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This research explores the everyday issues teachers face when dealing

with student’s misbehavior. We are taking a close look at the regular

problems teachers encounter in trying to maintain a positive learning

environment despite disruptive behavior in the classroom. It is all about

understanding the common challenges teachers go through to make

teaching and learning a smooth experience. The problem of student

disobedience in the classroom is one that teachers and schools

encounter all throughout the world. It describes any inappropriate or

disruptive behavior displayed by students that interferes with learning

and the teaching process. Teachers worry about disruptive behavior in

the classroom, which affects both learners and instructors. Student

misbehavior has a wide range of causes, some of which include personal,

social, and environmental effects. It may be due to boredom, a lack of

interest in the subject matter, personal troubles, attention-seeking

actions, peer pressure, or even problems with their emotional or physical

health, that students may act inappropriately.

People tend to focus on the kids and the causes of their

misbehavior, but they rarely see and consider the difficulties teachers

encounter while dealing with these kinds of behavior. In the typical

classroom, student misbehaviors such as loud talking, persistent

procrastination, interfering with instructional tasks, bothering

classmates, verbal abuse of the teacher, and defiance ranging from

moderate to severe are tricky problems. Teachers typically express that

these disturbing behaviors in the classroom are unacceptable and

stressful. Student misbehaviors hinder the efficiency and efficacy of

teaching as well as the learning of the students.

It is inevitable that all teachers will encounter some sort of

misbehavior. Bauar(2019) claims all sorts of behaviors that thwart

education are called unwanted behaviors. Their damaging effects are

layers ranging from the most destructive to the least destructive to the

least ones. Misbehaviors in the class ruin the class atmosphere, and the

teaching process prevents both students and teachers from achieving

their aims and leads to problems in time management. Misbehavior in

the class threatens both teachers and students.(Suheda Ozben et

al.,2010). Teachers are central to school improvement efforts as the most

significant resource in schools. The quality of teaching is determined not

just by the ‘quality’ of the teachers—although that is clearly critical—but

also by the environment in which they work. Able teachers are not

necessarily going to reach their potential in settings that do not provide

appropriate support or sufficient challenge or reward.


By understanding these obstacles, we can develop targeted

interventions and support mechanisms, ultimately contributing to the

overall improvement of the educational experience in the school. This

could include investigating the impact of classroom management

techniques, classroom policies, and resources available to teachers.

Understanding how these contextual factors interact with teacher’s

experiences in managing students' misbehavior can provide deeper

insights into the challenges they face and identify areas for targeted

intervention or support.

In conclusion, our study sheds light on the widespread issue of

student misconduct in the classroom and the challenges that educators

have in dealing with it. Through comprehension of these obstacles, we

may create targeted tactics to enhance the educational setting. We can

identify workable ways to improve teaching and learning for all parties

involved by investigating the relationships between classroom

regulations, teacher support, and available resources.

Background of the Study

This study aims to understand the strategies and techniques used

by teachers at Maac National High School to manage student

misbehavior in the classroom. The research will use mixed methods like

data collection and analysis techniques to gather data directly from


teachers. The study will identify common types of misbehavior, the

factors contributing to it, and the effectiveness of different intervention

methods. The findings will contribute to the existing knowledge of

classroom management and provide practical recommendations for

improving strategies to address student misbehavior. The insights gained

can be used by teachers, administrators, and policymakers to create a

positive learning environment at Maac National High School. The

research will provide valuable information for improving classroom

management strategies and enhancing the learning experience for both

teachers and students.

Theoretical Framework

The The Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model is a theoretical

framework that tries to integrate two fairly independent research

traditions: the stress research tradition and the motivation research

tradition. (Demerouti and Bakker, 2011). This model defines job

demands as those aspects of a job that demand additional physical,

mental, or emotional effort and may lead to stress or burnout. When

teachers must fulfill high levels of job demands without the required

resources, they may feel more pressure and negative consequences. By

applying the JD-R model, you could explore how these demands and

resources influence teachers' experiences, coping strategies, and overall

well-being in addressing student misbehavior in the classroom.

