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Maaz Badshah

Individual Assignment 2

Employee Selection

The article focuses on the main steps that many companies use when they develop

their hiring process for vacant jobs. The author, Skye Schooley, goes in-depth on each step of

the hiring process from the initial job posting to analyzing resumes and cover letters to

making that all-so-crucial decision. She then goes on to suggest 10 tips that employers should

use to improve their recruiting process and select the best employees. After reading the

article, the tips were more useful than the hiring process itself as this allows the company to

truly see the person they plan on hiring. This is because many companies focus too much on

the recruiting process and end up hiring a person who is not fit for the company’s culture,

even if they have the necessary skills and experiences. But when candidates are given the

chance to better understand their potential seniors, colleagues, and even clients, it allows the

company to select the best candidate for the role.

This article is a continuation of our previous topic “Recruiting Employees” as the

selection of a new employee is a branch of the recruiting process. This aligns hand in hand

with what we have been studying so far on the specific steps that are used in the recruiting

process and with the recruiting process used by the university as mentioned by Professor

Nwadei. This article has helped me further understand the various concepts and steps used in

the recruiting process by companies when they select their new employees. Although some
steps vary, most of the steps mentioned in the article never change such as the resume/cover

letter analysis and background checks for example.

As we will be spending two weeks on “Employee Selection,” this article is a useful

introduction, covering the important ideas and topics that we will study in class. Essentially,

it has provided me with the basic foundational concepts of this chapter. Although it focuses

on recruiting more than employee selection, it paves the way for me to better understand this

important concept in the Human Resource Management field.


 Best practices to improve your hiring and recruitment process. Business News Daily.

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