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Juniper s Sight Academy of the Elite 1

1st Edition Jarica James

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Juniper s Peril Academy of the Elite 2 1st Edition

Jarica James

Call of the Siren Obsidian Cove Supernatural Academy 1

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Path of the Bear Obsidian Cove Supernatural Academy 2

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Power of the Mage Obsidian Cove Supernatural Academy 5

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Mark of the Psychic Obsidian Cove Supernatural Academy
4 1st Edition Jarica James

Twisted Lies Twisted Pine Academy 1 1st Edition Kai


The Elite Multiverse Academy 1 1st Edition Fredric


Origins The Knottyverse Book 1 1st Edition Jarica James

Origins (The Knottyverse Book 1) 1st Edition Jarica



This book is for our readers. You guys are the reason we spend so
many hours bringing our imaginary friends to life.
Copyright © 2020 Rowan Thalia and Jarica James
All rights reserved.
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Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination.
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, and incidents are
the products
of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events,
locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Cover by: Black Glitter Press

Formatting and graphics by: Inked Imagination Author Services

Created with Vellum


Authors’ Note

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Want More?
Also by Jarica James
Also By Rowan Thalia

Juniper’s Sight is a four book series. Books one and two were
originally one book (Into the Shadows) which has been fully
rewritten with a new plot line, genre, and style. We appreciate your
continued support and hope that we have done Juniper and her
guys the justice they deserve!
I 'm sick with the flu, and my mom's letting me lay in her bed to
rest. The cold water in the waterbed caresses my hot body,
making me feel half human again. As I sip water and watch an old
Disney film, I see what I believe to be my three-year-old brother
hovering in the doorway.
"Hey little man, you gotta go back to the front room, I'm sick.
You don't want to catch this stuff," I say as another round of
coughing takes over.
My little brother just laughs and runs into the master bath, his
bare feet slapping against the wood floors as he sings softly to
himself. My blood runs cold when I realize that the voice doesn't
sound like my brother at all. Using the last bit of strength I have, I
manage to crawl my aching bones out of bed before stumbling
toward the bathroom door. My fever has me wavering slightly on my
feet as I try to hurry after him.
"Jimmy, is that you?" I call as I peek inside. My body stills when
my gaze falls on a tub full of blood… no boy in sight. Thick red liquid
churns and spills over the sides, hitting the floor and covering the
tile. Panicking, I grab the doorframe and try to lean in, searching the
small room for the little boy.
The trouble is, my hands are sweaty, and my fingers slide off the
wood, sending me tumbling into the room. My feet hit the slick blood
coating the floor, sending me sliding into the side of the tub.
Grabbing on, I muster the courage to peer in, afraid of what I might
see. It takes a moment to make out anything in the dark, murky
liquid, but eventually, I spot him… or pieces of him. Opening my
mouth wide, I let out a piercing scream. Darkness clouds my vision,
raw fear clawing its way through my chest. Frozen in horror, I

