195036-Hanstholm Fyr - Alternativ Base (Engelsk) (April 2022)

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Hanstholm Lighthouse
An Alternative Headquarters in the Remote Parts of Jutland, Denmark

During the mid-19th century, a lost group of descendants of the Society

established a base in the region of Thy in the shape of Hanstholm Lighthouse
– and deep underground in caverns they hid their secrets.


This product was created under license. Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying and its logo, are trademarks of Fria Ligan
AB. This work contains material that is copyright Fria Ligan AB and/or other authors. Such material is used with
permission under the Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop. All other original material in this work
is copyright 2021 by Morten Greis and published under the Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.
· Hanstholm Lighthouse ·

Overlooking the North Sea, Hanstholm Everywhere in the lightkeeper house and the
Lighthouse is Jutland’s first modern lighthouse, and outbuildings are cobwebs. Dust have settled on all
it guides ships around the promontory it rests upon. surfaces, and the sickly-sweet stench of rot mixes with
Out in the sea glides small fishing boats from the the smell of the salty sea and rooms left alone for all to
nearby village, Hansted, while it itself lies halfway long. Mice have invaded the furniture and the pantry has
hidden behind wind blasted dunes. withered and blackened. The place has been left alone for
The fishers are unaware that the lighthouse is quite a while, and was not closed properly, when it was
more than a guiding light. Underneath are forgotten abandoned. The doors are locked, and the wood has in
corridors and hidden rooms dug into the ground by a several settled making is difficult to force the doors open
branch of the Order of Artemis, whose name is lost, even when unlocked.
but their legacy, the lighthouse and the lighthouse
keeper’s home still stands.
Hansted and Hanstholm Knot
Hanstholm lighthouse is an alternate headquarters Hanstholmknude or Hanstholm Knot is the Northwest-
and base of operations for adventures and mysteries in most promontory in Jutland, and during the stone age the
Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying Game. The region was an island. The promontory raises up above the
lighthouse can be used as an alternate starting point for a surrounding lands, and it consists of limestone, salt and
Vaesen campaign, as a secondary headquarters calcium. The land is covered by fine sand gathered by the
supporting Castle Gyllencreutz in Uppsala or even as ever-present wind and heather, which is among the few
replacement, if the Society loses their castle in Sweden. plants that are suited to grow here. There are no forests,
The supplement contains new upgrades, new contacts and trees are lonely and far between. Wherever there is
and new guidelines for using the lighthouse as a part of a shelter from the wind farmers have attempted to turn the
Vaesen campaign. dirt into farmland. At the promontory’s utmost point lies
This supplement utilizes the supplements the hamlet Hansted, and with a view over Hansted lies the
Strandvasker – A Coastal Revenant and the supplement church. Just to the South of the church lies Hanstholm
New Personnel and Contacts for Vaesen. lighthouse.

The Abandoned Lighthouse

On top of the sandy hill surrounded by weed and
heather lies the whitewashed lighthouse keeper’s house
and outbuildings. Above it towers the lighthouse. Not far
from there lies a small stone building, which is the church.
A dirt road leads from the top of the hill to the hamlet
The wind tears into travelers. The roar of the sea is
carried up the hill by the wind, and the sky is covered by
grey clouds. The sun is nowhere to be seen. The land is
completely open – no forests or mountains, just low hills
and a vast heath that is seemingly without end.
A solid but low stone wall marks the lighthouse’s
grounds including both the tall white lighthouse and the
outbuildings. Grass and weed grows wild, and the garden
behind the lightkeeper house have been plundered by
Hansted village is very remote. The residents of the
Near the top of the hill lies the church visible. It is a
village are mostly fishermen. In the evening having
small medieval building with no tower, and next to it are
returned from the sea they pull their boats onto the shore.
the remains of an ancient barrow. Numerous weathered
The village has a customs assistant who keeps a log of the
gravestones are gathered the small church.
farmers’ imports and exports, when they sail to Norway

