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COMPONENTS TO A SUCCESSFUL STRATEGY........................................................................................................................ 3

SEPARATE YOURSELF FROM THE CROWD ............................................................................................................................. 07

MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ……………………...................................................................................................................... 08

INTRODUCTION TO ORDER FLOW ............................................................................................................................................ 09

BID & ASK TRADERS ……..………............................................................................................................................................. 11

IMBALANCES …………………..................................................................................................................................................... 12

PRICE ACTION ……………………................................................................................................................................................. 13

EXHAUSTION .............................................................................................................................................................................. 15

ORDERFLOW CONFIRMATION SETUP ...................................................................................................................................... 17

WHATS NEXT .............................................................................................................................................................................. 19


First and foremost, I commend you for taking the

initiative to read this book. The fact that you downloaded
this eBook demonstrates to me and to yourself that you
are open to learning a new strategy that could forever
change the way you view the markets. If this wasn’t
game changing enough, I wouldn’t have spent the time
and effort to write a book about it. Even though this is a
free eBook, by the conclusion of it you will have a much
better understanding of what orderflow trading is, how to
interpret orderflow footprints, and my exact method entry
in the market, you'll be astonished at how easy it is.

Before jumping into the exciting stuff straight away I

believe it is important to talk about what you as a trader I believe that the components of a successful trading
require to have under control in order to reach your goal. career are highlighted to every trader who has been
Having a destination in mind and understanding the road- trading for more than a few weeks. Our gurus and every
map and being able to paint the objectives that social media trading outlet have strained to us the
are going to get you there is a necessary task as a concept of how to achieve success. This can be divided
strategist. Jumping straight into technical analysis etc into three parts. After understanding the three
is pointless if you don’t possess the other skills to components, a trader can eventually become consistent
succeed and although it is not the job of this eBook to and profitable. If any of these components is absent,
teach you about these other components, it is necessary the trader will instantly notice an imbalance in their
for me to still highlight these components for you. So trading and will most likely not be able to become
lets get the boring stuff quickly out of the way! consistent until they are able to solidify these 3

As the saying goes: These can be broken down into, Technical Strategy,

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” Psychology & Risk management.

This concept is drilled into your mind from the start of your journey. It is made clear to you from
your trading peers, mentors and past experiences that if you let emotions tamper with
your trading you will be left susceptible to making mistakes repeatedly such as revenge
trading, leaving money on the table, guess trading etc.

Being able to master your trading mindset is something extremely difficult as humans we are
biologically wired to react impulsively to anything that causes us pain, such as touching a hot
stove. So, when you find yourself in a difficult trading situation, naturally your mind will force
you to react in an impulsive and brash manner which will 9 times out of 10 end in a bad

As traders we know this very well, so we spend our trading years sharpening our minds and
learning to keep our emotions in a calm state consistently regardless of the environment and
outcomes we are experiencing. This as I said is much easier said than done and to be
truthful with you, very few people fully gain full control over their emotions, but the goal is to
not fully erase these emotions but to somewhat suppress them to the point that they don’t
cloud our decision-making. Upon solving this obstacle in your trading, you are 50% of the way
complete to becoming the professional trader you want to become.

Risk management
Risk management is essentially a traders Armor, this is what protects you from completely
blowing your account when you commit a trading error or if the market simply just doesn’t go
your way, because let’s be realistic as traders we know we don’t win every single trade. What
protects us in those losing moments is our ability to have a risk strategy that allows us to lose
small but win big. This component in my opinion is the easiest component to develop in
your trading journey as its very objective. There is no subjectivity to it, a trader must simply
have a predefined set of rules before hand considering their risk appetite, their pain threshold
etc, after realizing these aspects, the risk management plan is guarded in place by the
discipline you have nurtured in the psychology side of things. Now you are starting to
see how these components although very different link to each other very closely and if one is
missing you the others also slowly crumble. Balance is key here.

Lastly and the phase people spend most time on is building an entry and exit system to
engage in the markets. This consists of a set of rules and confirmations that give you a
signal on a potential good time to buy or sell. Traders spends hours upon hours a week
tweaking their strategies and refining their entries to give them the best chances of
profitability. There are literally millions of strategies out there, and anyone can create their
own strategy. Some strategies work and some don’t. but just because something works it
doesn’t always necessarily mean it’s the best or most efficient way to do something. Let’s
consider some issues in current trading systems out there now, most likely you’ll find that
you also deal with these problems too….