I jerk awake, screaming into the darkness surrounding me. A film of

sweat covers my body, cooling my skin in the cold night air. My teeth
chatter as I pull my blanket back around my shoulders. Fuck these
dreams. The side effect of seeing beyond the veil is that nightmares
and lost spirits never seem to go away, instead plaguing me almost
every night.
That particular vision has been stuck on repeat since I was in
sixth grade. Up until then, my encounters with the dead have been
minimal. After my mom ran into the room and shook me awake, I
looked over to the tub. My mouth dropped open; it was empty and
clean. I stuttered and screeched, but my mom told me it was the
fever talking and forced me back to bed with more meds. It still
bothers me that something so startling was dismissed so quickly.
Sure, mom loves me and knows about my ability to see the dead,
but she never honestly seems to take me seriously. Eventually, I just
stopped sharing this part of my life with her.
Even though my mom dismissed the event, me being stubborn
old Juniper, I refused just to let it go. I knew in my heart that this
was too vivid to ignore. Instead, I went looking for proof. Some
quick internet searches turned up a whole lot of nothing. Still not
giving up, I waited until the flu had finally released me from its hold
and went digging into Rose Haven's archives.
Rose Haven is the government agency that runs this town, and
everything in it - including the vast Academy for the Elite. It turns
out; the archives had a goldmine of articles on our house. One of
the first occupants was a little boy named Sam. His mom drowned
him in that tub and then cut him to pieces, guess they didn't see
that coming when they recruited that family. The records don't show
what they were recruited for, which I find odd.
Things like that happen more than they'd like to admit. I mean,
when you put all the freaks of the world together, bad things
sometimes happen. Fox Hollow is an exclusive community run by
Rose Haven Elite Forces. Everyone that lives here has enhanced
senses or psychic abilities. They like to recruit young, bringing
families in to keep them close until the kids are old enough to begin
training at the Academy. I was brought here so young it's the only
place I remember growing up.
The college branch of the Academy is like any other college, just
with a twist. We follow career paths that will make the best use of
our abilities within the Rose Haven Elite Task Force, a little known
government agency. Even after spending most of my life here, I still
don't know the scope of what the agency does; it's all very hush-
hush. I can only suspect they're into aliens or building super
For the most part, RHA is a lot like a typical campus; we take
accredited college courses with a boot camp feel basically. But it's
honestly the only option for those of us with gifts. Ordinary people
think we're crazy. Beyond that, having anyone on the outside know
about our differences would risk exposure for us all. Your average
human doesn't talk telepathically or have the ability to heal open
wounds instantly. What normals can't do, they fear, and that's
dangerous. None of us want to be a lab experiment.
Despite the lifestyle here, Rose Haven Academy isn't as strict as
one might think. Thanks to student resident assistants or RAs, our
peer leaders for each dorm, and the down to earth professors, we
get the full college experience - parties and all. Of course, the task
force leadership is involved in every class and placement while we're
here, we belong to Rose Haven. My guess is that the lax in rules the
first few years is Rose Haven's way of allowing us time to let go
before fully taking on the responsibility and dedication they require.
Now, thanks to my abilities, I'm sitting here awake and feeling
the same jitters as the first time I saw that horror. With my second
sight, it hasn't been the only nightmare that has haunted me - but it
is one of the most persistent. That may be because I hadn't yet
been trained to cope with having encounters. I've been training for
two years now, and it does get a little easier, I suppose. I sit up and
take breaths, counting backward like I was taught. The anxiety fades
away and I sigh with relief. Deciding to get out of the bed, I stretch
and rub the back of my arms. There's no way I can go back to sleep
now, anyway.
Searching my bedside table, I flick on the lamp and check my
phone for the time. Ugh, it's early, I'm surprised the bitch next door
isn't banging on the wall like the last time. You'd think a grown-ass
woman would realize that night terrors and nightmares aren't
voluntary, especially in an academy full of gifted people, but what do
I know?
Shaking myself out of my annoyance, I realize I'll never get any
sleep if I don't do something about it. Even though it makes me feel
guilty, I decide to call my best friend, Dexter. Glancing at the clock
again, I hesitate for a moment, but in the end, I dial the digits. I
need my best friend.
"Dex, can you come over? I had one of those dreams again, and
I can't be alone," my voice is stretched beyond the normal limits,
bordering hysteria. Between the nightmare and my lack of real
sleep, there's no way to hide it.
"Shh, shit Jun. What time is it? Ugh, yeah… gimme five, and I'll
be on my way. I hope to Christ that our team assignment goes
through soon. I can't keep bounding across the campus at ungodly
