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Test Bank for Adolescence 10th Edition

Laurence Steinberg
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Test Bank for Adolescence, 9th Edition : Steinberg

Test Bank for Adolescence 11th Edition by Steinberg

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Test Bank for Adolescence, 14th Edition : Santrock

Test Bank for Adolescence, 13th Edition : Santrock

Test Bank for Life-Span Development Infancy Through

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Test Bank for Adolescence 17th Edition By Santrock

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Test Bank for Adolescence 10th Edition Laurence

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Test Bank for Adolescence 10th Edition Laurence Steinberg

1. When college students were asked to rate the most important criteria for deciding when someone
is ready to get married, what was the most consistently endorsed item?

A. capacity for intimacy

B. being physically mature enough to have a child
C. being emotionally mature enough to have a child
D. being financially secure

2. As used in the study of adolescence, the term intimacy refers to an emotional attachment
between two people that is characterized by all of the following, except:

A. concern for each other's well-being.

B. a sexual and/or physical relationship.
C. a willingness to disclose private, sometimes sensitive, information.
D. sharing common interests and activities.

3. An adolescent may have an intimate relationship with:

A. a romantic partner.
B. parents.
C. friends.
D. All of the above.

4. What statement about intimacy is false?

A. Intimacy is an important concern only in adolescence.

B. One of the central issues in the study of intimacy during adolescence is the onset of dating.
C. Intimacy is characterized by a willingness to disclose private and occasionally sensitive topics
and a sharing of common interests.
D. Intimacy can take the form of close friendships between people of both sexes.

5. Children's friendships are based on _____, whereas adolescents' friendships are typically based
on _____.

A. activities; competition
B. activities; intimacy
C. intimacy; competition
D. competition; activities

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6. It is likely that a limitation in children's ability to ____ inhibits their ability to have intimate
interpersonal relationships.

A. empathize
B. take another person's perspective
C. care deeply
D. understand friendships

7. The textbook states all of the following to explain why the development of intimacy is especially
important in adolescence, except:

A. truly intimate relationships do not emerge until adolescence.

B. the nature of the adolescent's social world changes, with increasing importance of both same
sex and other-sex peers.
C. growth of social cognition reflects more sophisticated conceptions of social relationships.
D. friendships transform being self-conscious to being more activity oriented.

8. Which theorist adopted the most biological view of development?

A. Freud
B. Sullivan
C. Erikson
D. Benedict

9. According to Sullivan, development can be best understood by examining transformations in:

A. psychosexual needs.
B. sexual drive.
C. interpersonal needs.
D. self-conceptions.

10. According to Sullivan's theory, which of the following is the correct sequence of interpersonal

A. need for contact with people; need for integration into adult society; need for intimacy
B. need for intimacy and consensual validation; need for adult participation; need for sexual
C. need for intimacy; need for sexual contact; need for integration into adult society
D. need for playmates; need for contact with people; need for sexual contact
11. According to Sullivan, the need for intimacy starts to develop during:

A. childhood.
B. preadolescence.
C. early adolescence.
D. late adolescence.

12. Which child is probably experiencing for the first time the need to be intimate with a friend of the
same age?

A. Carlo, who is 7
B. Dierdre, who is 18
C. Randy, who is 11
D. Connie, who is 16

13. Sullivan believed that important interpersonal transitions are more likely to be negotiated
successfully if:

A. they have a solid foundation of security in past relationships.

B. an individual develops appropriate cognitive skills.
C. an individual had many playmates in childhood.
D. they have a solid basis in social cognition.

14. Sullivan emphasized the social aspects of growth, suggesting that psychological development
can be best understood when looked at in:

A. societal terms.
B. interpersonal terms.
C. identity terms.
D. medical terms.

15. According to Sullivan, where does the capacity for intimacy first develop?

A. early adolescent, same-sex relationships

B. early adolescent, other-sex relationships
C. middle adolescent, other-sex relationships
D. preadolescent, same-sex relationships
16. Based on Sullivan's theory of interpersonal development, intimacy is first expressed in:

A. sexual relationships.
B. other-sex friendships.
C. mixed-sex relationships.
D. same-sex relationships.

17. Sullivan believed a precondition to forming close relationships as an adolescent is:

A. being able to take someone else's perspective.

B. forming intimate friendships during preadolescence.
C. having secure interpersonal relationships since childhood.
D. overcoming the frustration and anxiety associated with making friends in childhood.

18. In Sullivan's view, the shift in the "targets" of intimacy during early adolescence from same-sex to
other-sex relationships is primarily motivated by:

A. the need to transition from nonromantic to romantic relationships.

B. the onset of puberty and the emergence of sexuality and a biologically based sex drive.
C. resolving the homophobic conflict of childhood.
D. the need to appear popular by surrounding one's self with as many peers as possible.

19. According to Sullivan, if the interpersonal tasks of adolescence are negotiated successfully, the
young adolescent enters late adolescence able to:

A. be intimate.
B. enjoy sex.
C. experience intimacy and sex in the same relationship.
D. All of the above.

20. Sullivan believed the crisis of adolescence is _____. Erikson believed it is _____.

A. identity; intimacy
B. autonomy; intimacy
C. intimacy; identity
D. intimacy; autonomy
21. During __________ concerns about loyalty and anxieties over rejection become more
pronounced and may temporarily overshadow concerns about intimate self-disclosure,
particularly among girls.

A. middle adolescence
B. late adolescence
C. early adolescence
D. late childhood

22. Which of the following statements about intimate friendships for youth adolescent girls is not

A. they have a confidante with whom they can easily talk about their problems
B. their friendships are fragile
C. their friendships are more easily disrupted by feelings of betrayal
D. their friendships, on average, last longer than boys' friendships do.

23. Adolescents' close friendships are distinguished from their casual friendships in the types of
conflicts they have. Although conflicts between adolescents and their close friends are _______
frequent than they are between adolescents and other peers, arguments between close friends
are ________ emotional.

A. less; more
B. more; less
C. slightly more; less
D. more; never

24. In Chapter 4 of this textbook you learned that there are _________ differences among ethnic
groups within the United States with respect to parental discipline and ethnic socialization.
However, differences between ethnic groups in the expression of intimacy between adolescents
and parents are _______.

A. substantial; modest
B. modest; substantial
C. negligible; substantial
D. modest; negligible
25. Research studying the relation between identity and intimacy has provided support for the idea

A. intimacy must develop first.

B. identity must develop first.
C. individuals follow different developmental paths.
D. identity and intimacy development are uncorrelated.

26. Optimal social development during adolescence most likely requires healthy relationships with:

A. parents.
B. peers.
C. important non-parental adults.
D. Both A and B are correct.

27. Which of the following statements about sibling relationships is not true?

A. Intimacy in sibling relationships is a complicated matter, often including a mix of feelings of

affection and rivalry.
B. Generally, adolescents say they are less intimate with siblings than with parents or friends.
C. Adolescents fight less with brothers and sisters than they do with close friends.
D. Arguments with siblings tend to be resolved more through the intervention of parents than by
letting things slide.

28. Over the course of adolescence, conflict between siblings ________, and this may be due to the
fact that siblings spend _____ time together in adolescence than they did in childhood.

A. decreases; less
B. decreases; more
C. increases; less
D. increases; more

29. Which developmental period appears to be when warmth and closeness for siblings is at its
lowest point?

A. late childhood
B. early adolescence
C. middle adolescence
D. late adolescence
30. The close, significant emotional bond between parent and infant is called:

A. attachment.
B. goodness-of-fit.
C. symbiosis.
D. the secure base.

31. An infant who is indifferent to his/her caregiver would have what type of attachment?

A. secure
B. anxious-avoidant
C. anxious-resistant
D. anxious-secure

32. Maria is the mother of a 6-month-old baby girl, Antonia. Antonia does not seem to have a close,
trusting bond with Maria. Instead, their relationship is characterized by ambivalence. What type of
attachment best describes Antonia's relationship with Maria?

A. secure attachment
B. anxious-resistant attachment
C. anxious-avoidant attachment
D. indifferent attachment

33. Which of the following patterns of attachment is positively correlated with high sociability in

A. anxious-resistant
B. secure
C. anxious-avoidant
D. dependent

34. Studies that compare adolescents' working models of their relationships:

A. show that emotional attachments in adolescence were influenced by attachments formed in

B. suggest that an individual's beliefs and expectations about relationships are similar across
different interpersonal domains.
C. demonstrate different beliefs and expectations for different interpersonal domains.
D. show that early life attachments may not be relevant to relationships developed during
35. During infancy, Julia formed a secure attachment with her parents. This attachment has formed
the basis for all her future approaches to interpersonal relationships. According to attachment
theorists, Julia is employing:

A. a Q-sort technique.
B. an intimate ideology.
C. an internal working model.
D. a social support theory.

36. Research assessing the link between infant attachment and the quality of interpersonal
relationships in adolescence and young adulthood finds:

A. a consistent link between infant attachment and healthy adolescent relationships.

B. little continuity between infant attachment and adolescent relationships.
C. stability of attachment over time that withstands the pressures of major life events.
D. early relationships set the stage for later interpersonal relationships.

37. The structured interview used to assess an individual's past attachment history and internal
working model of relationships is called the:

A. Adult Attachment Interview.

B. Q-sort.
C. Intimacy Measure.
D. Adolescent Security Scale.

38. Dr. Diamond conducts an interview with a patient in order to assess the history of the patient's
attachment relationships. What method would Dr. Diamond use?

A. the Adult Attachment Interview

B. the Q-sort
C. the Longitudinal Attachment Measure
D. the Adolescent Security Scale
39. Rejection sensitivity is a term that psychologists use to describe:

A. oversensitivity to romantic rejection that is related to an insecure attachment in infancy and

early childhood.
B. the development of a working model of relationships in which parental and peer relationships
are similar.
C. the development of a working model of relationships in which romantic partners and parents
are less important than peers.
D. an oversensitivity to peer rejection in childhood that leads to an oversensitivity to rejection in
the adult workplace.

40. One study that used brain-imaging techniques to investigate adolescents' neural responses to
rejection while playing an online game called "Cyberball" found that:

A. adolescents high in rejection sensitivity show a different pattern of brain activity in response to
exclusion and are more likely to develop symptoms of depression.
B. adolescents low in rejection sensitivity show a different pattern of brain activity in response to
exclusion and are more likely to develop symptoms of depression.
C. adolescents high in rejection sensitivity show a different pattern of brain activity in response to
exclusion and are less likely to develop symptoms of depression.
D. there are no biological differences in how individuals respond to not being thrown the ball
based on whether he or she scores high or low on rejection sensitivity.

41. Being securely attached in adolescence is associated with all of the following outcomes, except:

A. more stable romantic relationships than their insecure counterparts.

B. better academic success.
C. rejection sensitivity in adulthood.
D. better social competence.

42. Which of the following is not one of the adolescent classifications in the Adult Attachment

A. secure
B. avoidant
C. dismissing
D. preoccupied
43. Although it is difficult to separate "selection" and "socialization" effects, individuals who are
securely attached in infancy are likely to:

A. be socially competent in childhood.

B. be securely attached to close friends in adolescence.
C. have positive romantic relationships in adulthood.
D. All of these statements are true.

44. It appears the Daniel is uninfluenced by his childhood relationship with his mother. For example,
even though his mother wasn't around much during his childhood, instead of being upset, Daniel
replies, "No big deal, I didn't need her anyway." Based on the classifications, Daniel would be
categorized as:

A. secure.
B. anxious avoidant attachment.
C. anxious-resistant attachment.
D. preoccupied.

45. Jennifer has never had a very good relationship with her parents, especially her mom. Lately,
Jennifer has been exhibiting quite a lot of depressive symptomatology along with an extremely
disordered relationship with food. Based on research from the textbook and according to the
Adult Attachment Interview, which attachment style would you guess Jennifer most likely falls

A. anxious
B. dismissive or preoccupied
C. avoidant
D. secure

46. With respect to Internet use and social networking sites, adolescents are likely to:

A. communicate with people they have offline relationships with.

B. meet new people.
C. spend time interacting with people their parents would not approve of.
D. become obsessive, to the point of neglecting in-person relationships.
47. Which of the following explanations of friendship would probably be associated with the oldest

A. "He always wants to play with me."

B. "He will stick up for me when a bully picks on me."
C. "He helps me figure out how to build things."
D. "He likes to go to the park with me."

