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Axillary Nodal Evaluation in Breast Cancer: State of the Art

Jung Min Chang, MD • Jessica W. T. Leung, MD • Linda Moy, MD • Su Min Ha, MD • Woo Kyung Moon, MD
From the Department of Radiology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine, 101 Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03080, Repub-
lic of Korea (J.M.C., S.M.H., W.K.M.); Department of Breast Imaging, Division of Diagnostic Imaging, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
Tex (J.W.T.L.); Department of Radiology, New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY (L.M.); NYU Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and
Research, New York, NY (L.M.). Received November 14, 2019; revision requested December 30; final revision received January 22, 2020; accepted January 24. Address
correspondence to J.M.C. (e-mail:

Conflicts of interest are listed at the end of this article.

Radiology 2020; 295:500–515 • • Content code:

Axillary lymph node (LN) metastasis is the most important predictor of overall recurrence and survival in patients with breast can-
cer, and accurate assessment of axillary LN involvement is an essential component in staging breast cancer. Axillary management in
patients with breast cancer has become much less invasive and individualized with the introduction of sentinel LN biopsy (SLNB).
Emerging evidence indicates that axillary LN dissection may be avoided in selected patients with node-positive as well as node-
negative cancer. Thus, assessment of nodal disease burden to guide multidisciplinary treatment decision making is now considered
to be a critical role of axillary imaging and can be achieved with axillary US, MRI, and US-guided biopsy. For the node-positive
patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy, restaging of the axilla with US and MRI and targeted axillary dissection in addi-
tion to SLNB is highly recommended to minimize the false-negative rate of SLNB. Efforts continue to develop prediction models
that incorporate imaging features to predict nodal disease burden and to select proper candidates for SLNB. As methods of axillary
nodal evaluation evolve, breast radiologists and surgeons must work closely to maximize the potential role of imaging and to pro-
vide the most optimized treatment for patients.
© RSNA, 2020

Online supplemental material is available for this article.

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Learning Objectives:
After reading the article and taking the test, the reader will be able to:
n Describe image findings of axillary lymphadenopathy
n Describe how axillary nodal disease burden can be assessed with US and MRI
n Discuss the role of axillary imaging in selecting a proper candidate for sentinel lymph node biopsy (SNLB) in patients planning upfront surgery versus those planning neoadjuvant chemotherapy treatment
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The RSNA is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The RSNA designates this journal-based SA-CME activity for a maximum of 1.0 AMA
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Disclosure Statement
The ACCME requires that the RSNA, as an accredited provider of CME, obtain signed disclosure statements from the authors, editors, and reviewers for this activity. For this journal-based CME activity, author disclosures are listed at the end
of this article.

T he presence of axillary lymph node (LN) metastasis and

the number and location of positive LNs determines the
pathologic stage of breast cancer (1,2). LN metastasis is the
of lymphatic drainage, with specific LNs called sentinel
nodes, which drain the breast first, followed by drainage
to the remaining nodal basin. In patients with clinically
most important predictor of overall recurrence and survival node-negative breast cancer, SLNB is the standard surgical
(2). While the 5-year survival rate for patients with disease approach to axillary staging. If the SLNB is negative for
localized to the breast is 98.8%, the figure drops to 85.8% metastases, then no further axillary surgery is required (4).
for patients with regional LN metastases (3). Therefore, ac- Clinical paradigms for axilla treatment have been fur-
curate assessment of axillary LN involvement is an essen- ther changed by the American College of Surgeons
tial component in staging breast cancer and deciding the Oncology Group (ACOSOG) Z0011 trial (6,7) which
appropriate treatment. The nodal status often determines demonstrated that SLNB without ALND is appropriate in
the need for systemic therapy, the extent of surgery, recon- selected patients with clinically node-negative cancer hav-
struction options, and the need for radiation therapy after ing one or two nodal metastases at SLNB and undergoing
mastectomy (4). breast-conserving surgery. The current recommendations
Over the decades, surgical axillary staging and manage- on the use of SLNB for patients with early stage breast
ment in early breast cancer have evolved, becoming less cancer are summarized in Table E1 (online) (8). The role
invasive and more conservative, from complete axillary LN of preoperative axillary US has been challenged after the
dissection (ALND) to sentinel LN biopsy (SLNB) to avoid application of these trial data, since aggressive approach
potential morbidity of uncomfortable postoperative drains with imaging test and percutaneous sampling of axillary
and seroma, pain, neuropathy, limited arm abduction, LNs could preclude SLNB in an otherwise eligible woman
lymphedema, and increased risk of cellulitis (4,5). SLNB is (9). Indeed, some centers have abandoned preoperative
based on the concept that the breast has an orderly pattern axillary US in patients with negative findings on physical
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Chang et al

to improve both efficiency and accuracy of axillary nodal evalua-

Abbreviations tion with use of axillary imaging.
ACOSOG = American College of Surgeons Oncology Group, ALND =
axillary lymph node dissection, CI = confidence interval, FNR = false-
negative rate, HER2 = human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, Imaging Modalities for Axillary Nodal Staging
LN = lymph node, NAC = neoadjuvant chemotherapy, pCR = pathologic According to the eighth edition of the American Joint Com-
complete response, SLNB = sentinel lymph node biopsy mittee on Cancer staging manual (20), clinical categorization
Summary includes nodes detected with clinical examination or imaging
Accurate imaging assessment of nodal disease burden in breast cancer studies (excluding lymphoscintigraphy). American Joint Com-
plays an important role in planning initial surgery or neoadjuvant mittee on Cancer nodal staging is presented in Table 1. The
chemotherapy and guiding axillary management. definition of clinically suspicious nodes is defined to have one of
Essentials following criteria: palpability at physical examination; suspi-
n In women with newly diagnosed breast cancer, round or irregular
cious imaging features; or proven malignancy at fine-needle as-
axillary nodes with absent fatty hila or asymmetric cortical thick- piration biopsy, core-needle biopsy, or SLNB. Axillary imaging
ening are suspicious imaging findings; the number and location of should include at least ipsilateral axillary level I (nodes lateral
suspicious nodes and any suspected extranodal extension should and inferior to pectoralis minor muscle and includes intrama-
be documented.
mmary nodes) and II (nodes deep and posterior to pectoralis
n Although US is the primary method for evaluation of axillary
nodes, breast MRI has advantages over US such as improved visu-
minor muscle and includes central and interpectoral nodes).
alization of the axilla irrespective of patient body habitus and less Imaging or histopathologic evidence of axillary level I or II
operator dependence. lymphadenopathy warrants consideration of imaging level III
n Assessment of axillary nodal disease burden to guide multidisci- axillary (nodes medial and superior to pectoralis minor muscle
plinary treatment decision making is now considered to be the and includes infraclavicular nodes), internal mammary, and su-
most important role of axillary imaging.
praclavicular LN involvements (21,22). Axillary US is the pri-
n The incorporation of imaging data in prediction models to deter- mary imaging tool to assess these sites. However, breast MRI
mine axillary nodal disease burden improved model performance
for selecting proper candidates for sentinel lymph node biopsy. or chest CT can better demonstrate internal mammary and
n In patients with biopsy-proven nodal metastasis undergoing neo- supraclavicular LN involvement and provide additional infor-
adjuvant chemotherapy, accurate prediction of pathologic com- mation for extensive nodal disease. The anatomy of the axilla
plete response and targeted axillary dissection of the biopsy-proven at these imaging modalities has been illustrated in detail previ-
metastatic node could overcome the problem of high false-negative ously (19,23). Schematic diagram of the anatomy of regional
rates of sentinel lymph node biopsy.
LNs and lymphatic drainage of the breast is shown in Figure 1.

