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English activity

Fourth semester
Philips 66.
Cine forum
After students see the film in class, they have to analyze the content of it through a
Forum in class.
Answer the following questions.
1. What was the title of the film?
The title of the film was War Room.

2. What was the main topic of the film?

The main topic of the film was the power of prayer and faith.

3. Which were the main character´s names?

The main character’s names were: Elizabeth Jordan, Tony Jordan, Danielle Jordan
and Miss Clara Williams.

4. Which were the secondary character’s names?

The secondary character’s names were: Coleman Young, the Jordan´s friend Michael.

5. Which were the places where the facts of the film happened?
The places where the facts of the film happened were: the Jordan house, the Miss
Clara house, the gym, the park and the company.

6. What was Elizabeth’s occupation in the film?

Elizabeth’s occupation in the film was real estate agent.

7. What was Tony’s occupation in the film?

Tony´s occupation in the film was salesman for a pharmaceutical company.

8. How many children did the couple have?

They only had one daughter

9. How was Elizabeth´s marriage at the beginning of the story?

Elizabeth's marriage was bad at the beginning of the story because she and her
husband fought all the time.

10. How was Elizabeth´s marriage at the end of the story?

Elizabeth's marriage was very good at the end of the story because she and her
husband no longer fought, supported each other and spent more time with their

11. What sport did Tony practice in the story?

Tony practiced basketball in the story
12. What did War Room mean to Mrs. Clara?

13. What kind of product did Mr. Jordan sell during the story?
Mr. Jordan sold pharmaceuticals during the story

14. Use at least seven adjectives to describe Mr. and Mrs. Jordan´s behavior. (Por
Mr. Jordan was friendly, ambitious and proud.
Mrs. Jordan was worker, strong, prudent, determined, patient and optimist.

15. How long have Mr. and Mrs. Jordan been living together during the film?
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan have been living together for 16 years.

16. Which were the principal reasons because Jordan ´s family fought?
The main reason the Jordan family fought was that Mrs. Elizabeth wanted to help her
sister but Mr. Jordan did not agree.

17. How did Mr. Jordan ´s daughter suffer?

Mr. Jordan´s daughter feels abandoned and sad, her parents don't pay attention to
her and her grades are bad.

18. Have you felt this way during a couple relationship?

No, I hasn´t (Eliana)

19. What is the best weapon do we have to fight against Evil?

The best weapon we have to fight against Evil is to pray and ask God for help

20. Look for the meaning of these words and phrases in English?
a. Mal aliento – Bad breath
b. Mal olor en los pies - Smelly feet
c. Mal olor en las axilas - Smelly armpits
d. Dolor de cabeza – Headache
e. Dolor de garganta – Sore throat
f. Dolor de oído – Ear ache
g. Dolor de muela – Toothache
h. Dolor de espalda – Backache / Back pain
i. Dolor de cuello - Neck Pain
j. Fiebre – Ferver
k. Gripe - Flu
l. Mareo - sickness
m. Orzuelo - stye
n. Sordera - deafness
o. Ceguera – blindness
21. Can you tell us a special event during the story?

22. What effects did the War room cause in Elizabeth´s life?

23. Can you do a list of your strengths and weaknesses as person?

24. Do you trust God? Explain why?

25. Do you usually pray to God? Why or not?

26. How do you feel when you pray to God honestly?

27. What was the reason because Mr. Jordan was fired from his Company?

28. Make a concept map where you can explain the main characteristics of the

29. What was Double Dutch in the film? Explain.

30. Did you like the film? Why?

“Notice “
Para el desarrollo de las respuestas, los estudiantes deben organizarse en grupos de 6
integrantes y responder cada pregunta exactamente como mostraré en el ejemplo,
teniendo en cuenta las estructuras y los Tips trabajados en clase.
What is the title of this song?
The title of this song is….
Para su evaluación se tendrá en cuenta los siguientes criterios:
1. Estructuras desarrolladas en clases.
2. Los Tips enseñados en clase.
3. Buena interpretación de las preguntas.
4. Excelente expresión oral y vocabulario.
5. Coherencia y cohesión literal.
7. Creatividad
8. Ilustraciones originales de la película.
9. Se hará evaluación oral en clases Philips. 66 (socialización)

Fecha de entrega junio 2, 2022 (jueves)

Trabajo físico

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