· Hanstholm Lighthouse ·

with grain and return mostly with timber. There is a increased it was decided in 1842 to construct the
teacher to ensure the education of the children, a priest lighthouse. However, in October 1842 when the lighthouse
to ensure the spiritual salvation of the locals, and a beach was almost finished, the lantern was placed on top of the
bailiff who watches the beach, gathers flotsam and tower, and it did not take long, before the lighthouse
coordinates the salvaging of ships. keeper Wørmer discovered a construction error making
the tower walls slowly crack underneath the lantern. It
was discovered that the master builder might have had
The Official Story misunderstood the architect’s blueprints. It is said that
On top of one the regions few hills in an otherwise flat the architect was so ashamed that he hung himself in his
and windy landscape rises the lighthouse above its basement. In 1843 the master builder tore down the tower
surroundings. The lighthouse is the first of its kind along and had it rebuilt anew, and in December 1843 the
the western coast of Jutland overlooking the North Sea, lighthouse was taken into use.
and it has been raised to guide ships safely rounds its Across a small courtyard is the lighthouse keeper’s
promontory ensuring their safe journey towards house and two outbuildings functioning as stables and
Copenhagen. Shipping has increased vastly the recent workshops. In the center of the courtyard is a deep well
years, and the need to have ships arriving safely has that reaches deep down into the ground to reach fresh
increased drastically. water untouched by the salty sea.
Behind the house lies a large overgrown garden. To
the lighthouse belongs fields and the garden to support
the lighthouse keeper and their staff. The place also
contains offices, a boathouse, workshop, and the like.
Next to the lighthouse complex across a dirt road lies
Hanstholm Church, a small Romance style building raised
in the 12th century. It is without a tower, and it has an old
churchyard attached to it. Long ago a bell tower was
raised on top of the stone age barrow lying next to the
church, but it is gone now.

The Hidden History

The lighthouse is the Hanstholm parish near the small
hamlet of Hansted. The desolate region is home for
vaesen, and especially at night the region can be
dangerous for humans to travel. At sea mermaids try to
lure ships onto land, and along the coast strandvarslers
haunt unable to find rest after their ships went down, and
on the heath, there are will’o’wisps and hungry trolls
The lighthouse itself is octagonal, whitewashed and
eating lone travelers.
equipped with a lantern room on the top. The structure is
Long ago the region was ruled by a mighty vaesen. A
20 meters tall, or about five stories, and on its top a small
branch of the Society known as The Sønderborg Chapter
open platform allows people to walk around the glass
(Sønderborg is a town in Southern Jutland; after the war
housing keeping the lantern. From here it is a height of 65
of 1864, Sønderborg was part of Germany until 1920) tried
meters giving an excellent view far across the sea, but also
several times to stop the vaesen but without any success.
across the empty heath mostly covered in dunes and
As part of their attempts, they established a local hideout
heather with a few lonely farms spread out. The dirt roads
in the chalk caves beneath Hanstholm.
connecting the parish’s farms are easily visible. The
Instead of stopping the the vaesen, The Sønderborg
lighthouse has the most powerful lantern, and the light
Chapter planned on binding the vaesen to the ground
beam can be seen far and wide.
utilizing Sacred Geometry. They had the master architect
The placement of the lighthouse is tied to the
Brach-Sørensen draw a monument that should be able to
increased amount of shipping in the area. As traffic

· Hanstholm Lighthouse ·

anchor the creature. However, it never came to this, as the It is likely that descendants of the forgotten The
Society collapsed after the tragic events at Oulu. Sønderborg Chapter still resides among the villagers of
The project was Hansted keeping an eye on everyone moving into the
abandoned for a while, but lighthouse. Perhaps in the shape of a secret society among
under the leadership of the Hansted farmers while vaguely remembering the pre-
Liselotte Gesner (born history.
Wildenrath) – she was a At present, the lighthouse stands abandoned, and the
descendant of the missing light at night is a serious concern. The place has
Sønderborg Chapter – the a poor reputation, and none of the locals will take the
monument was redrawn position. The Royal Danish Lighthouse Office (Det
as a lighthouse by royal kongelige danske fyrvæsen) is looking people daring to
master builder Jørgen take the position. There are multiple options for involving
Koch. Liselotte had seen the Society:
the plans to establish a
• The Society hears about a haunted lighthouse,
lighthouse at Hanstholm, and they allow themselves to be involved in
and she used her something, that might lead to a case.
connections to change the • The Society is asked to investigate the lighthouse
lighthouse plans and have as none of the locals will work there due to
an unusual lighthouse rumors of hauntings.
• A newly appointed lighthouse keeper is unable to
raised. It was developed
hire any staff due to the site’s poor reputation,
according to the methods
and the keeper asks the Society to investigate.
of Sacred Geometry, and • The Society finds old documents referencing the
in secret it was connected lost branch of the Order, and the references
to the Society’s chalk points them towards the Lighthouse.
caves deep underground.
Liselotte herself never saw the lighthouse completed
as she had passed away due to old age before that. At her
Daily Life at Hanstholm
The daily operation of the lighthouse is important.
request, the first master of the lighthouse chosen was
Every day the lantern should be checked. The lenses must
Heinrich Julius Wørmer, as he had been schooled in the
be polished, and the glass windows cleaned.
secrets of the lighthouse.
The Machinery operating and turning the lantern
must be maintained and oiled. Some parts must be wound
up like a clock for the lantern’s continued rotation, and
the light must be refueled regularly, and the fuel pipes
checked for leaks.
A journal of the daily observations across the sea and
of the daily operations must be kept. Consumption of fuel
Right now, the lighthouse and the lighthouse keeper’s
and spare parts must be noted so more can be ordered in
house stand empty. The three previous lighthouse
keepers each suffered from accidents and vanished
A part of the salary is the residence, its livestock and
mysteriously afterwards. Keeper Carl Alsing and his wife
land, and a part of the lighthouse is kept as a regular farm.
Laureline disappeared during the storm flood of 1862
The livestock must be fed, cleaned out and cared for.
(which reshaped parts of Jutlands coast further down
Likewise, the lands must be tilled, sowed and harvested.
south). They were followed by Niels and Hanne Kromann,
Fences, buildings and tools must be kept in a good shape.
who vanished one night during a particular violent
The operation of the lighthouse requires not just
autumn storm, and after them lighthouse keeper Albert
turning the lights on and off, but for the lighthouse keeper
Svendsen took the position, but already after a few
and their family and staff to keep the grounds, the
months during a stormy night, he took off. Since then, no
livestock and the buildings as well as the lantern itself.
one has dared take up the position.