Conceptual Framework


What is the level of Understanding the

understanding on experiences of
the experiences of teachers in Maac
of teachers in Maac National Highschool
National Highschool in anaging student
in managing student misbehaviour in the
misbehaviour in the classroom


Demographic profile
Number of years in

Figure 1. Conceptual paradigm of the study


Statement of the Problem

The purpose of the study is to learn more about the experiences

Maac National High School teachers have dealing with disruptive

students in the learning environment. It aims to comprehend the

difficulties teachers have, the methods they use to deal with misbehavior,

and how successful they think these methods are. Furthermore, the

research investigates the effects of multiple variables, including teacher-

student relationships, ways to manage classroom teacher views, and

cultural responsiveness, on the handling of misbehavior by students.

Through an analysis of these experiences, the research hopes to offer an

understanding that can guide the creation of useful interventions and

support systems to improve classroom management techniques and

encourage good behavior among students at Maac National High School.

Specifically, the study will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms;

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Number of years in teaching

2. What is the level of understanding the experiences of of teachers in

Maac National Highschool in anaging student misbehaviour in the


Significance of the Study

The researchers believed that this study could be beneficial to the


1. Teachers – They may use this study to reflect on themselves and

understand their actions better.

2. Students - They may use this to be aware of and be able to

understand the practices their teachers use to control different


3. School Administrators - They could use this research so that they

can provide targeted feedback, mentorship, and resources to educators

who might need additional support in managing student misbehavior.

4. Future Researchers - When conducting their research on a

related topic, future researchers can use this paper as a reference.

Scope and Limitations

The objective of this study is to know what practices teachers use

when dealing with students' inappropriate behavior. This study will be

conducted at Maac National High School Which is in Maac, Guinsiliban,


Camiguin. The junior high school and senior high school teachers at the

aforementioned school are the intended respondents.

Delimitation of the Study

The study determined the Understanding Experiences of Teachers

in Maac National High School in Managing student misbehavior in the

Classroom year 2023-2024. The research locale is in Maac National High

School, with 18 teachers as participants. There was a total of 4 males

and a total of females 14.

Definition of Terms

Terms are defined operationally to achieve clarity and

understanding of their use in the study:

1. Misbehavior- refers to the disruptive factor that affects the

learning environment.

2. Teachers- refers to the respondents of the study.

3. Intervention- refers to the execution that would help to minimize

misbehaviors in the learning environment.

4. Classroom Management- refers to the practical implementation of

strategies by educators.

5. Techniques- specific actions and methods employed by educators

to manage classroom dynamic.


6. Research- systematic collection and analysis of data to investigate

the different classroom management techniques.

7. Sex- refers to biological characteristics of individual may influence

teaching and learning dynamics within the classroom


8. Number of years in teaching- reflects the accumulated experience

and expertise of educators,which shaped their pedagogical




This chapter introduces the discussion of the in-depth search done

by the researcher of some related literature, articles, and studies of

various researchers and authors in which the current bears similarities.

Teacher’s Influence on Students

Teachers' emotions were strongly correlated with students'

emotions because they were the pupils' second mothers or fathers

(Becker et al., 2014). Students' feelings in the classroom are largely

determined by situational elements, such as the emotions of the teachers

and their instructional style. Teachers beliefs and attitudes towards

classroom discipline significantly influence their ability to manage

student misbehavior.

According to (Garcia et al.,2017) teacher-student relationships

play a crucial role in managing student behavior. Highlight the

importance of cultivating supportive, respectful, and trusting

relationships between teachers and students as a means of preventing

and addressing disruptive behaviors. According to their studies,

students' social engagement can be fostered when there is a good rapport

between the instructor and the students. It is particularly crucial to

develop positive connections between students and teachers and to

positively reinforce proper behavior so as to promote desirable behaviors

and produce excellent academic outcomes (De Jong, 2010).