examination to avoid triaging all women with positive axillary Digital mammography or digital breast tomosynthesis is the
LN directly to ALND (10). However, physical examination of first imaging modality recommended for local staging in
the axilla showed a false-negative rate (FNR) that can be as high women with newly diagnosed breast cancer. Axillary level I
as 45% (11), so many centers include US as part of the clinical LNs are visible at routine mammography in 50% of patients.
examination, defining the term clinically negative as negative at However, axillary visualization is limited and needs special
both physical and US examination. Recent National Compre- views to include deep level I or II nodes.
hensive Cancer Network guidelines for breast cancer added axil- Normal axillary LNs are reniform shaped with thin uniform
lary assessment with US or other imaging as a routine work-up of cortices and radiolucent fatty hila (Fig 2a), whereas metastatic
invasive breast cancer. Furthermore, the definition of low tumor nodes show dense obliterated hila and thick cortices with or
burden, which is image-detected disease not apparent on clinical without focal bulges (Fig 2b). Microcalcifications in LNs can be
examination, was added in the surgical axillary staging section as findings of breast cancer metastasis, and often the morphologic
a possible candidate of SLNB (12). Additionally, axillary US or feature of calcification is similar to that of the primary tumor
breast MRI is recommended for patients who will undergo neo- (Fig 2c) (24). LNs with indistinct or spiculated margins and
adjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) and in clinically node-negative perinodal fatty infiltration suggest extranodal extension (Fig 2d)
patients with presumed pathologic complete response (pCR) af- (25). In women with advanced or inflammatory breast cancer,
ter NAC, so that SLNB rather than ALND may be considered diffuse trabecular or skin thickening is often associated with a
(13–16) to offer the patient a less-invasive approach (17,18). high nodal disease burden (26,27).
Nevertheless, axillary imaging strategies vary among institutions,
ranging from only imaging patients with suspicious findings at US Examination
physical examination to imaging all patients with invasive breast Although the American Joint Committee on Cancer staging
cancer (19). Similarly, large variability exists between surgeons manual does not require imaging studies to assign clinical node
for clinical axillary management (13). categorization (20), many centers routinely use US for axillary
In this article, we review the most updated evidence for axil- evaluation in regional staging of breast cancer. Among the vari-
lary nodal evaluation before treatment and following NAC, fo- ous modalities, US is the primary method to evaluate the axilla
cusing on the roles of axillary imaging to guide axillary manage- in women with newly diagnosed breast cancer. One systematic
ment for invasive breast cancer, and highlight future directions review found the sensitivity of US to be 49%–87% and the

Radiology: Volume 295: Number 3—June 2020 n 501

Axillary Nodal Evaluation in Breast Cancer

Table 1: Summary of the American Joint Committee on Cancer Nodal Staging

cN Cat- pN Cat-
egory cN Criteria egory pN Criteria
cNX Regional LN cannot be assessed (eg, previously pNX Regional LN cannot be assessed (eg, not removed for patho-
removed or no documentation of physical examina- logic study or previously removed)
tion of the axilla)
cN0 No regional LN metastases (by imaging or clinical pN0 No regional LN metastases identified or isolated tumor cells
examination) only
cN1 Metastasis to movable ipsilateral level I, II axillary pN1 Micrometastses; or metastases in one to three axillary LNs;
LN(s) and/or clinical negative internal mammary nodes with
micrometastases or macrometastases by SLNB
cN1mi Micrometastases (approximately 200 cells, larger than pN1mi Micrometastases (approximately 200 cells, larger than 0.2
0.2 mm, but none larger than 2 mm) mm, but none larger than 2 mm)
… … pN1a Metastases in one to three axillary LNs with at least one
node with a deposit greater than 2 mm, at least one
metastasis larger than 2 mm
… … pN1b Metastases to the ipsilateral internal mammary sentinel
nodes, excluding isolated tumor cells
… … pN1c pN1a and pN1b combined
cN2 Metastases in ipsilateral level I, II axillary LNs that are pN2 Metastases in four to nine axillary LNs; or positive ipsilat-
clinically fixed or matted; or in ipsilateral internal eral internal mammary LNs by imaging in the absence of
mammary nodes in the absence of axillary LNs axillary LN metastases
cN2a Metastases in ipsilateral level I, II axillary LNs fixed to pN2a Metastases in four to nine axillary LNs, at least one tumor
one another (matted) or to other structures deposit larger than 2 mm
cN2b Metastases only in ipsilateral internal mammary nodes pN2b Metastases in clinically detected internal mammary nodes
in the absence of axillary LNs metastases with or without microscopic confirmation; with patho-
logically negative axillary nodes
cN3 Metastases to ipsilateral infraclavicular (level III axil- pN3 Metastases in 10 or more axillary LNs; or in infraclavicular
lary) LN(s) with or without level I, II axillary LN (level III axillary) LNs; or positive internal mammary
involvement; or in ipsilateral internal mammary node by imaging in the presence of one or more positive
nodes with level I, II axillary LN metastases; or level I, II axillary LNs; or in more than three axillary LNs
metastases in ipsilateral supraclavicular LN(s) with and micrometastases or macrometastases by SLNB in
or without axillary or internal mammary nodal clinically negative ipsilateral internal mammary LNs; or
involvement in ipsilateral supraclavicular LN
cN3a Metastases to ipsilateral infraclavicular axillary LN(s) pN3a Metastases in 10 or more axillary LNs (at least one tumor
deposit larger than 2 mm); or metastases to the infracla-
vicular (level III axillary) LNs
cN3b Metastases to the ipsilateral internal mammary nodes pN3b pN1a or pN2a in the presence of cN2b (positive internal
and axillary LN(s) mammary node by imaging)
cN3c Metastases to ipsilateral supraclavicular node(s) pN3c Metastases in ipsilateral supraclavicular LN
Note.—After neoadjuvant therapy, ycN and ypN classification are used. Adapted and reprinted, with permission, from Springer Nature,
from reference 20. cN = clinical node, LN = lymph node, pN = pathologic node, SLNB = sentinel lymph node biopsy.