· Hanstholm Lighthouse ·

Temporary Headquarters
The lighthouse can be used as a permanent base just
as Castle Gyllencreutz and the Ravnholm Estate, but its
remote position and the fact, that the Society might
already have a headquarter makes it less likely for the
Society to use lighthouse as their new headquarters.
Instead, they can use it as a temporary headquarters.
The Society can either for a period of one or more
mysteries take up residence in the lighthouse keeper’s
residence and use the place while they solve cases in
Western Jutland, or they can choose to keep the place and
then hire people to run the place in their absence.
For every 2 points the Society has spent on Upgrades,
Contacts and Personnel at their central headquarter, the
Society can spend 1 point on Upgrades, Contacts and
Personnel at their new temporary headquarters.
Adding the Upgrades, Contacts and Personnel is done,
when they either visit the temporary headquarter or when
they write letters and instruct the Housekeeper or the
Assistant Lighthouse Keeper as to what new
improvements they want. Upgrades that require
discovery or that has an occult function can only be added
by staff initiated into the secrets of the Society.
If The Society fails to maintain their temporary
headquarters, threats will arise.

· Hanstholm Lighthouse ·

room and in the back room. These stoves are connected

The Hanstholm Buildings to stoves in the great room, the chamber, the bedroom
The lighthouse faces the lighthouse keeper's and the hall. From here, a chimney runs up through the
residence and the lengths with a courtyard with a deep attic.
well between them. The eastern building is stable building. Here is a hen
house, barn for cows and horses, sheep house and pig
house, in addition to feed house. In the western building
are fuel and rooms for lighthouse keeper assistants and
additional staff.

The main building has a high ground floor. Access is

via the stairs at the front of the building. Below the ground
floor is the basement, which is accessed via a staircase,
which is under the stairs leading up to the front door, or
via the basement stairs in the hallway in addition to a
basement staircase at the back. Above the ground floor is
the attic, which is reached via the attic stairs in the
entrance hall.
The ground floor contains an entrance hall, anteroom,
bedroom, living room, guest room, large living room and
The basement has an
entrance hall, brewery
and bakery, kitchen,
maid's room, pantry,
laundry room, back
basement, back room.

The attic contains an attic, two attic chambers and two

storage rooms.
The building is
heated by a stove at the
western end, which in
the basement is
connected to the stove
and the maid's chamber,
on the ground floor is
connected to the guest room and living room and on the
attic is connected to one attic chamber. At the eastern
end, in the basement is the baking oven as well as the
brewing vessel that is connected to an oven in the laundry

