Garcia, Keisha - 1b Activity

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1. What is the significance of social structure in understanding how societies

organize themselves

● Social structure serves as a foundational concept for understanding how societies

organize themselves by shaping roles, relationships, hierarchies, and norms. It provides
valuable insights into various aspects of society, from culture to economics, and informs
the study of social change and the development of effective policies

2. How does culture influence the behavior and values of individual within a society?

● Socialization: Culture begins shaping individuals from a young age through a process
known as socialization. Children learn the norms, customs, and values of their culture
from their families, schools, and communities. This early exposure lays the foundation
for their behavior and values.

3. What is the role of socialization in shaping the individuals identity and behavior within

● For me socialization helps individuals develop a sense of self-identity. They learn who
they are in relation to others and their culture. This includes aspects such as gender
identity, cultural identity, and personal identity.

4. What is the fundamental purpose of education in society and how is it evolved over

● The fundamental purpose of education in society is multifaceted and has evolved over
time in response to changing societal needs and values. One of the core functions of
education is to transmit knowledge and information to new generations. This includes
teaching subjects like mathematics, science, history, literature, and the arts.

5. How do educational institution contribute to the socialization of individuals and the

transmission of cultural values?

● Educational institutions play a significant role in the socialization of individuals and the
transmission of cultural values. Educational institutions have a formal curriculum that
includes subjects like history, literature, and social studies. These subjects often contain
content that reflects the cultural values, history, and traditions of a society. We students
learn about their culture's achievements, historical events, and cultural figures,
contributing to cultural transmission.
6. What hat role does curriculum play in shaping the knowledge and skills that student
acquire in the education system?

● The curriculum plays a central role in shaping the knowledge and skills that we students
acquire in the education system. It serves as the blueprint for what we are expected to
learn and achieve during our educational journey.

7. Make a research about filipino values and culture that affects the society

● As we know Filipino culture is rich and diverse, and it significantly influences the values
and behaviors of the society. Below is my research about the Filipino values and cultural
aspects that impact Filipino society,
Bayanihan Spirit: The "Bayanihan" spirit embodies the Filipino value of community unity
and cooperation. It refers to the practice of people coming together to help their
neighbors or a community member in need, often involving tasks like relocating a house
or assisting during natural disasters.

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