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1. You are carrying out a search in a smoke-filled

compartment wearing BA. At what stage should you start
to make your way out of the compartment?

A. Regularly check your pressure gauge and note how much air
you used to reach your work area. Start to return when you
have this amount left plus a reasonable reserve
B. Wait for the appropriate signal on your safety line as the
personnel outside will be keeping a track of the time you have
spent inside
C. 15 minutes after starting to used the set as this leaves you
with five minutes air left
D. wait until the BA set warning whistle sounds

2. If you were put in charge of a fire team, what is the minimum

number of men wearing BA set that you would allow to enter a
smoke filled compartment?

a) 3 men
b) 1men
c) 2 men
d) 4 men

3. What kind of warning signs should be placed on man holes into

void spaces?
a) Breathing apparatus mandatory sign
b) No smoking signs
c) Danger of explosion sign
d) None
4. what kind of warning signs should be placed on manholes in to
void spaces?
a) breathing apparatus mandatory sign
b) no smoking signs
c) danger of explosion signs
d) warning signs that indicate lack of oxygen inside.

5. What is the main reason for having a person positioned

immediately outside a confined space whilst work is taking place
inside it?
a) To get the rescue plan underway in an emergency
b) To supervise the work taking place inside the confined space.
c) To check compliance with the method statement
d) To carry out a risk assessment for the work

6. What is the maximum validity of a permit to work

a) 4 hours.
b) 24 hours
C) 12 hours
d) 6 hours

7. ------------ shall be launched and operated on the water on

atleast once in three months

a) Every rescue boat

b) Every life raft
c) Both life and rescue boat
d) Every life boat
8. What is the most likely cause of fracture limbs?

A. Fall
B. climb
C. sleep
D. None of these

9. What is the danger when working with sharp tools?

a)Head injury
b) Cuts
c) Falls
d) Suffocation

10. Boiler suits, or overall, is provided to protect.

a) Head
b) Leg
c) Hand
d) Skin

11. Safety helmets are to be used during work to protect?

A. Leg
B. Tool
C. Chest
D. Head

12. What is the most likely cause of cuts ?

A. Flying dust
B. Fall
C. Sharp objects
D. Too much noise
13. What is most likely cause of suffocation?

A. Electrical equipment
B. Fall
C. Sharp objects
D. Lack of oxygen

14. Redness in the Eye can be caused by?

A. Flying dust
B. Fall
C. Sharp objects
D. Welding

15. What is the most likely cause of chemical burns?

a) Lack of oxygen
b) Too much noise
c) Acids and alkalis
d) Welding

16. What is the most likely cause of "particle in eye"?

A. Flying tools
B. Work Load
C. Flying dust
D. None of these

17. Which is most likely cause of particle in eye?

A. Flying dust
B. Fall
C. Sharp objects
D. Lack of oxygen
18. What is the danger when working under falling objects option

A. Head injury
B. Falls
C. Burns
D. Eyes injury

19. What is the most likely cause of suffocation?

A. Electrical Equipment
B. Fall
C. Sharp objects
D. Lack of oxygen

20. Which book is used for maintaining complete daily records?

A. Garbage book
B. Oil record book
C. Maintenance book
D. Log Book

21. A book for maintaining complete records on Garbage

transforms to ship/shore

A. Oil record book

B. Garbage log
C. Navigation Log
D. None of these

22. A book for maintaining complete records on oil transfers

within and outside ship.

a) Log book
b) Oil record book
c) Garbage
23. Responsible for any fine incurred to vessel because of him on
drug abuse?

a) Crew member
b) Company
c) P&l club
d) RPSL company

24. A Suez max cruise carrier is ideally termed to be of the size?

a) 80,000 119,000 DWT

b) 2,00,000-3,19,999 DWT
c) 1,20,000-199,999 DWT
d) 55,000-79,000 DWT

25. What is the ballast water depth?

A. 200 METER
B. 100 METER
C. 300 METER
D. 400 METER

26. A limit of______________% on the Sulphur content of marine

fuel oil will apply designated Sox Emission control area?

