ye tinon chijen involve hoti hai. Isliye hamen intelligence ko samajhane ke liye in tinon
chijon ko samjhana bahut jaruri hai. AB iske detail Mein hum jayenge componential or analytical facet
Mein pehli Wali Jo ye Wali category hai Jo Isco padhenge. This one is category KO, Padhenge,
Componential or analytical facet or Sub theory. So isamen kya hai pehle to Maine aapko bataya
analytical word AA raha hai jiska matlab hai yahaan pe wo academic analysis Ki baat kar rahe Hain
academically problem solving task Ki baat kar rahe hai matlab Jo bachche padhai Mein bahut achhe hote
Hain Jo academics Mein bahut ache hote Hain Jo problem solving task Mein bahut achhe hote Hain Jo
har Ek problem ka Jo single answer hota hai. Woh fatafat se nikal lete Hain Agar unko koi aisi problem
Thi jiska Ek hi answer nikal ke aayega wo usako jaldi se solve karke uska answer nikaal denge. It is
similar to standard. Psychometric definition of intelligence Yahaan pe ye bilkul wahi baat kaise hamane
pahale intelligence Key definitions padi hai Jo ke Psychometric upar based hai. Jisamen who capacity Ki
capability Ki baat karte hai Ki hamari kitni capable hai hum log kitna jyada kitna jyada problem solve
karne Ki capacity hamare andar Jo Psychometric approach bolti hai. To yahaan pe wo intelligence ko
academically jyada who define kar rahe hai, jaise hum academic problem solve kar pana analogies ko
solve kar pana puzzles to solve kar pana is tarah Ki chijen hoti hai. To ye AA jata hai uske andar .
sternberg Consider that this reflects how individual relates is internal world. According to Sternberg
Analytical Intelligence Jisko Bolte Hain, academic problem solving skills is based on joint operation of
meta component and performance component. AB ye bol raha hai Ki Jo analytical intelligence hai wo
akele kaam nahi karti hai. Woh donon ke saath milkar karti hai Jo meta component or performance
component hai Jo baki do chijen Hain uske andar a meta component kiya hai control monitor evaluate
cognitive process to hamare jitne bhi cognitive process hai meta component usako control karte Hain
jisko hum executive functions bhi kehte Hain So these are the executive functions to order an organised
performance and knowledge acquisition. The knowledge hamen mil rahi hai. Usako kis tarike se order
Mein lagaen aur usko kis tarike se samjhe usko kaise organise Karen matlab jab bhi hum koi cheese
padh rahe Hain hamare mind Mein Ek cheez chalti rehti hai Ki achchha iske baad ye aayega iske baad
ye aayega Ek sequence banati rehti information key Agar hum sequence ko Tod dete Hain suppose main
aapko ISI men padhate padhate jump karke last Mein AA jao to aapki who sequence toot jayegi Beech
Mein to aapko bahut disturbance hogi kiske Beech ka part kahan chala Gaya to aise hi jab hum koi
cheese padh rahe Hain Ek organised fashion Mein pada hota hai. Organise koi bhi information aapko koi
story bhi sun raha hai toh aapko Ek organised tarike se sunai achi lagti hai na Ki Beech Beech Mein
jump karke to woh Jo organised tarike se acquire kar rahe ho AAP information ko isamen aapke higher
order processes aapki cognition kaam kar raha hai. Aapke mind Jo cognitive processes hai. Wo kaam kar
rahe hai. Jo higher order processes kehte Hain aur woh hi hamare meta components hote Hain Jo hamari
problem to analyse karne ke liye hamen kaun si strategy use karni chahiye hamen kis tarike se planning
karni chahiye SAB chijon ke baare Mein jab hum sochte Hain. To isamen hum bahut jyada dimag lagate
na kisi problem to solve karne se pahle hamen kya karna chahiye to usko meta component bolte Hain fir
aata hai performance component matlab Ki jab AAP actually perform karte ho toh yahaan pe AAP kya
kar rahe ho AAP wo SAB kar rahe ho abhi AAP soch rahe the. To they are cognitive processes that
enable us to encode stimuli, hold information in short term memory, make calculation, perform mental
calculation, mentally compare different stimuli. Abhi AAP kya kar rahe ho AAP pahle stimuli to
encode. Kar rahe ho matlab aapko information mil rahe hai aapko samajh rahe ho usko thodi der ke liye
apni short term memory map padhte raho jaise ye thodi der aapki short term memory Mein rahegi Jahan
pe AAP Isco samjhoge calculations karoge Agar maths padh rahe ho to yeh statistics ho calculations bhi
karoge. Fir mental calculation karoge actual bhi karoge mentally bhi karoge mental compare karoge
stimuli ko is cheese ko performance component kaha hai AAP sirf soch rahe ho sochane ka kaam AAP
yahan kar rahe the Ki mujhe kaise karna chahiye AB us soch ko actually apne mind Mein perform kar
rahe ho to ye performance component hai aapki intelligence ka aur ye SAB karte karte wo aapke mind
Mein long term memory Mein chali jayegi Mein Jo bhi information hai aur woh permanently aapko
samajh Mein AA jayegi long term memory Mein kamane ye padhai Ki long term memory Mein.
Information tabhi jaati hai Jab hum usko elaborate karte Hain to AAP itana elaborate kar rahe hai. AAP
usako sun rahe ho fir AAP uske baare Mein dimag laga rahe ho soch rahe Hain usko kaise series Mein
Ek karke sunkar usako samajhane Ki koshish Kar rahe Hain uske upar kaise AAP plan kar rahe ho kaise
Isco yaad karna hai. Kaise ye koshish kar rahe ho. Meta component Mein fir AAP usako actually Mein
likh rahe ho usko solve karne Ki koshish Kar rahe ho usme se se notes bana rahe ho. Performance
component ka use kar rahe ho aur last Mein likha hai. Knowledge acquisition component jiska use AAP
karte ho knowledge to gain karnekelie store karne ke liye to ye aapki capacity of learning hai. Kya AAP
kitna Ek baar main learn kar sakte ho kitani aapki capacity hai toh ye saari chijen Ek saath kaam karti
hai hamare. Componential theory Ke Andar to yahaan pe meta component AA Gaya higher order
processes Performance component AA Gaya jab hum usko perform Karte Hain Jo hum soch rahe Hain
aur Acquisition karte Hain matlab Hum. Knowledge to acquire karte Hain toh ye isamen Componential
ko hum. Analytical bhi bol sakte Hain theek hai. Uske baad aati experiential or creative facet AB jaise
academically or analytically Agar hum koi problem solve kar rahe Hain to usmen creativity ka itana use
nahin hota is particular Jo intelligence Mein hum creativity ka itana use nahin karte hum sirf Jo hamen
information mil rahi hai usko hum achhe se organise karke samajh ke yaad rakhne Ki koshish karte Hain
componential Vale part lekin Agar hum experiential theory Ki baat Karen to isamen hum creativity ka
bhi use karte Hain. Yahaan pe hum apne experience ka use kar rahe Hain apne creativity ka use kar rahe
Hain toh. It is the ability to successfully deal with new and unusual situations by drawing on existing
knowledge AB aapko componential component ne knowledge de di already AB kya hoga jab aapko koi
aisi problem aage aayegi aapke paas aisi situation aayegi jisamen aapki us knowledge to use karna hai.
Toh aapki experiential ya creative intelligence aapko help karegi us knowledge ko use kaise karna hai
apne. To Jo high creative intelligence Mein hote Hain wo galat answer Kai baar de sakte Hain kyonki
who chijon ko different perspective sochate Hain Jo creative nahi hota who person kya sochta Hu Ki Ek
question ka Ek hi answer hota hai Jo usko learn kar leta hamesha ke liye isliye bhi kabhi galat nahi hota
lekin Jo bahut hi creative log hote Hain. Wo Ek hi que Ki answer soch ke rakhe Hain aur usme se ho
sakta hai Ki saare answers theek na ho kuchh answers Galat bhi ho sakte Hain lekin kyonki who creative
Hain to unhonne itane saare answers usaki soch lete Hain toh yahi cheese experiential aapki intelligence
bataati. Jahan aapne Ek cheez ka Ek solution learn kar liya wo to aapki componential . Use kiya apne
componential intelligence se kiya tha lekin Agar AAP usi ko use karke usi information ko use karke
uske aur bhi answers nikal PA rahe ho aur bhi tarike nikal PA rahe ho solve karne ke top experiential se
kar rahe ho kyon kyonki AAP creative ho or dheere dheere aapko experience ho raha hai chijon ko naye
naye tarike se solve karne ka. creative intelligence involves insights, synthesis, and ability to react to
novel situations and stimuli. he consider this as an experiential aspect of intelligence. Kyonki yahaan pe
hamara experience bahut Kam aata hai Agar hum Ek already kariye kaam ko dobara dobara karte Hain.
To AAP usmein or better hote jaate ho AAP usako achchhe tarike se likhe jate ho suppose AAP ye
theory Ek baar apne padhi first time aapne padhi to aapne sirf wo yaad kar liya Jo Maine ismen aapko
bataya teen cheese hoti hai ya tinon ke SAB theories hoti Hain AAP Isco dobara padhoge dusri baar
teesri baar chauthi baar to aapke answers Mein AAP kuchh nai nai chijen add karte jaoge naye examples
add karte jaoge to dheere dheere experienced ke saath AAP isamen bhi naya tarika dhundhte jaoge is
answer to likhne ka is theory ko samajhane ka. To pehli baar Jo aapne suna uske compare Mein Agar
AAP dasavin bar Isco sunoge to aapko or better samajh Mein aayegi or or jyada achchhe se AAP usko
samjha paoge na likh paoge to yahi Hain experiential intelligence Jo Ek to creativity ke saath kyonki
AAP jab usako itane bar revise karke likho answers to AAP bahut creative answer likh sakte ho AAP
usko apne tarike se samjha sakte ho AAP apne example deke samjha sakte ho kya aapne bahut baar Pata
Hain to aapki creativity bhi dikh raha aapka experience bhi dikh raha Hain. So sternberg bolte Hain ke
yeh Jo hai external reality Ki baat kar rahi intelligence jaise upper Wali intelligence jaane hai who
academics Ki baat karti hai. Lekin is Wali intelligence Mein hum actually real world Mein kaise
problems ko face karte Hain woh yahan par dikhta hai koi kitna creatively soch sakta hai aur woh kitna
ache se adjust kar sakta hai nai situations Mein Sternberg believe that more intelligent individuals will
also move from consciously learning in a novel situation to. Automating the new learning so that they
can attend to other tasks AB isamen doosra verdict pada tha automation iska kya matlab hai. automation
matlab AAP kisi cheez ko itane achchhe se samajh jaate ho Ki aapko us pe jyada dhyan nahin dena
padta hai. Wo kaam automatically kar lete ho AB. Suppose aapko gadi chalani AAP Sikh rahe ho pehli
baar jab first time AAP sikhoge AAP usko bahut dhyan se aur hum usi par dhyan rakhe. Consciously
sikhoge ke cheese phir dheere dheere jab aapko practice ho jayegi aapka experience ho jayega. Take
time Aisa aayega Ki aapki gadi chalane ka Jo skill hai wo automated ho jayega matlab Ki gadi chalate
chalate ap phone bhi dekh rahe ho AAP kuchh Kha bhi rahe ho AAP kisse baat bhi kar rahe ho lekin wo
Jo AAP gadi chala rahe ho aapko automatically kaam ho hi raha hai. Aapko dhyan Dene Ki jarurat nahi
padh rahi hai to novel situation Se kab automation automation Mein aana hai ISI ko experiential
intelligence bhi Bola Gaya hai Ki AAP kaise nai situation ko dheere dheere itana Used to kar lete ho
automatically wo cheese AAP karne lag jaate ho. Fir AAP naya kuchh kar sakte ho toh woh Jo AAP
time uspe laga rahe the AB usaki jagah nayi cheez sikhne Mein apna time laga sakte ho to isase Pata
chalta hai Ki AAP kitna ache se wo task perform kar PA rahe ho. Sternberg splits the role of experience
into 2. Novelty and Automation. Novel. Matlab new hota hai. Koi naya experience Pehli baar Agar AAP
kar rahe ho to koi AAP. Pehli baar koi situation ko Agar handle kar rahe ho usme se kya kya tarike nikal
sakte ho handle karne ke. Automated ka matlab hai Ki woh pahale se aapne bahut baar kar rakha aur
aapko jyada sochana nahin padta hai. Kaam automatically hota hai Uske sath sath dusra koi kaam kar
rahe ho jaise Agar aapne koi answer Jo hai Pehle se bahut baar who theory padi hai. Aapko poora
achchhe se yaad to story ko padhte padhte saath Mein usaki kuchh aur bhi kaam kar sakte ho aapko itna
jyada uspe dhyaan Dene Ki jarurat nahin padti to automation hota hai fir teesra component a contextual
or practical jisko Bola Gaya practical kaun hai kyonki ye hamare environment say. Literary context se
related to iske andar hamane kaun se components dekhe. Hamane is my adaptation dekha tha aur
selection dekha tha shaping dekhi to yahaan pe dekho contextual Mein kya hai Ki Ek to Isco ye bol rahe
Hain ye mental activity hai woh involves in attaining fit to context fit to context matlab hamen kaise
apne environment ke saath adapt karna hai fit hona hai apne environment Mein kisi tarike se fit hona hai
to apne AAP ko fit karna hai environment to fit karna hai toh hum jaise everyday life Mein apne AAP
ko kis tarike se change karte Hain hamari knowledge hum increase karte Hain. Hum kyon news dekhte
Hain hum kyon jab bhi koi nayi cheez aati hai market Mein usako use karne ka uske baare Mein janane
Ki koshish karte Hain social media Mein hum kyon apne AAP ko koshish karte hai. Agar koi nayi to use
karke dekho AB jaise WhatsApp aaya tha bahut sare logon ne dheere dheere usako Sikh liya aaj ke time
pe sabko aata hai wo suppose Agar aapko koi aisa milega abhi ke time pe Jo bole mujhe WhatsApp nahi
aata chalana iska matlab usane apne environment ke saath adapt hi nahi kiya usane fit hone Ki koshish
Ki nahi toh jaise environment change hota hai uske saath fit hona padta hai us environment ke saath.
Toh nahi ho PA rahe apna environment badlo fir Agar aisa person hai Jo kehta hai Ki mujhe nahin hona
hai fit mujhe nahi sikhna hai social media to is case Mein usko aisa environment choose karna padega
Jahan par usko us cheez ka kaam hi na lage kyonki jaise aajkal aapko Pata hai Ki virtual media ka use
karke padhai ho rahi hai. Lekin Agar koi person nahi sikhana chahta usko use karna toh aisi jagah pe
nahi rah sakta jaha uska use ho raha hai profession Mein bhi fir usko apni jagah hai badalni padegi apna
environment badalna padega taki usko problem na ho usme fit hone Mein toh aisi jagah chale JA . The
practical intelligence enables US individual to understand what needs to be done in a specific setting.
Through the 3 processes of adaptation, shipping and selection and visual create an ideal fit between
themselves and their environment. Aise logon ko street smart ya business smart Bola jata hai kyonki
itane smart hote hai itane smartness hoti hai Ki jis cheese key requirement apne AAP ko uske according
Badal lete Hain jaise businessman karte Hain businessman jaise hi dete hai Ki logon ko kisi cheez Ki
need hai toh apne business men cheese Co add kar lete hai toh usko business smart ya street smart bol
sakte ho. Adaptation occurs when one makes a change within oneself in order to better adjust to one
surrounding toh AAP apne temperature. K adjust karne ke liye kaise AAP thand padti hai. Toh kapade
pahan lete. Ho to wo kya wo depression hi toh hai Shaping ka matlab AAP apne AAP ko change karte
ho apne behaviour. Ko change karte ho environment K according AB AAP kaise shape karte ho apna
behaviour. Suppose AAP kisi school Mein Gaye ho Agar vahan aapko Pata hai Ki school Mein bahut
strict rules hai bilkul bhi baat karna Ek dusre se class men allowed nahin hai bahut strictness hai. To
AAP apne behaviour ko shape kar lete ho uske according Agar AAP usi jagah par dusri jagah kahan
Gaye ho Jahan pe bahut hi leniency hai yahan pe SAB class Mein shore karte Hain koi farak nahi Pata to
aapka behaviour kaisa dikhega to AAP apna behaviour shape kar lete ho environment K according. A
teacher Mein invoke a new rule of raising hand to speak to ensure In one example diya Mai kisi teacher
ne rule banaya hai. Apna haath upar karke answer kar sakte ho to you can raise your hand before
answering to AAP bhi usi cheese ko Sikh jaaoge class Mein ye rule hai Ki mujhe apna haath hamesha
upper karna hai bolne se pahle to ye hai shaping apne apne AAP ko shape kar liya uske according fir ate
selection selection matlab doosra environment choose kar Lena. Suppose AAP apne environment Mein
khush nahi ho toh AAP doosra environment choose kar lete ho. Jaise immigrants hote Hain apni country
chhod ke dusri jagah chale jaate Hain kyonki vahan job us hisab se mil jaati hai jab jis tarah Ki jobs
unko yahaan Rahman who fit nahi ho raha hai to wo apni job kahin or dhundh lete Hain kahaan pe wo
fit ho sake. To ye hum day to day life Mein bahut jagah dete Hain, karte Hain. The Sternberg triarchic
theory of intelligence in saree normal chijon Ki baat karti hai hum already karte Hain to unhonne kya
kiya hai balance bana diya hai analytical intelligence ke Beech Mein creative or practical ke hum
analytical intelligence bhi hoti hai hamare andar kaioyon Mein jyada ho sakti hai Jo academically bahut
intelligent hote Hain kaiyon Mein creative jyada ho sakti hai kaiyon Mein practical jyada ho sakti hai
toh tinon hi type key intelligence hum SAB Mein hoti hai Jo hum collectively use karte Hain aisa nahin
hum bol sakte hai hum kabhi bhi. Agar koi analytically jyada intelligent hai toh kabhi creativity use nahi
karta aisa nahin bol sakte har person apni life Mein tinon chijon ka use karta hai aur ye teenon chijen
milke collectively intelligence create karti hai according to Sternberg. AB iski evaluation Mein kya hai
kaise logon ne iski tarif kya kaise criticise kiya hai. Pehle to ye Bola Ki chori ke baare Mein ye theory
Gardner Key Theory se jyada better hai. Kyonki Gardner ne domains bataye. The Ki kya kya domains
hote Hain linguistic domain musical Ek domain unhonne kya bataya hai unhonne process bataya hai Ki
information ko hum kaise process karte Hain to unaki theory Information processing Key category Mein
aati hai jaise hamne Bloom's taxonomy Ki Jo padi thi wo bhi Information processing Key category Mein
aati. To ye dono theories aisi hai Jo information ko hum kaise process karte Hain wo bataati Hain lekin
baki theories Ki Agar hum baat Karen jisamen domains bataye Gaye Hain wo saree psychometric key
category Mein aati hai to ye Information processing theory Hain isliye logon ko jyada achi lagti hai se
lagta hai Ki samajh Mein aata hai Ki hum kaise actually men use karte Hain hum information ko
domains ka pade hum ye lagta hai theek hai hamare andar ye domains hai lekin Actually Mein hamara
usaka kya use hai lekin jab hum ye padte Hain. To isamen ye samajh Mein aata hai. Hum kaise usako
process karte Hain information ko hamari intelligence kaam kaise karti hai. To ye iske baare Mein
unhonne appreciation likhi hai Ki ye theory. Isliye better Mani jati hai. AB Isco criticise bhi kiya Gaya
hai criticise ye kiya Gaya hai Ki?inki theory ko hum na ye any empirical nature Ki unempirical matlab
Jisko hum scientifically nahi test kar sakte aur ye kehte Hain kyonki sternberg aisa kehte the Ki jaise
purani jitana bhi theories Hain uske kitne bhi intelligence test hai wo SAB bekar use hum kisi Ki
practical intelligence check nahi kar sakte AAP intelligence matlab Agar. AAP test lete ho kisi ka
intelligence ka to AAP usaki analytical check Kar sakte ho theek hai thodi bahut creative check kar
sakte practical kaise check karoge. Practical to real life Mein woh kaise apne AAP ko mold kar raha hai.
