Ecological Effects of Roads

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Ecological effects of roads

The roads had been an important way to connect us like society because it allowed us to
communicate and the develop for example connecting civilization that change knowledges
and resources. In the history always people tried to connect and learn of their around, and it
made that civilizations build a system of roads or networks, trying to be the most efficient
that can be possible given importance the economic development of regions where the
roads going to be build, however, since the last century, when the industry start to grew up
faster, the demand of this networks did that those systems of roads were bigger, without
carrying the ecological effects, until as early as the 1970s biologists start to research the
effects in the wildlife for the road networks, whit this, scientists and engineers continue the
researches but taking into account another’s ambiental problems, like contamination or the
changes on landscapes.

The road´s designer has the important decision of the rout, where it going to pass, tha lands
covers, and for this, new roads design apply ecological considerations when it is designed,
although it is more like a suggestion.

In conclusion, the ecological effects had been studying for biologists and transportation
geographers, and the results had showed in papers and conferences around the world. In the
past people hadn’t paid attention, but for the Ambiental problems that we are having,
people start to taking into account to continue whit the develop.

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