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Subject: Basic science

Class: Basic one

1. The sense of sight is the ________ (a) eye (b) nose (c) ear

2. The nurse is used for ________ (a) smelling (B) seeing (c) feeling

3. The _________ is used for seeing objects (a) nose (b) ear (c) eye

4. We here with our _________ (a) teeth (B) ear (c) mouth

5. A cock _________ (a) barks (b) mews (c) Crows

6. A snake _________ (a) barks (b) hisses (c) mews

7. The sense organ we use for feeling is our ______ (a) eye (b) skin (c) ear

8. The ice block is ________ (a) hot (b) cold (c) warm

9. The boiling water is _______ (a) hot (B) warm (c) cold

10. The sense organ we use for tasting is the _______ (a) tongue (B) teeth (c) mouth

11. A sweet taste has a taste like _______ (a) beta (b) sugar (c) lime

12. All are examples of beta taste except (a) chloroquine (b) sugar (c) bitter kola

13. Something is said to be tasteless when it has no (a) smell (B) odor (c) taste

14. Do you like a bitter taste (a) yes (B) no (C) I don't know

15. We smell things with our (a) ice (B) nose (C) ear

16. A person who works on the road is (a) motorist (B) pedestrians (c) cyclist

17. How many types of soil do we have? (A) 1 b) 2 (c) 3

18. Object that float in air include all except (a) a kite (b) a bird (c) a piece of paper

19. ________ is an object that float on water (a) paper boat (b) a nail (c) a metal spoon

20. An object that goes down below the surface of water is said to ________ (a) sink (B) float (c)fly

Section B

1. List four object that float in the air.

2. List three examples of a bitter taste.

3. List five examples of a sweet taste.

Agricultural science

Class: JSS 2 and 3

1. Which of these is not a packaging material (a) tray (b) jute sack (c) polythene (d) sieve

2. The best packaging material for bread is a (a) wooden create (B) plastic wrappers (c) crate (d) jute bag

3. There is only one seller in (a) Monopoly (B) duo poly (c) oligopoly (d) monopsony

4. ________ helps in the easy identification of farm produce (a) branding (B) marketing (c) sales (d) input

5. The amount of money which producer asked to be paid for his product is (a) cast (B) value (c) price (d)

6. A place where exchange of goods and services for money takes place is called (a) restaurant (B) school
(C) public toilet (d) market

7. The quantity of goods which the producer offer for sale in the market is the (a) supply (B) demand (c)
invoice (d) sales

8. When is supply is high, the selling price (a) falls (B) increase (c) is constant (d) appreciate

9. Text messages can be used to advertise on (a) radio (b) television (C) mobile phones (d) billboards

10. Advertisement is done to create _______ about a new agricultural produce (a) income (B) awareness
(c) services open market d) education

11. ________ is used to store large quantity of vegetable oil for export (a) cans (b) plastic bottles (c)
metal drums (d) basket

12. When did demand is more than what is supplied the price ________ (a) falls (B) increases (c) is
constant (d) depreciated

13. Facebook is a/an ________ (a) handset (B) newspaper (C) hand Bill (d) social media

14. Plastic bottles are used in storing (a) oil (B) groundnut (c) millet (d) cocoa beans

15. Liquid of large quantities are packaged using ________ (a) cans (B) bottles (c) snacks (d) metal drums

16. The act of placing farm products in crate is called _______ (a) packaging (b) storage (c) packing (d)

17. The record of all assets of the farm are kept in (a) register (b) diary (C) note (d) inventory

18. Food items used by the farm owners are recorded in ________ record (a) sales (B) consumption (c)
inventory (d) cash
19. The documentation of farm event is called_______ (a) revenue (B) diaries (c) inventory (d) farm

20. Materials used on the farm are recorded in the _________ (a) output record (B) input record (c) sale
record (d) production

21. Farm account help to monitor changes in the _________ of the farm (a) activities (B) prices (C) work
(d) weather

22. Items purchased on the farm are recorded in _________ account (a) sale (b) purchase (c) income (d)

23. A situation where there is only one buyer is called (a) dopoly (b) Monopoly (c) oligopoly (d) joint

24. Duopoly involve________ sellers (a) one (b) three (c) four (d) two

25. Food items used by the farm owners are recorded in________ record (a) sales (b) consumption (c)
inventory (d) cash

26. Day-to-day event on a farm are written in ________ (a) sales record (b) farm diary (c) production
record (d) input record

27. Materials used on the farm are recorded in underscore (a) output record (b) input record (c) salel
record (d) production

28. Items consumed are recorded on the ________ hand side (a) credit (b) debit (c) center (d)lower

29. Closing valuation is written on the________ hand side (a) right (B) left (c) center (d) middle

30. The type of account prepared at the end of a business period to know whether the business is
making a profit or loss is ________ (a) asset (b) profit and loss account (c) expenditure (d) income.

Section B

1a. What is farm account?

B. Give five importance of farm accounts

2a. What is the meaning of advertisement?

B. Highlight four purpose of advertising Agricultural products.

3a. Define branding.