AAP test se kaise check karoge us cheese kaise kaise sTernbug ne galat Bola aisa kuch nahi ye kaha hai
jitne bhi test pahale the use bhi hum practical intelligence ko test kar sakte Hain to yahaan pe sTernbug
is baat ko nahi maan rahe Hain isliye criticise kar rahe Hain plus ye Jo Ek or cheese boliye das ne bulaya
jinky who pass theory thi. Unhonne Bola hai Ki Jo sTernbug key theory information processing key
category Mein aati hai. Psychometric category Mein nahi aati hai toh usko hum major kar nahi sakte.
Psychometric instrument se kyon Ki jitne bhi psychometric approach Wali theories Hain jaise primary
mental ability Wali theory ho Gaya unit factor 2 factor theory who SAB hai woh instruments K through
Hua usko major kar sakte Hain par inaki theory ko measure nahi kar sakte Hain to isliye criticise kar
rahe Hain basically ke measure nahi kar PA rahe Hain ye log. As for the creative components, sTernbug
Model Study questions whether its meaningful to create creativity as a cognitive ability. AB yahaan pe
keesara question or uthaya is turnbuckle theory par Ki Jo creative component ye apne intelligence Mein
daal rahe Hain wo actually Mein cognitive ability Mani jayegi kya wo alag se lenge analytical
intelligence kyonki uske andar hi lenge to yahaan pe is tarike ke kuchh questions hai. Jiski vajah se Isco
criticise kiya jata hai abhee unit bhi khatam ho Gaya hai.

Measurement of intelligence
introduction Mein unhonne yahi bataya Ki measurement karne ke liye intelligence test ka Jo. Tha kyun
major karna chahte the usaka main reason ye tha Ki they wanted to know about individual differences
individual differences Matlab sabki capacity mai ku difference h. Hai sabki alag alag hue kuchh log Ek
academic usmen achchha kar lete Hain kuchh log dusre tarike se Kam nhi kar lete Hain. So why they are
different? Who individual difference kyon hai us vajah se Ek need arise Hua tha Ki hamen measure
karni chahiye sabki intelligence jisamen Pata chale Ki kaun hai aisa different sabke andar. Fir objectives
Hain is particular unit Mein Ek to intelligence test ko define karne ka objective hai. Then concept of IQ
and deviation from IQ IQ se hatke or kya cheese or kya baate kar gayi hai isamen. Plus usaka theoretical
background hai fir history hai then type of test hai. Or bad men ye hai Ki ye kaha pay use hote hai sabse
jyada. The background start karte hai pehle background Mein sabse pehle unhonne baat Kari gayi
general factor theory key general factor theory Jo factor analysis ke base par Jo theories Bani hai Jo
hamne pakad bhi liya already to factor analysis K base pe Jo theories Hain jisamen ye bolte Hain Ki
general Ek factor hota hai intelligence aur woh general factor hai Jo wo Ek general intellectual capacity
hai Jo Ki common hai sub mai. So basically a general intellectual capacity which is common for a
number of number or all of activities. So general factor theory kehti hai. Factor analysis karke base pe ye
bolte hai Ki Jo general common factor hota hai jaise aapko Charles Spearman Ki Jo theory hamane padi
thi. Usi Ki baat kar rahe hai Ki unhonne factor analysis ka use karke ye Bola tha Ek general common
factor hota hai jiske jiski jarurat hai main har tarah Ki activities Mein padti hai theek hai to usko
unhonne Bola kaise Charles pan men Spiderman 1904 for men. Ye Bola tha Ki Ek general factor hai ya
g factor Jo inaka famous Hua tha g factor hai Jo sub mai common hota hai jitne bhi hamare intellectual
activities hoti hai unmen ek g factor common hota hai aur unhone yeh bhi Bola tha Ki Jo test hoti 2 test
Truly measuring g would account for high positive correlation Ki Agar hum koi do teen test Agar hum
banate hai jisme hum g factor to measure karenge to woh test aapas Mein bahut correlate karenge bad
men unhonne apani theory ko revise bhi kiya tha jisamen unhonne fir apana. Specific factor Ki baat kar
rahi thi to bad men g factor ke saath factor bhi AA Gaya tha Jo unhonne Bola tha Ki Jo s factor honge
who specific intelligence hogi Jo hamen alag alag kamon Mein jarurat padti hai to g ho Gaya Jo SAB
Mein common hai Jo s sabse alag alag hai specific hai Aur uska apas Mein koi relation nahin hoga zero
correlation hoga toh is tarike se general factor theory start Hui thi aana fir bad men Jensen ne bhi Bola
tha Ki Jo jee factor hai woh hamare andar hota hai. E advocated the viewpoint that G factor is
manifested in behaviour in a number of ways. Matlab hum g factor ko apane behaviour Mein bahut
tarikon se show kar sakte Hain aur Isco bahut unlimited tarike se variety se usako check bhi kiya JA
sakta hai. So gg factor can be tested by almost unlimited variety of conceptually independent items.
Matlab ye bol rahe hai jaruri nahi g factor ke liye Jo test hum use karenge wapas Mein correlated hone
chahiye. Woh independent test bhi ho sakta hai Jansen ye kah rahe toh bahut sare alag alag test Hain
distinct test hai jisko hum jisko use karke hum g factor ko measure kar sakte Hain. Plus ek inaki theory
Mein Ek criticism tha kyonki ye bolte the Ki Jo g factor hai woh largely inherited uske uper
environment ka koi asar nahi hota Jo Ki bahut hi inhonne controversial baat boli thi Jensen ne fir aate
Hain Vinay or Simon ke upar inhonne bhi intelligence ko Ek generally who Bola tha kyonki abhi hum
general Ki baat kar rahe Hain general factory key to unhonne Bola tha Ki intelligence general hoti hai
general capacity hoti hai jiski. Intelligence achhi hoti hai woh har cheez Mein achha karta hai to general
ka hone ka matlab hai jiske andar bhi wo cheese hogi wo apne har kaam Mein achha hoga wo har tarike
se intelligent hi hoga chahe wo creativity ho gayi chahe vo Academic ho Gaya chahe vo. Practical
problem ho Gaya kuchh bhi ho gayi toh bina bhi or Simon bhi bolte. The key intelligence Jo hai wo Ek
general capacity hai jiske andar who hogi wo SAB acha hoga. But inhone Ek cheese alag Kari thi
unhonne Spearman or Jensen se alag kiya kiya tha unhonne Bola tha Ki alag alag bahut hi variety of test
use honge inko measure karne ke liye simon or binet ne Bola Ki Agar hamen general intelligence Jo hai
woh measure karni hai to usme hamako alag alag test use Karne padenge variety of test aur uska
inhonne naam de diya Intelligence score Intelligence quotient karke aur us test Mein yeh kya measure
karte the abstract reasoning hoti thi comprehension hoti thi jise. Abhi hamane dekha hai Kai baar hamari
Jo entrance exams hote Hain competitive exams hote Hain usmein yahi SAB chijen major Kari jati hai
to abhi hum jab exams dekhte Hain to hamen dikhta hai usme Ki hamari reasoning ka test hota hai.
English comprehension Hindi comprehension logical thinking is like cheese hoti hai na to ISI type ka
banane ka binet ka bh test tha Jo ye unhonne Bola tha Ki general intelligence hai lekin usko check karne
ke liye variety of test lene padenge fir hum UN sabko add karke Ek score nikaal denge jisko intelligence
bolenge. To ye saari general factor Mein AA gayi thi theories fir the multiple theories multiple theories
ne g factor the concept ko bilkul hi neglect kar diya tha unhonne Bola Ki g factor nahi hota bahut
multiple factors hote Hain. jo multiple factor theories vo na toh g factor Ki taraf se bolti thi na ko wo s
factor taraf Ki taraf se unhonne Bola aisa kuch bhi nahi hai g factor s factor kuchh bhi nahin hai ye Wali
theories intelligence ko na traits or factors doosre factors groups ke base par describe karte the matlab ye
group Ki baat karte the traits Ki baat karte the. To jaise usne sabse pehle Thurston Ki the primary mental
ability ya group factor theory to AB resist spearman ne Bola tha Ki bahut sare general factors hote Hain.
So Thurstone ne Bola Ki bahut sare general factor nahi hote Hain Ek common primary factor hota
certain mental operations have a common primary factor Jo hamara koi Ek particular mental operation
hai usaka Ek primary factor hota hai jiska group hota hai pura that gives them psychological and
functional unity to woh jitne bhi mental operation Hain jiske liye hamen who primary factor chahiye wo
Ek group ho Gaya fir dusra group ho Gaya jisamen doosra mental operation or uska alag primary factor.
Aise bahut sare groups bane hue Hain yahan pe group Ki baat kar rahe Hain to Thurston bolte Hain
hamare andar na primary factors ke bahut saare alag alag group Hain aur us primary factor K through
hum U.S. group ke andar jitne bhi mental operation aate Hain woh kar sakte Hain jaise inake to 7
primary factors the number factor to Agar kisi ke andar primary factor hai. Number factor hai toh who
use related koi bhi mental operation kar sakta hai Jo numerical calculation se related hai Agar hamare
andar verbal factor present hai Jo primary hai. Hum verbal comprehension se related koi bhi kaam kar
sakte hai Agar hamare andar space factor hai toh hum apne objects hamare Aspas Jo objects Hain uski
manipulation karte hue ya maps banane ka koi bhi aisa kaam kar sakte hai kyonki spatial intelligence
hoti Agar hamare andar memory factor Hain hum chijen yaad karne ka koi bhi operation kar sakte Hain
fir word fluency hone Ki vajah se hum words ka meaning nikal sakte Hain unko jode sentences Bana
sakte Hain unka use hum comprehensions Bana sakte Hain. Reasoning ka Agar hamare andar primary
factor hai toh us reasoning ka use karke hum har Ek cheez ka Ek conclusion nikal sakte Hain reason
nikal sakte Hain. Aur Agar hamare andar perceptual speed ka primary factor hai toh hum chijon ko jaldi
samajh sakte Hain to koi bhi aisa samajhane vali chijon jisamen perception Ki jarurat hogi tum jaldi
samajh lenge to unhonne Bola Ki ye saare primary factor hai. Aur inse juda Hua poora group hota hai Jo
uske uper based kaam karta hai to ye primary factors jisamen jiske achchhe honge wo usase juda Hua
kaam achha karega isko measure karne ke liye fir unhone test bhi banaya tha jisko test of pmma bolte
Hain to yahaan pe unhonne kya Kara Ki s factor G factor ka jhagda Khatm kar diya aur unhonne bilkul
hi alag bol diya Ki group hota hai pura fir Gilford ka model aaya hai Jo structure of intellect model Hain
usmen to hamane dekha hai Ki unhonne to bilkul hi hatke ekdam Bola Ki do char nahi hai bahut sare
hote Hain aur us tarike se unhonne usako Ek cubicle form Mein dikhaaya tha Jo humne apni last usmen
Pata bhi tha unit Mein. Ki unhonne apne model ko bataya tha Ki usmen content hota hai usmen mental
operations hote Hain usmein product hota hai fir uske andar alag alag categories hoti hai aur UN sabko
Mila jula kamari intelligence kaam karti hai to inaka model Ek tarike se bahut hi detailed or 3
dimensional model tha Gilford ka fir AA gayi gardeners key theory of multi intelligent Gardner's theory
of multiple intelligence Howard Gardner Ki book hai Frame of mind discuss jisamen hai the theory of
multiple intelligence theory di hai jismen. Unhonne bilkul hi naya or different view de diya hamare
intelligence ka unhonne Bola Ki hamari intelligence kya hai. Jo hamari competencies hai. Jo hamare
potential hai jis pe hum apne AAP ko Ek competent kah sakte Hain jiske base pay who hamari
intelligent hoti hai intelligence hoti hai fir unhonne 8 pehle aaj fir uske baad 9 type key intelligence Jo
thi wo alag alag batai thi Jo hum already last block Mein cover kar chuke Hain. fir triarchic theory
jinhonne Bola Ki AAP itani saari Jo alag alag bata rahi intelligences ho sakta hai Ki woh kisi Ki abilities
ho ability a talent ho to talent or intelligence Main farak kaise karoge AAP to unhonne Bola Ki AAP
uske structure pe mat jao AAP intelligence K structure pe mat jao uske process par jao kis tarike se wo
kaam karti intelligence AB kaise analytical intelligence hai woh kaise kaam karti hai. Problem solve
karne Mein. Kaise help karti Hain samjhane mere chijon ko analyse Karne Mein creative intelligence
hamen naye naye solutions dhundhane Mein kaise help karti hai woh naye situation Mein jab hum jaate
Hain toh hamara purana experience hamen kaise help karta hai fir practical intelligence hai Jo daily life
Ki Jo hamari problems aati day to day Subah se lekar shaam Tak hum ko bhi apne kaam kar rahe hote
Hain apne environment main adjust kar rahe Hain apne AAP ko usmen ye Wali practical intelligence
kaise kaam karti hai to inaka thoda sa practical approach tha ye bolte the Ki AAP. Processing of
information par Jao kaise hum intelligence ka use kar rahe hai naki is par kitne kitne intelligence. Fir I
think Warner key Hierarchical theory Jo Ki actually isamen naya kuchh nahin tha inhonne do gap fill
kar diya tha do theories ke Beech ka 2 Factor theory utha le thi Spearman Ki. Or Thurston group factor
theory utha le dono ko unhonne combined kar diya aur donon ko combined karke unhonne Ek gap fill
kar diya donon ke Beech ka or Bola Ki hamare intelligence ke chaar level hote Hain hierarchy hoti hai.
Hierarchy Mein manache start karungi bottom level se bottom level Mein bolte. Hierarchy Mein specific
factor a jate Hain Jo AAP mix specific Kam karne ke liye chahiye hoti hai. Jo hamen Jo intelligence fir
uske uper next level ke upar group AA jata hai. Jo unhonne usae lia spearmen se aur woh group hai.
Jisamen chhote chhote minor group factors. Hain chote chote groups Hain Jo hamen chhote level key
intelligence liye chahiye hote Hain fir unhonne Bola uske uper bada group AA jata hai major group
factors. Jisamen verbal numerical is tarah Ki ability chahiye hoti hai. Practical spatial physical is tarah
Ki abilities chahiye hoti hai. Next level ho Gaya fir highest level unhonne Bola Mila jula K in sabka ban
jata hai general intelligence Spearman ka to actually done ne kuch kaha nahi naya inhonne Spearman Ki
theory ko first or 4th Mein daal diya aur Beech ke do point unhonne Thurston ke daal diye to ye theory
unhonne bana di. To Beginning in 1969, Vernon became increasingly involved in studying contribution
of environment and genetic factors to unhonne koshish Ki thi Ki samajh ke kaise genetic factor
environment ye donon chijen kis trh se involved Hain hamari intelligence ko buildup karne. Fir hum
jaate Hain history pay history of intelligence. Mein kya tha jaise Ki hum SAB jaante Hain na Maine
aapko pehle bataya vah Ki galton ne ye term diya tha mental test . Sir Francis Galton ye kaun the ye
British biologist the Joki apne Charles Darwin ka naam suna hoga natural selection concept. Jinhonne
diya. Unake cousin hai Francis galton or inhonne kuchh chhote mote test banaye the logon Ki
intelligence test karne ke liye kaise visual discrimination test tha audible pitch kitna highest hamen sunai
deti pitch kinesthetic discrimination to chhote motor test the Jo unhonne Bola hai jise hum logon Ki
sensory intelligence ka test kar sakte Hain senses ka test kar sakte Hain toh is tarike se shuruat Hui thi
mental test key unhonne pehli baar term pehli baar Jo use kiya tha mental test. Unhonne hi use kiya tha
aur uske baad ye Jo test again ek book Mein bhi mention kiya Gaya tha. American psychologist se
James McCann cattle unhonne apni book Mein bhi apne literature Mein ba word mention kiya tha
jisamen unhonne alag alag test ke baare Mein bataya tha Jo pehle Jo intelligence test hota tha usme
bahut alag type ke hote the jaise aapki muscular strength Check kar jati thi aapki speed of movement
check kar jati thi sensitivity to pain check kiya jata tha is type Ki chijen. Fir Alfred binet K case Mein
kya Hua tha inko to French government. Ne kaam kiya tha Ki unako Bola Gaya tha Ki aapko Ek
particular school Mein aake aise bachchon ko identify karna hai Jo mentally retarded hai toh binet ko ye
kaam Mila government se to obviously inco kuchh na kuchh to karna tha usko poora karne ke liye to
unhonne kya kiya Ki Simon unki help ke saath lekar Ek test banaya jisamen unhonne bahut sari alag
alag chijon ko check karne ke liye wo test banaya tha. Jaise memory imagery imagination attention
comprehension is tarah Ki chijen chahne muscular strength bhi tha usme motor ability bhi thi to theodor
Simon or Vinay donon ne milke pehli baar ye test banaya tha jisko unhonne Bola tha uska naam
intelligence test hai ye tha 1905 Mein ye date both important hai aapko yaad rakhna chahiye. Fir ye test
leke unhonne vahan pay school Mein woh kya tha differentiate kiya tha kaun se bache mentally retarded
Hain kaun se nahi hai. Theek hai AB is test Mein kya tha isamen 30 items. That items ka matlab hota hai
Ki jaise questions ho Gaye tarike se 30 items. the OR ye itna jyada achha test nahi tha jaise Agar ye aaj
Ki date Mein dekha jaye to ye bahut outdated ho Chuka hai test isamen bahut saari kamiyaan test Mein
fayda kya Hua tha Ki is test banane ke baad Ek major Breakthrough Mila tha ye. Ke logon ko clinic
clinical interview through AAP intelligence test le sakte the matlab logo ko lab Mein jaakar chijen use
karne Ki jarurat nahi tha question questionnaire fill karke ya interview answer dekh ke logon Ki
intelligence AAP Pata kar sakte the ye fayda Hua thoda easy ho Gaya tha. Fir kya hai inaka test ho Gaya
purana outdated ho Gaya aur bhi nai chijen aane lagi hai jaise Ki age nahi thi usmen age wise nahi tha
sirf chhote bachcho ke liye tha bada ke liye nahi tha is tarah Ki problems aane lagi to inaka test ho Gaya
outdated fear unhonne dobara revise kiya 1908 mainaur woh scale Dubara revise kiya Gaya aur 1911
Mein kya uski second revision Hui to 1908 thodijyada important year hai kyonki yahaan pe inko scale
test tha woh revise Hua tha. Aur jab 1911 Mein dobara teesri baar revise Hua to unhonne usako
adulthood Tak bana diya kyonki pahale sirf bachchon ke liye tha adulthood Tak bana diya tha. Theek hai
uske baad aye 1912 Mein Lewis terman inhonne kya kiya tha Lewis Terman of Stanford University
began revision of the 1911 binet scale which was published in 1916 and was entitled these Stanford
binet Intelligence game Apne is scale ka naam bahut jyada suna hoga Ki ye use bahut jyada hota hai.
Actually unhonne kiya kya Jo yahaan pe 1911 Mein Jo teesri baar revise Hua tha scale Jo test vinay ka.
Usi ko uthaya usako bahut achhe se revise kiya yahaan pe or dobara republish kar diya 1916 Mein aur
ye jyada better tha iska naam daal diya Stanford binet intelligence scale kyonki ye Stanford University
kai tha is scale ke bahut both in both advantages. The iske isamen kya tha Ki pehli baar usko bahut. First
seemingly most simplistic was it was more comprehensive revision isne bahut sari chijen include ho
gayi thi Jo pehle nahi thi. Dusra advantage ye thi Ki isamen standardization ka bahut achhe se use kiya
Hua tha standardized karne ka Jo hota hai tarika Ki jaise hum jisme jyada se. Jyada chijon ko include kar
sakte standard way Mein uske baad teesra advantage ye tha Ki. Iske saath Ek manual bhi thi jisko AAP
samajh ke understand kar sakte ho test ko kaise actually Mein karna hai to ye teen fayde huye jab
Stanford binet intelligence scale aaya. Fir aya concept of IQ. IQ isase pahale to sirf intelligence Ki baat
ho rahi thi iQ ka naam nahin liya Gaya tha ye Hua tha jab. After this test was developed 19 Jab ye ban
raha tha usse pahale Ki baat stone to the 1912 Mein unhonne intelligence quotient Ki baat Ki thi to
intelligence quotient ka kya tha intelligence question ka ye formula hai jisamen mental age or
chronological age hoti hai. So the most important development in the area of intelligence testing was?
