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Two expectations that stand out to me from the California Teaching Performance

Expectations are 1) Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning and 2) Planning

Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students. These two

expectations are of the utmost importance to me as they both foster an inclusive

learning environment creating the widest opportunity for academic impact.

Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning allows us the ability to

teach students who face a plethora of challenges including, but not limited to, language,

culture and socioeconomic. We must create reasonable expectations while still

challenging academically the individual student.

Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

creates a great challenge in that as a teacher we must be as flexible and diverse to be

able to guide the greatest number of students. But I think it also offers the greatest

satisfaction and allows us as teachers and classroom leaders to continually learn and

create new strategies of teaching, leading us to frequent, new and exciting challenges.

As previously stated, both expectations carry similar characteristics. They are

both based on diversifying our teaching while maintaining our normal academic

expectations. This means not lowering our standards just because we face different

obstacles. We must continually seek strategies that will enhance academic progress.

My goal is to use the two strategies relentlessly as my mission and hope are to

pique educational interest in the minds of the students of my community, that have lost

their way. I hope to reattach that feeling and excitement for learning that we all have
when beginning our academic journey as children. The only way to be able to do that is

to challenge myself, educate myself and empathize with my students to know the exact

course of action needed to take for their success.

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