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CEF - San Buenaventura

English - 4th Year


★ Student’s Name: ___________________________________________
★ Teacher’s Name: ___________________________________________
★ Curso y División: ___________________________________________
★ What 's your name?
★ How old are you?
★ Where are you from?
★ What's your favourite colour?
★ What's your favourite animal?
★ What's your favourite food?
★ What's your favourite thing? Why give it to you?
★ What's your favourite subject?
★ What's your phone number?
★ Where do you live? Who do you live with?
★ What's your hobby?
★ When is your birthday?
★ Who is your English teacher?
★ Wmo is your Principal?
★ What do you eat for breakfast?
★ When were you born?
★ Name 3 interesting things you did during the summer
★ Name 3 things you have already done today
★ Name 3 plans for the weekend?
★ Do you sleep in class?

1. I (play) golf every weekend.
2. The children ______________________(watch) TV at the moment.
3. Peter (eat) a lot today.
4. You can’t borrow my computer because it sometimes __________(not work)
5. It smells good! What (make)?
6. My husband never _____________ (make) me breakfast.
7. You can't see Tim now; he ________________ (take) a bath.
8. Please keep quiet, I ___________________ (listen) to the radio. You know I
___________________ (listen)to the news in the mornings.
9. I never ____________ (wear) a scarf, but today I ___________________
(wear) one because it's unusually cold.
10. I finished watching the series you recommended. Now _______________
(watch) another one.

Actividad con Nota
A. Talk about yourself and record it with your phone.
You must include:
1. A short introduction with your personal information.
2. Your likes and preferences (you can use the items
from your profile)
3. A short description of your daily routine (Using
Present Simple).
4. What you and the people around you are doing at
the moment of speaking (using Present Continuous)
B. Upload your recording on the platform.

● Underline the correct alternative.

1. He was jumping / jumped off the train while it moved /was moving
2. What did your neighbour do / was your neighbour doing when you
knocked/were knocking at the door?
3. When I arrived / was arriving at school this morning, the bell rang/was
ringing and the students went / were going to their classrooms.
4. What did you do / were you doing when the light went out / was going out an
hour ago?
5. While I went / was walking in the park I lost / was losing my keys.
Actividad con Nota

● Write a short article about what you did last weekend.

Include at least 5 different actions. You can also draw.

● This is a description about Valeria Lopez, a woman from Cordoba.

Many verbs are missing. Can you complete the blanks with the
verbs in the correct form? Look at the time expressions in bold to
help you.

Valeria Lopez is an accountant who ____________ (live) in Córdoba. She

____________ (work) in an office with her husband Marcos since she
she (get up) at 7 o’ clock and she
____________ (take) a hot shower. After that, she __________ (prepare)
breakfast for her husband and herself. They always (drink) a
cup of coffee and ____________(eat) toast with marmalade. At a quarter to
eight, they (leave) for their office by car.
Valeria (sit) at her desk. She
(use) her calculator in her office. She
(negative – read) some important documents
right now.
she (go) to Mc Donald’s
because there she (meet) her husband. They
____________ (have) lunch together. For sure they ____________(eat) a
hamburger but they ____________ (negative – have) an ice-cream
because they are on a diet.
, they (negative – work) in their
office because they (have) to travel to Tucumán,
the city where Marcos (live) when he (be) a child.
There they ____________ (visit) Marcos’ parents and they (get) together
with some old friends who (go) to high school with
Marcos. They ____________(stay) at a hotel which
________________________(negative – exist) some years ago. While
Valeria and Marcos (stay) in Tucumán, they
(meet) new people.

● Choose the most suitable future forms to complete the sentences
1. Look! That car over there is going to crash / is crashing / will crash!
2. Are you going to turn / Will you turn / Are you turning the music down,
3. The film will start/ is starting / is going to start at 5 p.m.
4. I'm sure you are winning / will win / are going to win the lottery one day.
5. Don't you have any money on you? Don't worry, I 'll pay / I'm going to pay /
I'm paying for the taxi.
6. According to my diary, we’re meeting / we will meet / we are meeting the
buyers at 7p.m. tomorrow.
7. I can't see you tomorrow. I will play / I’m playing / I'm going to play football
with my university friends.
8. A: Maria phoned you. B: OK. I will call / I’m going to call / I’m calling her
9. Thanks for the money. I 'm going to pay / I’m paying / I will pay you back on
10. What will you do / are you going to do / are you doing this evening?

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