48. Allison says that Susan is her friend because she can tell Susan secrets and Susan won't tell
anyone else. Allison's definition of friendship is based on:

A. play.
B. prosocial behavior.
C. intimacy and trust.
D. association.

49. Self-disclosure and loyalty become important dimensions of friendship in:

A. childhood.
B. preadolescence.
C. early adolescence.
D. middle adolescence.

50. Girls are _____ likely to confide in friends than boys. This is primarily because _____.

A. more; girls expect that self-disclosure will make them feel better
B. less; girls expect that self-disclosure will make them feel vulnerable
C. more; girls expect that self-disclosure will make them feel empowered
D. less; girls expect that self-disclosure will make them feel weird

51. Friendships based on which of the following criteria are more likely to be found among
adolescents than younger children?

A. play
B. association
C. shared activities
D. loyalty
52. According to research presented in the textbook, the expression of intimacy is more advanced
among adolescent girls than among boys. What is a consequence of this advanced intimacy?

A. Girls' mental health is more positively affected than boys' when things are going well in
B. Girls' mental health is more negatively affected than boys' when things are going poorly in
C. Both A and B are true.
D. Neither A nor B is true.

53. Which of the following friendship qualities would be most important to Sarah, a 14-year-old
female adolescent?

A. self-disclosure
B. loyalty
C. honesty
D. openness

54. Fourteen-year-old Fatimah, who has relatively low self-esteem and is relatively high in rejection
sensitivity, is most likely to be upset with her best friend if the friend:

A. criticizes Fatimah's clothes.

B. spends more time with a new friend she has made.
C. cannot come shopping with Fatimah because she has to babysit her sister.
D. disagrees with Fatimah about the boys each girl is dating.

55. Cassandra and Rosemarie spend a lot of time obsessing over each other's problems. What is this

A. co-rumination
B. being intimate
C. engaging in mutual self-disclosure
D. co-internal working model

56. Which of the following is described by the textbook as being a "double-edged sword" (at least for

A. emotional mimicry
B. self-disclosure
C. internal working models
D. co-rumination
57. All of the following are examples of the ways adolescents display intimacy with their friends,

A. they know what their friends worry about.

B. their behaviors and emotional states are frequently synchronized.
C. they respond sensitively to their friends' feelings.
D. they become less likely to negotiate than to disengage when resolving their disagreements.

58. Girls are more likely than boys to express intimacy with their friends by doing all of the following,

A. having intimate knowledge about their friends.

B. expressing empathy when comforting their friends.
C. displaying a great deal of interest in close friendships.
D. being concerned about a friend's faithfulness and experiencing a high degree of anxiety over

59. Girls are more likely than boys to settle disagreements with friends by:

A. letting things slide.

B. engaging in physical aggression.
C. engaging in verbal aggression.
D. apologizing.

60. The likelihood that an individual will turn to a peer during a time of trouble _____ in adolescence
and the likelihood of turning to a parent _____.

A. increases; increases
B. decreases; decreases
C. decreases; remains stable
D. increases; remains stable

61. Carol, an eighth-grader, is facing a big dilemma and she needs advice. To whom is Carol likely to
turn for this support?

A. her friends
B. her parents
C. an adult expert outside the family
D. it depends on the specific issue at hand
62. Research suggests that with regard to the link between adolescents' relationships with their peers
and their families:

A. close family relationships do not necessarily reflect close peer relationships.

B. close peer relationships do not necessarily reflect close family relationships.
C. peer and family relationships suggest little support for attachment theory.
D. improving the quality of relationships at home can help adolescents improve their peer

63. Which of the following statements about adolescents' level and degree of interaction with parents
is true?

A. Adolescents interact more often with, are closer to, and argue more with their mothers than
with their fathers.
B. Adolescents interact more often and are closer to their mother; however both sons and
daughters report arguing more often with their fathers than their mothers.
C. There are no differences in adolescents' level or degree of interaction with mothers and
D. Sons interact more often and are closer to fathers and daughters interact more often and are
closer to mothers.

64. In general, which of the following relationships tends to be the closest?

A. mother-son relationship
B. mother-daughter relationship
C. father-son relationship
D. father-daughter relationship

65. In general, which of the following relationships tends to be the least intimate?

A. mother-son relationship
B. mother-daughter relationship
C. father-son relationship
D. father-daughter relationship
66. Ron will be going to a new school in the fall. According to a research study presented in the
textbook, what would be most effective in making this transition less stressful?

A. calling the guidance counselors at the new school to alert them to Ron's arrival
B. encouraging Ron to sever ties with his current school so that he enters his new school with no
prior attachments
C. letting Ron establish his autonomy by fending for himself
D. providing Ron with social support and encouragement from parents and peers at school

67. Justin, a 16-year-old, has a substance-abuse problem. According to a research study presented
in the textbook, to whom is he most likely to turn for help?

A. his teacher
B. his friends
C. his parents
D. his siblings

68. Which adolescent would be predicted to have the closest relationship with a maternal

A. a boy living with both of his biological parents

B. a girl living with both of her biological parents
C. a boy whose body is just starting to undergo the physical changes of puberty and is living with
his divorced mother
D. a girl whose body is just starting to undergo the physical changes of puberty and is living with
her divorced mother

69. During preadolescence, _____ is the single most important determinant of friendship.

A. sex
B. ethnicity
C. socioeconomic status
D. neighborhood

70. In contrast to Sullivan's claims about adolescent friendships, more current research has found:

A. cross-sex intimacy replaces intimacy with same-sex peers.

B. as the number of same-sex peers increases, the number of cross-sex peers decreases.
C. as the number of cross-sex peers increases, the number of same-sex peers either stays the
same or increases.
D. although cross-sex interactions increase, there is little cross-sex intimacy.
71. Dating among adolescents today is largely a:

A. recreational activity.
B. part of the courtship process.
C. part of mating selection.
D. meaningless activity.

72. Statistics on the age at which young people marry indicate that:

A. it is approximately the same for males and females.

B. girls marry younger today than in their mothers' generation.
C. both males and females tend to be much older at first marriage than in the 1950s.
D. more males than females marry before they are 20.

73. Which of the following is the best indicator of when an adolescent will begin dating?

A. chronological age
B. biological development
C. the school/community norms
D. whether he or she has older siblings

74. According to one study from Furman and Simon, on whom does an internal working model of
relationships have the greatest affect?

A. Sarah, an adolescent girl

B. Tom, an adolescent boy
C. An internal working model of relationships has an equal affect on boys and girls
D. An internal working model of relationships has no affect on boys or girls

75. Which of the following statements about sex differences in partner preferences is true?

A. Although girls may believe that they place more weight on interpersonal qualities (such as
support and intimacy) than physical attractiveness, controlled experiments indicate that girls
are more influenced by physical attractiveness than they think.
B. Across adolescence and young adulthood, boys are more likely to emphasize the importance
of physical attractiveness.
C. Natural observational studies and controlled experiments indicate that girls are more likely to
emphasize the desirability of interpersonal qualities in their prospective partners and boys are
more attuned to the physical attractiveness of their prospective mate.
D. Boys' and girls' internal working models of relationships are most sensitive to evolutionary
clues that lead an individual to select a mate that offers the best probability of having healthy
76. The ways in which adolescents interact with romantic partners changes with development, with
increasing _____.

A. desires for more independence

B. willingness to acknowledge, analyze and work through disagreements
C. sources of conflict
D. pressure to engage in antisocial behavior

77. Jesse is a physically immature 14-year-old who goes to school where it is expected that 14-year-
olds date. Hillary is a physically mature 14-year-old who goes to school where it is expected that
students delay dating until age 16. Which adolescent is more likely to date?

A. Hillary
B. Jesse
C. neither Hillary nor Jesse is likely to date
D. both Hillary and Jesse are likely to date

78. The average duration of a romantic relationship during the middle high school years is about
_____ months.

A. 2
B. 6
C. 12
D. 18

79. Within the United States and in Canada, adolescents of which racial/ethnic group are the least
likely to date?

A. Asian
B. Hispanic
C. American Indian
D. White

80. Which of the following is the best indicator of when an adolescent will engage in sexual

A. chronological age
B. biological development
C. the school norm
D. the age of their parents
81. Which of the following factors is not closely related to when an adolescent will begin dating?

A. family instability
B. community norms
C. when peers start dating
D. depressive symptomatology

82. Research addressing difficult social situations related to adolescents' transitions into romantic
relationships found _____ to be among the most frequently mentioned themes.

A. attracting the other-sex

B. communicating with the other-sex
C. discussing dating with parents
D. discussing sex with same-sex peers

83. For middle adolescents, the least important aspect of dating is:

A. establishing autonomy from parents.

B. furthering the development of gender identity.
C. developing intimacy.
D. establishing and maintaining status in one's peer group.

84. Contemporary discussions of adolescent romance draw on:

A. Sullivan's theory of interpersonal development.

B. attachment theory.
C. ecological perspectives on development.
D. All of the above.

85. Which of the following statements concerning sexual-minority (LGBT) youth is false?

A. the progression through the phases of dating and romance is as similar for them as for
heterosexual adolescents
B. the stigmas attached to homosexuality complicate the development of intimate relations
C. these youngsters often pursue sexual activity outside the context of a dating relationship to
avoid harassment by peers
D. for sexual-minority youth, development of close, nonsexual friendships with same-sex peers
may be hampered by their peers' homophobia
86. Compared to same-sex peers, who is likely to be less socially mature, less imaginative, less
achievement-oriented, more superficial, and more likely to exhibit problem behaviors?

A. Amber, who started dating seriously at age 14

B. Becky, who started dating casually at age 14
C. Karin, who started dating seriously at age 16
D. Donald, who started dating seriously at age 16

87. Delaying serious involvement in dating relationships until age _____ appears to be the most
favorable pattern for healthy psychosocial development.

A. 13
B. 15
C. 16
D. 17

88. Based on the research you read about in the textbook, which of the following statements about
dating and relationships is not true?

A. opposites attract
B. "birds of a feather flock together"
C. romance, relationships, and romance have powerful impacts on adolescents' emotional states
D. adolescents with problems who date peers whose mental health is good show improvements
in their psychological functioning over time

89. The most common trigger of the first episode of major depression is:

A. parents' divorce.
B. failing in school.
C. the breakup of a romantic relationship.
D. dating violence.

90. Which one of the adolescents below will be most vulnerable to the potential negative
consequences of a break-up?

A. Cory, an adolescent low in rejection sensitivity

B. Nicole, an adolescent who has never experienced a break-up
C. Richard, an adolescent who is a binge drinker and engages in delinquency
D. Michael, an adolescent who was the breaker-upper
91. Which of the following statements about dating violence is false?

A. Dating violence becomes more common with age.

B. Males and females are equally likely to be victims of violence in dating relationships.
C. Dating violence is more common in rural than in urban or suburban communities.
D. Dating violence is virtually nonexistent among LGBT adolescents.

92. Adolescents behave in a variety of ways within dating relationships that are usually shaped by

A. their partners' expectations

B. scripts that are learned at home and from the mass media
C. their peers' relationships
D. cultural norms

93. What proportion of American sixth-graders believe it is OK for someone to hit a boyfriend or

A. More than 50% of American sixth-graders believe it is OK for a girl to hit her boyfriend and
about 25% believe it is OK for a boy to hit his girlfriend.
B. Approximately 10% of American sixth-graders believe it is OK for a girl to hit her boyfriend and
only about 5% believe it is OK for a boy to hit his girlfriend.
C. More than 80% of American sixth-graders believe it is OK for a girl to hit her boyfriend;
however, only about 10% believe it is OK for a boy to hit his girlfriend.
D. About 50% of American sixth-graders believe it is OK for a girl or boy to his or her romantic

94. Jessica's parents are verbally abusive to one another and are constantly fighting. When Jessica
interacts with her boyfriend, she will be likely to:

A. avoid arguments.
B. break up with him over an argument.
C. talk to him when they have an argument.
D. fight with him when they have an argument.
95. Approximately what percent of American adolescents has been the victim of dating violence?
Who is more likely to be the victim of dating violence, boys or girls?

A. Approximately 40% of American adolescents have been the victim of dating violence and male
and female adolescents are equally likely to be the victim.
B. Approximately 10% of American adolescents have been the victim of dating violence and male
and female adolescents are equally likely to be the victim.
C. Approximately 30% of American adolescents have been the victim of dating violence but
female adolescents are much more likely to experience this.
D. Approximately 20% of American adolescents have been the victim of dating violence and
males are much more likely to be the victim than females.

96. Stephanie, an adolescent who has witnessed a great deal of conflict between her parents, will
most likely experience higher levels of:

A. verbal aggression with her romantic partners.

B. physical aggression with her romantic partners.
C. relationship difficulties with her romantic partners.
D. All of the above.

