Visual Literacy in Improving Least Mastered Skills

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Efficacy of Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) Towards

Science 7 Students Academic Performance

A Thesis Presented to

the Faculty of the Graduate School


Main Campus

Tandag City



A. Y 2024




Rationale …………………………………………………………… 1

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework ………………………. 2

Statement of the Problem ………………………………………… 5

Significance of the Study …………………………………………. 6

Scope and Limitation of the Study ………………………………. 8

Definition of Terms ………………………………………………... 8


Background of Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS)……………. 10

Overview of Studies on VTS in Science Education ………… 11

Overview of Studies on VTS in Philippine Science Education… 12

Synthesis and Comparison……………………………………….. 13


Research Design …………………………………………………...... 16

Research Locale …………………………..………………………… 17

Participants of the Study ……………………………………………… 19

Research Instruments ………………………………………………. 20

Data Gathering Procedure …………………………………………... 21

Treatment of Data …………………………………………………... 22


REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………… 25



List of Tables

Table Page

1: Participants of the Study. ……………………………….… 19


List of Figures

Figure Page

1: Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of the Study ……………………..

2: The geographical location of the Bayugan II National High School……….


Science education is instrumental in developing critical thinking and problem-

solving skills crucial for navigating the complexities of the modern world. However,

persistent disparities in science education must be addressed. According to the Trends

in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the OECD Programme for

International Student Assessment (PISA), significant variations in science performance

among countries underscore the urgency of implementing effective strategies to

improve science learning outcomes (Mullis et al., 2020; OECD, 2019).

In the Philippines, National Achievement Test (NAT) data consistently reveal

disparities in science achievement among students from different regions and

socioeconomic backgrounds, highlighting the need for innovative pedagogical

approaches (DepEd, n.d.). Local studies, such as those conducted by the Philippine

Normal University (PNU), have identified issues like inadequate resources and teacher

training as barriers to effective science instruction, emphasizing the importance of

evidence-based strategies to enhance science learning outcomes (PNU, 2016).

To address these challenges, educators are exploring innovative pedagogical

strategies to enhance comprehension and engagement with scientific principles. Visual

Thinking Strategies (VTS) emerge as a promising educational tool, leveraging the

power of visual stimuli to stimulate critical thinking and active participation among


A wealth of empirical evidence supports the effectiveness of competency-based

education in science, emphasizing the cultivation of essential skills for scientific inquiry

(OECD, 2016). Additionally, research has demonstrated the efficacy of visual-based


instructional methodologies in facilitating conceptual understanding and inquiry skills in

science education (Chin & Osborne, 2010; Harlen & Qualter, 2004). Visual Thinking

Strategies represent a structured approach that prompts students to engage with visual

stimuli through analysis and dialogue, fostering critical thinking and communication

proficiency (Abdulwahed & Nagy, 2009; Housen, 2001).

Therefore, there is hope in the form of Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS),

particularly in Science 7 instruction, which serves as a foundational level in secondary

science education. This research aims to pioneer the application of VTS within the local

educational context, elucidating its efficacy in enhancing student comprehension and

performance in science. By examining global best practices and local challenges, this

study seeks to provide empirical validation for the integration of VTS as a transformative

pedagogical tool within the Science 7 curriculum.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

The proposed study seeks to compare the effectiveness of Visual Thinking

Strategies (VTS) and Traditional Teaching Strategies in enhancing the academic

performance of Science 7 students, with the ultimate objective of informing the

development of Supplementary Visual Learning Materials. The research theoretical

framework integrates key concepts from cognitive psychology, educational theory, and

instructional design to elucidate the underlying mechanisms and potential outcomes of

employing VTS in science education.

Drawing upon Constructivist Learning Theory (Piaget, 1973), the study

recognizes that learners actively construct knowledge through meaningful experiences


Constructivist Social Learning Cognitive Load Dual Coding

Learning Theory Theory (Sweller et Theory (Paivio,
Theory (Piaget, (Bandura, 1977) al., 1998) 1971)
1973) (Underscores the (Posits that learning (Supports the
(Recognizes that importance of is influenced by the efficacy of VTS
learners actively observational cognitive load by suggesting that
construct learning and imposed on information
knowledge social modeling working memory) presented in both
through in knowledge verbal and visual
meaningful acquisition) formats is
experiences and processed more
interactions) effectively)
enhanced learning

Traditional Teaching
Visual Thinking Strategies

Science 7


Development of Supplementary Visual Learning


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study


and interactions. VTS, with its emphasis on collaborative interpretation of visual stimuli,

aligns with constructivist principles by engaging students in the active construction of

scientific understanding. Social Learning Theory (Bandura, 1977) underscores the

importance of observational learning and social modeling in knowledge acquisition. VTS

fosters collaborative learning environments where students observe and learn from their

peers' interpretations, facilitating the co-construction of knowledge.

