English Language (O-Level) - Sample Questions

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1. Imagine you are working with Vodacom Tanzania. Vodacom is celebrating its 20th
birthday since it was inaugurated. As a public relations officer, you are required to write
an invitation card to the selected officials to attend a dinner party. Also outline the format
of writing telephone messages from those who will call for excuse. Use factious names.
2. Assuming that you have recently received an invitation card from the headmaster of the
neighboring school on a graduation ceremony of their form four students to be held on
20th September, 2016. Write an acceptance reply on the invitation.
3. Imagine that you are teaching at Vuchama Islamic and your school is expecting to
celebrate its 2 year’s anniversary since its initiation. As the English, the head of the school
has appointed you to write an invitation cards to the selected officials to attend a dinner
party. Also, outline the format of writing telephone messages from those will call for
excuse. Use factious names.
4. Write an invitation card to request your sister’s friends to attend on your nephew’s
birthday dinner party. Also write telephone messages from those who will call for excuses.
Use fictitious names.
5. Your sister Kichuna is graduating from University of Dodoma (Udom) on 25th June 2016,
there will be a party at Upper Residential area Mwananyamala from 05:00 p.m till 11:30
p.m. Design an invitation card that you will send out to the invited guest.
6. Write a letter to the General Manager of Mbeya Cement Company Ltd., P.O. Box 400,
Mbeya on a vacancy for secretary. Say you are ready to work as a secretary. Your address
is 14, Songwe – Mbeya.
7. A monthly test results of Form Three showed there was a miserable failure among the
students particularly English subject. This fact makes the Subject teacher furious. Write
him a letter of apology and commitment that you will perform wonders in the coming
exams. Your teacher’s address is Ahlulbayt Islamic Seminary, Department of English,
P.O.Box 137 Kigoma Sign your name as Asinjo/Wanjiro.
8. Write a letter to the Managing director, The Big T company L.T.D, P.O.Box 090
Mwanza. Apply for the post of an accountant as it was advertised in the Sunday News of
21 April, 2014. Sign your name as Mchapakazi bora (Your address is P.O.Box 372 – Mji
Mpya, Dodoma).
9. Write a letter to the Managing director, The Big T company L.T.D, P.O.Box 090
Mwanza. Apply for the post of an accountant as it was advertised in the Sunday News of
21th April, 2014. Sign your name as Mchapakazi bora (Your address is P.O.Box 372– Mji
Mpya, Dodoma).
10. The Managing Director of T.T.C.L Company, P.O.BOX 200, Kigoma is looking for a
form four leaver to apply for the account clerk post. You as a form four lever apply for the
above post. Use your name as Benjamin Miliwato of P.O.BOX 150, Tanga.
11. Imagine that you have just finished your first degree course in Agriculture and you wish
to seek a job at Clove Plantation Company, P.O.Box 2109, Pemba. Write a letter to the
Manager, asking for a post of Agricultural officer. Sign your name as Pendo Kipingo.
12. Write a letter to your best friend Aboliga the Frog living in Zanzibar telling him/her about
your plans of studying very hard if you succeed to join Form Two in the next academic