specificity to be 55%–97% when evaluating nonpalpable LNs lignancy increased proportionally with cortical thickness (30).
based on size alone (28). When based on morphologic crite- The sonographic features of indistinct margins, node matting,
ria, sensitivity was 26%–76% and specificity was 88%–98% and perinodal edema predict extranodal extension, which is a
(22,28). The normal axillary LN should be oval and should marker of poor prognosis having higher risk of both mortality
have a smooth well-defined margin. The cortex should be and recurrence of disease (33).
slightly hypoechoic and uniformly thin, measuring 3 mm or To improve the diagnostic performance of US, adjunc-
less. Focal cortical bulging or eccentric cortical thickening, tive techniques have been investigated. Color Doppler US is
rounded hypoechoic LN, complete or partial effacement of useful for identifying nonhilar peripheral blood flow seen in
the fatty hilum, and complete or partial replacement of LN metastatic LNs (Fig 4). Diffuse hyperemia arising from the
with an ill-defined or irregular mass are suspicious US findings hilum can also be seen in metastatic LNs, but this finding
suggestive of nodal metastasis (Fig 3) (19,29–34). Whereas can also be seen in reactive LNs (29,35). Malignant LNs had
cortical thickening is often associated with reactive nodes, pro- longer enhancement durations and a greater number of total
spective classification of axillary LN cortical thickness in pre- and peripheral vessels than did benign LNs before and after
operative breast cancer patients has shown that the rate of ma- contrast material enhancement on color Doppler US (36,37).

502 n Radiology: Volume 295: Number 3—June 2020

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Figure 1: Schematic diagram shows anatomy of regional

lymph nodes (LNs) and lymphatic drainage of breast. Regional
LNs for breast include axillary, supraclavicular, and internal mam-
mary nodal chains. Axillary LNs are divided into levels I (low
axillary), II (mid axillary), and III (high axillary) in relation with pec-
toralis minor muscle (arrow). Breast lymphatics drain by way of
three major routes: axillary, interpectoral, and internal mammary.
Black oval encircles usual location of sentinel LNs. Figure 2: Images show various mammographic findings of normal and metastatic axillary
lymph nodes (LNs). (a) Right mediolateral oblique (MLO) view from screening mammogram
in a 46-year-old asymptomatic woman demonstrates normal axillary LN (arrow) with oval cir-
In differentiating malignant nodes from benign cumscribed margin, thin homogeneous cortex, and preserved fatty hilum. (b) Left MLO view in a
nodes, sensitivity of 80% and specificity of 92% 72-year-old patient with left invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) shows dense enlarged level I axillary
were noted using these variables in logistic re- LN with hilar obliteration (arrow). Biopsy revealed metastatic adenocarcinoma from breast. (c) Left
gression analysis (36). When elastography was MLO view from diagnostic mammogram in a 65-year-old woman with IDC shows level I enlarged
axillary LNs with fine pleomorphic microcalcifications (arrows). Biopsy revealed metastatic adeno-
added to gray-scale US, high stiffness values were carcinoma from breast. (Image courtesy of Jung Hyun Yoon, MD, PhD, Department of Radiology,
noted in malignant LNs (38,39). Strain elastog- Severance Hospital, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea). (d) Right MLO view from diagnostic mam-
raphy was found to be more sensitive than was mogram in an 81-year-old woman with IDC shows multiple dense enlarged axillary LNs (arrow)
gray-scale US in depicting abnormal LNs (40); with indistinct margin and fatty infiltration (arrowheads). Axillary LN dissection revealed 16 axillary
however, their adjunctive role is still controver- LN metastases with extracapsular extension.
sial (41,42).
Breast MRI
US-guided Needle Biopsy Breast MRI is often performed for breast cancer tumor extent
In addition to morphologic information, US plays an impor- evaluation, as well as assessing treatment following NAC, and
tant role in guiding biopsies of suspicious nodes. US-guided the axilla is usually included in the field of view. The advantage
fine-needle aspiration biopsy may be performed when adequate of MRI over US is a more global view of the axillae, enhancing
cytology support is available; if not, then core-needle biopsy is the detection of potentially abnormal LNs and allowing com-
suggested (43). Fine-needle aspiration biopsy is a low-cost and parison of the bilateral axillae irrespective of patient body habitus
minimally invasive procedure with high specificity, but there (46). Moreover, it is more objective and less operator dependent
is a risk of false-negative findings because of potential unders- than is US (Fig 5). Thus, it should be encouraged to include
ampling (43). In contrast, larger samples can be obtained with axilla during breast MRI evaluation (47).
core-needle biopsy with high accuracy and without major com- Markedly enlarged and morphologically abnormal LNs, espe-
plications (29,31,44). Color Doppler US could be used to avoid cially when distinctly different from other visible axillary nodes,
large vessels during needle biopsy. A meta-analysis of preopera- are highly suggestive of metastasis. Cortical thickening, loss of
tive US-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy or core-needle bi- fatty hilum, and round shape or a long-to-short axis ratio of less
opsy of axillary nodes in invasive breast cancer showed sensitivity than 2 are the typical morphologic features that can be seen with
of 80% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 74%, 84%), specificity metastasis (19). Moreover, irregular margin, inhomogeneous
of 98% (95% CI: 97%, 99%), and positive predictive value of cortex, perifocal edema (which is marked prolonged T2 signal
97% (95% CI: 95%, 98%) (45). intensity in surrounding soft tissue), and asymmetry of LNs in

Radiology: Volume 295: Number 3—June 2020 n 503

Axillary Nodal Evaluation in Breast Cancer

high-spatial-resolution axil-
lary T2-weighted MRI showed
high specificity (51). Ultrasmall
superparamagnetic iron oxide
particles have been used as a
contrast agent for LN imaging
in Europe. They accumulate in
macrophages in normal nodes
and cause a signal void due to
magnetic susceptibility effects
of the ferromagnetic iron oxide.
Thus, LNs without signal inten-
sity decrease or uniformly high
signal intensity on ultrasmall su-
perparamagnetic iron oxide–en-
hanced images were considered
metastatic LNs. Ultrasmall su-
perparamagnetic iron oxide–en-
hanced T2*-weighted MRI was
superior to nonenhanced MRI
with a sensitivity of 100% and
a specificity of 95% (52).