97. According to the textbook, which of the following statements about dating is true?

A. As adolescents develop, dating shifts from a focus on bonding to a focus on infatuation.

B. Adolescents who have been exposed to high levels of conflict or violence in their family are
more likely to put more effort into having tender and supportive relationships with friends.
C. Across the board, dating is associated with better mental health and well-being than not dating
at all.
D. Social activities with the other-sex begin in early adolescence.

98. It is important to keep in mind that an individual's relationships with parents, siblings, peers, and
romantic partners:

A. vary drastically in form and function.

B. have a reverse causal relation.
C. are spuriously related.
D. are correlated.
99. Which of the following is most important for adolescent development?

A. having an intimate relationship with someone

B. being popular
C. having a lot of friends
D. having a few good friendships

100.According to the textbook, which of the following statements is not true?

A. The impact of close friends on development must take into account the characteristics of these
B. Being popular is less important than genuinely having friends.
C. Having a huge network of many friends is more important than having a few good friendships.
D. Adolescents who have intimate friendships typically have better mental health than their peers
who do not.

101.Tamara, a late adolescent, often experiences intense feelings of anxiety. How would Sullivan
explain this? (HINT: Think about the developmental progression of these feelings.) How does
Sullivan's theory build on Erikson's theory?

102.The closeness that intimacy brings to friendships also increases the likelihood of conflict in those
relationships. Address the differences between close and casual friendships in the types of
conflicts experienced in both forms of friendship, differences in conflict resolution, and differences
between boys' and girls' conflicts with their friends.
103.Describe the extent to which intimacy with peers replaces intimacy with parents over the course
of adolescence. Does it completely replace intimacy with parents, or does it supplement this kind
of intimacy? What about intimacy with a romantic partner? Does it replace intimacy with peers?

104.The head of a local youth group in your community has asked you to talk to teens and their
parents about "the evolution of romance during adolescence," and to include in your talk how this
process may differ for heterosexual girls and boys and also for sexual-minority (LGBT) youth.
What will you tell them?

105.Provide at least two reasons why the nature of an individual's early attachment relationships
during infancy continues to have an influence on the capacity to form satisfying intimate
relationships during adolescence and adulthood.
106.As the older sibling of a 13-year-old sister, you want to help her enjoy her adolescent years, and
particularly the adventure of romance that is likely to unfold for her. Having read about the
development of romantic relationships during adolescence, you now feel you are in a better
position to talk to her about some potential issues, such as the effects of early dating and the
increase of violence in dating relationships. What will you tell her?
10 Key

1. When college students were asked to rate the most important criteria for deciding when
someone is ready to get married, what was the most consistently endorsed item?

A. capacity for intimacy

B. being physically mature enough to have a child
C. being emotionally mature enough to have a child
D. being financially secure
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #1

2. As used in the study of adolescence, the term intimacy refers to an emotional attachment
between two people that is characterized by all of the following, except:

A. concern for each other's well-being.

B. a sexual and/or physical relationship.
C. a willingness to disclose private, sometimes sensitive, information.
D. sharing common interests and activities.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #2

3. An adolescent may have an intimate relationship with:

A. a romantic partner.
B. parents.
C. friends.
D. All of the above.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #3

4. What statement about intimacy is false?

A. Intimacy is an important concern only in adolescence.

B. One of the central issues in the study of intimacy during adolescence is the onset of dating.
C. Intimacy is characterized by a willingness to disclose private and occasionally sensitive
topics and a sharing of common interests.
D. Intimacy can take the form of close friendships between people of both sexes.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #4
5. Children's friendships are based on _____, whereas adolescents' friendships are typically
based on _____.

A. activities; competition
B. activities; intimacy
C. intimacy; competition
D. competition; activities
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #5

6. It is likely that a limitation in children's ability to ____ inhibits their ability to have intimate
interpersonal relationships.

A. empathize
B. take another person's perspective
C. care deeply
D. understand friendships
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #6

7. The textbook states all of the following to explain why the development of intimacy is
especially important in adolescence, except:

A. truly intimate relationships do not emerge until adolescence.

B. the nature of the adolescent's social world changes, with increasing importance of both
same sex and other-sex peers.
C. growth of social cognition reflects more sophisticated conceptions of social relationships.
D. friendships transform being self-conscious to being more activity oriented.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #7

8. Which theorist adopted the most biological view of development?

A. Freud
B. Sullivan
C. Erikson
D. Benedict
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #8
9. According to Sullivan, development can be best understood by examining transformations in:

A. psychosexual needs.
B. sexual drive.
C. interpersonal needs.
D. self-conceptions.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #9

10. According to Sullivan's theory, which of the following is the correct sequence of interpersonal

A. need for contact with people; need for integration into adult society; need for intimacy
B. need for intimacy and consensual validation; need for adult participation; need for sexual
C. need for intimacy; need for sexual contact; need for integration into adult society
D. need for playmates; need for contact with people; need for sexual contact
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #10

11. According to Sullivan, the need for intimacy starts to develop during:

A. childhood.
B. preadolescence.
C. early adolescence.
D. late adolescence.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #11

12. Which child is probably experiencing for the first time the need to be intimate with a friend of
the same age?

A. Carlo, who is 7
B. Dierdre, who is 18
C. Randy, who is 11
D. Connie, who is 16
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #12
13. Sullivan believed that important interpersonal transitions are more likely to be negotiated
successfully if:

A. they have a solid foundation of security in past relationships.

B. an individual develops appropriate cognitive skills.
C. an individual had many playmates in childhood.
D. they have a solid basis in social cognition.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #13

14. Sullivan emphasized the social aspects of growth, suggesting that psychological development
can be best understood when looked at in:

A. societal terms.
B. interpersonal terms.
C. identity terms.
D. medical terms.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #14

15. According to Sullivan, where does the capacity for intimacy first develop?

A. early adolescent, same-sex relationships

B. early adolescent, other-sex relationships
C. middle adolescent, other-sex relationships
D. preadolescent, same-sex relationships
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #15

16. Based on Sullivan's theory of interpersonal development, intimacy is first expressed in:

A. sexual relationships.
B. other-sex friendships.
C. mixed-sex relationships.
D. same-sex relationships.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #16
17. Sullivan believed a precondition to forming close relationships as an adolescent is:

A. being able to take someone else's perspective.

B. forming intimate friendships during preadolescence.
C. having secure interpersonal relationships since childhood.
D. overcoming the frustration and anxiety associated with making friends in childhood.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #17

18. In Sullivan's view, the shift in the "targets" of intimacy during early adolescence from same-sex
to other-sex relationships is primarily motivated by:

A. the need to transition from nonromantic to romantic relationships.

B. the onset of puberty and the emergence of sexuality and a biologically based sex drive.
C. resolving the homophobic conflict of childhood.
D. the need to appear popular by surrounding one's self with as many peers as possible.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #18

19. According to Sullivan, if the interpersonal tasks of adolescence are negotiated successfully,
the young adolescent enters late adolescence able to:

A. be intimate.
B. enjoy sex.
C. experience intimacy and sex in the same relationship.
D. All of the above.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #19

20. Sullivan believed the crisis of adolescence is _____. Erikson believed it is _____.

A. identity; intimacy
B. autonomy; intimacy
C. intimacy; identity
D. intimacy; autonomy
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #20
21. During __________ concerns about loyalty and anxieties over rejection become more
pronounced and may temporarily overshadow concerns about intimate self-disclosure,
particularly among girls.

A. middle adolescence
B. late adolescence
C. early adolescence
D. late childhood
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #21

22. Which of the following statements about intimate friendships for youth adolescent girls is not

A. they have a confidante with whom they can easily talk about their problems
B. their friendships are fragile
C. their friendships are more easily disrupted by feelings of betrayal
D. their friendships, on average, last longer than boys' friendships do.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #22

23. Adolescents' close friendships are distinguished from their casual friendships in the types of
conflicts they have. Although conflicts between adolescents and their close friends are
_______ frequent than they are between adolescents and other peers, arguments between
close friends are ________ emotional.

A. less; more
B. more; less
C. slightly more; less
D. more; never
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #23

24. In Chapter 4 of this textbook you learned that there are _________ differences among ethnic
groups within the United States with respect to parental discipline and ethnic socialization.
However, differences between ethnic groups in the expression of intimacy between
adolescents and parents are _______.

A. substantial; modest
B. modest; substantial
C. negligible; substantial
D. modest; negligible
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #24
25. Research studying the relation between identity and intimacy has provided support for the idea

A. intimacy must develop first.

B. identity must develop first.
C. individuals follow different developmental paths.
D. identity and intimacy development are uncorrelated.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #25

26. Optimal social development during adolescence most likely requires healthy relationships

A. parents.
B. peers.
C. important non-parental adults.
D. Both A and B are correct.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #26

27. Which of the following statements about sibling relationships is not true?

A. Intimacy in sibling relationships is a complicated matter, often including a mix of feelings of

affection and rivalry.
B. Generally, adolescents say they are less intimate with siblings than with parents or friends.
C. Adolescents fight less with brothers and sisters than they do with close friends.
D. Arguments with siblings tend to be resolved more through the intervention of parents than
by letting things slide.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #27

28. Over the course of adolescence, conflict between siblings ________, and this may be due to
the fact that siblings spend _____ time together in adolescence than they did in childhood.

A. decreases; less
B. decreases; more
C. increases; less
D. increases; more
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #28
29. Which developmental period appears to be when warmth and closeness for siblings is at its
lowest point?

A. late childhood
B. early adolescence
C. middle adolescence
D. late adolescence
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #29

30. The close, significant emotional bond between parent and infant is called:

A. attachment.
B. goodness-of-fit.
C. symbiosis.
D. the secure base.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #30

31. An infant who is indifferent to his/her caregiver would have what type of attachment?

A. secure
B. anxious-avoidant
C. anxious-resistant
D. anxious-secure
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #31

32. Maria is the mother of a 6-month-old baby girl, Antonia. Antonia does not seem to have a
close, trusting bond with Maria. Instead, their relationship is characterized by ambivalence.
What type of attachment best describes Antonia's relationship with Maria?

A. secure attachment
B. anxious-resistant attachment
C. anxious-avoidant attachment
D. indifferent attachment
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #32
33. Which of the following patterns of attachment is positively correlated with high sociability in

A. anxious-resistant
B. secure
C. anxious-avoidant
D. dependent
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #33

34. Studies that compare adolescents' working models of their relationships:

A. show that emotional attachments in adolescence were influenced by attachments formed in

B. suggest that an individual's beliefs and expectations about relationships are similar across
different interpersonal domains.
C. demonstrate different beliefs and expectations for different interpersonal domains.
D. show that early life attachments may not be relevant to relationships developed during
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #34

35. During infancy, Julia formed a secure attachment with her parents. This attachment has
formed the basis for all her future approaches to interpersonal relationships. According to
attachment theorists, Julia is employing:

A. a Q-sort technique.
B. an intimate ideology.
C. an internal working model.
D. a social support theory.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #35

36. Research assessing the link between infant attachment and the quality of interpersonal
relationships in adolescence and young adulthood finds:

A. a consistent link between infant attachment and healthy adolescent relationships.

B. little continuity between infant attachment and adolescent relationships.
C. stability of attachment over time that withstands the pressures of major life events.
D. early relationships set the stage for later interpersonal relationships.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #36
37. The structured interview used to assess an individual's past attachment history and internal
working model of relationships is called the:

A. Adult Attachment Interview.

B. Q-sort.
C. Intimacy Measure.
D. Adolescent Security Scale.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #37

38. Dr. Diamond conducts an interview with a patient in order to assess the history of the patient's
attachment relationships. What method would Dr. Diamond use?

