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24 Signs A Guy Likes You: Decoding His

Body Language
By Adrienne Mansfield 168 Comments

So you want to know if a guy likes you? Some

guys can be hard to read if they don’t just come right out and tell you they like you.

The good news is that a guy’s body language can be a big giveaway when it comes to figuring
out if he likes you.

There are certain things guys do subconsciously when they like a woman. If you know what
signs to look for, you can decode his body language and find out if he’s crushing on you.

Here is a list of 24 signs a guy likes you. If a guy did only one of these things, it probably
wouldn’t tell you much. But if he does a bunch of them, then you can be pretty sure he likes you.

1. He smiles at you

If you notice a guy smiling at you, it’s a pretty good indication he likes you. It’s natural to smile
at someone you like, but how do you know if it means something more? Try to notice how often
he smiles at you. If he seems to smile at you a lot more than would seem normal, he probably
likes you. If he seems to smile at you whenever you lock eyes, for no apparent reason, he
probably likes you.

2. He maintains eye contact with you

If a guy makes eye contact with you and it feels prolonged, even just a fraction of a second
longer than would seem normal, he is most likely interested in you. Especially if he flashes you a
big grin at the same time.
3. You catch him staring at you

Have you ever caught a guy staring at you, and he suddenly turns away? If you catch him once, it
could be a mere coincidence. But if it happens more than once, chances are he likes you.
Provided you aren’t doing or wearing something absurd or have food on your face, he’s probably
into you.

4. He’s always around

If a guy is always walking near you, sitting next to you, or just seems to pop up wherever you
are, those are all good signs that he is interested and trying to find opportunities to get closer to

5. He stands a little too close

If you feel as though a guy is invading your personal space just slightly, this could be a major
sign that he likes you. Take note of the distance between you when he’s around. If he’s a little bit
closer than he should be, he probably likes you. If you move in a little and he doesn’t step back,
it means he’s receptive. If he responds by getting even closer, you can be pretty certain he really
likes you.

6. He leans in, shoulders square to you, without turning his back

If a guy leans in facing you with his shoulders square to you, and rarely turns his back, that kind
of body language is a good indication he’s interested in you.

7. His legs, feet, or toes are pointed towards you

When a guy is interested in you, he may subconsciously point his legs, feet, or toes towards you.
People tend to point their feet in the direction of where they want to go or who they are
interested in.

8. He stands tall

When a guy likes you, he may subconsciously stand up taller, push his chest out, and tuck his
stomach in to impress you and appear more masculine. If a guy is slouching and suddenly stands
up taller when he sees you, this could indicate he’s subconsciously trying to impress you.

9. He mirrors your body language

People tend to subconsciously mirror each other’s actions when they are listening to one another
intently. If a guy mimics your body language, this could be strong indication of his interest
because it means he’s focused on you. Try leaning forward, touching your hair, taking a sip of
your drink, or resting your chin on your hand. If a guy likes you, he might start copying your
gestures without even realizing he’s doing it.
10. He touches you

If you notice a guy making a lot of unnecessary physical contact with you, he probably likes you.
He might brush against your arm, pat you on the back, put his hands on your shoulders, touch his
leg to yours, or give you a lot of hugs. The more physical contact he makes, the more obvious it
is that he likes you.

11. He raises his eyebrows

If a guy raises his eyebrows in response to something you say or do, it could be an indication of
his interest in you. On its own, this might not be enough to tell if a guy likes you, as it could just
be a friendly, non-flirty facial expression, so watch out for other signs too.

12. He grooms himself

If a guy starts grooming himself when he sees you, he may be subconsciously trying to look
good around you. If he starts fixing his hair, brushing the lint off his clothes, or straightening his
tie, it could mean that he likes you.

13. He’s nervous, awkward, or clumsy around you

If a guy acts nervous, blushes, gets flustered, or is just awkward around you, he probably likes
you. He’s most likely nervous about making a good impression.

14. He laughs at your jokes

If he laughs at your jokes, even when they aren’t that funny, it’s a good sign he likes you.