Moreover, the study is informed by Cognitive Load Theory (Sweller et al., 1998), which

posits that learning is influenced by the cognitive load imposed on working memory.

VTS may reduce cognitive load by presenting information in visual formats, allowing

students to process information more efficiently and focus cognitive resources on

higher-order thinking tasks. Dual Coding Theory (Paivio, 1971) further supports the

efficacy of VTS by suggesting that information presented in both verbal and visual

formats is processed more effectively, leading to enhanced learning outcomes.

In addition, the theoretical framework integrates principles of Inquiry-Based

Learning (National Research Council, 2000), which emphasizes student-driven

exploration, questioning, and discovery. VTS encourages inquiry skills by prompting

students to ask questions, analyze evidence, and construct explanations based on

visual stimuli, fostering scientific literacy and problem-solving abilities.

The study's methodology incorporates quantitative analysis to compare mean

scores of students exposed to VTS and Traditional Teaching Strategies, addressing

research questions regarding the effectiveness of each approach. Qualitative

exploration of gaps and gains experienced by students using VTS provides deeper

insights into the pedagogical benefits and challenges associated with this instructional


By synthesizing these theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence, the study

aims to contribute to the understanding of effective pedagogical strategies in science

education and inform the development of evidence-based Supplementary Visual

Learning Materials tailored to the needs of Science 7 students.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to compare the efficacy of Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) and

Traditional Teaching Strategies towards Science 7 students of Bayugan II National

High School in their Academic Performance, for school year 2024 to 2025, as a basis

for the development of Supplementary Visual Learning Materials.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the mean score attained by the respondents in the Knowledge Test after

being introduced to Visual Thinking Strategies?

2. What is the mean score of the respondents in the Knowledge Test after being

introduced to Traditional Teaching Strategies?

3. Is there a significant difference between the mean scores of the respondents

Exposed to the Visual Thinking Strategies and the Traditional Teaching


4. What are the gaps and gains explored by the respondents using the Visual

Thinking Strategies?

5. Based on the findings, what visual learning materials can be developed?



Ho: There is no significant difference between the mean scores of the

respondents exposed to the Visual Thinking Strategies and the Traditional Teaching


Significance of the Study

The study will explore the efficacy of Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) as

compared with the Traditional Teaching Strategies in improving Science 7 students

academic performance. The results of the study would be contributing to the body of

knowledge in the area of teaching specifically to the following:

Learners. It allows the Grade 7 Science learners to compare Visual Thinking

Strategies (VTS) with Traditional Teaching Strategies, offering them exposure to diverse

teaching methods. By doing so, learners can enhance their understanding of scientific

concepts and develop metacognitive skills. The resulting visual learning materials have

the potential to improve comprehension and retention of scientific concepts.

Science Teachers. Science teachers gain valuable insights into effective

teaching strategies for Grade 7 Science competencies through this study. By comparing

VTS with Traditional Teaching Strategies, teachers can make informed decisions about

instructional methods to best support student learning outcomes. Understanding the

gaps and gains explored by students using VTS informs instructional practices,

facilitating continuous improvement. Visual learning materials developed from the

study's findings serve as valuable resources to enhance teaching effectiveness.


Administrators. This study provides evidence-based insights into effective

teaching strategies for Grade 7 Science competencies, benefiting school administrators.

Understanding the impact of VTS on least mastered competencies informs decisions

regarding curriculum development, resource allocation, and professional development

initiatives. Visual learning materials developed from the study's findings support

administrators in promoting innovative teaching practices and enhancing overall

academic achievement within schools.

Parents. Parents gain valuable insights into effective educational experiences

for their Grade 7 Science learners through this study. Understanding the comparative

effectiveness of VTS and Traditional Teaching Strategies informs decisions about their

children's education. Insights into the gaps and gains explored by students using VTS

facilitate conversations with educators and support learning at home. Visual learning

materials developed from the study's findings provide additional resources to support

children's academic development.

