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Test Bank for Anatomy and Physiology,

6th Edition: Kenneth Saladin

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Chapter 007

True / False Questions

1. Most blood cells are produced in the red marrow of bones.

True False

2. A vertebra is considered to be an irregular bone.

True False

3. A radiograph (X-ray) of a child's hand will show epiphyseal lines.

True False

4. The hemopoietic tissue in a bone is otherwise known as myeloid tissue.

True False

5. Concentric lamellae within an osteon are connected with each other by lacunae.

True False

6. Osteogenic cells are bone stem cells that differentiate into osteoblasts and osteoclasts.

True False

7. Osteoid tissue is similar to bone except for a lack of minerals.

True False

Chapter 007

8. Intramembranous ossification is common in children, whereas endochondral ossification is

typical in young adults.

True False

9. Bones grow in diameter by interstitial growth.

True False

10. Hypercalcemia causes depression of the nervous system.

True False

11. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) binds to receptors on osteoblasts.

True False

12. Hypercalcemia is rare but hypocalcemia can result from a wide variety of causes.

True False

13. Closed reduction is the realignment of the parts of a broken bone involving surgery.

True False

14. Osteomalacia results in bone brittleness.

True False

Chapter 007

15. Osteoporosis often leads to an exaggerated thoracic spinal curvature called kyphosis.

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

16. The skeleton does not

A. store calcium and phosphate ions.
B. store red blood cells.
C. provide support for most muscles.
D. protect the brain.
E. protect the spinal cord.

17. Osseous tissue is a(an) ____________ tissue.

A. connective
B. epithelial
C. dense regular
D. dense irregular
E. reticular

18. These are all tissues that are a part of a long bone except
A. osseous tissue.
B. nervous tissue.
C. adipose tissue.
D. cartilage.
E. transitional epithelium.

Chapter 007

19. This image shows the anatomy of a long bone. What does "1" represent?
A. marrow cavity
B. compact bone
C. spongy bone
D. epiphyseal line
E. articular cartilage

20. This image shows the anatomy of a long bone. What does "4" represent?
A. marrow cavity
B. compact bone
C. spongy bone
D. epiphyseal line
E. articular cartilage

Chapter 007

21. This image shows the anatomy of a long bone. What does "5" represent?
A. marrow cavity
B. compact bone
C. spongy bone
D. epiphyseal line
E. articular cartilage

22. The expanded head at each end of a long bone is called

A. an epiphysis.
B. a diaphysis.
C. an articular cartilages.
D. a periosteum.
E. an endosteum.

23. A bone is covered externally with a sheath called ______________, whereas the internal
surface is lined with _____________.
A. epiphysis; diaphysis
B. diaphysis; epiphysis
C. compact bone; spongy bone
D. periosteum; endosteum
E. endosteum; periosteum

24. _____________ are bone-forming cells.

A. Osteogenic (osteoprogenitor) cells
B. Osteoblasts
C. Osteoclasts
D. Osteocytes
E. Osteons

Chapter 007

25. When ____________ become enclosed in lacunae, they become cells called
A. osteogenic cells; osteoblasts
B. osteoblasts; osteoclasts
C. osteoblasts; osteocytes
D. osteocytes; osteoclasts
E. osteocytes; osteoblasts

26. This image shows the histology of osseous tissue. Label "2" represents ____________,
which is(are) ____________.
A. canaliculi; interconnections among osteoblasts
B. an osteon; a stem cell
C. lacunae; sites of residence of osteocytes
D. lamella; interconnections among osteocytes
E. a central (haversian) canal; site of residence of osteoclasts

27. Which of these is an inorganic component of the bone matrix?

A. proteoglycans
B. glycoproteins
C. collagen
D. hydroxyapatite
E. glycosaminoglycans

Chapter 007

28. Spicules and trabeculae are found in

A. compact bone.
B. bone matrix.
C. yellow bone marrow.
D. red bone marrow.
E. spongy bone.

29. Red bone marrow does not contain

A. myeloid tissue.
B. yellow bone marrow.
C. hemopoietic tissue.
D. white blood cells.
E. red blood cells.

30. ____________ provide(s) hardness to bones, whereas ____________ provide(s) some

degree of flexibility.
A. Hydroxyapatite and other minerals; proteins
B. Collagen and elastic fibers; minerals
C. Glycoproteins; proteoglycans
D. Calcium carbonate; calcium phosphate
E. Proteins; collagen

31. ___________ have a ruffled border with many deep infoldings of the plasma membrane,
whereas ____________ have long, thin, fingerlike cytoplasmic processes.
A. Osteoclasts; osteocytes
B. Osteocytes; osteoclasts
C. Osteoblasts; osteoclasts
D. Osteoblasts; osteocytes
E. Osteocytes; osteogenic cells

Chapter 007

32. What would you find in the marrow cavity of the diaphysis of an adult humerus (arm
A. spongy bone
B. hemopoietic tissue
C. red bone marrow
D. yellow bone marrow
E. compact bone

33. Which one of the following bone cells would have the greatest number of lysosomes?
A. osteoblasts
B. osteoclasts
C. osteocytes
D. osteogenic cells
E. stem cells

34. _______________ are common in compact bone but rarely seen in spongy bone.
A. Lamellae
B. Osteoclasts
C. Lacunae
D. Central canals
E. Osteocytes

35. Intramembranous ossification produces the

A. irregular bones of the vertebrae.
B. flat bones of the skull.
C. long bones of the limbs.
D. short bones of the wrist.
E. short bones of the ankle.

