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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa I nggris

Kelas : VIII

Waktu : 120 menit

Jumlah Soal : 50


Pilihlah salah satu jawaban A, B, C, atau D yang merupakan jawaban yang paling tepat !


2. Tania says to her mother if she is allowed to have a piano lesson

Tania : I want to be excel in playing piano. May I have a piano lesson?
Mrs. Muktiano : Only if you’re really serious
What is the relationship between the two speakers in the dialogue above?

A. Student and teacher

B. Mother and daughter
C. Uncle and son
D. Father and son


4. Mrs. Vina : What time do you usually do your homework aulia?

Aulia : I usually do my homework at 08.00 pm after dinner .......

A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In the evening
D. In the mid night

5. Ani : What do you do in the evening?

Vika : Most evening, I..... TV or listens music

A. Watch
B. Watches
C. Watching
D. Watched

5. Naya : Lia , this is my younger sister, Delia

Lia : Hi Delia. You are a nice girl. Naya has told me much about you
Delia : Hi, nothing bad I hope
The underline word has similar meaning to....

A. Say
B. Give
C. Spent
D. Hold


7. Colin: Can we postpone the class meeting until Thursday?

Bono: I’m afraid not. I … basketball on Thursday.

A. Would Play
B. Played
C. Always play
D. Have been playing



Activities Time
Wake up 05.00 a.m
Take a bath 05.30 a.m
Go to school 06.30 a.m
Back to home 15.30 p.m

Lina : What time do you wake up everyday?

Udin : the morning like everybody in my family does.

A. I often back to home at 15.30 a.m

B. I usually go to school at 06.00 a.m
C. I usually take a bath at 05.30 a.m
D. I usually wake up at 05.00 a.m

11. Edo : the teacher room?

Dayu : They are having a meeting in the teacher room

A. What are you doing there?

B. What are the teachers doing?
C. Who are roni waiting?
D. What are they talking about?

12. Mother : Where is Lina, daddy?

Father : She is in the living room . She......movies on TV

A. Watches
B. Watched
C. Is watching
D. Will watch

13. Tila : Is she studying for the english test?

Rima : No, she is not. ....................................
Put the words in the right order.

A. She is studying for the math test

B. She studying is for the math test
C. The math test is studying for she
D. The test math is she for studying

14. Ifan : What are you doing Vika?

Vika : I am studying math right now. I’m having a math quiz ......................

A. Yesterday
B. At the moment
C. Two days ago
D. Last week

15. Avika : Hi, Iren What did you do last weekend?

Iren : I did a lot of things. I went to village last weekend
Avika : Who did you visit?
Iren : I visit my grandparents. They live in the village
Avika : Oh I see. Who did you go with?
Iren : I went there with all of my family.
What is the topic of the dialogue above ?

A. Iren went to the village last weekend

B. Iren visit her friends to the village
C. Avika went to the village last weekend
D. Avika holiday to the village last weekend

16. MKKS

17. MKKS


19. Anna : What is elsa doing in the kitchen?

Dona :.......................................
Which of the following choices is the correct form of a positive present continuos tense
based on that interrogative sentence?

A. She is cooking in the kitchen right now

B. She is not cooks in the kitchen right now
C. She is cooked in the kitchen right now
D. She is not cooked in the kitchen right now

20. Kelly : What are you doing dona?

Dona : .....................................
Put the words in the right order

A. I am preparing for sport competitions next month

B. I am for preparing sport competition next mont
C. Sport competition next month I am preparing for
D. I am preparing for sport next month competitions
21. MKKS

22. Iqbal : I have go to Jakarta tomorrow, but I don’t have enough money to buy a ticket.
How can I go there?
Zaki : You can go there by an economy-class train.
Iqbal : How about the executive-class?
Zaki : It’s better than the economy-class, but it more expensive.
What is the topic of the dialogue above?

A. Iqbal want to buy the economy-class ticket.

B. Iqbal don’t have enough money to buy a ticket
C. Iqbal want to buy executive-class
D. Iqbal have to go Jakarta by an economy-class train

23. Bella : What do you think of those shirt?

Rima : I think the red one.......than the others.

A. Suitable
B. The most suitable
C. More suitable
D. The suitables

24. Jony : I think mathematics is the hardest subject at school

Roni : I think so. We should take match private course
From the dialog above , we can conclude that.......

A. Jony love math

B. Jony and Roni are not friends
C. Jony is good in math
D. Math is the most difficult subject at their school

25. Dila : Do you watch the sport program on TV last night?

Ina : Yes, of course. I think Taufik Hidayat will be a champion in the
Indonesia Open Tournament.
Dila : I think so. He played … than before.

