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How weJI can you do these things? Check (7) the boxes.

Introduce myself and other people (Ex. 1)

Say hello and good•bye (Ex. )

E x€hange contact information (Ex. 2)

Understand names for everyday objec t> and possessions (Ex. 3)

Ask and answer Questions about where things are (Ex. 4, S)


AComplete the conversation Use the sentences and questions in the box.
Francisco Hi. How arr Spy./
Micole |‘m fine, thanks. My name is Francisco Diaz.
Francisco Pretty good, thanks _. Oh, are you in my English class?
Nicole And How about you?
Hi. How are you?
I’m Nicole White.
It's nice to meet you, Nicole.
Francisco _
Well, have a good day.
Nicole hlJce to meet you, too.
Francisco Yes, 1 am.
See you in class.

B • <*t0 **ORI¢ Practice the conversation from part A. Use your own information.
Then introduce your partner to a classmate.
”Monica, this is my friend. His name is Kenta........“

@SPEAK Is your phone number . . *

‹.. ,’ ›.c «i re write yUur phone number on
a piece of paper. Then put the papers in a bag.
Take a different paper and find the owner.
Write his or her name on the paper.
A- Kamal, is your Phone number 781-555-
1532? B: No, it‘s not. Sorry!
Az Bruna, is your ?
*'* LISTENIN Wha s at ar h s
@ Listen to the conversatioń s. Number the pictures from 1 to ó.

I SPEAKING What’s wrong with this room?

A What‘s wrong with this room? Make a list. Find 10 things.

B PAIR WQRłt Ask and answer Where questions about the picture.
A• Where’s the chair?
B: It‘s on the desk.

' ejSPEA )N Y oN g
Write five yes/no questions aoout the picture in Exercise 4. Make three questions with
“yes” answer s and two questions with “no” answers. Yhen ask a partner the questions.
A: \s the chąir behind the c\oCK* A: ls the c\och in front of tle te\evision?
B: No, it isn’t. B: Yes, it is.

UnitS 1-2 Progress check

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