Chest CT or PET/CT
Chest CT and PET/CT can
be used to evaluate axillary
nodes in patients with ad-
Figure 3: Images show US findings of normal and metastatic axillary lymph nodes (LNs). (a) US scan in a 45-year- vanced breast disease and
old woman shows normal axillary LN with thin hypoechoic cortex (arrowheads) with central fatty hilum. (b) US image in
showed better diagnostic value
a 51-year-old woman shows biopsy-proven metastatic axillary LN with focal eccentric cortical thickening (arrow). (c) US
image in a 58-year-old woman shows three small but round hypoechoic metastatic axillary LNs; they were confirmed to be for visualizing level III and
metastases at US guided biopsy (arrow). (d) US image in a 47-year-old woman shows biopsy-proven metastatic axillary interpectoral nodes, as well
LN with irregular shape and indistinct margin (arrow) with perinodal extension (arrowheads). as extensive nodal involve-
ment (53). At CT, soft-tissue
masses in axillary, infracla-
vicular, internal mammary, or
supraclavicular regions sug-
gest metastatic LNs in patients
with known breast cancer. A
rounded node, or nodes with
an irregular-appearing or ec-
centrically thickened cortex,
should be considered suspi-
cious (19). At PET, fluorine
18 fluorodeoxyglucose uptake
indicates hypermetabolism
Figure 4: US images demonstrate metastatic lymph node (LN) with invasive ductal carcinoma in a 41-year-old woman.
and can suggest malignant
(a) Grayscale image shows axillary LN with thickened cortex and complete absence of fatty hilum (arrows). (b) Color LN. Chest CT or PET/CT
Doppler image demonstrates increased nonhilar cortical flow (arrow) and diffuse hilar hyperemia (arrowhead) in node. is used for evaluating therapy
response following NAC. In a
terms of number or size compared with the contralateral side are study of 77 patients with breast cancer who underwent three
additional findings suggestive of metastasis (46). Retrospective cycles of NAC, Keam et al (54) reported that patients with
evaluations of axillary LNs with standard breast MRI revealed an axillary LN standard uptake value after NAC greater than
comparable performance to that of US (48). Negative MRI find- 1.5 at PET/CT and an axillary LN size after NAC greater
ings excluded 99.6% and 96% of final pathologic stage of N2- than or equal to 10 mm at CT did not achieve axillary pCR
N3 (pN2-pN3) adenopathy (Table 1) in the non-NAC group (54). PET or PET/CT, however, are neither sufficiently sensi-
and NAC groups, respectively (49). Unenhanced T1 and diffu- tive to detect positive axillary LNs nor sufficiently specific to
sion-weighted MRI showed high accuracy (50), and a dedicated appropriately identify distant metastases (55,56), and the use

504 n Radiology: Volume 295: Number 3—June 2020

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women to unnecessary ALND without SLNB (9), since

even in patients with a positive sentinel LN, 40%–70% had
the sentinel LN as the only site of nodal metastasis (59–61).
In this respect, axillary US could be avoided in patients who
otherwise meet the Z0011 trial criteria. However, the Amer-
ican Society of Breast Surgeons, United Kingdom National
Institute for Health and Care Excellence, and Dutch breast
cancer guidelines still advocate preoperative axillary US in
patients diagnosed with breast cancer (62–64). Thus, axil-
lary US and US-guided biopsy of suspected axillary nodal
metastases should defer to institutional protocols regarding

Assessment and Prediction of Preoperative Axillary Nodal

Disease Burden
With this changing paradigm for axillary surgical manage-
ment, mere identification of nodal metastasis in the axilla by
using imaging is insufficient. If US has the ability to predict
the disease having three or more metastatic LNs, then un-
derestimation of LN staging by using SLNB alone could be
Figure 5: Fat-suppressed contrast material–enhanced T1- avoided and patients with advanced-stage disease could be
weighted axial MRI scans (repetition time, 5.2 msec; echo time, triaged to receive the appropriate adjuvant treatment (65).
2.4 msec; flip angle,12°) in a 69-year-old woman with invasive
ductal carcinoma in right breast show (a) suspicious rim enhanc-
Many recent studies aimed to evaluate whether axillary US
ing level I (arrow) and (b) Rotter (arrowhead) lymph node (LN) in or MRI can additionally predict the final axillary nodal dis-
ipsilateral axilla. A few oval-shaped LNs with thin cortex are noted ease burden (66–72) (Table 2). When there are at least two
in contralateral axilla. This patient was confirmed to have 12 LNs of high suspicion or a total of three LNs of high and
metastatic LNs among 28 removed axillary LNs. intermediate suspicion, it is likely that the patient will have
pN2 or higher disease (positive predictive value, 82%) that
of PET or PET/CT is not indicated in the staging of clinical should be treated with ALND or NAC (Fig 6) (65). Axil-
stage I, II, or operable stage III breast cancer (12). Among the lary metastasis proven by using US-guided biopsy also have
seven studies evaluating PET/CT (n = 862), the mean sensi- significantly more nodal disease burden than do patients with
tivity was 56% (95% CI: 44%, 67%) and mean specificity positive results at SLNB (73). In contrast, SLNB should be
was 96% (95% CI: 90%, 99%) (55). considered when preoperative axillary US is normal, since the
negative predictive value for pN2 and pN3 (Table 1) is 96%,
Pretreatment Axillary Nodal Evaluation although the same result was not applicable to the lobular
subtype (32). In another study, the number of abnormal LNs
Controversy regarding the Need for Routine Preoperative at axillary US was proportional to the number of metastatic
Axillary US nodes at final pathologic analysis, and authors suggested that
The traditional role of preoperative identification of axil- patients fulfilling Z0011 eligibility criteria with only one
lary metastases using US and US-guided biopsy is to allow abnormal LN at US should proceed to SLNB (74). The re-
the surgeon to avoid an unnecessary SLNB and proceed di- cent National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines
rectly to “fast-track” ALND with its near-perfect specific- for breast cancer updated surgical axillary staging that SLNB
ity and positive predictive value (22,45,57,58). In addition, should still be strongly considered in Z0011 patients with
preoperative evaluation could potentially help to identify two or fewer abnormal nodes found at imaging, even if one
deep nonpalpable metastatic axillary LNs that may lead to proved to be positive at biopsy (12). Axillary US should be
false-negative SLNB results (30). However, the need for considered and used appropriately in the management algo-
routine axillary US with or without needle biopsy has been rithm of axilla staging (Fig 7).
challenged after the application of the ACOSOG Z0011 In addition to assessment of axillary nodal disease burden,
trial data to patient treatment (6). The imaging approach several models have been developed to predict metastasis in-
seems clear in patients who do not meet the Z0011 criteria volving nonsentinel LNs. The most widely used models in-
or have bulky axillary nodal disease burdens where the rec- clude four nomograms (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
ommendation is ALND (12). However, it is controversial Center, Mayo, Cambridge, and Stanford) and three scoring
to perform preoperative US in patients who have a single systems (Tenon, MD Anderson Cancer Center, and Saidi)
biopsy-proven metastatic LN but are otherwise eligible for (75–81). These models used clinical-pathologic informa-
the Z0011 trial treatment algorithm (Table E2 [online]), tion including patient age; mode of tumor detection; tumor
where treatment options may still include SLNB or ALND characteristics such as tumor subtype, size, and lymphovas-
(10). There were concerns that imaging tests could triage cular invasion; multifocality; detection mode of sentinel LN