A. the Adult Attachment Interview

B. the Q-sort
C. the Longitudinal Attachment Measure
D. the Adolescent Security Scale
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #38

39. Rejection sensitivity is a term that psychologists use to describe:

A. oversensitivity to romantic rejection that is related to an insecure attachment in infancy and

early childhood.
B. the development of a working model of relationships in which parental and peer
relationships are similar.
C. the development of a working model of relationships in which romantic partners and
parents are less important than peers.
D. an oversensitivity to peer rejection in childhood that leads to an oversensitivity to rejection
in the adult workplace.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #39

40. One study that used brain-imaging techniques to investigate adolescents' neural responses to
rejection while playing an online game called "Cyberball" found that:

A. adolescents high in rejection sensitivity show a different pattern of brain activity in response
to exclusion and are more likely to develop symptoms of depression.
B. adolescents low in rejection sensitivity show a different pattern of brain activity in response
to exclusion and are more likely to develop symptoms of depression.
C. adolescents high in rejection sensitivity show a different pattern of brain activity in response
to exclusion and are less likely to develop symptoms of depression.
D. there are no biological differences in how individuals respond to not being thrown the ball
based on whether he or she scores high or low on rejection sensitivity.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #40
41. Being securely attached in adolescence is associated with all of the following outcomes,

A. more stable romantic relationships than their insecure counterparts.

B. better academic success.
C. rejection sensitivity in adulthood.
D. better social competence.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #41

42. Which of the following is not one of the adolescent classifications in the Adult Attachment

A. secure
B. avoidant
C. dismissing
D. preoccupied
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #42

43. Although it is difficult to separate "selection" and "socialization" effects, individuals who are
securely attached in infancy are likely to:

A. be socially competent in childhood.

B. be securely attached to close friends in adolescence.
C. have positive romantic relationships in adulthood.
D. All of these statements are true.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #43

44. It appears the Daniel is uninfluenced by his childhood relationship with his mother. For
example, even though his mother wasn't around much during his childhood, instead of being
upset, Daniel replies, "No big deal, I didn't need her anyway." Based on the classifications,
Daniel would be categorized as:

A. secure.
B. anxious avoidant attachment.
C. anxious-resistant attachment.
D. preoccupied.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #44
45. Jennifer has never had a very good relationship with her parents, especially her mom. Lately,
Jennifer has been exhibiting quite a lot of depressive symptomatology along with an extremely
disordered relationship with food. Based on research from the textbook and according to the
Adult Attachment Interview, which attachment style would you guess Jennifer most likely falls

A. anxious
B. dismissive or preoccupied
C. avoidant
D. secure
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #45

46. With respect to Internet use and social networking sites, adolescents are likely to:

A. communicate with people they have offline relationships with.

B. meet new people.
C. spend time interacting with people their parents would not approve of.
D. become obsessive, to the point of neglecting in-person relationships.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #46

47. Which of the following explanations of friendship would probably be associated with the oldest

A. "He always wants to play with me."

B. "He will stick up for me when a bully picks on me."
C. "He helps me figure out how to build things."
D. "He likes to go to the park with me."
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #47

48. Allison says that Susan is her friend because she can tell Susan secrets and Susan won't tell
anyone else. Allison's definition of friendship is based on:

A. play.
B. prosocial behavior.
C. intimacy and trust.
D. association.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #48
49. Self-disclosure and loyalty become important dimensions of friendship in:

A. childhood.
B. preadolescence.
C. early adolescence.
D. middle adolescence.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #49

50. Girls are _____ likely to confide in friends than boys. This is primarily because _____.

A. more; girls expect that self-disclosure will make them feel better
B. less; girls expect that self-disclosure will make them feel vulnerable
C. more; girls expect that self-disclosure will make them feel empowered
D. less; girls expect that self-disclosure will make them feel weird
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #50

51. Friendships based on which of the following criteria are more likely to be found among
adolescents than younger children?

A. play
B. association
C. shared activities
D. loyalty
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #51

52. According to research presented in the textbook, the expression of intimacy is more advanced
among adolescent girls than among boys. What is a consequence of this advanced intimacy?

A. Girls' mental health is more positively affected than boys' when things are going well in
B. Girls' mental health is more negatively affected than boys' when things are going poorly in
C. Both A and B are true.
D. Neither A nor B is true.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #52
53. Which of the following friendship qualities would be most important to Sarah, a 14-year-old
female adolescent?

A. self-disclosure
B. loyalty
C. honesty
D. openness
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #53

54. Fourteen-year-old Fatimah, who has relatively low self-esteem and is relatively high in
rejection sensitivity, is most likely to be upset with her best friend if the friend:

A. criticizes Fatimah's clothes.

B. spends more time with a new friend she has made.
C. cannot come shopping with Fatimah because she has to babysit her sister.
D. disagrees with Fatimah about the boys each girl is dating.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #54

55. Cassandra and Rosemarie spend a lot of time obsessing over each other's problems. What is
this called?

A. co-rumination
B. being intimate
C. engaging in mutual self-disclosure
D. co-internal working model
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #55

56. Which of the following is described by the textbook as being a "double-edged sword" (at least
for girls)?

A. emotional mimicry
B. self-disclosure
C. internal working models
D. co-rumination
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #56
57. All of the following are examples of the ways adolescents display intimacy with their friends,

A. they know what their friends worry about.

B. their behaviors and emotional states are frequently synchronized.
C. they respond sensitively to their friends' feelings.
D. they become less likely to negotiate than to disengage when resolving their disagreements.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #57

58. Girls are more likely than boys to express intimacy with their friends by doing all of the
following, except:

A. having intimate knowledge about their friends.

B. expressing empathy when comforting their friends.
C. displaying a great deal of interest in close friendships.
D. being concerned about a friend's faithfulness and experiencing a high degree of anxiety
over rejection.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #58

59. Girls are more likely than boys to settle disagreements with friends by:

A. letting things slide.

B. engaging in physical aggression.
C. engaging in verbal aggression.
D. apologizing.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #59

60. The likelihood that an individual will turn to a peer during a time of trouble _____ in
adolescence and the likelihood of turning to a parent _____.

A. increases; increases
B. decreases; decreases
C. decreases; remains stable
D. increases; remains stable
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #60
61. Carol, an eighth-grader, is facing a big dilemma and she needs advice. To whom is Carol
likely to turn for this support?

A. her friends
B. her parents
C. an adult expert outside the family
D. it depends on the specific issue at hand
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #61

62. Research suggests that with regard to the link between adolescents' relationships with their
peers and their families:

A. close family relationships do not necessarily reflect close peer relationships.

B. close peer relationships do not necessarily reflect close family relationships.
C. peer and family relationships suggest little support for attachment theory.
D. improving the quality of relationships at home can help adolescents improve their peer
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #62

63. Which of the following statements about adolescents' level and degree of interaction with
parents is true?

A. Adolescents interact more often with, are closer to, and argue more with their mothers than
with their fathers.
B. Adolescents interact more often and are closer to their mother; however both sons and
daughters report arguing more often with their fathers than their mothers.
C. There are no differences in adolescents' level or degree of interaction with mothers and
D. Sons interact more often and are closer to fathers and daughters interact more often and
are closer to mothers.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #63

64. In general, which of the following relationships tends to be the closest?

A. mother-son relationship
B. mother-daughter relationship
C. father-son relationship
D. father-daughter relationship
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #64
65. In general, which of the following relationships tends to be the least intimate?

A. mother-son relationship
B. mother-daughter relationship
C. father-son relationship
D. father-daughter relationship
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #65

66. Ron will be going to a new school in the fall. According to a research study presented in the
textbook, what would be most effective in making this transition less stressful?

A. calling the guidance counselors at the new school to alert them to Ron's arrival
B. encouraging Ron to sever ties with his current school so that he enters his new school with
no prior attachments
C. letting Ron establish his autonomy by fending for himself
D. providing Ron with social support and encouragement from parents and peers at school
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #66

67. Justin, a 16-year-old, has a substance-abuse problem. According to a research study

presented in the textbook, to whom is he most likely to turn for help?

A. his teacher
B. his friends
C. his parents
D. his siblings
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #67

68. Which adolescent would be predicted to have the closest relationship with a maternal

A. a boy living with both of his biological parents

B. a girl living with both of her biological parents
C. a boy whose body is just starting to undergo the physical changes of puberty and is living
with his divorced mother
D. a girl whose body is just starting to undergo the physical changes of puberty and is living
with her divorced mother
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #68
69. During preadolescence, _____ is the single most important determinant of friendship.

A. sex
B. ethnicity
C. socioeconomic status
D. neighborhood
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #69

70. In contrast to Sullivan's claims about adolescent friendships, more current research has

A. cross-sex intimacy replaces intimacy with same-sex peers.

B. as the number of same-sex peers increases, the number of cross-sex peers decreases.
C. as the number of cross-sex peers increases, the number of same-sex peers either stays
the same or increases.
D. although cross-sex interactions increase, there is little cross-sex intimacy.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #70

71. Dating among adolescents today is largely a:

A. recreational activity.
B. part of the courtship process.
C. part of mating selection.
D. meaningless activity.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #71

72. Statistics on the age at which young people marry indicate that:

A. it is approximately the same for males and females.

B. girls marry younger today than in their mothers' generation.
C. both males and females tend to be much older at first marriage than in the 1950s.
D. more males than females marry before they are 20.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #72
73. Which of the following is the best indicator of when an adolescent will begin dating?

A. chronological age
B. biological development
C. the school/community norms
D. whether he or she has older siblings
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #73

74. According to one study from Furman and Simon, on whom does an internal working model of
relationships have the greatest affect?

A. Sarah, an adolescent girl

B. Tom, an adolescent boy
C. An internal working model of relationships has an equal affect on boys and girls
D. An internal working model of relationships has no affect on boys or girls
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #74

75. Which of the following statements about sex differences in partner preferences is true?

A. Although girls may believe that they place more weight on interpersonal qualities (such as
support and intimacy) than physical attractiveness, controlled experiments indicate that girls
are more influenced by physical attractiveness than they think.
B. Across adolescence and young adulthood, boys are more likely to emphasize the
importance of physical attractiveness.
C. Natural observational studies and controlled experiments indicate that girls are more likely
to emphasize the desirability of interpersonal qualities in their prospective partners and
boys are more attuned to the physical attractiveness of their prospective mate.
D. Boys' and girls' internal working models of relationships are most sensitive to evolutionary
clues that lead an individual to select a mate that offers the best probability of having
healthy offspring.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #75

76. The ways in which adolescents interact with romantic partners changes with development,
with increasing _____.

A. desires for more independence

B. willingness to acknowledge, analyze and work through disagreements
C. sources of conflict
D. pressure to engage in antisocial behavior
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #76
77. Jesse is a physically immature 14-year-old who goes to school where it is expected that 14-
year-olds date. Hillary is a physically mature 14-year-old who goes to school where it is
expected that students delay dating until age 16. Which adolescent is more likely to date?

A. Hillary
B. Jesse
C. neither Hillary nor Jesse is likely to date
D. both Hillary and Jesse are likely to date
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #77

78. The average duration of a romantic relationship during the middle high school years is about
_____ months.

A. 2
B. 6
C. 12
D. 18
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #78

79. Within the United States and in Canada, adolescents of which racial/ethnic group are the least
likely to date?

A. Asian
B. Hispanic
C. American Indian
D. White
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #79

80. Which of the following is the best indicator of when an adolescent will engage in sexual

A. chronological age
B. biological development
C. the school norm
D. the age of their parents
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #80
81. Which of the following factors is not closely related to when an adolescent will begin dating?

A. family instability
B. community norms
C. when peers start dating
D. depressive symptomatology
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #81

82. Research addressing difficult social situations related to adolescents' transitions into romantic
relationships found _____ to be among the most frequently mentioned themes.

A. attracting the other-sex

B. communicating with the other-sex
C. discussing dating with parents
D. discussing sex with same-sex peers
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #82

83. For middle adolescents, the least important aspect of dating is:

A. establishing autonomy from parents.

B. furthering the development of gender identity.
C. developing intimacy.
D. establishing and maintaining status in one's peer group.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #83

84. Contemporary discussions of adolescent romance draw on:

A. Sullivan's theory of interpersonal development.

B. attachment theory.
C. ecological perspectives on development.
D. All of the above.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #84
85. Which of the following statements concerning sexual-minority (LGBT) youth is false?

A. the progression through the phases of dating and romance is as similar for them as for
heterosexual adolescents
B. the stigmas attached to homosexuality complicate the development of intimate relations
C. these youngsters often pursue sexual activity outside the context of a dating relationship to
avoid harassment by peers
D. for sexual-minority youth, development of close, nonsexual friendships with same-sex
peers may be hampered by their peers' homophobia
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #85

86. Compared to same-sex peers, who is likely to be less socially mature, less imaginative, less
achievement-oriented, more superficial, and more likely to exhibit problem behaviors?

A. Amber, who started dating seriously at age 14

B. Becky, who started dating casually at age 14
C. Karin, who started dating seriously at age 16
D. Donald, who started dating seriously at age 16
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #86

87. Delaying serious involvement in dating relationships until age _____ appears to be the most
favorable pattern for healthy psychosocial development.

A. 13
B. 15
C. 16
D. 17
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #87

88. Based on the research you read about in the textbook, which of the following statements about
dating and relationships is not true?

