Pembahasan Reading Comprehension 4

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Text for number 1 -5

Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day is a celebration of harvest, thankfulness for peace, and the attempt of
Native Americans. It is usually celebrated in late autumn.

In the past, Thanksgiving was celebrated for their rich harvest in New England. In North America,
however, it was originally held to thank God for their survival in the new land which was not easy for
them. However, in Canada, it had been celebrated as in New England. Thanksgiving now is celebrated in
United States of America and in Canada. Thanksgiving festivals are held every fourth Thursday of
November in the U.S and on the second Monday of October in Canada. It is usually celebrated in four to
five days in the North America and for three days in Canada.

It is celebrated through families and friends gathering to eat and give good luck. Turkey is the main dish
in the thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving parades are also usually held. In Thanksgiving homes are
decorated with wreaths, fresh and dried flowers. Lamps are lighted to brighten the environment. Tables
are decorated with best china and antique silver dishes to mark the occasion.
1 Based on the text above, what is the second
paragraph about?
A. Where thanksgiving comes from (when?)
B. How to celebrate thanksgiving
C. History of thanksgiving
D. Why thanksgiving is popular
E. Thanksgiving in modern society
2 Which of the following statement is false based on the
text above?
A. Thankgiving the attempt of Native Americans
B. Thanksgiving is mostly celebrated on North
C. Thanksgiving is always celebrated on fourth
Thursday of November
D. People are likely eat Turkey during
E. The pilgrims more taught by Native America
on how to grow food on Latin America’s

Pilgrims; peziarah
3 Which of the following words can’t replace the word
“wreath” in paragraph 3?
A. Garland
B. Bouquet
C. Corsage
D. Divest
E. Posy

Wreath; lingkaran / rangkaian

Divest; deny someone’s power, rights, or possession

4 In 2023, if 1 November falls on Wednesday, when

will people celebrate Thanksgiving?
A. 2 November
B. 9 November
C. 16 November
D. 23 November
E. Throughout November
5 It is celebrated through families and friends
gathering to eat and give good luck. (paragraph 3)
It refers to …

Text for number 6-10

Hyenas: Nature's Clever Scavengers
Hyenas are mammals of Africa and Asia. They look something like dogs, but they are not related to
them. There are three species, or types, of hyena: spotted, striped, and brown. The spotted hyena is
known for its hunting cry, which sounds like human laughter.
Hyenas are gray, brown, or yellowish. Some have stripes or spots. Their front legs are longer than their
hind legs. The spotted hyena is the largest species. Female spotted hyenas are larger than males.
Females measure about 6 feet (1.8 meters) long and weigh 175 pounds (80 kilograms).
Hyenas are fascinating creatures that belong to the Hyaenidae family. Often misunderstood and
misrepresented, hyenas are intelligent predators with unique social structures and communication
Hyenas have adapted to various environments, from savannas to dense forests. Their keen sense of
smell allows them to detect carcasses from miles away, making them excellent scavengers.
Hyenas live in social groups called clans, usually led by a dominant female. The social hierarchy is crucial
for cooperation during hunts and protection from other predators.
Hyenas communicate through vocalizations, including whoops, growls, and laughter-like calls. They also
use visual signals, such as body language and facial expressions, to convey information within the clan.

Scavegers; hunter, searcher

Carcasses; corpses, remains, bodies, skeleton
Dense forest; thick forest
6 According to the passage, all of the following are
characteristics of hyenas, EXCEPT …
A. Hyenas are intelligent predators with
unique social structure and
communications methods.
B. Hyena can smell carcasses from miles
C. Hyenas live in social group called lens and
led by dominant male.
D. Hyenas communicate through whoops,
growls, and laughter
E. Hyenas use facial expressions to convey
information within the clan.
7 Why hyenas known as intelligent predators?
A. Hyenas have unique social structures and
communication methods
B. Hyenas have adapted to various environment
from savannas to dense forest
C. Hyenas live in sodial groups
D. Hyenas can communicate with others animals
E. Hyenas use body language to communications
8 How hyenas adapt to their environment? ( answer
more than one)
A. Hyenas live in social group called clans
B. Hyenas led by dominant female
C. Hyenas have adapted to various
D. Hyenas have keen a sense of smell to detect
the carcasses
E. Hyenas protect their clans from the other
9 Hyenas communicate through vocalizations, including
whoops, growls, and laughter-like calls.
We can replace the word “whoops” with …

Whoops; scream, shout

Growls; roar, bark
10 How hyenas send the informations to their clans?
A. Hyenas whoops and growls to the others
B. Hyenas laugh like human
C. Hyenas send the message
D. Hyenas us body language and facial
E. Hyenas calls the others