A. Carefully
B. More carefully
C. The most carefully
D. As carefully
26. John has ten marbles. Andi has fifteen marbles, but Doni has twenty. Which of the following
is not correct?

A. Andi has more marbles than John.

B. Doni has the most marbles among them.
C. John has the least marbles among them.
D. Andi has more marbles than Doni.

27. Dinda and putri are talking about azzahra’s success in an english test.
Dinda : Do you know what azzahra got the highest score in the previous english test?
She is very diligent student. Don’t you think so?
Putri : Yes, she is..............You are absolutely right

A. She is not diligent but smart

B. She cheated Nadya’s work, too.
C. She never think english is difficult
D. She is not only diligent but also smart.

28. Reno : I hear you won the english speech competition yesterday
Budi : That’s absolutely right, how do you know?
Reno : I found out from your sister, she told me when she met me this morning
Budi : I did prepare my self a month ago, and finally I was able to win it.
Reno : That’s great, you’re indeed talented, I hope you always succeed

What is the relationship between the speakers in the dialogue above?

A. Brother
B. Nephew
C. Cousin
D. Friend

For question number 29-31 choose the best word to complete the paragraph

My cousin puspa and I ......(29) to the market on Sunday morning. We bought vegetables as
well as fruits. Then don’t forget to bought coconut water, because we drink it regulary, you
know coconut water has many benefits for our body and health.....(30) We have not had
breakfast yet, we buy food. I bought lontong sayur while puspa bought nasi uduk. We.....(31)
home at 9 a.m

29. A. For
B. Went
C. Going
D. Since

30. A. Are
B. For
C. Since
D. Then

31. A.Go
B. Scent
C. Arrived
D. Departure

32. MKKS

33. MKKS

34. MKKS

The text is for numbers 35-37.

Last weekend I and my classmates went to the countryside to have a picnic. Before leaving,
we made some sandwiches for lunch. We left quite early to avoid the traffic jam.
After driving for two hours, we arrived at a very nice place. It was near a river with some big
trees around it. The driver parked the car under the tree. Seeing the clear an cool water of the
river, my friends and I decided to swim. After having lunch together, we went around the area
to enjoy the scenery. We saw some beautiful birds and butterflies.
After walking for about an hour, we decided to return to the car and go home. Unfortunately,
we cloud not start up the car. Finally after sometime, we cloud make the car start up by
pushing it. We were happy although we felt a bit tired when we got home.

35. Why did the writer and his friends decide to swim in the river?

A. They felt hot after having lunch

B. They felt tired after having a walk
C. The water was cool and clear
D. It was a tiring day

36. Because of the trouble they had at the end of their picnic, they probably ….

A. Got home a bit late

B. Decided to swim again
C. Had to spend the night there
D. Decided not to have a picnic again

37.” We saw some beautiful birds and butterflies”

What does the underlined word refer to?

A. Driver
B. All Classmates
C. Seller
D. Visitors

38.Arrange the jumbled sentences below into a good paragraph

a. Then, the girls made a fire and cooked their lunch, while the boys were busy preparing
the programs.
b. After getting the right place to set up the tent, they started to build their tents
c. after a little rest, the scout leader blew his whistle and all girl and boy scouts gathered
around to start the program
d. Last weekend, the boy and the girl scouts went camping at a camping site in the woods
e. When everything was ready, they had lunch together

A. d-a-e-b-c
B. d-c-a-b-e
C. d-b-a-e-c
D. d-e-b-c-a

The text for numbers 39-42

To : All students of MP Idependence
Commemorating the National Education day, the student Organization is
organizing some challenging and interesting competitions. They are debate, story
telling, wall magazine, and futsal.
The event will be held on May 2nd 2023, from 8 am until it drops.
All classes are welcome to take part in the program.
For further information, please contact William Steven, the coordinator of this

39. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

A. To describe some competitions to celebrate National Education day.
B. To introduce a student Organization’s program
C. To announce an event.
D. To ask students of SMP Independece to take part in a program.

40. Which competition is probably for individual participant?

A. Debate
B. Story telling
C. Wall magazine
D. Futsal

41. When the competition will be held?

A. On May 2nd 2023
B. On July 2nd 2023
C. On May 3rd 2023
D. On Feb 4th 2023

42. Who is the coordinator of the program?

A. Jons william
B. Steven william
C. William Steven
D. Students of SMP Independece

43. MKKS

44. MKKS

45. MKKS

46. Who is the warning addressed to?

A. The government
B. The construction workers
C. The construction company
D. All road users

47. MKKS

48. MKKS



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