A. 5%
B. 50%
C. 0.5%
D. 10%

27. Which sea area is marked as a special area for pollution?

a) Arabian Sea.
b) Bay of Bengal.
c) North sea.
d) None of the above.
28. The designated SECA (SOX emission control areas)?

a) North Sea or English Channel.

b) Baltic Sea.
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above

29. As per MARPOL requirements, Every Crude Oil tanker of

_________________ tones deadweight and above delivered after
1st June 1982, shall be fitted with a Cargo tank cleaning system

A. 200 crude oil washing

B. 20,000 crude oil washing
C. 2 crude oil washing
D. 2000 crude oil washing

30. MARPOL annex ii , Regulations for control of pollution deals


a) Harmful substances in package form.

b) Sewage
c) Noxious liquid substances in bulk.
d) Air pollution

31. What does annex iii of marbol 73/78 deal with?

a) Seawage.
b) Garbage.
c) Harmful substances and packaged form
d) Air pollution.

32. The parent instrument for the mandatory international safety

management (ISM) code is

a) SOLAS chapter IV
c) SOLAS chapter IX

33. Dumping of wastes at sea is controlled by which of the

following IMO conventions

A. London convention
B. US convention
C. India Convention
D. None of these

34. Incineration of ------------ is prohibited, except ship board

incineration of type approved materials

a) Fuel oil
b) Food waste
c) PVC Poly Vinyl fluoride)
d) Rags

35. What methods shall be used when hauling survivors out of the
(state of survival critical)?

a) Using lifebuoy.
b) Using heaving line.
c) Using painter line.
d) Using nets.

36. Damage suffered by a passenger in a passenger vessel is

covered under.

a) LLMC 1976 convention.

b) LLC 1969 convention.
C)Athens convention 1974.
d) Fund 1971.
37. Intact stability booklet comes under.

A) Solas
b) Marpol
c) loadline convention
d) Tonnage convention.

38. Your vessels has been in collision and you are not sure if your
vessels is sinking or not , how will you handle this situation ?

A. lower lifeboat and escape

B. Jump into the sea and escape
C. Search for missing person continue to monitor the situation
and prepare for abandonment in ease it becomes necessary
D. Do nothing, let it sink

39. Disadvantages of written communication

A. The preparation of written documents is time consuming

B. It is Not time consuming
C. None of these

40. Disadvantages of written communication

A) Written material is preferred when it is desirable to get the
same information to a group of people
B) Written records and reports are sometimes useful in legal
C) The preparation of written documents is time- consuming
D) Written words avoid possible errors due to accent, tone, etc .

41. Advantages of written communication method

A. Speaking can avoid

B. A blind can understand
C. Don't know
D. Highly technical topics can be presented using words and

42. At sea, if some one fell overboard and you did not know over
which side the person fell, you should

A. Don't stop the propellers and throw a lifebuoy

B. Jump into the water and search for the person
C. Do nothing
D. Stop the propellers from turning and throw a life Buoy over
the side

43. Which of the following is a man overboard maneuvers?

a) Williamson turn.
b) Hard port
c) Heart starboard
d) Neil Robertson turn.

44. Correct use of life saving appliance should be demonstrated to

crew as soon as possible, but not later than____________

A. 20 weeks
B. 5 weeks
C. 2 weeks
D. None of these

45. The master is responsible that all crew participate in monthly

emergency drills. If 25% of the crew or more - has not
participated in such drill during the last month, what is the time
limit to conduct such a drill after the vessels has left a part?