Chapter 007

36. In endochondral ossification, the precursor connective tissue is _____________, which is

replaced by bone.
A. embryonic mesenchyme
B. fibrous membranes
C. hyaline cartilage
D. transitional epithelium
E. fibrocartilage

37. The _____________ is a marginal zone of the epiphyseal plate where, in children and
adolescents, bone can be seen replacing the hyaline cartilage.
A. metaphysis
B. primary ossification center
C. secondary ossification center
D. osteoid tissue
E. epiphyseal line

38. Achondroplastic dwarfism is a hereditary condition in which the long bones of the limbs
fail to elongate normally because of reduced hyperplasia and hypertrophy of cartilage in the
A. primary ossification center.
B. secondary ossification center.
C. primary bone marrow.
D. secondary bone marrow.
E. epiphyseal plate.

39. Chondrocytes multiply in this zone of the metaphysis.

A. zone of reserve cartilage
B. zone of cell proliferation
C. zone of cell hypertrophy
D. zone of calcification
E. zone of bone deposition

Chapter 007

40. Mature bones are remodeled throughout life by employing

A. intramembranous ossification.
B. endochondral ossification.
C. interstitial growth.
D. appositional growth.
E. metaphysical growth.

41. Bone elongation is a result of

A. cartilage growth.
B. muscle growth.
C. osseous tissue growth.
D. fibrous membrane addition.
E. dense irregular connective tissue addition.

42. Wolff's law of bone explains the effect of

A. different diets on bone elongation.
B. mechanical stress on bone remodeling.
C. temperature on bone growth.
D. age on bone thickening.
E. sex on bone widening.

43. A growing long bone in a child has only two areas of cartilage at the epiphysis. These two
areas are
A. elastic cartilage and epiphyseal plate.
B. epiphyseal plate and epiphyseal line.
C. primary and secondary ossification centers.
D. fibrocartilage and articular cartilage.
E. articular cartilage and epiphyseal plate.

Chapter 007

44. _____________ is the process of dissolving bone and returning its minerals to the
A. Mineralization
B. Mineral deposition
C. Crystallization
D. Resorption
E. Ossification

45. Which of the following exemplifies a positive feedback process happening in bone
mineral deposition?
A. The first few crystals to form attract more calcium and phosphate
B. Osteoblasts neutralize inhibitors that prevent bone resorption
C. Osteoclasts secrete acid phosphatase that digests collagen
D. Collagen is digested by enzymes and hydroxyapatite by hydrochloric acid
E. Solubility product is reached in the tissue fluids

46. Phosphate is necessary for all of the following except

C. phospholipids.
E. amino acids.

47. Calcium plays an essential role in all of the following except

A. muscle contraction.
B. exocytosis.
C. blood clotting.
D. DNA synthesis.
E. communication among neurons.

Chapter 007

48. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) does not

A. promote calcium reabsorption by the kidneys.
B. stimulate osteoclast activity.
C. lower blood calcium.
D. promote calcitriol synthesis.
E. inhibit osteoblast activity.

49. ____________ is synthesized by the combined action of the skin, kidneys, and liver, and
is important to the deposition of bone.
A. Growth hormone
B. Testosterone
C. Estrogen
D. Calcitonin
E. Calcitriol

50. Which of these is not an effect of calcitriol?

A. cartilage growth in the epiphyseal plate
B. increased osteoclast activity
C. more intestinal absorption of Ca2+
D. less calcium in the urine
E. more phosphate in the urine

51. ____________ does not put women at risk of hypocalcemia.

A. Lactation
B. Pregnancy
C. Removal of the parathyroid glands
D. Removal of the thyroid gland
E. Lack of exposure to UV radiation

Chapter 007

52. Blood Ca2+ deficiency stimulates __________ secretion, which leads to _____________.
A. calcitonin; more urinary phosphate reabsorption
B. calcitriol; more urinary phosphate excretion
C. parathyroid hormone; increased osteoclast activity
D. growth hormone; increased osteoblast activity
E. thyroid hormone; less urinary calcium excretion

53. Hypocalcemia can cause

A. emotional disturbances.
B. depression of the nervous system.
C. muscle weakness.
D. sluggish reflexes.
E. spasms.

54. Arteriosclerosis is one example of ectopic ossification, which means

A. the solubility product has been reached.
B. artery mineralization by osteoblasts.
C. abnormal calcification of a tissue.
D. accumulation of collagenous fibers in blood vessels.
E. ossification of an entire blood vessel.

55. If a thyroid tumor secreted an excessive amount of calcitonin, we would expect

A. an elevated level of osteoclast activity.
B. an elevated level of osteoblast activity.
C. a reduced rate of endochondral ossification.
D. a rise in blood calcium concentration.
E. increasingly brittle bones.

Chapter 007

56. A soft callus forms during

A. endochondral ossification.
B. intramembranous ossification.
C. bone growth at the metaphysis.
D. the remodeling of bone.
E. the healing of a fracture.

57. Osteoporosis is most common in elderly women because of the lack of ___________,
which would otherwise inhibit ____________.
A. dietary calcium; estrogen production
B. osteoblasts; osteoclast activity
C. estrogen; osteoclast activity
D. parathyroid hormone; osteocyte activity
E. exercise; osteoblast activity

58. A fracture in which the bone is broken into three or more pieces is called a __________
A. linear
B. pott
C. comminuted
D. greenstick
E. compound

59. The result of calcium and phosphate levels in blood too low for normal deposition is a
softness of the bones called ___________ in children and ___________ in adults.
A. osteomalacia; rickets
B. rickets; osteomalacia
C. osteoporosis; osteomalacia
D. osteomyelitis; osteosarcoma
E. osteomyelitis; osteomalacia

Chapter 007

60. Bone protrudes through skin in a fracture called

A. complete.
B. incomplete.
C. closed.
D. open.
E. displaced.

61. A pathologic fracture

A. is a bone fracture that heals in no more than 8 to 12 weeks.
B. is a bone fracture that causes bleeding.
C. is a break in a bone that happens repeatedly.
D. is a break in a bone weakened by some other disease.
E. is a break caused by abnormal trauma to a bone.

62. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in the healing of a bone fracture?
A. bone remodeling → soft callus formation → hard callus formation → hematoma formation
B. bone remodeling → hard callus formation → soft callus formation → hematoma formation
C. hematoma formation → soft callus formation → hard callus formation → bone remodeling
D. hematoma formation → hard callus formation → soft callus formation → bone remodeling
E. soft callus formation → hard callus formation → hematoma formation → bone remodeling

63. Patches of fibrocartilage formed in the healing of a fracture are called ________, whereas
the bony collar formed around the fracture is called _________.
A. fracture hematoma; granulation tissue
B. granulation tissue; soft callus
C. fracture hematoma; hard callus
D. granulation tissue; hard callus
E. soft callus; hard callus

Chapter 007

64. ____________ affects more people than any other bone disease.
A. Osteomyelitis
B. Osteoporosis
C. Osteosarcoma
D. Osteomalacia
E. Rickets

Chapter 007 Key

True / False Questions

1. Most blood cells are produced in the red marrow of bones.


Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.01.b State several functions of the skeletal system
Section: 07.01
Topic: Skeletal System

2. A vertebra is considered to be an irregular bone.


Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.01.d Describe four types of bones classified by shape
Section: 07.01
Topic: Skeletal System

3. A radiograph (X-ray) of a child's hand will show epiphyseal lines.


Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.01.e Describe the general features of a long bone and a flat bone
Section: 07.01
Topic: Skeletal System

4. The hemopoietic tissue in a bone is otherwise known as myeloid tissue.


Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.02.d Distinguish between the two types of bone marrow.
Section: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

5. Concentric lamellae within an osteon are connected with each other by lacunae.


Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.02.c Compare the histology of the two types of bone tissue.
Section: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

6. Osteogenic cells are bone stem cells that differentiate into osteoblasts and osteoclasts.


Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.02.a List and describe the cells, fibers, and ground substance of bone tissue.
Section: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

7. Osteoid tissue is similar to bone except for a lack of minerals.


Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.02.b State the importance of each constituent of bone tissue.
Section: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

8. Intramembranous ossification is common in children, whereas endochondral ossification is

typical in young adults.


Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.03.a Describe two mechanisms of bone formation.
Section: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

9. Bones grow in diameter by interstitial growth.


Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.03.b Explain how mature bone continues to grow and remodel itself.
Section: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

10. Hypercalcemia causes depression of the nervous system.


Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 07.04.b Discuss the role of the bones in regulating blood calcium and phosphate levels.
Section: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

11. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) binds to receptors on osteoblasts.


Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 07.04.c Name several hormones that regulate bone physiology and describe their effects.
Section: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

12. Hypercalcemia is rare but hypocalcemia can result from a wide variety of causes.


Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.04.b Discuss the role of the bones in regulating blood calcium and phosphate levels.
Section: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

13. Closed reduction is the realignment of the parts of a broken bone involving surgery.


Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.05.c Explain how a fracture is repaired.
Section: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

14. Osteomalacia results in bone brittleness.


Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.05.a Name and describe several bone diseases.
Section: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

15. Osteoporosis often leads to an exaggerated thoracic spinal curvature called kyphosis.


Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.05.a Name and describe several bone diseases.
Section: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

Multiple Choice Questions

16. The skeleton does not

A. store calcium and phosphate ions.
B. store red blood cells.
C. provide support for most muscles.
D. protect the brain.
E. protect the spinal cord.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.01.b State several functions of the skeletal system
Section: 07.01
Topic: Skeletal System

17. Osseous tissue is a(an) ____________ tissue.

A. connective
B. epithelial
C. dense regular
D. dense irregular
E. reticular

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.01.c Distinguish between bone as a tissue and bone as an organ
Section: 07.01
Topic: Skeletal System

18. These are all tissues that are a part of a long bone except
A. osseous tissue.
B. nervous tissue.
C. adipose tissue.
D. cartilage.
E. transitional epithelium.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.01.a Name the tissues and organs that compose the skeletal system
Section: 07.01
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Figure: 07.01
Learning Outcome: 07.01.e Describe the general features of a long bone and a flat bone
Section: 07.01

19. This image shows the anatomy of a long bone. What does "1" represent?
A. marrow cavity
B. compact bone
C. spongy bone
D. epiphyseal line
E. articular cartilage

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Figure: 07.01
Learning Outcome: 07.01.e Describe the general features of a long bone and a flat bone
Section: 07.01
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

20. This image shows the anatomy of a long bone. What does "4" represent?
A. marrow cavity
B. compact bone
C. spongy bone
D. epiphyseal line
E. articular cartilage

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Figure: 07.01
Learning Outcome: 07.01.e Describe the general features of a long bone and a flat bone
Section: 07.01
Topic: Skeletal System

21. This image shows the anatomy of a long bone. What does "5" represent?
A. marrow cavity
B. compact bone
C. spongy bone
D. epiphyseal line
E. articular cartilage

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Figure: 07.01
Learning Outcome: 07.01.e Describe the general features of a long bone and a flat bone
Section: 07.01
Topic: Skeletal System

22. The expanded head at each end of a long bone is called

A. an epiphysis.
B. a diaphysis.
C. an articular cartilages.
D. a periosteum.
E. an endosteum.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.01.c Distinguish between bone as a tissue and bone as an organ
Section: 07.01
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

23. A bone is covered externally with a sheath called ______________, whereas the internal
surface is lined with _____________.
A. epiphysis; diaphysis
B. diaphysis; epiphysis
C. compact bone; spongy bone
D. periosteum; endosteum
E. endosteum; periosteum

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.01.e Describe the general features of a long bone and a flat bone
Section: 07.01
Topic: Skeletal System

24. _____________ are bone-forming cells.