15. He shows off

If a guy tends to show off a lot around you, he probably likes you and is just trying to get your

16. After he says or does something funny, he looks at you for a reaction

Let’s say a guy tells a joke or does something funny in a group and everyone around starts
laughing. If he looks at you first to see your reaction, it’s a sign he likes you because he wants to
make sure you noticed and laughed too.

17. His behavior changes instantly

If a guy’s behavior changes the minute he sees you, that could be a sign he likes you and is
trying to impress you. If he’s in a group and he’s laughing or acting rowdy, he might instantly
quiet down when he notices you. Or he might have been quiet and then suddenly gets louder and
tries to become the center of attention to impress you.
18. He treats you differently

Watch how a guy acts around his friends or other girls. If he treats you differently, that could be
a sign he likes you.

19. He’s protective

If a guy likes you, he may start to act protective of you. He might give you his jacket if you’re
cold. Or if you are walking through a crowded place, he might position himself in front of you to
push away the crowd.

20. His friends tease him around you

If you’re around a guy when he’s hanging out with his friends, and they know he likes you, they
may tease him subtly. Watch how his friends act around you. If they turn towards him, smile at
him, punch him in the arm, or smirk knowingly, they’re probably messing with him because they
know he likes you.

21. Acts annoyed or jealous when you talk to other guys

If a guy is keeping an eye on you and looks jealous or annoyed when you’re talking to another
guy, he probably likes you. He might try to look like he’s not paying attention, but he’ll keep
tabs on you to see if you’re interested in the other guy. He might even sigh or walk away.

22. Watches you while he flirts with other girls

If a guy’s watching you while he’s flirting with another girl, he’s probably trying to get your
attention and gauge your reaction to find out if you like him. Why else would he be looking at
you when he’s supposed to be flirting with someone else if he didn’t like you?

23. He hangs around one second longer

When you’ve been talking to a guy, and he’s about to leave, but then stays one second longer
than he had to, it’s a sign he likes you. That one second longer was a moment of hesitation where
he was trying to decide if he should ask for your number or ask you out.

24. He takes one last look at you

If a guy makes eye contact with you just before leaving the room, even though he’s busy talking
to someone else, he probably likes you and wanted to get one last look at you. He was probably
hoping you were looking at him too so he could lock eyes with you one more time.
How to make a guy fall in love with you?

When a girl meets a boy and he happens to be the man of her dreams, of course she wishes him
to like her as well. We’ve already discussed a topic about “How to make the first date – the last
one” where we gave you some ‘anti-tips’ what not to do…In today’s article, lets talk about
simple things that will be helpful when you want a guy of your dreams to like you. We won’t be
giving any manipulation tips about how to trick a person into loving you. We just will share
some useful advises to keep in mind, when you really desire to explore this ‘special’ someone
further and see, if the true love story can be born out of this relationship.

1) Be yourself.
The paradox of the whole thing is that there are no such tips and tricks that will make somebody
to love you. Of course, manipulation techniques exist and they can have their effect, but this
won’t last, nor bring any happiness at all, and thus, manipulation can’t have the true love as a
result. This is why my first tip is – be yourself. If you want a relationship to last, you want him to
love you for who you truly are, right? Then, don’t pretend, just be the real you, this way you will
be unique and different, because there is only one you on the whole planet!

2) Beauty inside and out.

Everybody knows that first impression is important. Also, there is a saying that “men love with
their eyes”, which is partially true, especially in the beginning. But guy doesn’t fall in love just
with your physical body, he is attracted by the overall image of you and your beauty, both
outside and inside.
As for your appearance, beauty, doesn’t necessarily mean to apply tons of makeup and create
fancy hair styles in the salon. The secret is to emphasise your natural features with the help of
some beauty tips and makeup, but don’t try too hard, just take good care of yourself and lead
healthy lifestyle.
Keep in mind, that looks aren’t everything, the special person will also look at your inside, and
fall in love with the inner you, as well. Therefore, cultivate your inner beauty, good qualities of
heart and sincerity, those things are truly attractive.