A. opposites attract
B. "birds of a feather flock together"
C. romance, relationships, and romance have powerful impacts on adolescents' emotional
D. adolescents with problems who date peers whose mental health is good show
improvements in their psychological functioning over time
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #88
89. The most common trigger of the first episode of major depression is:

A. parents' divorce.
B. failing in school.
C. the breakup of a romantic relationship.
D. dating violence.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #89

90. Which one of the adolescents below will be most vulnerable to the potential negative
consequences of a break-up?

A. Cory, an adolescent low in rejection sensitivity

B. Nicole, an adolescent who has never experienced a break-up
C. Richard, an adolescent who is a binge drinker and engages in delinquency
D. Michael, an adolescent who was the breaker-upper
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #90

91. Which of the following statements about dating violence is false?

A. Dating violence becomes more common with age.

B. Males and females are equally likely to be victims of violence in dating relationships.
C. Dating violence is more common in rural than in urban or suburban communities.
D. Dating violence is virtually nonexistent among LGBT adolescents.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #91

92. Adolescents behave in a variety of ways within dating relationships that are usually shaped by

A. their partners' expectations

B. scripts that are learned at home and from the mass media
C. their peers' relationships
D. cultural norms
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #92
93. What proportion of American sixth-graders believe it is OK for someone to hit a boyfriend or

A. More than 50% of American sixth-graders believe it is OK for a girl to hit her boyfriend and
about 25% believe it is OK for a boy to hit his girlfriend.
B. Approximately 10% of American sixth-graders believe it is OK for a girl to hit her boyfriend
and only about 5% believe it is OK for a boy to hit his girlfriend.
C. More than 80% of American sixth-graders believe it is OK for a girl to hit her boyfriend;
however, only about 10% believe it is OK for a boy to hit his girlfriend.
D. About 50% of American sixth-graders believe it is OK for a girl or boy to his or her romantic
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #93

94. Jessica's parents are verbally abusive to one another and are constantly fighting. When
Jessica interacts with her boyfriend, she will be likely to:

A. avoid arguments.
B. break up with him over an argument.
C. talk to him when they have an argument.
D. fight with him when they have an argument.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #94

95. Approximately what percent of American adolescents has been the victim of dating violence?
Who is more likely to be the victim of dating violence, boys or girls?

A. Approximately 40% of American adolescents have been the victim of dating violence and
male and female adolescents are equally likely to be the victim.
B. Approximately 10% of American adolescents have been the victim of dating violence and
male and female adolescents are equally likely to be the victim.
C. Approximately 30% of American adolescents have been the victim of dating violence but
female adolescents are much more likely to experience this.
D. Approximately 20% of American adolescents have been the victim of dating violence and
males are much more likely to be the victim than females.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #95
96. Stephanie, an adolescent who has witnessed a great deal of conflict between her parents, will
most likely experience higher levels of:

A. verbal aggression with her romantic partners.

B. physical aggression with her romantic partners.
C. relationship difficulties with her romantic partners.
D. All of the above.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #96

97. According to the textbook, which of the following statements about dating is true?

A. As adolescents develop, dating shifts from a focus on bonding to a focus on infatuation.

B. Adolescents who have been exposed to high levels of conflict or violence in their family are
more likely to put more effort into having tender and supportive relationships with friends.
C. Across the board, dating is associated with better mental health and well-being than not
dating at all.
D. Social activities with the other-sex begin in early adolescence.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #97

98. It is important to keep in mind that an individual's relationships with parents, siblings, peers,
and romantic partners:

A. vary drastically in form and function.

B. have a reverse causal relation.
C. are spuriously related.
D. are correlated.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #98

99. Which of the following is most important for adolescent development?

A. having an intimate relationship with someone

B. being popular
C. having a lot of friends
D. having a few good friendships
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #99
100. According to the textbook, which of the following statements is not true?

A. The impact of close friends on development must take into account the characteristics of
these friends.
B. Being popular is less important than genuinely having friends.
C. Having a huge network of many friends is more important than having a few good
D. Adolescents who have intimate friendships typically have better mental health than their
peers who do not.
Steinberg - Chapter 10 #100
101. Tamara, a late adolescent, often experiences intense feelings of anxiety. How would Sullivan
explain this? (HINT: Think about the developmental progression of these feelings.) How does
Sullivan's theory build on Erikson's theory?

Similarities to Erikson:
Sullivan and Erikson took a far less biological view of development than other psychoanalytic
Sullivan and Erikson both believed that successful development requires individuals to
successfully resolve different stages before advancing to the next stage.
Sullivan and Erikson both viewed the effects of development to be cumulative. Unsuccessful
completion of stages leads to further and continual problems.
Sullivan's Theory of Interpersonal Development:
Sullivan emphasized the social world of children/adolescents and that differences in
interpersonal experiences could explain a great deal of variation in psychological
development. In fact, Sullivan's theory focuses on the transformations in relationships with
others. Sullivan believed that people progress through stages of interpersonal needs.
Furthermore, Sullivan might say that Tamara is suffering from feelings of anxiety because she
has not satisfied her interpersonal developmental needs. When interpersonal needs are
satisfied across development, people are filled with feelings of security. When interpersonal
needs are not satisfied, feelings of anxiety result. The stages are broken up into: (1) infancy
[need for contact and tenderness]; (2) early childhood [need for adult participation]; (3) middle
childhood [need for peers and for peer acceptance]; (4) preadolescence [need for intimacy];
(5) early adolescence [need for sexual contact and the need for intimacy with a peer of the
other-sex]; and (6) late adolescence [need for integration into adult society]. According to
Sullivan, successful interpersonal relationships are an integral aspect of forming a solid sense
of self. Tamara likely failed to develop successful relationships in one of these stages, which
had a profound effect on later relationships (Sullivan viewed psychosocial development as
cumulative). Frustrations and satisfactions individuals experience during earlier periods affect
their later relationships and developing sense of identity. For example, it is possible that
Tamara's anxiety could have resulted from not receiving appropriate levels of tenderness as
an infant, or from not being accepted into a peer group as a child/adolescent. Additionally,
Tamara is also at risk for having a more intense need for security and a shakier sense of self.
Key Points:

a) Discuss the similarities between Erikson and Sullivan.

b) Discuss the importance Sullivan placed on interpersonal relationships.
c) Describe the different stages of interpersonal development.
d) Explain how Tamara's feelings of anxiety may have developed.

Steinberg - Chapter 10 #101

102. The closeness that intimacy brings to friendships also increases the likelihood of conflict in
those relationships. Address the differences between close and casual friendships in the types
of conflicts experienced in both forms of friendship, differences in conflict resolution, and
differences between boys' and girls' conflicts with their friends.

Although conflicts with close friends are less common than conflicts with casual friends, the
conflicts with close friends are more emotional. Anger and hurt feelings are more common in
arguments with close friends. Also, close friends are more likely to engage in efforts to restore
the relationship following a conflict than are casual friends. Boys' conflicts with their friends are
briefer, often focus on issues of power or control, are more likely to involve physical
aggression, and are often resolved by just letting the problem pass. In comparison, girls'
conflicts last longer, often focus on betrayal in the relationship, and are resolved when one
friend apologizes to the other.
Key Points:

a) Conflict is less common but more intense in close friendships than in casual friendships.
b) More effort to resolve the conflict and restore the friendship will occur in close friendships.
c) Boys' conflicts contrast with girls' conflicts in their duration, cause, and resolution.

Steinberg - Chapter 10 #102

103. Describe the extent to which intimacy with peers replaces intimacy with parents over the
course of adolescence. Does it completely replace intimacy with parents, or does it
supplement this kind of intimacy? What about intimacy with a romantic partner? Does it
replace intimacy with peers?

Although intimacy with peers and romantic partners increases during adolescence, it appears
to supplement, rather than take the place of, intimacy with parents. This can be seen in
studies of young people's relationships. For example, studies that ask young people questions
about the degree of intimate self-disclosure in their various relationships show that although
there may be a slight drop in intimacy between adolescents and their parents, this decline
reverses itself as adolescents progress toward adulthood. (Intimacy with peers increases
steadily throughout adolescence, most dramatically in early adolescence; intimacy with
romantic partners also increases steadily throughout adolescence; however, most dramatic
increase takes place during late high school years.) Second, in studies asking young people to
list their significant others, the likelihood of naming parents does not decrease during
adolescence, even though the number of peers appearing on the typical youngster's list
increases. Generally speaking, research suggests there is an overall expansion of the
individual's social world during adolescence, rather than a substitution of relationships with
age-mates for relations with parents.
Key Points:

a) Intimacy with peers and romantic partners does not replace intimacy with parents.
b) Intimacy with parents generally remains stable throughout adolescence, although there
might be a slight decline that reverses itself as adolescents move into adulthood.
c) Intimacy with peers and romantic partners increases throughout adolescence.

Steinberg - Chapter 10 #103

104. The head of a local youth group in your community has asked you to talk to teens and their
parents about "the evolution of romance during adolescence," and to include in your talk how
this process may differ for heterosexual girls and boys and also for sexual-minority (LGBT)
youth. What will you tell them?

Developmental psychologists have described three distinct phases in the evolution of romance
during adolescence. During the first phase, adolescents first discover an interest in socializing
with potential romantic and sexual partners. The focus of activity during this phase is primarily
on learning about themselves, as adolescents broaden their self-conceptions to include seeing
themselves as a potential romantic partner to someone else. The main purpose of romantic
activity at this age involves establishing, improving, or maintaining peer group status. During
the second phase, adolescents slowly move toward more meaningful dyadic relationships.
During this period, dating is very casual, and often occurs in a group context, in which peer
networks start to include couples who have a special relationship. These relationships become
a huge source of passion and preoccupation for adolescents. Although relationships are more
enduring at this age than they were during early adolescence, the average romance still only
lasts about 6 months. The last stage (around 17 or 18), concerns about commitment, become
the focus and adolescents begin to think about the long-term survival of their relationships.
Often during this stage, there are tensions between partners' need for intimacy and their
needs for autonomy. Relationships in this phase are very similar to relationships of young
adults, and the average relationship for 18-year-olds is approximately 12 months. During
middle adolescence, boys are more likely to mention physical attractiveness and girls are
more likely to mention interpersonal qualities (e.g., support or intimacy) as important qualities
in potential mates. By late adolescence, however, both sexes emphasize interpersonal
qualities (e.g., passion, communication, commitment, emotional support, and togetherness).
Adolescents who are not exclusively heterosexual (LGBT) might not pass through these same
phases. This might be due to the fact that sexual-minority youth do not have the freedom to
publicly express their romantic and sexual interests in members of the same sex, and they
often find it difficult to engage in many of the social and interpersonal activities that their
heterosexual friends are permitted to enjoy. Thus, many LGBT youth end up pursuing sexual
activity outside the context of a dating relationship, because the prejudices and harassment of
others may preclude any public display of romantic intimacy with a same-sex partner. LGBT
youth may also choose not to self-disclose information about their sexuality to same-sex peers
for fear of homophobic reactions.
Key Points:

a) Adolescent romantic relationships are described as evolving through three distinct phases.
b) First phase: adolescents discover an interest in socializing with potential romantic and
sexual partners (roughly between 11 and 13), focus is learning about themselves,
relationships are often based on superficial infatuation, main purpose of romantic activity at
this age involves establishing, improving, or maintaining peer group status.
c) Second phase: Adolescents slowly move toward more meaningful dyadic relationships and
adolescents become passionate and preoccupied with these relationships. Dating is very
casual and often occurs in a group context.
d) Third phase: Adolescents begin to focus on the long-term survival and growth of their
relationships. In this phase, adolescents come to value commitment and caring as features of
relationships that are as important as passion and pleasure.
e) In middle adolescence, boys mention physical attractiveness and girls mention
interpersonal qualities as qualities in potential mates; by late adolescence, both sexes are
equally likely to seek interpersonal qualities in potential mates.
f) sexual minorities may not pass through the same phases.

Steinberg - Chapter 10 #104

105. Provide at least two reasons why the nature of an individual's early attachment relationships
during infancy continues to have an influence on the capacity to form satisfying intimate
relationships during adolescence and adulthood.

Many theorists propose that the initial attachment relationship with parents, developed in
infancy, forms the basic foundation from which all ensuing interpersonal relationships stem.
This foundational representation of relationships is called an internal working model. An
individual's internal working model determines his or her sensitivity to rejection and the ability
to incorporate intimacy into relationships in adolescence and adulthood. Additionally, the initial
attachment relationship is important because its effects are thought to be cumulative. Studies
have found that anxiously attached infants are more likely to develop psychological and social
problems during childhood, including poor peer relationships. These problems lead to
additional problems of social competence in adolescence. Adolescents who are able to
establish healthy, intimate relationships are more satisfied with their lives as middle-aged
adults. This extension suggests that the initial attachment relationship continues to influence
social ability throughout life.
Key Points:

a) The initial attachment relationship forms the internal working model, which determines an
individual's sensitivity to rejection and ability to incorporate intimacy into relationships.
b) The effects of the initial attachment relationship are cumulative, affecting the social life from
infancy to childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

Steinberg - Chapter 10 #105

106. As the older sibling of a 13-year-old sister, you want to help her enjoy her adolescent years,
and particularly the adventure of romance that is likely to unfold for her. Having read about the
development of romantic relationships during adolescence, you now feel you are in a better
position to talk to her about some potential issues, such as the effects of early dating and the
increase of violence in dating relationships. What will you tell her?

