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CBSE Class 10 English Dust of Snow Poem Summary

Dust of Snow is a short and beautiful poem written by Robert Frost. It is a motivating poem that tells
us how our view of perceiving things changes our minds and puts a greater impact on our lives. By
enjoying the simple moments of life, we can get rid of our day-to-day problems and worries. This
also helps us in living a happy and healthy life.
In the Dust of Snow poem, the poet has mentioned a crow, snow and a hemlock tree. The crow, dust
of snow and the hemlock tree describe the depressive and sorrowful mood of the poet. Since the
poet was not in a good mood, he sees nature in the same way and describes nature’s bitter side to
express his feelings.

Dust of Snow Poem and Explanation

The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.
This poem presents a simple moment, but it has a larger significance. The poet says that he was in
a sorrowful mood and was sitting under a hemlock tree. It was the winter season and there was
snow all around. A crow was sitting on the same tree. The crow was shaking down the dust of the
snow on the poet. When a small particle of snow fell on the poet, he was awakened from his
thoughts and then noticed the simple activity going around him. This changed the poet’s mood. He
suddenly realized that he had wasted his time being in sorrow and now, he should utilise his
remaining day in doing some useful tasks. This realization changes his mood and fills him with
positive energy. His depression and sadness is washed away by the light shower of snow dust. His
heart is filled with happiness and he gets ready to use the rest of the day in a good manner and with
positive vibes.

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