How Confidence Affects Teachers’ Way of Control

Confident teachers tend to establish stronger, more positive

relationships with their students (Martinez et al.,2017). This positive

rapport fosters mutual respect, trust, and cooperation, which in turn

contribute to better classroom discipline and reduced instances of

disruptive behavior. Less confident teachers find it harder to control

disruptive behavior, or that dealing with such behavior causes greater

stress, which makes teachers less confident.

Student Engagement in Lessons

As stated by Santrock (2018), "a well-managed classroom provides

clear rules and regulations students must abide by, keeps students busy

with activity, appropriately challenging tasks, and has activities in which


students become absorbed and motivated to learn. Students must

pay attention and be interested in the lesson. Sueb (2020) argues that

there is a greater chance of misbehavior among students when they get


Emotional and Occupational Stress among Teachers in Tagum North

District, Philippines

Stress is gradually paving its way to become a hallmark of the

teaching profession (Bongo and Casta, 2017). Previous research has

identified the teaching-learning process and issues that are specific to

the classroom or school as relevant variables. For instance, Pratt

demonstrated that stress was caused by five key factors, including a

general inability to handle teaching problems, uncooperative children,

violent children, worry about the learning of the children, and staff

relationships. But as time passes, stress becomes more complicated than

it once was. This worrying stress problem is now a significant contributor

to teacher job dissatisfaction, occupational sickness, and even early


This study found an important connection between teachers'

emotional and job-related stress. This means that as the teachers'

occupational stress levels rise, so do their emotional stress levels.


Likewise, when a teacher's degree of work-related stress diminishes, it is

possible to see a decrease in emotional tension. This suggests that

treating teachers' emotional stress may reduce their occupational anxiety

and vice versa. To lessen the overall stress that teachers suffer, it is

essential to understand the clear inter-relationship between their

emotional and occupational stress. The outcome also implies that there

may be several ways to address the issue of occupational and emotional

stress because fixing one factor can have an impact on the other.

The challenges of teacher leadership in the Philippines as

experienced and perceived by teachers

This study's findings show that the idea of teacher leadership still

has difficulty flourishing in educational organizations. The traditional

"principal-oriented" nature of leadership, which is deeply ingrained in its

system, and the lack of leadership training, as well as the teacher

classification that they conform to, are two phenomena that make it

difficult for teacher leadership to flourish (Alegado, 2018). This paper has

highlighted both of these phenomena. This paper makes the case that

implementing teacher leadership in the local setting may have a

significant impact on the culture of their schools, the advancement of

student learning, and peer practice.

Stress and Depression in the Workplace of Educators in the


In order to keep teaching as the most noble profession, workplace

stress and depression should be effectively managed. Unmanaged stress

and despair could result in a negative outcome that interferes with the

positive atmosphere in the classroom (Ventayen, 2021). Consequently,

one of the crucial circumstances a teacher should aim towards in order

to succeed is controlling stress and preventing depression at work.

Without teachers, no knowledge would have been transferred or

imparted. Healthy teachers are required to sustain a joyful atmosphere

in the classroom and to continuously improve the educational system. As

a result, one of the crucial areas where a teacher should thrive is in

controlling stress at work. To increase the teachers' efficiency, the

academic workload should also be manageable. Although the education

sector disputes the link between workload and suicides, they nonetheless

stress that it should serve as a wake-up call for public school teachers to

develop effective coping mechanisms in response to social media reports

that a multi-grade teacher's suicide was brought on by an overwhelming

amount of paperwork. It was recommended to the Department of

Education to reduce teacher workloads (Hernando-Malipot, 2018).

According to the secretary of the Department of Education, they have

already decreased the administrative and paper work that instructors

must do as a result of the numerous reports. Based on the news story,

the secretary continued, "We are looking into how to get rid of other

teachers" (Terrazola, 2018).