A. With in 12 Hors
B. With in a week
C. With in 2 Hours
D. within 24 hours

46. Drills must be hold within _____________of sailing if more

than 25% of the crew is changed at the last port

A. 24 hours
B. 2 Hours
C. 3 Hours
D. 12 Hours

47. Onboard familiarization is conducted

a) Immediately upon joining

b) Within 24 hours of joining
c) Before sign off
d) After the week of joining

48. Safety committee meeting is held onboard

A. Every week
B. Every 3 Months
C. Every month
D. None of these

49. The master may conduct random unannounced alcohol test at


a) Weekly
b) Monthly
c) Daily
d) Every contract
50. Ships personnel not allowed to commence duty with a blood
alcohol concentration greater than

A. 0.04%
B. 0.02%
C. 0.08%
D. 0.05%

51. The maximum permissible limit for blood alcohol content is

A. 400mg/100ml
B. 40 mg/100 ml
C. 4 mg/100 ml
D. None of these

52. Which sea area is marked as special area for


A. Arabian sea
B. Bay of Bengal
C. North sea
D. None of the above

53. Your vessels have been in collision with another vessel you are
taking in water and you have to prepare for leaving the vessels.
How will you act?

A. Send a distress message and collect survival suits/thermal

B. Lower the lifeboat and send a person to inform designated person
C. Lower lifeboat and escape
D. Do Nothing

54. What kind of safety signs needs to be placed in connection

with work in radar masts ?

A. A sign on all doors to the bridge

B. No particular sign
C. A sign in the engine control room
D. A fixed signs on each radar when work is in progress in the

55. Below precautions on entering dangerous spaces not relevant

A. Complete risk assessment must be done after identifying the

B. The atmosphere should be tested
C. Communication is never checked
D. A permit to work system should be used

56. water tight sliding steel doors used below water line must be
able to close in 45 seconds or less when ship is in upright

a) true
b) false.

57. General emergency alarms is continuous ringing of the bell

A. False
B. True

58. At muster stations during drills include 1. Checking

passengers and crew are suitably dressed 2. Checking life jackets
suitably donned 3. Starting and operating life boat engines.

A. True
B. False

59. When there is a fire in cargo hold, oil in adjacent tank to be

drained /transferred

A. True
B. False

60. Operational discharge of chemicals can only be carried out at


A. True
B. False

61. Confirm that all gas tight doors and access hatches are kept
open before sailing and make sure they are kept open through out
the voyage

A. False
B. True

62. In case of fire in a container the same should be jettisoned

a) True
b) False
63. who is support level member

A. Officer under Training

B. Electrical officer
C. Second officer
D. Chief officer

64. Your vessel have been in collision and you are not sure if your
vessel is sinking or not. How will you handle this situation?

A. Leave the vessel and stay not closer than 5 nautical miles
B. Search for missing persons . Continue to monitor situation
C. Make sure that lifeboat has as much bunker as possible
D. Wait and see how the situation is developing.

65. Annex IV of MARPOL, deals with sewage . How does it affect

shipboard operations concerning processing and treatment of

A. It is required in United states only and an approved sewage plant

must be installed on board
B. Discharge is for the time being allowed anywhere as long as
sewage plant is onboard
C. Only a collecting tank is required for all countries for the time
D. The regulations are not universally in force but a number of
countries have adapted them and have stringent regulations

66. Instructions for onboard maintenance of life-saving

appliances shall be easily understood and illustrated whenever
possible. Which of the following items do not necessarily have to
be included in the instructions according to the present

a) List of replaceable parts

b) Schedule for periodic maintenance
c) Log for records of inspections and maintenance
d) Check list for periodic inspections

67. Which of the following organs of IMO consist of all member


a) Council.
b) Assembly
c) Facilitation committee
d) None of the above

68. Strategic napping short term relief technique is most effective


a) 20 to 25 min long
b) 10 to 15 min long
c) 06 to 07 hrs long
d) 10 to 12 hrs long

68. Toolbox talk conducted

a. Every Week
b. Every Day
c. Before Every Job
d. Every month

69. Your vessel is a tanker in ballast, and the two vessels are
interlocked after collision. You have already made clear that all
people are well taken care of, and you will try to separate the two
vessels. What should be your greatest concern?
a) That the separation may cause sparks that can possibly ignite
the oil, or any other flammable substances.
b) Sinking of vessel due to flooding
c) loss of money
d) none of these

70. Oil pollution on board is achieved through

A. Use of oil filtering equipment in machinery spaces of all ships

B. USE of ODMCS (oil Discharge Monitoring and control system) on
C. Incineration of oil waste and sludge (and also their shore disposal)
D. All the above.