Start by explaining that although girls typically look for interpersonal qualities in dating
partners, boys don't usually do that until later in adolescence, and it is not until later in
adolescence that teens begin to value commitment in their romantic relationships. Early in
adolescence, participating in mixed-sex group activities has a positive psychological effect on
girls, whereas serious dating in couples can have a negative effect—one reason for this is
increased pressure to engage in sex, which may be coerced or even result in date rape.
Romantic relationships early in adolescence tend to be superficial and getting seriously
involved with a romantic partner before age 15 is associated with stunted psychosocial
development, evidenced by lower levels of social maturity, imagination, achievement
orientation, and satisfaction with self. These girls also experience increased alcohol use,
delinquency, sexual activity, dating violence, disordered eating, and depression. Research
also shows that adolescents who begin dating early and who have multiple dating partners
experience a drop in the quality of their relationships over time. This does not mean she
shouldn't date, though, because adolescent girls who date and go to parties regularly tend to
be more popular, have a stronger self-image, and feel more accepted by their friends and
have better mental health than girls who do not date. A special concern for adolescents in
romantic relationships is dating violence—noting that both males and females are equally
likely to be victims of violence. These teens are more likely to be depressed and suicidal, use
illegal drugs, drop out of school, and girls in abusive relationships are more likely to become
pregnant. Because relationships within the family strongly predict the scripts for other
interpersonal relationships, it's important to understand your own family dynamics and, if there
is conflict between your parents and their children, it's important to improve the family
communication and improve conflict resolution skills.
Key Points:

a) In early adolescence, boys look for physical attractiveness in dating partners; by later
adolescence they catch up with girls and both focus on interpersonal qualities.
b) Early in adolescence it is healthier for girls to participate in mixed-sex group activities than
in serious couples dating.
c) For girls, serious dating before age 15 can lead to a multitude of problems.
d) Moderate dating for adolescent girls is associated with better mental health.
e) Both males and females may be victims of violence within a dating relationship, and
violence may lead to a negative emotional and behavioral outcome.
f) The best predictor of the quality of interpersonal relationships is the quality of family
relationships, and improving family relationships can help improve other interpersonal

Steinberg - Chapter 10 #106

Test Bank for Adolescence 10th Edition Laurence Steinberg

10 Summary

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– Majd rendet teremtünk valahogyan – jegyezte meg a császár.
– Rendet! – Hiláriusz mester bólintott. – Jó is lesz, hogy most
már sok esztendőkig békességben éljen Európa. A status
sekretariúsok és külső dolgokra ügyelő miniszterek majd csak
megegyeznek a sok rendbéli ínség elháritásában. Ebben a
gyűlésben kell a közönséges békességnek erős és mozdíthatatlan
fundamentumát megkészíteni. Kinek-kinek birodalmát úgy intézni,
hogy senkinek panaszkodásra és villongásra oka ne lehessen. Ennél
az időpontnál nevezetesebb sohasem volt a világon.
Igy beszélt Hiláriusz mester, beszélt, ahogy az óra ketyeg,
kiformáltan, egyformán, hangsúly nélkül, mintha gép beszélne, de a
gondolatok, melyeket fejtegetett, bonyolultak voltak, eszejárása
komplikált, mint egy finom szerkezet. Ha valami olyat mondott, amit
különösen fontosnak talált, akkor bólintott hozzá a tárgyhoz mérten
egyszer, kétszer, háromszor, négyszer, amint az óra üt, tizenkettőt is
bólintott, de annál többet soha.
Ferenc mosolyogva hallgatta, Hardenegg pedig szólni sem mert,
remegve leste házigazdájuk minden szavát, szerette volna tudtára
adni valahogyan, hogy úgy beszéljen ezzel a Kaiserstein gróffal,
mintha uralkodóval beszélne.
– Ej, az urak nem isznak, – szólalt meg újra Hiláriusz mester. –
Na a kongresszus jó kimenetelére – mondta és koccintott
– Most nagy ünnepségek készülnek Budán is, Pesten is –
jegyezte meg Ferenc.
Az órás bólintott:
– Úgy bizony. Hallom, jő a prusszus király és Sándor, orosz
császár. Megérdemli a magyar nemzet, hogy ellátogassanak ide is.
A háború alatt sok fogyatkozást szenvedett a két magyar haza.
Megvan a maga legszerencsésebb éghajlata, kövér és gazdag
földje, számos munkása és szorgalmas népei és mégsem jutott el a
boldogságnak arra az állapotjára, amelyre különben eljutnia kellett
volna… De most vidám ábrázatban tűnik szemembe a jövendő.
A beszélgetésnek ez a hazafias fordulata már nem tetszett
Ferencnek, szigorú, idegenkedő ráncok jelentek meg homlokán és
összébb húzta szürke köpenyét.
Szerencsére belépett Franciska.
– Na, jó vacsorát kapunk? – kérdezte Hiláriusz mester.
– Remélem atyám, hogy vendégeink mindent rendben találnak.
Közelebb jött és kedvesen, kacérkodva állt meg az asztal mellett.
A császár arca újból felderült és lovagiasan jegyezte meg:
– Előre is esküszöm, hogy jó lesz a vacsora, ha kegyed főzte,
szép gyermekem…
Hiláriusz méltatlankodva vágott közbe:
– Az én leányom nem főz, az én leányomnál királykisasszonyok
sem lehetnek különbek, szebbek. Kinek van még ilyen haja a
– Neked atyám – mondta Franciska.
– Vörös! – mondta Ferenc.
– Arany! – mondta Hardenegg.
Franciska édes mosolyt küldött a szép huszárnak, aztán a
császárhoz fordult:
– Vörös, bizony vörös. Úgy-e, még nem látott ilyen vörös leányt?
– A faliszekrényhez ment, tányérokat vett elő, teríteni kezdett és
tovább csacsogott: – Tudom, csúnya, tudom azt is, hogy szégyen.
Más leány is születik vörös hajjal, de az anyjuk addig keni dióolajjal,
míg megbarnul. Nekem senki sem kente, nincs anyám és apámnak
tetszett, mert olyan, mint az övé.
Hiláriusz gyönyörködve nézte, hallgatta leányát, az ő szemében
a teremtés remeke volt Franciska és az övé, csak az övé. Úgy
nevelte fel a kis óbudai házban, mint egy nagyúri kisasszonyt. Maga
tanította, maga ápolta, ha beteg volt, maga választotta ki ruháit,
maga szabta és együtt varrták hosszú téli estéken, napos nyári
Most barna selyemszoknya volt rajta, hóna alatt megkötve, mint
akkor viselték. Hozzá piros bársony mellényke és piros cipellő
könnyed lábán. Művészi kezek tervezték a ruhát, mintha az ősz
utolsó georgináit szórták volna már barnuló lombra, mesteri kezek
szabták, kicsit távol a divattól, egy különös világ légkörében.
Franciska tányérokat tett a vendégek elé és miközben az asztal
fölé hajolt, a gyertyafény mind a hajára hullott.
Hiláriusz lányára mutatott:
– Hát nem volt igazam? – Ritkán emelte fel kezét, rendesen úgy
pihent mélyen a barna kabát ujjában, mint bársony dobozában a
finom műszer.
– Szegény feleségem szőke volt, láthatják az urak, itt a képe
felettünk. Meghalt, mikor ez a gyermek született. Még látta őt, a
karjában fogta, de aztán sírva halt meg: „Egy vöröshajú leány.“ Ezek
voltak utolsó szavai, pedig el lehetett készülve rá, mikor hozzám jött
feleségül, hogy megesik vele ez a szégyen. Szégyen! – nevetett
halkan, elégedetten – nem, nem, gyönyörűség! Az én leányom nem
lehetett olyan, mint más leányok, ő egyetlen a világon, a vöröshajú
Müller Franciska, az enyém egészen és még ránézni se merjen
Franciska egy-egy kis csokor őszirózsát tett minden teríték elé s
aztán megsimította az apja fejét:
– Ez a rögeszméje, nem is mehettem férjhez, vénleány vagyok,
már huszonkét éves.
Hiláriusz mester majdnem haragos lett:
– Te nem vagy sem huszonkét éves, sem tíz, sem harminc, sem
fiatal, sem vén, Franciska vagy, az én leányom.
– Ó, apám te elhiteted az urakkal, hogy valami különös kincset
őrzöl olyan nagyon és rejtegetsz a világ elől. El sem hiszik az urak,
még sohasem vitt el sehová. Azért van báli ruhám és néha
esténként fölveszem, de csak ketten vagyunk, tudok táncolni is, van
egy óránk, az muzsikál, mikor muzsikál, táncoló párok libbennek ki
egy kis ajtón és akkor én is táncolok apámmal, menuettet, meg
valcert. A valcer nagyon szép, ó, nagyon szép. Ha elfáradtam,
leülünk és apám elmondja, milyen egy bál. Mindent elmond,
elmondja, hogy udvarolnak a férfiak, hogy viselkednek a nők. Mesél,
és én hallgatom… Apám azt mondja, a valóság nem szép, csak
akkor szép, ha már emlék lett. Nekem ő emlékeit adja, mert
emlékekkel kezdeni az életet, az finom, gyöngéd és sohasem éri az
embert csalódás. Apám így tanította, de én azért mégis…
– Nézz a vacsora után, Franciska – mondta Hiláriusz.
– Bolond dolog ez, – jegyezte meg Ferenc – egy szót sem értek
belőle. – Armes Kind.
Hardenegg azt hitte, hogy egy mesevilág kellős közepébe került,
hol az aranyhajú Csipkerózsika alszik, hol a zord apa tüskés sövényt
font leánya körül és ő a sors kegyeltje, ki áttörte a bozótot, hogy
életre ébressze a királykisasszonyt.
Franciska, az elvarázsolt tündér, eközben borjúsültet kínált
vendégeinek, aztán jó vaniliás borlevest, az est tiszteletére.
Mikor a tálat a borlevessel az asztalra tette, ruhája kivágásából
egy arany medaillon csúszott ki és odakoppant tányérjára. Vékony
láncon viselte nyakán. A császár kezébe vette a medaillont,
enyelegve közelebb húzta Franciskát és tréfálkozni kezdett:
– Ej, ej, talán mégsem vagyunk egészen elzárkózva, talán mégis
őrzünk már valakit kis szívünkben? Lássuk, van-e olyan szép, mint
az én Rudi barátom?
Kinyitotta óvatosan a kis ékszert, mosolyogva nézett bele, de egy
pillanatra rá már ráncba szedte magas homlokát, hátradőlt
karosszékében és sápadt mosollyal, alig hallhatóan mormogta: –
Franciska becsukta a medaillont, a zár csattant és ez a kis,
mindent bebörtönöző csattanás, mintha megnyugtatta volna
Ferencet is. A lány keblébe rejtette kincsét, aztán kezét szívére
szorította és gyönyörűen rajongó arccal mondta:
– Igen, Napoleon. Én imádom őt. Nem olyan szép és fiatal, mint
uraságod barátja, de a leghatalmasabb, a legvitézebb, a világ ura és
az enyém. Igen, itt ebben a kis házban nálam van, eljön Óbudára
hozzám, mert senki sem szereti úgy, mint én.
– Úgy, úgy, – szólalt meg Ferenc – ő a leghatalmasabb, a
legvitézebb! És akik legyőzték, szép kisasszony?
Franciskának piros volt az arca, odaadás csillogott szemében és
haragosan remegett a hangja:
– Nem győzték le, senki sem győzte le, mindnyájan egyesültek
ellene, hálót szőttek, úgy fogták meg, mint a sast, akit senki sem tud
röptében utólérni.
– Sehr gut! – mondta Ferenc. – Ezt is az édesapjától tanulta, kis
Hiláriusz mester tiltakozott:
– Ezt már nem, én igen örülök, hogy a zsarnok végre Elba
szigetén van. Ott sétálhat szürke kabátjában, fején híres kalapjával,
de a háromszínű rózsa helyett, fehér mezőben egy kis méh ül most,
Elba sziget címere.
Ezen ismét nevetett a császár:
– Szép örökség az ajacciói ügyvéd fiának.
– Azért mégis Ferenc császár veje! – Csak ennyit mondott
Az urak ittak a győzők egészségére, Franciska pedig szobájába
ment, leült zongorája mellé és egy Mozart-menüettet kezdett
Ferenc felállt:
– Soká jön Nepomuk, – mondta.
Hardenegg buzgó szolgálatkészséggel ajánlotta, hogy a kocsi
után néz. Elsietett és Hiláriusz mester egyedül maradt a császárral.
A különös órásnak nagyon tetszett a szürke köpenyeges, magas
homlokú idegen, kegyes volt hozzá és ritka élvezetül felajánlotta,
hogy megmutatja műhelyét. A császárnak is tetszett házigazdája, ő
is kegyes volt és barátságosan egyezett bele a műhely

Az órák.

