Paket B Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris

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TAHUN 2023


TAHUN 2023

Text for numbers 1 and 2.

1. “May your sweet pair be always happy….”

The expression means that the writer wants to ….
A. support her niece’s pair
B. give best hope for her niece
C. support her niece’s engagement
D. give a wish on her niece’s wedding

2. From the text, we know that Carla is the … of the receiver.

A. aunt
B. niece
C. uncle
D. cousin

Text for numbers 3 and 4.
(In a living room)
Mother : What are you doing, sweety?
Robin : Playing Fortnite Battle Royale. It’s holiday, isn’t it?
Mother : You’ve spent hours for doing so. It must be exciting.
Robin : Indeed!
Mother : Well, you’d better keep out of it, honey.
Robin : Why, mom?
Mother : You’re shortsighted. It worsens your vision. You should join your
siblings have fun outside.

3. What might Robin probably do after having the conversation?

He will ….
I. spend more hours playing Fortnite Battle Royale
II. ask his siblings to join another mobile game
III. stop playing the Fortnite Battle Royale
IV. have fun with his brothers or sisters

A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. III and IV

3. “It worsens your vision.”

What does the utterance mean?
I. Robin’s vision will deteriorate.
II. Robin’s sight will be disturbed.
III. Robin must wear any glasses to see well.
IV. Robin may spend more hours for the game.

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. III and IV

Text for numbers 5 to 7.

I want to introduce you to my favorite Indonesian singer,

Vidi Aldiano. He is a well-known singer, songwriter, and producer
in Indonesia. He was born on March 29, 1990, in Jakarta. Aldiano
has become one of the most successful musicians in Indonesia.
As a public figure, he is often seen wearing stylish and
trendy outfits in his music videos. He is tall and slender. He has
expressive eyes, a sharp nose, and a defined jawline. He has a warm and friendly smile
that adds to his charming personality.
His love for music started early in his life, and he began taking piano lessons at
the age of 7. He went on to attend Pelita Harapan University in Indonesia, and continued
his studies in Berklee College of Music and the University of Manchester, where he
majored in music. Aldiano has released several albums, including his debut album
"Pelangi di Malam Hari," which was released in 2008. He has won numerous awards for
his music, including several AMI Awards (Anugerah Musik Indonesia) for Best Male Solo
Artist and Best Pop Song. One of my favorite songs is “Nuansa Bening”.
Besides his music career, Aldiano is also known for his philanthropic work. He has
worked with various charities in Indonesia, including the Cinta Anak Bangsa Foundation,
which helps provide education and healthcare for underprivileged children.

5. The text mostly talks about ….

A. the description of Vidi Aldiano
B. the story of Aldiano’s masterpiece
C. the explanation of Aldiano’s career journey
D. the information of Aldiano’s characteristics

6. Which statements are in line with the text?

I. Aldiano is a pop genre musician.
II. Aldiano is a generous public figure.
III. Aldiano was interested in music in his teenage.
IV. Aldiano won Anugerah Musik Indonesia awards in 2008.

A. I & II
B. I & III
D. II & IV

7. Aldiano is different from other Indonesian singers … he concerns to the needy.

I. because of
II. due to
III. since
IV. as

A. I & III
B. I & IV

Text for numbers 8 to 10.
Three years ago, my dad got promoted and the whole family had to move to Solo,
Central Java. We rented a little pretty house that was perfect for our family, but it was
quite far from my new school. My dad had to take me to and pick me up from school by
car every day.
One day, my dad had a meeting, so he asked me to go home by bus. It was my
first time to take a bus by myself. I was very nervous because I had not memorized the
way from home to school and I didn’t have any idea which bus I should take.
I asked one of my teachers. He said, “Take bus number 2, then get off at the fourth
stop.” Then, I went to the bus stop near my school. Bus number 2 came and I got on. I
sat in the back by the window. I was so tired that I fell asleep.
I woke up when the horn blared. The bus stopped and I immediately got off. The
bus left. I looked around and got confused. I didn’t recognize the street or buildings
around me. I almost cried since I didn’t know what to do.
Suddenly, a car stopped in front of me. My teacher got out and approached me.
He asked me why I was alone in that area and I told him the reasons. He laughed at
me when I told him that I fell asleep on the bus. He then took me home.
I was very grateful for my teacher’s help that day. My mom then asked me to take
the bus from then on so that I could memorize the routes. What an experience!