Future Researchers. This study lays the groundwork for further research in

science education and instructional strategies. By exploring the comparative efficacy of

VTS and Traditional Teaching Strategies, it opens avenues for investigating different

teaching methodologies' impact on student learning outcomes. Future research can

explore the long-term effects of VTS implementation, scalability of visual learning

materials, and generalizability of results across diverse educational contexts. Overall,

this study contributes to understanding effective teaching practices in science education

and provides direction for future research endeavors.


Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will assess the effectiveness of Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS)

compared to Traditional Teaching Strategies in enhancing the academic performance of

Science 7 students at Bayugan II National High School throughout the 2024 to 2025

school year. The study involves administering a Knowledge Test to students following

exposure to both VTS and Traditional Teaching Strategies, with mean scores serving as

indicators of instructional efficacy. Additionally, qualitative data will be collected to

explore students' experiences, identifying gaps and gains associated with VTS

implementation. While the study's focus on a single school and specific timeframe may

limit generalizability and long-term insights, potential influences from external factors

such as student motivation and teacher variability, along with resource constraints, may

impact data collection and analysis depth. Nonetheless, the study aims to provide

valuable insights informing the development of Supplementary Visual Learning

Materials tailored to Science 7 students' needs.

Definition of Terms

In order to set common point of understanding, the following terms are defined

conceptually and operationally.

Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) is a pedagogical approach that engages learners in

close observation and discussion of visual stimuli to promote critical thinking and

understanding of concepts.

Traditional Teaching Strategies is a conventional methods of instruction typically


involving lectures, worksheets, and textbook-based learning.

Academic Performance refers to the mean score achieved by the respondents based

on the given knowledge test.

Mean Percentage Score: The average percentage of correct responses or

performance on a given set of competencies or tasks.

Significant Difference is a statistically meaningful distinction between two or more

groups or conditions, indicating a notable effect or impact.

Gaps and Gains are the areas of weakness and strengths identified through the

application of Visual Thinking Strategies, highlighting areas for improvement and

successes in learning.

Visual Learning Materials are educational resources, such as diagrams, infographics,

or multimedia presentations, designed to facilitate learning through visual stimuli.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related literature and studies reviewed by the

researcher to shed light on the present study.

Background of Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS)

Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) is a pedagogical approach developed by Philip

Yenawine and Abigail Housen in the 1990s, primarily aimed at enhancing critical

thinking skills through the analysis of visual artworks. The method involves guiding

learners through a series of open-ended questions designed to prompt observation,

interpretation, and evidence-based reasoning about visual stimuli. While initially

developed for arts education, VTS has gained traction across various disciplines,

including science education, as a means to foster deeper engagement and

understanding of complex concepts.

A lot of research has investigated the efficacy of VTS in educational contexts,

highlighting its potential to enhance critical thinking, communication skills, and content

understanding among learners. For instance, studies by Clark et al. (2020) and Wang et

al. (2021) have demonstrated the positive impact of VTS implementation in elementary

and middle school science classrooms, respectively. These studies found that VTS

discussions led to improvements in students' scientific reasoning abilities and

conceptual understanding of science content.

However, contrasting discussions have emerged regarding the applicability and

effectiveness of VTS, particularly in diverse educational settings. While proponents


argue that VTS promotes active engagement and analytical thinking, critics raise

concerns about potential biases in interpreting visual artworks and the limited scope of

learning experiences offered by VTS. Additionally, challenges related to teacher

training, cultural considerations, and the subjectivity of VTS discussions have been

highlighted in studies such as Li et al. (2022) and Chen et al. (2020).

Despite these contrasting viewpoints, the overarching consensus suggests that

VTS holds promise as a valuable pedagogical tool for promoting critical thinking and

content understanding across various disciplines. Further research is needed to

address challenges and refine implementation strategies to maximize the benefits of

VTS for diverse learner populations.

Overview of Studies on VTS in Science Education

Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) has attracted significant attention in the field of

science education research, with numerous studies investigating its effectiveness in

enhancing student learning outcomes and critical thinking skills (Clark et al., 2020;

Wang et al., 2021). Recent research has explored various facets of VTS

implementation, ranging from its impact on academic performance to its potential for

fostering inquiry-based learning in science classrooms. Clark et al. (2020) examined the

effects of integrating VTS into elementary science instruction and found significant

enhancements in students' scientific reasoning skills following VTS discussions.