Adaptation of concept of intelligence quotient or yeh cheez kya Hua tha 1916 Vale isamen include Kari
gayi thi theek hai AB stern ne kya Bola tha Ki intelligence question take hota hai jisamen hamari mental
age matlab Ki hum kitne age Tak Ki problem solve kar sakte Hain wo hamari mental age ho gayi
divided by chronological age matlab Ki actual age hai Jo hamari usako Agar 100 se multiply karenge to
hamara Ek intelligence quotient. AA Jayega. Yeah iq concept Stanford binet Mein include kiya Gaya tha
kyonki who bad Mein aaya tha Stanford binet pahale unhonne apna ekka concept de chuke The AB is
mental age kaise nikalte hai jaise Suppose usane bahut sare questions the test Mein Ki paanch saal ka
bachcha itane question kar sakta hai chheh saal Ki itane dus saal Ki itane pandrah saal Ki itna to suppose
koi bacha dus saal Ki hai lekin usane baarah saal Tak Ek woh kar lie question kar liye baarah saal Vale
bhi to usaki mental age baarah ho jayegi lekin Chronological age to usaki dasi saal hai na to barah by
das into 100. Karenge to usaka IQ AA jayega is tarike se ye concept start Hua tha aur last Mein ye
bataya hai na Ki World War One. Mein bhi is cheese ka Jo use Hua tha Mental test ka isamen kya Hua
tha Jo committee of American Psychological Association Committee The World War I, May 1917. Mein
under the leadership of Robert M Erkis prescribe the use of intelligence test for rapid classification of
Army personnel. Jaise army walo ke exam hote Hain na vaise unhonne World War One Mein jaldi se
inako apane lie who chahiye tha army ke liye log chahiye the inake pass manpower come the to fatafat
se inaka intelligence test leke inco select kiya Gaya tha apni army men dalane ke liye. To ye hai iski

Major intelligence test

Major intelligence test ke baare Mein padhenge jinko do categories Mein divide kiya hai. Individual and
group test verbal and non verbal test individual and group test individual test ka matlab hai Jo AAP kisi
person pe one time Mein Ek hi person pay kar sakte ho group test ka matlab hai Jo pure group ke upar
Ek sath kiya JA sakta. So for example intelligence test which which was made by Simon and Vinay that
intelligence test is considered as an individual test. Because wo you test Unhonne Banaya Tha?Alfred
Vinay or Theodor Simon ne that can be administered only at 1 person at a time. So administered only at
1 person at a time means Ek person pe Ki Bari Mein woh administer matlab key test liya JA sakta hai
doosra Jo group test hai usko example hai. Jo hamne padha tha Ki army personnel jab select karne the
World War One Mein to us time Pe kuchh test lie the logon ke aur usme se unhonne army ke liye kuch
logon ko select kiya tha woh Jo test hota hai usko group test bolte Hain. Ek to classification ho Gai
individual and group test second classification is verbal and non verbal Test verbal ka matlab hai verbal
items Mein jaise paper pencil test bhi bolte hai unko verbal test ko hum paper pencil test bhi bolte hai.
So isamen kya hota hai. Verbal test Mein written language ka use hota hai aur usme kaise likh bhi sakte
Hain paper pencil means you can also write it either AAP verbally bolke ya fir AAP usko likh ke test
karte ho to yaad kuchh bol ke bata rahe ho AAP likh kar rahe ho. To usko verbal bolte Hain paper pencil
test bolte Hain second category is non verbal test non verbal performance test bhi Bola jata hai non
verbal test ko performance test Mein language ka use bilkul bhi nahi hota isamen kuchh na kuchh
perform karne ke liye diya jata hai. Jaise examinees are required to manipulate the items in a particular
and desired manner to jaise kabhi aapne reasoning test kiye honge jisamen kuchh symbols hote Hain aur
aapko Bola jata hai Ki Agar is tarah se ye series chal rahi hai toh usmen next symbol kaun sa aayega. To
wo Ek tarike ka performance test hai jisme language ka bilkul bhi use nahin hota bas aapko Jo bhi chijen
hoti hai unko kisi tarike se manipulate karna hota hai. Hence test can be effectively advised on illiterate
to ye Jo non verbal test hai uski advantage ye Ki Jo koi illiterate bhi hai Agar ya koi deaf bhi toh uske
liye bhi test use ho sakta hai kyonki isamen bolna sunane Ki jarurat nahi hoti. Some of the performance
test claim can be suitably used as person from different culture, culture free or culture buyers a concept
hota Jo Maine aapko bataya tha. Culture buyers ka matlab hai Agar koi test hi language Mein bana hai
toh dusre language ke log usako test ko nahi de paate matlab who test culture buyers Hain lekin Jo
performance test hai is tarah ka he kah rahe Hain Ki ye culture free hota hai culture free matlab isamen
koi bhi culture ka person ho ye test hota hai usme language Ki jarurat nahi so kuchh aise test Hain Jo
bolte hai Ki woh culture free ya culture fair bhi Bola jata hai inco ya cross cultural bhi Bola jata hai ye
saare Ek hi synonym culture free culture fair cultural reduced ya cross cultural. AB aage chalte Hain
type of intelligence scales ke upar so Pala hai. Stanford binet test Jo. Particular test Jo use hota hai uske
liye intelligence ko test karne ke liye. Ye hamane last time dekh liya tha Ki Stanford binet Ki Jo
intelligence scale tha usko terman revise kiya tha Stanford University Mein jaakar Jo starting Mein Jo
original Jo intelligence test banaya tha Alfred binet ne Theodor Simon ke saath usako Stanford
University Mein Lewis terman ne usko kya kiya tha usko revise kiya tha revise Stanford binet
intelligence scale bolte hai jaise. The revision included 2 alternate forms of Jab revised kiya Gaya tha
usko to us test ke do alag alag form ban Gaye the. Ek tha l form or Ek tha m form matlab Ki usi test
Mein se Ek version tha l wala aur Ek tha m wala. Jo revision thi usmen. Or donon Mein hi 129 items the
129 items ka matlab hai 129 questions ya is tarah Ki chijen hongi jispe perform karna hai subject ko fir
uske baad The 3rd revision Hui thi the 3rd revision of Stanford binet came after terman death Lewis
terman Ki death ke baad Ek aur barish to revise kiya Gaya tha and the Stanford Binet intelligence scale
form LM was different from predecessor and it included as standard deviation intelligence question with
a normative mean of 100. To jab ye 3rd time, revise Hua tha to isamen thoda sa difference AA Gaya tha
or is Jo 3rd revision thi uska Jo normative Mean tha Mean Jo aata hai jisko course Ki Jo average aati hai
woh 100 thi or standard deviation aaya tha 16 ka?And this version also included 142 pertinent items
from the previous 2 forms or isamen kitne items. The 142 items the Jo 3rd revision Hui thi fir uske baad
dobara iski revision Hui 4th revision and 4th revision Mein bhi kuch changes hue. The pehli baat to ye
thi Ki Jo form l or m tha purane 3rd revision vala who same tha kurjan to similar thin. The greatest
advance of the 4th edition was. Like the 5th edition, the 4th edition was based on hierarchical model of
intelligence. Jo 4th edition aaya tha jisko unhonne SB4 Bola hai that is Stanford binet scale 4. Usme Jo
bhi unka Jo form tha Jo bhi uska Jo basis tha test banane ka usmen unhonne hierarchical model of
intelligence. Ko dhyaan Mein rakhte hue banaya tha the 4 main areas Usman ko access karte the char
main areas intelligence ek ta verbal reasoning. Dusra tha visual reasoning teesra quantitative reasoning
and chautha short term memory to ye char chijen isamen check Kari jati thi aur isamen intelligence
quotient ke saath saath composite scores bhi aate the to scores bhi nikal ke aate the jisase ye vocabulary
vagairah check karte the now latest version hai usaka jisko bolte hai SB 5 that is Stanford binet
Intelligence Skill 5th edition. Differ significantly from SB 4, SB 4 or SB 5 Mein farak Hain and isamen
farak kya hai. Jo SB 5 hai. Woh according to this model bana hai catel horn Carol intelligence model
iski bolte Kittel horn career cognitive theory and intelligence model abhee actually hai kya yeh CNC
intelligence model kya hai. Jiske base Mein ye SB 5 bana hai. Isamen ye kaha hai? Hamari Jo
intelligence hai? Woh levels Mein divided hai?To ye bolte Hain Jo panel level hamari intelligence ka wo
hai general level. Journal level yani key g factor Jo Spearman key theory Mein bhi hamne dekhi thi
pahala Jo level intelligence ka wo journal level hai doosra Jo level usmen aata hai jisko ye bolte Hain
broad level BROAD broad level uske andar unhonne char tarah ke intelligence wo kya hai Ek to
crystallised intelligence. Crystallise Maine aapko bataya hai kaun si hoti hai fir uske baad usmein
unhonne dala fluid intelligence. Tisra Dali memory. Or chautha isamen dala hai processing speed?
According to Yeh wala Jo model hai jiske base pay SBI 5 bana hai ye model kehta hai Ki hamare
intelligence ka pahla level hai general intelligence g factor doosra level hai broad intelligence jisamen
crystallise AA jaati hai Jo Ki facts related hoti fluid AA jaati hai Jo problem solving se related hoti
memory AA jaati processing speed AA jaati or last Mein teesra level or hai ye theory Mein teen levels
hai 3rd level or hai jisko ye bolte Hain specific jisko s factor bolte Hain. Those specific form of
cognitive abilities to ye teen level hote Hain intelligence according to this theory or ISI ko base PSB 5
Bana Hai Apna SB 5 is used to assess intellectual ability in individuals between ages of 289. Important
Hai SB 5 Jo Hai woh do saal ke bachchon se, leke 89 years Tak ke logon pe use kiya JA sakta hai and
uske andar 10 subscales Hain it contains tense subscales. The 3 areas assessed by SB 55 Mein kya teen
chijen Check Kari jaati Hain general cognitive functioning Jo G factor Maine Bola aapko verbal and non
verbal intelligence. AA jaati 5 CHC factors form into groups along with verbal non verbal measures
though ismen journal aapki cognitive functioning Check hoti hai plus aapki verbal and non verbal
intelligence Check Hoti hai uske alava Jo Maine yahaan pe aapko bataye Hain ye SAB chijen. Jo 5 CC
factors Ye bol rahe Hain isamen Jo unhonne 5 CC factors lie Hain woh kaun se Hain, Fluid reasoning,
Knowledge, Quantitative reasoning, Visual Spatial processing, Working memory, abhiyan dekho Maine
bhi aapko yahaan pe yahi same cheese batai thi Agar AAP match karoge fluid reasoning yani fluid
intelligence knowledge yani Ki crystallised intelligence. General ke alawa aur yahi paanch CHC factors
Hain Jo SB 5 scale Mein major kiye jate Hain to ye isamen important cheez hai. Jo apne note karni hai.
Pehli baat to iski age plus ye kis model ke upar based hai. Isamen 10 subscales hai. Aur ye paanch chijen
ko isamen check Kari jati hai. Kari jati hai. Composites and subtests of SB 5 Ismen paanch composite
scores with verbal and non verbal test. Let for a 10 subscales abhi yahaan pe wo structure diya hai test
ka jaise fluid reasoning Ki Agar baat kar rahe Hain fluid reasoning a fluid reasoning yani hamari fluid
intelligence Ki baat kahi problem solving ability Ki baat kar rahe Hain creativity Ki baat kar rahe Hain
to isamen kya hota hai requires the ability to solve novel figure problems and identify sequence of
picture. AB isamen kya hota hai kuchh nai problem Figure problems di jaati hai koi jaise figures
vagairah deke usko kaise aapko who exam Mein bhi Kai baar aata hai. Ki is triangle ke andar is
particular figure ke andar kitne triangle ban rahe Hain is type Ki chijen fluid reasoning Mein aati hai ya
fir sequence Mein lagana picture ko ki chaar die hue h chauthi picture kaunsi aygi yahaan pe sequence
Mein lagana kyonki ye fluid hai creativity se related. Or ye kya ho Gaya non verbal Mein kya karna hota
hai Agar verbal hai toh isme kya hota hai requires the ability to analyse and explain using deductive and
inductive reasoning to reasoning ka use karke problems ko solve karna hota hai either deductive
reasoning and inductive reasoning donon ka use karte Hain problem solve karne ke liye aur ye verbal ye
chijen AA jaati hai kyonki yahaan pe likhne Ki bhi jarurat padti hai toh bol kya likh batana padta non
verbal main aapko bolna likhna nahi hota hai just aapko figures ka use karke solve karni hoti hai
problem. Knowledge ka kya karte Hain knowledge Mein kya hota hai jaise Ki required knowledge about
common signals, actions, objects and ability to identify to kuchh aapko symbols Denge aapko in
symbols ka matlab batana isase Pata chalega aapko kitna knowledge hai jaise koi traffic koi traffic signal
bana hoga aapko batana us. Signal ka kya matlab hai is type se isamen kya hota hai. Verbal Mein
requires the ability to apply accumulated knowledge of concept and language. Jaise isamen aapki
vocabulary check Ki jaati hai aapke definitions poochhe jaate Hain. Word meaning poochhe jaate Hain
is type se fir quantitative reasoning Mein kya karte Hain jaise aapko solve karni hoti hai mathematical
problems to ability to solve difficult pre mathematics arthematic algebraic expressions Ye saari chijen
aur yahaan pe thoda sa difficult mathematical task. Hota hai jisamen aapki concept of counting word
problems. AA jaate hai jisme kyonki verbal hai na verbal Mein word problems AA jaate Hain. A visual
spatial Jo hai usme kya karte Hain visual or special matlab dekh ke AAP samajh lete Hain chijon ko ya
spaces vagairah ko samajh lete ho to isamen jaise puzzles type cheese solve karne ke liye di jati hai. Ye
aapko patterns complete karne hote Hain incomplete patterns Die jaate Hain usko complete karna hai
kyonki ye non verbal hai performance. Verbal Mein kya hota hai you have to identify common objects
and pictures using jaise apne Ek baar ye kya hoga Ki do pictures aapko diye Hain aapko donon men
identify karna Ki donon difference kya hai is type se and then common visual spatial terms jaise behind
and farthest to ismen aapko aapki special knowledge ka use karte Hain toh pucha jata hai kaun si cheez
ko behind kya rakha hai farthest kya hai nearest kya hai is type se aapki vocabulary bhejo jaati hai plus
aapki spatial ability to check ho jati hai verbal men. Working memory Mein kya kehte Hain. Working
memory Mein Agar non verbal Mein dekhen to it requires the ability to sort visual information in short
term memory and do to demonstrate short term and working memory skills. For tapping sequences of
block to isamen jaise aapko koi Ek sequence dikhaai jaaegi video dikhaaenge ya koi aise perform karke
dikhayega ke peeche Ek aise sequence Mein ye blocks rakhe jayenge fir usako hata diya jayega aapko
Bola jayega Ki AAP rakh ke dikhao kaisi sequence Mein rakha tha isase kya hoga aapki Working
memory check hogi kya aapko kitni der Tak yaad hai. Kiss sequence Mein rakha Hua tha. Non verbal
Mein isamen verbal Mein kya hoga verbal main jaise aapko kuchh words key list di jayegi yaad karne ke
liye aapko in words to recall karna hai toh is tarike se is test Mein ye paanch chijen check karte Hain
dono tarike se check karte Hain non verbally bhi yani key performance ka use karke or verbally bhi.
Scoring kaise hoti hai iski it can be hands scored matlab AAP usko manually score kar sakte ho usko ya
fir AAP scoring software ka use kar sakte ho isamen. Isamen 10 subsets of scores hote Hain scaled
scores ever mean of 10 to mean Isamen 10 leke chalte Hain standard deviation 3 or range hoti 1-19 AB
ye J subset scores combined to form 4 types of composite scores. Yes scoring ka unhonne tarika bataya
Ki pahle subset scores nikalte hai matlab paanch chijon ka alag alag score. Nikalte hai. Jo paanch chijen
hum check kar rahe Hain fir usako combined karte Hain ye SAB kare subset scores ko aur uska Ek
composite score nikalata theek hai composite score ka Jo Mean unhonne liya 100 standard deviation liya
15 ye nikala jata hai mean standard deviation range Ye SAB calculate karke nikala jata hai. Non verbal
test ka kya hai do domains the hamane upper dekhe the non verbal aayegi IQ test hai Ek verbal IQ test to
non verbal may be paanch tarik test liye jaate Hain verbal may be liye jate Hain Jo hum upper table
Mein dekh chuke Hain. Change sensitive scores Use item response theory scaling to convert raw scores
on total on the composite describe into criterion level ability. The scales as with their norm reference
core have excellent vision property. AB isamen kya hai ye Jo raw scores hote Hain Matlab Jo scores
aapke aaye Hain Jo apane yahaan pe Jo jinhonne bhi ye test diya hai unke kuchh scores aayenge har Ek
test Mein. Jaise paanch scores uske isamen honge non verbal Mein aur panch verbal Mein to ye Jo score
hote Hain ye raw score. Hote Hain in raw score. Ko change. Kiya jata hai. Ye score Jo hote Hain naye
proper standard score Mein change karna padta hai. Kyonki hum yahaan pe Jo study kar rahe Hain
standard ke upar kar rahe Hain matlab hai. Ye dekhna chahte Hain Ki woh usmen har Ek person kaise fit
hota hai. Ye particular person ke liye nahi hoti hai. Ye study standard uske liye hoti hai Standard norm
nikalane ke liye to ye jitane bhi raw scores. Unko change kiya jata hai Ek aur dusre score Mein. Aur
woh Hain Jo hum karte Hain wo karte Hain CSS menu CSS matlab change sensitive scores css mein
change karne ka fayda ye hota hai Ki AAP usako Mein hai usako Mein matlab average ho Gaya unko
AAP compare kar sakte ho to ye Jo raw score hota hai usko cspn change kiya jata hai uske baad scores
ko AAP compare karte hue dekhne ke liye Ki woh standard norm se normani Ki Jo Ek standard score
hota hai use kitna deviate kar raha hai toh is tarike se ye test Mein hum scoring karte Hain.

Wechsler Intelligence
Aur Jo pahala Wechsler intelligence scale tha wo aaya tha 1939 Mein uske baad iske bahut sare revisions hue
Hain. Aur 1234 aise aapko yahaan pe dekh rahe honge jaise unhonne year wise Jo revision hair is table Mein
unhonne bataaya Ek adult ke liye alag scale hai. Matlab intelligence testing ka alag hai. Children ke liye alag
hai or pre school ke liye bilkul alag hai. Pre school Jo chhote bache hote Hain to 2 to 7 years Mein aate Hain.