8. The text mostly tells us about the writer’s experience of ….

A. taking the wrong bus to school
B. getting lost on his way to school
C. dozing off at the bus during his way home
D. meeting his teacher on his way home from school

9. What did the writer do after experiencing lost?

I. He asked for his teacher’s help to take the bus.
II. He asked his mother to pick him up every day.
III. He took the bus himself every day.
IV. He kept in mind the bus route.

A. I and II
B. II and III
C. II and IV
D. III and IV

10. Based on the text, we can conclude that the writer was … after experiencing of
getting lost.
I. patient
II. confident
III. intelligent
IV. independent

A. I and II
B. II and III
C. II and IV
D. III and IV

Text for number 11 and 12.
Ari is approaching Ben who’s reading comics in the reading corner.
Ari Hey, I heard from the coach that your team won the robotic competition! You
nailed it!
Ben Thanks bro! It was a challenging competition, but we put in a lot of hard work
and commitment.
Ari Well, it definitely paid off! I hope this win brings more opportunities and
success for you and your team in the future.
Ben I appreciate that, Ari. We're definitely aiming for bigger and better things.
Ari I have no doubt about that. Keep pushing the boundaries of robotics and
Ben Will do! Thanks for the support, Ari.
Anyway, I'm looking for Mr. Rio, but he's not in the principal's office. There's
no one there.
Ari I saw him in the library like few minutes ago.
Ben All right. I need to see him now. See you in the next class, Ari!

11. What is the dialog about?

A. Struggling for finding idea for a contest.
B. Looking for an opportunity to follow the contest.
C. Supporting a friend who joins the challenging competition.
D. Congratulating someone whose team won the competition.

12. When does the dialog probably take place?

A. During the break.
B. Before the lesson.
C. After the bell rings.
D. Prior to going home.

The text for number 13 to 15.

13. What is likely the reader do after reading the text?

A. Seek the website of the Tana Toraja.
B. Purchase the unique souveniers.
C. Book the nearby accomodation.
D. Record the unique cultures.

14. The second paragraph of the review tells about ….

A. Torajan common cemetery
B. Torajan funeral practice
C. remarkable landscape
D. friendly sociaety

15. Based on the review, why do the visitors visit Tana Toraja?
Because of ….
A. its fashionable clothes
B. its notable destination
C. its extraordinary sight
D. its single tombstone

Text for number 16 to 18.

16. What will happen if we steam the wrapped cakes less than 25 minutes?
I. The nagasari will taste plain.
II. The nagasari will be inedible.
III. The mixture will be undercooked.
IV. The mixture will completely thicken.

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV

17. What cooking tools are possibly used in step 2?

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV

18. We must wrap the rice flour mixture … we steam it.

The suitable conjunction to complete the sentence is ….
A. after
B. before
C. because
D. although

Text for numbers 19 to 20.

19. The notice is published by ....

A. the person in charge of the Gyan Academy program
B. the top leader of the blood donate camp program
C. the responsible person of the charity program
D. the board of blood donate camp program

20. Which ones will possibly happen if some students ignore the program?
I. The program will not run well
II. The blood donate camp will fail.
III. The blood donate will be delayed.
IV. The students will pay some money.

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. III and IV

Text for number 21 to 23.
Last Monday was the first day I was late to school. I had never come late to
school before, so it was a big deal for me. To make things worse, it was the day of the
Math final exam, the day I dreaded the most!
I never did well in Math, so I figured I needed to work hard. On Sunday, I read
all my notes, asked my mom to help me practice solving equations, and begged my
dad to test my multiplications. I did all I could to not fail. I finally decided that I was ready
for the exam a little before midnight. I set my alarm to 5 AM, then went to bed.
I woke up at 7.30 AM the next day because the alarm didn’t ring. It turned out to
be broken! I rushed to the bathroom and changed into my school uniform. I grabbed
my bike and rode it at full speed to school, hoping that I would make it to the 8 o’clock
When I arrived, the school gate was closed. It was already 8.15 AM. Because I
came in such a hurry, I lost focus and forgot everything I had learned. I failed miserably.
After the exam, I was starving. I looked for my lunchbox in my backpack, but it
was nowhere to be found. I realized that I had forgotten to bring it. I was in such a rush
that I even forgot my water bottle. Having eaten and drunk nothing, I still had to clean
the boys’ restrooms after school as my punishment for being late.
That day, I learned the hard way that not everything turns out as planned. Right
after school, I bought a new alarm clock to prevent me from making the same mistake.

21. Based on the text, where did the writer probably leave his lunch box?
A. In his/her backpack.
B. In his/her restroom.
C. At school.
D. At home.