A. Osteogenic (osteoprogenitor) cells
B. Osteoblasts
C. Osteoclasts
D. Osteocytes
E. Osteons

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.02.a List and describe the cells, fibers, and ground substance of bone tissue.
Section: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

25. When ____________ become enclosed in lacunae, they become cells called
A. osteogenic cells; osteoblasts
B. osteoblasts; osteoclasts
C. osteoblasts; osteocytes
D. osteocytes; osteoclasts
E. osteocytes; osteoblasts

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.02.a List and describe the cells, fibers, and ground substance of bone tissue.
Section: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

26. This image shows the histology of osseous tissue. Label "2" represents ____________,
which is(are) ____________.
A. canaliculi; interconnections among osteoblasts
B. an osteon; a stem cell
C. lacunae; sites of residence of osteocytes
D. lamella; interconnections among osteocytes
E. a central (haversian) canal; site of residence of osteoclasts

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Figure: 07.04d
Learning Outcome: 07.02.c Compare the histology of the two types of bone tissue.
Section: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

27. Which of these is an inorganic component of the bone matrix?

A. proteoglycans
B. glycoproteins
C. collagen
D. hydroxyapatite
E. glycosaminoglycans

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 07.02.b State the importance of each constituent of bone tissue.
Section: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

28. Spicules and trabeculae are found in

A. compact bone.
B. bone matrix.
C. yellow bone marrow.
D. red bone marrow.
E. spongy bone.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.02.c Compare the histology of the two types of bone tissue.
Section: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

29. Red bone marrow does not contain

A. myeloid tissue.
B. yellow bone marrow.
C. hemopoietic tissue.
D. white blood cells.
E. red blood cells.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.02.d Distinguish between the two types of bone marrow.
Section: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

30. ____________ provide(s) hardness to bones, whereas ____________ provide(s) some

degree of flexibility.
A. Hydroxyapatite and other minerals; proteins
B. Collagen and elastic fibers; minerals
C. Glycoproteins; proteoglycans
D. Calcium carbonate; calcium phosphate
E. Proteins; collagen

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 07.02.b State the importance of each constituent of bone tissue.
Section: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

31. ___________ have a ruffled border with many deep infoldings of the plasma membrane,
whereas ____________ have long, thin, fingerlike cytoplasmic processes.
A. Osteoclasts; osteocytes
B. Osteocytes; osteoclasts
C. Osteoblasts; osteoclasts
D. Osteoblasts; osteocytes
E. Osteocytes; osteogenic cells

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 07.02.c Compare the histology of the two types of bone tissue.
Section: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

32. What would you find in the marrow cavity of the diaphysis of an adult humerus (arm
A. spongy bone
B. hemopoietic tissue
C. red bone marrow
D. yellow bone marrow
E. compact bone

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 07.02.d Distinguish between the two types of bone marrow.
Section: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

33. Which one of the following bone cells would have the greatest number of lysosomes?
A. osteoblasts
B. osteoclasts
C. osteocytes
D. osteogenic cells
E. stem cells

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 07.02.a List and describe the cells, fibers, and ground substance of bone tissue.
Section: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

34. _______________ are common in compact bone but rarely seen in spongy bone.
A. Lamellae
B. Osteoclasts
C. Lacunae
D. Central canals
E. Osteocytes

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.02.c Compare the histology of the two types of bone tissue.
Section: 07.02
Topic: Skeletal System

35. Intramembranous ossification produces the

A. irregular bones of the vertebrae.
B. flat bones of the skull.
C. long bones of the limbs.
D. short bones of the wrist.
E. short bones of the ankle.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.03.a Describe two mechanisms of bone formation.
Section: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

36. In endochondral ossification, the precursor connective tissue is _____________, which is

replaced by bone.
A. embryonic mesenchyme
B. fibrous membranes
C. hyaline cartilage
D. transitional epithelium
E. fibrocartilage

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.03.a Describe two mechanisms of bone formation.
Section: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

37. The _____________ is a marginal zone of the epiphyseal plate where, in children and
adolescents, bone can be seen replacing the hyaline cartilage.
A. metaphysis
B. primary ossification center
C. secondary ossification center
D. osteoid tissue
E. epiphyseal line

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 07.03.a Describe two mechanisms of bone formation.
Section: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

38. Achondroplastic dwarfism is a hereditary condition in which the long bones of the limbs
fail to elongate normally because of reduced hyperplasia and hypertrophy of cartilage in the
A. primary ossification center.
B. secondary ossification center.
C. primary bone marrow.
D. secondary bone marrow.
E. epiphyseal plate.

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 07.03.a Describe two mechanisms of bone formation.
Section: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

39. Chondrocytes multiply in this zone of the metaphysis.

A. zone of reserve cartilage
B. zone of cell proliferation
C. zone of cell hypertrophy
D. zone of calcification
E. zone of bone deposition

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.03.a Describe two mechanisms of bone formation.
Section: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

40. Mature bones are remodeled throughout life by employing

A. intramembranous ossification.
B. endochondral ossification.
C. interstitial growth.
D. appositional growth.
E. metaphysical growth.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.03.b Explain how mature bone continues to grow and remodel itself.
Section: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

41. Bone elongation is a result of

A. cartilage growth.
B. muscle growth.
C. osseous tissue growth.
D. fibrous membrane addition.
E. dense irregular connective tissue addition.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.03.a Describe two mechanisms of bone formation.
Section: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

42. Wolff's law of bone explains the effect of

A. different diets on bone elongation.
B. mechanical stress on bone remodeling.
C. temperature on bone growth.
D. age on bone thickening.
E. sex on bone widening.