Radiology: Volume 295: Number 3—June 2020 n 505

Axillary Nodal Evaluation in Breast Cancer

Table 2: Clinical-Pathologic and Imaging Predictors for Axillary Nodal Disease Burden

Study and Year No. of Women Modality Predictors and Results

Abe et al, 2013 (65) 559 US 2 high suspicious or 3 any combination of high and intermediate suspicious*
LNs at US correlated with 4 metastatic axillary LNs
Caudle et al, 2014 (66)† 708 US Lobular subtype, 3 suspicious axillary LNs at US correlated with 3 metastatic
axillary LNs
Moorman et al, 2014 (67)† 1103 US ,50 years, T2 stage, LVI (positive), multifocality, extracapsular extension, two
macrometastases with SLNB, suspicious axillary US and FNAC (positive) cor-
related with .2 metastatic axillary LNs
Harris et al, 2017 (68)† 129 US Tumor size 2 cm, nonlobular subtype, one positive axillary LN at US correlated
with 3 metastatic axillary LNs
Ahn et al, 2017 (69) 1917 US, CT Younger age, tumor size by preoperative US, CT findings of LN (shortest diam-
eter .1 cm, fatty hila loss, central necrosis), US findings of LN (the grade of
cortical thickness), and US tumor size correlated with 3 metastatic axillary
Puri et al, 2018 (70)† 123 US Tumor size 2 cm and one positive axillary LN at US correlated with 2 meta-
static axillary LNs
Lim et al, 2018 (71)† 175 US 3 positive axillary LNs at US correlated with 3 metastatic axillary LNs
Kim et al, 2019 (72) 312 US, MRI Tumor size .2 cm, 2 suspicious axillary LNs, cortical thickness 5 mm or fatty
hila loss correlated with 3 metastatic axillary LNs
Note.— Micrometastasis was defined as stage pN1mi; greater than 0.2 mm and less than 2 mm. Macrometastasis was defined as stage
pN1–3; greater than or equal to 2 mm. FNAC = fine-needle aspiration cytology, LN = lymph node, LVI = lymphovascular invasion, SLNB
= sentinel lymph node biopsy.
* LNs of high suspicion have a complete absence or near-complete absence of fatty hila; LNs of intermediate suspicion have a cortical thick-
ness greater than the width of the fatty hila, a cortical thickness of more than 4 mm, a cortical thickness of between 3 mm and 4 mm with
nonhilar blood flow, or asymmetric cortical thickening of more than 3 mm.

All patient included in the studies had at least one axillary LN metastasis.

Figure 6: US images in a 75-year-old woman with invasive ductal carcinoma (T2N2M0, estrogen receptor– and progesterone receptor–posi-
tive, human epithelial growth factor receptor 2–negative). (a) Transverse US scan of left breast shows 1.6-cm irregular hypoechoic mass (arrow-
heads) in upper inner quadrant. (b, c) Three suspicious axillary LNs (arrows) were observed in ipsilateral axilla. This patient was confirmed to have
high axillary nodal disease burden, with seven metastatic LNs among 28 removed axillary LNs.

metastasis; number of positive sentinel LNs; and sentinel LN Kim et al (82) included preoperative axillary US in addition to
metastasis size as predictors for nonsentinel LN metastasis. clinical-pathologic characteristics to predict non–sentinel LN
None of these models used results from imaging studies. metastasis. Among 1284 patients with no suspicious US find-
There were several studies that included preoperative axil- ings in axillary LN and clinical T1 stage cancer, 1254 (98%)
lary US to predict axillary disease burden and non–sentinel LN did not have non–sentinel LN metastasis. Thus, preoperative
metastasis. Ahn et al (69) created a nomogram with preopera- axillary US findings combined with clinical-pathologic infor-
tive US findings and chest CT of the axilla to predict three or mation can help to select patients at minimal risk of non–sen-
more axillary LNs in women who met the Z0011 criteria. They tinel LN metastasis for whom ALND can be omitted.
showed that patients with a high probability of having greater US features of primary tumor associated with axillary LN
than or equal to three positive axillary LNs can be identified metastasis in patients with clinically node-negative T1–2 breast
by using preoperative imaging methods, such as CT and US, cancer have been reported. Shorter skin-to-tumor distance
as well as patient demographic and clinical characteristics (69). and tumors with associated architectural distortion at US were

506 n Radiology: Volume 295: Number 3—June 2020

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Figure 7: Flowchart shows axillary staging algorithm recommendation in patients with operable clinical T1–3, N0–1, M0 stage breast cancer. The authors created
this flowchart after extensive review of the literature and the expert opinion and consensus of the authors. Flowchart also reflects current practices in authors’ institutions, and
follows National Comprehensive Cancer guidelines. * = Axillary imaging strategies vary among institutions. † = Image detected disease but clinically not apparent and ap-
pears to be limited in one or two lymph nodes. ‡ = American College of Surgeons Oncology Group Z0011 trial results should be interpreted and applied with caution in
T3 stage breast cancer. ALND = axillary lymph node dissection, FNA = fine-needle aspiration, NAC = neoadjuvant chemotherapy, SLNB = sentinel lymph node biopsy.

