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Systematic Review

Artificial Intelligence Approach in Department of Sport


Biomechanics, Central
Biomechanics of Gait and Sport: A Tehran Branch, Islamic
Azad University, Tehran,
Systematic Literature Review Iran
Department of Sport In-
juries and Corrective Ex-
ercises, Sport Sciences
Rozhin Molavian (PhD Candidate)1 , Ali Fatahi (PhD)1* , Research Institute, Teh-
Hamed Abbasi (PhD)2, Davood Khezri (PhD)3 ran, Iran
Department of Sport
Biomechanics and Tech-
nology, Sport Science
ABSTRACT Research Institute, Teh-
Background: Artificial neural network helps humans in a wide range of activities, ran, Iran
such as sports.
Objective: This paper aims to investigate the effect of artificial intelligence on
decision-making related to human gait and sports biomechanics, using computer-
based software, and to investigate the impact of artificial intelligence on individuals’
biomechanics during gait and sports performance.
Material and Methods: This review was conducted in compliance with the
PRISMA guidelines. Abstracts and citations were identified through a search based on
Science Direct, Google Scholar, PubMed, Elsevier, Springer Link, Web of Science,
and Scopus search engines from 1995 up to 2023 to obtain relevant literature about the
impact of artificial intelligence on biomechanics. A total of 1000 articles were found
related to biomechanical characteristics of gait and sport and 26 articles were directly
pertinent to the subject.
Results: The extent of the application of artificial intelligence in sports biomechan-
ics in various fields. In addition, various variables in the fields of kinematics, kinetics,
and the field of time can be investigated based on artificial intelligence. Conventional
computational techniques are limited by the inability to process data in its raw form.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques can handle com-
plex and high-dimensional data.
Conclusion: The utilization of specialized systems and neural networks in gait
analysis has shown great potential in sports performance analysis. Integrating AI into
this field would be a significant advancement in sport biomechanics. Coaches and
athletes can develop more precise training regimens with specialized performance
prediction models.
Citation: Molavian R, Fatahi A, Abbasi H, Khezri D. Artificial Intelligence Approach in Biomechanics of Gait and Sport: A Systematic Literature
Review. J Biomed Phys Eng. 2023;13(5):383-402. doi: 10.31661/jbpe.v0i0.2305-1621.

Artificial Intelligence; Biomechanics; Machine Learning; Performance; Sports

Introduction *Corresponding author:
Ali Fatahi
rtificial Intelligence (AI) and related technologies have signifi- Department of Sport Bio-
cantly impacted the scientific exploration of sports and human mechanics, Central Teh-
performance in sports biomechanics, whereby computerized ran Branch, Islamic Azad
scrutiny has been commercially viable [1]. The level of processing University, Tehran, Iran
capability and technological advancement has significantly increased
over the past twenty years, as evidenced by the current extent to Received: 19 May 2023
which computers are utilized for the biomechanical analysis of sports Accepted: 7 September 2023

Copyright : © Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering

J Biomed Phys Eng 2023; 13(5)

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Com-
mons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Unported License, (http://creativecom- 383 which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Rozhin Molavian, et al
techniques [2]. In recent years, there has been literature, mathematics, and computer science.
a marked evolution in AI technology to have a This is considered a promising application
significant impact across various sectors. The area [9, 10]. Furthermore, alternative classi-
sports industry has emerged as a beneficiary of fiers, such as the k-nearest Neighbor (k-NN)
the advancements in AI due to the facilitation algorithm or Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
of a transition from conventional to contempo- are frequently utilized modeling instruments,
rary practices [3]. presenting advantageous prospects for the
The utilization of AI continues to transform examination and identification of sport-
sports in multifarious and incalculable ways, specific data patterns [8]. Acikkar et al. [11]
surpassing the current level of comprehension. employed SVMs in their methodology to
AI is recently implemented to delineate each prognosticate the aerobic fitness of athletes.
facet of sports at every conceivable level to Several additional research studies are associ-
facilitate the transformation of statistics and ated with the act of running to assess the in-
analysis in revolutionizing the approach to herent categorization of track inclination and
strategizing and implementing games on the speed parameters [12] or discern variances in
field. Furthermore, AI has augmented preci- kinematic characteristics [13].
sion in sports as scores, player movements, Another notable facet impacted by AI is
and fan behaviors can be readily anticipated acknowledged as the manner of walking,
through its application [3, 4]. commonly referred to as gait, emblematic
The role of human function in the perception of autonomy and distinctiveness in humans;
of quality life and detection of degradation is therefore, any aberration from the norm can
paramount, due to precipitation of the onset significantly diminish the standard of living
of aberrations [5]. AI concepts are highly ap- [14]. Gait analysis, the research pertaining
propriate for creating efficient assessment and to human walking, is a methodical approach
feedback structures in the field of sports. Sub- to identify unfavorable variances within the
sequent to the initial upswing observed in the gait pattern and subsequently ascertain their
1970s and 1980s, the implementation of AI underlying source and consequential impact.
techniques has become restricted to distinct Analysis of the Gait is a methodology em-
domains of application, one of which is sports, ployed to unveil the intricate mechanisms un-
in which their use has become essential in derlying human locomotion through the quan-
evaluating sports data. Recent instances com- tification of factors that govern the functional
prise the innovation of mobile monitoring sys- presentation of the lower extremities [15, 16].
tems that comprise classification algorithms Dysfunctional locomotion may manifest due
for real-time analysis and feedback generation to either acute or chronic injury or as a result
in sports, such as running [6] or golf [7]. Simi- of inadequate biomechanical functioning [17].
larly, the present study investigates the utiliza- The analysis of variability in gait through the
tion of artificial intelligence techniques in con- use of kinematic and kinetic characterizations
junction with innovative measuring devices is an empirical and quantitative approach that
within the realm of resistance exercise [8]. may prove advantageous to the field of bio-
Specific inquiries, conversely, concentrate mechanics. Expertise in this area may benefit
on the creation of machine learning techniques from such an approach. The implementation
to categorize, pattern recognition, and antici- of AI techniques is advantageous in the sport
pation of the information related to sport, for and gait analysis. Such techniques possess the
instance, motion sequences [8]. The use of capability to effectively manage and navigate
self-learning algorithms like ANNs in perfor- through highly dimensional, temporal, and
mance analysis is gaining popularity in sports intricate sets of data [18, 19]. It is beyond the