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 07.03.b Explain how mature bone continues to grow and remodel itself.
Section: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

43. A growing long bone in a child has only two areas of cartilage at the epiphysis. These two
areas are
A. elastic cartilage and epiphyseal plate.
B. epiphyseal plate and epiphyseal line.
C. primary and secondary ossification centers.
D. fibrocartilage and articular cartilage.
E. articular cartilage and epiphyseal plate.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.03.a Describe two mechanisms of bone formation.
Section: 07.03
Topic: Skeletal System

44. _____________ is the process of dissolving bone and returning its minerals to the
A. Mineralization
B. Mineral deposition
C. Crystallization
D. Resorption
E. Ossification

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.04.a Describe the processes by which minerals are added to and removed from bone tissue.
Section: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

45. Which of the following exemplifies a positive feedback process happening in bone
mineral deposition?
A. The first few crystals to form attract more calcium and phosphate
B. Osteoblasts neutralize inhibitors that prevent bone resorption
C. Osteoclasts secrete acid phosphatase that digests collagen
D. Collagen is digested by enzymes and hydroxyapatite by hydrochloric acid
E. Solubility product is reached in the tissue fluids

Bloom's Level: 5. Evaluate

Learning Outcome: 07.04.a Describe the processes by which minerals are added to and removed from bone tissue.
Section: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

46. Phosphate is necessary for all of the following except

C. phospholipids.
E. amino acids.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.04.b Discuss the role of the bones in regulating blood calcium and phosphate levels.
Section: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

47. Calcium plays an essential role in all of the following except

A. muscle contraction.
B. exocytosis.
C. blood clotting.
D. DNA synthesis.
E. communication among neurons.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.04.b Discuss the role of the bones in regulating blood calcium and phosphate levels.
Section: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

48. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) does not

A. promote calcium reabsorption by the kidneys.
B. stimulate osteoclast activity.
C. lower blood calcium.
D. promote calcitriol synthesis.
E. inhibit osteoblast activity.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.04.c Name several hormones that regulate bone physiology and describe their effects.
Section: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

49. ____________ is synthesized by the combined action of the skin, kidneys, and liver, and
is important to the deposition of bone.
A. Growth hormone
B. Testosterone
C. Estrogen
D. Calcitonin
E. Calcitriol

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.04.c Name several hormones that regulate bone physiology and describe their effects.
Section: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

50. Which of these is not an effect of calcitriol?

A. cartilage growth in the epiphyseal plate
B. increased osteoclast activity
C. more intestinal absorption of Ca2+
D. less calcium in the urine
E. more phosphate in the urine

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.04.c Name several hormones that regulate bone physiology and describe their effects.
Section: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

51. ____________ does not put women at risk of hypocalcemia.

A. Lactation
B. Pregnancy
C. Removal of the parathyroid glands
D. Removal of the thyroid gland
E. Lack of exposure to UV radiation

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.04.c Name several hormones that regulate bone physiology and describe their effects.
Section: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

52. Blood Ca2+ deficiency stimulates __________ secretion, which leads to _____________.
A. calcitonin; more urinary phosphate reabsorption
B. calcitriol; more urinary phosphate excretion
C. parathyroid hormone; increased osteoclast activity
D. growth hormone; increased osteoblast activity
E. thyroid hormone; less urinary calcium excretion

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 07.04.c Name several hormones that regulate bone physiology and describe their effects.
Section: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

53. Hypocalcemia can cause

A. emotional disturbances.
B. depression of the nervous system.
C. muscle weakness.
D. sluggish reflexes.
E. spasms.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.04.c Name several hormones that regulate bone physiology and describe their effects.
Section: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

54. Arteriosclerosis is one example of ectopic ossification, which means

A. the solubility product has been reached.
B. artery mineralization by osteoblasts.
C. abnormal calcification of a tissue.
D. accumulation of collagenous fibers in blood vessels.
E. ossification of an entire blood vessel.

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.04.a Describe the processes by which minerals are added to and removed from bone tissue.
Section: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

55. If a thyroid tumor secreted an excessive amount of calcitonin, we would expect

A. an elevated level of osteoclast activity.
B. an elevated level of osteoblast activity.
C. a reduced rate of endochondral ossification.
D. a rise in blood calcium concentration.
E. increasingly brittle bones.

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 07.04.c Name several hormones that regulate bone physiology and describe their effects.
Section: 07.04
Topic: Skeletal System

56. A soft callus forms during

A. endochondral ossification.
B. intramembranous ossification.
C. bone growth at the metaphysis.
D. the remodeling of bone.
E. the healing of a fracture.

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 07.05.c Explain how a fracture is repaired.
Section: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

57. Osteoporosis is most common in elderly women because of the lack of ___________,
which would otherwise inhibit ____________.
A. dietary calcium; estrogen production
B. osteoblasts; osteoclast activity
C. estrogen; osteoclast activity
D. parathyroid hormone; osteocyte activity
E. exercise; osteoblast activity

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 07.05.a Name and describe several bone diseases.
Section: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

58. A fracture in which the bone is broken into three or more pieces is called a __________
A. linear
B. pott
C. comminuted
D. greenstick
E. compound

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.05.b Name and describe the types of fractures.
Section: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

59. The result of calcium and phosphate levels in blood too low for normal deposition is a
softness of the bones called ___________ in children and ___________ in adults.
A. osteomalacia; rickets
B. rickets; osteomalacia
C. osteoporosis; osteomalacia
D. osteomyelitis; osteosarcoma
E. osteomyelitis; osteomalacia

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 07.05.a Name and describe several bone diseases.
Section: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

60. Bone protrudes through skin in a fracture called

A. complete.
B. incomplete.
C. closed.
D. open.
E. displaced.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.05.b Name and describe the types of fractures.
Section: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

Chapter 007 Key

61. A pathologic fracture

A. is a bone fracture that heals in no more than 8 to 12 weeks.
B. is a bone fracture that causes bleeding.
C. is a break in a bone that happens repeatedly.
D. is a break in a bone weakened by some other disease.
E. is a break caused by abnormal trauma to a bone.

