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Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q1a)

You are Alex Larsen, the senior non-executive director of CC.

CC has been invited to tender for the contract for the construction of the new road in Betal, as the
preferred partner of Betal’s government. CC’s finance team has drawn up financial forecasts for the
project. However, you have doubts about the contract and you want it to be discussed thoroughly at
CC’s next board meeting. You are particularly concerned with whether CC will be able to fulfil the
criteria stated by Betal’s transport minister.

Prepare a briefing paper for the board meeting, which:

Analyses the financial and non-financial issues which will affect the final decision of whether to
accept the contract to build the road in Betal.
Note: A recommendation is NOT required. (18 marks)

Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating analysis skills in identifying information
which is relevant to the decision. (4 marks)
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q1a)
Role: Alex Larsen
9 points – 3-6 financial & 3-6 non-financial –
Format: Briefing paper
balance is important
Recipient: Board of CC

Verbs Task/Answer points Marks/Time

Analyse the financial issues which will affect the final decision of whether to accept the contract Max 12 marks
Analyse the non-financial issues which will affect the final decision of whether to accept the contract Max 12 marks

Total max 18
marks –

36 minutes

Professional skill: Analysis

Investigate – Scrutinise – Consider: information (financial and non-financial factors) which is relevant to the decision.
Technical skills: ???
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q1a)
Role: Alex Larsen
9 points – 3-6 financial & 3-6 non-financial –
Format: Briefing paper
balance is important
Recipient: Board of CC

Verbs Task/Answer points Marks/Time

Analyse the financial issues which will affect the final decision of whether to accept the contract Max 12 marks
Analyse the non-financial issues which will affect the final decision of whether to accept the contract Max 12 marks

Total max 18
marks –

36 minutes

Professional skill: Analysis

Investigate – Scrutinise – Consider: information (financial and non-financial factors) which is relevant to the decision.
Technical skills: SAF not preferred – use direct approach
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q1a)
Financial issues
• Forecast profit of $2b – margin of 9·5% on $21b - above CEO’s target of 8% - can enhance
long-term value of CC – offers follow-on opportunities in Betal as well – however, margin
of safety low.
• Also, potential risk of losses – 3 years losses in Alphia – questions reliability of CC’s
planning, time and cost estimates even in flatland road construction projects – hopefully
lessons learned – Betal project significantly more challenging.
• Mountainous terrain – no previous experience - if, for e.g., expenditure on tunnels
underestimated by even 10%, will not achieve required profit margin – only 7.1%.
• Because of reasons 2 and 3, SHs may be concerned about project timetable slipping -
failing to meet deadlines may affect timing and amount of revenue.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q1a)
Financial issues
• Ties up considerable working capital – affects dividend pay outs - SH expectations raised
by recent dividend increase - unhappy if increase just one-off.
• SHs worry about liquidity of project and adequacy of short-term bank facilities available
if required, particularly if they feel timetable may slip and progress payments delayed.
• SHs concerned about extra long-term finance required - if CC needs to make a share
issue, existing SHs worried about dilution of their shares - if financed by extra debt,
extra financial risk – affects profitability, and hence dividends.
• Taking on extra debt might breach terms in current covenants - if CC refinances current
debt in next 3 years, potential lenders may be wary of prior commitments to providers
of finance for this contract - makes refinancing difficult.
Choose any 3 to 6
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q1a)
Non-financial issues
• Previous projects - flat countries – so, no experience of mountainous terrain – for Betal
government, terrain not an issue - over-optimistic – some areas, may not be possible to
construct new stretches of road which reduce journey time compared to current road.
• Resources difficult to obtain - new local suppliers needed to reduce risk of supply delays
- difficult to create and manage new relationships - potential communication and
cultural problems.
• Have to quickly recruit manpower locally - tight timetable – so high volume manpower
needed - premium labour - also need specialists in mountain terrain road construction –
have to recruit externally.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q1a)
Non-financial issues

• May lack operational systems required to support a project of this size and location -
SiteSmart system not available yet – road project might disrupt development of system
or vice-versa - better if contract had begun in 2 years’ time, when system ready.

• May lack central management resources to oversee project effectively - AC, risk and
health and safety managers all have significant current responsibilities - may be
stretched too far to undertake additional monitoring project will need.

