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"Social Networks: Portals of Truth and Faith; New Spaces for Evangelization" Some
Reflections on the Message of Pope Benedict XVI for the 47th World Communications Day
2. The New Digital Age (Eric Schmidt & Jared Cohen, 2013) • The Internet, the world’s
largest ungoverned space. • Communications technology has advanced in an
unprecedented rate in the 20th Century (from 350 Million online users to 2 Billion; from
750 Million mobile phone users to 6 Billion). • We project the reality that in the near
future the 8 Billion people on earth will be online.
3. Do you know that…. • 6 Billion Photos on FLICKER • 7 Billion Photos in PICASA • 9 Billion
Photos in PHOTOBUCKET • 100 Billion Photos on FACEBBOOK • 1 Trillion YOUTUBE
Playbacks in 2011 • 4 Billion YOUTUBE Playbacks in a Day
4. But do you also realize that… • In 2007, there are 4,200,000 porn websites, which is 12%
of the total websites in the internet. • 72,000,000 visitors to porn websites in the world
monthly; of which 28% are women, and 72% are men. • 42.7 % of internet users view
internet pornography.
5. More Shocking Statistics…. • Annual revenue of porn websites is $US 57 billion; Child
pornography alone generates $US 3 Billion annually. • 90% of young people view porn
online while doing homework. • And millions of people all over the world engage in online
gambling which is a multi-billion dollar industry from the US alone.
6. Pope Benedict XVI • “Unfortunately, though, they risk being transformed into systems
aimed at subjecting humanity to agendas dictated by the dominant interests of the day.
This is what happens when communication is used for ideological purposes or for the
aggressive advertising of consumer products. While claiming to represent reality, it can
tend to legitimize or impose distorted models of personal, family or social life.” (Message
on 42nd World’s Communications Day, #. 2, 2008)
7. CRITICAL CHALLENGE Yes, the E-Revolution has numerous positive contributions, but
they have also turned out for the worse…. Can we use social networks as Portals of Truth
and Faith, as New Spaces for Evangelization rather than digital tools for evil and sin?
8. From Information to Knowledge • “The exchange of information can become true
communication, links ripen into friendships, and connections facilitate communion. If the
networks are called to realize this great potential, the people involved in them must make
an effort to be authentic since, in these spaces, it is not only ideas and information that
are shared, but ultimately our very selves.” (Pope Benedict XVI)
9. Can social networking deepen my knowledge of self and others?
10. From Communication to Communion • “Social networks are the result of human
interaction, but for their part they also reshape the dynamics of communication which
builds relationships: a considered understanding of this environment is therefore the
prerequisite for a significant presence there.” (Pope Benedict XVI)
11. Can social networking be an instrument of deeper communion with others, building
communities and enhance my communion with God?
12. From Free Expression to Evangelization • “In social networks, believers show their
authenticity by sharing the profound source of their hope and joy: faith in the merciful
and loving God revealed in Christ Jesus. This sharing consists not only in the explicit
expression of their faith, but also in their witness, in the way in which they communicate
‘choices, preferences and judgments that are fully consistent with the Gospel…’” (Pope
Benedict XVI)
13. Can social networking motivate me to evangelize myself and others?
14. Some Practical Considerations in Social Networking: • Communicating Truth,
Truthfulness and Trustworthiness. • Bridging Gaps and Building Relationships. • Knowing
and Sharing the Faith.
15. “In the digital world there are social networks which offer our contemporaries
opportunities for prayer, meditation and sharing the word of God…. There should be no
lack of coherence or unity in the expression of our faith and witness to the Gospel in
whatever reality we are called to live, whether physical or digital. When we are present to
others, in any way at all, we are called to make known the love of God to the furthest
ends of the earth.” (Pope Benedict XVI)

In his message for the 47th World Communications Day, Pope Benedict XVI emphasized the significance
of social networks as channels of truth and faith, as well as emerging platforms for evangelization:

Pope Benedict XVI acknowledged the profound impact of social networks on modern communication,
shaping the way people access and share information.

He recognized social networks as powerful tools for the dissemination of truth, emphasizing the
importance of authentic, reliable information in an age of digital connectivity.

The Pope highlighted the dual nature of social networks, which can be portals to both truth and
falsehood, underscoring the need for discernment in evaluating the information shared online.

He described social networks as new spaces for evangelization, emphasizing their potential in spreading
the message of faith and connecting believers across the globe.

Pope Benedict XVI stressed the role of the Church in utilizing these platforms for evangelization,
reaching out to both its followers and those seeking spiritual guidance.

He encouraged the faithful to engage in responsible online evangelization, using social networks as
platforms to share their beliefs and values with respect and love.
The Pope acknowledged the role of virtual communities in providing a sense of belonging for individuals
who may feel isolated or marginalized in society.

He emphasized the importance of promoting a culture of respect and dialogue in the digital realm,
fostering understanding and unity among people of different backgrounds and beliefs.

Pope Benedict XVI called for the use of social networks to foster a sense of solidarity, particularly in
addressing social issues, injustices, and humanitarian causes.

He concluded by inviting all to use social networks as tools to spread truth, faith, and the message of
Christ, while being mindful of the potential pitfalls and challenges associated with online communication
in the pursuit of these noble objectives.

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