Pattern trading: following certain visual Smart Money Trading: This is a recent revolution
patterns such as trend-lines or candlestick patterns in price action trading in the past 5 years, The idea
have no logical understanding behind them at all… My behind it is that traders try to position themselves
trend-line can easily be very different to the trend-line of with smart money moves in order to avoid
the person next to me. This sort of subjectivity is a clear manipulations in the market, and while this trading
indicator of the lack of precision and logic in such method in my opinion is the best out of all of the
trading method. Most pattern traders find themselves other strategies ive tried (and ive tried many!) there is
getting caught on the wrong side of the markets still a few gaps in the system. Firstly in recent times
regularly as they find themselves positioning the system has been diluted a lot with new random
themselves in areas that are clear liquidity pools for information and terms confusing many new traders and
smart money. anything is called smart money trading now, in old
times, SMC used to be universal in its method,
Indicator trading: This style of trading is based on everyone traded the same. Now there is many
using different indicators based off mathematical different variations.

algorithms. Now this type of trading isn’t necessarily the

Secondly traders claim to understand the flow of
worst idea, but just consider the fact that all of these orders in the market with smart money trading but in
indicators are usually lagging indicators. Meaning that it truth this is nothing but lies, it is impossible to
prints out data too late for you to read and assess. understand the flow of orders in the market by simply
Traders also tend to rely on indicators too much and base just looking at blank candlesticks. You can look at
their whole system based off of them and just like an Institutional candle(orderblock) but what really
pattern traders tend to find themselves being liquidated confirms to you that it truly is an orderblock?
out of positions regularly. Some indicators can be helpful
for extra confirmations though.

And lets say price does eventually come to your premium and discount areas are among some of the
Institutional candle, how do you know price will now most valuable concept you can learn from SMC and out
reverse from this area? You don’t because you can’t see of all the strategies I ever traded, SMC was the only one
if buyers or sellers are stepping in aggressively to push I found myself to be profitable with, so it only made
price in the opposite direction or to continue its trend. sense that I used this concept as my base strategy.

Smart money trading usually has a very low win-rate A trader must learn how to manage trades not just enter
percentage and that is usually fine if you catch high trades and exit them. To this you must be in sync with
Risk:Reward trades which most definitely you can catch what the market is currently doing and have complete
with SMC styled trading, but many people tend to not understanding of why the market is doing what it is and
have the pain threshold to withstand large losing streaks anticipation of what it will do. This usually goes out the
to wait for that one successful trade. door with up-and-coming traders who focus on simply
mechanical based systems that give them a signal
That being said SMC market structure understanding,
without them understanding it. That is simply just taking
Liquidity understanding, and the understanding of
a trade, not really trading…


Now that we know the three foundational components in their favor. Finding your edge is really challenging
that each trader must cultivate in order to become a nowadays, especially with so much free information
well-rounded trader, we must examine what they must available on the internet and I truly understand how you
do, particularly in the first component (Strategy), to feel when all of this material is dumped at you rather
differentiate themselves from the rest of the traders. than taught to you, and even then it doesn’t make
A basic Google search for “how many traders lose in the
markets” yields results ranging from about 80-95% of What I’m going to do for you in this book is simply
traders. Isn’t it an insane number? Now we must ask explain things in a very logical and easy to understand
ourselves what distinguishes the top traders from the manner so that you can see how knowing the orderflow
vast majority of losers. And, luckily, this is a simple of the markets using the footprints chart is a strong
answer in terms of strategy. It is their “edge”. The top edge for you in the markets. First, let me tell you about
traders have found their market edge and leveraged that my experience with it all!
edge in their trading method to tip the profitability scale

