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Vocabulario de capítulo 3B: Mapas y direcciones

Banco (m) - bank Estación de servicio (f) – service station
Centro (m) – center, downtown Farmacia (f) - pharmacy
Consultorio (m) – doctor’s / dentist’s office Plaza (f) - plaza
Correo (m) – post office

Autopista (f) – freeway / interstate Metro (m) - subway
Avenida (f) - avenue Peatón (m) - pedestrian
Calle (f) - street Permiso de manejar (m) – driver’s license
Camión (m) - truck Policía – police office
Carretera (f) - highway Puente (m) – bridge
Conductor - driver Sello (m) – stamp
Cruce de calles (m) - intersection Semáforo (m) – stop light
Cuadra (f) - block Señal de parada (f) – stop sign
Esquina (f) - corner Tarjeta (f) – postcard (card)
Estatua (f) - statue Tráfico (m) - traffic
Fuente (f) - fountain

Cruzar – to cross Parar – to stop
Decir – to say/tell (ei) Poner una multa – to give a ticket
Dejar – to leave / let Quedar – to stay / be located
Doblar – to turn Regresar – to return
Enviar – to send Salir – to leave
Esperar – to wait Seguir – to follow / continue (ei)
Estar seguro – to be sure Tener cuidado – to be careful
Llegar – to arrive Tener prisa – to be in a hurry
Manejar / conducir – to drive Venir – to come

Ancho - wide
Complicado - complicated
Estrecho - narrow
Nervioso - nervous
Peligroso - dangerous

Derecho - straight
Desde – from/since
En medio de – in the middle of
Hasta – as far as / up to / until
Por – for / by / around / along / through
Ya – already
Todavía – still

Izquierda - left Iglesia - church
Derecha - right Luz - light
Al lado de – next to Luces - lights
Debajo de - underneath Llevar – to wear/to carry
Detrás de - behind Mercado - market
Encima de – on top of Museo - museum
Entre - between Parque - park
Biblioteca - library Playa - beach
Carta - letter Restaurante - restaurant
Casa - house Supermercado - supermarket
Centro comercial – mall/shopping center Teatro - theater
Cine – movie theater Tienda - store
Ciudad - city Trabajo - work
Gimnasio - gym Traer – to bring

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