3301 CAT 1 2018 Section 2 Introduction To Psychology

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3301 intro to psyche level 3

Tabula rasa is a latin term coined by John Locke and it translates into “blank
slate/ empty chalk board ”. In the context of mind and behaviour it refers to the
philosophical idea that individuals are born with a clean slate, devoid of any pre-
existing knowledge , beliefs or personality traits . this concept suggests that
human beings are shaped and influenced by their experiences and environment
rather being born with innate ideas or instincts

Introspection involves self observation and reflection on one’s own thoughts,

feelings, and experiences. It was used by Wilhelm Wundt as a method for
studying the structure of mind and conscious experience . introspection involves
looking inward and reporting on one’s mental processes and subjective
experiences, with the goal of gaining insight into workings of the mind.

The hawthorne effect refers to the change in human behavior when they are
aware that they are being observed . this term comes a series of experiments
conducted in Western Electric Hawthrone Works in Chicago

1. Pediatrician
2. Child psychologist
3. Speech therapist
4. Occupational therapist
5. Special educational teacher
6. Behavioral therapist
7. Social worker
8. Geneticist
9. Neurologist
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3301 intro to psyche level 3

A psychologist specializing in forensic psychology would be the one working

with issues relating to juvenile delinquency. One task this professional would be
competent to conduct is conducting psychological assessments to evaluate the
mental health, risk factor and potential interventions for juvenile offenders.
They may also provide therapy and intervention services to address the
underlying issues contributing to delinquent behaviour.

1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy
2. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques
3. Goal setting and performance planning
4. Imagery and visualization
5. Motivational interviewing
6. Team building exercises

An empirical method is a way of gaining knowledge or understanding through

direct observation and experimentation, and then analyzing and interpreting
the results to draw conclusions.
This approach is commonly used in scientific research to test hypotheses and
theories and is considered to be a reliable and objective way of gaining
knowledge about the world

Emotions, attitudes, self-concept (beliefs you hold about yourself), self-

awareness, self-identity , emotional intelligence, self motivation, self control,

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3301 intro to psyche level 3

1. Clinical health psychology

2. Public health psychology
3. Community health psychology
4. Critical health psychology

1. Whether it is a physical problem or psycho-educational problem

2. Whether the activity fits easily into the daily routine
3. Whether extra and possibly costly resources will be needed for delivering
the intervention.
4. Cultural and social factors such as societal norms and social identity on the
child’s education

1.Assessment: Psychology professionals assess individuals’ cognitive, emotional

and behavioral functioning through standardized tests, interviews and
observations . They use this information to diagnose mental health disorders,
learning disabilities, and other psychological issues
2. Intervention: Psychology professionals develop and implement interventions
to address individuals’ psychological and educational needs. This may involve
counseling, therapy, behaviour modification, and educational support to help
individuals overcome challenges and improve their well beings.
3. Consultation: Psychology professionals consult with teachers, parents and
other professionals to provide guidance on how to support individuals’
psychological and educational needs.

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3301 intro to psyche level 3

Answer 1 -Aims of scientific research is as followed 1. Description – The description

of a particular phenomenon in terms of defining it, classifying certain elements and
categorizing relationships. 2.Prediction - Making predictions about behavior based
on long term observations. 3. Explanation/understanding - Cause/causes for a
particular behavior that can be used as an explanation of that behavior.
Answer 2- The aims of scientific research are to systematically investigate and
understand phenomena, develop new knowledge, and contribute to the
advancement of a particular field of study. Scientific research aims to answer specific
questions , test hypotheses, and gather evidence to support or refute theories . it
aims to improve understanding of the natural world,human behavior and various
phenomena, ultimately leading to practical applications and solutions to real world

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