22. Which statements are in line with the text?

I. The writer got up late.
II. The writer did his Math well.
III. The writer purchased a new alarm.
IV. The writer didn’t prepare for his test.

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV

23. Why was the writer in a hurry?

A. He got up late.
B. He didn’t set his alarm.
C. He didn’t prepare all well.
D. He wanted to have breakfast.

Text for number 24 to 26.
Once upon a time, on the island of Java, there was a king who had a loyal prime
minister named Sidapaksa. Sidapaksa loved his beautiful wife dearly, but unfortunately,
his mother didn't share the same affection towards her daughter-in-law. One day,
Sidapaksa's mother requested the king to send her son away on a mission to a faraway
place, so she could get rid of her daughter-in-law. The king agreed, and Sidapaksa was
given the task of finding a special flower on Mount Ijen that could keep a woman
beautiful. However, before he left, his wife gave birth to their child, and Sidapaksa was
hesitant to leave her alone.
But his wife insisted that she would be fine, and Sidapaksa embarked on his
journey. Unfortunately, while he was away, his wicked mother threw his baby son into
the river, and his wife fell ill and weak from grief. When Sidapaksa returned, his mother
lied to him, telling him that his wife had killed their child.
Out of anger, Sidapaksa was ready to kill his wife, who pleaded that she was
innocent. Then she ran to a river nearby. Before the current of the river took her away,
she said, " my dear husband, if the fragrant smell comes out of this river, then I'm
A miracle happened. From the river, there came out some fragrant smell. At the
center of the river came out two beautiful flowers. A big flower and a small one. The
small flower said, "Father, I'm your son. My mother is innocent. It was grandmother who
threw me to the river."
Sidapaksa cried loudly. He regreted what he had done to his wife. But it was too
late. His wife and child turned into two flowers.
The smelly and dirty river turned into clear and sweet smelled one. In Javanese,
it’s called Banyuwangi. It means fragrant river. From then on, the land around the
fragrant river is now known as Banyuwangi, a town in East Java.

24. Why was Sidapaksa angry with his wife?

A. She told him a lie about their child.
B. She got very sick when he was home.
C. He thought his wife had murdered their child.
D. He knew that his mother threw their baby to the river.
25. “… who pleaded that she was innocent …” (paragraph 3)
The underlined word can be best replaced with ….
A. asked
B. begged
C. requested
D. demanded

26. Which of the followings represent Sidapaksa’s characters?

I. careless
II. negligent
III. thoughtless
IV. courageous
V. determined

A. I, II, and III

B. I, III, and IV
C. II, III, and IV
D. III, IV, and V

Text for numbers 27 to 29.

27. What will likely a mother do after reading the text?

A. Use the product for her 2-year-old children to relieve fever.
B. Ask the children to consume the product to cure any pains.
C. Give the product to relieve headache for her toddler.
D. Provide the product to consume daily for her kids.

28. Which of the following information can be found in the product?

I The direction to store and the ingredients.
II The drug facts and the expiration date.
III The serving size and the price.
IV The content and the function.

A. I and III.
B. I and IV.
C. II and III.
D. III and IV.

29. From the text we know that ….

A. mother should keep the product far from the children reach
B. kids can take the product more than six doses in a day
C. the product contains warning for adult use
D. teen can consume the product

Text for number 30 to 32.
Social bullying is deliberate, repetitive and aggressive social behavior intended to hurt
others. This type of behavior generally includes verbal abuse, gossip or other actions that cause
mental and emotional harm and social isolation for the victim. Schools, sports activities,
colleges, work situations and neighborhoods are some of the places in which this type of
bullying occurs.
The goal of social bullying is to belittle and harm another individual or group. Bullying
might take the shape of teasing. Ridiculing another child’s clothes, making fun of the way he
speaks, and mocking his academic achievements are examples of behaviors that a bully might
exhibit to gain power over another child.
Social bullying carries into adulthood in some cases. Such behaviors can be found
among family members, in work situations, in college social groups, and in neighborhood
activities. Sabotaging others by spreading rumors or telling any behaviors that intentionally
cause shame and humiliation and exert control over others can be considered examples.
Social bullying is generally caused by some factors. In almost all cases, the bully lacks
empathy for his targeted individual or group. In some cases, he may have been the victim of
bullying earlier in life. Jealousy is another cause, whereby an individual feels threatened by the
characteristics or achievements of another individual.
The negative consequences of social bullying are extensive. Victims often suffer from
depression, anxiety, social isolation, and low self-esteem. Some victims turn to suicide or
commit homicidal acts as a result of extreme mental and social pressures.
Adapted from:

30. After reading the text, the readers will know ... of social bullying.
A. the specific characteristics
B. the particular information
C. the general description
D. the common shape

31. Which of the sentences are in line with the text?

I. Social bullying makes the victims have social forces.
II. The victims of social bullying often feel unconfident.
III. People who are social bullied usually feel pleasant.
IV. Social bullying is always done by adult people.

