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Hello everybody! As you probably remember, in English, we use quantifiers to

express quantities. You already know how to use three quantifiers: many, most
and a lot of; but now it is time to learn how to use two new quantifiers: “not many”
and “few”.

Let’s start with “not many”.

We use this quantifier to indicate a small quantity, but it is more than few. It also
expresses a negative idea, and it is used before a plural countable noun.
Look at these examples:
• There are not many students in the Administration class.
• In fact, not many teachers teach on-line classes.

Now, what about “few”?

This second quantifier indicates a negative quantity or shortage, and we usually
use it when we want to talk about a small quantity. It is used with a plural countable
noun, and it means not enough. Also, it is used in affirmative sentences.

Let’s see these examples:

• Few students take notes in class.
• There were few exams this semester.
• Do you have few friends at university?

That’s all for today. Remember to continue practicing the use of quantifiers: not
many and few.

See you next time!

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