Visit Ech B Corp

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Change Initiative Consulting Report : Journey of Visitech

Aakaash Grover, ID 642326

Fathima Shahana Mohomed Shiraz, ID 643182

Roya Karami, ID 642407

Trinity Western University

LDRS 612 B - Leading Change & Innovation

Dr. Ruth Anaya

November 25, 2023

Table of Contents

Thesis Statement:..................................................................................................................................2
I. Company Overview or Organizational Profile:....................................................................................3
A. Company Background:...................................................................................................................3
B. Company Values:...........................................................................................................................3
The Assessment Tool.............................................................................................................................3
A. What is B Assessment? B Corporation...........................................................................................3
B. Advantages of B Certification.........................................................................................................4
C. Policies:.........................................................................................................................................4
a) Anti-Racism Policy.....................................................................................................................4
b) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)...................................................................................4
Overall Impact Score.............................................................................................................................5
Impact Areas and Problem Areas.........................................................................................................6


Embarking on a transformative journey into the realm of organizational change consultancy,

my partner and I are poised to navigate the intricacies of guiding a company towards B Corp
Certification. In this inaugural assignment, our chosen protagonist is none other than Visitech, the
holographic technology company that I have proudly founded.

As proponents of values-based leadership, we are impassioned by the prospect of leveraging

Visitech's innovative prowess for societal and environmental betterment. This consultancy endeavor
aligns seamlessly with our commitment to utilizing business as a force for good, weaving a narrative
that intertwines corporate success with impactful contributions to the wider world.

This report will unfold through a structured exploration, meticulously adhering to the five
stages laid out in the assignment framework. From delving into Visitech's organizational profile and
values to scrutinizing its anti-racism policies and alignment with Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), we are poised to unravel a comprehensive understanding of the company's current state. The
B-Impact Assessment, a key element of our toolkit, will shed light on Visitech's overall impact score,
strengths, and potential areas for growth across governance, workers, community, environment,
customers, and anti-racism initiatives.

A pivotal section of our report will involve a comparative analysis, drawing parallels with
another organization, possibly within the tech industry or sharing similar growth trajectories. We aim
to distill insights from exemplary B Corps, colloquially known as "Changemakers," and delve into case
studies for nuanced perspectives on impactful change initiatives.

As we approach the critical juncture of crafting recommendations, our focus will be on

values-based leadership. Drawing inspiration from the B the Change operational paradigm and the
collective wisdom of successful B Corps, we intend to chart an action plan for Visitech's journey
towards B Corp Certification.

In essence, this report encapsulates not only a consultancy project but a narrative of
transformation—a narrative where Visitech's holographic innovations seamlessly intertwine with a
commitment to social and environmental responsibility. Through this consultancy, we aim not just to
guide a company but to champion a cause, where business becomes a catalyst for positive global

Thesis Statement:
"In navigating the transformative journey of guiding Visitech, a holographic technology
company, towards B Corp Certification, this consultancy report serves as a testament to the power of
values-based leadership in fostering positive organizational change. Through an intricate exploration
of Visitech's organizational profile, anti-racism policies, alignment with Sustainable Development
Goals, and comprehensive B-Impact Assessment, coupled with a comparative analysis with industry
peers, we seek to craft a strategic roadmap. Grounded in the principles of B the Change and inspired
by exemplary B Corps, our recommendations will not only propel Visitech towards certification but
also underscore the profound impact of businesses as forces for good in the global landscape."

I. Company Overview or Organizational Profile:

A. Company Background:
VisiTech, founded by [Your Name], is a pioneering holographic technology company that has
emerged as a leader in the virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) industry. Established
[Year], the company has swiftly gained recognition for its innovative solutions that push the
boundaries of immersive technologies. Leveraging a team of visionary experts and cutting-edge
research, VisiTech has positioned itself at the forefront of the holographic tech revolution.

