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Inglés 2

Departamento de Planificación y Políticas Públicas 1

 Answer the following questions in Spanish.
1. What do you think is this article about?

2. What can you suggest for avoiding this problem?

 Read the following article.

A Global Alliance Child Sexual Abuse Online

The idea of violating, hurting and abusing a child is
intolerable. Nonetheless, these crimes are not as rare as we
may think. Unfortunately, online child abuse started some
years ago and it still exists. It has been in the news for a
long time. Children that have been abused have to face the
fact that their abuse remains freely available for anyone to
view online, and are re-victimized over and over.
In response to this challenge 54 countries from around the
world have gathered in a Global Alliance against Child
Sexual Abuse Online. The Alliance started on December 5,
2012, and it should hopefully result in a larger number of
rescued victims, more effective prosecution, and an overall
reduction in the amount of child sexual abuse images
available online. They have worked on new strategies to
avoid this calamity since 2012.
Inglés 2
Departamento de Planificación y Políticas Públicas 2
Ministers and representatives from participating countries, experts from law enforcement authorities, the private
sector, victim advocacy groups and frontline organizations assessed what progress has been made in the first two
years of the Global Alliance and how to expand the fight against global proliferation of child sexual abuse online in
the future.
Concrete policy targets and goals
The countries participating in the Alliance committed to four key policy targets:
1. Increase efforts to identify victims and ensuring that they receive the necessary assistance, support and protection;
2. Increase enhancing efforts to investigate cases of child sexual abuse online and to identify and pro secute
3. Increase awareness among children, parents, educators and the community at large about the risks;
4. Reduce the availability of child pornography online and the re-victimization of children.
The Participants
The participation in the Global Alliance is open to any country willing to join. To-date, 54 countries have committed
to its goals: the 28 EU Member States, Albania, Armenia, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Canada,
Costa Rica, Georgia, Ghana, Israel, Japan, Kosovo, South Korea, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, New Zealand,
Nigeria, Norway, Philippines, Serbia, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine and United States.
Participants in the Global Alliance have submitted reports of actions they have already undertaken and actions they
commit to undertake in the immediate future to reach the four key policy targets.

 Complete the following chart in Spanish.

Inglés 2
Departamento de Planificación y Políticas Públicas 3
 In the following example, what do the words “for” and “since” mean?
Point in time or period of time? Circle the correct answer.
It has been in the news for a long time. or
They have worked on new strategies to avoid this
calamity since 2012

 Match the following as shown in the example.

Noun-noun advocacy groups

Imperative re-victimized

Modal verb the idea of violating

-ing as noun should

Prefix December

Cognate nonetheless

 Choose examples of the following tenses from the text and explain in Spanish
why the author has used such tenses.
Example from the text Uses (in Spanish)
Simple present
It has been in the news for a long time.

The idea of violating, hurting and abusing a

Simple past
child is intolerable.

Present perfect The Alliance started on December 5,

simple 2012…

They are working on new strategies.

Inglés 2
Departamento de Planificación y Políticas Públicas 4
 Indicate the function of the verbs in bold.
Example from the text Function
In response to this challenge 54 countries from around
the world have gathered in a Global Alliance against
Child Sexual Abuse Online.

To-date, 54 countries have committed to its goals.


El tiempo verbal Present Perfect Simple se forma de la siguiente manera:

Verbo auxiliar Verbo principal

Sujeto + +
HAVE o HAS participio pasado

We have studied English since we were Hemos estudiado ingles desde que éramos
young. jóvenes.

She has already played tennis. Ella ya ha jugado al tenis.

Las formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa de este tiempo verbal se realizan de la siguiente manera:
English Spanish

Afirmativa We have visited that museum. Hemos visitado ese museo.

Negativa We have not visited that museum. No hemos visitado ese museo.

Interrogativa Have we visited that museum? ¿Hemos visitado ese museo?

 Contracciones
I have I've
You have You've
He has He's
She has She's
It has It's
We have We've
They have They've

El tiempo Presente Perfecto Simple se utiliza en los siguientes casos.

 Para transmitir experiencia

Inglés 2
Departamento de Planificación y Políticas Públicas 5
A menudo, se emplea para expresar experiencias del pasado. No nos interesa cuándo se realizó la acción. Sólo
queremos saber si se realizó.
E.g. No quiero volver a ver esa película.
I've seen that film.

(Tampoco importa el momento en que la vi.)

 Para cambios o información nueva

También utilizamos este tiempo para hablar sobre un cambio o información nueva.
I have bought a car. He comprador un auto.
John has broken his leg. John se ha quebrado su pierna.

Has the price gone up? ¿Ha aumentado el precio?
The police have arrested the killer. La policía ha arrestado al asesino.

 Para acciones que comenzaron en el pasado pero todavía continúan

Empleamos este tiempo para referirnos a una situación que continua. Comenzó en el pasado y continúa en el
presente y probablemente en el futuro. Por lo general, utilizamos for y since con esta estructura.

Pasado Presente Futuro

Las acciones comenzaron en el Probablemente continuarán en el

Continúan hasta ahora.
pasado. futuro.

Él comenzó a vivir en Canadá hace cinco años

He has lived in Canada for five years.
(Y todavía sigue viviendo allí.)


Ella comenzó a trabajar en la Universidad desde el año

We have worked at the University since 2010
(Y todavía continúa trabajando allí.)

 Para una acción no finalizada que uno está esperando

Empleamos el presente perfecto para decir que una acción que esperábamos no ha tenido lugar. Se sugiere que
todavía estamos esperando que suceda.

James has not finished his homework yet. James no ha finalizado su tarea todavía.

Inglés 2
Departamento de Planificación y Políticas Públicas 6
Bill has still not arrived. Bill no ha llegado todavía.
The rain hasn't stopped. No ha parado la lluvia.
Susan hasn't mastered Japanese, but she can Susan no ha dominado al idioma japonés pero
communicate. puede comunicarse.

 Usos de FOR y SINCE con el Presente Perfecto Simple

a period of time a point in past time
|---------------| ■→
Empleamos 10 minutes 6.00 pm Empleamos
for para since para
referirnos a Two days Friday referirnos a
un período nine months February un punto del
de tiempo: pasado: 9
5 minutes, 2 100 years 1963 o'clock, 1st
weeks, 6 centuries 1810 January,
years, etc. Monday, etc.
a long time I got married
ever the beginning of time

I have been here for 20 … since 9 o'clock.

minutes… (It’s 9:20.)

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Departamento de Planificación y Políticas Públicas 7

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