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World Uiew to the SDG icon.

Learn about what is going on haffi
in the world around you.
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Glouol a documentary video.

@w+*a g( ni,ni-nop*
fhere dre ñor9 proDeo5 ¡n the e.oae¿em5 tho¿
prtst ófound se kotd. we cdn,ee
lheñ tn oor owfl
.@touniü€s *ith dnte hks ord polu¿d rve6

n grwps (hlre ú úeo h

Fu. .mmuniry !ñ o Mf d
wffi d d sufouidjng (csF e¡ tu nds prokl fiom
Get a global view of a topic and Do a mini-project related to the topic in the Frdion tu (mprft he s@s
¡.9!¡ rr¡.ir-.,fi
answer questions about the text. text. You will take a local view and solve a
Pú @f o phn of dion tor h@ p út
lrok fÉ

Ff pb
problem in rour on n (ount') or regton. Prefnf of dú b ik .hs

lhne ln! llusc lnl

This is your opportunity to
listen to people from diverse
contexts telling you how they
face global challenges.

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Learn about the types of speeches you can present.

qSr:r *Ps**i** §*x
Hayo Your §ayl llave Your Say!
Use your speaking skills to
f¡ ..
communic¿te your ideas
effectively. .* ..,,"..,".. .,- ,.i. ." -,"., ".,"",

a *!§mlrl;;*;;,;;
ira ""'llrt::t:-:--

@ ,ir¡wr¡,""t
sit6 is
oltuml kñh9e
oi¿ inve*igoting hHod@l
goq @ñ lso mffe obout 9our
tok pdÉ in its on*rvdüon.
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irere cru ncr.r peop; s¿¿ rl¿r 1.úsh h Ffr gre q pi¡i d v¡s &d o hi$rid sih d 6
lrr¿,c: r..¿.r.1¡9 r ilr¿ p.t hFtue b tu omuñiry
. (hoose o (uturor herhoqe sle i¡ rclr róm .¡d fird.d
Irele ¡sl are b used lo desrlbe something now.
Iúe.e wasl yere is used to describe something ln the past.
Whd is ¡ ..lled d¡d whd des il repréent?
Irre 5 ¡ iñ¿ tu.5i¿ befnl rie irc.o:,, Why 6 il the.ei ftl hrylo.e dÉt thrs siie Me for rhe
Ir¿.¿,¿re sóor poñeL: .ñ 1.z.ooi
We use pfepositions of place like iñ, on, unde\ in hontof, - Who rootsdter od pofds ü: N@i ihint oboú wM rhe
Denird, and ¿€tweento descdbe the posit¡on ofsomeone .ommuniry or eol odhort6 on dc io beter li
. (reore o mind mpfo help pú orlorize pur.ese!(h ond hea5
Use the new speaking skills you WhardoFu rhinl E ihe mó5t mporfonl rhi¡q for peopie

Learn more about language learned in the mini-project. A.e rhe.e ory ide.esn¡! fod5 y!ú con tunio¡2
Who ditrerenr wS con Jo! lse io e¡le5s FUr Frtr
and practice how to use it.
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