important predictors to predict axillary LN metastasis (83). Tu- misrepresentation of the prognosis especially for patients with
mor stiffness at elastography was also associated with axillary LN triple-negative or HER2-positive breast cancer for whom re-
metastasis (84,85). sidual nodal disease signifies a higher likelihood of subsequent
recurrence and death (90,91). In addition, long-term conse-
Axillary Nodal Evaluation Following NAC quences of not resecting LNs with potentially chemotherapy-
resistant disease are unknown (14). A number of efforts are
SLNB in Clinically Node-Positive Cancer Treated with NAC taken to reduce FNR, including the mandatory use of im-
NAC is increasingly used in both clinically node-negative and munohistochemistry (89), retrieval of more than two sentinel
clinically node-positive operable breast cancer to allow more LNs, and using dual-tracer techniques with both blue dye and
limited surgery in the breast and axilla (14,86). NAC resulted radiolabeled colloid mapping agents (17,18,89).
in the eradication of axillary LN metastasis in 40% of the pa-
tients. The nodal pCR rate was significantly higher in patients Axillary US with LN Marking for Targeted Axillary
with triple-negative and human epidermal growth factor recep- Dissection
tor 2 (HER2)–positive disease (49% and 65%, respectively) To reduce unacceptably high FNR of SLNB, axillary US evalu-
than in those with hormone receptor–positive, HER2-negative ation after completion of NAC was proposed. After NAC,
disease (21%; P , .0001) (87). morphologic US characteristics of LNs showing oval shape,
The increasing rate of pCR with current chemotherapy regi- normalization of cortical thickness, and isoechoic or hy-
men led to the wider use of SLNB among patients with known poechoic cortical echogenicity were associated with a higher
nodal-positive disease and a clinical complete response. A Na- probability of pCR (92). In contrast, increased diameter, cor-
tional Cancer Database Analysis of 12 965 clinical node-posi- tical thickness, and absence of fatty hilum were significantly
tive patients undergoing NAC showed higher rates of SLNB, associated with residual nodal disease (93). Among the data
from 32% in 2012 to 49% in 2015 (P , .001) (88). The main recruited for ACOSOG Z1071 trial, 611 axillary US images
concerns regarding the use of SLNB are whether the sentinel after NAC were reviewed. When the criteria of normal axillary
LN identification rate is adequate and the FNR is sufficiently US after NAC was added to SLNB, the FNR reduced from
low. In three prospective trials (ACOSOG Z1071, SENTINA 12.6% to 9.8%. Although this FNR was not statistically signif-
[Sentinel Neoadjuvant], SN FNAC [Sentinel Node Biopsy icant (16), the use of axillary US in SLNB showed FNR under
Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy]), identification rates the 10% threshold that is acceptable for clinical care (94). This
were lower with SLNB after NAC (80%–93%) compared study demonstrates that axillary US should be performed pre-
with upfront SLNB (.95%) (17,18,89). The FNRs in the operatively after NAC to optimally identify patients who could
ACOSOG 1071 and SENTINA trials were 12.6% and 14.2%, be offered SLNB alone as an alternative to ALND.
respectively, when at least three sentinel LNs were obtained, Further advances have been made by the researchers on
which is higher than the usually accepted FNR of 10% and the hypothesis that removal of biopsy-proven metastatic LNs
deemed clinically unsatisfactory (17,18). False-negative sen- should improve diagnostic accuracy of nodal staging after
tinel LNs have significant potential consequences, including NAC. In a subset analysis of the ACOSOG Z1071 trial, the

Radiology: Volume 295: Number 3—June 2020 n 507

Axillary Nodal Evaluation in Breast Cancer

Figure 8: Images in a 63-year-old woman with invasive ductal carcinoma (clinical T1N1M0, estrogen receptor– and progesterone receptor–negative, human epi-
thelial growth factor receptor 2–negative). US scan shows clip within biopsy-proven metastatic lymph node (LN) (a) before neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) and (b)
after completion of NAC. Biopsy clip is clearly evident as echogenic structure (arrow). (c) US image shows placement of magnetic seed within clip-containing node. (d)
Specimen radiograph revealed LN with clip (arrow) and magnetic seed (arrowhead). Pathologic examination of clipped axillary node revealed extensive scarring and
was negative for residual viable tumor.

Figure 9: Flowchart shows axillary staging algorithm recommendation in patients planning for neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC). The
authors created this flowchart after extensive review of the literature and the expert opinion and consensus of the authors. Flowchart also
reflects current practices in authors’ institutions, and follows National Comprehensive Cancer guidelines. * = If performing fine-needle aspira-
tion (FNA) and able to obtain pathologic results immediately, then may selectively place biopsy clip only in the nodes that are positive for
malignancy. In absence of immediate pathologic results, such as when core biopsy is performed, consider placing clip in all nodes on bi-
opsy. † = Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) or targeted axillary dissection (TAD) (excision of clipped node, use of dual tracer, and retrieval
of at least two sentinel nodes) can be performed in selected cases when lymph node is negative at imaging and clinically after NAC. ALND
= axillary lymph node dissection.

FNR was reduced to 6.8% (95% CI: 1.9%, 16.5%) when the dissection by selectively removing both clipped nodes with sen-
metastatic node with clip was retrieved within the sentinel LN tinel node can reduce the FNR to as low as 2% (97) (Fig 8).
specimen (95). In fact, tumor packing in sentinel LN may lead Current National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines
to false-negative results and unsuccessful lymphatic mapping state that NAC may allow SLNB alone in selected patients if a
(30). Thus, when the LN is confirmed to be metastatic LN at positive axilla resolves with therapy, whereas complete ALND
US-guided biopsy, a clip should be placed, and removal of the should be performed if more than two sentinel LNs are not
clipped node could allow detection and targeted removal of found or clip-containing node and/or sentinel LN has metas-
this node. In the Dutch researchers’ work on selective removal tases at frozen-section analysis (12) (Fig 9). Imaging and proce-
of metastatic LNs after NAC by marking the axillary LN with dures required for targeted axillary dissection are summarized
radioactive iodine seeds (or MARI procedure), they were able in Table 3 (13,98).
to correctly identify 65 of 70 patients with residual axillary Although targeted axillary dissection can reduce FNR of
tumor activity with FNR of 7% (96). In the MD Anderson SLNB, targeted axillary dissection requires a laborious two-
Cancer Center prospective study, the clipped node was not re- step procedure of clipping the node and preoperatively local-
trieved as a sentinel LN in 23% of cases, and targeted axillary izing the clipped node, and there are sometimes difficulties in

508 n Radiology: Volume 295: Number 3—June 2020

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Table 3: Imaging and Procedure Steps Required for Targeted phology and drainage pattern (95,97). However, missing the
Axillary Dissection metastatic nodes is still possible for the following reasons. First,
Time Points, Imaging, and Procedures deciding which node should be biopsied under US guidance
depends on its size, location, and morphologic features. Second,
At time of diagnosis
US identification and documentation of suspicious nodes   
only a single LN is biopsied percutaneously among suspicious
(including location of regional nodal basin, number of abnormal nodes and the total number of involved LNs at presentation is
nodes, and features suggestive of perinodal extension if present)* not known. Third, after NAC, the clipped node could be nega-
US-guided needle biopsy tive but other nodes could be positive. There remains room for
Placement of US-visible clip under US guidance followed improving outcomes by combining image information before
by    mammogram to confirm clip location and after NAC.
Elective MRI Incorporation of cross-sectional imaging, including chest
After completion of NAC CT, PET/CT, and MRI, had been suggested to predict pCR,
Mammogram and US of breast and nodal basins to deter- because these techniques allow superior visualization of re-
mine   response gional LNs located in the apex or outside the axilla and over-
Elective MRI come the limitations of US evaluation, which is often limited
Before surgery to axillary level I and II. The results showed that pretreat-
Localization of clipped LN† ment axillary nodal stage correlated with final surgery results
Injection of technetium-99m sulfur colloid and survival outcome (105,106). When PET/CT results were
During surgery used to triage axillary treatment in combination with the
Injection of peritumoral or subareolar blue dye    intraop- MARI procedure, unnecessary treatment was reduced in 74%
of the patients (107).
Identification of localized clipped metastatic node
Prediction models that incorporate clinical, pathologic,
Identification of sentinel LN by using gamma probe and
blue    node and determine if clipped node is sentinel LN
and imaging features may aid in selecting proper candidates
for SLNB after NAC. Although they cannot replace current
Note.—LN = lymph node, NAC = neoadjuvant chemotherapy. decision paradigms, they nevertheless allow a more individ-
* Suspicious morphologic features at US include cortical thicken- ualized assessment of axillary pCR. There have been many
ing (eccentric or diffuse), loss of normal reniform shape, and loss
of fatty hilum. Features suggestive of perinodal extension include efforts to develop nomograms, or scoring systems to pre-
irregular shape, indistinct margin, and infiltration into the sur- dict axillary pCR, and some of those study results are sum-
rounding tissues. Only patients with clinical N1 or N2 disease marized in Table 4 (108–118). Negative hormone receptor
are eligible for targeted axillary dissection. and positive HER2 receptor status, lower clinical T and N