3) Smile and be positive.

When you vibrate a positive energy, people are naturally attracted to you. One of the very
important tips is – smile! When you give your smile to someone, usually you get it back. When
you try to impress your special person, put on a smile and a positive mood, like this your
communication will be easier and smoother and you will look more attractive. The most
beautiful girl is the happy one! Avoid gossiping, complaining, avoid negativity and discussing
other people’s business, nobody likes it. Guys like girls with cheerful and ‘sunny’ dispositions.

4) Keep some mystery about you.

It’s unnecessary to tell the guy all about your past life and relationships straight away in the
beginning of relationship, don’t make him tired or bored by your excessive talkativeness. If you
really liked this person and he is meant to be for you, then you will definitely be together and
you will have the time of the whole life to talk about everything. Mystery usually is attractive
and he will want to know more, but there is a thin border between the mystery and secrecy, so try
to feel it.

5) Don’t show him all your feelings.

If you are already crazy in love with this person, you don’t need to express it all to him, nor let
him know how much he is important to you, because he can be confused and sometime even
This doesn’t mean that you must put on indifference, my point is : give the relationship a time to
develop and wait till you grow closer to each other, then you will be able to talk about everything
and openly share your love, but in the very beginning the excessive love expression can repel a
person (weather a guy or a girl).

6) Girl who listens is very charming.

And i’m not only talking about good manners, cultivate the quality of good and sincere listener,
this will help a lot in the communication with other people and also with your special person.
Don’t be too talkative, take time to find out what is on his mind, be interested in things that
interest him and especially don’t impose your opinions, remember the saying: “The amount of
opinions on the planet is equal to the amount of the people living!”, so respect and consider what
other person has to say.

7) Avoid quarrels, use humour.

Good sense of humour is always up on the market. People like it, no matter a guy or a girl. If you
naturally have good sense of humour, use it, don’t suppress. Joke, laugh, tell anecdotes, this will
make communication easy.

8) FInd common interests.

Ask the guy what he likes, may be he is a sport junky and you also spend hours in a gym, or he
loves to travel and this is also your passion. If you can find a common ground with your special
someone, there is a big chance that this will make you closer and your relationship will last.

9) “Fall in love” with yourself.

See…can anyone fall in love with you if you feel unattractive, have no confidence and your full
time job is to be a self critic inside your head? The answer is no. So, one of the most important
things to have someone to love you is to fall in love with yourself and accept yourself completely
no matter what. And I’m not talking about narcissism or arrogance, the point is to have healthy
self love and self respect. Learn to see love inside you and the whole world will fall in love with

10) Let things flow.

And to finish up, just be patient and let things flow naturally, don’t force anything, nor try too
Here is one of my favourite quotes and it’s very relevant in the area of relationships: “If you love
someone, let them go. If they come back to you, they are yours forever. If they don’t, then it was
never meant to be.” Manipulative or forceful relationships never last. If the guy was meant to be
for you – you will be together and amazingly happy!
Stay happy and treasure yourself.

Have a crush on a guy but not sure if the feeling is mutual? Or maybe you're curious as to
whether that guy checking you out is doing so out of interest in you or he's just staring at the
poster behind your head? Whatever the reason for your need to know, there are a few fairly
certain ways of working out that a guy's definitely interested in you––or not!



Examine his body language. Body language can be the "big tell" when it comes to
discerning if that guy fancies you enough to date you. Interestingly, body language
experts believe that while females have around 52 body language tells to show a guy that
they're interested, guys show around only 10.[1] If you subscribe to this theory, this should
make your guessing a little easier! All the same, you still need to know what to look for,
as well as being sure that you're not mistaking innocent gestures for calls of love––the
latter mistake could prove embarrassing. Some of the signs of body language to watch for