To yahaan pe unhonne different categories Mein baant diya hai adult ka matlab kitne saal ho Gaye 16 se lekar
90 saal ke Beech ke log ho Gaye To ye Jo adult wala hai ye 16 to 90 years ke logon ke liye ye hai. Revise okay
ye last Mein wais 4 Jo Hua hai woh 2008 revise Hua hai Year Jo saath Mein diya hai school going ka age hai 6
to 16 years ye wala aur uske baad hai preschooler ka 2 to 7 years wala Jo yahaan pe hai preschooler ka. To ye
last edition iska 3rd edition hai 2002 ka or iska 4th edition at 2003. Ka to is tarike se ye bahut sare revisions ke
baad ye teen categories Mein Jo scale bane Hain vexler key intelligence scale aur ye sabse jyada use hone wala
clinical psychology or school psychology Mein sabse jyada use hone vala intelligence scale hai matlab Ki
clinical psychologist ho Gaya hai chahe wo school psychologist ho Gaya Jo school Mein Jo bachon ke upar. Jo
use karte hai, jiska who ye wexler ka sabse jyada use kiya jata hai. Sabse jyada popular hai? Ye vala Jo
intelligence test hai. AB iski detail dekh lete Hain pahale to definition kya Di wexler ne. Intelligence ko define
kiya tha Intelligence in a gen behaviour term is the capacity to act purposefully, think rationally and deal
effectively with the environment. The unki definition Thi. Kis tarike se hum act karte Hain purposefully. Kisi
purpose ko leke kaise hum. Bahut rationally. Sochte Hain aur kaise hum. Apne environment say deal karte Hain
to ye unhonne definition di thi vexler ne. Intelligence key or ye bhi mante The key intelligence ex specific bhi
general to hai general behavior intelligence sabka lekin wo specific bhi because isamen kuchh aise elements se
alag alag jinse miljul ke wo bana Hua hai so factor analytic researches of intelligence test course also suggests
that intelligence is composed of specific abilities to inki test Mein jaise Agar hum aage badhenge to aapko Pata
chal jayega Ki Ek general to leke chalti intelligence Ki hamara Ek general Behaviour hota hai hum kis tarike se
sochte Hain kaise hum. Apne environment pay ke saath adapt karte Hain plus inhonne apne isamen specific
abilities ko test karne ke liye bhi scales banaye the to iska matlab inaka manana tha Ki general woh bhi hota hai
aur specific abilities donon hoti intelligence Mein abhi na jao last Jo hum dekh rahe hai Jo last revision Hui thi
wais 4 Mein. Usman kya tha Ki Jo release Hua tha 2018 Usmen 10core subset and 5 supplemental subsets Hai
with the 10core subsets comprising of full scale to Ek full scale woh Jo 10 score subset Hai woh milake full
scale IQ test banate Hain isamen verbal performance scale Hai purane version se Jo liye Hain verbal or
performance skill purane version se previous Vale se liye Hain. With the new vis, the verbal performance
subscales from previous version was removed and replaced by index scores AB isamen Ek cheez Jo nahi add Ki
gayi hai woh hai index course jisko hum bolte Hain general ability index gai. It was included which consists of
similarities AB yahan pe aapko kuchh chijen note karni padegi Jo Ki jisase aapko samajh Mein AA jaye iska
structure kaise Hain. pehla inka Jo woh hai General ability index ka pahala Jo part hai jisko hum subscale bhi
bolte Hain scales bolte Hain wo ye wala hai Verbal Comprehension index theek Hain iske andar main bata raha
Hoon Pala hai Verbal comprehension index Ya scale bhi bol sakte ho AAP verbal comprehension scale bhi
Bola JA sakta hai AB iske andar kuchh core subset se kuchh supplemental subsets hai matlab ye Jo aapko
Charon ke liya nazar AA rahe Hain. Verbal perceptual working memory or processing memory Ye Charon
scales Hain ya fir AAP kaise Hain chaaron index se general ability index in Charon Ki andar do alag alag
divisions in Charon Mein hi kuchh to aapko milenge course subsets. Aur Kuchh, milenge Aapko supplemental
subsets. Theek hai in Charon Mein hi aisa hoga course upsets and supplemental subsets and core hai
supplemental Hain ye Sara kuchh milake inake andar Jo parts Hain usako milake ye char aur ye poora Ek saath
milke banata hai full scale full scale IQ. Jisko hum bolte Hain fsiq to Ek tarike se poora test hai. Jo usko Mila ke
banata hai. Full scale IQ uske andar ye char Subscales aapko Milate Hain Jinko Verbal Comprehension Index
Bolte Hain. Perceptual Reasoning index bolte Hain. Working memory index bolte Hain theek hai AB iske andar
Agar hum jaye to Ek ke andar do category or hai jisko hum core subset or supplementary subset. Bolte Hain AB
jaise Agar hum pahle Ki baat Karen. Verbal comprehension Ki baat karte Hain Agar hum to isamen core subset
kaun se Hain. Yahaan pe dekho unhonne bataaya Hain pahale Vale Mein Verbal Comprehension Mein course
upset Hain ye teen Ek hai similarities Ek hai. Vocabulary doosra hai Information ye teen core subset Hain
pahale Vale Verbal Comprehension Index Mein aur chautha comprehension bhi unhonne yahaan pe liya hai.
Comprehension ye actually supplemental Mein aata hai. Dekho yahan bracket Mein likha Hua to ye jeevan hai.
Ye to core hai. Core subset Hain aur ye supplemental subset ye Charon jisamen Ajay Verbal comprehension
index Mein AA jaate Hain toh abstract verbal reasoning hai. Jaise jaise unhone example diya hai. What way are
an apple and pear like Agar kisi se koi puchi apple or pear Mein kya Similarity hai to Ek tarike se wo usaki
abstract verbal reasoning check kar raha hai. Similarity bhi poochha verbal reasoning bhi check kar raha hai.
Vocabulary a jati hai isamen What is a guitar to kisi cheez ka meaning pooch liya. Information matlab President
Kaun hai Prime Minister kaun hai kis country Ki capital kya hai aise comprehension Mein matlab. English kaise
comprehensions aate hai likhne ke liye to ye Charon ismen aate hai jisme se comprehension ko supplemental
mana jayega Jo in core core ka matlab hota hai Jo chijen jaruri hai. Puchhane supplemental matlab uske support
Mein poochi jaati hai. Toh ye Jo chijen ye to Maine pahale main aapko batai Verbal comprehension Mein kya
kya aata hai core teen ho Gaye supplemental Ek ho Gaya aise hi Agar hum perceptual pe chalen to perceptual
comprehension Mein bhi yahaan pe dekho aapko alag alag dikh rahe Hain sirf do supplemental hai last ke. To
core kaun kaun se honge block design core ho Gaya matrix reasoning core ho Gaya visual puzzle ye To core ho
Gaye ye tinon core Mein AA jaate Hain core subset bolte Hain Tino ko aur ye Donon Ajayge supplemental
Mein block design matlab kya hai jaise problem solving a special quote design jaise blocks ko jod ke kuchh
design karna hai us type se matrix reasoning main kya jaata hai jisme hum inductive reasoning vagairah kya use
karte Hain. Visual puzzles Matlab Visually aapko puzzles solve karni hai toh ye core Mein AA jaata hai plus
picture completion Matlab aapko pictures complete Karni hoti hai kuchh pictures de di jaati hai Jo incomplete
hoti hai aise figure weights hote hai jisme AAP analogical ya quantitative reasoning karte ho to ye particular
hamara ye isamen AA jata hai Perceptual reasoning Mein dono Gaye. Teesra hai working memory index
isamen kya aata hai working memory index Mein?Working memory index Mein dekho core upset Hain do Ek
to jaate digit span or dusra jaata arithmetic ye donon core Hain core subsets digit span Mein kya kya jata hai.
Attention concentration ye SAB chijen check karte hai jaise Ki aapko numbers repeat Karne ke liye bolenge fir
reverse Mein bolne ke liye bolenge dekhne ke liye apna dhyan se UN numbers ko suna hai concentration se
arithmetic main kya jaata hai. Arithmetic matlab Ki aapko mathematical problems AA jati hai. Jaise who word
problems vagairah hoti hai us type ka fir isamen Jo last Mein Ek hi supplementary hai woh hai Letter number
sequencing. Letter number sequencing ye supplementary hai theek hai to ismen aapki attention or working
memory ko poochha jaata hai theek hai. This is the supplementary ye humne kisma dekha working memory
Mein kya kya chijen aati Hain aur last inaka Jo bacha hai index woh hai processing speed index. Uske andar bhi
core or supplementary Hain processing speed index men do core hai symbol search core Mein AA jaata coding
core Mein AA jaata hai ye core test hote Hain aur Jo supplementary wo cancellation test hota to symbol result
Mein kaise visual perception check Kari jati hai. Coding Mein motor coordination visual or motor coordination
check Kari jati hai. And last one is cancellation. Jisamen visual perceptual speed. Check Kari jaati hai toh ye
completely sari chijen milake agr in Charon ko Mila de to aapke ye FSIQ kya banata hai poora scale Jo banata
hai. Full scale IQ banata okay. To unhonne isamen yahi bataya hai Ki 2 broad scores are also generated Ek
score hota hai full scale IQ ke base par Ek score hota hai ye Jo alag alag char hamane ability index padhe h
Broads kare scores generate kiye jate Hain iske andar. Interpretation Mein kya hai ye bata rahe hai kaise in
scores to interpret kiya jata hai to wexler K Scale Mein innovative design Deviation IQ score sake innovative
deviation hai jisko Interpret kiya jata hai. Deviation IQ is based on standard scores computed with the same
distributional characteristics at all stages and make comparison among peer and meaningful more meaningful
interpretation from straight forward. The WAIS 4 was standardised on a sample of. Isko standardization Kari
gayi hai jise hum compare karte Hain score ko war Kari Gai thi logon Ki sample pay 2200 logon ke sample pay
United States Mein jiske andar log kitne kitne age ke log The 16 to 19 ke log isamen ate the and extension of
standardization has been conducted with 688 Canadians ab iske baad Isco extend bhi kiya tha usme unhonne fir
us ke alava Canadians ko bhi include kiya tha jisamen 688 Canadians the same age ke. The median full scale IQ
is centered at 100 Iska Jo medium liya hai woh unhonne 100 liya hai, standard deviation 15 hai. The in the
normal distribution the IQ range of one standard deviation above and below mean matlab Ki jaise ko mean ke
above or below hoti one standard deviation jisko hum bolte Hain again. standard deviation mean key one above
or one below Jo lie 18 to 115 aati hai jiske andar approximately kitne log hai. 68% Adults are okay AB iske
baad aata hai Coffman ka assessment scale. Kaufman assessment battery for children Jisko hum KABC bolte
Isco develop kiya tha 1970s men. And publish kiya tha 1983 Mein jab ye vexler or Vinay ye donon hi jyadatar
chal Rahe the Don uske liye famous The bas stand for vineeta ya wexler ka tha. AB ye vala Jo scale aaya
unhonne is scale Ki kya khasiyat thi. It intended to bridge the gap between theories of intelligence and measures
of intelligence. Matlab key theory or measure matlab kya theory Hai aur kya measure kiya jata hai dono ke
Beech ka gap ko complete karne ke liye Kaufman assessment scale publish kiya Gaya tha AB isamen tha kya
kya. KABC 2 to ISKA revision Second revision 2004 Main to publish Hua tha Usmen teen se lekar atharah saal
ke bachchon ke liye tha aur usme kya measure kar rahe. The usmen ye learning measure kar rahe the long term
retrieval hota hai. Jo long term memory se retrieve karni hoti hai. Cheese purani cheez Jo yaad hoti hai.
Sequential processing kar rahe the jisamen. Short term memory testing kar rahe the simultaneous processing kar
rahe the planning key testing kar rahe the verbal knowledge key to iske andar ye sari chijon key testing hoti thi.
The KBC 2 is founded in 2 Theoretical model Lulias neuropsycho logical model featuring 3 blocks and cattle
horn Carol approach to categorising specific cognitive ability to in Donon models ko base pay Ek kABC Jo hai
intelligence ki scale battery Bani thi Ek to Jo lulias ka Neuropsychological model hai uspe or cattle Ki Jo
categorising and intelligence Ki aur ye donon cheejen humne apni purani Videos Mein samji ke lura ka kya hai
Model or cattle horn? Carroll kaunsi theory hai. Categorization key to yuni donon ke base pe ye Wali Jo
intelligence scale battery hai Ye develop Ki gayi hai aur isamen Jo hai. The global score measuring general
mental processing ability from the luxurious perspective is Mental Processing index. Mental Processing Index
nikala jata hai Plus global score measuring general cognitive ability from CHC perspective is fluid crystallised
index ab kahluria K model ke base par Agar hum Isco karte Hain to usmen Ek value aati hai jisko hum bolte
Hain mental processing index or doosra Agar hum Chc base par dekhta hai toh isamen doosra Jo index AA jata
hai wo aata hai fluid crystallised index. Donon Mein farak kya hai. The key difference between these 2 global
scores is that MPI exclude the measure of acquired knowledge, whereas FCI exclude the Includes the measures
of acquired knowledge Jo mental processing image usmen acquired knowledge to measure nahi kiya jata lekin
Jo fci hai fluid and crystallised indexed hai usme Isco measure kiya jata hai. Acquired knowledge ko measure
kiya jata hai. MPI exclude karti is cheez ko fci include karti hai Ki hum kaise knowledge Acquire karte Hain
jaise hame Padhaa bhi tha na Ki fluid knowledge hoti hai Ek fluid intelligence hoti hai Crystallised intelligence
hoti hai. To fci main us cheese ko hum measure karte Hain hum kaise ye Jo intelligence hamari kaise
knowledge acquire kar jati hai. Mental processing Mein ye cheese include nahin hoti. Only one of these 2 global
scores is computed for any examination to jab bhi koi person apna Coffman battery test deta hai koi bachcha to
usaka in donon Mein se score nikala jata hai ya to mpi ya fci prior to testing a client examiner Choose the
Interpretive system Luria or ChC that fits both with a personal orientation and reason for ruffler AB jaise koi
client Agar aaya hai, koi bachcha hai, jiska karna hai mental test karna hai. Intelligence to pahale ye decide kar
liya jata hai Ki usaka hamane MPI yani key luria model ko base pay karna hai. Ya ChC model ko base pay fci
nikalna hai, theek hai. Deciding which interpreted system tell you will dictate the which global score is reported
usi hisab se usaka. Score bata diya jata hai. Jo bhi uska intelligence score aata hai. The authors of KaBC 2
clearly stated that in the manual the CCC model should generally be the model of choice, except in cases where
examiner believes. That including measures of acquired knowledge, crystallised ability would comprise the
validity of the fluid crystallised index, matlab ye unka Ki Jo CCC model hai usi ko basically hamesha Lena
chahiye matlab koi bhi Agar examiner kisi ka test raha hai usako CCC model ko base pay karna chahiye theek
hai yahaan pe ye bol rahe hai Ek woh choice ka model hona chahiye. To isliye yahaan pe recommend kar rahe
Hain Ki Jo CCC model hai wohi choice honi chahiye kisi bhi examiner Ki Agar wo kisi ka intelligence test leta
hai to basically jyada you prefer. Kar rahe Hain CCC model ko. Age structure of KBC to unhonne dikhaaya hai
Ki is tarike se wo shuru hota hai pahle sequence Mein sequential Vale Mein word order to isamen kuchh
common objects bachche ke saamne rakh diye jaate Hain usme se usako kuchh same objects in the same order
jaise manlo. Suppose uske samne char panch rakhi hai jaise jaise. Who examiner usako bolenge vaise usako
order Mein lagane padenge cheese matlab sequence Mein rakhni padegi jyada difficult hai toh colours ke naam
batane honge is type se word order check karenge. Number recall Mein woh numbers kuch bataye jaayenge
same sequence Mein usko recall karne honge hand movement Mein woh examiner key copy karega jaise
examiner apna hand move kar raha hai jaise wo kaisa karna hai. Simultaneous ka MATLAB sath sath koi
cheese kar rahe. The child moves a toy dog to a born on a checkerboard like great that contains obstacles. To
jaise checkerboard type ka hota hai kaise chess ka board hota hai us type se usmen Ek toy dog hai usko bone
Tak leke Jana hai jaise grid Jesi jagah se nikal ke usmein kuchh obstacles hai toh usko sabse maze nahi khelte
hum log maze Mein se sabse shortest rasta dhundh pahunchana hota hai woh usaki baat kar rahe .Hain triangles
ka matlab hai, child Assemble several identical rubber triangles to match the picture of an abstract design for
easier items child. Assembles are different set of colourful plastic shape to koi Ek picture Mein koi Ek shape
Bani hai usko match karne ke liye uska kuchh triangle die jaate Hain jisko use collect karne hote Hain aur usko
us abstract design se match karne hote Hain usko de rakhe Hain toh woh different colourful plastic shapes
Usako di jaati hai jisko jodke construct karna hota. Conceptual thinking Mein bachche ko char se paanch
pictures dikhai jaati Hain Jisamen unhen identify karna hota hai kaun si isamen se alag hai ya kaunsi odd one
out hai is type se. Face recognition Matlab vahi hai Ki pahale faces dikhaye jaye fir bad men. Dobara dikhaate
Hain toh isme se pucha jata hai kaun sa face pahale dekha tha ya. Nahin dekha tha yeh kaun sa face naya hai ya
kaun sa face jiska pose alag hai face ka. gestalt closure Mein woh closure. Wali technique use hoti hai na jaise
hum aise is tarike se bana koi figure chhod dete hai to usko batana hota hai Ki ye kya bana hai toh closure ka
use karke wo ye guess kar sakta hai ye circle bana hai kyonki hamara mind ye gaps ko automatically fill kar
deta hai ye beach gaps ko to Agar aisa koi dotted cheese Bunny bhi hai toh hum usko apne AAP jod ke triangle
samajh lete Hain koi bhi shape samajh lete Hain to is tarike se closure ka bhi test liya jata hai. block counting
Mein Stacks of blocks rakhe jaate Hain jisamen usako who counting karni hoti hai usme kuchh hidden bhi ho
sakta hai toh ye dete hai kis tarike se wo usako properly count kar Pata hidden blocks ko bhi is tarah Ki aapko
kahi saree na video games bhi Kai baar AAP dekhoge Ki aapke play store Mein is tarah ke bahut sari games bhi
hai. Jisme aapko ye saari chijen counting karni hoti hai usme kuchh chijen hidden hoti Hain to check dekh ke
batana hidden kitni hai. Planning Mein kya kiya jata hai kaise pattern reasoning ho Gaya. Pattern reasoning men
Agar apne exam diya kabhi entrance to usmein aapko dekha hoga ke aise char. Pattern bane hote Hain unke
andar kuchh kuchh. Patterns hote Hain toh aapko Ek missing hota hai Beech ka Ek pattern missing hota hai to
uske niche aise jaise. Suppose Ek pattern missing hai uske niche char option diye hote hai Ki vahan par kaun sa
vala box aayega in chaaron. Mein se to ye Pattern reasoning Wali type key question Mein hote Hain yahan pe.
Story completion MATLAB A picture Dikhaate Hain aur kaise Thematic apperception test hamane Pata hai
jisne. Picture Dikhaate Hain usmen story banani hoti hai usi tarike se bachche ko bhi yahaan pe story Banani
hoti hai fir learning Mein Atlantis means teacher. The examiner teaches the child nonsense names Matlab usko
aise name Sikhaye jaate Hain Jo Ki actually Mein sensible nahin Jo kabhi sune na usane nonsense named the
child demonstrates learning by pointing out. Abrasive who? Picture dikhayega fish Photo dikhaega use bolenge
iska naam nonsense. Name kuchh bhi bol dega iska naam XYZ. Aisi plant key. Photo dikhaega bolega iska
naam hai. ABC AB kya hoga us next time jab wo naam bolega to us bachche ko batana Ki XYZ kiska naam hai
ABC kiska hai toh nonsense names yaad kiye jaate Hain Atlantis delayed Mein kya hota hai Ki thoda sa
pandrah bees minute baad poochha jaata hai delay karke. Yahaan pe atlantis Mein usi time batane ke baad
poochha jaata hai kiska naam kya tha or Atlantis delayed Mein pandrah se pachchis minute baad poochha jaata
hai ye bhi dekh sakenge kitna usaka short term memory Mein hai. Rebus Learning examiner teaches the child
the word or concept associated with each particular Rebus drawing, and then children reads aloud phrases and
sentences composed of these rebuses. A teacher kya karta hai examiner bachche ko word ya koi concept kiski
drawing dikha kar uske sath juda Hua concept usako bataate Hain Ki is drawing Mein kya dikhaya hai koi bhi
drawing dikhaate isamen kya banaye or us particular drawing ko dekh ke fir bachche ko jor se loudly read karna
hota hai Ki kya frases hai. Aur kya sentence Hain jisase who particular drawing ka Rebus ka matlab hota hai Ki
jisamen kuchh jumble words hote hai ya kuchh is tarah ke words hote Hain Usako dekh ke aapko Ek hint mil
saath Mein hint bhi diya jata hai iska kya matlab banta. To jaise Agar likha hai, suppose Ki personality likha hai
koi word personality or usako unhonne beach Mein split kiya hai. Matlab usako unhonne properly. Person ality
na like is tarike se likha hai. Personality AB aapko batane Ki ye kya show kar raha hai. Personality iska answer
nahin hoga. Iska answer hoga split. Personality ke Beech Mein split kiya hai. Toh ye Isco Rebus bolte hai Ki
aapko hint diya jata hai. Aapko phrase pehchanna hota hai. Kya matlab bata rahe Hain. Reverse learning
delayed ka matlab again Bhi usko pandrah se pachchis minute delay kar diya jaata Delayed recall of paired
association. Learned about 15 to 25 minutes earlier during the Rebus reading. Then knowledge may riddles hoti
hai, normal riddles hoti Hain riddles to solve karna hota hai, vocabulary hoti hai, or vocabulary nonage hoti hai
toh is tarike se isamen testing le jati hai. Age Isamen standard scores Hain aur scale scores hai to KBC 2 Scott
KB global scores. MPI and FCI both are standard score with the mean of 100 donon ka mean 100 as standard
deviation 15 hai. However only one is to donon Mein se hi Kari jati computed matlab Ek hi calculate Kari jaati
and for any child or adolescence based on examiner choice to examiner key choice Mein donon Mein se hi
computer Ki jaati hai dono scores nahi nikale jate Hain. Then. Coffman adolescent and intelligence scale bhi hai
jaise abhi hum Bachchan ke baare Mein padh rahe the Ki bachchon ka wo test tha isamen adolescent and adult
intelligence test bhi hai jiska short rename kiit ye develop kiya tha Allen schopman and nadeen El Coffman ne
1993 men or Isco individually administered kiya jata hai. Individual test hai. Matlab group test nahi isamen Jo
age group hai woh 11 to 85 years hai Matlab adolescente start hai. Or Iska theoretical base Hai horn or cattle.