The study's findings indicate that teachers who work in lower

grades, such kindergarten, elementary school, and high school,

experience high levels of stress and melancholy. Additionally, studies

have indicated that anxiety and depression at work are less common in

college and vocational settings. It is advised that the government and

administrators consider any potential interventions to reduce the level of

stress and depression among teachers.

Challenges Encountered and Strategies Employed in Managinng

Students’ Behavior of Junior High School Teachers

According to the study's findings, the respondents described the

difficulties they had in controlling students' behavior under the code of

conduct connected to discipline (Lingon, 2019). The three assertions with

the highest WAM scores were (1) Failure of students to complete their

excuse slip form (2) Students forget their ID at home (3) Failure of

students to wear their uniform in official activities held inside or outside

the school. The following are some of the difficulties that the

respondents experienced: (1) Students do not keep quiet when there is

no teacher present; (2) Students fight with their classmates when they

get angry; (3) Students disrespect the chapel's sacredness by using foul

language there; (4) Students disobey teacher instructions and act

foolishly with their friends; (5) Students break the rules and regulations

of the school; and (6) Students purchase foods even though it is not

allowed. (7) Students converse with their classmates while the flag

ceremony is taking place.

The study's conclusions showed that in order to consistently

enforce discipline and familiarize the students with the rules and

regulations in place at the school, the orientation of the pupils was

necessary. The researcher suggests that the students completely grasp

the significance of abiding by the school's rules and regulations by

adopting the recognized school policy on the code of conduct seriously.

The teachers ought to carry out a yearly programs for orientation and re-

orientation that stress the research's findings and seriously investigate

more practical solutions to difficulties with the code of conduct should

both make use of this study's findings. To ensure that all instructors and

employees adhere to the school's policies to the letter of instruction, the

administrators should publish a school memo.

This study highlighted the difficulties junior high school teachers

faced when enforcing the codes of conduct related to discipline and

decorum. If those difficulties are not conquered, they may have an

impact on the learning environment and lead to an issue with discipline

affecting pupils.

Excellent Teachers’ Strategies in Managing Students’ Misbehaviour

in the Classroom

The study examines the strategies employed by Excellent Teachers

in handling student misbehavior in the classroom. The misbehavior of

students has been increasing in both variety and seriousness, making it

essential to investigate how teachers manage such behavior (Sueb et al.,

2020). This qualitative study focuses on Excellent Teachers, also known

as "Guru Cemerlang," who have earned their title based on their

expertise, exceptional qualities, leadership, and extensive teaching

experience. This article highlights the first category of strategies, which

involve preparation, creating a conducive learning environment, and

classroom activities.

Challenges for New Teachers and Ways of Coping with Them

A teacher's longevity in the teaching profession may be

determined by their first year of employment. A grounded theory

qualitative research analysis was used to examine the problems faced by

first-year teachers. According to the findings of this study, a first-year

teacher could experience stress, lack adequate support, and feel

unprepared to deal with behavioral and academic concerns with their

students (Dias-Lacy and Guirguis, 2017). The establishment of

mentoring programs between new and experienced teachers, according to

the literature study, not only benefited rookie teachers but also helped

them deal with and face their worries during their first year in the


New educators may have poor experiences if they enter the

profession of education with unrealistic expectations of what teaching

entails. According to the literature, first-year teachers quit the teaching

profession because of a lack of administrative support, an inability to

balance their personal and professional obligations, a lack of professional

development opportunities, and difficulties dealing with behavioral issues

in the classroom.

This study examined the difficulties a teacher faced and the coping

skills they used to finish their first year of teaching. The results showed

that a first-year teacher's support needs are extremely high. According to

the data and the earlier research described, there appears to be

insufficient support from instructors and administrators in the

immediate area, which increases stress and dissatisfaction. We noticed

various changes once this first-year teacher finally got the help she had

been yearning for, especially in the way she felt about teaching in

general. She wasn't as stressed and overworked anymore. She was

relieved of some of the planning and preparation duties by having advice

from another instructor on how to plan and utilize the curriculum to its

maximum capacity. She was now able to devote more time to dealing

with the current discipline problems thanks to the advice she received for

lesson planning. Once more, we observed a significant shift in her stress

level and attitude toward teaching change. She exuded satisfaction in her

role as a teacher.



