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Jl. Wirajaya No. 03 Kelurahan Onekore Kecamatan Ende Tengah

Telp. (0381) 2500548,



Name: ___________________________________________

Class: ____________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________


Note: Rumus yang digunakan untuk melengkapi kalimat Present continuous tense adalah

Forms Patterns Example (Contoh

Jangan lupa untuk menulis
Kalimat Positif (+) Subject + am/is/are + verb-ing He is studying
verb to(be) sebelum
They are studying
menambahkang verb ing
Kalimat Negative (-) Subject + am/is/are + verb ing He is not studying
They are not studying
Kalimat tanya (?) Am/IS/As/Are + subject + Verb Is he Studying?
Untuk kalimat tanya
-ing? Are they studying?
kata to(be) harus
Subject To(be) diawal kalimat.

I am Note: tidak semua subject dalam satu kalimat sama seperti dalam kotak
disamping,terkadang subjectnya bisa berbeda disesuaikan dengan banyaknya
She is
orang. Contoh: My parents (keluargaku) Termasuk subject they
He is My team (team saya) karna jumlah orangngnya
The children (Anak-anak) lebih dari satu.
They are

You are Ani (nama orang, perempuan Ani) Termasuk subject he/she
Jaden (nama orang, lelaki Jaden) karna orangnya tunggal
We are
Someone (seseorang) disesuaikan dengan jenis

Lengkapilah kalimat Present Continous Tense di bawah ini!

1. I _______________________(watch) a reality show on TV.

2. My favorite team ____________________________(win)!

3. Someone _________________________ (swim) in the sea.

4. Two people __________________________ (cook) dinner on the beach.

5. We ________________________________ (not watch) a soap opera.

6. I _____________________________ (not do) my homework.

7. Mum ________________________________(read) a magazine.

8. My brother ________________________________ (not listen) to the radio.

9. Dad ______________________________(not cook) dinner.

10. Tara _________________________(talk) by phone.

11. Joe ________________________ (play) on the computer.

12. Who __________________________(watch) TV?

13. Tina __________________________(do) grammar exercises.

14. I _______________________ (eat) a pizza.

15. We ________________ (sit) in the classroom.

16. I __________________ (not write) an email.

17. Amy ___________________(not go) to school today.

18. We __________________________ (not have) fun today.

19. My team _____________________ (not win) the match.

20. My parents ______________________(drive) to work now.

21. _____________ they ___________________ (read) magazines?

Yes, they are.


Note: Rumus yang digunakan untuk melengkapi kalimat Simple Present Tense adalah

A. Positive(+)

Pronoun Verb Example

I/You/We/They Go I go to school on foot.

He/She/It Go+(S/ES) He goes to school to school by bus

Note: ada beberapa kata kerja yang perlu ditambah (es) akhirannya

Contoh = go = goes Akhiran (o) dan (h) pada kata kerja simple
Brush =brushes present tense perlu ditambah es akhirannya,
jika subjectnya itu tunggal

B. Negative (-)

Pronoun Do/Does Not Verb Examples/contoh kalimat

I/You/We/They Do Not Come They do not come late to school

He/She/It Does Not Come She does not come late to school

Note: Pada kalimat Negative tidak perlu menambahkan/ s atau es pada kata kerja karna sudah
ditambahkan pada (do/does) tergantung subjectnya, seandainya subjectnya lebih dari satu kita
mengunakan do + not, ketika subjectnya hanya tunggal kita menggunakan does + not

C. Question (?)

Do/Does Pronoun Verb Examples

Do I/You We/They Have Do you have breakfast at home

Does He/she/ it Have Does she have breakfast breakfast at home?

Note: Untuk kalimat pertanyaan kata Do/Does itu selalu berada di awal kalimat.

Lenkapilah kalimat Simple Present Tense di bawah ini!

1. I_________________________________ (go/ goes) to school with my sister

2. He _______________________________(read/reads) a book.
3. Mary _____________________________ (do not/ does not) know German.
4. He _______________________________(type/types) very fast.
5. They ____________________________(play/plays) baseball in the field
6. John________________________________(work/works) hard
7. We_________________________________(walk/walks) slowly
8. They________________________________(speaks/speak) English very well
9. She_________________________________(drive/drives) a car.
10. Jane________________________________(buys/buy) a book.
11. Bats________________________________(sleeps/sleep) during the day.
12. The teacher__________________________(praises/praise) the student of her class
13. My mother__________________________(tell/tells) me a story
14. David_______________________________(break/breaks) a glass
15. The farmers__________________________(ploughs/plough) in the sun
16. He__________________________________(prepares/prepare) for the examination
17. They_______________________________(returns/return) home early.
18. Monkeys___________________________________(like/likes) bananas
19. My mother___________________________________(take/takes) tea in the morning.
20. I________________________(like/likes) you.

*********************SELAMAT MENGERJAKAN********************************

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