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The family tree of the Greek gods is complex and intertwined, reflecting the mythology of

ancient Greece. Here's a simplified version:

1. **Primordial Deities**: These are the first beings to emerge in Greek mythology.

- Chaos (The Void)

- Gaia (Earth)
- Tartarus (Underworld)
- Eros (Love)
- Erebus (Darkness)
- Nyx (Night)

2. **Titans**: The Titans are the older gods who ruled before the Olympians.

- Ouranos (Sky)
- Gaia (Earth)
- Cronus (Saturn)
- Zeus (Jupiter)
- Poseidon (Neptune)
- Hades (Pluto)
- Hestia (Vesta)
- Hera (Juno)
- Demeter (Ceres)
- Oceanus (Ocean)
- Tethys (Fresh Water)
- Hyperion (Sun)
- Theia (Moon)
- Coeus (Intelligence)
- Phoebe (Moon)
- Cronus (Saturn)
- Rhea (Cybele)
- Mnemosyne (Memory)
- Themis (Justice)
- Crius (Star Constellations)
- Iapetus (Mortality)
- Atlas (Endurance)
- Prometheus (Forethought)
- Epimetheus (Afterthought)
- Menoetius (Rashness)

3. **Olympian Gods and Goddesses**: These are the gods who eventually overthrew the Titans
and ruled from Mount Olympus.

- Zeus (Jupiter) - King of the Gods, god of thunder and the sky
- Apollo (Apollo) - god of the sun, music, and prophecy
- Ares (Mars) - god of war
- Hermes (Mercury) - messenger of the gods, god of commerce and thieves
- Dionysus (Bacchus) - god of wine and revelry
- Hephaestus (Vulcan) - god of fire and craftsmanship
- Heracles (Hercules) - hero and god of strength
- Perseus - hero, son of Zeus and Danae
- Athena (Minerva) - goddess of wisdom, strategic warfare, and crafts
- Nike (Victoria) - goddess of victory
- Artemis (Diana) - goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and childbirth
- Aphrodite (Venus) - goddess of love and beauty
- Eros (Cupid) - god of love
- Demeter (Ceres) - goddess of agriculture and fertility
- Persephone (Proserpina) - queen of the underworld, daughter of Demeter and wife of
- Hestia (Vesta) - goddess of the hearth and home (replaced by Dionysus in the
Olympian pantheon)

- Poseidon (Neptune) - god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses

- Triton - messenger of the sea
- Theseus - hero, son of Poseidon
- Polyphemus - Cyclops, son of Poseidon

- Hades (Pluto) - god of the underworld

- Cerberus - guardian of the underworld
- Persephone (Proserpina) - queen of the underworld, daughter of Demeter and wife of

- Hera (Juno) - queen of the gods, goddess of marriage and childbirth

This is a basic overview and doesn't encompass all the minor gods, demigods, and other
mythological figures within Greek mythology.

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