· Hanstholm Lighthouse ·

FUNCTION: Once pr Mystery a player character gains

Upgrades one free success on a die roll when searching for
There are several upgrades or improvements for the information on ships, shipping and ship travels.
lighthouse and the lighthouse residence and its
Rescue Station
outhouses. There are facilities and discovered facilities, and
A wide gate faces down to the beach. Behind the gate
then there is the personnel. These functions just as in the
placed on a simple cart, so that it is easy to pull, is a large
core rulebook with some minor changes reflecting the
lifeboat with oars. On the walls inside the room hang ropes,
differences between Gyllencreutz, Ravnholm and
flags, lifebuoys and the like.
PREREQUISITE: Sailor (personnel) or Resources 5
The lighthouse has facilities, that can be utilized, when FUNKTION: The boat can be set to sea quickly to
The Society has had time and resources to refurbish or rescue people fallen into the sea or trapped on ships run
rebuild them. This includes the facilities below. When a aground. The boat grants an automatic success on dice
facility has the same function as a facility in the core throw during a rescue mission.
rulebook, then see the rulebook for the effect (p. 89-91). ASSET: One player character can bring rope or
The Tower binoculars on a Mystery without spending resources.
A spiral staircase leads all the way up through the tower. Boat Pier
There are cables from the generator to the floodlight at the top A boat pier leads from the beach and a good distance out
as well as cables for the rotating lantern. The road up is into the water. At the far end is a ladder down to the water,
arduous and exhausting. and a simple raft is moored.
PREREQUISITE: available from the start PREREQUISITE: Sailor (personnel) or Resources 5
PRICE: 0 PRICE: 4 (can be purchased up to three times)
FUNCTION: The many trips up and down bring people FUNCTION: FUNCTION: For each additional time boat
into shape. A character spending a scene here, heals 1 bridge is purchased, the Society's dinghy is upgraded by
physical condition. one step from poor to well-maintained to extraordinary. If
Lighthouse with Spotlight the Society also has a rowing boat, it will also be upgraded
A narrow door leads to a narrow roundabout with a one step.
magnificent view of both the sea and the moor. It’s dominated ASSET: The Society has a poor dinghy.
by the big spotlight. Inside the glass panes are the arc lamp Telegraph
and the lens unit, which rotates when it is dark. The blows of The room is sparsely decorated. A simple table has an
the waves against the shore are carried inland by the wind. electric telegraph standing, and in a small cupboard on the
PREREQUISITE: Officer, Inventor or Resources 4 wall are instructions and codes.
PRICE: 5 PREREQUISITE: Officer or Resources 5
FUNKTION: The characters can study the sea for PRICE: 6
insight. One of the player characters gain an extra FUNCTION: The Society can before a Mystery send a
Advantage before a mystery: Call of the Sea. telegram requesting assistance. At a convenient moment
THREAT: Until the Spotlight is in use, the following during the Mystery a contact appears.
Threat applies: The Missing Light. The Office
The Neglected Archive of Logbooks and A large desk filled with drawers fills the space. It stands
Observations by the window, so it has a view of the sea. The cold wind
A small room packed tightly with shelving. On the shelves shakes the windows. The sea shows teeth. On the walls are
are logbooks stacked with no order or sense, and between paintings of fishing boats and picture frames with dried
them documents are rolled up and squeezed in. Forced into flowers.
the center of the room is a desk and a small desk chair. Gray PREREQUISITE: –
daylight comes in from the window, and outside the roar of PRICE: 5
the sea can be heard. Through the window the gray-blue sea FUNCTION: One of the player characters gain an extra
can be seen. The waves show their teeth. Advantage before a mystery: Well-read.