71. Following personnel shall not be allowed to carry out a aloft


A. Overweight person
B. Person with Acrophobia
C. A person who is not well rested
D. All the above

72. During injury to personal following action to be taken

A. Give first aid

B. Get radio medical help
C. Get helicopter assistance
D. All of the above

73. What permit is required for doing welding on a hydraulic

pipeline in a fresh water tank
A. Hot work permit
B. Permit to work on pressurized system
C. Enclosed space entry permit
D. All of the above

74. As per Solas Ch2.1. Drills , which is correct

A. Every crew member shall participate in at least one abandon ship

and fire drill every month
B. Within 24 hours of Ship leaving port if more than 25 % of the crew
has not participated in abandon ship and fire drill in the previous
C. When a ship enters service for the first time after modification of a
major character or when the crew is engaged
D. All of the above

75. Precautions to prevent oil pollution include but are not limited

A. Loading carriage and discharge of oil cargo as per manual

B. Regular inspection of oil piping and associated equipment/
C. Regular training of Crew in oil pollution drills
D. All of the above

76. Qualities of a good team member listed below

A. Good judgement common sense rationality logic and positive

B. Ability to plan and organise
C. Responsible and co-operative
D. All of the above
77. Work Activities that require permit to work

A. Working Aloft
B. Working on Electrical circuits/High Voltage
C. Working outboard/Overside
D.All of the above

78. The contingency plans should identify various types of

emergencies which may arise on a particular ship and may
Include ___

A. Allocation of duties and Responsibilities

B. Action to be taken to regain control of situation
C. Communication methods within and outside ship
D. All the above

79. What effects the good communication?

A. Seafarers come from different countries and cultures

B. knowledge of English may not be the same
C. Verbal communication in noisy engine in room
D. All of the above

80. Duties of Crew onboard vessel includes ensuring

A) Their own health and Safety and that of other persons

B) Use of Protective Equipment
C) Safe Working Practices
D) All of the above

81. Permit to Work System is necessary for

A) For ensuring safety of Personnel

B) For ensuring quality of work
C) For ensuring resource utilization
D) Any of the above

82. While entering in to enclosed spaces checks have to be done by

A) By a responsible person / Safety Officer

B) The Person entering the space
C) By the Master
D) Both A & B are correct

82. General Emergencies onboard could be

A) Fire / Explosion
B) Flooding
C) Main Engine Failure
D) All of the above

84. Effects of Drug & Alcohol abuse onboard

A) Will affect Individual's Performance

B) Criminal Proceedings against the Individual
C) Detention of Vessel
D) All of the above

85. Seafarers job on ships are

A) To identify potential areas of emergencies

B) To observe SWP to eliminate personal injuries
C) To have conducive atmosphere and good social
relationship amongst shipmates
D) All of the above

86. A Seafarer has the right to

A) Acquire a correct contract as per flag state approved form

B) Proper accommodations as specified as per ILO/MLC
C) Report inconveniences on board vessel to higher authorities
D) All of the above

87. Hazards of working aloft

A) Fall from height causing injury

B) Fall of tools from height causing injury to personnel
walking/working below
C) Both A & B are correct
D) None of the above

88. Work Activities that require Permit to Work (PTW)

A) Hot Work
B) Entry in to Enclosed Spaces
C) Cold Work
D) All of the above

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