Choose any 3 to 5
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q1b)
You are Alex Larsen, the senior non-executive director of CC.

Prepare a briefing paper for the board meeting, which:

Discusses the difficulties CC may face in fulfilling the criteria stated by Desmond Otieno,
the transport minister of Betal. (8 marks)

Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating commercial acumen in identifying
difficulties for CC arising from the criteria which Desmond Otieno has stated.
(2 marks)
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q1b)
Role: Alex Larsen
Format: Briefing paper
Recipient: Board of CC

Verbs Task/Answer points

Discuss the difficulties CC may face in fulfilling the criteria stated by Desmond Otieno 8 marks –
Use TCS framework to answer this question
16 minutes
1. Cost constraints
2. Time constraints
3. Environmental (scope) constraints
4. Performance measurement

Professional skill: Commercial acumen

Demonstrate awareness; show insight; use judgement: in identifying difficulties for CC arising from the criteria which
Desmond Otieno has stated
Technical skills: TCS/Q
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q1b)
Cost constraints

• If CC awarded contract, partly because it has quoted a low price - will limit profit
margins - very difficult if cost overruns occur, as there will be considerable government
and media scrutiny.

• Need to keep costs low may also lead to compromises in scope – e.g. choosing a route
which will cost less to construct rather which is best for traffic flow or compromises in
road safety features.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q1b)
Time constraints

• Completing road quickly may indicate CC efficient - however, problems if timetable

unrealistic because of our inexperience - may have to employ extra, possibly more
expensive, labour to meet deadlines - affects cost.

• Taking less time - shorter disruption period, but intensity of disruption will be high -
considerable disruption perhaps to environment by hurried construction – may take less
care to minimise disruption to natural habitats – high concern for minister.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q1b)
Environmental (scope) constraints

• CC will be judged on whether it minimises permanent environmental impacts - but

what the government wants not clear - new road, when ready, will inevitably increase
noise and air pollution, which CC cannot control.

• Road will inevitably cause permanent disruption to human and animal communities, as
it cannot be routed anywhere else - road ecology measures (e.g. wildlife crossings) can
minimise impact – but cost and time implications - unclear if Betal government will offer
concessions if construction minimises environmental impact.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q1b)
Outcomes and performance measurement

• When Betal government evaluates quality of CC’s work for payment, will consider
whether road and supporting features (drainage, lighting etc.) well constructed –
supporting features, not emphasised by minister but important.

• Even if failure to meet outcomes stated by transport minister does not affect payment,
may face reputation damage - some expectations – unrealistic – e.g. not clear how
figure of reducing journey time by almost half was estimated - natural constraints in
mountains may make it impossible to build such a road

Overall – very tight and negative co-relationships between different constraints –

achieving one affects others significantly
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 - Q2)
You are Jo Issa, the project manager for the construction of the road in Betal.

Prepare a memo addressed to Oliver Wesonga which critically evaluates the outline
contents and the summary of operational issues in the project initiation document
which he has prepared and recommends improvements.
(14 marks)

Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating scepticism skills in discussing
shortcomings with the outline contents and summary of operational issues in the project
initiation document and recommending improvements.
(4 marks)
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 - Q2)
But remember – junior staff member took his own initiative
Role: Jo Issa – Project Manager to prepare PID – memo tone must be appreciative –
Format: Memo important for professional marks.
Recipient: Oliver Wesonga

Verbs Task/answer points Marks/Time

Critically evaluate & Outline contents 6/8 marks

recommend Project & business objectives / stakeholders /assumptions / resource constraints / - 12 mins
improvements project team

Critically evaluate & Summary of operational issues 6/8 marks

recommend Time constraints/cost analysis/risk assessment -12 mins

Professional skill: Scepticism

Probe – Question – Challenge: the shortcomings of the document prepared?