hours of the morning. People will start talking," he jokes, trying to
lighten the mood, as usual. Dex always knows how to get me to
calm down; I know he doesn't mind coming over, but he hates
having to sneak around. Being caught out after lights out is never
While I'm waiting, I throw some sweats on over my sleep shorts
and attempt to tame my purple locks. Dex has been with me
through all of my awkward phases, from preschool till now, so I
probably shouldn't care how I look. But I'd prefer not to look like a
hobo next to his perfect appearance. I swear, the guy can pull off
anything and still look handsome.
Our moms are assigned together for work and used to swap
carpool days while we were growing up. Both of our moms are
healers, working at the hospital. The Academy is like that, forming
teams according to "gifts," then forcing people to stick together for
most of their lives. I'm lucky with who I've attached to so far, Dex
and Sterling are the best friends a girl could ask for in this crazy life.
I'm banking on a miracle, but I've asked to be put on the same
team. Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky. Honestly, for Dexter's sake
and my sanity, we better.
Our friendship isn't perfect by any means, but it only makes me
love them more. Dex had a good time making fun of me in middle
school, especially calling me 'Knobby Knees' or 'Knees' for short. It
was annoying but nothing I couldn't handle. Hell, by then, I'd known
him for long enough to know all his deep, dark secrets, so he never
took it too far. My last year of middle school the other kids started
calling me Red, a name they stuck with for too long, eventually
morphing into relentless jokes about my hair color and a lack of
having a soul. I could deal with my best friend picking on me… but
other kids? Nah. I got damn tired of those stupid ginger jokes by
freshman year, I went purple, and I've never looked back.
Growing up within such a small group is tough. It's hard not to
have mixed feelings once puberty hits. To top it off, Dexter
Alexander is probably the cutest guy in Fox Hollow. His smooth
taupe skin, bright smile, and muscled frame have all the girls making
moon eyes at him. But it's his kind, chestnut eyes that pull me in
and make me feel safe. That, mixed with his usual snark, just does
something to me.
The fact that I'm the one who gets his gentler side? It makes me
feel special in a way that I've never felt with anyone else. Sure we've
dated other people over the years. I made one hell of a wingman if I
don't say so myself, but every relationship seemed to be shallow or
superficial. Not to mention the fact he and I have a special
connection. We're telepathically linked, Dex can hear my thoughts,
but I can't hear his - which seems very unfair. But it's not his primary
ability. I'm the only one it works on, which is kind of badass.
Living in a town full of different abilities should be awesome, but
it's not all roses. The crappy part for me is things like intelligence
and enhanced senses are revered, but talents that deal with death,
such as mine, are not. There's not many like me; in fact, I'm the
only one that Rose Haven has recruited. People with my gift tend to
... go crazy. Many fear the unknown, so I get to be the freak who
can talk to the dead. The stigma surrounding second sight is
probably why my mom has refused to acknowledge my stories for so
My phone beeps, pulling me away from reminiscing. Smiling
down at Dexter's message, I jump up and grab my keys, rushing out
the door. Sneaking through the hall, so I don't get caught by the RA,
I quietly run down the back stairs and open the exterior door. Dex is
standing there with a donut in his mouth and one eyebrow raised.
"Come on!" I whisper as I yank him inside, nearly making him
trip and faceplant. He shoots me a half-hearted angry look, but
follows. We tiptoe back up to the second floor as quickly as possible,
a well-practiced routine. Once we get there, he waits in the stairwell
while I check the hall for RAs, neither of us wanting to deal with the
consequences of breaking the 'no boys allowed' rule. When the coast
is clear, we sprint to my door and run inside, locking it behind us,
both of us sighing in relief as we slump against the wall. I have no
clue how we've gotten away with this for so long. I'm hardly the only
one that sneaks boys into the dorm. After school events, there's
usually a guy per room, at least.
"Which dream was it?" Dex asks through a mouthful of donut.
"Sam, in the bathtub," I say as I turn toward the bed. I
appreciate the fact he didn't just pull the answer out of my mind,
even though he could have. I'm more than happy that he's learned
to be courteous with his telepathic ability.
"Aw shit, Jun," Dex whispers emphatically, wrapping an arm
around my waist and guiding me to the bed. Needing nothing more
than to keep him close, I pull back the sheets and scoot to the wall.
Dex finishes his donut in one last bite. He eyes his hands in a total
bro move wiping them on his sweatshirt. At least he yanks it off
along with his shoes before jumping into the bed. With a grin on his
adorable face, he wiggles in beside me. Times like these cement
how much I love my best friend. Who else in the world would treat
me this way?
"We have a couple of hours before class. Get some rest," Dex
says softly, stroking my hair as I lay my head in the crook of his arm.
The sound of his breathing is all I need to relax and drift off to

