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NAma:Ariq Shalman


Prodi:Pendidikan Teknik Mesin


Development of Android-Based Learning Media with Applications. Appy PieOn

Basic Materials for Maintenance and Repair Automotive for Vocational High


Author’s list : Bagus Krisna Galang Kawih Wagiman1, Edi Elisa2, I Nyoman

Pasek Nugraha3

Email of the corresponding author’s :,,


This research aims to determine the development of Android-based

learning media With applicationsAppy Pieon basic automotive maintenance and

repair material for Vocational high schools. The test subjects for this product

consisted of media experts, Material experts and audiences taken from the SMK

Negeri 3 Singaraja school environment. The research results obtained were the

development of Android-based learning media with applicationsAppy Pieon basic

automotive maintenance and repair material for vocational high schools, it was

declared very feasible based on the assessment of material experts with a

percentage of 90.83% and media experts with a percentage of 94.17%.

Development of Android-based learning media with applicationsAppy Pieon

basic automotive maintenance And repair material for vocational high schools, it
was declared very practical based on the Small group test with a percentage of

95.56% and the large group test with a percentage of 96.93%. Thus, based on the

results obtained, Android-based learning media with applicationsAppy Piewhich

has been developed at Vocational Schools has met expectations in the very

feasible category and is very practical to be applied to learning automotive

maintenance and repair material.


The rapid development of Information and Communication Technology

(ICT) influences the use of existing media. With the existence of information

technology, learning media should be developed by educators in accordance with

current developments and it is hoped that it can renew the education system

involving all pedagogical aspects from the old system to a new or modern one

following current developments. For this reason, educators should be able to

innovate in creating learning media by utilizing information and communication

technology (Mustika et al., 2018). One technology that has great potential to be

used as a learning tool is smartphones. The high number of smartphone users

among students brings great opportunities to develop technology that is useful in

the learning process at school (Rofiq et al., 2019).

The learning process is basically a series of activities carried out by two

parties, namely students as recipients of education and educators as providers of

facilities. Supporting factors for a learning process at the Vocational High School

(SMK) level are the learning media used by educators for their students. The use

of media in the learning process really helps educators to attract students’ attention

to be more active and concentrate on the content of the learning material, besides
that the use of media will increase students’ understanding of learning (Kuswanto

et al., 2017).

Vocational High Schools (SMK) as educational institutions have the

difficult task of producing their graduates as skilled, competent workforce

candidates who are able to adapt to developments in science and technology. This

is in accordance with the explanation of Law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the

National Education System article 15 which states that SMK is secondary

education which prepares students especially to work in certain fields. The goals

of Vocational High Schools (SMK) are realized with a curriculum structure that

contains three programs, namely normative, adaptive and productive programs

(Nabila et al., 2021).

As Vocational High School (SMK) graduates, we are required to master

several skills, one of which is basic automotive maintenance and repair, so that

every graduate is ready to enter the world of work with expertise in their field.

The basis of automotive maintenance and repair is Automotive maintenance or

often called periodic maintenance on vehicles isthe activity of maintaining,

adjusting, There are many types and brands of motorized vehicles, where each

type and brand has hundreds of different components. Each component in its use

will experience various load conditions such as heat loads, pressure loads, impact

loads, rotation loads, chemical loads and so on (Dwijayani, 2017). Repairs are

often referred to as services, namely all activities or efforts to restore the function

and condition of damaged objects, tools or machines, either as a result of the use

process or other things that cause damage.

The repair process is sometimes unable to restore the condition to its

original condition, but the priority is that the tool can be used again for its
function. Repair/service is not easy. Everyone who performs service must have

special skills. These skills are used to diagnose (find the damaged part) correctly,

whether the part needs to be replaced, adjusted or just checked and cleaned

components (Astuti et al. , 2018).

Vocational High Schools (SMK) provide a place to learn to hone skills in

carrying out maintenance and repairs on vehicles with the Automotive Basics

subject. In order to achieve learning objectives at Vocational High Schools

(SMK), there needs to be facilities and infrastructure as well as creative and

innovative learning media that can support the process of teaching and learning

activities in class so that students really understand the material presented in class

so they can practice it directly (Rahmi et al. , 2019).