B. State five advantage of branding

4. What is package? Give five purpose of packaging .


1. The standard metric unit used for force is _________ (a) kilogram (B) meter (C) Newton (d) second

2. Method of reducing friction include the following except (a) lubrication (b) weldering (c) streamlining
(d) ball bearing

3. The solar system comprises of the Sun, nine planets and________ moons (a) 32 moons (b) 22 moon
(c) one moon(d) 20 moons

4. The largest planet is known as ________ (a) Jupiter (B) Venus (c) Saturn (d) atmosphere

5. The brightest planet after the sun and the moon is called ________ (a) venus (b) mars (c) Saturn (d)

6. Uranus is the __________ planet in the solar system (a) third (b) sixth (c) seventh (d) eight

7. The rotation of the Earth round the sun forms ________ (a) one year (B) one day (c) 3 months (d) 5

8. Eclipse of the sun occurs when? (a) the moon comes between the sun and the earth (B) the Earth
comes between the moon and the sun (c) the sun comes between the moon and the earth (d) the sun
overlaps the moon

9. The moon is a satellite of the Earth and revolves round it once in about _________days (a) 50 (B) 365
1/4 (c) 60 (d) 180

10. Anything that orbit Rand the Earth is called (a) satellite (b) sun (c) moon (d) stars

11. A________ is anything that orbit around another object (a) moon (b) sun (c) satellite (d) sky

12. __________ satellite has made it possible to take pictures of places on the Earth and in space (a)
diagram (B) pictorial (c) photography (d) geography

13. Which of the following is not type of star in Nigeria (a) Orion (b) blow (c) Pegasus (d) annular

14. The solar system comprises (a) sun and planet (b) sun and earth (c) sun and mars (d) sun and Jupiter

15. The smallest planet is (a) mars (b) Mercury (c) Venus (d) Pluto

16. The first planet in the solar system from the sun is (a) mars (b) Mercury (c) earth (d) Pluto

17. There are ________ planets in the solar system (a) 9 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 10

18. The earth is made up of ______ %of land and ______%of water bodies (a) 40%,60% (b) 30%,70% (c)
50%,50% (d) 20%,80%
19. The organisms that lives on the tree branches or among leaves are said to be (a) aquatic () aboreal
(c) terrestrial d) brackish

20. The possession of some peculiar structures by our organism that make it to survive successfully in a
given habitat is called? (A) ecosystem (B) ecology (c) adaptation (d) ecological Factor

21. Which of the following is not an example of freshwater habitat (a) streams (B) point (C) Rivers (d)

22. Another name for brackish water habitat is (a) estuarine (b) Pandorira (c) pistia (d) bay

23. _________ is a place where plants and animal live (a) ecology (B) aquatic oven bucket c) habitat (d)

24. The artificial satellite that help in checking areas affected by erosions and flood is (a) mapping (B)
photography (c) defense (d) weather

25. The ____________ is the third planet to the sun and is the only one known to have life (a) earth ( b)
sun (c) star (d) moon

Section B

1. Explain the eclipse of the sun and eclipse of the moon.

2. Highlight five uses of satellite.

3a. State five advantages of friction.

B. Give three methods of reducing friction.

4a. What is habitat?

B. List and explain the types of habitat.

Agricultural science

Class: ss1

1. The following are improved system of agricultural except (a) crop rotation (B) Bush fallowing (c) mixed
farming (d) rotational grazing

2. The climatic factors affecting the production of animals and plants include the following except (a)
rainfall (B) temperature (c) pes and diseases (d) sunlight

3. Factors of climate include the following except (a) rainfall (b) temperature (c) light (d) vapor (cloud)
4. Which of the following is not an edaphic Factor affecting agricultural production? (a) Soil pH (b) soil
texture (c) soil organism (d) soil type

5. All these are annual crops except (a) cotton (b) cowpea (c) yam (d ) pepper

6. Monocot crops have (a) 2 seed leaves (b) 3 seed leaves (c) tap root system (d) fibrous roots system

7. Dicot crops have _________ (a) one seed leaf (b) three seed leaf (c)tap root system (d) fibrous roots

8. _________ is the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a soil (a) soil value (B) soil pH (c) alkalinity

9. _________ is a situation in plant or animal in which there is division of the plant or animals from
normal state of health (a) fungi (B) disease (c) viability

10. __________ are parasites which live inside or within the body of other animals (a) endoparasite (b)
ectoparasite (c) soil organisms

11. Cocoa and coffee are examples of_crops (a) spicy (B) stimulant (c) beverage (d) cereal

12. All this are annual crops except (a) cotton (b) cowpea (c) yam (d) pepper

13. Monocot crops have _________ (a) two seed leaves (b) three seed leaf of (c) one seed leaf

14. Coconut is a /an ______ crop (a) annual (b) biennial (c) perennial

15. Climatic factors include the following except (a) wind (B) sunlight (c) rocks (d) rainfall

16. Which of the following is not a sedimentary rock? (A) mica (b) sand stone (c) limestone (d) dolomite

17. Granite is a ________ rock (a) igneous (b) sedimentary (c) metamorphic (d) weather

18. Schist is formed from _________ (a) shale (b) sand stone (c) quartzite (d) coal

19. The type of rock formed from molten magma is known as (a) sedimentary (b)schist (c) igneous (d)
sand stone

20. A metamorphic limestone is (a) marble ( b) gnesis (c) schist (d) shale

21. The average weather condition of a place over a period of time is referred to as (a) climate (B)
vegetation (c) biotic Factor (d) humidity

