Inglés 5º

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Level 1: My Friends

(the verb ‘be’)

Hello! These are my friends.

This is Nicole. She’s 14 years

old. She’s from England. She’s a
This is Joe. Joe is 13
singer and a student at my school.
years old. He’s from
She’s happy. She’s very smart and
the USA but his mum is
a great friend.
from Brazil. He’s really
nice and very tall.

This is Anton and Emma. They’re twins! They’re from France.

They’re very funny. They’re 12 years old. They’re students at
my school.

Question word Verb ‘be’ in affirmative or negative

Subject Yes/No


1. Where is Joe from?

Level 1: My Friends (the verb ‘be’)

2. How old is Joe?

3. Is Joe tall?

, .

4. Is Nicole happy?

, .

5. Is Nicole 15 years old?

, . .

6. Are Anton and Emma friends?

, . .

7. Are Anton and Emma students?

, .

8. How old are Anton and Emma ?

Level 1: My Friends (the verb ‘be’)

Level 1: Answers
Students can use contracted forms when appropriate.

1. Where is Joe from?

He is from the USA.

2. How old is Joe?

He is 13 years old.

3. Is Joe tall?

Yes, he is.

4. Is Nicole happy?

Yes, she is.

5. Is Nicole 15 years old?

No, she isn’t. She is 14 years old.

6. Are Anton and Emma friends?

No, they aren’t. They are twins.

7. Are Anton and Emma students?

Yes, they are.

8. How old are Anton and Emma?

They are 12 years old.


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