o He looks at you a lot. His eyebrow may even lift as he watches you ("the eyebrow
flash" that lasts a fifth of a second). He might not even be really conscious he is
watching you as much as he is.
o Notice how much he looks at your face and makes eye contact.
o He leans towards you a lot. Personal space invasion is a sign of major interest.
o Check the direction of his hands, feet, legs, toes, etc. If they're pointed toward
you, it's a subconscious indicator of his interest in you.
o He starts grooming himself. He pulls at his tie to straighten it or he readjusts the
fit of his sweater. Perhaps he runs his hands through his hair in attempt to tidy it
or he reaches down to tie his shoelaces. Doing this repeatedly is similar to the
actions of a male bird preening up his feathers for a display!
o Check out how he's sitting. If you see rather manly gestures, such as sitting with
open legs or placing his hands on his hips, he's trying to impress.
o If he likes you, you may see that he rarely turns his back to you, often leans
towards you, and also looks at you a lot. If he slouches his shoulders when near
you, he's romantic and cares about what you have to say. If he points his
shoulders and pelvis towards you while sitting, he is definitely feeling something
for you.


Notice his eye contact. As already noted, a guy who is interested in you will look at you
a lot, even if covertly. He may try to catch your eye or, if he's shy, he may suddenly turn
his head away if you catch him checking you out. To test his interest, scan his face for
four seconds, then look away (don't look any longer or it becomes awkward). Then look
back––if he maintains or increases eye contact with you, he's interested. If his eyes
wander to your mouth, he's definitely interested. If you feel like you have held eye
contact just a fraction of a second longer than you would with anyone else, or if he looks
away quickly, then there is something there. On the other hand, if he breaks eye contact
with you and starts looking around the room, he's not interested in you.

o A gaze that has him looking left, then sweeping over your face, then looking right
is a sign he's very attracted to you.[2]
o Be careful not to confuse a shy guy's darting retreat from eye contact with a guy
who is clearly disinterested. A shy guy who is interested will continue to steal
glances at you. Be patient!
o If you don't like the guy, it can be uncomfortable to maintain eye contact; break it
off quickly and scan the room yourself, as if looking for someone else.
o When he's around you and he says or does something funny and everyone around
laughs, his eyes will flicker towards you for a second to see if you laughed too––
this means he's keen to make a good impression on you.
o His pupils may dilate if he likes you, but this is quite hard to pick up on, and you
might come across as acting strangely by looking that closely into his eyes. If
you're around him for a long time, it could be easier to pick up on gradually.

Listen to what he's saying. If he likes you, and he's nervous or anticipating the chance to
get closer to you, he'll probably start talking about himself. Many times, guys feel the
need to prove themselves, especially if you talk about another guy in his company.

o Gauge his interest in what you have to say. It really doesn't matter what you say,
it's how you say it that can tell you a lot about his level of interest. So, try this:
Lean in and whisper, with your shoulder barely touching his and say something
softly. To heighten the impact, steady yourself gently by brushing your arm across
his back. If he moves his head closer toward you and either touches you back or
maintains eye contact, he's interested in you. If he isn't interested, he'll probably
step back or be very unresponsive. A really disinterested guy might even try to
shoo you out of his personal space!

Notice his interest in touching and being touched. Touch is an important sign of
interest in a developing relationship and you can assess interest both by observing how he
touches you and how he reacts to you touching him. If he's keen on you, he might put his
hand on yours when he laughs, he might gently brush his leg against yours but won't
move it away again, or he may hug you for small things, such as greeting you, expressing
emotions when telling a story or just because you "look like you need a hug." On the
other hand, consider touching him to see what happens––a gentle brush of your hand
against his neck, a hold of his forearm with your hand, or running your fingers across his
hand after joking with him about something. He's interested in you if he responds to it
and doesn't flinch away or if he moves his hand to stay on yours or on your arm or leg.
On the hand, if he tenses up or moves away his hand, he's not interested.

o If he is a shy guy, he may jump a little because he wasn't prepared for you to
touch him. That doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't like you, watch his
actions carefully afterwards.
o Obviously, playboy guys (bad boys) might be very keen to spread their touching
gestures around; be sure that he has more substance than this by observing how he
interacts with other women in your group.
o See if he uses any of the tricks in How to touch a girl, and see if he uses them
more with you than with anyone else.
5. 5