Key concept of fluid and crystallised intelligence. Then. The test is comprised of crystallised scale and fluid
scale to isamen in donon chijon ke upar based questions hote Hain crystallised intelligence ke upar fluid
intelligence base pay. Core battery of test is composed of 3 subsets from each scale to donon Hi 33 subsets.
Hote Hain matlab to crystallised intelligence Ka scale Hai uske 3 subsets or Jo fluid intelligence Ka scale Hai
uske 3 subsets. Hote Hain expanded batteries used with person having neurological damage for the person with
cognitive impairment who cannot take full battery mental status test and Mr to assess person attention to Ye Jo
neurological damage Hota hai jinko usmen to extended matlab Poora Jo battery Pure jitne bhi test uske andar
battery means Bahut sare test aate Hain isamen to Puri extended battery use Ki jaati hai aur. Agar kisi ne
cognitive impairment hai toh usmen mental status test administer kiya jata hai jisamen person key attention or
orientation check Ki jaati hai

creativity and problem solving.

Human being case Mein kya hai Ki we have higher level of thinking ability hamare andar Ek higher order level
thinking hoti hai jisko bolte Hain na hots bolte Hain short men higher order thinking to usmein kya hota hai Ki
higher level of thinking ability Mein hum cheese create kar paate Hain. That is why creativity problem solving
ye SAB chijen sirf hum kar paate human species ke andar hi milata hai. It is not present in case of animals and
any other species. Or is cheese ke liye stored information key requirement hoti hai jaise jaise hum bade hote
Hain hame bahut exposure hote Hain knowledge hoti hai wahi information Jo hamne store kari hai Vahi use that
information only to create something to solve problems though AB yehi cheez hum kaise karte Hain using that
information hum kaise creative hote Hain kaise problem solve karte Hain uske baare Mein hum isamen
padenge. The start karte Hain creativity. Say creativity is the most advanced thought process. Most advanced Q
hai kuki a common nahi ismen aapko novel ideas sochane hote Hain Very novel means koi new cheese koi nayi
cheez Jo particular situation ko relevant ho isliye Isco bahut advanced thought process mana jata hai. Or Isco
intelligence se Kai baar differ bhi kiya jata hai ya fir Kai baar isko Bola jata hai woh parallelly same chalta
intelligence ke saath. Some people say Ek intelligence Jo intelligent hoga wo creative bhi hoga. Some people
say creativity is different from intelligence to use bahut jyada compare kiya jata hai creativity key intelligence
or creativity Mein kya farak hai dono hi cognitive abilities hai dono hi higher level functions karte Hain aur
donon ka hi effect hamare behaviour par intellectual functioning Mein padta. So instead it is concerned with a
complex mix of motivational conditions, personality factors, environmental conditions, chance factor, ye sari,
chijen Hain, Jo hamare intelligence or hamare creativity to influence karte Hain to we are more concerned with
those factors jiski vajah se hamare andar ye particular difference AA jaata. Now meaning and aspects of
creativity Creativity ka meaning jaise abhi amma upper badhakar to think about novel ideas uncommon ideas to
creativity goal directory thinking hai which is unusual. Unusual means which is not normal which is not
common. Novel is new new useful Hai lekin iske saath new ke saath saath useful honi chahiye koi aisi new
cheese aapne create Curry lekin wo kisi kaam nahi AA rahi useless hai uska kisi kisi ka goal pura nahi ho raha
use karke. To then that creativity is not required Creativity Jo hai Ek tarike se hamare human civilization ka
base rahi hai. We all have evolved because of creativity only jitni bhi advancement shuru se hoti AA rahi hai
jab se civilization start Hain toh wo sirf Ek creativity Ki vajah se ho Gaya hai kaise stones se dheere dheere
stones to use kar rahe uske baad unhonne utensils copper vagairah ka use karna shuru kiya then gold aise karte
karte Jo bhi advancement Hui hamari civilization Mein. Industrialisation ka ana technology Ka ana who SAB
creativity Ki vajah se ye to intelligence as well as creativity. Donon ka mixture hai. Jaise aapne sune honge
naam Mona Lisa painting ka or Jo Laws of thermodynamics, Hain laws of motion and jitane bhi ye SAB ideas
hai ye in SAB chijon ne human civilization ko Ek tarike se bilkul change kar diya ham advanced ho gayi kyonki
woh Jo scientific creativity or Jo or chijon Mein artistic creativity hai. In sabki vajah se itna jyada change aaya
hai itani advancement, aaya itani creativity Jo Hain us vajah se. Newell, Shaw and Simon have explained the
nature of creativity. Nature of creativity char criteria may describe kiya hai Ek to novelty and usefulness ke
kuchh naya hona chahiye or useful hona chahiye rejects previously accepted ideas. Agar koi previously koi idea
accepted hai usko reject karke naya idea lekar aata hai koi To woh creativity hoti requires intense motivation
and persistence. Intense motivation chahiye kuchh bhi naya are useful create karne ke liye. Bina motivation Ki
AAP naya nahi create kar sakte persistence chahiye aapko dedication chahiye use lagatar aapko kaam karna
padta results from organising the unclear situation in coherent, clear and new way. The job situation hai. Jahan
pe AAP fas Gaye ho Jahan pe aapko nahi samajh na iska kya solution hai. Kuchh naya chahiye vahan pe koi
nayi cheez chahiye usko us unclear situation ko organise karna jyada clarity se use case Mein creativity aati hai.
Sternberg have reported 5 commonalities in the research of creativity. Commonalities is a commonly creativity.
Ke saath Judi Hain. 1) Creativity involves thinking. Obviously kyonki creativity thought process It involves
thinking or were thinking. because it aims at producing ideas. apne andar thinking karte hai hum ideas produce
kar rahe Hain kuchh naya ideas products hum bana rahe Hain naye naye products bana rahe Hain vich are
relatively novel. Jo thode se naye thode se advance ho to usko creativity. Or compelling ho Jo logon ko matlab
compel Karen us cheez ko use karne ke liye that is called creativity. Creativity has some domain specific and
domain journal elements through domain specific means. Kuchh aisi specific chijen Jo us particular knowledge
to use karti hai Jo specific knowledge hai aur kuchh aisi journal cheez hai Jo ke general knowledge ka use karti
hai to isamen Ek domain specific or domain general element hota hai in the sense it needs some specific
knowledge but there are certain elements of creativity that. cut across different domains to jaise wo tha na g
factor as factor usi Ki baat ho rahi hai Ki AAP particular Ek field Mein jiska field map creativity ke liye koi
scientist Hain usko apni field ke specific knowledge to chahiye kuchh create karne ke liye bas saath Mein usko
Ek general knowledge bhi honi chahiye Jo uske har kaam Mein kaam Jo bhi wo kar raha hai create karne ke liye
usko chahiye. Creativity measurable Have at least to some extent kuchh extent. Kisko measure kiya JA sakta
hai kaun kitna creative hai. Creativity can be developed and promoted. Creativity develop Ki JA sakti hai
bachpan se Agar koi creative nahin hai toh woh dheere dheere apne AAP ko creative bana sakta hai. Creativity
is not highly rewarded in practice. Act as it is supposed to be in theory. To Kai creativity Jo hai itna jyada
highly rewarded nahin hai in practice matlab Ki itana jyada creativity Ki Jo hai importance nahi itani jyada
matlab reward karna kisi ko matlab kisi Ki talent ke liye kisi ko reward dena us type se creativity itani jyada
rewarded nahi hai jitna Ki theory Mein hum padhte. Turnberg and Libertine define creativity as the ability to
produce work that is both novel and appropriate to koi aisa kaam karna Jo novel ho novel ka matlab naya
original, unexpected or appropriate ho matlab Usefulho us particular situation mai jis time pe AAP wo cheese
create kar rahe ho Ek aur definition hai runco kit 2007 Key that definitions of creativity as Involving the
creation of something new and useful to her definition, Mein AAP dekh rahe ho ke woh kuchh create karne Ki
baat kar rahe ho new hona chahiye or useful hona chahiye. Theek hai and then?He thought that creative
thinking did not essentially require 10 jewel creative products. Yagi samajhani jaruri creative thinking ka
matlab hai AAP hamesha kuchh tangible hi banao tangible matlab koi aisa product Jo AAP dekh sakte ho jisko
AAP chhu sakte ho creative ka matlab ye bhi ho sakta hai AAP creative policy bana rahe ho creative ideas bata
rahe ho intangible abstract things bhi ho sakta hai creativity Mein. Studies in cognitive psychology have tried to
understand the process of creative thinking. Away kaise hoti creative thinking iske peeche kya process hai ye
SAB samajhane Ki hamane koshish Ki hai To pahale To process of creativity is thought to have following 4
characteristics. It char characteristics and process of creativity ke pela characteristics It is imaginative involving
imagination. Kyonki hum imagine karte Hain. Kyonki creative jab hum karna chahte Hain. Hum kuchh imagine
apne mind Mein sochte Hain kuchh naya imagine karne Ki koshish karte Hain. Kuchh original banane Ki
koshish karte Hain doosra it is purposeful kisi purpose ke liye hota hai jisase hamara koi kaam pura ho sake to
that means you are putting your imagination into an action. 3rd It produces something original Kuchh original
banana hai in relation to one's previous work Aapka Jo purana kaam hai Purana Jo bhi experience Hai uske
relation Mein Kuchh Naya Karna chahte ho apne particular field Mein ya kisi aur ka kaam dekh ke aapko lagta
hai Ki aapko usako or better Karna chahiye to ye kuchh Naya Banane ka wo hota hai process hota hai. It has
value and respect to the objective it was applied. Creativity involves not only the generation of ideas but also
evaluation of them. Deciding which one is the most adequate though isamen kya hai Ki. Ek to ye cheez hai, Jo
creativity hai. Usko apne generation of ideas to hai plus to evaluate bhi karna hai. Aapne Jo bhi socha hai woh
kitna useful rahega aur Agar aapko lagta hai jaise bahut sari chijen aapko lag rahi hai. You are thinking of lot of
ideas, new ideas to which one is the better? Which one is the best? Usmen ye bhi socha hai kaunsa sabse
adequate rahega. Yahaan pe kuchh aur definitions, bhi Hain creativity, key novelty and meaningfulness of these
interpretation need not required to be original to others. Indeed judgement of novelty and meaningfulness that's
constitute creativities intrapersonal judgment. This intrapersonal judgment is what distinguishes creativity from
other forms of creative expression. To ye keh raha hai. Jaise hum koi Agar koi nai cheese create karta hai, kitna
nada hai, kitna meaningful hai. Iske liye judgment chahiye hoti hai. Aur woh judgment ke liye hamen intra
personal judgment Karni padti intrapersonal means talking to oneself intrapersonal interpersonal. Kya hota hai.
Jab hum doosre logon ke saath karte Hain intrapersonal mills. You are judging yourself apne AAP ko judge
karna padta hai Ki woh Jo AAP idea soch rahe ho ya Jo AAP naya product banane Ki soch rahe ho wo kitna
novel hai kitna new hai aur kitna meaningful hai toh that judgment you have to make. These are 2 types of
creativity Little C for everyday creativity. Big C or eminent creativity. Little C means creativity Jo hai matlab jo
hum everyday apne day to day problem to solve karne ke liye jaise which type of food to make today. Kuch is
tarah Ki daily aisi activities Jisamen roz kuchh creative karna padta us type creativity ko hum Little c creativity
bolte Hain Jo big see that is bahut badi koi kaam kiya hai bahut bada creative kaam kiya. Now investment and
confluence Theory of creativity. Investment and Confluence Theory of Creativity Confluence KA MATLAB,
Hai, Kya Cheez, se, Milke Creativity Banati Hai Toh, Yahan PE, Sternberg Theory Batai Hain Jisko Bolte Hain
Investment and Confluence Theory of. Creativity to understand creativity matlab creativity ko samajhane ke
liye to is theory K according 6 aise alag alag chijen Hain Jo hame chahiye Agar hamen creative hona hai. And
those 6 distinct interrelated resources are intellectual ability, knowledge, style of thinking, personality
motivation, environment if you are creative to aapko ye 6 chijen Ek particular Ek tarike se uske andar mix milti
hai Agar koi bahut creative person hota hai to. Intellectual skills Mein 3 Type Key Intellectual skills hai Ek hai
Synthetic skill to see problems in new ways and to escape the bounds of conventional thinking. Synthetic Skill
to see problem in new ways. Problem Ko naye tarike se dekhna kaise normally SAB dete Hain kaise na dekh ke
usako naye tarike se dekhna hai naye Perspective se dekhna or naye tarike se sochna usko kaise solve karna hai
Problem ko. Tu koi bhi normal problem hai usko solve karne ka Agar AAP koi naya tarika soch paate ho to wo
aapko Ek intellectuals kill hai. Second is analytics skill to recognise which of these ones ideas are worth
pursuing Analytics skill Kislay kyonki aapko Agar lagta hai Ek problem hai Jo do teen tarike solve ho sakti hai
to usme se best kaun sa theek rahega usako analyse kar pana that is analytics skill. Teesra are the practical skill,
the practical contextual skill to know how to persuade others Of to AB isamen kya hai teesri bahut important
cheez hoti hai Ki suppose aapko koi idea bhi Gaya wo karna chahte ho apply koi koi aisa idea hai Jo aapko lagta
hai thoda risky hai lekin wo karoge to aapka kaam ho jayega aapne koi creative aapko koi nayi cheez Jo hum
karte hai na to baki log Jo commonly jinhonne who cheese nahi dekhi hai jinke liye nahi hai Wo is cheese ke
liye mana kar dete hai unhe lagta hai ye pehli baar aise karenge to fail ho jayenge aur uska kuchh Pata nahi kya
result aayega to practical contextual Skill kya doosron ko apane kaise persuade karna hai Ki woh Jo aapka idea
hai woh bilkul bhi kharab nahi hai jaise companies main Hoon na logo naye products or nai chijen invent karne
ke liye ideas bahut sochane padte Hain is case Mein Kai baar kya hota hai jab wo koi person hai koi sochta hai.
Toh uski us idea ko approval nahin milta kyonki logon ko lagta hai ke nahi chal payega to aapne apna idea kaise
sell karna hai dusron ko uske bhi skill honi chahiye taki us cheese ko AAP aage pursue kar Sako and that is
called practical. Contextual skill. Analytical skills used in the absence of other 2 skills results in powerful
critical but not creative thinking. AB jaise analytical skill hum SAB Mein hoti hai lekin jaruri hai na SAB men
creative skills Bhi ho AB tum khali analytical Hain lekin creative nahin. Hum kya honge hum khali Ek critique
banke rah jayenge hum khali dusron ko criticise kar payenge apne ideas to analyse. Karenge criticise karenge
creative nahi ho paayenge to islie Analytical skills sirf hone se Kam nahi chalega aisi Agar synthetic skills Hain
lekin baaki donon skills nahin hai to kya hoga hum ideas to bahut soch lenge lekin hum usko scrutinise nahi kar
payenge. Usmen se hum best option nahin dhundh payenge aur na hum dusron ko persuade kar payenge aur
isliye sirf synthetics ke hone ka bhi koi fayda nahin hai aur last Mein ye hai Ki Agar practical contextual skill in
the absence of other 2 skills Maanlijiye hamane sirf practical or calm doosron ko persuade karna bahut achha
banate Hain lekin hum aapas koi idea hi nahin hai koi acha toh koi hamari baat ko man Ki bhi kya karega usaki
problem kaise solve hogi isliye intellectual skill men ye tinon chijen Ek saath honi jaruri synthetic skill matlab
koi naya idea sochna naye tarike se. Problem to sochana na Ki conventional tarike se jese vo solve hoti hai. All
doosra analytical skills aapko idea analyse kar pana kitna jyada better hai. Teesra practical conceptual skill
matlab AAP dusron ko persuade kar pao ye thi pehli cheez Jo hamne isamen chhah Mein se dekhi intellectual
abilities Mein se dusri cheese hai knowledge. Knowledge matlab jaise Agar aapko kuchh creative social hai to
uske liye aapko background knowledge honi jaruri hai na suddenly koi nai cheese sikhe to ap creative honey
sakte aapne pahale koi cheese sikhi aapko basic knowledge hai tabhi AAP uske aage further beyond creativity
kar sakte ho. So one needs to know enough about of feel apni field ke baare Mein kuch enough Pata ho tabhi
AAP uske beyond JA sakte ho. Knowledge about a field can result in a closed and entrance perspective
resulting in person not moving beyond the way. In which he or she has seen problems in the past abisme 2
aspects bataya knowledge ke on the one hand knowledge honi bahut jaruri aapko aage badhane ke liye Agar
aapne kuchh creative socha hai toh Ek basic knowledge aapko nahi jaruri hai tabhi AAP uske aage creative soch
sakte ho dusri cheez ye kahi kahi bar kya hota hai Ki knowledge hi rokati creative hone ke liye kyonki
knowledge Kai baar itane jyada log usako seriously is knowledge ko Unake perspective Badal deti hai woh
knowledge itna jyada kiya uske aage Ki soch nahi Pata to knowledge ka Ek balance way Mein hona bahut jaruri
utana knowledge kitna aage create karne de aur itana jyada bhi na ho Ki itani jyada rigid knowledge bhi nahi
honi chahiye Ki AAP uske aage socha na pao to. jaise Agar Hum koi scientific facts sunte hai koi bhi normal sa
fact hamane gravity ke baare Mein kuch bhi suna hai. Hum uske aage soch hi nahin PA rahe hamara knowledge
nahin thi rigid hi rah gayi. Lekin us knowledge ko aage kis tarike se leke Jana hai wo Ek bahut important skill h.
3rd is thinking style. thinking style kiss tarike ka hai usme bhi creativity bahut depend karti hai jaise Ki. There
is a legislative style is particularly important for creativity, that is preference for thinking and decision and a
decision to think in new ways. So legislative style of thinking kya hai Ki hum naya sochana chahte Hain aur
decision Lena chahte Hain naye tarike se kuchh log honge yeh aisa kyon bol rahe Hain kuch log bahut rigid
hote Hain wo bahut apne hi particular usame adamant rehte hai jaisa hum kar rhe vesa karege Hum apna tarika
change nahin karenge kaam karne ka wo Agar style of thinking Agar vaisa ha. Toh bahut mushkil hai creativity
yani Agar aapka legislative style hai That means you are open about new things. You are open to use new
things. Ap naya try karne ke liye open ho toh AAP kuchh naya soch bhi sakte ho naa decide bhi kar sakte ho. Or
usi se aapko Ek preference bhi aati hai kuchh naya create karne Ki saman mean like to think along new lines but
not think well or vice versa. It also helps to become major creative thinking though log hote Hain Jo naya
sochane Ki koshish karte Hain unhin ko creative thinker banane Mein kuchh help milati if one is able to think
globally as well as locally, distinguish the forest from the trees and thereby recognising which questions are
important and which are. Not to Jo log Ki thinking aisi hoti hai Jo globally bhi soch paate Hain locally, globally
and locally. Matlab aisi cheeze bhi soch hai Jo sabke kaam aayegi or locally means aisa bhi Jo presently uske Jo
situation Mein chahiye to something which is globally accepted and something which is locally required is tarah
Ki thinking Agar hai toh hai Ek person Jo hai wo aage kuchh creative soch sakta hai toh thinking style bahut
important hai. personality. Personality attributes bhi kuch hota Hain jaise kyonki personality hoti hai Ki woh
risk nahin Lena chahte Hain kuchh log confusion tolerate nahi kar Pate Hain kuchh logon Mein self confidence
and self efficacy come hoti hai. Ye SAB personality attributes hai Jo aapki creative functioning pay effect karte
Hain that is willingness to overcome obstacles. AAP kuchh bhi aapko problem AA rahi hai AAP willing ho us
cheez ko. Poora overcome karne ke liye AAP sochna chahte ho kisi bhi tarike Ki isko problem to solve. Karun
willingness to take sensible risk risk lene ke liye taiyaar ho willingness to tolerate ambiguity. Ambiguity means
kaam karte karte beach Mein bahut sare confusions hoti hai bahut sari problem aati hai usko tolerate karne ke
liye taiyaar ho and you have self efficacy ko Pata hai aapke andar Ek confidence ke main ye kaam kar lunga. So
wo cheese Ek personality Mein Honi Jaruri hai. So one has to be willing to stand up to the conventions if one
wants to think and active and creative way to purane tarikon K against khade hone Ki willingness honi chahiye
taki AAP kuchh naya socho ko kuchh creative soch Sako. Then motivation ke case Mein hoti hai, intrinsic
motivation intrinsic matlab aapko andar se motivation app nai soch rahe Hain bahar se aapko koi paise de raha
hai to AAP creative kuchh kaam karoge creativity ke andar se motivation aani bahut jaruri hoti hai. So task
focused motivation is required apne kaam par focus karke rakhna. Ek research yahaan pe ye baat kar rahe Hain
jisamen likha hai Ki motivation key importance unhonne Ek research Mein dekha hai Motivation kitna
important hai koi bhi kaam karne ke liye creative kaam karne ke liye kitni jyada important hai motivation. Jo
log apne kaam ko pasand nahi karte Hain ya they don't really love what they are doing. Wo is kaam Mein
creative nahi ho paate. To ye bahut jyada jaruri hai that people enjoy what they are doing Jo AAP kaam karne
Mein enjoy karte ho jisme AAP achhe se focus kar paate ho usi Mein AAP creativity dikha paate ho Jo kaam
jabardasti karvaya jaye usmen nahi toh intrinsic motivation aani chahiye and motivation is not something
inherent in people. One decides to be motivated by one thing or the another. Apna aapko aapko decide khud hi
karna padta hai Na Ki AAP kis cheez ko lekar bahut passionate ho AAP kisi cheez ko leke bahut motivated ho.
