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Ship Manoeuvering

Following chapter 1


The rudder is used to steer the ship. The turning action is largely dependent on the
area of the rudder. ‫تستخذو انذفت نتٕجيّ انسفيُت ٔتعتًذ عًهيت دٔراٌ انسفيُت عهي يساحت انذفت‬

Properties of lifting foils

A common fluid device is a foil designed to produce a lifting force acting across
the direction of the incoming flow. ‫شكم يقطع انذفت يتى تصًيًّ نكي يُتج قٕة دفع عٍ طزيق‬
‫اتجاِ سزياٌ انًاء‬

Rudder Geometric definitions ‫مصطلحات هامة لحعريف شكل الدفة‬

 Chord : - Horizontal distance from leading to trailing edge

 Span : -Vertical distance from stock to tip
 Root chord: length of chord at root
 Tip chord: length of chord at tip
 Mean chord: (Root chord+ Tip chord)/2
 Aspect ratio: span/mean chord.
Ship Manoeuvering

Rudders Types

Rudder consists of two parts: the blade (flat part) against which the water pressure
acts and the stock (shaft) which transmits motion of the steering gear to the blade.

ٍ‫تتكٌٕ انذفت يٍ نٕح حذيذ يستٕي يكٌٕ في يٕاجٓت ضغظ انًاء ٔعًٕد انذفت انذي يققٕو بُقم انحزكت ي‬
‫غزفت انتٕجيت اني انذفت‬

 Vertically aligned: "Fully Balanced"

 Rudder Stock at leading edge: "Unbalanced"
 Semi-Balanced: "Less operating torque than unbalanced "

1. Unbalanced rudder

The rudder stock is at the leading edge of the rudder. ‫سُتز عًٕد انذفت عهي خظ انهيذَج ايذج‬

2. Semi-balanced rudder

The rudder mounts on a "hom" protruding from the hull

- The top can be considered "unbalanced"

- The bottom can be considered "balanced"

Ship Manoeuvering

3. Balanced rudder: The rudder stock is positioned toward the center of the
rudder. ‫يكٌٕ سُتز عًٕد انذفت تقزيبا في سُتز انذفت‬
Ship Manoeuvering

How the rudder works?

 When the rudder changes its angle from its neutral position, due to the change
in the flow of the water around the rudder a lift force is generated. This lift
force is directed in the direction opposite to which the rudder is turned.
ٌٕ‫َتيجت تغيز حزكت انًائع حٕل انذفت تتٕنذ قٕة دفع ْٔذِ انقٕة يك‬..... ‫عُذيا يتى تغيز سأيت انذفت‬
. ‫انسفيُت‬ ٌ‫يسبب دٔرا‬ ‫يًا‬ ‫اتجاِ دٔراٌ انذفت‬ ‫عكس‬ ‫اتجآْا في‬

 The ship is also affected by another aspect of the rudder force. It generates a
moment around the ship’s center of gravity in the direction in the below figure.
.‫ْذِ انقٕة تقٕو بعًم عشو يتسبب في دٔراٌ انسفيُت‬
Ship Manoeuvering

 The center of gravity of the ship is forward of the rudder, so given the
direction of the rudder force, a moment will be created as shown.
ٌ‫يزكش ٔسٌ انسفيُت يكٌٕ اياو انذفت ٔبانتاني انعشو انُاتج يحذث حٕل يزكش انسفيُت ٔيسبب دٔرا‬
Ship Manoeuvering

Rudder Forces and Moments

The Pivot Point ‫نقطة مركز االنحراف‬

The pivot point is not (necessarily) amidships. It positions depends upon the shape
of the hull and the centre of pressure on the hull and other factor.

‫ْذِ انُقطت نيس يٍ انضزٔري اٌ تكٌٕ في يُتصف انسفيُت ٔتكٌٕ يعتًذة عهي شكم بذٌ انسفيُت ٔيزكش‬
. ‫ضغظ انًاء عهي انبذٌ ٔعٕايم اخزي‬

A Pivot Point is not a fixed point; it move forward or back depending upon forces
acting on the ship.

‫َقطت يزكش االيحزاف نيست َقطت ثابتّ تتحزك نالياو أ نهخاف يعتًذة عهي انقٕي انتي تؤثز ع انسفيُت‬
Ship Manoeuvering

It is not static but moves about depending on whether:

1- When making headway at steady speed, it lies about 1 /4 length from the bow.

2- When making headway and accelerating, it lies about 1 /8 length from the bow.

3- When going astern at steady speed, it lies about 1 /4 length from aft.

4- When going astern and accelerating, it lies about 1/8 length from aft.

Ship factors that affect maneuvering

1- Underwater hull geometry ‫شكل بدن السفينة جحث الماء‬

Ship Manoeuvering

High values of L/B are associated with good course directional stability.

Ships with large block and prismatic coefficients have poor course stability and a
readiness to turn.

2- Lateral motion
3- Propeller and rudder
4- Rudder response
5- Single rudders and twin-screw ships

Maneuvering characteristics at low speeds will generally be poor on twin screw

ships fitted with a single centre line rudder.

Read these statements then decide if the statements are true or false.

1- Maneuvering characteristics at high speeds will generally be poor on twin screw

ships fitted with a single center line rudder FALSE

2- The quicker the rudder responds, the sooner the ship will begin to turn TRUE

3- A Pivot Points a central point on a vessel which remains fixed as the bow and
stern swing around it. FALSE

4- When making headway and accelerating, Pivot Point lies about 1/4 length from
the bow FALSE

5- Rudder Aspect ratio: mean chord / span. FALSE

Ship Manoeuvering

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