Text for number 11-15

Soekarno, born Kusno Sosrodihardjo in 1901, was the first President of Indonesia and a key figure in the country's
struggle for independence from Dutch colonial rule. Known for his charismatic leadership and oratory skills,
Soekarno played a pivotal role in shaping the nation's destiny.
Soekarno was born in Surabaya, Java, during the Dutch East Indies era. His early exposure to nationalist ideas and
activism influenced his political beliefs. Soekarno studied engineering in Bandung, where he became involved in
nationalist movements advocating for independence.
As a leader of the Indonesian Nationalist Party (PNI), Soekarno tirelessly campaigned for self-determination. The
proclamation of Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945, marked a historic moment with Soekarno as its
first president. However, this led to a bitter armed conflict with the Dutch, known as the Indonesian National
Soekarno's presidency was characterized by his concept of "Guided Democracy." He sought to balance the
ideological diversity within Indonesia by guiding the nation's development through a combination of nationalism,
communism, and Islam. This approach aimed to maintain unity amid diverse political and social forces.
Soekarno was known for his non-aligned foreign policy, advocating for cooperation among developing nations. He
played a crucial role in establishing the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), fostering solidarity among countries not
aligned with any major power bloc during the Cold War.
Soekarno's presidency faced challenges, including economic issues and political instability. In 1966, under pressure
from the military and political forces, Soekarno handed over power to General Suharto. His health declined, and
Soekarno lived the remaining years of his life in isolation until his death in 1970.
Despite controversies, Soekarno is remembered as a founding father and symbol of Indonesian independence. His
legacy lives on in the nation's history, and his contributions to the struggle for freedom are commemorated
annually on Indonesia's Independence Day. Soekarno's vision of a united and independent Indonesia continues to
inspire generations.
11 Why Soekarno played a pivotal role in shaping
the nation’s destiny?
A. Because he was the first President of
B. Because he was born in Surabaya
C. Because he known for his charismatic
leadership and oratory skill
D. Because he was a leader of Indonesian
Nationalist Party
E. Because he was known for his non-aligned
foreign policy
12 What the third paragraph tells about?
A. Soekarno’s biography
B. Soekarno’s education
C. Soekarno’s struggle for independence
D. Soekarno as proclamator
E. Soekarno’s international relation
13 Based on the text, how long did Soekarno serve as a
President? 1945-1966
A. 5 years
B. 10 years
C. 14 years
D. 21 years
E. 25 years
14 Why Soekarno handed over power to General
A. Because Soekarno was not selected anymore
in Presidential selection
B. Because there was economic issues and
instability politic
C. Because Soeharto has close related with
D. Because Soekarno’s health was decrease
E. Because Soekarno life in isolation
15 The primary purpose of this passage is …
A. To know how Indonesian independence
B. To leran the biography of Soekarno
C. To inspire generations with Soekarno’s
struggle and continued it.
D. To know that Soekarno as founding father and
symbol of Indonesian Independence
E. To know when Soekarno was death
Text for number 16-20
Education is an important thing for develop our self. Education is the tool for progress someone to be
success. If we want to be success person. We have to looking for a knowledge as much as possible.
Therefore, we as adult must adjust our self with the surrounding environment, and norms, values,
customs, and ethics in the society. Adolescence is a period of transition between childhood to

At the time of development, teens start demand to be given the opportunity put his own opinion, like
tell of his feelings. Then, teens also can rebellious because he feels that he is not a kid anymore. Usually,
teenagers have much admired, but his attitude is not always negative. Teens are also interested in peer
groups, seeking attention in the environment, the emotions that an overabundance and physical growth
changes rapidly.

On the other hand, the life of teenager is very complex with a variety of creativity and desire to try
everything in the vicinity, both in the social style or intellectual. So, we have to provide place for teens to
develop the talents of him. Furthermore, education is a way to be success. Education is an important for
realize generation intelligent and have an intellectual.

Finally, education for teens is for help him to show his skill. Skill is a deep knowledge about a specific
field which can bring us to the spare of brilliant career. If we have many knowledges, we will get a
decent job. All of the teens must go to school. Because, in the globalization era it is expected that the
teens generation can develop the knowledge gained so as not out date. That’s the important of being
someone who is educated well in a family, environment, school, and community. If we as generation are
able to get a good education, then the unemployment rate in Indonesia also will be less. Because,
human resources have been able to develop their knowledge.
16 What of the text tells about? …
A. The importance of education for teens
B. Teens can rebellious because they are not
kid anymore
C. The life of teens are very complex
D. Education for help someone to show his
E. The importance of education for family
17 Choise Statement Tru False
A Education is one of way to
be success
B Teens have no opportunity
to tell their feelings
C Teens’s attitude is always
D Teens’s life full of variety of
creativity and desire to try
E Education is important to
show teens’s skill
18 Based on the text, why all of the teens have to go to
A. Because that is government’s program
B. Because teens go to school to get pocket
money from their parents
C. Because teens need the place to develop their
D. Because teens have to show their skill
E. Because in globalization era, teens can
develop the knowledge gained
19 Then, teens also can rebellious because he feels
that he is not a kid anymore.
The closest meaning the underlined word is …
A. Conformist
B. Wayward
C. Compliant
D. Obedient
E. Sarcastic

Rebellious; wayward, disobedient, naughty

Conformist; traditional, orthodox, conventional
Compliant; obedient, submissive
Sarcastic; cynical
20 Based on the text, Mention three importants
A. Education is the tool for progress someone to
be success
B. Education is used to find the job
C. Education is used to realize intelligence and
intellectual of teens
D. Education can reduce the rate of
E. Education can use to get money

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