People who need to work in a certain area that does not particularly interest them will decide that given the need
to work in that area, they had better find a way to make it interesting. AB kuch log kah rahe hai, jaise Agar
kuchh log is cheese Mein kaam karte Hain particular area Mein kaam kaise unko interest nahin hai lekin unke
paas koi option bhi nahi hai toh wo khud hi kuchh aisa nikalte Hain sochte hai Ki apne AAP ko kisi tarike se
motivate kar sake taki who kaam kar PAYE kyonki unhen Pata hai unhone vahi kaam karna hai woh. Change
nahi kar sakte koi option nahin hai to wo apne AAP ko khud hi motivate karne Ki koshish karte Hain us call ko
pura karne ke liye. Then comes environment Environment kaisa hona chahiye supportive environment hona
chahiye rewarding environment. Hona chahiye intrinsically motivated environment Hona chahiye Jahan pe
AAP creatively soch Sako aapko vahan par disturbance. Come honi chahiye negativity Come honi chahiye
support bahut jyada honi chahiye to isaka environment hona chahiye Jahan pe AAP creative thinker ban saken.
So confluences concerning the confluence of these 6 components in che components ka Jo bhi hamne padhen
creativity, Jo Hain SAB ka Ek sum total hai creativity is hypothesised. Hypothesise to involve more than a
simple sum of a person's level on each component. There may be thresholds for some component threshold.
Matlab jaise limit ho jaati is knowledge ka Maine Bola Ki Ek limit honi chahiye usase jyada ho jayegi to bhi
creativity block ho jayegi to kuchh thresholds hote Hain kuchh components K below which creativity is not
possible to Ek level hota hai us level ke upar ya Ek particular level ke niche hi creativity ho paati hai toh
threshold means something limited. Koi Limit Hoti Hai Cheese key Second partial compensation Mein occur in
which strength on one component contracts a weakness on the another AB ye bhi ho sakta hai Ki Kai baar
aapko Ek component bahut strong hai lekin dusra bahut week to us case Mein bhi aapko balance out karna
padta you are very motivated Lekin aapke paas environment nahin hai to yahaan pe bhi problem AA jati hai.
3rd interaction may occur between components such as intelligence, motivation in which high levels on both
component could multiplicatively enhance creativity or Agar aapke do components aapas Mein bahut achhe se
interact karte Hain. Suppose you are highly intelligent and you are highly motivated. Those case Mein aapki
creativity aur jyada enhance ho jaati hai toh ye Jo factors Hain ye kis tarike se aapas Mein miljul ke wo karte
Hain Ek person ko creative banate hai wahi theory aapko batati confluence theory .

aspects of creativity.

To yahaan pe Gilford Ki baat kar rahe hai, Gilford ye mante the Ki Jo creative thinking hai woh bilkul
divergent thinking Ki tarah hoti hai, divergent thinking kya hota hai. Jab hum Ek hi problem ke alag alag
solutions dhundhte Hain usko hum divergent thinking bolte Hain. To usmen unhonne emphasise kiya tha
fluency ke upar flexibility originality elaboration ke upar. Happy unhonne cheese boli Ji sirf divergent thinking
ko hum equal to creative thinking. Nahi bol sakte Hain kyonki creative thinking Mein aur bhi bahut saari cheeze
chahiye hoti hai. Jaise Ki hamen transformation of thought kis tarah hamen sochana apne sochane ka pattern
badalana pada hai. Hame kuchh naya create karna hai. Reinterpretation karni padti chijon ko Jo already chijon
ko log samajh rahe Hain kis tarike se usko dobara naye tarike se sochana samajhna padta freedom from
functional fixedness chahiye hota hai. Functional fixedness matlab jaise koi Ek cheez ka hamein Pata hai Ki
solution ho sakta hai Us particular cheese hamen free hona Ki apni thinking to hamen free karna hai. Hamen ye
mankar chalna hai Ki koi particular problem at usaki solution ho sakta hai. Agar koi cheez hai toh usaka Ek hi
function ho sakta hai. Toh hamen chijon ko alag alag tarike se use karna aana chahiye to isamen hai. Sirf
divergent thinking se Kam nahin chalata yahaan pe hamen apne thought process ko change karna padta. Or ISI
ko test karne ke liye test yahaan pe unhonne banaya tha jisko bolte Hain torrents test of creative thinking TCT
to is test Mein kya hai chhah component discuss kiye Hain creativity ke Abh ye 6 components kaun se hai jiski
baat abhi upper kar rahe the Guilford Ek to fluency hai Ki hamen kitane ideas aate Hain kitni jaldi aate Hain
kitne fast hum log soch sakte Hain ideas flexibility hum kitne flexible hi soch sakte Hain hum rigid nahi hai Ek
hi solution ko leke eh idea ko leke hum usko karne ke kitne alag alag tarike soch sakte Hain originality of the
hamare ideas kitne original hai kisi se copy na kiya ho Unique ho.elaboration means hum use idea kis tarike se
Elaborate kar paate Hain demonstrate kar paate Hain. Abstractness of titles means abstractness means Jo Ek
hamen abstract thought rakhna padta hai na creative sochane ke liye abstract matlab imagination to hamari Jo
ideas Hain woh kitne imaginable Hain kitne beyond imagination hai Aur kitna hum unko aage Tak soch sakte
Hain abstract ideas hum kitna soch sakte hai. Then resistance to premature closure. So premature closure jese
degree of psychological openness Matlab hum kitane open hai Chijon ko lekar kitna open minded hai. Koi hum
rigid nahi hai. Chijon ko lekar Ki hamen kuchh logon Ki adat hoti hai Woh jis tarike se problem solve karte hai
Wo har baar wahi method apply karte Hain toh woh nahi hona chahiye hamare andar openness honi chahiye
open mind Hona chahiye nayi chizen try karne ke liye to ye creativity. Ke kuchh aise elements Hain Jo creative
thinking Mein nazar aate Hain. Fir uske baad aate Hain stages of creativity. Stages of creativity began with
Graham Wallace who suggested that creative thinking follows 4 successive steps Pala hai Stage of preparation.
Stage of preparation ka matlab hai. Ki aapko Jo bhi problem hai. Jisko aapne solve karna Jo bhi aapke paas
situation hai. Jisme aapko naye idea sochte Hain uske baare Mein AAP pahle information gather karte ho usme
AAP. Trial and error ka use karte ho. Trial and error ka matlab apne kuchh kuchh solutions Apply karke dekho
Ki usase kaam ban raha hai Ki nahi ban raha and then uske baad yahaan pe hum sochne ka kaam karte hai Kis
tarike se hamare purane experiences hamare kaam aaye Hain. Us particular situation mean jaise Agar. Suppose
kisi ko koi error de di jaati hai ya koi aisi problem de di jati hai. Jo usko lagta hai is tarah Ki problem to uske
sath pahle bhi thi To wo socha hai Maine us time is problem ko kaise face kiya tha Maine us time pe kya kiya
tha to ye preparation time ka matlab ye hai Ki AAP apne AAP ko prepare kar rahe ho aur apne AAP ko clarify
kar rahe hai apna koi Ek problem hai jisko solve karna hai. Aur uske kya kya tarike ho sakte Hain pahale kaise
Kari thi aur trial and error karke AAP check kar sakte ho kis tarike se hum kar sakte Hain toh AAP prepare kar
rahe ho apne AAP ko to yeh stage of preparation hoti hai stage of incubation second stage. Stage of incubation
ka matlab hai Ki AAP sochte JA rahe ho andar hi andar problem ke baare Mein AAP apna normal Kam karte
JA rahe ho lekin andar hi andar subconsciously aapke mind Mein woh problem chal rahi hai Kyonki solution
nahin mil PA raha toh AAP andar hi andar AAP apne us problem ko lekar pareshaan ho AAP soch rahe ho
kaise karna chahiye jaise nahi karna chahiye. So the thinker must not intentionally work matlab aapko
intentionally problem par Kam nahi karna hai AAP apna normal Kam karo or is problem ke baare Mein AAP
unconsciously sochte raho?Relax hoke sochna hai Yahan pe matlab incubation Mein aapko tension lekin nahi
socha hai. Jaise kuchh log hote Hain Jo bahut der Tak sochte sochte Hain nahin samajh Mein aata hai Kya karna
hai. Tu thodi der ke liye relax ho jaate hai toh who apni koi hobby karne lag jaate Hain ya koi kuchh log hote
Hain Jo so jaate hai. Thodi der ke liye to incubation Mein kya hota hai Problem unconsciously aapke mind
Mein chal rahi hai. Jiske baare Mein AAP bhi soch rahe ho lekin AAP tense nahi ho or AAP apna normal koi
aur kaam kar rahe ho. Stage of illumination kya hota hai jaise hamare saath bahut baar aisa hoga koi cheese
dhundh rahi mil nahi rahi hai hame bahut dhundha fir uske baad hamane unko dhundta chhod diya aur hum
thodi der ke liye bhool Gaya apna kaam karne lag Gaye or suddenly hamen who cheese kahin na kahin dikh
jaati hai hamen suddenly yaad AA jaata hai woh kahan rakhi thi usko bolte illumination Ki hamane us cheese
ko incubation Mein daal diya tha us cheese ke baare Mein hamne intentionally sochana chhod diya tha lekin
hamare mind Mein kahin na kahin who cheese chal rahi thi lekin. Hum apna koi aur kaam kar rahe the app
suddenly doosara kaam karte karte aapke mind Mein ekdam idea Gaya usko karne ka ye ekdam aapko yaad AA
Gaya hai kya karna tha to usako bolte illumination. AB is time par AAP active ho jaate ho conscious ho jaate ho
aur aapko insight gain ho jaata. insight gain ka matlab hai Ki aapko ekdam se samajh Mein AA jaata hai karna
hai Toh jaise hum jab problem ke baare Mein bhi bahut der Tak sochte Hain to pahale Prepare karte Hain apne
AAP ko prepare karne ke baad incubation stage aati hai jab hum nahin dhundh paate Hain koi solution to hum
sochte rehte Hain fir uske baad hum apna kaam chod ke problem kaam chod ke hum apna dusra kaam Mein lag
jaate Hain problem hamare mind Mein chal rahi hai hame samajh men nhi hote kya karna hai wo sochte sochte
hum apna normal Kam karne lag jaate Hain fir ekdam se aapko samajh Mein AA jaata hai kya karna chahiye
usko bolte hai Stage of illumination insight. Stage of verification chauthi stages of verification matlab aapko
suddenly to idea AAP usko verify karoge to AAP usko apply karoge problem Mein aur check karoge to aapka
solution nikal ke AA raha hai Ki nahi aur Agar aapko lagta hai Ki woh idea theek hai toh AAP usko aage.
Finally apply karte ho aur apna solution nikalte ho to ye hai. Stage of verification Ki AAP apne idea khud hi
verify kar rahe ho kya wo idea Jo aapko aaya hai. Chanakya jao aapko yaad AA Gaya achanak se Ki woh
cheese kahaan padi hai. Vahan fatafat jaate ho AAP us cheez ko check karte ho aur usme Agar aapko koi
changes karna hai us time pe toh ye likha hai kabhi kabhi ye Jo stages key order hai na ye alag alag bhi ho sakta
hai ya combined bhi ho sakte Hain. Combined kaise ho sakte Hain kaise suddenly aapko incubation or
illumination bahut jaldi Ek saath ho sakta hai jaise apne thodi der Bola Ki chhodo AB hum kuchh aur karenge
us problem ke baare Mein sochana chhod diya aur suddenly aapko yaad AA Gaya aise combined bhi ho sakti
chijen. They also do not occur regularly. Example. Sometimes subject knowledge of the problem allows to pass
over the first stage. AB jaise kuch kuch log hote Hain jinko preparation karne Ki jarurat nahin padti unko pehle
se Pata hota hai. Kya problem hai har baar aati aur kis tarike se kari jati hai toh preparation se directly
incubation stage par AA jaate Hain. Creativity and Intelligence. Creativity on intelligence ko bahut jyada
compare isliye kiya jata hai kyonki creativity bhi Ek intelligence Ki part hai ye bhi Ek mental operation or
intelligence Creativity Kahin na kahin influence hoti hai to isliye in donon ke baare Mein generally Pata bhi jata
hai. Compare bhi kiya jata hai. So this position denies not only influence of intelligence, but of any individual
beyond knowledge and motivational factors. Kuch logon Ki opinion ye hai Ki creativity or intelligence Jo hai.
Donon totally independent hai. Ek doosre se aur kuchh kahte hai. Ki donon ka aapas Mein bahut jyada relation
hai. Intelligence Jabki aisa nahin hona chahiye Ki influence Karen creativity ko creativity bhi Ek alag se Ek
mental operation mana jata hai Jo Ki domain specific hota hai domain specific ka matlab aapko jitna jyada
exposure hoga jitna jyada expertise hoga jis field Mein utana jyada creatively kaam kar paoge to AB yahaan pe
jaise Ki unhonne study Ki baat karni hai Jo tomar ne Curry the Lewis terman ne kuchh logon pe jaise
approximately 1500 pe study karti thi Jo highly gifted the. Highly gifted ka matlab jinka IQ level approximate
151 K around the highly gifted jinhen bolte Hain to UN logon Ki life Mein woh bahut successful raha
occupationally matlab Jo bhi unki aage career tha usme who bahut successful the par unmen se koi bhi creative
nahin tha to yahaan pe to unh ye proof kar diya Ki intelligence high hone se creativity ka koi Lena dena nahin
lekin ye bhi dekha Gaya hai Ki Jo creative hota haiusaka IQ BK. Means se jyada hota hai matlab average se
jyada hota hai at least one standard deviation jyada hote Hain to means thoda jyada hota hai. In logon ka iska
matlab key Gilford Jessie Ki Gai minimum level of intelligence Jo chahiye wo means jyada honi chahiye. In
case hypothesis ko bolte Hain triangularly hypothesis to triangular hypothesis ka triangularly hypothesis ka
matlab ye hai Ki according to Gilford ke hamen Ek minimum level of intelligence chahiye Jo Ki average se
jyada hone chahiye creative hone ke liye to jinky intelligence IQ level Jo hai woh average hai average se Kam
hai woh creative nahi ho sakti ISI ka alternatively hayes ne certification hypothesis diya tha certification
hypothesis matlab ye kehte Hain Ki creativity or intelligence ka koi bhi apas men relation nahin hai to ye
Gilford keUlta baat kar rahe Hain ye bol rahe hai. Creativity or intelligence aapas Mein koi related nahin hai. Or
possibilities to display a recognisable level of creativity, like occupations in architecture, science simply require
a high level of formal education. AB ye kah rahi. Key Formal education Jo hai uske bina koi creative nahin ho
sakata Jaise Architecture Mein architect hote Hain Jo. Scientist hote Hain Jo. Creative Isle hote Hain kyonki
formally Education lete Hain Formal Education lete Hain isliye creative hote Hain to isase intelligence ka koi
Lena dena nahin hai ye bol rahe Hain sapne Certification hypothesis. A measurement of creativity measure
karne ke liye creativity ko kaun kaun se test Hain toh isamen Jo important Hain woh hai ye wala hai Ek to
torrents test of creative thinking. To ye wala Jo test torrents test of creative thinking Jisko TT short Mein bolte
Hain aur Jo Wallach and kogan test hai. Woh Gilford. Wallach and kogan test alag hai. Aur Ek Gilford battery
alag hai teen test ho Gaye Ek ho gayi TE TE hogaya wallet and kogan test for doosra ho Gaya Gilford battery
test. Isamen se sabse jyada use hone wala ttct test hai. Aur ye Jo hai is test Mein test has been translated into
more than 30 languages, though more than 30 languages Mein translate Isco kar chuke Hain already. Aur ye
kiske upar based hai. Jamane Gilford ka structure of intellect model pada tha ye uske uper based hai. To isamen
creativity through divergent thinking ke baare Mein matlab Ki kaise hum divergent thinking se create creativity
Karte Hain using divergent thinking diversely soch ke uske uper ye test based hai. The ttct was developed in
1966 or Isco bad men renormed kiya hai renom matlab norms change karna so renowned kiya hai char bar iska
and iske andar kya chijen major Ki jaati Hain. When C Originality of ideas, elaboration and flexibility. So ye
tha aapka measuring ke baare Mein criticism kya hai is test ka. The response set might influence the result.
Thus different order in the presentation of items leads to different results. Though AB jaise presentation of
items ka Agar order different a test Mein to usme kya hota hai result bhi different aate Hain sequence Mein Ek
order hota hai Agar wo sequence change kar di jaye test Mein Jo bhi chijen Hain Jo bhi items Hain Agar unki
sequence badalti jaye. Usman result Mein bhi fark AA jaata hai. Ye criticism hai iska doosra ye hai Ki different
conditions. Mein Agar inco lete Hain to usmen bhi performance Mein fark AA jata hai alag alag conditions
Mein Agar liya jaye to. Ratings of ttct might differ considerably in their scores. AB Jo rating de rahe Hain is
test key unake scores Mein fark AA sakta hai matlab reliability nahi hai iski or duti chautha hai. Ki Structure of
the test itself is inadequate. The adequate proper Ek test nahi hai creativity ka lekin fir bhi sabse jyada test yahi
use hota creativity ko test karne ke liye.

problem solving

The thought process involved in a person's effort to remove obstacles in a way to achieve the goal state matlab
Ki aisa thought process thinking process jisamen hum apne obstacles ko remove karne Mein effort lagate Hain
Jo bhi hamare raste Mein rukavaten AA raha Hain unko hatane Mein effort lagate Hain. Kyon lagate Hain taki
hum apne goal ko achieve kar saken goal State matlab Jahan par hum pahunchana chahte Hain us cheese Co
achieve kar saken to Ek tarike Se is definition se hame ye Pata chal raha hai Ki problem solving bhi Ek thinking
process hai isamen bhi hame bahut critically sochna padta hai. Kai baar bahut creatively bhi sochana padta hai.