year 2017. If possible ask him/ her to send you some stationery like pens, books, ruler and
other properties like school bags and mathematical set.
13. Write a letter to your former friend who got transferred to another school last term. Tell
him about the progress you have made in your studies, the part you have been taking in
sports and other activities that have taken place at your school since he/she transferred.
14. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her what activities you will engage in at home
during your holiday. Sign your name as Juneid Ally/Alwiya Issa and your friend’s name
is Omary Siraji/ Shukuru Muhsin.
15. Write a friendly letter to your brother Mr. Kinga who stays at Singida. Ask him to send
you a bus fare as you are expecting to close the school for the holiday.
16. Your younger brother, Desa Kipanga, has been offered a place to form V at
Changanyikeni Secondary School and has decided to take a job straight. Write him a letter
to persuade him to change his mind, lest he regrets his decisions in future. Sign your name
as Shukuru Kipanga.
17. Write a letter to your pen pal Sawak describing to him/her about mountain Kilimanjaro
in Africa. Talk about its peaks, beauty and its attraction to people from outside Tanzania.
The aim of your letter should be to attract your pen pal to come and see the mountain.
Use the following name and address; Dotto Masanja, P.O Box 15, Mwanza.
18. Imagine that your school is due to hold a debate with neighboring school. The motion
“Corporal punishment should be used in school” you are one of the main speaker. Oppose
the motion.
19. Assume that your school has been invited in the neighboring school in inter – school
debate competition on the motion “Colonization has brought more bad than good to
Africa” Argue for or against the motion. (Give at least six points).
20. You have been invited by your neighboring school to participate in a debate with the
motion “Science and technology have brought more harm than good to third world
countries” write your speech to support the motion.
21. “Science and technology have brought more harm than good to third world countries”
Argue for or against the motion.
22. Write a debate you would support on the motion which reads “Trafficking of girls from
rural to urban areas to be employed as house girls (house maids) should be stopped”.
23. Imagine that the Minister of Education has donated textbooks to Mivumoni Islamic
seminary. You are the speaker of the student’s government and have been requested to
give a thanks giving speech on behalf of all students. Write your speech.
24. Your fellow students have elected you Head-prefect. Write a speech you intend to give on
the results of the election are going to be announced.
25. Imagine that you are the executive officer of Kiganza Village. Write a speech of not more
than 250 words you would deliver to educate your people on the importance of education
in the society.
26. In your group of five people, prepare an invitation to your teacher Madam Asia Omary
welcoming her to the wedding ceremony. Reply this invitation to inform that you will not
be able to attend.
27. Write a composition of not less than 250 words with the title, "We should all strive to
protect our environment so that it protects us."
28. A neighbouring school has invited your school to a debating contest. The motion they
have suggested is: "Murderers or thieves who use violence must, get life imprisonment."

Your school is required to support the motion and you are the main speaker. Prepare a
speech of not more than 250 words to support the motion.
29. In about 250 words, argue for or against the topic, ''Corporal punishment must be
abolished in Tanzania schools."
30. Imagine that you have just heard the news that you have passed your form four
examinations. Your family and friends arrange a party to celebrate, and you are expected
to make a short speech. Write your speech of not less than 250 words.
31. You are studying at Mlima Kweli High School Where teaching, and learning environment
is not good. Write an essay of not less than 250words to identify the most crucial aspects
to be considered by the school administration to improve the teaching and learning
32. In not more than250 words, write a narrative on "Unending journey".
33. Imagine that you were invited to your best friend wedding ceremony which was held at
Lego Hotel on 23rd February, 2013 from 06:00pm to 11:00 pm. Narrate the incident in not
less than 250 words.
34. Using fictitious names, write an invitation card to request your friends to attend your
father's PhD graduation.
35. Outline the format of writing telephone messages from those who will call for excuses.
36. Imagine that you are a member of the school trip committee. Write a composition of about
250 words on the eight ways you are going to use to raise money for your study tour to
Ngorongoro National Park.
37. Write an essay of about 250 words on eight areas that you can concentrate on, if you were
elected the President of Tanzania for the year 2015,2020.
38. Write a letter to your father to inform him on the day you are goiug to close school for
your holiday and ask him to send you some money for bus fare. Sign your name as
Matokeo Kamili.
39. Imagine that you have graduated with a bachelor in laws degree and you wish to apply
for a job at the High Court of Law. Write an application letter to the Chief Justice. Sign
your name as Sikukuu Nzuri.
40. Write a letter to the General Manager, Arusha Posho Millers P.O. Box 444 Arusha,
applying for the post of an Accountant as it was advertised in the Sunday News of 21 st
April, 2015. Sign your name as Mzuri Kalumekenge and your address is P.O. Box 333
41. Tanzania has been losing a lot of citizens in the road accidents. Imagine you were the
Minister for Home Affairs, prepare a speech of not more than 250 words on the causes of
these accidents. Give eight points.
42. Write an essay of not more than 250 words on the most important things to consider in
making the environment beautiful. Give eight points.
43. Write a letter to the Guardian Newspaper on the article about “Malaria, the killer disease”
in your area as it was published on 9th May, 2015. Sign your name as Ajuae Shida and
your address is P.O. Box 444 Tanga.
44. Write an invitation card to form two parents to attend the class party for their children
who had good performance in the examination.
45. Outline the format of writing telephone messages for those who will call for excuse.