Technical skill: Project Initiation Document contents

Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 - Q2)
Thank you for taking responsibility - contents appear to be well-organised and flow logically
- covers a number of significant elements - however, number of issues:

Outline contents

In ‘Project aims and background’ section:

1. Project objective/purpose

• Project aims & background – must include project’s overall purpose – e.g. to build a safe,
resilient and easy to drive road - project can then focus on this throughout.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 - Q2)

2. Project’s business objectives

• Must also define project’s business objective – financial and non-financial - will be used
by CC to measure project’s success -

a. Achieve minimum 8% profit margin (financial)

b. Establish CC’s presence as a significant player in the construction sector in Betal (non-

• Should also include what Betal government hopes to achieve – e.g. - a road which is able
to cope with traffic volume and deliver reduced journey times - will be used by them to
measure project’s success.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 - Q2)
3. Stakeholders

• Need to identify most important stakeholders of project - indicating levels of power and
interest –
a. Betal government - key player
b. Media - keep informed?
c. Communities affected – keep informed?

• Must include a sign-off section - all key stakeholders reps must sign PID to indicate
understanding and acceptance
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 - Q2)
4. Assumptions

• Detailed forecasts of benefits, costs and timings needed - must explain assumptions and
their basis – e.g. 1: assumptions about supply delivery times problems caused by
difficult terrain – e.g. 2: whether assumptions about completion dates based on
continuous work or how many days will be assumed lost due to bad weather.

In ‘Operational issues’ section:

5. Constraints
• Must include ‘resource constraints’ as manpower constraints significant - may have to do
a lot of recruiting in a short time - more complicated as we have not undertaken
construction projects in Betal before – also, need to recruit specialists for key project
stages such as construction of tunnels.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 - Q2)

In ‘Personnel and responsibilities’ section:

6. Project team
• Only mentioned project sponsor and manager - should start with project structure chart
- shows who has authority and lines of reporting - need to state other members of
project team and summarise their responsibilities.

Pick any 3/4

Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 - Q2)
Operational issues
1. Time constraints
• Shows summary of project milestones – must be supported by an extended project
timetable showing milestone deadlines.

• Should also include important time-related difficulties - e.g. not being able to
undertake certain work during rainy season.

2. Cost analysis
• Budgeted figures for each stage - repeat - would already be included in project budget -
in ‘Project aims and background’ section – need to give breakdown into categories of
most significant unavoidable costs, for example, commitments to suppliers which we
will have to make.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 - Q2)
3. Risks
• Should link to significant risks identified in annual report, with summary of their
likelihood – ‘health and safety’ and ‘supply’ risks actions appear thorough, but must
include assessment of their probability and impact.

• Need to include assessment (probability and impact) and specific actions to manage
stated environmental risks – must also include assessment and specific actions for risks
related to ‘communities and wildlife’ – important for Betal’s minister.

Hope all my comments are helpful - thanks again for doing this while there was no project
manager - happy to discuss any aspect of this memo with you.

Jo Issa
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3a)
It is now July 20X2, three months after CC began construction of the new road in Betal.
You are Pat Singh, a consultant employed by CC’s board.
You have just left the emergency meeting regarding the incident at the construction site and
are responding to the requests made by CC’s chairman, Imena Bhudia, at the end of the
Prepare a confidential memo for Imena Bhudia, chairman of CC, which discusses the ethical
and reputational concerns raised at the meeting. (10 marks)
Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating scepticism skills by challenging the
comments made at the emergency meeting. (2 marks)
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3a)
Role: Pat Singh
Format: Confidential memo
Recipient: Imena Bhudia

Verbs Task/answer points Time allowed

Discuss Ethical concerns 2/3 points 10 marks

1. Tone at the top
2. Making a statement Assume 6/4
3. Attitude to H&S marks for
each concern
Discuss Reputational concerns 2/3 points
1. Consequences of accident 20 minutes
2. Attitude towards protestors

Professional skill: Scepticism

Probe – Question – Challenge: the comments made by the CEO at the meeting

Technical skill: Common sense

Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3a)
Ethical concerns
1. Tone at the top
• As CEO, Burton responsible to establish and lead an ethical climate within CC - annual
report stresses importance of ethics and honesty in avoiding false claims and misleading
statements – but, Burton’s comments and conduct - short of these ideals.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3a)
2. Making a statement
• Important to heed lawyer’s advice not to make a statement – instead, CEO wants to make
a statement blaming protesters fully – CC’s annual report – ‘committed to avoid false
claims and misleading statements’.