The problem that often occurs in the process of teaching and learning

activities (KBM) is that the learning media is less interesting, for example the

teacher only provides an understanding of the material through the lecture method

with the help of books, without providing an overview of the material being

explained, so that students feel bored and bored as a result of the material being

explained. Cannot be accepted by students (Nofianto et al., 2018). Creative and

innovative learning media that can be accessed anywhere and at any time can be

used as a solution to increase learning activity (Rosdiana, 2018).

Learning media is an intermediary or introduction between the source of

the message and the recipient of the message, stimulating thoughts, feelings,

attention and will so that they are encouraged and involved in learning. Learning

media is media that is created specifically to stimulate students’ thoughts, feelings,

attention and will so that the learning process occurs. Learning media contains

information which can be in the form of knowledge and also becomes a means for
students to carry out learning activities (reading, observing, trying, working on

questions, answering questions, etc.). There is a need for the latest innovations in

interactive learning media in the learning process, one of which is the use of

Android-based learning media with the Appy Pie system as learning media

(Agustini & Ngarti, 2020).

One effort that can be made to increase the practicality of teaching and

learning activities (KBM) for students is to develop Android-based learning media

with the Appy Pie system on basic automotive maintenance and repair subject

matter, so it is necessary to carry out research in terms of how to develop learning

media for students. Android-based Basic Automotive Maintenance and Repair

lessons using the Appy Pie System which are effective and interesting for students

(Suparyanto and Rosad, 2020).


The conclusions of the research that has been carried out are entitled

Development of Android-based learning media with applicationsAppypieon basic

automotive maintenance and repair material for vocational high schools,


1) Development of Android-based learning media with

applicationsAppypieThe basic material for automotive maintenance and

repair for vocational high schools uses the ADDIE development model

which consists of 5 stages, namely analysis, design, development,

implementation and evaluation. Each stage of the development process has

been successfully carried out and its feasibility has been tested up to the

media practicality test stage.

2) Development of Android-based learning media with

applicationsAppypieon basic automotive maintenance and repair material

for vocational high schools, it was declared very feasible based on the

assessment of material experts with a percentage of 90.83% and media

experts with a percentage of 94.17%. 3) Development of Android-based

learning media with applicationsAppypieon mater basic automotive

maintenance and repair for vocational high schools was stated to be very

practical based on the small group test with a percentage of 95.56% and

the large group test with a percentage of 96.93%. There are suggestions

that can be given from developing Android-based learning media with

applicationsAppypieThe basic material for automotive maintenance and

repair for vocational high schools is

 For teachers of Automotive Basics subjects, so they can apply

Android-based learning media with applicationsAppypieand

distribute applications to students so that students can learn

independently so that learning goals can be achieved.

 For students, to use this Android-based media seriously so that

students’ understanding of basic automotive maintenance and

repair material can be better than before.

3) For other researchers, this media can be further developed in terms of the

desired content or material, and evaluation questions can be added at the

end of this media product.


The results of this development research are in the form of Android-based

learning media using the Appypie application on automotive maintenance and

repair material for students. Results of Media Expert Data AnalysisBased on the

results of data analysis from 2 media experts consisting of one lecturer at

Undiksha’s Mechanical Engineering Education study program and one

Automotive Engineering teacher at SMK N 3 Singaraja, the percentage result was

94.17% and based on these results it can be stated that the development of

Android-based learning media with applications Appypie on basic automotive

maintenance and repair material for students is categorized as very

feasible.Results of Material Expert Data AnalysisBased on the results of data

analysis from 2 material experts consisting of one personlecturers at the Undiksha

Mechanical Engineering Education study program and one Automotive

Engineering teacher at SMK N 3 Singaraja obtained a percentage result of 90.83%

and based on these results it can be stated that the development of Android-based

learning media with the Appypie application on basic automotive maintenance and

repair material for students is categorized as very feasible.

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