46. Imagine that you have been elected to be a Chairperson of Mwananchi street. The street
has a total number of 50 houses. It has a lot of problems that need to be solve. Write a
speech to be presented in a meeting to address those problems in eight points.
47. By giving eight reasons, write an essay on “Why women throw away their young
babies” in not less than 250 words.
48. Argue against the statement “Digital revolution has spoilt the world”. Use six points in
not more than 250 words.
49. In not less than 250 words, write a story ending “Thanks God! I had a mobile phone”.
50. You have been appointed to be a principal speaker of the motion: “Prostitution must be
abolished in our country.” Argue for the motion in 250 words.
51. In not more than 250 words, write a composition on: “Motor Accidents in Tanzania
roads, their causes and suggest ways on how this problem could be controlled”.
52. Write a letter to the Manager, Mtwara Cooperative Union, Makonde Street, P.O. Box
345, Mtwara. Apply for the post of Accounts Clerk as it was advertised in the Daily News
of Thursday June 15th 2006. Sign your name as Doto Majaliwa Kazimoto.
53. You have been appointed to be a principle speaker of the motion “Prostitution must be
abolished in our country”. Argue for the motion in 250 words. Give at least five points.
54. Imagine you are a student at Walla secondary school, P.O.BOX 88, Tanga and your
school will close for a short mid-term break, unfortunately you don’t have money for bus
fare. Write a letter to your father informing him to send fare for you to get back home.
Your name is Bahati Maendeleo.
55. Read the following conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Bukusi. From their conversation,
compose a wedding invitation card in not more than 60 words.
Mrs. Bukusi: I have received a card from Mr. and Mrs. Akida’s family inviting us to
the wedding ceremony of their son Ibrahim.
Mr. Bukusi: Oh! That’s great. When is the ceremony?
Mrs. Bukusi: The wedding will be held on 27 th January, 2021. Will we be able to
Mr. Bukusi: Off course yes. Where will the wedding take place?
Mrs. Bukusi: In Dar es Salaam.
Mr. Bukusi: OK. But where specifically will the event take place?
Mrs. Bukusi: The event will take place at Mbezi Beach Lutheran Church from 2:00
pm to 4:00 pm. They have prepared a grand reception at Rose Garden in Msasani,
which will start at 6:00 p.m.
Mr. Bukusi: OK. We can’t miss such an important occasion!
Mrs. Bukusi: Please, remind me to buy a present for the couple.
Mr. Bukusi: OK, I will.

56. Suppose that you are the District Medical Officer (D.M.O), write a speech of not less than
250 words to educate the community on the effects of Female Genital Mutilation
(F.G.M). Limit your speech to six points.
57. Students pregnancy is a hot topic these days; write an essay on three (3) causes and three
(3) solutions to student’s pregnancy problems in Tanzania schools. Write in not more the
250 words.
58. Imagine that you have been employed in one of the Chinese industry for about a year now
and you are getting hardships. Write a letter to your sister explaining about the hardship