When I crack my eyes open again, sunlight is filtering through my

white lace curtains. I hate them with a burning passion, but my
mom insisted that I hung them when she helped me move into the
dorm. She's always tried to brighten things up, even me, though
she's not been successful yet. They clash, badly, with my inner goth,
but I'm too lazy to switch them out. Other than the frilly curtains,
my dorm room is like all the rest. That is, besides the posters of
reapers and Marilyn Manson, I collect.
"Hey you," Dex's voice is thick with sleep as he stretches out
beside me, pulling my attention back to him.
"Hey, yourself." My heart somersaults at the familiar exchange.
Lately, the familiarity between us does more than make me happy; it
also makes me wish we were more. If only I were willing to test the
boundaries of our friendship.
Not wanting to let myself hope for that, I push my thoughts away
before they can mess with my head. I snuggle in deeper and
breathe in his cologne. In all the years we've been best friends, his
scent preference is one secret I have yet to crack. For some reason,
he refuses to tell me what it is, saying he just smells this good
naturally. Dex likes to keep some mystery about himself, which I
suppose is part of the allure.
Holding me close, he whispers in my ear, sending goosebumps
erupting over my skin. "What time is your first class again?"
My eyes flicker to the alarm clock on the dresser, and I startle.
"Gah, eight. I need to get up. I want to run by the post and check
the mail before I go. Today, we're supposed to get team
assignments!" I squeal a little at the prospect. There is so much
hype at RHA leading up to this moment that I've been antsy for
days, waiting on the letter that would decide who we would be
linked to for our entire lives.
Now that we're in our third year, Dex and I are hoping against
hope that we're assigned together. Though, it wouldn't be the same
without our other amigo, Sterling, too. If we're lucky, we'll all three
get put together. It's against the odds, especially with our different
gifts and opposite genders - but a girl can dream.
Each paranormal team consists of five, which means it wouldn't
just be us, but that's fine with me. Why five? Who knows, the Rose
Haven Academy is very hush-hush about that part.
We met Sterling in grade school. He's the polar opposite of Dex
in every way, even down to their gifts. Dex has post cognition – The
ability to supernaturally perceive past events along with his
telepathic link to me. Sterling's talents are superior intellect and
psychic surgery – the ability to remove disease or even fix biological
imbalances. On the outside he can use a sort of psychic scalpel that
creates incisions, then heals them immediately afterwards. Sterling is
nerdy and even looks the part with his black-rimmed glasses and
button-ups as his major fashion choices, but he's also super
"Well, get showered. I brought my shit with me, so I'll just go to
class and shower afterward," Dex adds as he stretches out on the
bed, giving me a delicious shot of his abs before smacking my ass to
get me moving.
Scrunching my face to hide my blushing cheeks, I climb over him
slowly. He groans and watches me with a side-eye as I chuckle and
sway my hips into the bathroom. What the hell am I doing? We flirt
all the time, but I can't cross that line right before teams are formed.
Or can I? This year is either going to make us or break us apart.
Once I'm safely locked in the bathroom, I take a peek at my
reflection, laughing at my still pink cheeks. That's what you get for
teasing him right back!
My large aqua-blue eyes stare back at me. I'm paler than most,
but I've come to love the way I look, especially with a dab of dark
eyeliner and purple-black lipstick. Admittedly, it did take me a long
time to find that self-love. I turned over a new leaf when I dyed my
hair purple, got a few piercings, and changed out pink for black in
my wardrobe.
My hair will survive one more day without washing, so I spray in
some dry shampoo and bundle it into a messy bun and hop in the
shower. After that awful nightmare, I'm glad the dorms don't have
tubs. Shaking thoughts of Sam out of my head, I scrub my pale skin
until it turns a light shade of pink, then I step out and towel off.
Freezing with my hand stretched toward the sink, I just now realize I
didn't bring any clothes with me. Damn, what a way to start the day.
"Hey, Dex? Will you throw me something to wear? Pleeeease?" I
call through the door, resting my forehead on the wood and feel like
an idiot.
"Does that mean I get to rummage in your panty drawer?" he
asks, chuckling as I hear him rifle through my stuff.
I playfully bang my head against the door, "Yeeess. Just don't
make me look dumb."
His laughter joins the sound of drawers shifting and hangers
shuffling in the closet. I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing as
he mutters to himself about too many choices and not enough color.
Hurry up, I think, as I tap my foot on the floor and tighten my
towel, my wet skin making me shiver the longer I stand here.
"Are you going to open the door, or should I just think your
clothes through, Jun?" The snark never ends with this one.