384 J Biomed Phys Eng 2023; 13(5)

Artificial Intelligence in Sports Biomechanics
purview of this review study to provide the systematic inquiry [24].
reader with comprehensive knowledge regard-
ing the AI methodologies expounded upon Eligibility criteria and search
herein. This paper presents an overview of strategy
the concept of Artificial Intelligence. To pro- To obtain relevant literature on the impact
mote clarity, succinct explications and opera- of artificial intelligence on biomechanics, ab-
tional definitions are provided where pertinent stracts, and citations were identified through a
[20, 21]. search using Science Direct, Google Scholar,
The implementation of AI technology has PubMed, Elsevier, Springer Link, Web of Sci-
become ubiquitous across all facets of sports. ence, and Scopus search engines from 1995 up
As an illustration, by means of cameras and to 2023 articles published. Articles in English
wearable sensors, computer systems are ca- and published in reputable journals were con-
pable of precisely acquiring sports data and sidered for review.
the physiological data of athletes during both Search terms included ‘‘Machine Learning’’,
training and competitions. Applying AI tech- ‘‘Lower Limb’’, ‘‘Gait Rehabilitation’’, ‘‘Ar-
nology for the analysis of such data can not tificial Intelligence’’, ‘‘Implementation of AI
only aid coaches in devising tailored training or Machine Learning (ML) in Gait Analysis’’,
regimens for athletes, but it can also facilitate ‘‘Gait Analysis with AI’’, ‘‘Sport Analysis
the development of optimal game strategies with AI’’, ‘‘AI sports biomechanics’’, ‘‘Gait
[22, 23]. kinematics with AI’’, ‘‘AI in sports’’, ‘‘AI
The present study aimed to explore the Performance in sport biomechanics’’, ‘‘AI in
capabilities of AI methodologies in deter- Functional biomechanics’’, ‘‘Deep learning in
mining human gait and sports biomechanics sport biomechanics’’ in various combinations.
through the application of computer-based In the subsequent phase of the screening pro-
software. The utilization of AI methodolo- cess, a comprehensive study was conducted
gies in sports biomechanics is a promising and on the literature review, comprising a total of
stimulating approach towards future research. 512 research articles, and subsequently elimi-
Due to the paucity of literature in this sphere nating any duplicated research, thereby reduc-
and in a bid to investigate possibilities for ing the number of articles to 298. Non-sport
significant inquiry, this manuscript presents a related articles have been removed to ensure
synopsis of the pragmatic execution of AI in a the relevance and accuracy of the sports arti-
closely linked discipline, specifically, ambula- cles published. The subsequent phase entailed
tory analysis. Thus, it is indispensable to scru- a comprehensive examination and assessment
tinize the significance of synthetic intelligence of the complete articles, in accordance with
in the mechanics of ambulation and athletics. the established standards for inclusion or ex-
The present study analyzed previous research clusion. A total of 26 articles were selected
on AI in biomechanics of gait and sport. AI is and subsequently subjected to a comprehen-
positively impacting sports success. The study sive qualitative analysis.
focused on evaluating the quality and bias of Through a comprehensive analysis of the
previous studies. The aim of the review was to complete texts, certain items that failed to
determine if AI affects biomechanical function satisfy the predefined criteria for inclusion
in gait and sport. were excluded, resulting in 26 distinct articles.

Material and Methods Exclusion criteria

This systematic inquiry was executed in The articles outside the domain of artifi-
strict adherence to the PRISMA guidelines for cial intelligence, as well as those not in the

J Biomed Phys Eng 2023; 13(5) 385

Rozhin Molavian, et al
English language, were excluded from the to 18 was relatively good, and less than 26
study. Furthermore, it was observed that the articles were poor. A total of 13 studies scored
articles utilizing the data extraction form, for- 21, 7 studies scored 20, and 6 studies scored
mulated with the specific objective of the re- 19. Any disparities in scoring were rechecked
search, did not align with the intended criteria. by the author.

Study selection and Bias Data collection

To mitigate potential biases or inaccuracies The pertinent data from the encompassed ar-
in study selection, each of the three review- ticles was extracted by a singular author.
ers individually evaluated the titles, abstracts,
and complete texts of the studies in adher- Data extraction and assessment of
ence to the inclusion criteria. In the event of methodological quality
any discrepancies, a joint resolution was Data from each study were collected and
achieved through a discourse among the three entered manually into Excel: (2019) name of
reviewers. the researchers (year of publication), purpose,
subjects, criteria, and results.
Quality assessment Articles were collected and discussed accord-
In this study, the quality of articles was also ing to the different domains such as machine
scored with the Modified Downs and Black learning, supervised learning, unsupervised
checklist [25]. In fact, this checklist was set learning, performance prediction, accuracy of
up to evaluate the methodology of random and parameters, sports, and gait Domain.
non-random articles, based on this checklist,
and articles were divided into four levels. If Results
the article score was between 24 and 28, the Figure 1 shows the process of the screening,
level was excellent, 19 to 23 was good, 14 which is divided into four consecutive phases,

