Cons - Pros of Urban Living

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 Cities are quite crowded

Busy towns or cities can feel crowded and may mean you feel more stress or
pressure. You may also not be able to form such tight knit communities in
urban areas.

 Less natural recovery space

There are often fewer green spaces in a town or city. You may not always be
able to enjoy natural spaces.

 Higher levels of pollution

Because of larger populations, cities can have higher levels of pollution,
including noise pollution. This could be damaging to your health in the long-

 Unaffordable prices for everyone

Urban areas tend to be more expensive to live in. Property prices are higher
and so are goods and services.

 Competitive Job Market

There may be more high-paying jobs available in the city, but more people
are competing to get those positions. You’ll have to distinguish yourself from
the crowd of applicants and work to prove that you’re the best candidate for
the job.

 Better access to medical facilities

Hospitals and clinics are close by for easy access to healthcare or aid in an

 Life in cities has become more convenient

Cities and towns tend to have a greater mix of cultures and ethnicities which
can help when making new friends and meeting people.

 More People
Cities are full of people. You have countless opportunities to meet new people
and make new friends every single day. This allows for a certain level of
privacy and anonymity, as well as continual exposure to new ideas, and

 Better job opportunities

There are a greater number of jobs available in urban areas. Starting a new
career could be far easier if you move to a town or city.

 Access to Utilities
Depending on the city, you may not have many options as far as utilities go,
since some regions have a single utility provider (such as only one gas or
power company). This means you won’t have the option of choosing a
provider or service that works best for you. Further, if you have different
needs or preferences, you’ll have to find your solutions. For example, if you
prefer water that has been treated a certain way, you’ll have to find your own
softening solution instead of asking your water provider to make changes for

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