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PET-Foundation (Answer Key)

Questions Answers Mark
1. Award 1 mark for each answer 5
a) source code
b) target code
c) assembler
d) compiler
e) interpreter

2. Award 1 mark for one correct answer . 5

3. Award 1 mark for each correct answer. 4

4. C six 1

5. A disc 1

6. D nested list 1

7. B cellpadding 1

8. Award 1 mark for a response Hypertext Markup Language. 2

Award 1 mark for a response which explains that HTML is used to Accept
develop web pages. any other
9. Award 1 mark for a response .html (or) .htm 1

10. bgcolor="blue" 1

11. a) Award 1 mark for a response which explains that <p> tag is used to 3
define a paragraph in a web page.
b) Award 1 mark for a response which explains that <i> tag is used to
display the text in italic type.
c) Award 1 mark for a response which explains that <br> tag is used to
give a single line break.

12. Award 1 mark for each correct answer. 2


4<sup>th</sup> April 2023

13. Award 0.5 mark for <img> tag and 0.5 mark each correct attribute. 3
<img src="computer.jpg" align="right" width="40%" height="30%"

Award 0.5 mark for each pair of tags. 3


15. 5
a) Award 1 mark for a response which explains that <table> tag is used
to create the structure of a table.
b) Award 1 mark for a response which explains that <caption> tag is
used to give the caption to a table.
c) Award 1 mark for a response which explains that <th> tag is used to
give a column heading in a table.
d) Award 1 mark for a response which explains that <tr> tag is used to
create a table row.
e) Award 1 mark for a response which explains that <td> tag is used to
create a cell or column.
16. Award 0.5 mark for one attribute, 1 mark for any two attributes of the Accept 2
a) following: any other
height="50%" sensible
width="50%" response
align="right" .

b) Award 0.5 mark for one attribute, 1 mark for any two attributes of the
following: Accept
face="Arial Black" any font
size="5" name,
color="red" size and
any other

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