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How to Shelve Books in a Library

Co-authored by Kim Gillingham, MA
Last Updated: March 18, 2021 References Approved

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If you are thinking of volunteering or getting a job at a library, you will need to know how
to shelve the library books. All library books in all libraries are shelved according to
either the Dewey Decimal System or the Library of Congress Classification System.
While many university and specialty libraries use the Library of Congress Classification
System, most public libraries, elementary and high schools shelve their books according
to the Dewey Decimal System.

Method 1 of 2:
1 Shelve Books According to the Dewey Decimal System
Learn how the Dewey Decimal System works. Learning the system is not
1 difficult because it is logically organized and built on a decimal base. Essentially,
every class of book is assigned a category number (a whole number, such as 800) and
a cutter number or numbers (numbers to the right of the decimal point).[1] These are
the numbers you see on the spine of a library book, and they are referred to as the call
number. The system is comprised of ten classes, which are further divided into 10
more subcategories, and each of those subcategories contains 10 subdivisions. The
10 main classes of the Dewey Decimal System are:[2]

000—Computer science, information and general works

100—Philosophy and psychology
300—Social Sciences
600—Technology and applied science
700—Arts and recreation
900—History and geography
Remember that the purpose of call numbers is to group books of the same
2 subject together, and is comprised of at least two parts: the Class number
(000 through 900) and the cutter number. The class number is a whole number and
the cutter number(s) are placed after the decimal point.[3]
Get a feel for how a classification is broken down.[4] Here is a short example
3 of how you would find or shelve a book about American fiction literature written
between 1861 and 1900. (The broad classification for literature is "800.")

Look at the second number after the "8." The number "1" indicates that the book is
further classified as "American literature in general." The second number after the
"8" further defines the division; 811 is American poetry, 812 is American Drama,
813 is American fiction, 814 is American essays and so on.
Look at the first number after the decimal point; this number refines the
classification even further. Thus, a book with a call number of "813.4," tells you
that the book is American fiction written between 1861 and 1900. Obviously, the
more numbers, the more specific the subject.

Method 2 of 2:
2 How to Shelve Books According to the Library of Congress
Classification System
Learn the 20 classifications the Library of Congress uses to separate areas
1 of knowledge. Each class corresponds to a letter of the alphabet.[5]

A General Works
B Philosophy-Religion-Psychology
C History (Civilization)
D History (Except America)
E American History
F Local American history, Latin American History
G Geography and Anthropology
H Social Sciences
J Political Science
K Law
M Music
N Fine Arts
P Language and Linguistics
Q Science and math
R Medicine
S Agriculture
T Technology
U Military Science
V Naval Science
Z Bibliography and Library Science
Read more about how each class is further subdivided into subclasses,
2 using a combination of letters and numbers. As with the Dewey Decimal
System, the more numbers and letters contained in a call number, the more specific
the classification is—and the easier it is to find or shelve the book.[6] The LC call
number "PS3537 A426 C3 1951," identifies the "Catcher in the Rye," by J. D. Salinger,
which was published in 1951 (the last four numbers in the call number.)

Community Q&A


Would historical fiction books be classified under fiction or history?

Community Answer

All books that qualify as fiction would be classified under fiction. The history section is
for non-fiction historical titles.

How are children's books shelved?

Community Answer

Shelve them alphabetically by author surname in the category they are in: easy reader,
picture books etc.


How do I shelves books with four letters and four numbers?

Amy Flugel
Community Answer

If you mean books that have fewer numbers/letters, it depends. Drew would come
before Drewer, because spaces after letters are treated as coming before the letter A.
With numbers, 793.4 comes before 793.43, but it comes after 793.389.


How do I assign Dewey Decimal call numbers to books?

Community Answer

You will first have to do a subject analysis on the book to decide which main class the
book belongs to. Then you will have to keep breaking down the sub-classes by referring
to information found in the Tables (Dewey Decimal 'rules' on how to class subjects). It
can become a bit complicated. Many books have already been given Dewey Decimal
numbers. You can find this information on the title page verso where the publishing and
cataloging information is found.


What is the proper way to file a series of books?

Community Answer
Shelve in series order if you can see the series lable on the spine. If not, shelve
alphabetically according to title.


How do I shelf a general science book that has an applied science number?

Community Answer

If you shelf them according to numbers it will be easier for you to find the book you are
looking for.


How are books usually shelved in a middle school library?

Community Answer

They are shelved according to subject, then author.


Where are diaries filed in the Dewey Decimal System?

Amy Flugel
Community Answer

They are normally either in the Biographies (think Anne Frank), or by subject matter
(think "Into Thin Air" by Krakauer).


How do you shelve adult fiction books?

Community Answer

It depends on the library and what system they use to organize their books. Most
libraries have their books in alphabetical order according to either the book's title or
author in a certain category.


Do all public library shelving positions require a shelving test?

Community Answer

Not all of them. When I got mine I was only tested on sorting trolleys (this actually takes
longer than shelving if the trolley isn't in order to start with), and it's completely possible
that there's a library out there that doesn't test its shelvers at all.

See more answers



Call numbers in both systems are always read from left to right, top to bottom.
All library books, no matter what system they are classified under, are physically
shelved from top to bottom and from left to right.


New library employees or volunteers are not expected to know the entire Dewey
Decimal or Library of Congress classification systems. However, make sure you at
least know the 10 main classifications, and the first 10 subdivision of each

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1. ↑ John Gillingham, CPA, MA. Certified Public Accountant & Founder of Accounting
Play. Expert Interview. 3 March 2020.
2. ↑
3. ↑
4. ↑
5. ↑
6. ↑

About This Article

Co-authored by:
Kim Gillingham, MA
Master's Degree, Library Science, Kutztown University

This article was co-authored by Kim Gillingham, MA. Kim Gillingham is a retired library and
information specialist with over 30 years of experience. She has a Master's in Library Science from
Kutztown University in Pennsylvania, and she managed the audiovisual department of the district
library center in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, for 12 years. She continues to do volunteer work
for various libraries and lending library projects in her local community. This article has been viewed
192,392 times.

Co-authors: 8
Updated: March 18, 2021
Views: 192,392
Article Rating: 81% - 16 votes

Categories: Libraries

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