Figure 1: PRISMA flow diagram

386 J Biomed Phys Eng 2023; 13(5)

Artificial Intelligence in Sports Biomechanics
including identification screening, eligibil- 41], three studies on unsupervised learning
ity, and inclusion in the review plan. Table 1 [38, 39, 42], seven articles concentrated per-
shows the results of the quality assessment, formance-prediction [1, 7, 8, 28, 31, 34, 41],
demonstrating the total score of the included six articles about accuracy of parameters [11-
articles based on the different validity criteria 13, 31, 36, 43], six studies on sports domain
assessment. Table 2 summarizes the character- [7, 8, 11, 30, 31, 41], and three articles on gait
istics of the included studies. Twenty-six arti- domain [40, 43, 44].
cles were considered for assessing the effect of Machine learning can be segmented into
artificial intelligence on biomechanics of gait various categories, including deep learn-
and sport functions, and eight articles related ing, and supervised and unsupervised tech-
to the investigations deep learning [26, 27, 32, niques, which respectively rely on classifica-
33, 35, 37, 45, 46], eleven studies on unsuper- tion and clustering methodologies. Table 2
vised learning [7, 8, 11-13, 17, 29, 31, 34, 36, delineated the utilization of machine learning

Table 1: Studies quality assessment based on Downs and Black checklist

External Internal Internal validity-confounding

Row Articles Reporting Total
validity validity-bias (selection bias)
1 Sah et al. [26] 8 2 6 4 20
2 Ren Hao [27] 9 2 6 4 21
3 Schrapf et al. [28] 9 2 6 4 21
4 Lee et al. [29] 9 2 6 4 21
5 Liu et al. [30] 8 2 7 4 21
6 Tou et al. [31] 9 1 7 4 21
7 Buric et al. [32] 7 1 7 4 19
8 Prakash et al. [17] 7 1 7 4 19
9 Acuna and David [33] 9 2 6 4 21
10 Tumer et al. [34] 8 2 6 4 20
11 Lu et al. [35] 8 2 5 4 19
12 Phinyomark et al. [36] 9 2 6 4 21
13 Pobar et al. [37] 7 1 6 4 19
14 Novatchkov et al. [8] 9 2 6 4 21
15 Zhao et al. [38] 8 2 6 4 20
16 Fischer et al. [13] 9 2 6 4 21
17 Eskofier et al. [7] 9 2 6 4 21
18 Eskofier et al. [12] 8 2 6 4 20
19 Acikkar et al. [11] 9 2 6 4 21
20 Rozumalsk et al. [39] 7 1 7 4 19
21 Kim and Lee [40] 7 2 6 4 19
22 Silva et al. [41] 9 2 6 4 21
23 Xu et al. [42] 8 2 6 4 20
24 Pretorius et al. [43] 9 1 7 4 21
25 Juang ang Jih-Gau [44] 8 2 6 4 20
26 Lapham et al. [1] 8 2 6 4 20

J Biomed Phys Eng 2023; 13(5) 387

J Biomed Phys Eng 2023; 13(5)
Table 2: Investigations related to the Effects of artificial intelligence in biomechanics.
Authors Purpose Subject Result
To examine and contrast the effectiveness of tradi-
tional techniques, Convolutional Neural Networks A basic CNN design with image representations yields the highest perfor-
Şah et al. [26] Players in field sports
(CNNs) with varying image representations, and mance.
complex deep learning methods.
To review a sports video athlete detection system A nearly 10% improvement in athlete video detection accuracy was compared
Ran Hao [27] Athletes' sports
is through deep learning. to traditional convolution network recognition.
289 rallies of 2nd Austrian
Schrapf et al. To utilize ANN to anticipate the complex I's setting The predicted target areas by the ANN were more accurate than those by
Volleyball League Women
[28] speed and target area in volleyball. coaches, with a 2.8% increase in accuracy.
by one player
To determine the feasibility of integrating AI with Learners can gain direct experiences through sensory information, and AI can
Lee et al. [29] …
PE technology. provide objective feedback for physical ability assessment.
To apply AI and HCI to athletic training for digitali- The precision of pose reinstatement was enhanced among sportsmen during
Liu et al. [30] Three participants
zation and intellectualization. athletic preparation.
The artificial neural network model demonstrates a higher level of precision in
To find the importance of artificial neural network capturing the functional correlation between the training indices of elite shot-
Tou et al. [31] …
models to predict sports performance. put athletes and their athletic achievements. Furthermore, the model exhibits
greater accuracy in prognosticating the special performance of these athletes.
Mask R-CNN is a superior option for analyzing team sports footage due to the
To present an outline of the latest CNN-based de-
accurate identification of individual players in a group from greater distances
Buric et al. [32] tection techniques and evaluate their effectiveness Handball players
with the added advantage of a mask around the detected object. However, it
Rozhin Molavian, et al

on handball training and match videos.

does necessitate more computation power and time.
Prakash et al. To comprehensively analyze contemporary gait Different analysis methods use applications, such as clinical diagnosis, geriat-
[17] analysis. ric care, sports, biometrics, rehabilitation, and the industrial sector.
To create an online detection and tracking pipeline.
Acuna and
The tracker depends only on detection from the Basketball player The best accuracy of jump shot was around 33% in the test set.

