Lesson Plan

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Week 9:

Unit 3: Importance of Community Care

Lesson 9: Community Knowledge

Motivation: Some foundational concepts in the field of interpersonal violence, including the Power and Control Wheel, were
developed using Friere’s transformative pedagogy. Following the field’s intellectual genealogy, we’ll use Friere’s pedagogy to
understand experiences of survivors seeking community support.

Class goal: Analyze our narratives using Friere’s framework to understand the problems in community responses to interpersonal
violence for the purpose of enacting change.

Assignment due by class time: Think of your personal experience of interpersonal violence. Did you seek community support?
What was the community context? What was the response, and why? What social support did you receive? What did you wish you

Cumulative time Time allocated to Activity
(minutes) activity (minutes

15 15 Check ins / grounding

30 15 Reviewing plan for lesson

Reviewing Friere’s methodology and aim

60 30 Pairing or small group activity: discuss the experience you chose to talk about from the
assignment with the purpose of identifying important factors that impacted your
experiences. Generate a preliminary list of these factors to include in issue list.

90 30 Class discussion:
- Generate Issue List: go over preliminary lists of small groups. Generate a large
class list. Discuss, identify gaps, add to list.
- Identify themes

105 15 BREAK

135 30 Class discussion:

- Identify generative themes: Are these themes generative? Can they be analyzed
from personal, cultural, and institutional perspectives?

175 40 Pared or small group activity:

- Developing codes: Each group or pair takes on a generative theme and develops
a code (“picture, role-play, guided meditation, song, chart, or exercise—anything
that could serve as a useful reference point to anchor a discussion” of potential

Share with class your group’s code

TOTAL TIME: 2 hours 45 minutes (120 + 45 = 175 minutes)

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