Hiláriusz mester gyertyát gyújtott és egy sötét helyiségen át nagy

udvari szobába vezette a császárt. Hosszú asztal állt az ablak előtt,
rajta ezer kerék, rugó és mindenféle szerszám. A falak melletti
polcokon pedig sok-sok óra fogadta hangos ketyegéssel a
szürkeköpenyes idegent, kit mint uralkodó, úgy vezetett be
magateremtette birodalmába Hiláriusz.
Rejtélyek, titkok pihentek a félhomályban és az órák mélyében
elzárt tündérmesék világát tárta fel vendégének a mester.
A császár nagyon érdeklődött, kisimult arcából minden ránc,
világos szemével szaporán pislogott és duzzadt ajkát úgy
csucsorította, mint egy kiváncsi gyermek. Nagy fekete ébenfa-órát
állított az asztalra Hiláriusz, öt gyertyát gyújtott köréje, aztán nyolc
órára tolta a mutatót és meghúzta a zöld selyemzsinórt. Kékre festett
kis medencében, tiszta víz csillogott az óra oszlopai között. A víz
fenekén színes kövek ragyogtak ezer színben és amint mélyen,
csengőn elsőt ütött az óra, egy ezüst hattyú úszott ki a fekete
szekrény mélyéből, minden ütésre egy-egy ezüst madár és így adta
tudtul nyolc zengő hang kíséretében, nyolc karcsú hattyú, hogy este
A császárnak tetszett az óra:
– Hogy lehet, hogy ezt még senki sem vette meg öntől? –
– Mert nem adom el – felelte Hiláriusz.
– Miért?
– Nem adom, amint nem adom a leányomat. Van nekem
pénzem, amiből éljek és pesti műhelyemben csinálnak órákat
legényeim, elárúsító helyem is van a nagy vásártéren, ott vehet
mindenki óráimból. Azokat az embereknek készítem, ezeket
magamnak, ezeket nem adom.
Kegyesen mosolygott a császár:
– Nekem sem adna el egyet?
– Nem uram, önnek sem. Ön kedves ember, önnek sok mindent
adnék, csak az óráimat és Franciskát nem. De ha akarja, mutatok
ennél még szebbet is. Ide nézzen. Csak hozzányúlnia nem szabad,
álljon félrébb.
Ferenc engedelmesen helyet adott és Hiláriusz mester egy
talapzaton két faragott, zöldkoronás fát tett elébe az asztalra. A fák
lombjaiban óramű volt elhelyezve és a fák között zsinór kifeszítve, a
zsinóron pedig fejjel lefelé, rózsaszínruhás, apró baba csüngött.
Hiláriusz mester felhúzta a szerkezetet és a babát felállította a
kötélen. A pici hölgy csipkenapernyőt tartott kezében. Az óramű járni
kezdett és a baba megmozdult, szoknyácskája libbent és
végigtipegett a kötélen.
– Bravó – tapsolt a császár.
– Várjon még – mondta Hiláriusz és az apró nőcske folyton
tökéletesebb és csudálatosabb mutatványokkal bájolta el a szürke
köpönyeges idegent. Lefeküdt a kötélen, felugrott, letérdelt,
megfordult maga körül sebesen, sokszor, kecses mozdulattal
kinyitotta napernyőjét, orra hegyére helyezte, még egyszer
végigszaladt a selyemzsinóron, aztán leesett a kis csipkejószág, az
óramű már nem működött és a rózsaszínű kis művésznő is
élettelenül lógott a kötélen.
– Ha ezt Ludovika láthatná – mondta a császár elragadtatva és
kezébe vette a babát.
– Gondolja, gróf úr, hogy mulattatná a császárné ő felségét? –
kérdezte az órás.
– Talán, nem tudom. Nála sohasem lehet tudni. – Ferenc
sóhajtott egyet. – De ön nagy művész, az biztos. Miért nem megy fel
Bécsbe, az udvarhoz és mért nem mutatja be ott tudományát?
Hiláriusz kicsit mosolygott, pislogott, bólintott, két ujja közé fogta
hegyes állát, aztán fölényesen, halkan beszélni kezdett:
– Nézze, uram, én magamnak dolgozom. Nekem mindegy, hogy
más mit szól hozzá, még az is mindegy, tetszik-e a császárnak, vagy
nem? Önt mulattatni akartam, ez az egész. Egyszer már volt nálam
egy idegen, régen, több mint tíz esztendeje, egy német ember,
utazó, minden iránt érdeklődött, Leyerernek hívták, könyvet is írt
Pest városáról, elküldte nekem, abban szó van rólam, leírta a
műhelyemet, meg ezt a kis kötéltáncost is. De milyen tökéletlen volt
még akkor. Meg akarta venni minden áron. Lássa, milyen jó, hogy
nem adtam. Ha akkor odaadom, az marad örökre, ami akkor volt. Kis
tákolmány, semmi, én is elfeledtem volna már régen. De így, hogy
szemem előtt maradt, mint az én gyermekem, az én teremtményem,
tökéletesednie kell a kicsi nőnek mindennap. Nekem ma sem elég
ügyes, ma sem elég kecses. Sohasem találtam késznek még, amit
csináltam, mindig van módosítani való mindenen; minél jobban
tetszik nekem, annál inkább kívánok rajta javítani. Ezért nem adom
el, ami az enyém, aminek én adtam életet.
A császár egy barna oszlopokon nyugvó órára mutatott, mert
észrevette a gyertyák halavány fényében is, hogy az órának arany
oroszlánkörmökkel díszített talapzatán kis Napoleon-szobor áll.
Lóháton volt az imperátor, fehér nadrágjában, lakkcsizmában, szürke
köpenyében, fején a híres kalappal.
– Ez biztosan a Franciska kisasszony órája? – szólott
méltatlankodva a császár.
– Hiláriusz mester nevetni kezdett:
– Mulatni fog, gróf úr, ha megmutatom, mivel foglalkozik ez az
óra délben és éjfélkor. Várjon csak.
Az óra nehéz volt, vendége segítette levenni a polcról, és az
asztalra helyezték. Hiláriusz éjfélre igazította a mutatót és a vörös
zsinórt a császár kezébe adta. Ferenc meghúzta a selyemszálat és
izgatott kíváncsisággal leste, hogy mi fog történni. Merészen
működött már fantáziája, a félhomályos műhely csudái ledöntötték
képzelete korlátait és a valószínűtlent is elérhető közelbe hozták.
Mintha már nem is érezné a padlót lába alatt, megszabadult volna
teste súlyától és bizonytalan viziók felé úsznék, zöld fények között,
egy álomvilágban. Amit azonban ez az óra tudott, az fölülmult
minden várakozást és diadalmasabb volt, mint a népek csatája
Lipcsénél, mert amint felhangzott a kísérteties éjfél első ütése, kis
ablak nyilt meg Napoleon feje fölött és apró aranykalapács egyet
koppintott kalapján. Tizenkettőt koppintott a kalapács és a
tizenkettedik ütésre leesett a zsarnok fejéről nevezetes kalapja.
Hangosan kacagott a császár:
– Das ist was für die Marie Luis.
Szürke szeme fénylett, ajka remegett és tapsolt, mintha
színházban lenne:
– Még egyszer!
Ilyen jól még nem mulatott. Megfeledkezett a kocsiról, meg
Nepomukról és megfeledkezett Hardeneggről is. De Hardenegg is
megfeledkezett a császárról, mert míg urát Hiláriusz óráinak varázsa
tartotta fogva, őt a mester leánya bűvölte el finom lényének bájával,
szavainak zenéjével, melyek mint ezüst hattyúk úsztak feléje, a
különös est hangulatának ezer színben csillogó tükrén.
Mikor visszajött a hírrel, hogy a hintóra várni kell, Franciska még
mindig zongorázott. Az ebédlőből látni lehetett, amint a zene
hangjára elandalodva kicsit félrehajtotta fejét. Arany haja fénylett,
ujjai lassan babráltak a billentyűkön, az est csendje beburkolta már a
házat és semmi nesz nem hívta vissza, nem gátolta őt abban, hogy
elmerüljön a vágyak világában.
Lassan, óvatosan ment az ajtóig Hardenegg, aztán megállt,
lélekzetét is visszafojtva, mint mikor a darura lesett. Egy
csudamadár játszott vele most is, és ezt nem volt szabad
Franciska észrevette, hogy valaki odajött melléje, de egyáltalán
nem szállt el, hanem abbahagyva a játékot, rózsás mosollyal fordult
a huszár felé:
– No jöjjön be, lássa, ez az én szobám.
Az ő szobája! Hardenegg boldogan nézett szét, aztán belépett
mint egy büszke, fiatal madár aranykalitkájába, önkéntes fogságra,
örökös rabságra.
Szép kis szobája volt Franciskának. Fehér falai között kedvesen
elrendezett, fényes, fekete, sötétlila huzatokkal borított bútorok
állottak. Ez a szín illett ide és a szobát, a bársonyos, sötétlila violák
hangulatával, illatával töltötte meg. Himzőráma volt a virágos ablak
előtt, ahhoz lépett Hardenegg:
– Mit dolgozik? – kérdezte.
– Ruhát hímezek magamnak.
– Milyen alkalomra?
– Ó, Istenem, csak úgy, mert szép.
– Sokat kell még bibelődnie vele?
– Nem, már egészen kész, ma délután fejeztem be!
Franciska kivett a fiókos-szekrényből egy meghímzett darabot és
odaterítette egy székre Hardenegg elé. Halvány rózsaszín különös
kelme volt, mintha virágszirmokból lett volna szőve és tündérujjak
hímezték volna bele a fehér selyem rózsaszirmokat, melyek
ragyogtak, mint megannyi ezüst lehellet.
A fiatal huszár megérintette óvatosan, egy ujjal:
– Én nem nagyon értek hozzá, de tudom, hogy ez gyönyörű.
Mondja, minden ruhája ilyen különös kegyednek, mint amilyet most
visel és mint ez a rózsaszín lesz?
Franciska nevetett:
– Különös, miért különös? Együtt gondoljuk ki apámmal, ő
rajzolja, szabja, én hímzem és varrom.
– De hogy tudják kitalálni, hogy jut eszükbe? Ilyet senki sem visel
más a világon.
Nagyon tetszett a dolog Franciskának, nevetett is csengőn,
– Hogy találjuk ki? Hát a virágok, a fák, a levelek, a madarak
juttatják eszünkbe.
– Madarak is? – mondta örömmel eltelve Hardenegg – tudja,
hogy én ma láttam egy madarat, amilyet eddig még nem látott soha
senki sem? Egy vörös darut láttunk, én és a csá… egy vörös darut.
A fiatalság, a szerelem madarát. Gyönyörű volt. Szerettük volna
lelőni, hogy egy tollát elvihessük Ludovikának, a császárné
őfelségének, de nem találtuk el.
A lányt ebből csak egy érdekelte és türelmetlen kíváncsisággal
– Ön ismeri a császárnét? Látta? Mondja milyen? Üljön ide
mellém és meséljen róla.
Belesimult egy karosszékbe és összekulcsolt kezekkel leste a
– A császárné? – Hardenegget gyengéddé tette a reá való
emlékezés. – A császárné szép, szomorú, csendes, előkelő, finom
és el fog hervadni a bécsi udvar zajában, mint egy virág, akit idegen
földbe ültetnek, ahol nem ápolják kellő gyengédséggel.
– De hisz a császár szereti őt.
– Szereti, nagyon szereti, szerette, azért hozta el a fehér
Milanóból. De nem értik meg egymást, Bécs igen szürke és hangos
a császárnénknak. Mária Ludovika, úgy hívják most, régen Estei
Beatrice volt a neve: csendben nőtt fel, magányban, halvány keze
van és súlyos nagy haja, keskeny kis arca körül. A császár őfelsége
kedveli az egyszerűen vidám mulatságokat, Mária Terézia, boldogult
uralkodónőnk illett hozzá, akkor zajos volt a királyi palota. Minden
este négy muzsikus jött a császárhoz, azokkal zenélt késő
éjszakáig. A felséges asszony pedig néha megjelent összes
udvarhölgyeivel, jelmezbe öltözve, vidáman, mulatságra készen és a
császár, a császárné, adjutánsok, udvarhölgyek, zenészek pajzán
jókedvben táncoltak, szórakoztak egymással. Így volt régen, de a
Ludovika világa más világ, az ábrándok, a csendes vágyak világa.
Esküvőjén táncolta az első menüettet. Én láttam, addig sohasem
táncolt és elbájolták mégis egész Bécset könnyű, suhanó léptei.
Franciska ragyogó szemmel, égő arccal hallgatta Hardenegget
és szenvedélyes vággyal suttogta:
– Ó, be szeretnék én is egyszer ott lenni és menüettet, meg
valcert táncolni a hercegekkel.
Hardenegg szomorúan nézett a leányra és fájdalmas sóhajjal
kérdezte a sorstól, miért nem tudja ugyanilyen sugárzó szemmel
mondani: Szeretem önt, gróf Herdenegg Rudolf!
Bánatos volt a hangja, amint megszólalt:
– Miért kívánja, Franciska kisasszony? A császárné is vágyott
oda egyszer, úgy mint most kegyed és szomorú lett, szerencsétlen.
Az udvar, Bécs, a nagyvilági élet, minden álmodozás, nyugalom és
minden érzés gyilkosa. A hiúság bilincsei tartják ott fogva az
embereket, akik azt akarják bizonyítani, hogy övék a diadal, az
öröm, a siker. Higyje meg szép, aranyhajú Franciska, sehol sem tud
olyan igazán vágyó szemekkel nézni a fájdalom, mint ott, ahol az
élet zajosan ünnepel, mint a tánczene, a pohárcsengés, a tolongás,
az illatok világában.
– És én mégis oda akarok menni – mondta dacos ajakkal
– Lehet, hiszem, de ez az akarat nem lehet olyan nagy, amilyen
óriásira nőne kívánsága, hogy néhány hónap, pár óra, vagy tán egy
perc mámora után meneküljön onnan. Ott nem lehet a virágoktól, a
madaraktól lopni el ruhájukat, ott nem szállnak csodadarvak, hogy…
– És én mégis oda megyek, mert én látni akarom, tudni
akarom… Atyám bezárva tart és én nem bírom tovább rabságomat.
Élni szeretnék én is, itt nem látok senkit, itt nem történik semmi…
Egy óra kezdett ütni a fekete fiókos szekrényen, mélyen, halkan,
ezüst csengésű lágy hangon és az óra tetején ülő aranysas minden
ütésre meglibbentette szárnyát.
Franciska felállt és az órára mutatott rajongó mosollyal:
– Lássa, ez az én órám, ez az én sasom, így vergődöm én is,
mint ez a fogoly madár, repülésre készen, leláncolva. Így szeretnék
szállni én is… én is… mint Napoleon…
– Napoleon! Kegyed úgy bámulja Napoleont, Franciska
– Bámulom és szeretem. Egyetlen egy nőt irígyeltem a világon,
Mária Lujzát. Mindenki sajnálta és én majdnem belepusztultam a
vágyba, hogy cserélhessek vele.
– Mária Lujza is szerencsétlen – mondta Hardenegg.
Franciskának most már lángolt a szeme:
– Szerencsétlen? Szerencsétlen, mert nem érdemelte meg
boldogságát. A férfi számára egy dolog van, hogy a világ ura legyen,
egy nő számára, hogy a világ urát szeresse.
Hardenegg szerelmes szeme gyengéd pillantással simogatta a
leány haját, égő arcát, karcsú alakját:
– Istenem, szép kisasszony, a nagyság és boldogság olyan
messze járnak egymástól.
– Az én számomra pedig boldogság csak a nagyság lehet. Az
emberek ma már nem értik meg, hogy régen a nők a harcból
visszatérő győztes hadvezér lába elé terítették hajukat a porba, de
én értem és ha Napoleon visszatérne Elba szigetéről, én szívesen
adnám oda hajamat, diadalmas lépteinek szőnyegül.
Szeme fénylett Franciskának, sötéten ívelt szemöldökét
összehúzta, tekintete a távolba veszett és Hardenegg
gyönyörűséggel eltelve nézte őt, aztán gyengéden fogta meg ökölbe
szorult kezét:
– Én pedig nem engedném; a kegyed izzó aranyhaja, ragyogó
haja, szebb korona minden koronánál, nagyobb kincs a dicsőségnél,
egyetlen szála birodalmaknál többet ér, Franciska kisasszony, én…
Léptek zaja hallatszott a szomszéd szobából. Nepomuk jött, a
kocsi előállt, a mesének vége szakadt. Franciska piros arccal húzta
ki kezét a Hardenegg kezéből és ellágyulva suttogta:
– Szóljunk barátjának, apám műhelyében vannak.
Az aranykalapács még egyet koppintott a Napoleon fejére, aztán
búcsúzva álltak mindnyájan a kapualjban. Hiláriusz az egyik gyertyát
tartotta, figyelmesen világítva vendégeinek, a másik gyertya
Franciska kezében remegett, aki végtelen fájó izgalommal simult a
falhoz. Meg akarta fogni a perceket, mert úgy hitte, a mai estével
szabadulásának utolsó lehetősége múlik el életéből. Hardenegg
búcsúzásra készen, szomorúan lépett szerelme elé és akkor
vonagló ajakkal suttogta Franciska:
– Elmennek, sohasem jönnek vissza és én csak itt maradok.
Két nagy, fényes könnycseppel játszott a gyertya világa és
Hardenegg reménykedve hajolt közelebb:
– Mit tehetnék kegyedért, kisasszony?
– Szabadítson ki innen.
– És mit ad érte?
– Hálás leszek.
– Egy mosolyt adjon.
– Mi értéke van az én mosolyomnak?
– Az életét adja.
– Mi értéke van az én életemnek?
– A szívét adja.
– A szívem nem az enyém.
– Ne játszunk egymással, Franciska. Szeretem. Adja nekem a
kezét, mind a két kezét és én elviszem magammal, legyen a
Franciska egy pillanatig hallgatott, édes borzongással járta át
egész lényét az első szerelmi vallomás. Hardenegg már feléje
nyújtotta kezét, de akkor megszólalt a leány, halk, elfogult hangon:
– Nem lehet, nem adhatom oda azt, aminek nem ismerem az
értékét. Én még nem tudom, ki vagyok, nem ígérhetem, hogy a
felesége leszek.
– No, lieber Graf, gyerünk, búcsúzni kell – szólalt meg a császár.
Hardenegg kezett fogott Franciskával:
– Isten önnel – mondta elfojtott hangon. – Kiszabadítom, bízzék
bennem. Semmit sem kérek. Hírt küldök magamról.
– Mikor? – suttogta Franciska.
– Hamar, nemsokára, holnap.
Hardenegg már a kapuban állt, Ferenc még egyszer kezet fogott
Hiláriusz mesterrel:
– Köszönjük a szíves vendéglátást. Ha egyszer Bécsbe jönne,
látogasson meg.
Aztán Franciskához lépett:
– Kegyed is jöjjön el szép kisasszony és ne szeresse Napoleont,
nem érdemli meg, higyje el nekem.
Kezét nyújtotta a leány felé, Franciska hirtelen el akarta rejteni
zsebkendőjét, amellyel könnyeit törülte le és akkor földre hullott a
fehér csipkejószág.
A császár lehajolt, hogy felemelje, de amint udvarias mozdulattal
átnyújtotta Franciskának, hirtelen támadt légvonat széttárta már nem
jól őrzött felöltőjét és egyszerre ott állt huszáregyenruhájában,
nyakán a vörös szalagon ragyogó aranygyapjas renddel.
Minden megváltozott ebben a pillanatban, mintha az alakját
elleplező szürke köppeny uralkodói méltóságának lett volna börtöne,
úgy egyenesedett ki a császár.
Hardenegg tisztelettel és hódolattal telt hangon rebegte:
– Felség.
Hiláriusz megdöbbenve bámult a jelenetre, szürke vendége
hirtelen végtelen nagyra nőtt előtte:
– A császár! – motyogta meglepetten, reszkető szájjal.
Nepomuk is más arccal ült egyszerre a bakon. Ferenc menekült,
meg akarta menteni az egyszerű este kedves emlékét, gyorsan
szállt fel kocsijába, kegyesen intett a bámuló órásnak és halvány
leányának, Franciskának, aztán elindult a hintó haza, a budai várba.
– Érdekes ember – szólalt meg a császár.
– Nagyon, felség – felelte Hardenegg.
– Szép a leánya.
– Gyönyörű, felség.
– Vörös a haja, különös, – mélázott a császár – a vörös daru és a
vörös leány. Az én madaram elszállt és ön… Vigyázzon, lieber
Hardenegg. Csak semmi tächtl-mächtl.
Sokáig hallgattak, már a budai Fő-utcában robogott a hintó, mikor
újra megszólalt a császár, egész más hangon, mintha régen elmult
volna mindaz, amit együtt éltek át:
– Igaz, gróf, ön jó katonának látszik, azt hiszem megérdemli
bizalmamat és azért egy üzenettel Bécsbe küldöm. Metternich
herceghez megy, olyan gyorsan, amint csak lehet. Holnap reggel
jelentkezzék nálam.
Aztán halkan tette hozzá:
– Kár, hogy nem vihet magával egy vörös darutollat üdvözletül