I’m not going to bore you with specifics of when I of those useless indicators that just cover your
started trading and other irrelevant stuff because I’ve screen pointlessly with various drawings,” but happily
already discussed it on YouTube and on my podcast I am an open-minded guy and listened to what my
before.Let me first take you back to a moment in my friend had to say haha.
learning when things seemed to make sense but at the
I recognized what I was lacking from my trading after
same time they didn’t..... Does this sound familiar? After
having the concept explained to me instantly. I didn’t
know how or why, but I knew deep down that this was
a lesson from a course or a YouTube video, I understood
the first time when, despite appearances, everything
everything very clearly, and even after going to the
was actually extremely straightforward and things made
charts, I could easily spot much of what was taught to
perfect sense.
me. But do you know what I was missing? I lacked true
understanding of what it was I’m doing. I understood the Now, the concept and technique I was presented with,
visual patterns that were presented to me, but I with the orderflow footprints at the beginning focused
never quite grasped the WHY, or the reasoning behind entirely on analysing the footprints data and taking
it all. Something like this was critical for me since I entry solely based on that. This wasn’t ideal for me
always needed to grasp the rationalization behind because I knew my current price action method was
something in order to be convinced, so how could I already elite, so adding the footprints as an extra
expect myself to stick to a set of rules or confirmation to my present arsenal was the goal. The
confirmations that I was never truly convinced of or real question was
understood in the first place?
It took me a long time to break down each notion and
Don’t get me wrong, I was still killing the markets
try to integrate it into my price action technical
and consistently profitable trading normal price action,
analysis, but after a year I finally managed to combine
Smart money concepts in particular, but I had that
the two techniques together and capitalize on the best
nagging feeling in the back of my mind that there was
of both worlds from each thought.
something I was clearly missing that I needed to find
in order to really take my trading to the next level. I call it SMC X Orderflow; coupling sniper entries
with market direction. I consider it a logical
This quickly changed after I discovered
notion of understanding the genuine flow of orders in
orderflow footprints. I was introduced to this concept
the market, and by understanding this, you can
two years ago by a close trader friend and at first
position yourself accordingly in line with the big players.
glance I was absolutely puzzled, the chart seemed
terribly difficult with numbers all over the screen
and many various colours. I thought to myself, “This
must be another one

Orderflow is a visual representation of market movements made by recording the volume of contracts trade at
the bid and offer rather than just looking solely at price.

Orderflow allows you to look at the real-time data to determine changes in supply and demand. This information can
be crucial in knowing if a specific POI( point of interest) in your strategy such as an institutional candle/Orderblock
will hold or not.

Here is what an orderflow chart looks like:

Relax! I know it looks frightening but trust me on this, if you can read a normal candlestick chart, this is even
easier! Let me explain...

A standard candlestick chart will only show you the open, close, high, and low of price at a given time. It does not
assess the strength and aggressiveness of buyers or sellers inside a given candle. Some people will confuse a bearish
or bullish candle close as an indicator of whether buyers or sellers are in control. However, this is not the case. How
many times have you witnessed a giant bullish candle burst out, only for price to swiftly turn in the opposite direction,
leaving a large wick behind? I’m sure plenty of times! This is known as a seller’s trap . I will show you this concept in a
moment so stick with me.

How many times have you seen price build larger and larger The beauty of orderflow is that it will notify you about what is
bullish candles as the range extends, just to see price fully happening RIGHT NOW! Not what might happen in the future or
what happened in the past, but what is happening now
reverse in the opposite way.... Shouldn’t the increasing size of
the candles indicate that theres more buyers entering the between buyers and sellers to monitor the markets evolving
market as we go along? In some ways, certainly, but have and changing market state, and this type of information is
you thought about what the sellers are doing? The valuable.
candlestick, you see, will only show us who won the war
Many traders rely on indicators like as the MACD, RSI,
within that time period. However, it will not tell you the
and Moving Averages to make trading decisions. All of
strength of the opponent or how difficult the battle was. It
these indicators are price-based and are lagging. I feel
will also give you very little clue of how the next battle will
it is preferable to concentrate on price and, more
look because you cannot see the strength
particularly, how market participants react to pricing.
of the opposing side. Hopefully you get the analogy, but
Price is a type of advertisement. Its goal is to get you to
in essence, a typical candlestick will show you that sellers
enter a transaction.
were able to drop the price, but it will not indicate you how
tough it was for them to do so or whether buyers are starting Losing traders represent market liquidity. You must go for their
to step in or not. money. To do so, you must approach and understand
the market differently than 95% of failed traders.

For every winner there’s a loser on the

opposite side

As some SMC traders may have discovered through their price is low and begin entering to seize the supply at these
research of smart money participants, those large players low levels, and when prices are high, sellers will want to do
aren’t able to simply place massive sell or buy orders instantly, everything they can to sell at these rich prices. These levels
as the huge position could have a huge impact on the market are depicted in orderflow charts.
and most likely won’t get their orders filled in anyways,
We use orderflow to understand current market behaviour.
so they must break up their orders in multiple mini hedges
Everything we do is aimed at understanding the behavior of
and other specific ways they have to minimise their
other market participants. We strive to understand the current
presence in the market, but these orders will still show up in
position of other traders. Are they long and incorrect? Has a
the tape and can be viewed in the orderflow.
major participant determined that the price is too low or too
Let’s apply some logic here: what drives the markets to rise or high? Has anyone attempted and failed to push prices higher
fall? Simply said, it occurs when demand surpasses supply or lower and failed to do so? Are the buyers aggressive buying
or supply overwhelms demand. Understanding when markets but failing to appreciate prices? Order flow can provide you
are likely to reverse is a little trickier, but in layman’s words with these answers and more.