David [33]
previous and current frame.
Artificial Intelligence in Sports Biomechanics

Authors Purpose Subject Result

Data used to develop The most optimum model exhibited a precision level of 98%, showing the artifi-
To conduct a survey on volleyball team ranking
Tumer et al. [34] obtained from 2013 to 2015 cial neural network model has the capacity to forecast the hierarchical order of
prediction using ANN.
league chart teams in a league chart with remarkable precision.
To present a cascaded CNN that satisfies all three
Basketball and soccer The approach achieves high accuracy on gaming platforms with fewer param-
Lu et al. [35] requirements, including accuracy, efficiency, and
players eters compared to traditional CNNs, making it a lightweight alternative.
low memory consumption.
Women runners have a higher risk for running-related injuries compared to
To employ PCA and SVM to analyze differences in men. A research study revealed that a significant portion of the data's vari-
Phinyomark et 483 subjects including 263
running gait kinematics between male and female ability was accounted for by a majority of the principal components. Further-
al. [36] females and 220 males
runners. more, the study showed that classifying female and male runners using SVM
resulted in an accuracy of 86.34%.
To identify and evaluate the most proficient player An evaluation method to assess the performance of the proposed active
Pobar et al. [37] in handball by detecting all players present on the Handball players player detection was proposed, which was successfully tested on a custom
court. handball dataset.
Novatchkov et To illustrate the potential of Artificial Intelligence 7 Female, 8 Male/ 20-31 Artificial intelligence can evaluate weight training equipment performance and
al. [8] (AI) techniques in sports years provide athletes with quick feedback.
The simulation results of Weka software indicate that the classifier can accu-
To enhance the adaptability control of exoskel-
rately assess lower limb motion using gait analysis data. Furthermore, cluster
Zhao et al. [38] etons, leading to successful human-computer …
analysis can group lower limb motion for various users in different environ-
ments and at different times.

J Biomed Phys Eng 2023; 13(5)

The optimized SVM performed well in separating data at different velocities
Fischer et al. To examine model classification rates for identify-
8 male competitive athletes and achieved 100% classification rates for identifying subjects, while the ANN
[13] ing subjects based on kinematic patterns.
had a slightly lower accuracy of 94% to 95.5%.
The SVM performed always better than the k-NN classifier. The best result
To introduce a recognition method that identifies
was obtained using only the club-specific feature set and the SVM. The best
Eskofier et al. [7] important predictors of golf swing technique for 396
classification result was obtained when using only the human-specific feature
improving performance.
set and the SVM
Eskofier et al. To differentiate between three categories of speed Surface inclination classification had 67.2% accuracy due to measurement

[12] and three categories of surface inclination. restrictions. Speed classification could be done with up to 89.2% accuracy.
J Biomed Phys Eng 2023; 13(5)
Authors Purpose Subject Result
Acikkar et al. To support vector machines is introduced to fore- 27 male athletes / mean Various experiments reveal that curve-fitted data outperforms other data in
[11] cast an athlete's aerobic fitness. 19±4.42 years terms of higher prediction rate, sensitivity, specificity, and shorter training time.
To assess significant differences in patterns and The study identifies five clusters in children with excessive knee flexion. A new
Rozumalsk et Subjects with Cerebral
underlying causes of various gait deviations within classification tool can define homogeneous groups in crouch gait. This can
al. [39] palsy
a larger group. guide treatment and outcomes assessment.
To adapt the gait of biped robots for different ter-
Kim and Lee The biped robot's gait varies with the terrain. The effectiveness of the gait
rains by utilizing a central pattern generator and a …
[40] adaptation method was confirmed through simulation.
leaning mechanism.
(65 males and 73 females)/
To identify explanatory factors for performance the mean age of the males
The constructed neural network models had a low mean difference between
Silva et al. [41] events, model performance, and evaluate neural was 15.9±0.4 years and the
estimated and true results.
network precision for performance prediction. mean age of females was
13.2±0.4 years
To examine the identification of the fundamental The clustering-based technique can efficiently identify gait patterns and assist
Xu et al. [42] …
walking pattern through data analysis. with clinical applications.
During a particular rugby tournament, there wasn't enough evidence to support
Pretorius et al. To compare human prediction ability to an artificially
2015 Rugby World Cup the idea that a human can predict match outcomes more accurately than a
[43] intelligent prediction system.
machine learning approach.
Juang ang Jih- To examine the use of Fuzzy neural network meth- The simulation successfully achieved specific goals, including crossing over a
Rozhin Molavian, et al

Gau [44] ods in generating robot walking patterns. specific clearance, with a desired step length, and walking at a particular speed.
To utilize artificial intelligence techniques to elevate Establishment of an expert system catering to a precise and distinct sports tech-
Lapham et al. [1] the role of computers in decision-making processes … nique would present a noteworthy progression in the field of sports biomechan-
within the discipline. ics.