you are going through and ask her to secure another job for you else where sign your name
Aman Tumanin.
59. Imagine that you have been elected to be a chairperson of Mwananchi Street. The street
has a total number of 50 houses. It has a lot of problems that need to be solved. Write a
speech to be presented in a meeting to address those problems in eight points.
60. Write a composition on the use of cosmetics (250 words)
61. Suppose you are a member of debate club and the motion given is “Politicians are more
destructive than constructive in life. Write on opposing and prosing sides not less than five
point each side.
62. Imagine that you are a trader of King Township, P.O.BOX 222, LINDI. Order 90 dozens
particularly made by “URAFIKI” Textile Industry in Tanzania. Sign your name as
63. In not more than 250 words, write a composition about: “Who is more important to the
society, a teacher or a doctor?
64. Through invitation card below, reply it by writing an accepting card
“Mr. and Mrs Rashidi Athumani have a great pleasure to invite Mr. Tito to the
graduation ceremony of their son Elito Athumani on Saturday 3rd, June 2019 at New
Pub Hall, Sokoine from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm.”
65. In not less than 250 words, write a story ending “Thanks God! I had a mobile phone”.
66. Imagine you were member of the school debating club. You have been asked to write a
speech for or against the motion: “Women should be given exactly the same opportunities
as men”. Write the speech you would have given.
67. The general manager of the small scale industries Development Organization (SIDO) P.O
BOX 2474 Dar es Salaam advertised training opportunity (Daily News of 24th June, 2014)
for form four leavers. Courses: Electrical Engineering, Carpeting and Textile Engineering.
Apply for a course. Sign your name as Masonga Magesa.
68. Imagine that you are one of the village medical doctor and you are invited to educate the
villagers who are dying of malaria. Write a speech about 250 words on its causes,
symptoms, effects and prevention.
69. For years now, the flow of youths from rural areas to towns has been increasing. Explain
four (4) economic effects of this situation and four (4) points on what the government
should do to control it.
70. Write a telegram to Hamis, P. O. Box 1, Kanyigo, telling him that he has been selected to
join Ihungo Secondary School P. Box 95, Bukoba. Your telegram should not exceed 10
71. Write a story of not less than 200 words ending with ………………” I shall never go there
72. Bush fires cause a lot of damage to environment. Your village has invited you to educate
them on bushfires. Write a speech which you are going to give to them. (250 words)
73. Write the composition with the ending “My son … my dear son …………Welcome home,
East or West, home is the best.”
74. Write a letter to your young brother advising him on the effects of drug abuse. Your
address; P.O. Box 716, Iringa.
75. Write a letter to the editor of Citizens newspaper on the bad conditions of roads in your
village. Use fictitious name and address.

76. Imagine you are a student from Lugarawa Secondary School (a boarding school). Write
an informal letter to your guardian asking for school necessities like two pairs of shoes,
the metal tubes and school uniform. Sign your name as Mpenda Shule.
77. Write an official letter to the general manager NMB Dodoma branch P. O. Box 60,
Dodoma. Asking for a bank letter position. Sign your name as Emanuel Joseph P. O. Box
640, Dodoma.
78. Suppose that you are the medical Officer (D.M.O). Write a speech of not less than 250
words to educate the community on the causes and measures to be used to protect the
community against Covid 19.


1. Explain the roles of literature in the society.
2. What is the relationship between literature and other works of art?
3. Why literature is said to be a work of art?
4. What is the relationship between literature and language?
5. “Literature and language cannot be separated”. Discuss
6. What are the functions of language in literature?
7. Why literary artists use figurative language in their works?
8. What are the methods of determining characters?
9. How language used in literature differs from ordinary speech and writings.
10. Explain the uniqueness of language used in literature.
11. What are the features of language used in literature?
12. Differentiate fiction from non-fiction.
13. What is the relationship between literature and society?
14. What are the advantages of oral literature versus written literature?
15. What are the advantages of written literature over oral literature?
16. What are the features of a novel?
17. What are the distinctive features of drama?
18. What are the features of a prose?
19. What are the features of short story?
20. Differentiate poetry from prose.
21. “Form and content are inseparable”. Outline four elements of form and four elements of
22. Outline 8 elements of drama that make it distinctive from other literary genres.
23. Differentiate literature from other subjects taught in school.
24. Why definition of literature consists of a word art, society and language?
25. Literature cannot exist without language.
26. “Literature is more than something to amuse people”
27. “Literature, like a mirror reflects social reality”. Discuss
28. “How can literature help you to fight against HIV/AIDS”
29. Characterization is said to be one of the most important literary features. Discuss this
statement showing the types of characters.
30. What are the impacts of science and technology on oral literature?
31. “The study of literature is irrelevant”. Discuss
32. What is the importance of using local language in African literature?
33. What are the elements of plot or dramatic structure?
34. “Literature is the workshop of language”. Discuss