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV

32. Social bullying is deliberate, repetitive and aggressive …. (Paragraph 1).

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. cautious
B. anxious
C. curious
D. furious

The text is for question no 33 to 35.
Text 1 Text 2
How to Change the Language of Your How to change the language on your
Chrome Browser Android device
You can set Chrome to show all settings 1. On your Android device, tap Settings.
and menus in the language you want. 2. Tap System Languages & input.
This option Languages. If you can't find "System,"
is only available on Windows computers. then under "Personal," tap
1. On your computer, open Chrome. Languages & input Languages.
2. At the top right, click More, then click 3. Add a language. and choose the
Settings. language that you want to use.
3. At the bottom, click Advanced. 4. Drag your language to the top of the
4. Then, click Languages. list.
5. Next to the language you would like
to use, click More. (If the language is
not listed, you can add it by clicking
Add languages.)

33. The text explains … to us.

A. the procedure of changing the language on pc
B. the steps to switch the language on mobile phone and chrome
C. the description of the language used on Chrome and Android device
D. the ways to remove the language on Chrome browser and android device

34. Which of the following statements are true according to the texts?
I. We can add the language we want if it is not listed.
II. We have to set chrome by clicking more at the left side.
III. We must find a setting option first before changing the language.
IV. We must drag the language to the end of the list to set the devices.

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. III and IV

35. “Drag your language to the top of the list.”

The word drag is closest in meaning to….
A. draw
B. push
C. pull
D. lift

Read the following text to answer number 36 to 38.
One day a hawk would like to marry a hen he saw on earth. He asked her to become
his wife. She at once gave her consent on the condition that he would wait until she
could grow wings like his, so that she might also fly high. The hawk agreed and flew
away after giving her a ring as an engagement. The hen was very proud of the ring and
placed it around her neck.
The next day, she met the cock who looked at her in astonishment. The cock said,
“Where did you get that ring? You have promised me to be my wife. You must not wear
the ring of anyone else. Throw it away.”
Then, the hen threw the beautiful ring away.
Not long after that, the hawk came down to gve her a beautiful dress. He was
surprised when he saw that the hen did not wear the ring.
“Where is the ring I gave you?” he asked.
The hen was frightened and answered, “Oh, sir, yesterday when I was walking in the
garden, I met a large snake so I ran as fast as I could. I missed the ring. I have searched
everywhere but I could not find it.”
The hawk looked sharply at the hen. He knew that she was deceiving him. Then he
said, “I did not believe that you could behave so badly. When you have found the ring,
I will come down again and married you. As a punishment, you must always scratch
the ground to look for the ring. I will snatch away every chicken of yours”
Then he flew away, and ever since all the hens throughout the world have been
scratching to find the hawk’s ring.

36. What can we learn from the text?

A. The pain of yesterday is the strength of today.
B. Don’t make any promise when you are unhappy.
C. In doing what we ought to, we deserve no praise.
D. There is no greater fraud than a promise not kept.

37. Based on the text, which of the following statements are true?
I. The hawk regretted giving the ring and the dress to the hen.
II. The hen lost her ring when she ran away from the snake.
III. The hen threw the ring away to make the cock happy.
IV. The hawk punished the hen because of tricking him.

A. I and III
B. II and III
C. II and IV
D. III and IV

38. Why did the hen have to scratch the ground?

Because she ….
I. had to find the hawk’s ring
II. wanted to make the hawk happy
III. did it as a consequence of what she had done
IV. should protect her children from the hawks’ attack

The correct statements are ….

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. III and IV

This text is for number 39 to 41.
Text 1
Hyenas are large animals and can weigh up to 190 pounds, which is the size of a
large grown-up human. They have front legs that are longer than their back legs and
really big ears. They can be a solid brown color or they can have spots or stripes. There
are the three different kinds of hyenas- the spotted hyena, the brown hyena, and the
striped hyena.
Most hyenas live in savannas. Savannas are large grasslands. Some hyenas live
in mountains. Two kinds of hyenas, the spotted hyena and the brown hyena, live in
Africa. Hyenas with stripes live in both Africa and Asia. In most grassland, hyenas'
homes, food, and water are far away from each other, so they spend a lot of time
walking and running between these areas.
Hyenas are carnivores. This means that they hunt and eat meat. Hyenas are also
scavengers, which mean that they find food that is already dead and eat that for their
meals. They live near lions, so they eat the food the lions leave behind. Hyenas have
strong jaws that help them kill their food. They eat large animals like antelope and deer.