Grumbling, I open the door a crack and grab the pile with the
sweetest smile I can manage, before shutting him out again.
Perusing the choices, I'm impressed that he pulled off a decent
outfit. He picked black jeans, a Slipknot tee, and a matching set of
purple undies. I dress quickly, then let my hair back down and throw
it in a side braid. Taking out my makeup bag, I add some dark
lipstick, liner, and my signature choker. Honestly, I rock the goth
look. I pucker my lips, admiring my perfect wings and newest lip
color, so dark that it's almost black. Fuck the haters; I'm a beautiful,
badass bitch!
"Ready, Freddy?" I peek out the door, flinging my wet towel at
Dexter. He groans and dodges it with a playful glare before schooling
a pleasant look on his face. Uh oh.
"For you? Always. Let's go, Juniper." His answering smile is full of
mischief, and I narrow my eyes at him, wondering what he's
"Juniper? You hadn't called me by my full name since I socked
you in the eye for putting a frog down my shirt when we were
eight," I say warily, the sound of my full name cringe-worthy to my
"Well, I'm aghast. I clearly need to call you Juniper more often...
Juniper. It suits your bangin' boobs and ass," he teases as he leans
his head back and twirls around me like a moron… a sexy moron -
but still.
Unable to hide my laugh, I slap him on the back of the head and
grab my bag, we need to hurry before we run out of time.
He's flirting way more than usual, but I'm almost afraid to look
too much into it. If we get assigned to different teams, we won't be
able to see each other as often. We're expected to bond with our
team, just like a tight-knit family, and it'll be hard to find enough
time for someone outside of that unit.
Opening the door, I stick my head out and look from side to side
before letting him out. We exit the building the same way we
entered it, in super stealth mode. Hopefully, after today, our ninja
skills will no longer be needed. Thank God there's an option for co-
ed teams. They're rare, but I think we have a pretty good chance.
By the time we make it outside, the courtyard's already full of
students rushing around like they're all perpetually late for class.
Though seeing that we're a group of misfits at a super-secret weirdo
academy, they probably are.
We weave in and out of the crowds and around the vast fountain
of a lady with outstretched arms. Today someone has given "The
Maiden in the Mist" a scarf to keep her warm. It's a touching
addition, seeing that it's almost summer. The post office is across
from the food court and down a flight of stairs, so we have to pick
up the pace, practically running down the stairs to get to our
destination. Creepy basement mail anyone?
As soon as the mailboxes are in sight, I rush to my box and fiddle
with my keys, nearly dropping them in my haste. In true Jun
fashion, the lock sticks, and I groan before opening the small metal
box and looking inside. There's one yellow envelope with the Rose
Haven Seal on the front. Please, please let this be it!
My heart pounds in anticipation, sweat forming on my brow. So
much rests on this letter that I'm a mix of anxious and excited.
Alright, Jun, this is it! Ripping open the paper, I eye Dex as he opens
his at the same time, hoping his face would give me a clue. Of
course, he remains as calm and collected as always. Finally, finding
courage, I start to read.
Juniper Nevels,
Congratulations, your year three team has been assigned. The
teammates who will also become your roommates for the duration of
Academy training and beyond are as follows:
Team Nevels, assigned to Commander Levi
Dexter Alexander - Retrocognition/Postcognition
Sterling Johnston - Superior intellect and Psychic surgery
Alex Van Dyn - Remote Viewing
Asher Van Dyn -Empath
Please see the housing department to pick up your keys and
arrange a move-in date for residence in the Dudley Hall Dormitory.
Your current dorm is expected to be left in a clean and organized
All team assignments are final and have been carefully created
by a team of experts. It is up to you through training to discover
how and why your abilities were matched. Team testing is year four;
this is the final test before you move on to the Elite Taskforce. Do
not let us down. Grievances will not be heard by the housing
supervisors, as they are not authorized to make changes, nor will
we. Good luck and make the most of your new team.
My heart catches in my throat as I stop reading, barely believing
it as I look up at Dex, but his answering grin is perfect. We fucking
got it! Too excited at our incredible luck to hold back, I jump in the
air and do a happy dance with my arms above my head.
"This is it! Party with the musketeers!!" Dex whoops. "Let's go
find Sterling before class! You know he never checks mail."
Without thought, we tangle our hands together and race out of
the post office. The fresh air and sunlight seem even cleaner and
brighter than before. I'll never have to spend another haunted sleep
alone again; I tell myself as I lean my head back, my face pointed to
the sun.
Before I can open them, arms wrap around me and turn me in a
circle. The smell of mint and the press of buttons against my chest
tells me all I need to know. My nerdy, unusual, soon to be roomie