A vörös daru.

A királyi palota széles, fehér, kőkorlátos lépcsőjén, alig

huszonegy éves, karcsú kis kapitány szaladt le szörnyű
buzgalommal. Nagy köpenyeg takarta el egyenruháját és
meglátszott rajta, hogy valami kellemes küldetésben siet annyira.
Már a lépcső aljába ért, mikor a királyi lakosztály ajtaján Hardenegg
rohant ki és a kapitány után iramodott:
– Jósika, Jósika – szólította izgatott hangon.
Báró Jósika Miklós, a Colloredo Jeromos-gyalogezred sokszor
kitüntetett kapitánya, császári és királyi kamarás, megfordult:
– Ni, ni, Hardenegg. Mit parancsolsz? – kérdezte és bevárta a
Hardenegg vállon ragadta Jósikát:
– Téged valami fontos megbizatásban küldött el Őfelsége, úgy-
– Erre nem felelhetek – mondta Jósika.
Hardenegg türelmetlen lett:
– Kérlek, ne titkold. Mindenről tudok. Óbudára kell menned, hogy
Müller Hiláriusz mestertől egy órát végy. Úgy-e, így van?
– Ah, – érdeklődött Jósika – hát te voltál tegnap Őfelségével? Mit
csináltatok, milyen volt a császár? Mesélj, mesélj.
– Most lehetetlen, – mondta halkan, sietve Hardenegg – nem
érek rá, mennem kell. Valamit szeretnék kérni tőled. Müller
Hiláriusznak van egy leánya is, Franciska.
– És te természetesen beleszerettél, – szólt közbe Jósika.
– Ne tréfálj, a dolog komolyabb, mint hiszed.
– Máris?
– Jósika! – könyörgött Hardenegg – hallgass meg nyugodtan.
Hírt kell vinned tőlem Franciska kisasszonynak. A Vízivárosban, az
Ötpacsirta-utcában, lakik egy ötvösmester, tegnap éjjel ott jártam,
egy kis aranylapot vettem nála. Vörös darumadarat készítenek rá
emailból, ma délig meg lesz, azt ígérte. Menj el érte és vidd
magaddal, add át Franciskának és mondd meg, hogy el kellett
utaznom, de bízzék bennem. Csak annyit mondj. Megteszed, úgy-e?
– Kérlek, örömmel. Szerelmes vagy belé?
– Dehogy, csak egy szívességre kért, azt intézem el.
– Selyma ember legyen, aki ezért valamely rosszat gondol.
Honny soit qui mal y pense – nevetett Jósika.
– Isten veled, sietnem kell – mondta Hardenegg.
– Viszontlátásra, szerencsés utat.
Kezet fogtak és aztán ment ki-ki a maga útján. Hardenegg
Bécsbe, egy utazókocsi bús szögletében, Jósika pedig vágtató lovon
az Ötpacsirta-utcába.
Az aranylap elkészült délre, úgy, amint Pfisterer Kristóf
ötvösmester Hardeneggnek becsületszóra megígérte. Be is
csomagolták szépen, Jósika eltette belsőzsebébe, újra felült lovára,
a ló vitte őt Óbudára, ott megtalálta Müller Hiláriusz házát és
paripáját a kísérő lovászra bízva, várakozón húzta meg a barna
kapu csengőjét.

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