• CEO failed to establish facts prior to wanting to make a statement – statement may be
false or baseless – unethical to do so – also, embarrassing if CC staff were actually found
guilty of misconduct, later.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3a)
3. Attitude to H&S
• Burton - ultimately responsible for H&S at CC – unfortunately, not concerned about safety
of employees and contractors at site - did not take steps to fill H&S manager’s absence -
has not informed Board of H&S issues.

• Also plans to ‘rectify’ H&S problems at the construction site, supposedly to protect CC’s
legal position & reputation – is actually more concerned about protecting himself –
‘hardship bonus’: unethical move – to make sure all staff saying same things.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3a)
Reputational concerns
1. Consequences of accident
• CC’s subjection to media attention for this project, high - likely to increase because of
tunnel incident – will suffer bad publicity if it comes to light that CC’s H&S failings
actually contributed to the accident.

• Serious damage to reputation if found guilty of misleading authorities – extreme case,

Betal government may terminate contract immediately - unlikely to win future contracts
anywhere – extreme case, demise of CC.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3a)
2 Attitude towards protesters
• Betal project – controversial & disliked by many - Burton’s refusal to meet protesters
implies guilt & that CC does not care about stakeholders – against “Stakeholder First”
programme and against “promising to address all stakeholder groups’ concerns” -
worsens bad publicity image.

• CEO’s ‘no time for protesters’ image reinforced if he emphasises that accident was solely
due to protesters’ fault - in poor taste to criticise anyone injured – can further increase
bad publicity.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3b)
Prepare a summary for CC’s board to review assessing the control weaknesses discussed
at the emergency meeting, stating for each control weakness its consequence and
recommendation for improvements. (14 marks)

Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating evaluation skills by basing
explanations of significant control weaknesses on the information provided and
recommending appropriate improvements. (4 marks)
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3b)
Prepare a summary for CC’s board to review assessing the control weaknesses discussed
at the emergency meeting, stating for each control weakness its consequence and
recommendation for improvements. (14 marks)

Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating evaluation skills by basing
explanations of significant control weaknesses on the information provided and
recommending appropriate improvements. (4 marks)

A table will be appropriate

Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3b)
Prepare a summary for CC’s board to review assessing the control weaknesses discussed
at the emergency meeting, stating for each control weakness its consequence and
recommendation for improvements. Your 3 headings for the table (14 marks)

Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating evaluation skills by basing
explanations of significant control weaknesses on the information provided and
recommending appropriate improvements. (4 marks)

A table will be appropriate

Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3b)
Role: Pat Singh
Format: Summary (table)
Recipient: CC Board

Verbs Task/answer points Time allowed

Assess Control weakness

(identify) 14 marks
5/6 weaknesses will suffice –
State Consequences summary – 1/2 short sentence(s) 28 minutes
for each item = 1 mark
Recommend Improvements

Professional skill: Evaluation

Assess – Estimate - Appraise: significant control weaknesses and recommend appropriate improvements.
Technical skill: Common sense/Internal controls
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3b)
Role: Pat Singh
Format: Summary (table)
Recipient: CC Board