and BFF number two has found us. I should have known that for an
occasion like this, he'd rush to the mail.
"Hell, yes! Together, at last!" he calls into the air, his laughter
drowning out the sound of the crowd milling around us. We get a
few glances, but nothing out of the ordinary for our over the top
"Damn, right! we need to throw a huge party as soon as we
unpack!" I exclaim, holding him just as tight and letting the
familiarity of my best friend bring my mood even higher. My socially
awkward Sterling would usually protest something like a party, so he
must be as relieved as we are.
"Agreed, now let's get to class. You know I hate being late for
Bio," Sterling reminds us as he sets me down and adjusts his man
satchel, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. His eyes seem
even more expressive today, his relief and excitement displayed for
everyone to see.
"Do you guys know the Van Dyns?" Dex asks as we walk down to
the science hall behind Sterling.
"Yeah, I sort-of know them. Asher is in most of my art classes.
He's a psych major and an empath. We've had lunch a few times
and worked on projects together, but nothing big. He seems nice
enough. Alex is his twin, I don't know too much about him other
than he's hot," I tease as I picture the broody twin.
"They're twins, wouldn't they both be hot?" Sterling deadpans,
turning around just to roll his eyes at me.
"They have different vibes, though. I mean, they're both hot, but
Asher is more wholesome handsome, and Alex is bad boy hot," I
explain, noticing both of their shoulders tense. "Don't worry, guys,
you're still my besties." They both give me an odd look, but I'm too
happy to decipher it right now.
"Well, hopefully, we'll all mesh," Dex says as we round the
building and head into the double doors. My mood dips a bit as we
approach class… I wish to hell I wouldn't have let Sterling talk me
into this class. I give him the evil eye as we plop down at our lab
table and get ready for the lab.
"W hen did we sign up to be Jun's free labor?" Sterling mumbles
as he lugs another box down the stairs ahead of me. Dexter and I
have our arms full beside him. The weight of our loads doesn't stop
our playful banter from continuing. It's who we are as a group, I
"Since I promised to order pizza and because you loooove me,
you handsome nerd!" I fire back at him, batting my eyelashes for
emphasis. A laugh bubbles out of me at his unamused expression
and lack of response.
It's not even a hardship to tell him he's handsome, because
lately, I've found him just as attractive as Dex. I'm not sure when it
happened, but, I keep noticing them more romantically. We already
have a history and an immense amount of trust in one another, but
now I can't help but get excited when we flirt back and forth, what
was once innocent now holds enough heat to flush my cheeks. The
whole shift has me flustered and feeling awkward.
The way they handle this just proves my earlier assumptions that
they're complete opposites in every way. As much as Dexter likes to
have fun and joke around, Sterling is the more severe and studious
type. Sterling has this smile, though; it's a self-confident smile that
he uses when he's figuring out a complicated math or science
problem, a mixture of pride and excitement. It gets me every damn
time and sends a flurry of emotions rolling through my chest. His
passion for his chosen field is unmatched, but so is his love for
everything else he counts as important to him. You can't help but
admire a drive like that. Dexter clears his throat, pulling me away
from openly checking out Sterling. My eyes go wide and my cheeks
flame, but he just smirks and looks away. Whoops!
"Quit complaining, and we'll get done faster. Females always
have more stuff," Dex shoots back. "Imagine if our girl was one of
those barbie types with a million outfits and tons of shoes." My eyes
widen at the casual use of the word 'our.' Am I their girl? I want to
be. I snort as the full scope of what he says hits me. Let's be real, I
am nowhere near that type of girl. My hair is in a messy bun, I'm
wearing an academy hoodie, skinny jeans, and my black chucks.
"She wouldn't be friends with us if she was like that. It takes a
weirdo to know one," Sterling AKA Specs sings out, laughing now
instead of complaining. Dex winks my way. He loves rubbing it in
when he gets his way, and he knows how to diffuse our emotions so
"Have you seen the Van Dyn's yet?" I ask as we walk through the
front doors of our new home, Dudley Hall. Thank God we got a first-
floor suite, otherwise moving in might kill us all.
"Can you guys hurry up? This is fucking heavy," a deep, gravelly
voice grunts out. I turn to glare, only to realize it's our new
roommate. Oh great, our team is gonna have a token asshole. Good
thing Dex and I have enough snark between us to handle it, but if
he fucks with Sterling, I'll lay the smackdown.
"Oh, I didn't realize that we were walking too slow; by all means,
go ahead, Alex," I say, widening my lips into a sickeningly sweet
smile as my words drip with every bit of sarcasm I can manage…
which is a lot. His eyes narrow and harden in a look that tells me he
sees right through my fakeness, before moving ahead of us and