1. Discuss four themes/central ideas in one play and show its relevance to your
contemporary society.
2. Introduction to formal education has made people strange or alienated from their own
3. With reference to two plays, show how the playwrights have achieved to use language
effectively to convey messages to the readers.
4. “We are victims of our own decision”, Discuss using the two plays covered under this
5. How betrayal is portrayed in two plays you have read?
6. Using two plays you have read this section, discuss how the playwrights have achieved to
use techniques to make their works effective.
7. Discuss the effectiveness of symbols from the two plays you have read under this section.
8. What is the relevance of two plays you have read under this section?
9. “Protest refers to the reaction against dissatisfied situations” OR using two plays you have
read to show how protest is revealed.
10. By using two plays under this section, show portrayals of women in the society.
11. Use two plays to show the relevance of the titles to the context.
12. “Playwrights have messages; they want to convey to the readers or audiences”. Use two
readings to verify.
13. Choose one play you have read and appreciated and explain why you liked or disliked it.
14. With reference to any two plays you have read under this section, analyse the role of
literature in the society.
15. Art is the creation or expression of what is beautiful. Literature is said to an art because it
involves artistic use of language to express human experience and feelings. In the light of
this statement, take two plays you have read and explain why you consider them products
of art.
16. A playwright is different from other writers in that the play, he/she writes serve both as
an entertainment and an educating tool. Discuss this statement using one play.
17. Use two main characters from two plays you have read, to discuss how writers used these
characters to make their work a perfect piece of art.
18. Elaborate on any seven central ideas of any one paly studied and show the relevance to
Tanzania society.
19. Hypocrisy and selfishness have always led to the misunderstandings between or among
the members of the society. With reference to characters in two plays, justify this
20. One of the dominant problems in many plays is malpractice which is done by various
leaders. Discuss this view use one play.
21. Are all traditional customs and values useful to people in the society? Give your views by
using two plays.
22. Show how literature is a reflection of life by using two plays.
23. Relate the titles of the plays you have read with the ideas presented by playwrights in two
plays you have read. Give four points from each play.
24. With references to two plays you have read, show how the conflicts found in the readings
could have been resolved. Give four points from each play.
25. Using two plays read to support the view that “cultural issues are hindrance to
development in our societies”. Give four points from each play.
26. Using two plays, discuss the argument that “literature is the product of the society”. Use
four points from each reading.
27. Literature reflects traditions of our societies; substantiate by using two plays read under
this section.
28. Analyze the cause of conflicts in two plays you have studied in this section. Give four
points from each play.
29. Choose four characters, four from each of the two plays you have read under this section
and discuss their roles to the societies.
30. By using two plays you have studied under this section, discuss how some traditions,
customs and beliefs contribute to the misunderstanding and underdevelopment in the
society. Give four points from each play.
31. Compare and contrast two female characters from two readings you have read under this
32. Show the relationship between the titles and content of the two plays you have read under
this section.
33. Using any two plays you have read under this section, outline and discuss the African
customs and traditions that you would like to be abolished. Give reasons to support your
34. For changes to take, conflict is inevitable. Discuss by using two plays under this section.
35. What is the relevance of the two plays you have read under this section to your modern
36. Like men, women are equally capable of contributing to the welfare of the society. Use
relevant examples from two plays to prove the statement.
37. One of the powerful means of exposing social evils is Drama. Use two plays to explain
about them. Are they solved?
38. Among the three genres of literature, drama seems to be the most effective in delivering
messages to the intended society. Support the statement with at least eight points.
39. “Love affair is the only source of conflict in our societies’. Discuss the statement above
with eight (08) points by using two plays.
40. Explain how leaders who are not good cause underdevelopment of their societies,
referring to two (02) plays you have done under this section.