Kyonki kuchh problems purane tarike se theek nahi hoti hai toh uske liye hamen naye solutions nikalane padte
Hain Kai baar kuchh problems pehli baar aati hai hamare saath to hamare samne woh problems aati hai Jo first
time hoti hai pehle kabhi kisi ne us cheese Co Nahi kiya hota hai solve to hamen who solve karne ke liye naye
tarike dhundhne padte to us case Mein jiska creative thinking achchhi hogi uski problem solving bhi achhi hogi
to yahaan pe jaise Kai isamen create critical thinking to hai ya critical matlab AAP bahut dhyan se har Ek cheez
ke baare Mein soch ke bahut important decision le rahi uske positive or negative donon ke baare Mein soch ke
or problem solving vaise to hamare routine Mein daily aati rehti hai subah se lekar shaam Tak hum kitna kuchh
aisa jarur hota hai Jo hame kuchh problem AA rahi hai jisko hum daily solve kar rahe Hain. To psychological
research men yahi cheez ko samajhne Ki koshish Ki gayi hai Ki hum kaise problem to solve karte Hain aur Jo
levels of problem Hain choti se lekar badi Tak hamare decisions kis tarah se change hote Hain sAB kuchh . 1
term original or initial state original or Ek tarike se states of problem solving hai matlab kaise shuru hota hai
kaha Tak jata hai to initial stage kya hai Ki jab pehli baar hum jaise problem aati hai koi problem solve karna
hum shuru karte Hain aur ye Ek initial stage naam se lag raha hai Ki pahale shuruati key stage hai ye fir aati
goal or end state Last Mein jab hamari problem solve ho jaati end main stage is reached if the problem is
solved. Goal state kya hai Jo har Ek person ko desired hai matlab har kisi ko apane problem key initial stage se
goal state pay pahunchana hai har kisi ko apane problem Ki shuruat se lekar usaki end Tak pahunchana to end
hai woh goal state. The person concerned who is with the initial state of the problem and wants to reach the goal
put efforts to reach the goal to hum log kis cheese my effort karte Hain jaise jiski definition Mein bhi likha tha
Ki hum us goal Ki taraf badhane ke liye effort karte Hain removing obstacles Jo bhi obstacles beach Mein hai
usko remove karke. Then comes person and operator. Person and operator means who person jiske saath
problem ho rahi hai Jo initial state par hai. Jo effort laga raha hai final state Mein pahunchane ke liye Jo effort
laga raha hai apne obstacles to overcome karne ke liye toh Jo problem solve karne Ki koshish kar raha hai woh
hai person ya operator then comes problem space problem space Mein kya hai. Agar hum Tino chijon ko Mila
de initial state goal state and operator tinon ko Mila de toh problem space ban jaati hai. Toh AAP isko is tarike
se imagine kar sakte ho Ki suppose ye koi person hai Jo yahaan pe khada hai. Jisko yahaan pe koi problem face
kar raha hai. Aur usko yahan pahunchana hai. Jahan usaki problem solve ho sakti to ye person effort laga raha
hai. Bahut jyada soch raha hai. Critical thinking kar raha hai. Kisi tarike se wo apne beach K obstacles ko cross
karke apne initial state se goal state per pahunch jaye. To ye person ya operator plus ye uski initial state plus
iski goal state Agar hum sabko combined karte Hain to ye ban jaati hai aapki problem space. So problem space
Mein ye sare elements Hain jinko organised tarike se hamen apni jagah par lagana hai aur Agar hum problem
space ko achchhe se samajh jaaye to hamen solution bhi jaldi milata. A successful understanding of the problem
space would require coherence, correspondence, relationship to the background knowledge EtC to coherence
means Ki hum kisi bhi problem ko bahut clarity se samjhe or consistency se usko uske uper effort lagaen that is
coherence Ki hamen consistently har Ek level pay effort lagana hai aisa nahin hai Ki hamane do teen level cross
kar liya aur uske baad hum pareshan ho Gaye hamar us problem ko bhi chod diya to coherence means aapko
uspe consistently effort lagana hai. Correspondence means aapko chijon ke Beech ka relationship samajhana hai
and relationship to background knowledge aapko background knowledge bhi require hota hai jab AAP problem
koi nahi problem bhi Agar AAP solve kar rahe ho to aapki Jo experience hai purana aapki Jo knowledge hai
wahi kaam aati hai. Suddenly aapko Ek problem solve nahi kar sakte bina kisi experience Ek to ye chijen honey
bahut jaruri hai. Coherent understanding of the problems face refers to connecting the elements in a meaningful
manner to pehle to elements ko meaningful manner Mein lagana hai Jo bhi aapki problem se related elements
Hain. Usako understand karna hai, samajhana hai, chijon ko. Successful understanding also requires close
correspondence between internal representation. Matlab Ki Jo bhi problems, space ke andar Ki chijen Hain.
Chahe wo AAP wo aapki problem hai. Aapka goal hai. Jaan apne pahunchana hai. Jaise suppose AAP as a
student AAP Ek aapki initial state ye hai Ki aapke exam AA raha hai. Aapka syllabus covered nahin hai. Ye
aapki problem beach Mein aapko bahut sari rukavaten Hain ka time Kam hai. Kuchh log working Hain to unake
office ka bhi pressure hai. Kuchh logon ke ghar Mein kaam ka time ka woh nahi ho Pata padne ka plus notes
nahin hai. Understanding nahin hai bahut sare obstacles in our final goal Ye hai Ki aapka Exam hai this is your
goal state Jahan apne pahunchane is sari chijen aapki problem space ke andar AA rahi hai AAP khud aapke
exams or aapki Jo exam successfully karne Ki hai Jo end state. AB initial state kab start hoti hai jaise hi aapko
date sheet milati initial state of problems shuru ho jaati Ki date sheet AA gayi exam date. AA Gaya aur padhai
karni hai itani saari problems hai Beech Mein to AAP uske uper jab consistently kaam karoge AAP us pure
chijon ko pahale to properly Ek usamen rakhoge manner Mein meaningful manner Mein kya aapne kaise kab
aapki exam key date kaunsi hai uske pehle AAP ke paas kitne din Hain aapke paas kitna syllabus hai woh saree
chijen meaningful manner Mein proper relation Mein rakhi jayengi. AAP uspe consistently kaam karoge. Aur
AAP usko matlab hai usme solution dhundhne Ki koshish karoge hame kaise dheere dheere karke har Ek
obstacles ko door karne hai jaise Ki time ka Jo kami hai. Usko kaise hamane solve karna hai work pressure hai
to usko kaise balance karna hai. Toh ye saari chijen samaj Mein nahi AA raha hai Agar notes to uske liye kaise
kahaan se hamen or resources dhundhane to dheere dheere apne har Ek obstacles to clear karna kabhi aapne
gold state pahunchenge otherwise AAP Beech Mein hi ruk jaaoge or aapka goal state yani Ki successful
clearing of exam nahi ho payega. To ye problem space hai poora Jo ye sari chijen aapke Ek in sabane aapko Ek
alag se space bana diya imaginable space bana diya Jahan pe AAP sirf usi problem ke baare Mein sochte that is
your problem space. Rules kya hote Hain these rules these refers to the rules exist in converting the problem
state into a goal state up jaise aapka yahaan pe kya goal hai Ki aapne Jo hai apna exam seriously clear karne
Hain successfully AB isliye AAP kuchh rules banaoge apane lie subah jaldi uthana hai shaam ko bhi padhai
padhai ke liye time nikalna hai. Videos dekh ke samajhna hai notes banane hai. Jo bhi rules AAP banaoge Who
sare rules aapko aapki initial state se final state pay leke jayenge. Woh rules Ki baat ye kar rahe hai Jo problem
Ki Ek state se dusri state Mein leke jaate Hain hamen rules ye hamari problem solving may help. Karte Hain
rules and it begins with obstacles or difference between the obstacle. Shuruat hoti hai na hamare pehle obstacles
kaise time Ki kami hai Toh pehle hum rule banayenge hamen timetable bana Lena chahiye padhane ke liye to
aise karte karte Jo bhi hamari problem hogi use hum shuru karenge aur Jo difference hai aapke original state se
goal state ke Beech ka usako cover karenge hum dheere dheere. To ye rules samay help karte Hain apane final
state pahunchane ke liye. Example unhonne Ek Diya yahaan pe. Jaise Kolar ka experiment tha chimpanzee wala
Ye hum example Ki tarah bhi padh lete Hain aise bhi Hain experiment bhi Pata hona chahiye Kolar ne Jo hai
chimpanzee ko experiment kya kiya tha usko Ek cage Mein rakh diya tha kaise pinjra hota hai aur woh hungry
tha woh chimpanzee tha usko khana nahi diya tha usko bhookh lagi thi aur Jo bananas. The woh roof par tange
hue the to usaki initial state ye thi usko bhookh lagi use kisi tarike se bananas Mein pahunchana hai aur woh
roof par tange Hain aur woh roof usaka haath nahi JA raha. Or uske saath Mein teen boxes pade Hain floor pe
jaise. Suppose is tarah se koi cage hai or cage ke andar yahaan pe chimpanzee Hain yahan pe baitha hai aur
usko bhookh lagi hai chimpanzee ko yahaan pe banana hai jaan pe who pahunch nahi PA raha hai. Aur vahin
side Mein catch Mein teen boxes rakhe hai jiska chimpanzee ko kya Pata Ki box ka kya use ho sakta hai kya
kisne rakha. It should be noted that chimpanzee came closer to the bananas only by putting. AB ye hame samajh
Mein AA raha Hain Ki dekho teen boxes rakhe honge to obviously UN tinon boxes ko Ek upar Ek rakhega to
automatically who apane goal pahunch jaaega upper but abhi chimpanzee ka cognition level utana nahin hai
jitna human beings ka hota hai. Toh suddenly ye cheese dekh ke nahi bata payega humko kya Pata hai. Kyonki
hamen experience hai in SAB chijon ka hamane dekha hai hamen knowledge hai hum is tarah Ki problem
hamare liye choti ho gayi?A chimpanzee ke case Mein kya Hua after a series of irrelevant behaviours
Chimpanzee ne bahut koshish Ki banana Tak pahunchane Ki bahut kuchh Kara usane woh nahin pahunch paya
suddenly apne who stages nahi padi thi creativity Mein bhi kuchh stages hoti hai vaisi problem solving Mein
bhi hoti hai pehle bahut try karte rehte Hain hum usko thodi der ke liye chhod dete Hain incubation men fir
suddenly hamen yaad aate Hain toh aisi wo bahut jyada try kar Chuka thak Gaya usane chhod diya uske baad
usako suddenly solution Mila. Or usako ye samajh Mein AA Gaya Ki Agar Mein ye tinon boxes ko Ek upar Ek
yaad rakhunga toh main ispe chadh ke apne bananas ko le sakta ye example unhonne problem solving ka bataya
hai. Jisme aapko stages bhi Pata chale kaise hota hai. Aur ye bhi Pata chala Ki problem solving Jo hai kaise
hum Ek apni initial state se goal state pahunchate to usmen bahut sare obstacles Aate Hain ye collar ka
experiment aapko vaise bhi Pata hona chahiye naam important hai ye cooler aapko naam yaad rakhna. And. So
internal representation and understanding of the problem which was continuously going in chimpanzees
unconscious mind termed as insight the colour Navy Bola hai finally usako insight AA jata hai matlab suddenly
usako solution AA jata hai mujhe kya karna chahiye then comes typologies of the problem. Typologies maam
ye dete Hain hum kis particular problem kis tarike se Term de sakte Hain jaise Agar pahale ye bol rahe hai well
defined problem hoti hai ya fir ill defined problem hoti well defined problem kya hoti a problem is well defined
if there is a definable initial state and a goal state kuch problems may jab hamein poora exactly Pata hai Ki
hamari initial state kya hai or hamara goal kya hai jisko hum clearly likh sakte Hain bol sakte hai bata sakte
Hain explicitly. Jisamen hum rules rakh sakte hai. Jaise hamari exam Wali problem Ki Jo baat kar rahi thi wo
bhi Ek well defined problem hai hame Pata hai hamari initial state kya hai hame bhi Pata hai usme goal kya hai.
Aur hame Pata hai Ki hamane usmen operator kaun hai ye bhi clear hai bilkul operator kaun hai isamen or rules
kya hamen rakhne honge us Tak pahunchane ke liye Kal Tak to jab aise problem hoti hai. Jisme SAB kuchh
clear hota hai. Usko well defined bolte collar key problem Bhi well defined hai Usme operator kaun hai
chimpanzee a initial state kya hai Ki woh hungry hai. Goal state Kya hai usko banana Tak pahunchana hai. Ill
defined problem kya hoti hai in which one or all of the elements of the problem space are not clearly defined.
AB Jahan pe initial state nahi Pata exactly kya hai goal state nahi Pata final kya hone Wali hai unpredictable hai
goal operator or rules ka clear nahi hai usko hum ill defined problem bolte Hain jaise creation of a painting koi
painting banana chahta hai uski painting ka goal kiya hai wo kis tarike se usmen koi rule set nai painting to Ek
art hai or arts Mein kya hota hai jaise koi bhi aaj ho Gaya handicraft ho Gaya art and craft. Jasmin certain rules
regulation fixed nahi hote Hain aur kya uski end result hoga wo bhi bahut jyada unpredictable hota hai bar
cheese bahut achi banke AA jaati hai usko hum ill defined problem bolte hai jaan initial or final goal state nahi
Pata. Then comes problem in of inducing structure. Problems of inducing structure required determining
relationship among several elements of a problem. The jab hum problem ke andar ke saare elements K
relationship determine karte Hain jaise example samajhate Hain. Take the analogy problem in which operator is
required to find a structure in some elements with clearly defined rules. For example of structure elements are
burned to sky as fish is to water. Analogies kya hoti hai jaise analogies hoti hai Jahan par hum do chijon ka apas
men compare karte Hain ye batane ke liye Ki woh do chijen kaise similar Hain. Jaise Agar hum apni human
mind ko Agar hum. Computer se computer key processing se. Compare karte Hain memory men. Hamne padha
na hum information processing memory of computer key apas men Compare analogy bolte Hain toh analogy
Mein hum do chijon ko similar as a similar compare karte Hain unhonne bhi diya hai bird jaise sky Mein hota
hai vaise fish water Mein hoti hai ye analogy. To isamen kya hai problem of inducing structure ka matlab ye hai
Ki jab hum do chijon ke Beech ka relation nikalane Ki koshish karte Hain analogy key form Mein analogy
problem hoti hai jaise solving analogy problem required 3 analogy problem to solve karne ke liye particularly
baat kar rahe hai toh hum analogy ko hi sochenge to analogy ko solve karne ke liye teen type cognitive skills
chahiye process of attribute discovery, process of encoding process of comparing. Encoding attribute
Evaluating attribute based on the structure among the elements. Jaise, manloo, attribute discovery, ka, kya,
matlab, Hua, hamen attributes, dhundhane, Hain. Attributes kya hota hai kisi cheese key quality ya kisi cheese
Key Features hote Hain AB jaise yahaan pe Agar hum bird or fish K Features ko apas men. Compare karna
chahte Hain in donon ke Beech ka Analogy banana chahte Hain hum dekhenge Ki bird or sky ka kya apas men.
Relation hai bird kya Attributes hai sky kya bird sky Jo hai bird ka Ek tarike se ghar Ki tarah hai. Home Ki
tarah hai. Jahan par bird Kahin bhi JA sakta hai aur woh kahan par Jee sakta hai. Aise hum fish ke baare Mein
sochenge Ki water Jo hai wo fish ke ghar Ki tarah hai jaan bhi kahin bhi JA sakta hai toh hum attributes pahale
to usake soch rahe Hain memory wala example lete Hain Ki hum memory Mein kis tarike se information pehle
hamare mindman encode hoti hai fir wo store hoti process hoti hai uske baad who store hoti hai store hone ke
baad who retrieve hoti hai ye hamane kiske who dekhi memory key attributes dekhkar hamane computer system
key attributes dekhe usme bhi hum ko information type karte Hain. To pahle encode karta hai usko process
karta hai store karta save kar leta hai. Jab tu store ho jaati hai. Next time hamen jab wo cheez dobara hum isko
kholte Hain toh retrieve ho jati hai. Toh hum yahaan pe kya kar rahe Hain attribute discovery Kai chijon Ki Jo
hum ne apas men relationship Mein woh karna hai. Compare karna process of encoding Vikram in chijon ko
samajhane Ki koshish karte hai. Kis tarike se wo Ek dusre se similar hai. Then process of comparing fir hum
kya karte Hain Jo attributes hamane likhe Hain. Usako donon ke attributes ko apas men. Compare karte Hain
Jin do chijon ko hamne apas men compare karna hai, jaise, bird 2, sky and fish to water. In the attributes humne
dekhe inco encode kiya uske baad apas men. Compare kiya kya Agar hum bird ko sky se hata de to kya wo kahi
rah payega ya fir hum usko paani Mein daal de to kya rahega aise hi fish ko Agar. Hum pani se nikal ke bahar
kar de to attributes apas men. Compare karte Hain tab hamen analogy samajh Mein aati hai to ye hai. Analogies
key problem solve Karne Ki steps. Fir problems of transformation. Problems of transformation require finding a
sequence of operations. Jaise analogy problem Mein hamen kya karna hota hai. Compare karna hota
transformation Ek problem hoti hai, jisamen sequence batani hoti hai. To yahaan pe unhonne Ek example diya
hai jiska naam hai Tower of Hanoi. Modified version of the problem Yahaan pe unhonne illustrate bhi kiya hai
Agar aapko main diagram dikhaata ho. Ye Tower of Hanoi Karke, Problem of transformation. Iyer tower of
Hanoi Jo problem hai iske rules ye hai Ki jaise AAP yahan par teen disk dikha rahe Hain number 1 2 or 3.
Isamen kya hai Ki sabse chhoti disk sabse upar hai fir uske niche use badi hai sabse niche sabse bada desh hai.
Teen towers Hain tower a ye vala Jo tower hai. Tower a hai ye tower b hai ye tower C hai. Problem K Initial
State Ki Tinon Tower Jahan par Hain Goal State Tak pahunchana Hai or Gold state Kaun si hai Tower C.