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 07.05.b Name and describe the types of fractures.
Section: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

62. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in the healing of a bone fracture?
A. bone remodeling → soft callus formation → hard callus formation → hematoma formation
B. bone remodeling → hard callus formation → soft callus formation → hematoma formation
C. hematoma formation → soft callus formation → hard callus formation → bone remodeling
D. hematoma formation → hard callus formation → soft callus formation → bone remodeling
E. soft callus formation → hard callus formation → hematoma formation → bone remodeling

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.05.c Explain how a fracture is repaired.
Section: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

63. Patches of fibrocartilage formed in the healing of a fracture are called ________, whereas
the bony collar formed around the fracture is called _________.
A. fracture hematoma; granulation tissue
B. granulation tissue; soft callus
C. fracture hematoma; hard callus
D. granulation tissue; hard callus
E. soft callus; hard callus

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.05.c Explain how a fracture is repaired.
Section: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System

Test Bank for Anatomy and Physiology, 6th Edition: Kenneth Saladin

Chapter 007 Key

64. ____________ affects more people than any other bone disease.
A. Osteomyelitis
B. Osteoporosis
C. Osteosarcoma
D. Osteomalacia
E. Rickets

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 07.05.a Name and describe several bone diseases.
Section: 07.05
Topic: Skeletal System


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Nestes dias festivaes
Com summa gala e grandeza,
Assistiu toda a nobreza
Dos homens mais principaes,
Ministros, officiaes
De guerra e damas mui bellas,
Que em palanques e janellas
Mostravam com arrebol,
Que estando alli posto o sol,[5]
Bem podiam ser estrellas.

[5] Refere-se ao governador.

Posto o sol alli se via,

Porém com notavel gosto,
Quando vi que era o sol posto
Mais o Terreiro luzia:
Dois soes[6] postos na Bahia
Vi com differença atroz
Um Saturno que se poz,
Outro posto na janella
Sol de luz mais clara e bella,
Que hoje nasce para nós.

[6] Allude aos dois governadores d. J. de Aloncastre e Camara

Coutinho, que se achavam presentes.

Desterrando sombras mil

De um sol que causou desmaios,
Nasce com benignos raios
Este sol para o Brazil:
Oh quem tivera a subtil
De Apollo lyra discreta,
Da fama a aguda trombeta,
Para que pudesse ousado,
Sem temor, nem perturbado
Descrever este planeta.

Mas é fraco o meu engenho

Para de um sol sem desmaios
Querer ventilar os raios
Quando olhos de aguia não tenho:
E si a tão sublime empenho,

Onde o mais sabio delira,

Meu pensamento subira,
Logo d’essa esphera clara
Como Phaetonte rodára,
Ou como Icaro cahira.

Quando o planeta maior

Á vista humana se expõe,
É que a seus raios se oppõe
Atrevido algum vapor:
E si neste sol melhor
Nenhuns eclypses se vêm,
Não se atreverá ninguem
Sem ter de nescio desmaios
Querer contemplar os raios
Esclarecidos que tem.

Quando da esteril mulher

Nasceu o maior do mundo
Admirações e profundo
Pasmo veiu a gente a ter:
E si com João nascer
Houve tanta admiração,
Á Bahia outro João,
Sol de claro nascimento
Nasce com merecimento
Para a mesma suspensão.
E como não pasmarei
Eu, e este povo tambem,
De ter por General, quem
Sceptro merece de rei?
Pois a ventura e a lei
Divina dispoz, senhor,
O seres Governador,
Com tudo sabemos nós,
Que um foi de vossos avós
De Pedro progenitor.

D’aquelle em tudo primeiro

João era nada segundo
Sois, e bem conhece o mundo,
Descendente verdadeiro:
Tambem da Casa de Aveiro
Muita nobreza alcançaes:
Alencastre vos chamaes,
De Duarte Inglez potente
Clarissimo descendente:
Silva sois, não digo mais.

Com branca e encarnada pluma

Galan vestido de verde,
Que inda a esperança não perde
Do Neto da clara espuma:
Capitão de graça summa
André Cavallo sahiu:
Logo o povo se sentiu;
Porque de incidente novo
Os olhos levou do povo
Quando no Terreiro o viu.
Num branco bruto corria
Mais ligeiro do que o vento,
Tanto que c’o pensamento
Correr parelhas podia:
Veloz desapparecia
Das pernas ao leve abalo,
E não podia julga-lo
O povo que alli se achava,
Si era vento que levava
Pelos ares o Cavallo.

Poz André com bizarria

Todas as lanças mui bem,
E inda assim não faltou quem
Murmurasse todavia.
Soube elle da zombaria,
Que se fez e presentiu
Quem fôra o que alli se riu,
E no outro dia com brio
Um cartel de desafio
Fixou, mas ninguem sahiu.

No cartel que poz, mostrava

Que a qualquer que se julgassem
Tres lanças que se tirassem,
Mil cruzados offertava:
O delinquente acceitava
O desafio esta vez,
Porém que sem interêz
Com gosto perder queria
Nesta contenda e porfia
Não só mil cruzados, tres.
Pede licença ao senhor,
Que no nome a graça traz;
Mas elle como sagaz
O aconselha com primor:
Diz-lhe que fôra melhor
Esta contenda escuzar;
Porém o mancebo alvar,
Fiado em ser cavalleiro
E fiado em ter dinheiro,
Não quiz o pacto acceitar.

Porque se não vence não;

Dizia o moço magnata,
Nem por ouro, nem por prata
O seu sangue de Aragão;
E vendo o senhor dom João
Que si a licença negava
A André Cavallo ultrajava,
Pois podiam presumir,
Si ao Campo o não vissem ir,
Que o dinheiro lhe faltava.

Lhe disse que não só tres

Si corressem mil cruzados,
Si não que depositados
Tinha André Cavallo dez:
Mas o moço Aragonez
Vendo esta resolução,
Por temer a perdição,
A que punha o seu dinheiro,
Toma conselho primeiro
Co’o reverendo Frizão.
O padre, que sem estudo
As leis entende civis,
E com manhosos ardis
Obra mal e entende tudo;
Lhe diria mui sizudo
Com aspecto venerando,
Rindo-se de quando em quando,
Que assim seus enganos lavra:
«Não se lhe dê da palavra,
Diga que estava zombando.»