Artificial Intelligence in Sports Biomechanics

methodologies by emphasizing plausible Machine learning techniques

scenarios, where these techniques could be The primary objective of utilizing machine
implemented. learning techniques is to create algorithms to
obtain knowledge either through experiential
Discussion learning by means of annotated data or inde-
AI, a domain of computer science, endows pendently detecting significant patterns from
computers to execute tasks that would typi- designated data points. Techniques, such as
cally necessitate human intelligence. Further, statistical and machine learning have been
AI comprises machine learning, an AI subset developed to represent and classify data [19].
that enhances computing programs’ perfor- Multivariate statistical methodologies, includ-
mance through the automatic learning of data ing Principal Component Analysis (PCA),
patterns. Machine learning has found success may be effectively employed for the purpose
in various domains [39]. The efficacy of AI of data analysis, referred to as data reduc-
lies in its adeptness in expeditiously scruti- tion techniques. However, their utility may be
nizing and handling prodigious quantities of limited when faced with challenges, such as
data. The techniques for data analysis are con- nonlinearity or complexity within the problem
tinually developing, enabling users to obtain domain [17]. The machine learning techniques
crucial information that is challenging to can be systematically classified into a num-
obtain manually. AI is undoubtedly among ber of distinct categories, namely, supervised
the most promising technologies for human- (classification-based), unsupervised (cluster-
kind in the future, and its benefits are reach- ing-based), reinforcement, rule-based, evo-
lutionary (Genetic algorithm, particle swarm
ing the sports world [22]. The present article
optimization), probabilistic, and hybrid ap-
investigated the concepts of AI approach in
proaches [17]. The current study conducted a
Biomechanics of Gait and Sport. A thorough
comprehensive analysis of the different tech-
examination of articles published has been
niques employed in machine learning namely
proffered in esteemed journals and perti-
supervised (classification-based), unsuper-
nent conferences. The utilization of machine
vised (clustering-based), and deep learning
learning methodologies, namely supervised
methods such as neural networks, k-NN,
SVM, clustering-based reinforcing learn- Deep learning
ing, rule-based fuzzy logic, evolutionary, and The remarkable achievement of deep learn-
Hybrid approaches, have been recruited for ing methodologies in the domain of image
gait analysis and sports. classification [47, 48] has instigated a force-
It has been determined that computational ful impetus for a greater number of research-
methodologies are presently the most exten- ers to adopt these techniques in their pursuit to
sively implemented and comprehended. The tackle a multitude of challenges, including ob-
data pertaining to gait and sports exhibits a ject detection and interception [49, 50], activ-
notable degree of heterogeneity, high dimen- ity recognition and image semantic analysis.
sionality, temporal dependence, and variabil- The foundation of the architecture of a deep
ity. Processing of this data poses a formidable learning network lies in an intricate and exten-
challenge. Besides, conventional computa- sive neural network, which is trained using a
tional techniques have a limitation in process- substantial volume of labeled data [51].
ing data in its raw form. However, AI and The algorithm of the deep learning net-
ML techniques can handle high dimensional, work asserts that it possesses the capability
temporal, and complex data [18, 19]. to attain numerous levels of training whilst

J Biomed Phys Eng 2023; 13(5) 391

Rozhin Molavian, et al

concurrently eliminating the requirement of an Lu et al. [35] a light CNN architecture is em-
all-inclusive communication level that consol- ployed to detect football and basketball play-
idates all functionalities into a solitary mod- ers in Television camera footage. RGB im-
ule, thereby expediting access to data [52]. ages are employed in the process of training
Some authors used ANN for the study of gait and testing the Convolutional Neural Network
and sport performance [8, 13, 28, 31, 34]. ANNs model. Lehuger et al. [46] announced that it
facilitate the learning process of computers is recommended to employ two convolutional
by means of experience and analogy. These layers and Grayscale images in order to de-
computer programs endeavor to construct a tect football players via a television camera.
mathematical framework of the neurons pres- In another comprehensive study, Acuna [33],
ent in the human brain. An ANN refers to a announced especially focuses on a perfor-
complex network of simple and adaptable pro- mance RGB image-based system and You
cessing elements, commonly known as nodes Only Look Once (YOLO) network for real-
[31]. The CNN is predominantly employed time detection of basketball players. Pobar
for the examination of visual imagery [53]. and Ivasic-Kos [37] showed that the YOLO
Specialized in the processing of pixel data, was used for optical flow to detect active play-
these technologically advanced systems are ers during handball matches. Moreover, Buric
specifically intended for employment in im- et al. [32] evaluated the performance of CNNs
age recognition and processing. Dorschky et to detect handball players. Sah et al. [26] also
al. [45] improved a measured inertial sensor evaluated the efficacy of recent and estab-
dataset by adding simulated data to train con- lished techniques for detecting players in field
volutional neural networks for estimating joint sports. The proposed CNN structures aimed
angles, moments, and ground reaction forces to evaluate the performance of the player uti-
during walking and running. The addition of lizing various images. According to the find-
simulated data reduced the root mean square ings, a CNN structure, which is employed in
error of the test set for joint angles and mo- tandem with image representations, attains the
ments by up to 27% and 6%, respectively, and most optimal outcomes. Hao Ren et al. [27]
for Ground Reaction Forces (GRFs) by up developed a system for detecting sports video
to 6%. However, the accuracy of the biome- athletes using deep learning for experimental
chanical model limited the simulation-aided testing. Additionally, the accuracy of detec-
estimation of joint moments and GRFs. In an- tion improved by nearly 10%, as compared to
other study, the estimation of lower limb joint conventional convolution network recognition
angles and moments was analyzed using a algorithms, which underscores the recognition
feedforward neural network with Inertial Mea- advantages of the system.
surement Unit (IMU) data. The dataset used Based on the ANN and CNN have shown
for this purpose includes both optical motion that the proposed approach can also evaluate
capture data from previous research and newly the accuracy of parameters, predict perfor-
collected IMU data. The addition of synthe- mance, and perform clustering.
sized data significantly improved joint angle
prediction, while the inclusion of noise led to Supervised learning
improved prediction accuracy, indicating the Supervised learning is considered a goal-
potential benefits of augmentation techniques oriented methodology, presenting the in-
in the context of biomechanical data for put and the desired output. A mathematical
machine learning applications [54]. framework is formed to depict the inputs in
CNNs have gained as a viable and feasible relation to the anticipated outcomes, leading
method to detect the athlete’s performance. to precisely classifying unobserved data and