1. Discuss the common themes portrayed by the writers in two novels you have read.
2. Choose two characters under this section programme, one from each text and show how
do you admire or sympathize with them.
3. Discuss the various techniques use by the writers to convey message to the readers with
reference to two novels.
4. Explain the effectiveness of symbolism from the two readings you have read under this
5. How the novelists have achieved to use language effectively to convey messages to the
readers in the two novels you have read under this section.
6. How the novelists have achieved to relate title and what is being said in their works.
7. Using two novels you have read under this section, consider the relevance of their titles to
the content.
8. Discuss how oppression is revealed in the two novels you have read under this section.
9. “Betrayal is one among the common theme in African literature”. Discuss how betrayal
has been revealed by using two novels covered under this section.
10. Pick two characters, one from each novel and show their negative traits.
11. Analyze the sources of conflicts in the two novels that you have read under this section,
giving four points from each reading.
12. Figures of speech are used by novelists to colour their literary works. Analyze the
effectiveness of these elements in presenting the message referring to the two novels you
have studied. Give four points from each novel.
13. With reference to any two novels you have read under this section, explain how the
behaviour of characters affect the welfare of the majority in the society. Give four points
from each novel.
14. In literary works, the titles enable the readers to understand the message the writers want
to convey. Verify this statement by using two novels or short stories that you have studied
under this section.
15. Explain how ignorance is revealed from two novels you have read under this section.
16. Use two novels covered under this section and show how conflict is the major theme.
17. Using two novels you have read under this section; explain how roles and position of
women is portrayed.
18. Using two books you have read under novel section, show how the main characters (one
from each novel) helped to develop their communities.
19. “Writers usually use different characters to expose different messages”. Using one novel
covered under this section, prove this statement.
20. Relate one novel you have read to what is being said in the novel.
21. Explain the relationship between the titles and content of one novel you have read under
this section.
22. Novelists have the messages; they want to communicate to the readers. Discuss the lessons
portrayed in the two novels you have read under this section.
23. What is the relevance of two novels you have read to your contemporary society?
24. With reference to any two novels or short stories you have read, discuss things which you
think are not good to be practiced with the future generation.
25. Choose any two characters from any two (2) novels you have read and describe them by
showing how they succeeded in solving their problems.
26. “The coming of whites to Africa brought more harm than good” Discuss the validity of
The statement using the novel you have done.
27. “Male writers portray women only negatively in their work.” How true is this statement?
Write down six points three points from each novel of your choice.
28. Use two readings you have done to discuss the causes of conflicts. (four (04) points from
each book).
29. “White men are said to be not good to Africans.” Use two (02) novels you have done to
prove the above statement.
30. With reference to two novels, discuss to show that the contact between Europeans and
Africans has been the cause of many problems in Africa. Four points from each.