Assim foi que o desafio

Veiu a parar em burrada,
Que a palavra não val nada,
Si na occasião falta o brio:
E para que com desvio
Não fossem mais inimigos,
Evitando alguns perigos,
Em boa paz os chamou
O General e tractou
De que ficassem amigos.

Depois das pazes, emfim

Lhes pediu que cavalgassem,
E um par de lanças tirassem
Cada qual em seu rossim:
Elle lhe disse que sim,
E de improviso avisou
Ao irmão que não tardou
Com trazer-lhe bons arreios,
Cavallos, sellas e freios,
E com elles se embarcou.
Num dia dos derradeiros
Ao Terreiro os dous chegaram,
E ambos se separaram
Logo dos mais cavalleiros:
Cuidam que são os primeiros
Fidalgos que a terra tem;
E nescios não antevem
Que diz o povo, e não erra,
Que são Fidalgos da Terra,
E outros na Terra ha tambem.

Empinou-se-lhes a Ruça,
E de quatro companheiros,
Sem mais outros cavalleiros,
Fizeram a escaramuça:
O General se debruça,
Para mette-los bem nella,
Na janella com cautela;
Porém usou de revoltas,
Porque mettendo-os nas voltas,
Mandou fechar a janella.

A escaramuça acabada
Fizeram a cortezia,
E todo o povo seria
Vendo a janella fechada:
Nas voltas não viram nada;
Que com notavel trabalho
No ay hombre cuerdo á cavallo;
Porém depois que acabaram,
E o General não acharam,
Ficaram de vinha d’alho.
Com rostos descoloridos,
Desesperados agora
Iam por dentro e por fóra
Da propria côr dos vestidos:
Os que são desvanecidos
E, sem prudencia e razão,
Presumem mais do que são,
Emendem seus pensamentos,
Que para seus desalentos
É vivo o senhor d. João.

Não presumam porque tem,

Que são mais que os pobres, nobres,
Pois ha muitos homens pobres
Mui bem nascidos tambem:
Ao pequeno não convém
Por pequeno desprezar,
Que si este quizer fallar,
Achar póde algum defeito,
Que nenhum ha tão perfeito
Em quem se não possa achar.

Seguia-se um cavalleiro
Ao famoso André Cavallo,
Que levou sem intervallo
De cada golpe um carneiro:
Tambem foi aventureiro
De um premio, mas com defeito
Dava ao corpo um grande geito,
E ficou passado e absorto
De que fosse ao premio torto
E o premio a outro direito.
Ao famoso Braz Rabello
Razão é de mestre o apode,
Pois dar dias sanctos póde
Nesta arte ao que fôr mais bello;
E si com louco desvelo,
Do que digo algum se abraza,
Attenda á razão que é raza,
E verá se faz espantos
Que dar possa os dias sanctos
Quem tem Domingas de Casa.

Nas lanças que poz mui bem

Teve de premios ganança,
E certo que pela lança
Não o ha de vencer ninguem:
Dos cavalleiros que tem
Modernos hoje a Bahia
Leva Braz a primazia,
Porque não ha nesta Praça
Quem se ponha com mais graça,
Fortaleza e bizarria.

Tambem aquella fatal

Emulação de Mavorte,
Para os inimigos forte,
Para os amigos leal;
Applauso merece egual;
Pois nesta cavallaria
Si aos mestres não excedia
Por mais antigos nesta arte,
Aos modernos nesta parte
Elle leva a primazia.
Tambem no Machado fallo,
Que é razão por elle accuda,
Pois sempre ao Cavallo ajuda,
Mas não o ajuda o Cavallo:
Inda assim posso louva-lo
Dando-lhe varios apodos,
Porque conheço em seus modos,
E mui bem posso affirmar
Que nisto de cavalgar
Leva vantagens á todos.

Em mau cavallo corria,

Mas um premio mereceu:
Veja-se quem o perdeu
Que cavalleiro seria?
Aposto que alguem diria,
Vendo que ás carreiras passa
Sem fortaleza, nem graça,
Que o moço com seu sendeiro
É nos fumos cavalleiro,
Porém não cá para a Praça.

Outro cavalleiro airoso

Andou na festividade,
E vi na velocidade
Com que corre ser Velloso;
Por cavalleiro famoso
O povo o acclamou de novo,
E eu só admirando o louvo,
E acho discrição calar,
Porque é escusado fallar
Quando por mim falla o povo.
O Ricardo valeroso
Andou bem, porém sem sorte,
Porque tem pouco de forte,
Si bem tem muito de airoso:
Perdeu pouco venturoso,
Mas sem nenhum sentimento,
Um premio que Braz attento
Ganhou; porque não se atreva
Á aquillo que tambem leva
Com as palavras o vento.


De flores e pedras finas

Floresce e enriquece o Estado,
Floresce sim pelo Prado,
E enriquece pelas Minas[7]:
As aves que peregrinas
Aos montes se retiraram,
Nesta manhã já cantaram
Com tão doce melodia,
Que a noite se tornou dia
Porque as penas se acabaram.

[7] Refere-se ao conde do Prado e ao marquez das Minas.


Já da primavera entrou
A alegre serenidade,
Com que toda a tempestade
Do triste inverno acabou:
Já Saturno declinou
Nas operações malignas:
Com influencias benignas
Jupiter predominante
Nos promette anno abundante
De flores e pedras finas.

Si d’estes aspectos taes

Bem se calcula a figura,
Teremos grande fartura,
Não ha de haver fome mais:
Mostras temos e signaes
De um tempo muito abastado:
Porque bem considerado
D’elle tem o proprio effeito,
Já vemos que a seu respeito
Floresce e enriquece o Estado.

