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Chip1: Hello everyone!

Today I would like to talk to you about the concept of "White

Christmas". Does anyone know what it means?
Iker 2: Yes, I think it means to the idea of having a snowy Christmas. It is when the
entire landscape is covered in white, like on Christmas cards.
Sofi3: That's right, "White Christmas" symbolizes that magical winter setting that
we often associate with this time of year. It is when snowflakes fall gently from the
sky and everything is covered in a bright white blanket.
Mafer 4: Exactly! also, all those pretty lights that decorate the houses, "White
Christmas" is also a feeling of peace and calm.
Karla 5: And don't forgetting that we can also do lots of fun things like taking a
break from school, spending time with family, and giving gifts.
Chip1: That's right, the "White Christmas" is more than just snow. It is a magical
experience that transports us to a place of peace and happiness. Whatever we live
in a place where it snows or not, we can recreate that feeling through decorations,
music and Christmas activities of this time of year.
Iker 2: Definitely, "White Christmas" is a metaphor for everything we look for in this
season: love, joy and moments sharing with our loved ones.
Sofi3: That's right! May the "White Christmas" envelop us all with its charm and
remind us of the true spirit of this holiday!
Mafer 4: So we would like to wish you all a nice Christmas.
Karla 5: Happy Holidays! May each of you have a "White Christmas" full of love
and happiness.
Sofi 4: Schöne Ferien! Möge jeder von euch ein „weißes Weihnachtsfest“ voller
Liebe und Glück haben.
Eshon Ferien! Moge jeda von oish ain “baises wainnachfest” folar liba un gluk
haben. (como se pronuncial)
Chip3: Bonne fêtes! Que chacun de vous passe un « Noël blanc » plein d’amour et
de bonheur.
Bon fet! Que shacun de vu pason un “Noel blonc” plan du amurg et du bonurg
(como se debe pronunciar)
Todos: ¡Felices fiestas a cada uno de ustedes!

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