Text 2
Wolves are found in Europe, Asia and North America. They can live in forests,
deserts, mountains, tundra, grasslands and sometimes around towns and cities.
Adult wolves are usually 1.4 to 1.8 meters in length from nose to tail depending on
the subspecies. Wolves living in the far north tend to be larger than those living further
south. As adults they may weigh typically between 23 to 50 kilograms. The heaviest
wolf recorded weighed 86 kilograms.
Wolves live in groups called packs. A pack is a family of seven to eight wolves. The
wolves' communication skills are very important to the pack's survival. Wolves work
together to hunt, raise their young, and protect their territory. Wolves communicate with
more than howls. They whimper and whine, growl and bark, yelp and snarl. They also
use scents produced by their bodies to communicate. A wolf’s sense of smell is 100
times stronger than a human. One source of scent is urine, which they use to mark
territory and to tell other wolves in their own pack where they are.
39. From the texts we know that ….
I. both hyena and wolves live in group
II. hyenas’ hind legs are shorter than their forelegs
III. wolves hunt for food but hyenas are scavengers
IV. both hyena and wolves can be found in grasslands

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV

40. Based on the texts we can conclude that ….

A. wolves live in groups because they have good communication skills
B. hyenas live near lions since they eat food together with the lions
C. hyenas are called scavengers since they eat already-dead food
D. wolves leave urine because they want attract other wolves

41. The fourth paragraphs of both texts will probably talk about the animals’ ….
A. physical appearances
B. special foods
C. breeding
D. habitats

Texts for number 42 to 44.
Text 1

Text 2

42. These advertisements are addressed to people who ….

A. ask the contractor to provide the remodeling materials
B. require a handyman to fix their furniture
C. need to repair the school’s water pipe
D. want to renovate their home

43. Which of the following statements are true based on the text?
I. Both texts provide services costs.
II. Both texts provide services warranty.
III. The service in text 1 includes installing a video.
IV. The service in text 2 includes repairing the hotel’s room.

A. I and II
B. II and III
C. II and IV
D. III and IV

44. Based on the texts, the readers will probably choose ….

A. the Handyman Hub for offering special price
B. the Handyman Hub for giving audio and video reparation
C. the Miami’s Handyman for having general contractor service
D. the Miami’s Handyman for owning more than twenty years experiences

Text for number 45 to 47.
You’re Gonna Be Okay
Brian & Jenn Johnson

I know it's all you've got to just be strong

And it's a fight just to keep it together, together
I know you think that you are too far gone
But hope is never lost, hope is never lost

Hold on, don't let go

Hold on, don't let go

Just take one step closer

Put one foot in front of the other
You'll get through this
Just follow the light in the darkness
You're gonna be ok

I know your heart is heavy from those nights

But just remember that you are a fighter, a fighter
You never know just what tomorrow holds
And you're stronger than you know, stronger than you know

And when the night is closing in
Don't give up and don't give in
This won't last, it's not the end, it's not the end
You're gonna be ok
When the night is closing in
Don't give up and don't give in
This won't last, it's not the end, it's not the end
You're gonna be ok

45. What does the song talk about?

A. Overcoming life’s problems.
B. Believing in our own strength.
C. Enduring pain in the darkest time.
D. Encouraging people to stay strong.

46. The song describes someone who ….

A. encounters difficulties in life
B. gains strength from others
C. hopes for a life savior
D. fights for the future

47. “Just follow the light in the darkness”

The expression means that ….
I. there will be solutions for every problem
II. there will be light after the darkness
III. guidance will come at the right time
IV. faith will give strength to stay alive

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. III and IV

Text for number 48 to 50

48. Why is the NIHCM published the text?

A. To tell the percentage of American mental health.
B. To inform the Mental Health trends in the U.S.
C. To provide the data of mental health illness.
D. To present the kinds of mental health.

49. What will probably the schools do to overcome the issue? They will ….
A. change the students’ regulation
B. analyze the survey for future policy
C. conduct parenting program massively
D. organize counselling session continuously

50. Which statements are true about the infographic?

I. 37 % of students with a mental health illness drop out school.
II. 70 % of youth in juvenile justice system have mental illness.
III. 1 out 5 adolescences experienced in mental health illness.
IV. 18% students live with anxiety disorder.

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV


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