With radioactive iodine 125, magnetic seed, radiofrequency tag, stages, high histologic and nuclear grade, and breast tumor
or hookwire. response to NAC were the common predictors of axillary
pCR. Interestingly, imaging findings such as tumor size
change at MRI or nodal status at axillary US before or after
treatment were also found to be the important predictors
node visualization at US or in the surgical field after NAC (98).
in many models (Fig 10) (109,111,112,115–118). Accord-
Marking clips after NAC with wire localization also has many
ing to the American College of Radiology Appropriateness
disadvantages (14). Nonwire localization techniques allow for a
Criteria, the most accurate imaging modality in the assess-
flexible workflow but are not easily accessible due to high costs
ment of residual disease before and after NAC is MRI for
(99,100). To solve these problems, radiologic mapping with
primary breast cancer and US for axillary LN (119). These
unique marker selection (98) or intraoperative US-guided exci-
models provide preoperative tools to predict axillary disease
sion of axillary clips has been suggested (101). Preoperative tat-
and allow better preoperative planning and patient counsel-
tooing with SLNB could be another alternative to clip insertion
ing regarding appropriate radiation and reconstructive op-
for nodal marking because of lower cost and higher convenience
tions (111,113).
without the use of additional radioactive materials or a local-
ization procedure to ascertain the location of the marker (102).
Ultimately, this technology should evolve to one-step procedure Future of Axillary Imaging
with long-lasting, safe, efficient, and cost-effective applications As a cost-effective, widely available noninvasive tool, axil-
(103). The nonradioactive localizer techniques (104) may indeed lary US may preclude the need for axillary surgery in a sub-
allow for the localizer to be placed at time of biopsy, obviating group of patients with early disease and nonpalpable axillary
the second step of localization after NAC prior to surgery. LNs. Several ongoing randomized clinical trials are evaluat-
ing these patients. The SOUND (Sentinel Node versus Ob-
Role of Axilla Imaging in Prediction of pCR after NAC servation after Axillary Ultrasound) (120), INSEMA (In-
The most favorable outcome regarding low FNR has been tergroup-Sentinel-Mamma) (121), and BOOG 2013–08 (a
achieved with performing targeted axillary dissection, which Dutch randomized controlled multicenter trial) (122) trials
removes metastatic nodes proven by using US-guided biopsy randomize patients with a negative axillary US to no further
and sentinel LNs identified separately through suspicious mor- axillary intervention or SLNB, and the SENOMAC (123)

Radiology: Volume 295: Number 3—June 2020 n 509

Axillary Nodal Evaluation in Breast Cancer

Table 4: Clinical-Pathologic and Imaging Predictors for Axillary pCR

No. of AUC for Estimating Axil-

Study and Year Women Clinical-Pathologic Predictors Imaging Predictors lary pCR
Schipper et al, 2014 (108) 291 Younger age, cT3 or cT4 stage, trastuzumab … 0.77 (0.71, 0.82)
treatment, no taxane treatment, subtype other
than IDC and ILC, ER-negative, HER2-
Kim et al, 2015 (109) 415 Smaller clinical tumor size before and after Higher clinical tumor and 0.82 and 0.80†
NAC, lower pT stage LN response rate*
Jin et al, 2016 (110) 426 ER-negative, HER2-positive, Ki-67 .20% 0.80 and 0.74†
Vila et al, 2016 (111) 584 Lower cT stage, absence of multifocal/multi- No. of abnormal LNs on 0.78 and 0.82†
centric disease, ductal histology, high nuclear US ,4
grade, ER- and PR-negative, HER2-positive
Kim et al, 2017 (112) 201 Higher histologic grade Tumor response rate 0.73 (0.66, 0.80)
Murphy et al, 2017 (113) 16 153 ,40 years, cT1 or T2, cN1, poorly differenti- … cN positive: 0.73 and
ated histology, subtype other than IDC and 0.77†cN negative : 0.71
ILC, ER-negative, HER2-positive and 0.74†
Kantor et al, 2018 (114) 13 396 ,50 years, higher tumor grade, ductal histology, … 0.78 and 0.78†
cN1, pCR of breast tumor, ER-negative,
Ouldamer et al, 2018 116 Premenopausal status, HR-negative Tumor shrinkage 50% 0.78 (0.69, 0.86)
(115) on MRI
Kim et al, 2019 (116) 227 Higher histologic grade, HR-negative 1.5 cm residual tumor 0.78 (0.72, 0.83)
size, no enlarged axillary
LN on US after NAC
Osorio-Silla et al, 2019 150 ER-negative, HER2-positive pCR of breast tumor at 0.79 (0.72, 0.87)
(117) MRI
Kim et al, 2019 (118) 408 Initial cN1, Ki-67 .20%, HR-negative, HER2- Tumor size reduction 0.84 and 0.78†
positive .50%, no enlarged
axillary LNs on US after
Note.—Data in parentheses are 95% confidence intervals listed in the literature. AUC = area under the curve, cN = clinical node, cT =
clinical tumor, ER = estrogen receptor, HER2 = human epithelial growth factor receptor 2, HR = hormone receptor, IDC = invasive ductal
carcinoma, ILC = invasive lobular carcinoma, LN = lymph node, NAC = neoadjuvant chemotherapy, pCR = pathologic complete response,
PR = progesterone receptor, pT = pathologic tumor.
* Clinical response of breast mass and axillary LN was evaluated with US examination.

