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Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas Campus Jalpa

English 5th semester 1st partial Exam

Student’s name Gael Alexander García González Semester 8

Monday, October 2, 2023

1.- Instructions: using the following images create a table with 5 sentences using o degree, 5 in
comparative form and 5 in Superlative form. )15 points Use 2 long and 3 short different adjectives.

Animals Adjectives

Hyena, Zebra, sheep, elephant, giraffe, hippo, Brave, big, fat, chubby, fast, heavy……
bear, cow, lion, squirrel, rabbit, bear, birds,
rats, snakes

Using o degree Comparative form Superlative form

The elephant is very big and The elephant is bigger than the The elephant is the biggest
fat, and that is why it is slow. giraffe. and heaviest land animal
Although it is a majestic without a doubt.
animal, it is also dangerous. The elephant is slower than
the giraffe.
The elephant is fatter than the

I think the elephant is more

magnificent than the giraffe.

The elephant is more

dangerous than the giraffe.

The lion is imposing and The lion is more imposing than The lion is the fiercest and the
powerful, but it is also the cow. most dangerous.
important to say that it is big,
The lion is more powerful than
fierce and fast.
the cow.

The cow is bigger than the lion.

The lion is fiercer than the


The lion is faster than the cow.

The sheep is sadly vulnerable I think the sheep is more The sheep is the whitest
and small, but it should be vulnerable than the rabbit. animal.
noted that it is also cute, brave
The rabbit is smaller than the
and strong.

I think the rabbit is cuter than

the sheep.

The sheep is braver than the


The sheep is stronger than the


Not only is the bear big, furry, The bear is bigger than the The bear is the furriest animal
wild and strong, it is also squirrel. of all.
The bear is hairier than the

The bear is wilder than the


The bear is stronger than the


The bear is more adorable

than the squirrel.
Clearly, the hippo is heavy, The hippo is heavier than the The hippo is the animal with
aquatic, massive, aggressive horse. the largest mouth.
and interesting.
The hippo is more aquatic than
the horse.

The hippo is more massive

than the horse.

The hippo is more aggressive

than the horse.

Personally, I think the hippo is

more interesting than the

2.- Instructions: using the following image make 5 sentences with equality positive and 5 negative
(10 points) Use long and short adjectives.

Equality positive.

1.- The brown truck is as important as the yellow car.

2.- The brown truck is as functional as the yellow car.

3.- The brown truck is as smiling as the yellow car.

4.- The brown truck is as safe as the yellow car.

5.- The brown truck is as classic as the yellow car.

Equality Negative.

1.- Thomas is not as fast as the yellow car.

2.- Thomas is not as pretty as the yellow car.

3.- Thomas' wheels are not as black as the yellow car's.

4.- Thomas is not as elegant as the yellow car.

5.- The yellow car is not as hardworking as Thomas.

3.- Instructions: complete the following sentences with the appropriate adjective

1.- This computer is better (good) than the one that we saw in the other store. It has less capacity;
it is ugly and more expensive.

2.- Olivia´s Town is further (far)) than Nancy´s town, Olivia lives only 1 km away and Nancy´s is 30

3.- The morning flight is less (little) tiring than the night flight, the last one has always delays and

4.- The turtle is the oldest (old) animal

5.- I am younger (young) than the teacher.

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