· Hanstholm Lighthouse ·

Weather Station Stables

The weathercock on the roof is visible from the small One long is divided into several smaller stalls. There is
chamber. On the wall hangs a barometer and a thermometer, room for sheep, cows and horses, and at the back there is a
and on the shelf is a collection of almanacs. On the wall chicken house. The smell of livestock hangs heavily in the air.
opposite are posters with the path of the moon and the sun PREREQUISITE: Vagabond or Resources 5
across the sky, the window is not quite tight, and a cold draft PRICE: 4 (Can be purchased up to three times)
wind pulls squeaking through the room. AKTIV: Same as Stable from the rulebook.
PREREQUISITE: Inventor or Resources 5 CONTACT: The stable is home to a Nisse. The Nisse
PRICE: 3 protects the barn and the animals in it. A character who
FUNCTION: One of the player characters can bring a spends a scene in the barn can come in contact with Nisse.
piece of equipment or clothing that will during the It provides access to additional clues – as chosen by the
Mystery become relevant due to the weather without game master. If the Nisse does not get porridge at
paying any resources – one option is that the player and the Christmas time, it leaves the farm.
gamemaster agrees to define the specific piece of equipment, Local Inn: Hansted Inn
when it becomes relevant. Where three country roads meet, Hansted kro is
Shooting Range located. Here, travelers spend the night and the locals
At the rear end of the garden hidden between apple trees come to have a schnaps.
and hazelnut bushes hides an old shooting range fenced off by PREREQUISITE: –
solid stone walls. PRICE: 4 (Can be purchased t up to three times)
PREREQUISITE: – FUNCTION: Same as Local Tavern from the rulebook
PRICE: 5 (can be purchased up to three times) Kennel
FUNCTION: Same as Shooting Range from the Outside behind the stable building is a kennel with brick
rulebook. dog houses and a fence to breed and train dogs.
ASSET: Same as Shooting Range from the rulebook. PREREQUISITE: Gamekeeper or Hunter
Workshop PRICE: 4 (can be purchased up to three times)
In one building in the three-lane courtyard, a workshop ASSET: Same as Kennel from the rulebook.
has been set up. On the walls hang tools, and out on the floor DISCOVERED FACILITIES
stands a percussion bench. There is a smell of wood chips and The lighthouse and the associated residences have few
dried oil in the air. The large sliding door to the courtyard secrets. What lies hidden underground, on the other
does not close tightly and it can be heard on the hissing of the hand, is a different story. Hidden in the hill are the place's
wind. biggest secrets.
PREREQUISITE: Resources 4 The Cellar
PRICE: 4 A series of cold, dark rooms connected by a narrow
FUNCTION: Same as Workshop from the rulebook. corridor. Torch holders are mounted in the wall. The air is
ASSET: Vagabond or Servant can repair a piece of cold and humid.
equipment broken during the previous mission as a part PREREQUISITE: –
of the Preparation and bring it along the mystery without DISCOVERY: The hatch in the floor of the storage leads
it costing resources. The equipment should be something down to a root cellar. Behind the old closet is a staircase that
that can be repaired within reason. leads deeper down. The air is cold and humid.
Infirmary PRICE: 4 (Can be purchased up to three times)
The walls are scrubbed clean, the floor is covered with FUNCTION: Same as Cellar Vault from the rulebook.
tiles, and a scent of dried flowers hangs in the air. Beds along Dungeon
the walls are ready to receive patients. Through the window Shaft in the floor with large metal bars across.
you can see the sea. The sound of the wind rustling in the low PREREQUISITE: Cellar
bushes on the sandbanks can be heard. DISCOVERY: In a secluded room with vaulted ceilings
PREREQUISITE: Doctor or Resources 5 are large, rusty metal bars in the floor.
FUNCTION: Same as Infirmary from the rulebook. FUNCTION: Same as Dungeon from the rulebook.

