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Alexis K. Barnes, MPH, M.A.

Global Health | Strategic Communications | Program Management


Highlights Experience
Over nine years’ experience working with
Weber Shandwick/Powell Tate
at-risk populations in low- and middle-
income countries: Haiti, Zambia, Ghana, VICE PRESIDENT, GLOBAL HEALTH
eSwatini, Malawi, and The Gambia. Provided strategic council and planning for healthcare-focused clients like Roche
Experience working in humanitarian Diagnostics, Gilead and Cigna.
emergency settings: Ethiopia and Sudan Managed the end-to-end Request for Proposal (RFP) process, analyzing client needs,
WomenLift Health’s Leadership Journey collaborating with cross-functional teams to craft tailored proposals that showcased
2024 North America Cohort our capabilities and solutions
Service as a Medical Reserve Corps Served as a subject matter expert in global health, working with clients to increase
Volunteer from the onset of COVID-19: access to care, improve health equity business objectives, and health system
contact tracing, data management, non- strengthening in low-resourced settings.
clinical testing and vaccination support in Developed and led a social and behavior change communications campaign in
DC and Maryland eSwatini to improve cervical cancer screening and treatment rates.
Lorenzo Natali European Commission Managed two separate campaigns to improve community sensitization on
Media Prize nominee under theme: hemophilia and multiple sclerosis in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Development & Poverty Eradication Crafted integrated communications plans that help clients advance their business,
Women in Global Health, DC Chapter policy and/or social impact goals.
Communications Chair Coordinated earned media opportunities for clients to engage key audiences and
American Public Health Association markets.
(APHA) Women’s Rights Committee Chair Assisted in program planning through data-driven best practices with an expertise in
Basic fluency in Spanish, French and health equity and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Haitian Creole Developed and led the health impact offering, providing strategic guidance and
thought leadership on the impacts of AI and climate change on health
Expertise 01/2022-1/2023
CDC Foundation contract, based at Anne Arundel County Dept. of Health
Public Health: Monitoring &
evaluation, grant writing, PROGRAM MANAGER
program management, social
Provided strategic direction, leadership, and program governance for a $96K budget
and behavior change program portfolio, which supports a county population of 579K residents.
communications (SBCC), Educated community members about county resources to improve mental wellness
landscape analyses & and reduce non-communicable diseases, with prioritization of communities most
epidemiological surveys impacted by health inequities.
Visual &Audio Editing/ Data Represented the Health Department in information sharing, planning and
Visualization: DHIS2 Software, coordination efforts with other county agencies, non-profits, hospitals, social services,
Final Cut Pro, InDesign, education, faith-based organizations, community leaders and elected representation
to coordinate and implement county resources.
Photoshop, CMS Systems, AP
Created a program website; assisted in the design of our inaugural quarterly
newsletter; produced and implemented an extensive strategic communications,
Technical Writing: Press outreach and marketing plan.
releases, media kits, talking Researched, drafted, and submitted grant proposals to foundations, government
points/speeches, agencies, and corporations..
congressional reports, Planned and implementted community outreach events and public health awareness
proposal writing (RFPs) programs for nutrition education, diabetes prevention and mental wellness.
Assessed program effectiveness by regular surveying, monitoring and evaluation.

02/2020- 1/2022
USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) | Washington, DC


Managed the research and production of One Health Day and World Humanitarian Day multimedia campaigns.
Coordinated humanitarian health content covering micronutrient deficiencies and WASH in humanitarian settings.
Supported the response management team deployed after explosions affected Beirut, Lebanon.
Served as the outreach coordinator on the response management team (RMT) of USAID’s Tigray response where I supported our
DART, special event planning for agency senior leadership, represented the RMT at meetings, and led strategic external
engagement with international donors, foreign governments, UN agencies, NGOs, the private sector, diaspora communities and
the general public.
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The Color of Health | Virtual
Created socioeconomically appropriate diabetes health education materials for a virtual education campaign to increase diabetes
care management and patient-provider relationships within New York City’s at- risk population.
Researched and developed a database to track pertinent health policy issues and local stakeholder allies for health equity advocacy.
Created and led three two week diabetes prevention and management education series, in conjunction with a nutritionist, nurse
practitioner and fitness professional that reached 65 participants.

04/2020 - present
Maryland Medical Reserve Corps
Served as an on-call professional volunteer for the DC and Maryland Departments of Health in support of COVID-19 contact tracing,
testing, and vaccination support on-site.
Assist in pubic health outreach campaigns during emergencies, flu season and other community health initiatives.
Trained in triage and M.A.R.C.H. first responder coursework.

09/2016- 10/2019
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)| Haiti


Produced subject matter briefing materials for 4 VIP and Congressional visits including presentations, high-level speeches, and
briefing documents, serving as team lead and coordinating the run of show for site visits throughout Haiti.
Led and managed a team of four multinational professionals to execute USG communication priorities.
Supported CDC and PEPFAR health system strengthening initiatives during cholera outbreaks
Conducted interviews for new personnel, wrote and administered performance evaluations, and conducted regular coaching
sessions for team building.
Developed and maintained original databases to track project timelines and deliverables.
Coordinated online media outreach and campaigns via website and social media, utilizing a CMS and Hootsuite- reaching over
40k unique visitors monthly.

Completed USAID trainings: (1) OFDA Humanitarian Assistance Course, (2) Supervisor Certification Course (SCC), (3)Source
Selection & Award Closeout Course, (4) Introduction to Project and Activity Design and Implementation, (5) Foreign Affairs Counter
Threat (FACT) training
Awards: On the Spot Award “For Excellent Dedication to USAID’s Communication and Outreach Efforts as Acting Senior DOC”; Cash
Award “For Outstanding Teamwork and Dedication to Duty During an Extremely Difficult Period of Civil Unrest and Authorized Departure
from Post.”

Temporary Duty Assignment (TDY) to Ghana Mission


Supported USAID Ghana mission by developing a strategic communications plan, assisting in story pitching and development,
creating and leading messaging workshops/brown bags, and updating briefing materials for an incoming Ambassador.


Akros - Global Health Corps Fellow | Lusaka, Zambia

Managed a $30,000-funded trachoma elimination behavior change communication campaign covering 8 districts southern Zambia.
Identified, planned, and implemented strategies for reaching key target audiences.
Designed and produced social and behavior change communications (SBCC) materials for use by community health workers in
sub-Saharan Africa for the promotion of water, sanitation, and hygiene behaviors in rural schools.
Conducted 3 focus groups, analyzing outcomes to inform program implementers.
Prepared stories for different audiences including: the communities/districts pursuing malaria elimination, local national publications,
policy and funding decision makers and social media.
Trained rural CHWs in Zambia and Malawi on how to utilize DHIS2 mobile health systems to track and report sanitation coverage.
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Al Jazeera Media Network - United Nations Bureau | New York, NY

Manned and logged the live feeds during the 69th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations.
Research/reporting on major Turkish and Greek Cypriot leader standup interview used in international broadcast coverage.
Coordinated expert talent for interviews/commentary for broadcast packages.



George Washington University - Washington, DC
Graduated: August 2021


Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY- New York, NY
Graduated: December 2014


Howard University - Washington, DC

Graduated: December 2010

References and writing samples available upon request.

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