throwing his box down in the living room.
"He seems like such a sweetheart," Dex quips as he sets a box
down in the room I've claimed. When I enter the room it looks as if
someone started to move my boxes out, but gave up halfway
through. Ha, take that asshole. Only one person in this suite would
attempt that. I'm even happier that I have a lot of stuff now. Alex
better be careful, or the lacy curtains are going in his room!
The rest of the day goes by in a blur of carrying boxes, the focus
on trying to keep our good mood going as we hustle in and out of
the dorm. We try our best not to run into one another, but Alex
seems to make it his mission to always be in my way. Finally, around
four o'clock, we're done. Exhausted, we collapse on the couches in
the common room.
"We were promised pizza, right Jun?" Sterling whines, throwing a
pizza menu at me. Thankfully our RA left one on our coffee table for
us. Clearly, she's a girl after my own heart. Pizza and coffee are life.
"Yeah, yeah," I drawl out before turning to the twins who just
walked in. "What kind of pizza do you guys want?"
"We just ate," Alex bites out with a withering glare before
walking into their bedroom and slamming the door. Damn, that was
"He'll warm up; I promise he's not an ass all the time. I wouldn't
mind pepperoni," Asher answers with a natural smile that soothes
some of the weariness Alex brought in. He claims an empty chair
and sprawls out, looking as exhausted as I feel. "I stuck some pop in
the fridge earlier, so we already have drinks here."
"Aw, thanks!" I say before pulling out my phone and
downloading the pizza place's app for online ordering. I'd rather not
talk to anyone if I don't have to.
"Oh no… he's a 'pop' guy," Dex groans dramatically, clutching his
chest like Asher mortally wounded him.
"Soda drinkers?" he asks with a laugh. The three of us nod and
Asher lets out a mock groan with his hand over his heart. Yup, he'll
fit right in.
"Dorm tour at six. I think I'll go, anyone else in?" Sterling asks as
he flips through the information packet none of us were responsible
enough to read. Being the reliable one in the group is Specs'
specialty… he definitely didn't get the nickname by accident.
"Yeah, I'll go with you. And yes, I ordered the pizza," I say
triumphantly as I submit the order and turn to my other bestie.
"Dex, I'm headed to the showers while we wait. Will you sign and tip
for me?"
"Got it," he promises, shifting to take over my spot like usual.
"Thanks!" I reply, jumping up and taking off in search of
everything I need to get the dirt and grime of a day of moving off of
me. Living out of boxes will drive me mad, but thankfully we should
have time after the tour to get some unpacking done.
After opening and closing six or seven boxes, I finally find an
outfit, some makeup, a towel, and my hair stuff. Closing my door
behind me, I head out of the suite in search of the showers.
Dudley Hall is set up differently than the girl's dorm. Here, each
floor shares one large set of bathrooms versus one bathroom to two
bedrooms in my old place. Co-ed bathrooms will also be a new
experience for me, and I can't help but feel the nerves rising as I
approach. I may have copious amounts of snark, but that doesn't
stop me from having anxiety too.
Pausing outside of the door, I brace my shoulders and step in
with a false mask of confidence. All I have to do is act like this kind
of thing is no big deal, right? I'm praying it won't be as I make my
way into the room. I notice a random guy washing his hands. I have
to stop myself from doing something awkward, like making eye
contact for way too long or waving like an idiot. Thankfully, he just
nods at me, but otherwise gives me no other attention, which is
perfect. I let out a sigh of relief before rushing to claim the furthest
stall, realizing after that, I never responded to his nod. Smooth, Jun.
The showers are a lot better than the other dorms I've seen,
which makes me happy as a clam as I set my stuff down on the
bench and hang my towel up. These stalls are like elongated
bathroom stalls, with a changing area in the first half and a shower
taking up the back half, a thin white shower curtain dividing them.
It'll be nice to be able to get dressed in a proper space, at least.
Plus, it also eliminates any fear of random people walking in on me.
Pulling off my clothes and piling them on the bench, I step into
the shower and inspect it, once again thankful for my pink shower
sandals. It's clean enough, but the thought of strangers using the
same stall makes me cringe. I never want to step in barefoot.
The water is warm as it cascades over my body. The heat helps
loosen the sore muscles as I hang my head and let it work its magic.
I didn't plan to take long in here, but once I'm under the heavenly
spray, I take my time. My mind is still reeling from the changes in
my life. I can't help but sigh as I lather the shampoo in my hair.
Being on the same team was something I'd thought about
forever, but there was a logical part of me that knew it wasn't likely.
Most teams were made of similar abilities, or at least complementary
ones. For once, being a freak may have come in handy. Maybe they