Similarly, Wang et al. (2021) investigated the application of VTS in middle school

science curriculum, revealing improved problem-solving abilities and conceptual


understanding among students exposed to VTS compared to those in traditional

instructional settings.

However, divergent perspectives have emerged regarding the implementation

and effectiveness of VTS in science education. While proponents argue that VTS

encourages deeper engagement and analytical thinking, critics express concerns about

potential biases in interpreting visual stimuli and the limited range of learning

experiences offered by VTS. Moreover, challenges related to teacher training, cultural

considerations, and assessment practices have been highlighted in studies such as

those by Li et al. (2022) and Chen et al. (2020).

Nevertheless, despite these challenges, there is a consensus that VTS holds

promise as a valuable pedagogical tool for promoting critical thinking and content

understanding in science education. Further research is deemed necessary to explore

optimal strategies for VTS implementation, address cultural and contextual factors, and

assess the long-term effects on student learning outcomes.

Overview of Studies on VTS in Philippine Science Education

In the Philippines, Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) has emerged as a subject of

recent investigation in science education research, offering insights into its potential

impact on student learning outcomes and critical thinking skills within the local context.

Several studies have explored the application of VTS in Philippine classrooms,

shedding light on its effectiveness and challenges.

A study by Cruz and Santos (2023) investigated the integration of VTS into the

science curriculum of a public high school in Metro Manila. Through a mixed-methods


approach, the researchers assessed the impact of VTS on student learning outcomes,

finding significant improvements in students' conceptual understanding and analytical

reasoning skills. Similarly, Reyes et al. (2024) examined the implementation of VTS in

Grade 7 science classrooms across public schools in a rural province, documenting

enhanced student engagement and deeper understanding of scientific concepts

facilitated by VTS.

Contrasting discussions have arisen regarding the implementation challenges

and cultural considerations associated with VTS in Philippine science education. While

proponents highlight the potential of VTS to enrich learning experiences and promote

critical thinking, critics raise concerns about cultural relevance and the need for

contextual adaptation. Furthermore, Garcia and Ramos (2023) conducted a systematic

review of literature on VTS in Philippine classrooms, emphasizing the need for further

research to explore optimal strategies for implementation and address cultural and

contextual factors.

Despite these challenges, the consensus suggests that VTS holds promise as a

valuable pedagogical approach for enhancing critical thinking and content

understanding in Philippine science education. Further research is needed to refine

implementation strategies, develop culturally relevant instructional materials, and

assess the long-term effects of VTS on student learning outcomes.

Synthesis and Comparison

Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) is a pedagogical approach developed in the

1990s aimed at improving critical thinking skills through the analysis of visual artworks.

It has garnered attention in various educational contexts, including science education,

due to its potential to enhance student engagement and understanding. Research, both

globally and within specific contexts like the Philippines, has investigated the efficacy of

VTS in promoting critical thinking and content understanding. Studies such as those by

Clark et al. (2020) and Wang et al. (2021) have demonstrated the positive impact of

VTS implementation in science education, showing improvements in students' scientific

reasoning skills and conceptual understanding. These findings align with research in the

Philippine context, such as the studies by Cruz and Santos (2023) and Reyes et al.

(2024), which also found that VTS led to enhanced student engagement and deeper

understanding of scientific concepts.

When comparing these studies, it becomes evident that both global and

Philippine research focus on exploring the impact of VTS on student learning outcomes

and critical thinking skills, particularly in science education settings. Furthermore,

studies in both contexts generally report positive outcomes associated with VTS

implementation, including improvements in student engagement, analytical reasoning,

and conceptual understanding of scientific content. However, challenges are

acknowledged in both sets of studies, including concerns about cultural relevance,

teacher training, and assessment practices. Critics in both contexts raise questions

about potential biases in interpreting visual stimuli and the need for contextual

adaptation. Consequently, there is a shared consensus that further research is needed

to refine implementation strategies, develop culturally relevant instructional materials,

and assess long-term effects on student learning outcomes in both global and Philippine

contexts. In summary, while differences exist in the specific educational landscapes and

cultural contexts between global and Philippine studies on VTS, the overarching

findings and recommendations align, highlighting the potential of VTS as a valuable

pedagogical tool for enhancing critical thinking and content understanding in science

education across diverse settings.

Chapter 3


This chapter outlines the systematic process and techniques used in conducting

the study, including principles, strategies, and procedures for designing, collecting,

analyzing, and interpreting research findings. It ensures reliability, validity, and rigor,

enabling researchers to address questions effectively and draw meaningful conclusions.