22. Which of these is not climate Factor (a) temperature (B) wind (c) humidity (d) erosion

23. Which of the following is not a factor of soil formation? (A) topography (b) vegetation (c) parents
material (d) weathering

24. An example of igneous rock is (a) granite (B) limestone (c) coal (d) sandstone
25. Land survey in agriculture helps the Farmer to determine the following except (a) size of a farmland
(B) physical relief of the farmland (c) labor requirement (d) fertility of the soil

26. Which of the following is not a factor affecting land availability for agriculture in Nigeria? (A) rainfall
(b) topography (c) soil type (d) soil micro organisms

27. The climatic factors affecting land use for agriculture include all except (a) pest (B closed) rainfall (c)
temperature (d) light

28. The use of land for agriculture is not influenced by (a) labor (B) climate (c) topography (d) population

29. The measure of fineness or coarseness of soil sample is (a) soil texture (b) soil pH (c) soil structure (d)
soil value

30. The appearance of the soil according to the way individual particles are packed or arrange is called
(a) soil structure (B) soil texture (c) soil pH (d) soil profile

Section B

1a. What is climate?

B. Discuss the importance of rainfall.

2a. Discuss briefly the roles of science and technology in agricultural development.

3. Explain the edaphic factors of physical factors.

4a. What is the mode of formation of metamorphic rock?

B. Give five characteristics of metamorphic rock.

Subject: Agricultural science

Class: jss1

1. Weed are plants that grow where they are not ________ (a) strong (B) watered (c) wanted (d) sold

2. Physical control of weed involves using ________ and _______ to remove weed (a) broom and sun (b)
cutlass and hoe (C) water and fertilizer (d) machine and gadgets

3. Burning of weed exposes the soil to________ (a) pest (B) sun (c) erosion (d) growth

4. Insect pest has _______ pairs of pairs of leg (a) three (b) one (c) six (d) four

5. __________ is an example of biting and chewing insects (a) termite (B) aphid (c) white fly (d) Cotton

6. _________ reduces grains into powder (a) storage insect pest (B) vertebrate pest (c) birds and bats
(d) field insiect pests
7. Land is a gift of _________ (a) parent (B) nature (c) ancestors (d ) government

8. Water is essential for _________ (a) irrigation (b) respiration (c) mulching (d) drying

9. __________ is responsible for the overall supervision of farm operations (a) labels (B) capital (c)
management (d) money

10. The reward for using land for agriculture is (a) rent (B) interest (c) capital (d) wages

11. Money is needed to pay for _________ on the farm (a) yield (B) labor (c) capital (d) interest

12. ___________ is the woman effort used in farming activities (a) labor (B) supervision (c) management
(d) money

13. The five factors of agricultural production are essential for a successful farming (a) true (B) False

14. _________ is an example of biting and chewing insect (a) tick (B) myrids (c) aphids (d) grasshopper

15. __________ are living organisms that cause physical damage to plant (a) pests (b) soil (c) wind (d)

16. The chemical used for weed control is called (a) insecticide (b) herbicide (c) pesticides (d) rodenticide

17. All the following are examples of weed that are not edible to man except (a) goat weed (B) elephant
grass (c) spear grass (d) water leaf

18. Which of the following is a factor of production (a) land (B) soil (c) crop (d) pest

19. The botanical name of guinea grass is (a) panicum maximum (B) imperata cylindrica (c) pennisetum
purpureum (d) cynodon dactylon

20. An example of a piercing and sucking inside pest of crop is (a) Mealy bug (b) grasshopper (c) weevil
(d) termite

21. The botanical name of broom weed is (a) panicum maximum (B) sida acuta(c) seleria barbata (d)
imperata cylindrical

22. Which of the following is an edible weed (a) water leaf (b) elephant grass (b) spear grass (d) goat

23. _________ is an example of biting an chewing insect pest (a) tick (B) coco myrids (c) aphids (d)

24. The chemical used for controlling weed is called (a) insecticide (B) herbicide (c) pesticide (d)

25. All the following are examples of weed that are not edible to man except (a) goat weed (B) elephant
grass (c) spear grass (d) water leaf
26. _________ are living organisms that cause physical damage to plants (a) pest (B) soil (c) wind (d)

27. Piercing and sucking insect here is _______ (A) ant (B) rat (c) weevil (d) Mealy bug

28. Monkey, weevil, grasshopper and rodent are examples of (a) pest (b) weed (c) crop (d) store

29. The reward for labor is (a) wage (B) rent (c) goods (d) rest

30. All are factors of agricultural production except (a) land (B) labor (c) management (d) Rock.

Section B

1a. State five uses of weed.

B. List five weed and give their botanical names.

2a. What are pests?

B. State five effects of insect pest on yield.

3. List the factors of agricultural production.

4. Explain the importance of land as a factor of agricultural production.

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