Yahaan pe aane chahiye tinon or tinon Ki hi sequence aisi honi chahiye jaise dikhai 1 2 or 3. AB jaise ye ho Gai
initial state, ye ho Gai final state. Iske rules bhi hai. Kuchh aise hame Pata tha Ki problem. Main rules hote Hain
rules ye hai Ki AAP Ek time Ek hi disk utha sakte ho aur aisa nahi kar sakte Ki aapne niche choti disk rakh di
upper usase badi rakh di or sabse upar rakh di sabse badi ye bhi nahi kar sakte matlab aapne Ek time pe hi disk
uthani hai. Aur suppose aapne Ek yaad rakhi to dusri AAP yahan rakhoge AAP ye nahi kar sakte Ki choti Wali
aapne niche rakhe badi Wali upper rakh di. To is tarike se apane iska algorithm nikalna hai ya fir apne step by
step aapne uska solution nikalna hai Ki kaise hum ye towers dinon Jo tinon disk hai 12 or 3 Ek Ek karke yahaan
pe same to same tarike se leke AA jaye kaise yahaan dikhaaya hai or ye bhi na ho Ki hum niche choti disk
rakhe aur uske uper badhiya jaye ye bhi nahi kar sakte to iska solution AAP Agar. Modi video pause Karke
AAP koshish karo iska solution. Nikalane Ki Ki disk a se?Disc Tak ye leke jaane Hain teen tower Hain aapke
paas ABC exactly yahaan bhi aise hi dekhna chahiye tower number one upper tower number 2 niche or tower
number 3 niche aise hi dekhna chahiye AAP is valid tower ka use kar sakte ho beach Mein disk ko yaad rakhne
ke liye lekin niche choti nahi aani chahiye upper badi nahi aani chahiye hamesha niche badi honi chahiye. To
AAP koshish karo pause karke Agar AAP ye solve kar pao aapki problem solving skill se Pata chal jayega Ki
AAP kitna creatively critically soch kar paate ho Agar nahi kar sakte pause karke nahi kar PA rahe ho to fir
aage main solution to bata rahi Hoon to vo dekh sakta Hoon uska solution kya. To iska solution ye main yahan
pe aapko draw karke batata Hoon kyonki iske step se kuchh paise kamane dekha Ki ye transformation Vale
Mein sequence hote Hain iski sequence sequence kaise Hain. Suppose teen towers Hain hamare pass yahaan pe
Ek hai tower a, tower B or tower C yeh Teen towers Hain main upar likh deta Hoon aBC. Jessica yeh Dikhai pe
isamen abhi filhal disk number one, disk number 2 or disk number 3. Yahaan pe hai. Jo hamen see leke Jana hai
hum directly Tino ne utha sakte. To hum kya karenge karke uthaenge pahale hamane disk number one ko
uthaya. Or hamane usako yahaan rakh diya dis number one ko. Aur hamane disk number 2 ko uthaya or
Hamane unko yaad rakh Diya. Ye hamane pahale step Mein kiya. Theek hai toh yahan se ye donon discard hat
gayi yaar sirf this number 3 bachi hai hamne kya kiya hai pehle step Mein first disco uthake yahaan rakh diya
aur second disco uthake hamane yahaan rakh diya aise kya pehle step Mein teesri Mai kahi rah gayi. AB hum
dusre step Mein kya karenge. Dusre step Mein kya hai disk number 3 to vahin rahegi. Jo disk number 2 hai woh
bhi rahegi?Lekin Jo disk number one hai woh kahan AA jayegi disk number 2 ke upar kyonki hum bade ke upar
chota rakh sakte Hain. Theek hai toh hamane 2 ke upar wapas se aapka tower C khali ho Gaya tower C aapka
khali ho Gaya kyonki hamane kya kiya hamne Jo disk number one thi uthake idhar liye Jo idhar Jo disk rakhi
thi. Disk number one usko uthake idhar le aye to yahaan 2 thi pahle se one iski upper AA gayi yahaan pe abhi 3
bachi Hui first hour main jaise aapko yahan dikhai diagram Mein. Tisre step Mein hum kya karenge is disk ko
utha ke yahaan rakh denge kyonki ye tower khali hai to AAP kya kiya hamane. Next step Mein ye vala tower
khali kar diya tower a or yahaan Jo disk thi yaar Jo disk 3 Isco uthake hamane yahaan le aaye kyonki C khali
bilkul. To hamane Yahaan pe. 3rd Disk Rakhti. AB ye kaali ho Gaya tower aapka khaliya bilkul jaise aapko
dekh raha hai yaar AB kya next kya karenge tower ekdam khali hamara. To jo disk number one hai usko tower
a Mein wapas utha ke le disk number one ko. To Yahaan AA gayi yahaan 2 Bach Gai or Yahaan 3 Hamane
rakhi thi. Tum jab hum one to uthake idhar le aye to first Vale Tower Mein AA gayi Second Vale tower Mein
sirf 2 bachi hai or 3rd Vale Mein 3 thi hamne rakhi thi uthake. Ek step or Isamen abhi kya aayega. AB hamane
3 ke upar 2 to rakhna hi tha toh hum kya karenge isko utha ke rakh denge jaise hame chahiye already to hamne
kya kiya iska uthaya yahaan se aur yahaan rakh diya. 2 Go to Yahaan pe aapka ye vala tower Khali ho Gaya
hamane. 2 ko 3 ke upar rakh diya aise. Yeola tower khali ho Gaya tower bhi AA Mein kya hai Amit disk one
rakhi already. Aapka last hai bacha hai sirf last up Mein kya karna hai ye Jo one idhar hai usko utha ke yahaan
rakh dena hai to yahaan pe van rakha Hua tha bahut der se akela uthaya or yahaan pe rakh diya to bilkul hi vaisi
ban Gaya jaise initial state Mein tha hamari problem of solve ho gayi hamen panchhi steps lage solve karne
Mein lekin hamane rule ke according solve Kari to hamane jaise the initial state vaise hamane usako goal state
Mein pahuncha diya hai Jo hamari problem ka solution tha.

typologies of problem start Kiya tha

problems of arrangement ka kya matlab hai Jahan pe hamen rearrange karna hai chijon ko aur kuchh elements
Hain ya kuchh chijen Hain jinko rearrange karna hai jiske pahale se kuchh set rules hote Hain aur Kai Bari rules
khud bhi hamen dhundhane padte Hain anagram Ek bahut achha example hai iska anagram kya hota hai jaise
suppose Ek word likha hai throw. Isaka anagram kya banega worth usi world company Rearrange karke doosra
word bana diya aisi Ek word likha hai listen. Listen ka anagram ban sakta hai silent. Matlab kya hai Ki vahi
same chijen same alphabets ko hamne rearrange kar diya hai to ye anagram bhi Ek example hai problems of
arrangement ka jisamen hum words alphabets K letters ya sequence ko aage piche rearrange karte Hain. The
cognitive skill needed to solve an anagram is constructive search by an operator systematically examines
reasonable combination. kaise karte Hain hum Ek search karte Hain reasonable combinations karke dete Hain
alag tarike se sequence Mein laga ke check karte Hain jab Tak hum Ek meaningful sequence nahi milti hai.
Dhananjay Stages of Problem solving. Just told psychology suggests that problem solving behaviour also
follows this stage is that are followed in creative thinking abt jaise Maine creative thinking Ki aapko Jo stages
batai thi same problem solving Ki bhi hoti hai. Hamen prepare hona hota hai. Us cheese Co solve karne ke liye
information collect karni hoti hai background knowledge chahiye hoti hai uske baad hamen incubation matlab
Ki hum bahut der Tak uske baare Mein sochte rahe Hain nahin samajh Mein AA raha hai. Answer lekin fir bhi
hamare mind Mein chalti rehti hai cheese ham is problem ke baare Mein sochte rehte Hain. Fir illumination
matlab Suddenly hamen hum usko chod dete Hain jab uske baare Mein sochna to thodi der baad suddenly
hamen Ek answer samajh Mein aata hai kaise usako solve kar sakte Hain aur fir insight Isco illumination ko
inside bhi bol sakte Hain suddenly aapko idea aaya hai woh kaise solve hoga aur last Mein usaki verification
karte ho ye voi cheez hai Jo creativity Ki ye problem solving Ki bhi same stages hoti hai ye to gestalt ne Bola
hai Ki sa me hoti hai. Lekin yahaan pe polya kya bolte Hain. Polyak according 4 stages alag Hain ye bolte Hain
Ki pahli stage define understand and think about the problem to pehli stand main problem ko samajhna Ki
problem kya hai kaun si knowledge chahiye hogi kiss area key knowledge chahiye hogi problem key attributes
kaise related hamen kya information chahiye hogi to Ek tarike se ye same cheese hogi jaise yahaan pe
preparation tha to ye hum prepare hi kar rahe Hain AAP ko doosra Jo stage 2 hai usme device a plan for
solution yahaan pe hum plan karte hai kiska solution hum kaise nikalenge matlab hum. Alag alag, tarike alag
alag Solutions Alternate ways to solve the problem is tarike se ya jese se flow chart Banaya is type se apni
preparation kar rahe Hain usko solve karenge. Fir 3rd stage unhonne boliye carry out the plan the Jo bhi hamne
plan banaya hai stage 2 Mein hum usko carry out karenge execute karenge and last stage is looking back. This
involves verifying the problem solved to yahaan pe hum verify karenge Agar problem solved ho jati hai toh
hum apne plan pay carry out karte rahenge to usnene Bola Ki char stages hoti hai iska unhonne flow chart K
form Mein bhi dikhaya. Encoding the problem in working memory hum apni working memory encode karte
Hain problem ko long term memory Mein isase related job information hai uske baare Mein uski retrieve karne
Ki koshish karte Hain matlab hamen Jo bhi knowledge hai se related ya Jo bhi experienced hai usko retrieve
karne Ki koshish karte Hain execute the production system. Production system to execute karte Hain matlab Jo
bhi hamane plan kiya hai usko hum execute karte Hain evaluate the results or results ko evaluate karte Hain toh
is tarike se hum ye charge stages follow karte Hain according to. AB strategies of problem solving kya hai.
Even if the operator has all the basic knowledge, background, skill yet there is no guarantee. Give a problem
solve kar lega right ye bilkul theek hai Ki Agar knowledge Puri hai operator ko skill bhi hai sare but ye
guarantee nahi hai Ki woh problem ko successfully solve kar lega problem ko solve karne ke liye strategy
chahiye hoti hai. Proper strategy Jo hame Pata hai Ki hamari problem ko solve. Karegi hi karegi. Chatterji ka
matlab kya hai Ki steps ho Gaya procedure ho Gaye to hamen Ek procedure ya strategy likhni chahiye lagake
rakhna chahiye koi problem solve karni or sochna chahiye aur woh strategy guide karti operator ko ko step by
step kaise kaam karna hai toh strategy ka kya role hai Ki wo Ek. ek guaranteed approach hoti hai strategy
matlab Ek planned approach ho Gaya guaranteed approach ho gayi jisamen hamen ye Ek tarah se surety rehti
hai. Ki is strategy se Agar hum challenge to hamari problem solve ho jayegi. Cognitive psychologists have
described 2 major strategies yahaan pe 2 strategies and algorithm and heuristic Jo bahut jyada hum log apni
daily life may be use karte Hain hum dekh lete Hain kya. Algorithmic aisi strategy hai jisamen ensure kiya jata
hai. Correct solution problem kA nikle chahe step by step Hamen karna pade lekin hum ismein jaise hamane
tower of Hanoi Wali problem solve Curry thi hum usmein step by step chal rahe the jab Tak hamen solution
nahin mil Gaya problem ka to hamen Ek sequence follow karte hai. Jab Tak correct meaningful hamen word na
mil jaye kaise anagram Wali problem hai to ye saari problems algorithm se chalti hai jisme hamen matlab. Ek
step Mein nahi hota hai jisamen kafi sare steps Ki jarurat padti hai woh algorithm Wali approach hoti hai. Aur
hamesha who step na exact hone chahiye matlab vo Sahi hone chahiye or usmen koi confusion nahin honi
chahiye kyonki Agar aapke steps Mein confusion ho jayegi to fir AAP ko bahut jyada usamen problem Mein
ulajh jaoge to algorithm Jo hai woh bahut jyada exact hona chahiye without any confusion. Algorithm must
terminate terminate matlab kahin na kahin jaake khatm hona chahiye aisa nahin ke usamen lagao or aapki
problem nahi solve hai to Ek usaka solution hona chahiye uski termination honi chahiye algorithm key. Ki
Jahan pe Jake usako result mil jaye algorithm must be effective effective ka matlab ye hai Ki aapko steps hone
chahiye effective hone chahiye AAP dheere dheere apne solution ke paas pahunch rahe ho. It is all important
hai iske finite steps hone chahiye finite means aisa nahin ke infinitely AAP karte hai aapka solution Neha
algorithm must be journal. This means it must solve every instance of the problem to koi bhi algorithm to Ek
particular problem ke liye use hota hai us type hair problem clear hona chahiye jaise a program that computes
the area of a rectangle should work on all possible dimensions of rectangle to koi Ek formula hai Agar Jo area
of rectangle nikal raha hai toh rectangle ke sare jitne bhi. Type of dimensions Hain sabke liye Kam hona
chahiye uska to ye Jo steps hi us tarah Ki problems ke liye hamesha useful Hone chahiye algorithm Ek tarah Ki
guaranteed approach hai jiska pyar Ek baar aapko Pata chal Gaya is tarike solve hoga toh AAP in steps ko note
kar lo aur woh hi steps aapke kaam aayenge is tarah Ki problem main har baat fr aata hai you Mystics. Next
athiya strategy, heuristics, heuristics, yani Ki jaise hum jisko bolte Hain rules of thumb ya fir educated guess
bhi bol sakte Hain isko kya hota hai hamen pahle se kuchh knowledge hai kisi cheez Ki uske accordingly hum
guess kar rahe Hain to isamen kya hai Ek to ye journal. Isamen koi particular rule aisa nahin hai Ki hum koi
cheese follow kar rahe Hain hum Ek strictly likhi Hui koi cheese aisa kuch nhi hota or isamen a guaranteed nahi
hoti hai Ki hamen. Ek hi baar main problem ka solution mil jayega isamen Kai baar try karna padta trial and
error bhi apne ghar suna hoga trial and error to woh Jo trial and error method hai woh bhi heuristics Mein hi
aata hai. Kyonki usmen hamen Kai baar try karna padta hai. Kuchh chijon ko jaise Ek woh hota hai na jaise
manlo koi lock nahi khul raha hai. alag alag chabi laga ke check kar rahe ho wahi heuristic hai toh AAP usmein
ekdam guess kar rahe ho ye Wali bhabhi lag jayegi lekin Ek baar main nahi aata hai solution fir AAP dusri try
karte ho toh is tarike se heuristic kaam karta. Isamen means and analysis technique. Means and analysis ka
matlab hai. Apne problem ko chhote chhote hisson Mein baant liya aur aapka Jo goal hai. Jo bada goal hai Us
Tak pahunchane ke liye aapko chhote chhote goal hain unako poora karna hai. Pahle tab AAP bade goal
pahunch jaoge to aapne pahle apni problems ko goals Mein different actions Mein divide kar liya hai Ki hum
action one karenge 2 karenge 3 karenge 4 karenge usase hamara ye goal achieve hoga usay achieve hoga usay.
Use your finally inchara goal through hamara Ek Jo badi problem hai uska solution hamen mil jayega. Isko
bolte hai means and analysis to short term goals Ko poora karte Hain. Long term goals Tak pahunchane ke liye.
working backward working backward Mein kya hota hai Ulta chalte Hain hum jaise kabhi aapne dekha hoga
maze kabhi solve karte ho jab puzzle maze hota hai jisamen rasta dhundh idhar udhar se end pahunchana hota.
To Kai baar Hain sidhe tarike se rasta nahin mil raha tha hum kya karte Hain usmen hum Ulta chalna shuru
karte Hain Ulta chalte chalte hum starting Mein pahunchte Hain usko bolte Hain working backward. Kyonki ye
bhi hum Ek tarike se guesswork kar rahe Hain aur lekin isamen Ulta chal rahe Hain next aata hai. Analogy jiske
baad hamane pahale bhi Curry thi jab hamane Example discuss kiya tha Ki bird in sky. Ka kya similarity hai
fish in water men. In donon Ki apas men kya similarity example hamane starting Mein discuss kiya tha woh Ek
tarah Ki analogy hai to usme bhi hum. Heuristics to apply karte hai jisme hum koshish karte Hain Ki donon ke
attributes ko match karne Ki jaise bird in sky ka kya matlab or fish in water ka kya Hua. Fir factors affecting
problem solving kaun si factors hamari problem solving to effect karte Hain and isamen do chijen main Ek to
time taken in solving the problem. Kitna time lagta hai problem to solve karne Mein and probability of getting
the solution. Hamen kitani probability hai solution aane ke kitna time lagta hai kitne chances Hain Ki hamari
problem solve ho jayegi kuchh factors to unhonne discuss kar rahe Hain nature of problem degree of difference
between initial and goal state. Aapki initial state or goal state Mein kitna difference hai perceiver set functional
fixedness char main factors Hain toh pehla job factor hai nature of problem nature of problem matlab magnitude
kya problem ka magnitude matlab kitni badi problem hai. Kitne difficult problem hai. Kitana time lagega usako
karne Mein kitni serious problem hai us type se magnitude kitna bada hai isaka difficulty level kitna hai us
problem ka. Also the initial state of the problem is 2 different from that of the final goal. Initial state or final
goal Mein bahut jyada difference hai Jo imagine karna bhi mushkil ho raha hai hum us goal Tak kaise
pahunchenge final goal Tak hum kaise pahunchenge. While while size of a problem is positively related with
the number of elements present in the problem space. To kya hota hai Ki Agar jaise size of the problem ka
matlab kya hai Ki jitane. Number of elements are problem Hain itani badi problem number of elements Kaise
hamane who tower of Hanoi wala Jo kiya tha usme kya tha hamne dekha tha teen disk kaise rakhe theek hai
lekin Agar wo teen Ki jagah hum ko paanch ya chhah disk mili hoti to hamari problem ka Jo magnitude hai
bada ho jata hai. To kitne number of elements Hain us problem men us pay depend karta hai Ki problem ka
magnitude kya hai. Jaise anagram Mein kya hai Agar letters K alphabets K letter bada de bada sa word den to
wo problem ka magnitude bhi bada ho jayega to that is called nature of the problem. Greater the difference
between initial and goal state up goal state yani Ki Jo aapka goal hai or initial matlab problem shuru hoti hai
UN donon ke Beech ka difference kitna hai uspe bhi depend karta hai aapki problem kitni jaldi solve hoti hai
aur kitni der sey. Jaise unhonne jumble words ka example liya hai jaise jumble words Mein 2 give an example
take a complete jumble of letters in an anagram which clearly describes such a situation to jaise anagram ka
example h joh bilkul hi jimbled of letters hai jisamen bilkul nhi samajh Mein AA raha to solve karke kya
banega. Jaise Agar aapko main is tarike se Ek jumble of words Dun Isamen kitne jyada aur main bolun Ki AAP
Isco batao Ki iska kya word banega Jo meaningful word banata hai iska to jitne jyada alphabet honge utana
jyada aapka Jo initial state hai usase difference goal state ka jyada ho jayega matlab aapko number of steps
jyada lene padenge. Top isamen sare alphabets ko aage piche laga ke dekhne Ki kya ban raha hai. Aur finally
AAP apne goal state Mein pahunchenge Agar char sirf words hote Agar Maine sirf chhote se word kiya aapko
problem bhi hoti hai jaise suppose Maine chali ye likha hota hai ye kya hai. Eno to aapko sirf teen char steps
karte Hain aapko Pata chal jaata hai ye one likha hai lekin abhi itana bata word Maine diya hai isamen aapke
number of steps jyada ho jayenge to iska matlab aapke initial state or goal statement format jyada ho Gaya to
AAP ye Jo hai uska alag alag tarike se bahut bada karke dekhoge. Finally aapko last Mein samajh Mein aayega
Ki ye Jo hai word that is creativity. Next is the perceiver set perceiver set kya hota hai jaise Kai baar kya hota
hai hamara khud ka Ek perception hota hai Jo bahut stereotypical hota stereotypical matlab. Hum naye tarike se
socha nahin paate Hain Jo abhi Tak chalta hai. Hum usi tarike se sochte Hain. Stereotypical Mein kya hota hai.
Hum apna to apna hamara mental set hota hai usi ke according chalte Hain mental set ka matlab Ek baar Jo
hame adat pad Gaye hum usi cheese Co hamesha usi habit ko use karte Hain hum apne tarike ko nahi badalte
hamara perception. Aisa ho jata hai. Problem ISI tarike solve hogi a problem Agar change ho gayi hai. Usme
Agar problem Mein kuchh naya AA Gaya hai toh hamara purana perception. Usamen kaam nahi karega to
hamari problem solve nahi hogi inhonne bahut achha example yahaan diya hai jaise. Suppose hum ye padhai
award MacDonald. Saamane Isco Mac Donald pada fir hamane ye vala word dekha to hamane Isco macmohan
padha ye vala word dekha to hamane Isco MacGregor padha AB hamara Ek mental set ban gayi jab bhi Mai Ek
saath aayega to hamen usako Mac padhni or suppose ISI ka accordingly. Kisi ne is word ko bhi Matt Hinry
padh liya to iska matlab usaka mental set ban Gayi is word ko hamesha Mac hi padhana jabki Agar AAP
dekhoge to ye Jo word likha hai ye machinery likha hai. To yahaan pe AB aapko apna stereotypical thinking Se
Kam nahin chalega yahaan pe dekhna padega Ki word change ho Gaya wohi chal raha hai. Jo tha ye to saare
naam the lekin ye Nam nahi hai. Person ka ye to person ye to proper noun the uske logon ke naam the but ye
toh kya hai ye non living thing ka name hai noun hai toh islie Stereotypical method har jagah Kam nahi aata
unhonne bahut chota sa Example deke samajhaaya Ki jinka Ek mental set hota hai hamesha us cheese ko usi
tarike se dekhna hai. Who is tarah Ki galti kar dete Hain fir aate Hain functional fixedness Jo bahut jyada
galtiyan hoti Hain hamare saath bhi daily life Mein hamen Pata hai, kisi cheez ka use kaise ho sakta hai. Hum
uske naye tarike se use hi nahi kar sakte Hain aur karte bhi nahi hai. Functional fixedness matlab hamein Pata
hai Ki Agar scissor ka use sirf katne ke liye hota toh hum seizure ko kisi aur cheez main use kabhi nahi karte na
hum uska koi aur tarika nikalte hi use karne ka to aise hame har cheese uses Pata hai Agar hamare ghar Mein
kaun si cheez kya hai pencil ka use sirf likhne ke liye ho sakta hai toh hamare mind Mein Agar koi aur uska use
hi nahi AA raha hai manlo Agar koi kehta hai Ki use bookmark nahi mil raha hai bookmark chahiye uske dimag
Mein ye nahi toh pencil ko bookmark itana use kar le yaar aur bhi chijen to Agar functional fixedness hoga
mind Mein to hum. Kisi cheez ko. Naye tarike se nahi use kar payenge to ye saare factors Hain Jo problem
solving ko effect.

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