Watch his actions to see if he treats you differently from the rest of your group. If
he's really interested in you, he may start to behave protectively toward you, or in a
"gentlemanly" fashion (at least to the extent that he interprets his behavior as such). Look
for signs like shifting his chair closer to yours, putting his arm around the back of your
chair, leaving his jacket on the back of your chair or even going so far as to place the
jacket around you to ward off your complaints of being cold.

o Be aware that some guys flirt with other girls to get your attention. It gives him a
chance to see your reaction, and helps him know if you really do like him or not.
(Yes, it's an odd sort of logic, especially since you might end up so offended or
confused that you just give up on him!) However, you can usually spot a "get-
your-attention" flirt if, in the middle of his flirting scenario, he keeps taking the
chance to look at you, seeking out your response. You can also try a quick trip to
the bathroom and find yourself a sneaky observation point to check out how the
flirting is proceeding. If he stops the moment you've left, it's you he's serious
about, not her. Alternatively, ask a friend to do some observing for you while
you're away.

Watch for him showing a sudden, previously unexpressed interest in things that you
like and do. For example, if you like a certain genre of music that he doesn't know as
well, he may ask you to suggest bands or artists for him to listen to. Or, he may have
gone to the trouble of finding out that a favorite band of yours is playing next weekend
and mention to this, with or without a request to go and listen together. And, if you
introduce him to a TV show that he didn't really know about and that becomes his new
favorite thing, that can potentially be a sign that he likes you, especially if he goes out of
his way to catch up with you to discuss the show's unfolding plot.

Check for signs of nervousness. Signs of nervous laughter, sweaty palms, deep breaths,
fidgeting, or possibly even looking away quickly when you notice he is watching you,
can all be signs of an attraction towards you. If he is nervous about making an impression
on you, it means he's trying hard and you are probably very close to being able to start
making moves.

Pay attention to his friends. If they know he's interested in you, they might tease him
subtly when you're around, hint to you that he likes you, or even try to find out if you like
him. Study their reactions to your presence––do they smile? Do they turn to him? Do
they smirk in a way that suggests they know something that you don't?

o Be careful if a friend of his makes suggestions that a guy likes you but all of the
other indications tell you otherwise. Sometimes friends have reasons of their own
for ensuring that any chances of you getting together are ruined, including
catapulting you into making a fool of yourself.
9. 9

Look to see if he imitates you. Mirroring each other's actions is a sign of mutual like and
generally, it's subconscious. If you notice that he has been copying your gestures
frequently, there is a high probability that he fancies you. You can test this by mirroring
his actions too, for example, touch your hair when he touches his, brush your face when
he brushes his, sit the way he is sitting, etc. The subconscious signals will be screaming
"I like you too!"

o Following you can be another sign; for example, if you buy lunch and sit at a
table and he edges as near to, or even on the same, table as you, he is probably
trying to get closer to you. Just be sure you're not confusing this action with there
being a lack of space to sit anywhere else!


Pay attention to gentle, friendly teasing. If a guy teases you in a friendly and fun
manner, it could indicate his interest, especially if he's young. Provided this isn't his
modus operandi with every girl he flirts with, it's a sign that he's singled you out for
attention and is trying to use his wit to charm you, in that awkward way of using humor
to cover up true intentions. Of course, if he says something unkind or unfortunate, don't
feel you have to excuse it––point it out if he offends you; it's best he knows now that you
won't take nonsense than to discover it later.