392 J Biomed Phys Eng 2023; 13(5)

Artificial Intelligence in Sports Biomechanics
reducing the probability of erroneous out- into the category of its closest neighbor, set to
comes. In the course of this analysis, health- one [7].
care experts are required to assign labels to In supervised learning, data are classified
the data. Supervised learning encompasses a utilizing SVM, while variables are scrutinized
variety of machine learning algorithms, such through NNs. In the present research, the per-
as Neural Networks, k-NN, SVM, and ANN formance and accuracy of sports and gait is
[17]. investigated within the framework of super-
The neural network persists in its operation vised learning.
until it achieves a designated minimum error
or a predetermined number of epochs, lead- Unsupervised learning
ing to its significant application in normal gait In machine learning, unsupervised learn-
analysis, robotic rehabilitation, sports moni- ing models do not have access to labeled ex-
toring and tactics, geriatric care surveillance, amples for training to uncover underlying
and activity recognition [55-62]. similarities among data points based on their
The concept of NN is an endeavor to emu- shared characteristics and a metric for mea-
late their biological operations through com- suring similarity. It is important to note that
putational means. The initial research was explicit supervision is not provided during the
conducted by W. Mculloch and W. Pitts in training process.
1943 to develop artificial neurons. The NN Using a similarity measure, the data points
can cause a predetermined minimum error or are classified into distinct clusters, which
pre-established epochs. Some studies under- are predetermined. The similarity measure
scored the extensive utilization of NN in Gait can have various forms, such as Manhattan,
Analysis and sports monitoring recognition Euclidean, Minkowski, cosine distance, or
[29, 36, 41]. other related metrics. The main objective of
The SVM is a highly resilient classification this clustering method is to minimize the dis-
tool relying on a kernel function to establish tances within clusters (intra-cluster distances)
the data scatter within the desired state. Sev- while simultaneously increasing the distances
eral scholars employed the SVM method in between clusters (inter-cluster distances) [17].
the examination of gait and sports [13, 36]. Cluster analysis methodologies, commonly
The SVM constitutes an influential classi- used to group and organize data effectively,
fier for handling small to medium-sized da- play a crucial role in identifying and diagnos-
tasets. In situations, in which labeled training ing gait irregularities and classifying common
data points are available, supervised learn- physical activities.
ing techniques are emerged as a preeminent Rozumalski et al. [39] conducted a study us-
methodology [36]. ing clustering methods to identify subpopula-
The k-NN method is commonly implement- tions exhibiting different types of pathologi-
ed in gait and sport studies [7] and widely rec- cal. Xu et al. [42] the present study delved into
ognized as a nonparametric approach for both the analysis of k-mean, SOM, and Hierarchi-
categorization and regression. This algorithm cal Clustering to distinguish between normal
also operates by the k-NN methods in the and pathological gait patterns using stride
feature space as its input to assign class mem- length and cadence as metrics. The findings
bership to a given entity, which is achieved of this study showed that the clustering-based
by examining the predominant characteristics technique was proficient in identifying gait
of the entity’s neighbors. Here, the value of patterns with efficacy and in clinical appli-
k represents a positive integer. In the current cations. Zhao et al. [38] explored the field of
algorithmic framework, the entity is classified gait analysis and showed that the classifier can

J Biomed Phys Eng 2023; 13(5) 393

Rozhin Molavian, et al

effectively assess lower limb motion by between the actual and predicted outcomes
employing data derived from gait analysis. produced by all four NN models [41].
In the study conducted by Tou et al. [31], the
Performance-Prediction artificial neural network model offered a more
Athletic performance refers to the ability of accurate representation of the functional rela-
athletes to excel in sports, which is influenced tionship between exercise indices of a specific
by specific physical attributes that impact attribute in shot put athletes and their special-
their proficiency in various sports skills. The ized athletic performance. Furthermore, the
relationship between sports performance and model predicts the unique performance of
its indicators is intricate and nonlinear. Neu- shot-put athletes with greater precision. The
ral networking, a significant branch of mod- study also revealed that the specific physical
ern nonlinear science, has experienced rapid attribute of shot-put athletes plays a crucial
advancements and widespread application in role as a foundation for their specialized ath-
sports and gait analysis. Researchers have ex- letic ability.
amined the influence of artificial intelligence The results of the research by Silva et al.
on athletic performance and gait prediction, [41] demonstrated that the implementation
serving as the motivation for this study. Con- of a feed-forward neural network led to non-
versely, predicting the outcomes of sports linear analysis, which facilitated the creation
competitions poses a complex computational of four models for predicting performance.
challenge due to the multitude of uncertain Consequently, the utilization of neural net-
factors affecting the result of a match. Proba- work tools could affect addressing intricate
bilities are assigned to every conceivable state, issues, such as performance prediction model-
which the game could end, when predictions ing and talent identification in various sports,
about such outcomes that this task is generally most notably swimming. The manuscript
considered more difficult due to the increased authored by Eskofier et al. [7] reports on a
number of potential outcomes. study that outlines initial findings pertaining
In the study conducted by Novatchkov et to the establishment of a data-driven pattern
al. [8], similar patterns can be identified when recognition method that can successfully dis-
analyzing force characteristics, indicating that cern the key predictors of golf swing technique
supervised machine learning methods are suit- that are essential to enhancing performance.
able for classification purposes. This research In the study conducted by Schrapf et al. [28],
aimed to highlight the significance of AI ap- on 289 rallies of the 2nd Austrian Volleyball
proaches in sports, particularly in the context League women, the researchers assessed the
of resistance training. Additionally, the model- agreement between predicted and actual val-
ing results obtained in this study revealed fa- ues by measuring the proportion of accurate
vorable performance and accurate prediction predictions. The quality of predictions was
outcomes, showing the practicality and ef- evaluated by comparing the results produced
fectiveness of AI techniques in automatically by the ANN with those provided by expert
assessing athletic performance on resistance volleyball coaches. The ANN exhibited a pre-
training equipment and providing athletes diction accuracy of 68.1% for the designed
with timely guidance. area and 79.2% for the setting speed, which
In a study conducted on individuals engaged significantly surpassed random chance. Ad-
in swimming, the use of feed-forward NNs ditionally, the ANN outperformed the coaches
enabled the development of four models for in predicting target areas by 2.8% and showed
predicting performance. The findings of this a remarkable 14.6% improvement in predict-
investigation revealed a small mean difference ing setting speed compared to the coaches’