Markets turn when the final buyer or seller has bought or sold.
Markets turn in discounted areas when buyers find that the

Reading the Candle
The candle is read diagonally from left to right.
When the market was 1.1558 bid / offered at 1.1559, 2 lots
were sold into the bid and 65 lots were bought from the offer.
When the market was at 1.1559 bid / 1.1560 offer, 67 lots
were sold into the bid and 430 lots were bought from the offer.
At 1.1560 bid / 1.1561 offer, 98 lots were sold into the bid
and 323 lots were bought from the offer...

Bids and offers are essentially buy and sell limits. The figures
show the number of executed order contracts at that price
level. Each buyer and seller will set their own price and wait
for another entity to match it. These traders are known as
passive traders because they are content to wait for prices to
reach their desired level before entering the markets.
Aggressive traders must join the market and sell into the bid
or buy into the offer for these contracts to be grabbed. These
traders are labelled aggressive because they do not wait for
price to come to them; instead, they place market orders at
the current bid or ask price and clear the orders there.
(Remember for every transaction to take place there must be
a seller and a buyer)

It comes as no surprise that buyers want to pay the lowest

possible price and sellers want to sell at the highest possible
price. Consider this: when you buy a house, you have a
maximum price in mind. The owner has set a minimum selling
price. If your maximum price is less than the seller’s minimum
price, one of you (or both of you) must drop your price or you
will not be doing a deal.

Aggressive Trader: enters the market at the current bid or
offer and is unwilling to wait for price to come to them.

Passive trader : waits for prices to reach their desired levels,

such as more discounted or premium levels, before
attempting to interact with the market through pending

Each deal has an aggressive buyer and a passive seller, or an

aggressive seller and a passive buyer, with one player being
aggressive and the other being passive.

Now, thanks to our program, which simplifies everything for us so we don’t have to evaluate every single contract, I’ll show you a
few of the confirmations that can help us understand the current market behavior. Of course, there are several confirmations
and things you can learn from the orderflow footprints charts but going through them all in depth would take me 100 pages.

So, let’s start with one of the most fundamental, which is termed an imbalance. When the buying/selling ratio exceeds a defined
level, an imbalance occurs.

Blue: Buying imbalances

Red: Selling imbalances

What does it imply to have a buy imbalance?

It signifies that the quantity purchased on the offer is larger than a predetermined ratio of the amount sold on the
bid. We normally set this at 400%, but it is up to each individual trader. The critical thing here is that the quantity
on the offer was at least four times greater than the bid, which will be highlighted in blue. In the case of a selling
imbalance, the opposite is true.

The red ones are sell imbalances since they happened on the bid and were more than 400% higher than the
comparable offer.

Looking at these imbalances alone isn’t really useful; it’s how we use this knowledge that allows us to build a
current bias. Understanding where the imbalances are and how the market responds to them is critical.

Market imbalances generated by aggressive participants frequently mark the tops and bottoms of a trend. This
indicates that participants are eager to enter the market, as significant volumes enter the market and prices move

Understanding context and being rational in your analysis are essential while studying orderflow. Assume there are
many significant selling imbalances at the bottom of a trading range, but the price is unable to fall any farther.
Price suddenly forms a big bullish engulfing candle with opposing buying imbalances. This indicates that, despite
the fact that sellers were pouring in strong and aggressively, the market has most likely reached a level of support
where significant passive orders were tapped, triggering the reversal. This type of information cannot be observed
on a standard candlestick chart because it is impossible to anticipate how strong the buyers were in relation
to the sellers at the time.

Here’s another example similar to the one above; the red numbers represent selling imbalances, and as you can see,
sellers were strong in the prior candles as well. Nonetheless, at that candle, despite the fact that we had selling imbalances
right at the bottom. The candle moved and became bullish. What does this demonstrate? Although the sellers were
strong in this market, the buyers were much stronger; can you identify why? We tapped into a nice institutional candle to
the left, which is where the passive buyer orders were most likely initiated. Is everything coming together now? Do you see how
you can use this information to validate your price action setups?