If he hits you or playfully punches you on your arm, this may mean he likes you. A
guy may gently hit or punch you on the arm as a covert, "manly" way of getting to touch
you without making it too obvious what his intention is. If he finds that you don't pull
away too much when he does this, he might find the courage to proceed to more gentle
ways of touching you. Of course, this doesn't mean you need to sit there in pain if he
actually hurts you––be assertive enough to point out that it hurt! You can salve his pride
by saying something about not minding him touching you but to please watch out for
your sensitive bony bits! And if you're the kind of girl who finds the play punching a bit
of fun, give him a playful knock right back.

o Play punching can send mixed signals. It could mean "I treat you like one of the
boys" and signal friendzone antics only. Check out whether he does this to other
girls in your mutual group. Moreover, if he continues to think that play punching
you is a fun way to hang out, you might be dealing with someone who is never
going to get past this immature display of affection; don't let it go on indefinitely.
o If you don't like it, say so immediately. You are entitled to ask someone not to
harm you, even if the gesture is well intentioned.


Acknowledge any compliments that come your way. If you do your hair or makeup
differently one day, and the guy notices, that's a very good sign that he likes you. Most
guys won't notice, or if they do, they won't be bothered to say anything unless they're
totally into you. Anything like, "You look nice today," "I like that shirt," or even "Did
you do your hair differently today? It looks nice," are all indicators that he could be
interested in you.

o Note: If this guy is a good friend of yours, compliments won't necessarily be

indicators of romantic interest. It could just be him being a truly good friend.
o Not all guys are this straightforward about compliments, so don't be worried if he
doesn't compliment you.


Watch for him noticing 'masculine things' on you. For example, some of your dad's
aftershave rubbed off on you when you hugged him. Your crush may say "is that
aftershave on you?" Noticing this can indicate that he thinks the scent comes from
another guy (and not your dad!), revealing some vulnerability about losing you out to
someone else. This could also apply to having, carrying or wearing things that he might
think belong to another guy.


If he chats to you often on a social networking site, it may mean that he likes you.
After all, when online there are many things competing for his time, like games,
connecting with mates and checking out sites that might not be so interesting to you… Of
course, he could also just be talkative, friendly, or even bored, so don't assume he's into
you just for chatting––this should be treated as one extra indicator along with some of the
others outlined above.

o If he puts an 'x' sign on the end of everything he says to you, don't assume it
means he likes you. It could just mean that he perceives you both as good friends
or that he's just used to ending his chats that way.
o If he says, "I know something you don't know," then this could mean that he likes
you and is playing a little guessing game. Or it could just mean he's doing the
usual social media thing of spreading information for fun, like the discovery of a
new planet or finding the cure to cancer, etc. Use the context to judge the import
of any such online personal game playing.


Watch to see if he has suddenly developed a habit of turning up where you happen
to be. If he suddenly seems to be in certain places at certain times of the day where you
wouldn't necessarily expect to see him, it may be that he's taken to deliberately "finding"
opportunities to bump into you. If it happens a lot in a short space of time, it's probably
no coincidence but a concerted effort to catch up with you as much as possible.


Be receptive to his signals. If he shows genuine interest in you, (for example, he smiles
at you a lot whenever the two of you pass each other or he goes out of his way to say
hello to you), be friendly and polite back. If you've already decided that he's someone
you'd like to date, don't let it go too long before facilitating an opportunity for the two of
you to get together to talk in a quiet place. On the other hand, if he's not your type or
you've changed your mind about flirting any further, be honest and let him know that
you're flattered but you're not available.
 Look for the "mile-long" stare. For example, if you're walking down the hallway with
your buds and you see him on the other end with his friends, he just stops talking or
pretends to talk to them when he's actually staring at you the whole time! If you like him
back, you can refer to this as the "Fairy Tale Stare" as well because time almost seems to
stop as you both lock eyes. Be careful though, make sure you don't run into anything!
 Notice how he acts around you compared to the way he acts around his friends. Do you
see any differences?
 If he often fights playfully with you, that could be a sign that he likes you. That also
might mean he's immature.

 Take care not to misread his signals just because you want to be with him so much. For
example, affectionate teasing might occur just because it's his way of dealing with
females in general. He may not even realize that he's making you swoon every time he
pokes good-natured fun at you!
 Watch out for the subtle guys. If he asks you something that could potentially be a date
but you're not really sure, make sure it's clear before you agree to it. It can be
uncomfortable when one of you thinks you're on a date and one of you thinks you're not.

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