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3303 Motivation and emotion level 3

Extrinsic motivation is when the origin of the motive comes from an external
party. An example would be when a student is told to get 9As for o/ls by her
parents. The motive to get 9As doesn’t come within herself it comes from an
external party-parents. Therefore it’s an extrinsic motivation.

Homeostasis is standing or remaining at about same or similar level

(Homeostasis maintains an internal consistency by maintaining a stable level in
internal conditions of an organism). For an example when the temperature of
the environment our bodies would try to maintain the body temperature by
making us sweat that’s a homeostasis change.

1. Primary reinforces – unconditioned reinforcers (eg foos, water)

2. Secondary reinforcers- conditioned reinforcers ; they reinforce behavior
through associations with something else (money to buy food)
3. Positive reinforcers- increase behavior by liking the consequence of the
behavior with a positive stimulus (if you finish homework you can have
pizza for dinner)
4. Negative reinforcers- increases behavior through taking a negative stimuli
away (taking a painkiller to alleviate a headache)

According to Yerkes-Dodson law, for tasks of moderate difficulty, performance

is highest during moderate levels of arousal, for tasks o low difficulty ,
performance is highest during high arousal, and during tasks of high difficulty,
performance is highest during low levels of arousal. Ex- high arousal, which is
coupled with high anxiety, panic, and fidgety at a difficult exam will make it
difficult for a student to perform their best, while high arousal at a simple exam
will have the opposite effect og helping the student perform better

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3303 Motivation and emotion level 3

Drive reduction theory suggests that humans are motivated to reduce

physiological needs in order to maintain homeostasis and achieve a state of
balance furthermore when a person experiences a physiological need such as
hunger or thirst, it creates a drive/ motivation to satisfy that need in order to
return to a state of equilibrium.
For example if a person feels hungry they are motivated to seek out and
consume food in order to reduce hunger and return to a state of physiological
balance.this process of drive reduction helps to maintain the body’s internal
balance and ensures that essential needs are met.

Instinct theory states that instincts are innate, unlearned behaviors that guide
human behavior.
For example the instinct to flee from danger; When an animal or a human
perceives a threat their instinctual response is to run away in order to protect
themselves. This behavior is not learnt it is an innate response

This theory is specifically about the human motivation to achieve. Motivation

depends on expectancy (likelihood of specific behavior to lead to the
achievement of the goal) and the subjective value of the goal.
For example a student may be motivated to study for an exam if they believe
that they have a chance of doing well (expectancy) and if they value the
importance of getting a good grade(value). On the other hand if the student
believes they will not do well on the exam and does not see the value in
studying they may be less motivated to put effort into studying.

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3303 Motivation and emotion level 3

Unconditional Stimuli 1.Avoidance

2.coundisitional stimuli Unconditional Stimuli 3. Avoidance

+ 

4.counditional stimuli 5.Avoidance

According to Bandura perceived self-efficacy is defined as people’s beliefs

about their capabilities to produce designated levels of performance that
exercise influence over events that affects their lives. Self-efficacy belief
determine how people feel, think, motivate themselves and behave.

1. Physiological needs
2. Safety
3. Love and belonging needs
4. Esteem
5. Self actualization

This refers to a sense of meaninglessness or emptiness. In our modern life as a

result of industrialization, people have become like machines, going about life
without active living but merely existing . Many people feel life has no meaning,
no purpose, no challenge because they are caught in an endless race to achieve
material things such as money, sex, power

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3303 Motivation and emotion level 3

Strength- humanistic theory emphasizes the importance of individual growth ,

self actualization and personal fulfillment fostering a holistic approach to
motivation that considers emotional and psychological needs.
Weakness- One weakness is the subjective nature of humanistic theory, making
it challenging to measure and quantify factors like self actualization, which can
hinder its applicability in empirical research and practical settings.

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