Large Bookmark Purposes

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Students need to learn how to shape their thinking into

meaningful purposes for writing….

Writing with Purpose

Factual Description Purpose

To describe the characteristics of people,
places or objects.
Information Report Purpose
To give information eg snakes, cities,
computers, rocks etc.
Procedure Purpose
To tell how to make or do something by
giving a sequence of steps to follow (eg
instructions, directions, rules and recipes).
Procedural Recount Purpose
To record the steps taken to carry out an
Factual Recount Purpose
To tell us “what happened” by writing a series
of events. (Biography and Auto Biography).
Historical Recount Purpose
To record a significant series of events or time
in history and includes the importance of
Explanation Purpose
To explain How (eg the life cycle of a
butterfly) or Why (eg why tidal waves occur
things occur.
Exposition Purpose
To persuade/ argue a case for or against a
particular point of view.
Exposition (Horatory) Purpose
To persuade the reader to act in a certain
Discussion Purpose
To look at an issue from a range of
perspectives, before making a judgement or
Literary Description Purpose
To describe the characteristic features of a
particular person, place or object (often
Narrative Purpose
To entertain and instruct through dealing
with unusual / unexpected events. There is
Story types related to narrative, include:
● moral tales and fables including a lesson
to be learned
● anecdotes are stories used to share
feelings about unresolved events
● exemplums are stories used to judge
someone’s character or behaviour
Literary Recount Purpose
To retell a series of events for the purpose of
entertaining. They involve personal or
imagined experience.
Response Purpose
To respond to texts (books, videos, songs
etc), artworks or performances.

News Story Purpose

To record a ‘newsworthy’ event. News
stories are not usually in sequential order.

Deb Sukarna 2019

Writing with Purpose

Factual Description Purpose

To describe the characteristics of people,
places or objects.
Information Report Purpose
To give information eg snakes, cities,
computers, rocks etc.
Procedure Purpose
To tell how to make or do something by
giving a sequence of steps to follow (eg
instructions, directions, rules and recipes).
Procedural Recount Purpose
To record the steps taken to carry out an
Factual Recount Purpose
To tell us “what happened” by writing a series
of events. (Biography and Auto Biography).
Historical Recount Purpose
To record a significant series of events or time
in history and includes the importance of
Explanation Purpose
To explain How (eg the life cycle of a
butterfly) or Why (eg why tidal waves occur
things occur.
Exposition Purpose
To persuade/ argue a case for or against a
particular point of view.
Exposition (Horatory) Purpose
To persuade the reader to act in a certain
Discussion Purpose
To look at an issue from a range of
perspectives, before making a judgement or
Literary Description Purpose
To describe the characteristic features of a
particular person, place or object (often
Narrative Purpose
To entertain and instruct through dealing
with unusual / unexpected events. There is a
range of story types related to narrative,
● moral tales and fables including a lesson
to be learned
● anecdotes are stories used to share
feelings about unresolved events
● exemplums are stories used to judge
someone’s character or behaviour
Literary Recount Purpose
To retell a series of events for the purpose of
entertaining. They involve personal or
imagined experience.
Response Purpose
To respond to texts (books, videos, songs
etc), artworks or performances.

News Story Purpose

To record a ‘newsworthy’ event. News
stories are not usually in sequential order.

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