Verbs Task/answer points Time allowed

Assess Control weakness

14 marks
(identify) • Inadequate security
• No report on previous break-in 28 minutes
• Inadequate lighting
• IA’s scheduled and non-visit
• Absence of H&S manager
• Failure to clear oil spill
Professional skill: Evaluation
Assess – Estimate - Appraise: significant control weaknesses and recommend appropriate improvements.
Technical skill: Common sense/Internal controls
RailCo Answer Plan (Specimen Paper 2 – Q3b)
Weakness Consequence Recommendation
Inadequate security Contract not specific Staff unable to deal Discuss with Sholin -
- only 2 guards quickly and amend contract -
present effectively with specify adequate
disturbances. minimum number of
guards needed on
duty at all times & at
various places at site.
RailCo Answer Plan (Specimen Paper 2 – Q3b)
Weakness Consequence Recommendation
No report on Ineffective CC not alerted to the Amend contract – all
previous break-in communication from need to take attempted security
Sholin additional steps such breaches must be
as installing stronger reported
fencing and/or immediately and
appointing more directly to CC’s risk
guards on site. manager otherwise
penalties will be
RailCo Answer Plan (Specimen Paper 2 – Q3b)
Weakness Consequence Recommendation
Inadequate lighting Failure to respond to Increased risk of on- Set site management
H&S manager’s site accidents and deadlines to make
instructions shows injuries as people improvements
follow-up procedures cannot see hazards specified & mandate
are inadequate. clearly - risk of legal them to report that
penalties. they have done so -
follow-up with H&S
RailCo Answer Plan (Specimen Paper 2 – Q3b)
Weakness Consequence Recommendation
IA’s scheduled and Visit scheduled If staff aware of visit, IA to visit sites,
non-visit rather than will ensure that the particularly where
unannounced - failed site complies only for H&S risks are high –
to visit site so far - IA visits but lax at more frequently &
indicates inadequate other times - H&S on a surprise basis.
monitoring. failings not identified
for some time.
RailCo Answer Plan (Specimen Paper 2 – Q3b)
Weakness Consequence Recommendation
Absence of H&S No effective oversight H&S problems not Appoint interim H&S
manager of H&S due to his addressed as no-one is manager immediately
absence – no one to ensuring inspections until Li resumes work –
whom staff & are adequate & pre-identify assistant
contractors can voice problems are being H&S manager to
concerns. remedied. ensure full cover if Li
absent in future
RailCo Answer Plan (Specimen Paper 2 – Q3b)
Weakness Consequence Recommendation
Failure to clear oil Shows failure to Increased risk of on- Remind staff on all
spill follow internal H&S site accidents, sites that H&S
procedures and injuries & legal procedures must be
inadequate penalties strictly followed -
inspections by site supervisors must
management. carry out regular
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3c)
Prepare a briefing paper for CC’s next board meeting, advising the board of the
advantages for CC of establishing a separate risk committee.
(8 marks)

Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating commercial acumen skills in
identifying benefits that would be relevant to CC in establishing a separate risk
committee. (2 marks)
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3c)
Prepare a briefing paper for CC’s next board meeting, advising the board of the
advantages for CC of establishing a separate risk committee.
(8 marks)

Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating commercial acumen skills in
identifying benefits that would be relevant to CC in establishing a separate risk
committee. (2 marks)
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3c)
Role: Pat Singh
Format: Briefing paper
Recipient: CC Board

Verbs Task/answer points Time allowed

Advise Advantages of establishing a separate risk committee.

8 marks
1. Mix of membership
2. Scope of risks
4 advantages
3. Leadership
4. Communication
16 minutes
5. Reassurance to shareholders

Professional skill: Commercial acumen

Demonstrate awareness; show insight; use judgement: benefits that would be relevant to CC in establishing a
separate risk committee.

Technical skill: Risk Committee (corporate governance)

Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3c)
1. Mix of membership
• AC must fulfil CG requirements – must consist of minimum 3 iNEDs only, with at
least one finance expert – fulfilled by CC

• However, a separate RMC – can be a mix of EDs, NEDs and even non-directors -
‘mix’ – advantageous - EDs can contribute knowledge of how risks affect CC
operationally - also have more time to commit to RMC’s activities.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3c)

2. Scope of risks

• AC, again constrained by governance requirements - must focus on financial &

audit related risks – must also focus on past issues - may also lack experience of
dealing with non-financial risks.

• RMC can focus on non-financial and other important risks – example, H&S risks
at CC - can therefore consider wider risks – need not cover financial risks – can
be dynamic and future-oriented.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3c)

3. Leadership

• AC – many responsibilities to monitor, review audit & financial elements - lack

time to be proactive in leading risk awareness campaigns – also, difficult for
NEDs to lead when not involved in daily operations.

• RMC, with EDs, can feed through to BOD efficiently - ensure all risks are
considered before making key decisions - together with the risk manager, can
lead risk awareness campaigns in CC.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3c)

4. Communication

• Currently - quarterly meetings - handicaps effective communication - may be too

slow to act to deal with urgent risks.

• RMC can meet more frequently - speeds up communication - including EDs will
provide clear points of contact for internal communications about risk concerns.