B. Company Values:
1. Innovation: At VisiTech, innovation is the driving force behind everything we
do. We consistently strive to stay ahead of the curve, exploring new dimensions in
holographic technology to deliver groundbreaking solutions.
2. Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration. Our culture fosters
teamwork, both internally among our talented professionals and externally with clients.
Collaborative efforts amplify creativity and lead to the development of transformative
holographic experiences.
3. Quality: Commitment to quality is ingrained in our DNA. VisiTech is
dedicated to delivering holographic solutions that exceed expectations, ensuring an
unparalleled level of realism and engagement for users.
4. User-Centric Approach: Users are at the heart of our creations. We prioritize
user satisfaction, crafting holographic experiences that captivate and immerse, leaving a
lasting impact on individuals and businesses.
5. Ethical Leadership: VisiTech upholds the principles of ethical leadership,
maintaining transparency and integrity in all interactions. Our commitment to ethical
practices extends to how we handle data, respecting user privacy and security.
6. Adaptability: In the dynamic world of holographic technology, adaptability is
key. VisiTech embraces change and evolution, staying nimble in response to technological
advancements and market demands.
7. Social Responsibility: Beyond technological innovation, VisiTech is socially
responsible. We actively seek ways to contribute to community development, environmental
sustainability, and social causes, aligning our values with a broader commitment to making a
positive impact.

VisiTech's values encapsulate the spirit of a company dedicated to transforming how we

perceive and interact with the world through cutting-edge holographic technology.

The Assessment Tool

A. What is B Assessment? B Corporation
The B Assessment, also known as the B Impact Assessment, is a digital tool utilized by more
than 150,000 businesses to measure, manage, and improve their positive impact performance across
various dimensions. Developed by B Lab Global, the assessment evaluates a company's impact on
the environment, communities, customers, suppliers, employees, and shareholders. Businesses
aiming for B Corp Certification must achieve a minimum verified score of 80 points on this
assessment. B Corp Certification is a designation that signifies a business is meeting high standards of
verified performance, accountability, and transparency in social and environmental areas.

B. Advantages of B Certification
B Corp Certification brings several advantages to businesses. It signals that a company is a
leader in the global movement for an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy. Unlike other
certifications, B Lab is unique in its ability to measure a company’s entire social and environmental
impact comprehensively. Certified B Corporations build trust with consumers, communities, and
suppliers, attract and retain employees, and draw mission-aligned investors. The certification process
ensures that B Corps remain focused on continuous improvement, promoting their long-term

C. Policies:
a) Anti-Racism Policy
The commitment to racial equity is a crucial aspect of B Lab's approach. B Lab U.S. & Canada,
as a part of the global B Corp movement, has set a five-year goal to scale business practices and
public policies that advance climate justice, racial equity, and create a just economy for all. This
involves strengthening the value proposition of B Corp Certification for businesses owned and led by
historically marginalized entrepreneurs. B Lab U.S. & Canada is actively investing in programs and
resources that focus on justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. The organization is also working to
transfer resources, wealth, and knowledge traditionally gatekept from Black, Indigenous, and People
of Colour.

Furthermore, B Lab U.S. & Canada has created the Level program to offer free support for
businesses led by Black, Indigenous, or other People of Colour who identify as women. This program
provides access to resources for measuring impact and implementing transformative business
practices. It exemplifies the commitment to racial equity by actively working to bring new voices and
lived experiences into the B Corp Community. The organization recognizes that the future of the B
Corp movement should center on the prosperity of entrepreneurs and communities that have been
historically marginalized.

b) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

B Lab's commitment to sustainable development is inherently aligned with the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The B Corp Certification process, with its
comprehensive B Impact Assessment, covers various dimensions of impact, including environmental
and social factors. These align with multiple SDGs, such as Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic
Growth), Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), and Goal 13 (Climate Action).

The emphasis on climate justice and racial equity in B Lab's policies corresponds to SDGs like
Goal 10 (Reduced Inequality) and Goal 13 (Climate Action). The Level program, specifically designed
to support businesses led by historically marginalized entrepreneurs, aligns with the overarching
principle of leaving no one behind, a central tenet of the SDGs.

In summary, B Lab's policies, including its anti-racism initiatives and commitment to

sustainable development, demonstrate a holistic approach to creating positive social and
environmental impact, in alignment with the broader global goals outlined in the SDGs.

Overall Impact Score

Image no. 1
Impact Areas and Problem Areas

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