· Hanstholm Lighthouse ·

The Hidden Bookcase DISCOVERY: A sudden sound makes you open your eyes.
Embedded in the floor under a hidden hatch is a You are not in your bed, but a strange place in the dark. Have
bookcase. The smell of dust and old ink rises when the hatch you fallen asleep again?
is opened, revealing the yellowed documents held together by PRICE: 4 (Can be purchased up to three times)
simple book covers. FUNCTION: Same as Self-Flagellation Tools from the
PREREQUISITE: The Neglected Archive rulebook.
DISCOVERY: A floorboard creaks strangely. As the plank Personnel
is twisted loose, a secret compartment appears… Use the personnel from the core rulebook (p. 94-95)
PRICE: 5 with the following changes. The staff specific for
FUNCTION: The book collection contains an answer to Hanstholm lighthouse is described below.
a question that relates to the previous case. The answer is Personnel such as caretaker, chef, coachman, game
sometimes cryptic, and it always has to do with Vaesen, keeper, gardener, guard, house physician, inventor,
secret societies or the occult. mystic, quartermaster, recruit, and stable boy functions
ASSET: The secret bookcase in the floor hides many as described in the rulebook, but the lighthouse lies far
strange works. The book collection gives a hint to better from any city or major town and some staff therefore have
understand a text or cryptic reference found on a mission an additional cost.
(the game master provides hints to better interpret a text Urbane personnel adds +2 to their COST: Chef, home
found on a mission; once per mystery). physician, mystic, inventor, gardener – unless they are
Hanstholm Chronicle purchased as dishonored personnel (see below).
The leather-bound book has gold letters printed on the Boatbuilder
back. The title of the book is written in Gothic letters. The boatbuilder is a quiet, broad-shouldered figure who
PREREQUISITE: The Office takes lessons from rivers and lakes, from the sea and the
DISCOVERY: Inside the desk top next to the drawers is a weather, and who maintains the company's boat.
hidden compartment. A simple button hidden in the side of PREREQUISITE: Workshop or Boat Pier
the desk makes the compartment pop up and reveals a heavy, PRICE: 4
handwritten book. FUNCTION: Between mysteries, the boatbuilder can
PRICE: 4 repair a damaged boat, or the boatbuilder can temporarily
FUNCTION: At the end of a session a player can write upgrade a boat's condition with one step (from poor to
down the explorations of The Society. Each player is then well-maintained to extraordinary), which lasts a mission.
granted 1 experience point. ASSET: The Society has poor rowing boat.
THREAT: When the chronicle is being used, it awakens Housekeeper Emma Witt
The Ghost. A small, tightly build lady with a small smile, and an
The Shielded Room attitude that does not invite to tease.
Water is constantly dripping from the ceiling in front of PREREQUISITE: -
the rusty iron door. In the lime wall around the door, symbols PRICE: 3
made of copper green with verdigris are formed as wards FUNCTION: The housekeeper is responsible for the
against the evil eye, and on the iron door itself are faded daily operation of the lighthouse keeper's residence from
markings of protective alchemical symbols. taking care of the farm animals and the personnel to
PREREQUISITE: The Cellar or The Mystic managing the place when The Society is away. As long as
DISCOVERY: Behind a stack of moldy wooden barrels, a the lighthouse is functioning normally, she can take care
passage can be sensed, which slopes downwards… of its operation.
PRICE: 6 (Can be purchased up to three times)
FUNCTION: Same as Occult Archive from the rulebook.
The Pyramid Chamber
Behind a curtain, a chamber is cut out of the limestone.
The ceiling is pointed like a pyramid, and in the middle of the
floor is a sarcophagus, which is cut directly out of the
limestone, and which blends in with the floor.
PREREQUISITE: The Cellar or The Mystic

· Hanstholm Lighthouse ·

Lighthouse Assistant Knud Sonne Hansen Contacts

Ruddy and round-cheeked, still young in his duties, but Hanstholm is a remote place, and the many
full of zeal. The buttons on the uniform jacket shine freshly connections that The Society has in larger cities takes on
polished. a different form far from cosmopolitan centers. The
PREREQUISITE: - following contacts are available, and they function as
PRICE: 3 contacts according to the core rulebook.
FUNCTION: The lighthouse keeper's assistant handles The Old Priest
the day-to-day operation of the lighthouse and leaving The parish priest takes care of the small Hansted church
The Society more time to handle important tasks. As long together with the other churches in the parish. He is far from
as the lighthouse keeper's home does not have problems, home, and in the parish, he has seen things which would ruin
the lighthouse keeper's assistant can handle it when The his reputation if he mentioned it to the people of the big city.
Society is away. PREREQUISITE: Academic or Resource 5
Sailor COST: 4
Weathered and with a deep respect for traveling on the FUNCTION: A conversation with the priest about
sea and rivers. Vaesen or the supernatural makes it easier to get through
PREREQUISITE: Boatbuilder the day. The conversation makes it possible to push all
PRICE: 3 mental recovery rolls.
FUNCTION: The sailor can transport The Society with The Young Priest
their boat (and they heal an extra condition along the NOTE: If the old priest passes away a new young priest
way). The sailor can pick up and bring a contact during a arrives in the parish.
mystery. The parish priest is a young zealot who has moved to the
ASSET: The sailor can assist on missions. The players parish with his pregnant wife to take over the post from the
can spend 10 points on attributes and 8 points on skills old priest. The young pastor is a member of the Inner Mission.
(max 3). Physical Toughness 1. Mental Toughness 1. PREREQUISITE: Academic or Resource 4
It happens that people fall into disfavor in the cities, and FUNCTION: A conversation with the pastor about the
they need to get far away for a while. Some leave the country, salvation of the soul and about forsaking worldly life can
while others find a position far away in the countryside where lighten the heart of someone. The conversation makes it
rumors of their poor reputation have not reached. possible to Push all mental healing scrolls.
The Society can employ personnel with a bad THREAT: If the Society deviates too much from the
reputation. It is cheaper but not without consequences. priest's strict interpretation in their lifestyle, he may
Dishonored Personnel has -2 to their COST. The cease to be a contact and instead become a threat to the
disadvantage is that before each mystery, the players Society, turning the area's believers against the Society
must make a reputation roll with 2 dice +1 for each and causing the locals not to assist the Society.
additional dishonored staff. If one or more successes are The Folklore Collector
rolled, it has negative consequences for one of the She is the daughter of a priest, and after her travels to
dishonored staff: Germany, where she has been to lectures at the Brothers
1 success: A contact is not available for this mystery Grimm, she has eagerly begun collecting local stories and
due to the personnel’s poor reputation. stories. She wanders around the heath and interrogates the
2 successes: The dishonored personnel’s poor locals when she meets them.
reputation influences the Society’s reputation in a poor PREREQUISITE: Academic or Resource 5
manner, and a Threat advances an additional step. COST: 4
3 successes: The dishonored personnel have been FUNCTION: Grants a free success on finding
forced to go into hiding temporarily, and they are not information on stories, beliefs and customs in the
available for the next mystery. countryside.
4+ successes: The dishonored personnel is caught up
by their past, and they run off during the night. The
Society loses the personnel.

