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Date: 19.05.2024

Location: Strumica

Witness Name: Ivan Markov



My name is Ivan Markov, and I am a resident of Strumica. I often take late-night walks due to my
insomnia. On the night of Dr. Elena Petrova’s murder, I was walking near the abandoned factory on the
outskirts of town. It was around 11:30 PM when I noticed something unusual.

While walking along the factory's perimeter, I saw a car parked near the entrance. This was odd because
the factory has been abandoned for years, and no one usually goes there at night. The car was a dark
sedan, and it seemed out of place.

A few minutes later, I heard what sounded like a muffled argument coming from inside the factory. I
couldn’t make out the words, but it sounded heated. Shortly after, I saw a figure moving quickly towards
the car. The person was approximately 30 years old, based on their build and movements. They were
wearing a dark coat and appeared to be male, though I couldn’t see the face clearly. The person didn’t
seem to be a local, judging by their physical appearance and the way they moved.

The individual got into the car and sped off, heading towards the main road. The urgency in their
movements and the sudden departure struck me as suspicious.

The following day, when I heard about Dr. Petrova’s murder, I realized the significance of what I had
witnessed. I decided to come forward and report what I saw to the authorities, hoping it might help in
their investigation.

This is all I can recall from that night. I hope this information assists in finding the true culprit behind Dr.
Petrova’s tragic death.

Witness Signature: _______________________

Date: _______________________

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