This chapter presents the research design, the study's locale,

respondents, sample size, sampling technique, research instruments,

data gathering procedure, and data analysis procedure of the study.

Research Design

The study used a mixed method using a descriptive design that

utilized an self-made questionnaire in gathering the data of the study.

Locale Of The Study

This study will be conducted at Maac National High School in

Maac, Guinsiliban, Camiguin. The respondents will be interviewed at


their convenient time or any comfortable place that the respondents will

choose to. The researchers choose the place of implementation because it

will give the researchers needed information for knowing the efficiency of

the study about the Understanding the Experiences of Teachersb in

Maac National Highschool in managing Student Misbehaviour in the


Respondents Of The Study

The junior and senior high school teachers at Maac National for

the S.Y. 2023-2024 are the researchers’ target respondents. With fewer

respondents, this made it easier to concentrate on the target audience,

which cost not much time. The researchers used the availability

sampling method in choosing the respondents.

Table.1 Distribution of the respondents (N=18)

Teaching Personel Frequency Total

Junior Highschool 8 44


Senior Highschool 4 22


Subject Teachers 6 33

Total 18 100%

Research Instruments

Since face-to-face classes are once again offered, the direct survey

questionnaire will use to employ this study. The researchers used self-

made questionnaire in this study.

Administration Of the Instrument

After the approval of the final draft of the interview guide

questionnaire and after seeking the permission of the principal of Maac

National High School then the researchers will administer the

questionnaire to the respondents for the collection of the data.

Treatment of Data

The data that will be gathered from the respondents will be tallied,

analyzed, interpreted, tabulated and subjected to descripted statistical.

The statistical tools that will be used in this study are frequency counts,

means,weighted mean, fishers’-test.

Validity and Reliability

The instrument underwent a content validity and reliability test.

There were three (3) expert validators who checked the content validity of

the questionnaire. Moreover, to test the reliability of the questionnaire, a

pilot test was conducted among teachers.

Data Gathering Procedures


The study followed a systematic procedure for collecting the data.

The researcher constructed a questionnaire that was used for data

gathering and was validated. The researcher asked permission by

sending a letter to the Schools Division Superintendent to conduct the

study. After the approval, the researcher went to the respective

classroom of the respondents and floated the questionnaire having the

informed consent letter. Likewise, Focus Group Discussions were

conducted. The gathered data was then calculated, tabulated, analyzed,

and interpreted using statistical tools.

Data Analysis Procedure

After the researchers have successfully distributed the survey

questionnaires, the data processing process begins. The gathered data

will be examined, assessed, and organized. This enables the researchers

to determine the outcomes by adding together the collected data and

calculating the mean and frequency. Once the average count has been

determined and the general research issue has been addressed, a


The responses to the specific questions were quantified using the

Four-point Likert Scale to enable the researcher to interpret their

meaning entirely.

Table. 2 Four-point likert scale on challenges that teachers

encounter in the learning environment

Arbitrary Value Limits Description

4 4.21-5.00 Always

3 3.41-4.20 Frequently

2 2.61-3.40 Occasionally

1 1.81-2.60 Rarely

0 1.00-1.80 Never

Statistical Treatment

The study utilized different tools in analyzing and interpreting the

gathered data.

Problem 1. Frequency counts and percentages were used to describe the

demographic profile of the respondents.

Problem 2 . The weighted mean and standard deviation were used to

determine the Experiences of Teachers at Maac National High School in

Managing students' misbehavior in the Classroom.

Ethical Consideration

When conducting the study, the researcher prepared a letter for

higher authorities. A consent letter was produced for the respondents

requesting permission to participate in the study. Throughout the study,

data security and confidentiality of each respondent's information and

answers was guaranteed.


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