394 J Biomed Phys Eng 2023; 13(5)

Artificial Intelligence in Sports Biomechanics
predictions. methodology was utilized to prognosticate the
The result of the research by Tumer et al. results of the 2015 Rugby World Cup match-
[34] showed that the most optimal ANN meth- es. However, there is insufficient evidence to
od was a single hidden layer 4-neuron mod- conclude that an individual element is supe-
el, with “logsig” transfer function, “trainlm” rior to an artificial intelligence-based learning
training function, and “learngmd” adaptive approach in accurately predicting match out-
learning function. The findings indicate that comes for the sport of rugby and within the
the precision level of the most advantageous constraints of a limited tournament duration.
model was 98%, implying that the position- Acikkar et al. [11], demonstrated that the
ing of a team in a league ranking is predicted process of classification affects prioritizing
with a high degree of accuracy through the im- variables. It is not advisable to rely solely on
plementation of this artificial neural network VO2 kinetics for fitness categorization. Hence,
model. it is crucial to consider other time-dependent
According to the careful examination and variables, including but not limited to car-
analysis of the empirical evidence presented bon dioxide emissions, minute ventilation,
in this specific section, the fields of AI and and heart rate, among others to attain more
ML hold significant potential in enhancing accurate classifications.
efficiency, performance, and prediction. The Eskofier et al. [12], showed how much clas-
predictive capabilities offered by AI and ML sification affects the accuracy of parameters,
can provide invaluable benefits for coaches and the categorization of surface inclina-
to refine the athletic skills of their athletes, tion could only be achieved with a precision
including the ability to anticipate the strate- of 67.2% due to limitations in measurement.
gic moves of opposing teams and develop the Nonetheless, the data reveal that the classifi-
abilities of their own setters. Such advance- cation of speed was viable with a maximum
ments have the potential to revolutionize the accuracy of 89.2%.
coaching and playing of sports, ultimately In the comparison of athletes, the optimized
elevating the performance levels of athletes SVM demonstrated superior performance
across various domains. in accurately distinguishing data across all
velocities compared to the ANN. The SVM
Accuracy of Parameters achieved a classification rate of 100% for sub-
The accuracy of a positioning system is of- ject identification, while the ANN achieved
ten inversely proportional to its coverage; ac- rates of 94% to 95.5%.
cordingly, larger measurement volumes result According to the analysis of individuals,
in lower precision. This limitation is widely who were trained using models with data
recognized as a key factor in the selection of a collected from different speeds, it was ob-
measurement system. The accuracy and prac- served that the SVM achieved a classifica-
ticality of measurement systems are difficult to tion rate of 98.6% (compared to 94% for the
evaluate. However, the integration of artificial ANN). By implementing optimized data sepa-
intelligence enables a comprehensive assess- ration techniques, the SVM outperformed the
ment of algorithm precision. In this section, ANN in classifying ambiguous data, resulting
publications are explored that compare human in a higher classification rate [13].
intelligence with intelligent systems. A methodology was used that combined
Pretorius et al. [43] revealed that an AI PCA and SVM classification to examine the
approach using machine learning yielded differences in running gaits between male
a comparable level of accuracy. In the pres- and female runners in a large sample of the
ent investigation, a stochastic classification running population, as well as between two

J Biomed Phys Eng 2023; 13(5) 395

Rozhin Molavian, et al

age-based sub-groups. The findings showed accuracy, heightened sensitivity and specific-
that forty principal components explained ity, as well as reduced training duration [11].
84.74% of the variability in the data. Addi- Silva et al. [41] showed that utilizing neu-
tionally, the SVM achieved an accuracy of ral network models is a viable approach to
86.34% in accurately distinguishing between address complex challenges, such as perfor-
female and male runners [36]. mance modeling and talent identification in
Tou et al. [31] indicated that the employment various athletic activities, with a specific focus
of a neural network prediction model results in on swimming.
significantly decreasing error between the cal- In the study conducted by Eskofier et al.
culated value and actual value of the special [7], classification experiments were employed
results, as compared to the utilization of the to evaluate the golf swing, and the findings
multiple linear regression models. This obser- could potentially enhance the understanding
vation underscores the enhanced capacity of of the key factors that influence the successful
the neural network model to fit the quality. execution of a golf swing.
Moreover, the fitting accuracy of the function- The findings of the research conducted by
al relationship is notably high between train- Tou et al. [31], demonstrated that employing
ing level and special performance. an artificial neural network model provides
According to examination and detailed anal- a better representation of the functional rela-
ysis of the diverse findings from the fields of tionship between training indices related to the
AI and ML, these techniques possess the capa- unique qualities of shot-put athletes and their
bility not only to predict performance but also specific athletic performance. Moreover, this
to assess the accuracy of parameters. advanced model exhibits a higher level of ac-
curacy in predicting the special performance
Sports Domain output exhibited by shot put athletes.
Sports has experienced significant growth The main objective of the study conducted
over the past two decades, leading to a piv- by Liu et al. [30] is to enhance professional
otal driver for numerous economies and a pro- sports training by leveraging digitalization and
found impact on our social and cultural fabric. intellectualization techniques. This is achieved
The complexities involved in predicting and through the implementation of motion capture
enhancing athletic performance present formi- technology based on AI and HCI, leading to
dable challenges that have traditionally been the creation of enriched application scenarios.
addressed by subject matter experts, such as The findings of this research indicate a signifi-
coaches, managers, scouts, and sports health cant improvement in the accuracy of pose res-
professionals using rudimentary analytical toration among athletes during sports training.
techniques. A comprehensive examination of the multi-
The results of the study by Novatchkov et tude of factors contributing to athletic perfor-
al. [8] revealed that AI methods possess a mance holds significant potential for the ben-
high degree of effectiveness in the automat- efit of coaches, researchers, and athletes. By
ic evaluation of weight training equipment thoroughly exploring the intricacies and nu-
performance and the provision of timely guid- ances of these variables, a more comprehen-
ance to athletes. sive understanding of their impact on athletic
Experiments with diverse training and outcomes can be achieved. This enhanced
test datasets have demonstrated that utiliz- understanding can then inform and guide the
ing curve-fitted data can result in enhanced development of more effective training pro-
performance metrics for athletes. These im- grams, performance assessments, and over-
provements encompass increased predictive all athletic strategies. Therefore, investing in