Para ser enriquecido

Este Estado e florescente,
Temos a causa patente
No planeta referido:
Não se equivoque o sentido
No effeito aqui declarado,
Porque sendo bem notado,
O Estado (como parece)
Si pelo mais não floresce
Floresce sim pelo Prado.
Pelo Prado flôr á flôr
Se vai a terra esmaltando,
Com que o clima está mostrando
Temperamento melhor:
Do luminar superior
Por taes influencias dignas,
Sendo as pedras o boninas
Da terra unicos primores,
Pois se esmalta pelas flores
E enriquece pelas Minas.

Na terra já se experimentam
Virações tão temperadas,
Que as aves exterminadas
Tornar aos ninhos intentam:
Já não sentem, não lamentam
Tempestuosas ruinas;
Pois com salvas matutinas
Se mostram tão prasenteiras,
Que mais parecem caseiras
As aves que peregrinas.

Sua peregrinação
Influxo foi de Saturno,
Planeta sempre nocturno,
E muito importuno então:
Todas nessa conjuncção
Si os doces ninhos deixaram,
E tanto se receiaram
Do nocivo temporal,
Que escolhendo o menor mal
Aos montes se retiraram.
Porém tanto que sentiram
Haver no tempo mudança
Sem receio e sem tardança
Aos ninhos se reduziram:
Outros ares advertiram,
Outra clemencia notaram,
Com que alegres publicaram
Dos astros os movimentos,
E com festivos accentos
Nesta manhã já cantaram.

Cantaram para mostrar

Com repetidas cadencias
Singulares excellencias
De um planeta singular:
Tal doçura no cantar
Não se ouviu nesta Bahia,
Ouvindo-se na harmonia
Modulações tão suaves,
Que nunca cantaram aves
Com tão doce melodia.

Cada qual com voz sonora

Nos mottetes que cantaram,
Por mil modos explicaram
De todo o Estado a melhora:
Cada instante e cada hora
A musica mais se ouvia,
No Prado resplandecia
Por modo maravilhoso
Um lustre tão luminoso,
Que a noite se tornou dia.
Entre as aves modulantes,
Que este nosso paiz tem,
Todas cantaram o bem
De que são participantes:
Dos males que foram antes
Todas tambem se queixaram;
Assim que todas mostraram
Com alegrias notorias
Que começaram as glorias
Porque as penas se acabaram.

Senhor, os padres d’aqui

Por b quadro e por b mol
Cantam bem re mi fa sol,
Cantam mal la sol, fa mi:
A razão que eu nisto ouvi,
E tenho para vos dar,
É que como ao ordenar
Fazem tanto por luzir,
Cantam bem para subir,
Cantam mal para baixar.

Porém como cantariam

Os pobres perante vós?
Tão bem cantariam sós,
Quão mal onde vos ouviam:
Quando o fa bordão erguiam
Cada um parece que berra,
E si um dissona, outro erra,
Mui justo me pareceu,
Que sempre á vista do céu
Fica abatido o que é terra.
Os padres cantaram mal,
Como estava presupposto,
E inda assim vos deram gosto,
Que eu no riso vi o signal:
Foi-se logo cada qual
Direito ás suas pousadas,
Á estudar nas taboadas
Da musica os sete signos,
Não por cantar a Deus hymnos,
Mas por vos dar badaladas.

Vós com voz tão doce e grata

Enleastes meus sentidos,
Que ficaram meus ouvidos
Engastados nessa prata:
Tanto o povo se desata
Ouvindo os vossos esp’ritos,
Que com laudatorios gritos
Dou em fé que uma donzella
Disse, qual outra Marcella,
O Cantico Benedictus.

D’aqui d’esta praia grande

Onde á cidade fugindo,
Conventual das arêas
Entre mariscos habito:
A vós, meu conde do Prado,
A vós, meu principe invicto,
Illustrissimo Mecenas
De um poeta tão indigno,
Enfermo da vossa ausencia,
Quero curar por escripto
Sentimentos, saudades,
Lagrimas, penas, suspiros.
Ausentei-me d’esta Terra,
Porque esse povo maldicto
Me poz em guerra com todos,
E aqui vivo em paz commigo.
Graças a Deus que não vejo
Neste meu doce retiro
Hypocritas embusteiros,
Velhacos intromettidos.
Não me entram nesta palhoça
Visitadores prolixos,
Politicos enfadonhos,
Ceremoniosos vadios.
Visitam-me o lavrador
Sincero, simples e liso,
Que entra co’a bocca fechada,
E sahe co’o queixo cahido.
Dou na varanda um passeio,
Ouço cantar passarinhos
Docemente, ao que entendo,
Excepto a lettra e tonilho.
Vou-me logo para a Praia,
E vendo os alvos seixinhos,
De quem as ondas murmuram,
Por mui brancos e mui limpos,
Os tomo em minha desgraça
Por exemplo expresso e vivo,
Pois eu por limpo e por branco
Fui na Bahia mofino.
Queimada veja eu a Terra
Onde o torpe idiotismo
Chama aos entendidos nescios,
E aos nescios chama entendidos.
Queimada veja eu a Terra,
Onde em casa e nos corrilhos
Os asnos me chamam asno;
Parece cousa de riso.
Eu sei de um clerigo Zote,
Parente em grau conhecido
D’estes que não sabem musa,
Mau grego e peior latino,
Ambicioso avarento,
Das proprias negras amigo,
Só por levar a gaudere
O que aos outros custa gimbo;
Que si acaso em mim lhe fallam
Torcendo logo o focinho,
«Não me fallem neste asno»,
Responde em todo o seu sizo.
Tambem sei que um certo Beca,
No Pretorio presidindo,
Onde é salvage em cadeira,
Me pôz asno de banquinho.
Por signal que eu respondi
A quem me trouxe este aviso,
Si fôra asno, como eu sou,
Que mal fôra á esse ministro.

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