· 10 ·
· Hanstholm Lighthouse ·

Wise Woman Travelling Trader

The old peasant wife knows about witchcraft, and she (Hosekræmmer)
understands what bothers people and what it takes to cure The hosekræmmer wanders around between the farms on
them. Her cures are sometimes quirky, like dancing naked the heath and buys wool and knitting, which are subsequently
around the old oak tree at full moon or firing the gun into the resold in the markets. The shopkeeper travels far and wide
oven, but people claim she heals their flaws and removes their and often has a story or two with him from the farms where
evils. shopping has taken place.
PREREQUISITE: A character must have become PREREQUISITE: Resources 4 or Servant
mentally broken during a mission. COST: 4
COST: 4 FUNCTION: Delivers gossip from the rural districts.
FUNCTION: She grants characters a +2 bonus on Can deliver local crafts (even large amounts of it) to a good
mental recovery rolls, and if her instructions are followed price. Grants +1 CAPITAL to acquiring local crafts in the
to the letter, they will remove curses and cure preparation phase.
supernatural sufferings.
Customs Assistant
The customs assistant must make sure that the goods that
the farmers bring home from Norway, England or Germany
are cleared through customs and reported to the king. The
young assistant well trained and already knows most of the
farmers' tricks. His duties allow him to hear news from
abroad and gossip about what is happening among the locals.
PREREQUISITE: A harbor or a coast where boats are
dragged ashore.
FUNCTION: The assistant grants 1 success on news
from other countries. The assistant grants +1 bonus to
collect gossip from the locals.
The bailiff has a home on the local estate, and it is the
bailiff's task on behalf of the lord to keep calm in the area.
When there are quarrels between the peasants, or if someone
is unable to pay their dues, the bailiff becomes involved, and
he knows the area's daydreamers and cheaters.
PREREQUISITE: Resources 5 or Private Detective
FUNCTION: Can provide clues from the lands and
villages belonging to the manor and can identify local
criminals. Can mobilize a team of hardened farmhands to
deal with issues of a human nature.