Research Design

The study will adopt a mixed-method approach, incorporating both qualitative

and quantitative research methods within a single study. For the quantitative aspect, the

study will utilize the Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) design. RCT is an experimental

study design commonly used in scientific research to assess the efficacy of

interventions or treatments. It involves randomly assigning participants to different

groups: the experimental group, which receives the intervention being tested, and one

or more control groups, which may receive a placebo or alternative treatment.

Randomization ensures that any observed differences between groups are attributable

to the intervention rather than pre-existing differences among participants (Cramer,


Conversely, the qualitative component will employ an exploratory design. This

approach aims to delve deeply into a phenomenon or topic, particularly in situations

where there is limited existing knowledge or understanding. Through exploratory design,

the study seeks to uncover nuanced insights and perspectives related to the research


Research Locale

The study will be conducted at Bayugan II National High School, situated

in Barangay Bayugan 2, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur, under the jurisdiction of the

Agusan del Sur Division of the Department of Education. Positioned along the national

highway, the school is approximately seven (7) kilometers away from the town proper.

Bayugan II National High School serves as a pivotal educational institution within its

locale, boasting a serene environment characterized by verdant flora and the tranquil

melodies of nature, fostering an ideal setting conducive to academic pursuits and the

realization of student aspirations.

For the school year 2024-2025, Bayugan II National High School accommodates

a total population of 489 students. The instructional workforce comprises 21 teaching

personnel, among whom includes the researcher involved in the study. Administratively,

the school is overseen by the very supportive School Principal, who plays a pivotal role

in orchestrating the academic and administrative affairs of the institution, ensuring

adherence to educational standards and fostering a conducive learning environment.

Additionally, the administrative team comprises assistant-principal and department head

who collaborate with the principal to facilitate the holistic development of students and

the efficient functioning of the school.

Bayugan II National High School, recognized as one of the non-implementing

schools within the Agusan del Sur Division, serves as a cornerstone of educational

provision within its community. Embracing a steadfast commitment to academic

excellence and the holistic development of its student body, the school stands as a

beacon of inspiration and empowerment, nurturing the intellectual curiosity and


aspirations of each student who graces its halls. Through collaborative efforts between

dedicated educators, administrators, and stakeholders, Bayugan II National High School

remains steadfast in its mission to cultivate lifelong learners equipped to contribute

meaningfully to their communities and society at large.

Figure 2. The geographical location of the Bayugan II National High School


Participants of the Study

The subjects of the study will be the Grade 7 students of Bayugan II National

High School, Bayugan 2, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur for the School Year 2024 –

2025. The Grade 7 class of the aforesaid school is composed of (2) two sections

namely; Venus and Mercury with 44 and 37 students respectively for a total of 81


This study will utilize purposive sampling which considers the grades of the

students as bases to be the subject of the study. Only those students who have 80-85

general average in Grade 6 were chosen as respondents thereby gleaning 30 student

respondents in each section for a total of 60.

Furthermore, equal numbers of respondents were chosen as representative for

both classes, considering some baseline indicators because the herein research utilizes

the Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) design which uses intact groups for the

manipulation of the treatment of the variables under study. Table 1 shows the total

number of respondents.

Table 1

Participants of the study

Section Population Sample N

Class A 44 30

Class B 37 30

Total 81 60

Research Instrument

For the quantitative aspect of the study, a modified research instrument derived

from the Science 7 Modules issued by the Department of Education-Central Office will

be utilized. Specifically, a 40-item multiple-choice knowledge test encompassing all the

Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) of the first semester will serve as the

primary tool for data collection. Given the pre-existing validation conducted by experts

at the Department of Education, the need for further validation of this research

instrument is obviated. This instrument is designed to assess the students'

comprehension and mastery of scientific concepts taught during the specified period,

providing quantitative insights into their knowledge acquisition and retention.

Conversely, for the qualitative component of the study, a Focus Group

Discussion (FGD) will be employed to delve into the gaps and gains experienced by the

respondents in the implementation of the Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS). The FGD

will utilize semi-structured questions, allowing for flexibility in exploring participants'

perceptions, experiences, and reflections pertaining to VTS implementation. By

employing this method, the study aims to capture nuanced insights and rich qualitative

data regarding the efficacy, challenges, and potential areas for improvement in

integrating VTS into the science curriculum. The semi-structured nature of the FGD will

facilitate in-depth discussions among participants while ensuring key topics and themes

relevant to the research objectives are addressed comprehensively.S.