When most traders examine a chart, they will see that prices sometimes reverse out of nowhere, while more experienced
traders may notice that it has reversed from a supply or demand zone.

From an orderflow standpoint, you can see why these reversals occur, and a lot of the time it is the occurrence of large passive
orders being triggered that smaller traders can’t get past, so by covering their position, they also place trades in the opposite
direction, giving the market the big volatile reversal it occasionally does.

These locations are typically denoted by a large contract number near the top or bottom of a trend, indicating that institutional
buying or selling has entered the market and is willing to accept all available supply or demand. In most cases, this will halt a
trend in the short term.

On the other hand, we may tell when a trend has peaked by observing that there is no longer any desire from buyers or sellers
in continuing that trend.

In a bullish trend, this can be represented by a single print number at the top of the candle at the peak, indicating that the final
buyer has now purchased and there are no more buyers interested in buying any of the supply to continue the trend higher. This
usually happens when traders are convinced that the current price is too high and sell their contracts or shares.

Exhaustion (single print) in combination with a huge contract number can indicate that orders are shifting from one side
to another and that the other side is potentially taking control.

As you can see in the example above, there are three selling imbalances near the high, suggesting that strong sellers are now
engaging, yet there are only two contracts traded on the offer side just above it. This demonstrates that there is no longer any
interest in buying right at the top, and the last buyers have entered the market before the market becomes exhausted and drops.

Single prints suggest weakness. The market simply cannot continue in that direction and reverses. It could be the result
of someone attempting to trigger stops. It’s possible that the very last buyer came in and bought.

Look for a turn in the opposite way if you find exceptionally huge prints or single prints at the top or bottom.

This information, like selling imbalances, is critical to knowing what happens when a high or low is established.

As you can see, understanding any of these concepts on their own is quite strong, but combining them can be much
more beneficial to your system.

I'm going to break down my full entry process for you now. You'll be amazed at how simple it is, and yes, you can start
applying this to your own system today!

Above, I'm on the 45-minute timeframe. The goal is to first carry out my usual SMC analysis and find a higher TF POI that is in
line with market structure, has cleared liquidity, and is at a premium/discount.(Everyone will have their own
confirmations here.)

My special entry model comes in here. Right upon tapping into the open of the candle of the POI, I will straight away
drop down to the 1-minute TF for a simple break and retest. This is how simple my entry is. I do this so I can get an early entry
and not have to wait for the HTF candles to print.

Now, although it might be a little difficult to see the confirmations here, here is what I saw as we tapped into my HTF POI and
created a CHOC.H.

1 On the delta (which is an important thing I'll discuss later), I could see that the buyers were extremely strong here in
comparison to the sellers in that range. From the arrows, you can see the min. delta indicated as 0 selling.

2 I notice that the trend appears to be exhausted, as we can see many single prints being printed throughout the candles in
that area, indicating that the last sellers have arrived and have little interest in continuing the trend lower.
3 Following that, we can observe multiple buying imbalances in the market, indicating that strong buyers are in action.
And that's it. Most of the confirmations were already very clear, as the software highlighted them for me. It is literally that
Recap: Wait for a higher time frame to be tapped into.
Wait for a break and retest in the lower time frame.
Check the order flow to see if the price has shifted from one side to the other.
This method alone will increase your win rate drastically.

That’s it! You’ve finished the book and should now have a good My strategy is literally up for grabs, but only those who truly seek
understanding of the strategy that you need to drastically improve knowledge will succeed.
your win rate. Now hear me out; I still expect you to be a little
confused at the end of this book. It is not possible for me to
At the end of the day, I have provided you with my teachings for
explain the flow concepts in detail through text format. My goal
free; what do you have to lose?
was rather to give you a simple overview of the concept and the
I also invite you into my free telegram mentorship, where I also
process of my whole entry model. Now what many gurus will say
provide you with free mentorship on orderflow:
is, "If you want to learn more about this strategy, go purchase my
Not on my watch, though. I have already prepared a beginner's
course for you for free on YouTube that discusses and explains Surely you're ready to hop on the hop now and get straight into
everything I outlined to you today in regards to order flow, all for orderflow. Now, I will not push you on where to get your software
free. from, but if you're looking for a reputable source, you can purchase
it here from me and my affiliated company. In fact, if you purchase it
YOUTUBE COURSE: (CLICK HERE) through this ebook today and DM me the keyword "EBOOK", I will
offer you a free 1-1 call with me.
What have you to lose now? See you in my group, and start the
course now!
- Moayad Sallabi


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