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ASSIGNMENT N°2 - A formal email

From: Sara Fabrega

To: Mcdonalds
Subject: Reduce disposable cups!

Dear sir or madam,

I am writing to express my concern about a common and significant problem. Your
food establishments are producing a worrying amount of disposable stuff.

Like many people, I am extremely worried that in the future we could not handle this
situation anymore. As you should know, your fast food chain produces billions of
tonnes of disposable material. This has grown over the last years, affecting our
landfills and the environment in complex ways. It is essential that we all take
immediate action to prevent this.

Big quantities of plastic and EPS material (the one used for disposable cups) are
bringing unnecessary consequences that could be avoided. It is important to start
looking for alternatives to these materials. Instead of using EPS cups that are only
used for 15 minutes, it is a better idea that customers could have a discount on their
next purchase if they bring their own reusables cups. Actually, the company can start
selling different types and models of reusable cups, and continue having earnings.

I would be grateful if you could consider these possible solutions and take them very
seriously. It is important to start dealing with this realistic problem in order to help
the environment. And please do everything in your power to reduce the amount of
disposable stuff in the industry.

Your faithfully,
Sara Fabrega.

Sara Fabrega 6th Junior 2024

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