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· Hanstholm Lighthouse ·

The Maid from the Sea

Threats It is said that the village of Hansted lying next to
This section is preferably for game masters, and Hanstholm lighthouse is named after the glove
players are advised no to read it. (’handske’), that drifted ashore after a particular violent
Owning a lighthouse like Hanstholm is not without storm, and it was found where the church later was build
complications. The rules for Threats are covered in the (raised in the 12th century). The glove belongs to the maid
core rulebook (p. 87-88). The following are threats based of the sea.
particularly on the lighthouse to be used as inspiration Countdown:
for your own campaign. 1. The maid from the sea is a mermaid. She
The Ghost recognizes The Society, and she therefore
Hanstholm lighthouse is haunted. The ghost of Laureline raises large heavy waves, whenever The Society
Alsing can be seen on stormy nights when ships are in attempts to go anywhere by boat. On top of the
danger of being led aground. She was killed by wind can be heard her horn made from a
Hanstholm’s second lighthouse keeper, her husband Carl conch.
Alsing, one stormy one night, when madness overcame 2. The mermaid uses her magics to enchant
him. sailors using them in an attempt to destroy the
Countdown: lighthouse’s lantern. She threatens that she will
pull their boats to the bottom of the sea if they
1. Windows and doors are forcefully opened on
do not serve her.
stormy nights. Cold rain and icy winds sweep
3. In ancient times Hanstholm was an island. The
through the building.
lands around the cliffs upon which Hanstholm
2. On stormy nights, a pale figure is seen moving
rests are lowlands, and the mermaid has
from the residence to the lighthouse. If quickly
decided once and for all to trap The Society by
followed one can see her fall to her death in
raising the sea and flooding the area turning
lighthouse’s inner column.
the Hanstholm cliff into an island.
3. Laureline appears in people’s dreams, and they
feel compelled towards the top of the Beach Bailiff Jens Bødker
lighthouse. On those dark nights where a storm Beach Bailiff (Strandfoged) Jens Bødker has the tasks of
rages, they not just dream of going up there, supervising the coasts and organizing the salvage work
but they sleepwalk there. when the ships run aground. He keeps a log of the
wreckage and once a year it is auctioned off. The beach
The Strandvarsler bailiff suspects The Society of trouble and for not
The strandvarsler (the ‘beach omen’) is a revenant unable
maintaining the lighthouse properly.
to find rest. The corpse drifted ashore from a Norwegian
fishing boat. The body lies abandoned and plundered
near a coastal cliff. 1. The beach bailiff begins to monitor The
Countdown: Society’s activities. He keeps a journal of the
daily operation of the lighthouse and spies on
1. The Strandvarsler haunts the coast, and anyone
The Society as they come and go.
encountering it becomes sick and begins to
2. The beach bailiff begins to suspect The Society
waste away.
of running a smuggling ring, and he begins
2. Boats leaving the beach are attacked by the
following them to gather evidence. He follows
strandvarsler, as it reaches out from the waves
them, talk to people they talk to, and he keeps
trying to pull a victim into the water.
track of whom they mail or receive mail from.
3. The Strandvarsler grabs onto travelers near the
3. The beach bailiff decides to find the evidence
coast and climbs up on their back to be carried
that will reveal it all. He breaks into the
to the nearest churchyard, but the revenant is
residence to gather evidence. He searches their
too heavy for the living who all collapses dead
belongings, breaks seals and sets trouble loose.
before reaching the graveyard.

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· Hanstholm Lighthouse ·

The Neglected Lighthouse The Young Priest

If the Society does not have a housekeeper or a The old priest is gone, and instead a new, young priest
lighthouse keeper assistant, then they must spend a good has been appointed. He is from Inner Mission, and he
amount of time on the daily operations of the lighthouse strongly opposes most of the things The Society stands
limiting their time studying or investigating Vaesen, for – should he discover who and what The Society is,
planning expeditions and travelling. Countdown:
1. The young priest pays The Society a visit
1. The Society is visited one by one by the beach wanting to talk some sense in them and have
bailiff, the customs assistant and the teacher them swear off any occult activities.
who all worry if proper care is taken of the 2. The priest has for a period been preaching
lighthouse, against The Society every Sunday at church, and
2. The Society receives writings The Royal Danish it is beginning to catch on. Locals begin to view
Lighthouse Office (Det kongelige danske them with suspicion and try to avoid them. The
fyrvæsen) asking for detailed reports on the Society is unable to receive any support from
daily operations. The Society is requested to anyone in the parish.
send all kinds of reports, and afterwards a 3. The young priest has kept preaching against The
Senior Lighthouse Keeper will be sent to Society and he has begun turning the locals.
inspect the place. Newspapers in the area carries letters from the
3. The Society is informed that The Royal Danish readers complaining about the lighthouse
Lighthouse Office will appoint a new keeper to keeper, and people wants to involve The Royal
replace the current, and if The Society wants Danish Lighthouse Office requesting that they
protest this, they must appear in Copenhagen. replace the current keeper.
Shortly after a new keeper is announced and
sent to Hanstholm.
The Missing Light
The lighthouse does not function as it should. The
lantern is not lighted correctly, and ships in the area is in
danger of running aground. The Society has an
important task ahead.

1. The Society is at first approached by the beach

bailiff and later by worried fishermen. They all
ask The Society to ensure that the lighthouse is
up and running as it should be.
2. A messenger comes running. A heavy fog has
descended, and the fishers has observed at least
one large ship in the local waters. The Society
must hinder the ship from running aground in
the fog – whether they will improvise a light in
the tower, build bonfires on the coast or
something else is their choice.
3. One foggy evening or an early morning during a
storm a ship is seen struggling with getting
round the promontory. The Society can either
see the ship run aground and become a source
of corpses washing ashore resulting in ghosts,
revenants, strandvarslere, and mermen
depending on what the Society chooses to do.

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· Hanstholm Lighthouse ·


Hansted Inn




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