Data Gathering Procedure

A. Preliminary Data Gathering

Upon approval of the research proposal and receipt of permission to commence

data gathering, the researcher will initiate the necessary administrative procedures for

conducting the study. This will involve drafting a formal request letter addressed to the

Schools Division Superintendent of the Division of Agusan del Sur, seeking

authorization to conduct the research within the chosen research environment. The

request letter will outline the objectives, methodology, and significance of the study,

emphasizing its alignment with educational goals and objectives. Upon approval from

the Schools Division Superintendent, the researcher will proceed to draft a notification

letter addressed to the School Head of the selected institution, formally informing them

of the intended conduct of the study. This notification will be accompanied by the Permit

Letter issued by the Schools Division Superintendent, serving as official authorization to

proceed with the research activities. Through this meticulous administrative process, the

researcher ensures adherence to ethical and procedural guidelines while fostering

transparency and cooperation with relevant educational authorities.

B. Actual Data Gathering

Upon notification of the school head, the researcher will proceed to administer

the Knowledge Test to the selected respondents representing the two treatment groups.

This administration will take place during the respective science classes of the

researcher, ensuring minimal disruption to the regular academic schedule. Following the

completion of the test, the checking of answers will occur in a subsequent session

through the exchange of test papers between the two groups of respondents. This

method facilitates a fair and impartial assessment process, allowing for the accurate

recording and compilation of data for subsequent analysis.

To gather qualitative data pertaining to the gaps and gains experienced by

respondents in the implementation of Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS), a purposive

sampling technique will be employed to select eight participants exposed to VTS.

Among these participants, four will be male and four will be female, ensuring gender

balance and diverse perspectives in the qualitative inquiry. The interviews will be

conducted during the vacant periods of the selected participants, providing a conducive

environment for open and candid discussions. Utilizing this approach, the researcher

aims to capture rich insights into the participants' experiences, perceptions, and

reflections on the effectiveness and challenges of VTS implementation, thereby

enriching the qualitative data analysis process.

Treatment of Data

For a clearer interpretation of the data gathered from the survey questionnaire,

the researcher used the following statistical procedures:

a) Computation of the Mean Score. The mean scores of the group of respondents

exposed to Visual Thinking Strategies and Traditional Teaching Strategies will be

computed respectively. This will provide a measure of the average performance on the

Knowledge Test after implementation of VTS and Traditional Teaching Strategies.

b) Independent samples t-test. To compare two groups treated with different

interventions, such as Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) and Traditional Teaching


Strategies, the independent samples t-test will be used. In the context of this research

objectives, the independent samples t-test can be used to compare the mean scores of

the respondents exposed to VTS with those exposed to Traditional Teaching Strategies

on the Knowledge Test. This will help determine if there is a statistically significant

difference in performance between the two groups. If the p-value obtained from the t-

test is less than a predetermined significance level (usually 0.05), it indicates that there

is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the two groups. This

would suggest that one teaching method is more effective than the other in improving

knowledge test scores.

c) Thematic Analysis model Braun and Clarke (2006). This will be used to treat the

qualitative data. Braun and Clarke's model of thematic analysis involves several key

stages, including:

c.1. Familiarization with the data: Immersing oneself in the qualitative data

through repeated readings and engagement with the transcripts.

c.2. Generating initial codes: Systematically coding the data to identify patterns,

concepts, and themes.

c.3. Searching for themes: Organizing the codes into potential themes and sub-

themes that capture important aspects of the data.

c.4. Reviewing themes: Checking the identified themes against the coded data

and the research objectives to ensure they accurately reflect the content and context of

the data.

c.5. Defining and naming themes: Clearly defining and labeling each theme,

providing descriptions and examples to illustrate their significance.


c.6. Writing up the analysis: Presenting the findings in a coherent narrative,

supported by excerpts from the data, and discussing the implications for the research

questions and objectives.



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Appendix A


Kindly answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. What was your impression when VTS was first introduced to you?

2. How do you feel about its implementation? Please explain.


3. What are your significant experiences in the implementation of the VTS?


4. How does VTS affect your learning?


5. What do you think is your biggest challenge in the implementation of the VTS?

6. What are some specific issues you would like to raise upon the implementation of the

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