Re-Write The Following Sentence

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Name: Grade: Date: 10. I am very sad said soniya.

Grammar 11. we are going to myrtle beach for vacation.

Lesson: Revising The Past
Underline the mistakes & re-write the following sentence correctly.
12. my neighbors are buddhists

1. Candy taste sweet.

Underline the mistakes & re-write the following sentence correctly.
When do we use capital letters?
2. she like dogs
1. Start of a Sentence: 2. Pronoun 'I': 3. Names and Titles:
Always use capital letters at the Always capitalize the Capitalize names and titles,
3. What time it is beginning of a sentence. pronoun 'I'. including "Mom" and "Dad"
Example: "We are going to the Example: "My sister and I when used as names.
mall this afternoon." are best friends." Example: "Jackie went to the
4. I need to get new job. store with Mom and Dad."

4. Places: 5. Months, Days, and Holidays: 6. Historical Events and

5. The weather hot Capitalize places and Capitalize names of Religions:
geographical locations. months, days of the week, Capitalize historical events
Example: "Last week I went to and holidays. and religious terms.
Arizona." Example: "Every year Example: "The Battle of the
6. my sister bought potatoes , tomatoes and chocolates from the market.
Valentine’s Day is on Bulge was an important
February 14." event in World War II."

7. What a sunny day it is 7. Nations, Nationalities, and 8. Special Events and 9. Academic Courses:
Languages: Organizations: Capitalize academic course
Capitalize names of nations, Capitalize special events titles.
8. Michael ready four college nationalities, and languages. and names of organizations. Example: "He took Carpentry
Example: "I love to eat Example: "The Olympics are 101."
Mexican food." a major event."
9. The train is twenty minute late.
10. Brand Names:
Capitalize brand names.
Example: "I need a Kleenex."

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