31. Give a character analysis (portrait) of two major characters you have read about in any
two novels under this section, one character from each novel. Four points each.
32. How successful have the writers you have read about in two novels been able to show the
relevance of their work to the concerned society? Four points from each.
33. Characters are always being used by artists to convey the content of literary works. Choose
two characters from two novels you have done to confirm this statement. (Give out 3
points from each novel and one character from each novel).
34. “HIV/AIDS is like a burning fire in the forest”. Justify this statement by using one novel.
35. Relate the content of the works you have read with their titles. Use two novels of your
choice from the list above.
36. “Sometimes writers use the experiences of characters in order to reveal their central ideas”
with reference to two of the readings listed above, show how characters convey the writer’s
central ideas effectively. Give three points from each novel.
37. Choose any two protagonists from two different novels and show why you sympathize
with them.
38. With reference to one (1) novel you have done under this section. Explain the position of
women with relevant to our current society. (Five (5) points)
39. By using one (1) novel of your choice agree that, novelist is eye and ear of their society.
(six points)
40. “Literature is not a photocopy of human relations rather it takes its roots from the society
concern”. Use any two novels of your choice to show how valid is this statement.
41. Characters are always being used by artists to convey the content of literary works. Choose
two characters from two novels you have done to confirm this statement. (Give 3 points
from each novel and one character from each novel.
42. Conflicts are inevitable in the contemporary society. Explain by using two novels you
have read (six (6) points)
43. Exploitation irk, therefore should be evacuated, discuss by using two main characters of
the two novels you have done under this section (one from each novel) six points
44. Discuss six (6) “central ideas” from the two novels you have read under this section.
45. Using two Novels you have read, explain the massage portrayed in those Novels. (4 from
each novel)
46. “Writers of literary works have issues in their works they want to send to the society when
they write”. Justify the statement using two Novels you have read under this section. (4
from each novel/reading)
47. Compare and contrast two (2) characters from two reading you have appreciated under
this Section (one from each Novel). Eight (8) points.
48. How would you describe the coming of the whites and their influences in our traditional
societies? Make reference to two novels. Three points from each.
49. Choose two main characters from two novels and show how they reflect our everyday life
situation. Write three points from each novel.


1. Poets are like soldiers; they use their poems to fight against evils in their societies. How
far this statement is true? Provide two (2) reasons from each poem by using four (4) poems
you have read.
2. From two poems you have read, show how effectively figures of speech have been used
to carry messages. Use three figures of speech for each poem.
3. “The effectiveness of the poet depends on language choice by the poets”. Verify this
statement by using four poems covered under this section.
4. Poetry like other forms of literature reflects social reality”. Use two poems under this
section, substantiate the truth of this statement by showing clearly the artistic devices used.
5. “Like other literary writer, poets have messages, they want to communicate to the readers
or audiences”. Verify this statement by using four poems.
6. By using poems, A Freedom Song by Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye and Song of Lawino by
Okot P. Bitek, show how a theme of oppression is portrayed.
7. Using two poems you have studied under this section, discuss the effects of selfishness
among the leaders in developing countries. Give four points from each poem.
8. With reference to two poems you have read, show the poets have addressed the issue of
leaders’ irresponsibility.
9. With reference to two poems you have studied in this section, comment on the poets use
of language. Give four points from each poem.
10. Discuss the relevance of one poem you have read to your society.
11. “Poetry reflects social realities” Discuss this view by referring to two poems that you have
read. Four points from each poem.
12. Most poets deliver their messages using different techniques; justify these statements using
two poems. Four points from each poem.
13. In writing poems, poets teach and/or criticize the society. Use two poems to show what
the poets want their readers to learn from them.
14. “The poets use literary devices not only to colour their works but also to deliver the
intended message to their audience”. Prove this statement by showing how literary devices
are used to deliver the intended message. Give three points from each poem.
15. Your friend hates reading poems because they are useless and have no any message. Prove
him wrong by using three points from each of the following poems; “A freedom Song” by
Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye and “Building the nation” by Henry Barlow.
16. “Poems convey strong messages to the society” prove it by using two poems.
17. Literary works are well communicated by using figures of speech. Using two poems you
have read identify figures of speech used in those poems. (4 from each poem).
18. Poetry uses very special and powerful words to express beauty, emotions and messages.
Use two poems to show the effective use of words in delivering the intended messages.
(Eight points)
19. From two poems you have read under this section, explain the use of imagery and show
its effects to the audience. (Four point from each)
20. Language use in poetry is more economical but effective, discuss with reference to two
poems have read under this section.


PHONE: 0757189316
E-MAIL: johnedwardmej@gmail.com


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