396 J Biomed Phys Eng 2023; 13(5)

Artificial Intelligence in Sports Biomechanics

the analysis of performance prediction and in gait data. This approach addresses the limi-
the accuracy of parameters can yield substan- tations of manual engineering. Although the
tial dividends in terms of athletic success and available dataset encompasses a wide range of
improvement. walking environments, it remains insufficient
for reliable gait analysis [17].
Gait domain The examination of human walking patterns,
Research pertaining to the locomotion of commonly known as gait studies, has made
humans is referred to as gait analysis. The noteworthy contributions to the development
methodology of gait analysis involves the of prosthetic limbs and orthotic devices for
quantification of elements that govern the func- amputees. Moreover, this research has served
tionality of the lower extremities, thereby ex- as a source of inspiration for the creation of
posing the underlying mechanisms of human artificial locomotor controllers, which are
movement. The study and analysis of human utilized in exoskeletons and robotics. Juang
locomotion, commonly known as gait analy- [44] has suggested a model for synthesizing
sis, has a multitude of applications in various the gait of robots by employing kinematics
fields such as medical diagnosis, safety, vir-
principles and utilizing the fuzzy neural net-
tual reality, trade, and physical activity knowl-
work. Kim and Lee [40] used a Hybrid genetic
edge [15, 63]. Dysfunctional ambulation may
algorithm and neural network to determine
manifest as a result of either acute or chronic
joint angles according to the accelerator
injury, or due to inappropriate biomechanics.
data. Analysis of gait is a fundamental aspect
Healthcare professionals can derive signifi-
of studying the natural walking patterns of
cant assistance from different research types
human-like robots. Various algorithms that
in analyses of gait variability, utilizing kine-
utilize artificial intelligence techniques have
matics and kinetic parameters, both in predict-
ing the onset of a situation and monitoring the been developed to facilitate this process
recovery profile of patients in clinical fields [64-66]. Heinen and Osório et al. [67] have
[17]. A significant cohort of scholars, who are explained a scientific method to optimize
captivated by this field, have suggested inno- the gait of humanoid robots. The approach is
vative methodologies. This particular group designed to create and control consistent
concentrates on the scrutiny of walking pat- gaits for legged robots within a physically
terns with the aim of deliberating on the utili- based simulation environment. Wawrzy ´nski
zation of machine learning approaches and the [68] delves into the domain of enhancing the
influence it has had on the study of gait. walking pattern of humanoid robots through
It has been determined that, presently, the the application of reinforcement learning with
most extensively employed and compre- experience. Rozumalski et al. [39] in crouch
hended methods of analysis for gait involve gait, which can help guide treatment decisions
computational techniques. The data pertaining and outcomes assessment.
to gait is characterized by marked heterogene- The incorporation of novel methods has
ity, high dimensionality, temporal dependence, provided clinicians with the opportunity to
and variability. Proceeding with this data utilize instrumental gait analysis as a stan-
presents a challenge. Moreover, conventional dard clinical practice in order to evaluate
computational techniques are limited by their the condition, recuperation, and progress
inability to process natural gait data in their raw of patients with intricate neurological and
form. However, deep learning architectures musculoskeletal disorders, ultimately mitigat-
offer a wide range of opportunities for identi- ing the potential propagation of injury through
fying, classifying, and detecting abnormalities gait analysis.

J Biomed Phys Eng 2023; 13(5) 397

Rozhin Molavian, et al
Conclusion Molavian. The introductory section of the pa-
This paper undertakes an assessment of the per was co-authored by R. Molavian, A. Fa-
inquiries that arise for the artificial intelligence tahi and D. Khezri. R. Molavian, and D. Khe-
community concerning the field of gait and zri provided support in the literature review,
sports. It endeavors to formulate a methodical as well as contributing to the writing of the re-
framework that can be utilized for prospec- lated works. The method implementation was
tive research. Through our analysis, we have carried out by A. Fatahi and H. Abbasi. The
determined several crucial research domains Results and Analysis phase was conducted by
that provide an extensive outline of the cur- R. Molavian, A. Fatahi, and D. Khezri. The
rent research and also reveal unexplored areas research work received proofreading and su-
for future investigation. pervision from H. Abbasi and D. Khezri. The
In the present research, a comprehensive final version of the manuscript was reviewed,
investigation was carried out on the literature edited, and approved by all authors.
pertaining to the prediction of match outcomes,
wherein it was observed that the models em- Conflict of Interest
ployed in this domain still fall short of provid- None
ing accurate forecasts owing to the inherent
unpredictability of sporting events. Neverthe- References
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