• May also simplify risk manager’s reporting lines - risk manager can report
directly to an ED on the RMC.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q3c)
5. Reassurance to shareholders

• CC’s risk report proves that you face significant H&S risks – separate RMC assures
shareholders that CC takes a holistic and serious view of risk management -
shareholders should welcome this reassurance.

• Separate RMC – goes beyond minimum CG requirements - shows proactive attitude -

appropriate for CC - important not to suffer any further adverse publicity arising from
injuries to staff & outsiders.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q4)
You are Pat Singh, a consultant employed by CC’s board.

Burton Vadher, CC’s chief executive, has asked you to help him to prepare for the next board meeting,
which will discuss investment in big data analytics and offering long-term infrastructure management
for roads in Omegland, Alphia and Betal.

Prepare TWO presentation slides, together with accompanying notes, for the chief executive to
present to the board which:

– Discusses the benefits and the costs to CC of investing in big data analytics;
– Evaluates the possible opportunity to undertake long-term infrastructure management of roads
in the three countries. (8 marks)

Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating communication skills in presenting the points
in the slides concisely and for supporting notes which will make the issues clear to the board.
(2 marks)
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q4)
Role: Pat Singh
Format: Slides and notes
So 4 marks per set – slide: 1 mark; notes: 3 marks
Recipient: Board of CC

Verbs Task/Answer points

Discuss The benefits and the costs to CC of investing in big data analytics 8 marks –

16 minutes
Evaluate The possible opportunity to undertake long-term infrastructure management of roads

Professional skill: Communication

Informing - Persuading - Clarifying: points in the slides concisely and for supporting notes which will make the issues
clear to the board.

Technical skills: 1. Big data 2. Common sense

Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q4)

Slide 1 Benefits Costs

• More available data • Set up

• Useful for existing • Security

• Expertise
• Useful for infrastructure
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q4)
Notes for slide 1

Available data
• Can provide information about 1. volume of traffic and peaks and troughs in road
usage 2. state of roads - including delays at any particular time, areas affected by bad
weather, condition of road surfaces and supporting features like drains and bridges.
Use in existing operations – data about:
• Wear on roads – can forecast where and when maintenance will be required -
particularly useful for long-term maintenance contracts
• Bad weather - can plan what work CC needs to do, e.g., improving drainage
• Traffic volume at different times/dates – to undertake maintenance when roads are
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q4)
Infrastructure management opportunity

• Also keeping road users informed - if problems/delays, CC can deal with them quickly
and pass information onto road users, e.g., areas to avoid because of jam/bad
weather or alternative routes to take.

Costs v benefits

• Set up, security & cost of expertise (IT) to interpret data (data scientists) – is
investment in big data justified even if CC cannot gain infrastructure management
contracts? - because at present CC’s chances of winning this type of contract are
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q4)
Alternative answer

Slide 1 Analytics provides data on:

• Traffic peaks and troughs

• State of roads including delays

• Areas affected by bad weather

• Condition of signages, bridges, drains, etc.

Costs to consider:

• Set up, security, personnel & software costs

Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q4)

Slide 2
Infrastructure management opportunity:

• Service (product) development

• Long-term income source

• Fees or tolls – difficult to estimate

• Reliability of cost estimates

Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q4)
Notes for slide 2

Service development
• Infrastructure support - new service in existing locations - equivalent to product
development – can enhance presence in Alphia & gain presence in Betal.
• May help CC win construction contracts if it can provide infrastructure management
as well – ‘one-stop’ supplier.
Long-term income source
• Infrastructure management contracts - likely to be for a number of years - provides
guaranteed income long term - cash cow, which can help finance major
construction projects.
Cofold Construction Company (Sep 18 – Q4)
Fees or tolls
• Government fees - difficult to predict - influenced by governments - may be affected if
there is a change of government.
• Income from tolls – also difficult to predict - if existing roads become toll roads, traffic
may use alternative routes to avoid paying the toll - if new toll roads are built, traffic
may continue to use existing toll-free roads.
Reliability of cost estimates
• Costs of maintenance of roads – difficult to predict - depends on weather, road
conditions, volume of traffic etc. – however, greater income from tolls if volume high.
• Costs of operating traffic control and signage systems - easier to predict - do not depend
on traffic volumes

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