AUC for validation set was also reported.

trial (Sentinel Node Biopsy in Breast Cancer: Omission of injected in the periareolar area (Fig 11). After the injec-
Axillary Clearance after Macrometastases) expands inclu- tion, the contrast medium accumulates in the first draining
sion criteria to patients undergoing mastectomy. TAXIS LN, and after the enhancing sentinel LN is identified by
(Tailored Axillary Surgery with or without ALND Followed using contrast-enhanced US, it can be biopsied under US
by Radiation Therapy in Patients with Clinically Node- guidance (126) (Fig 12). The sentinel LNs without metas-
positive Breast Cancer) evaluates survival after selectively tasis tend to manifest as homogeneous enhancement, while
removing positive LNs as a less-extensive surgical option in metastatic sentinel LNs show heterogeneous or no enhance-
patients with clinically node-positive cancer (124). Wider ment. Systematic review and meta-analysis revealed that
application of SLNB or even no axillary surgery in early for patients with invasive carcinoma, a clinically negative
stage breast cancer will increase the need for more accurate axilla, and normal axillary US, the sentinel LN identifica-
imaging methods for diagnosis and prediction of axillary tion and localization rate by using contrast-enhanced US
nodal disease preoperatively. was 70%–90%. Preoperative contrast-enhanced US-guided
The less invasive and more elegant way of US-guided SLNB showed pooled sensitivity of 54% and pooled speci-
biopsy of sentinel LN might be considered in the future ficity of 100% for identification of nodal metastases (127).
in combination with percutaneous excision and ablation of Radiomics and deep learning or artificial intelligence–
the primary breast cancer (125). Preoperative sentinel LN based integration of imaging and clinical-pathologic in-
identification was evaluated by using contrast material–en- formation promise to improve the accuracy of predict-
hanced US with intradermal injections of microbubbles ing metastatic LNs in the future. A recently developed

510 n Radiology: Volume 295: Number 3—June 2020

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Figure 10: Images in a 53-year-old woman with invasive ductal carcinoma (clinical T2N2M0, estrogen receptor– and
progesterone receptor–positive, human epithelial growth factor receptor 2–positive). Before neoadjuvant chemotherapy
(NAC), (a) sagittal maximum intensity projection (MIP) (repetition time msec/echo time msec, 4.5/2.0; flip angle, 12°)
and (b) fat-suppressed contrast material–enhanced T1-weighted axial MRI scan (3.6/1.8; flip angle, 12°) reveal 2.2-cm
enhancing mass in right upper outer breast (arrow, a) and enlarged ipsilateral axillary lymph node (LN) at level I (arrow-
head, b). After NAC, (c) sagittal MIP (4.5/2.0; flip angle, 12°) and (d) fat-suppressed contrast-enhanced T1-weighted
axial MRI (4.0/0; flip angle, 10°). After six cycles of docetaxel, trastuzumab, carboplatin, and pertuzumab treatment, pri-
mary breast cancer shrunk to 0 cm, resulting in (c) complete tumor response without demonstrable lesion on MIP. There was
(d) normalized axillary LN (arrowhead) at MRI after NAC. After total mastectomy and axillary LN dissection, pathologic
examination showed no residual tumor in breast and axilla.

Figure 11: Images in a 65-year-old woman with invasive ductal carcinoma. (a) Photograph of
US contrast agent intradermally injected at periareolar area. (b) US scan. By tracing along courses
of enhanced lymphatic channels (arrows), first enhanced node was deemed as sentinel lymph
node (LN) (arrowhead) with homogeneous enhancement. Sentinel LN biopsy after skin marking of
lymphatic channel and enhanced LN revealed no LN metastasis. (Images courtesy of Qingli Zhu,
MD, Ultrasound Department, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing, China.)

radiomic nomogram based on MRI features performed well performed moderately in determining the number of meta-
in identifying LN metastasis (area under the curve of 0.84 static LNs (area under the curve of 0.79) (128). By using
and 0.87 in training and validation sets, respectively) and US features of primary breast cancer, deep learning models

Radiology: Volume 295: Number 3—June 2020 n 511

Axillary Nodal Evaluation in Breast Cancer

Figure 12: Images in a 65-year-old woman with invasive ductal carcinoma. (a) Dual mode of contrast material–enhanced
US (left) and gray-scale image (right) clearly show contrast-enhanced lymphatic channel (arrows) with contrast-enhanced sentinel
lymph node (LN) (arrowhead). Gray-scale image shows elliptical-shaped node with effaced fatty hilum (arrowhead). (b) Fine-nee-
dle aspiration was performed in contrast-enhanced LN, which was confirmed to be negative, followed by US-guided dye marking
in same node using indocyanine green (ICG). Subsequently, conventional sentinel LN biopsy was performed with blue dye (patent
blue). One blue-stained sentinel LN was removed and some amount of ICG was observed in this node by the naked eye or was
clearly identified as a fluorescence signal by using near-infrared camera. Final pathologic examination also showed no malignancy
in sentinel LN. (Images courtesy of Kenzo Shimazu, MD, Department of Breast and Endocrine Surgery, Osaka University, Osaka,

were able to predict clinically negative axillary LN metas- Acknowledgment: We thank Hyoeun Kim, MArch (adjunct professor at Ewha
Woman’s University) for creating the drawing in Figure 1. We also thank Wonshik
tasis (129,130). In addition, current convolutional neural Han, MD; Hyeong-Gon Moon, MD; and Han-Byoel Lee, MD (professors of de-
network architectures predicted the likelihood of axillary partment of surgery, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea) for their
LN metastasis (131) and NAC treatment response using advice on axillary surgery and treatment.
a breast MRI data set obtained prior to initiation of NAC
Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest: J.M.C. disclosed no relevant relationships.
(132). The advent of artificial intelligence and its applica- J.W.T.L. Activities related to the present article: disclosed no relevant relationships.
tion in medicine will lead to new frontiers in breast cancer Activities not related to the present article: is a consultant for CureMetrix; received
care in an unprecedented fashion. With deep learning, we payment for lectures including service on speakers bureaus from Fuji; holds stock/
stock options in Subtle Imaging. Other relationships: disclosed no relevant relation-
may use our collective data and experience in deriving pro- ships. L.M. Activities related to the present article: institution received a grant from
tocols and algorithms where we may offer treatment tai- Siemens; is a consultant for Lunit and iCAD; receives support for travel to meetings
lored to a particular patient to achieve the best outcomes for the study or other purposes from Chinese Radiology Society and Society of
Breast Imaging. Activities not related to the present article: disclosed no relevant
with the least morbidity and risks. When this principle is relationships. Other relationships: disclosed no relevant relationships. S.M.H. dis-
applied to the evaluation and management of nodal dis- closed no relevant relationships. W.K.M. disclosed no relevant relationships.
ease, we will be able to reduce the need for surgery and
associated complications including lymphedema and target References
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