saw my gift and had nowhere else to put me, so they stuck me with
someone I knew instead. Because why else would they pair me with
Sterling's intelligence and healing gifts, Dexter's post cognition, and
Asher's empathy. Either way, I am definitely counting myself lucky.
Finally, deciding it's time to get back to the guys, I turn the water
to cool and rinse my long locks. Can't let my purple fade! Afterward,
I turn it back to hot, piling my hair on my head and letting the water
soothe my worn-out muscles a little longer. Fuck, I need to get in
shape… that moving kicked my ass.
After putting on a pair of shorts and a comfortable shirt, I shake
out my hair and let it fall over my back to air dry. Pausing, I notice
there's a chill in the air that has nothing to do with the showers.
Fuck… not right now. Using everything I have, I ignore my ability.
Bathrooms are not precisely the right place to commune with the
Refusing to look around for the spirit, I head for the sinks to get
ready. With the air still chilly and energized, I apply my eyeliner and
signature lipstick as quickly as possible. I don't know what is
creeping, but I want out of here - now. As I'm loading my makeup
bag back up, the door swings open with a startling crash. Already on
edge, the loud bang makes me jump and I look over to see Alex
walking in, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. Of course,
he's also sporting his signature scowl. The combination of muscles
and real asshole vibing from him is unreasonably seductive. Fuck…
why does he have to be so damn hot?
"Look who it is. Purple, getting all gothed up! Why do you put on
your makeup so… dark?" he asks with an annoyed glance my way,
the judgment in his tone bristling against my already on edge
nerves. At the jab, I tear my eyes away from his chest in time to lock
gazes, my eyes narrowing angrily. Who the fuck does he think he is?
Since I have his undivided attention, I pull forward all my sass
and draw out my answer, smacking my lipstick-covered lips together
for emphasis before speaking. "Aren't you charming? And to answer
your question, I like my makeup dark, just like my soul," I stage-
whisper, before grabbing my stuff and leaving him standing there,
slack-jawed and confused.
By the time I get back to the room, my new roommates have
eaten half the pizza. Since I'm still feeling off, I just snag a piece and
plop down. The guys are already laughing and joking around, which
makes me feel a lot better about our placement. The energy in the
room is relaxed and open, which is calming... until Alex walks back
in. Or should I say stomps in? What is this guy's problem?
To my amusement, everyone just ignores the broody twin until
it's time for the tour. Part of me wants to just stay in and chill, but I
promised Sterling I'd go, so I get up and follow them out. Everyone
but Specs grumbles as we head out to meet the RA in the entry hall.
Walking through the building reminds me that Dudley is enormous,
so it couldn't hurt to have a quick tour.
Our tour guide is way too chipper to be human. There's
something about the huge smile plastered to her face, and her
overly enthusiastic way of speaking that makes my skin crawl.
"She may have hit the coffee a bit too hard today," Asher
whispers, looking every bit as appalled at her cheerfulness as I do.
"Maybe Juniper should mention her black soul, that'll dampen her
enthusiasm," Alex mutters, casting a glare my way before speeding
up to the front of the group. My heart sinks as he walks away, hating
that our group is so divided. I guess I counted my blessings too
early with team assignments.
"Wouldn't she and your twin make an odd couple? Her
cheerfulness and his angst," I joke, but as soon as I say it, I feel a
twinge of jealousy in my chest. Seriously Jun? As if the complication
of wanting my two best friends isn't complicated enough. Now I'm
flirting with Asher and jealous over an imaginary fling of Alex's.
Liking Asher isn't surprising, we've spent enough time together to
flirt and talk, but Alex has only been an ass from the moment we ran
into each other today. Shrugging off the thought, I sigh and try to
pay attention to the guide.
"Each dormitory is equipped with the basics. There's the main
common room where we will have dorm gatherings and meetings,
the dorm kitchen, and the storage downstairs. You will need an RA
to have access to store things down there. Those of us lucky enough
to score a suite in Dudley Hall, also get the luxury of a game room,"
the girl drones on, the tour clearly memorized down to the cheesy
puns and pointless tricks. We aren't first years, so I'm not sure why
she's trying so hard.
Though Dudley is the oldest dorm, it's at least not as dark and
creepy as I imagined it would be from looking at the outside. The
floor tiles are a bright white and waxed to such an intense shine I
can see my reflection as I walk. The common room and entry have
standard gray dorm couches and chairs; not exactly comfortable, but
better than the older dorm furniture, which was all springs and
wooden boards. The walls are painted a calming light blue and are
plastered with art donated by students. The common room even has
a set of tables and chairs for studying, which could come in handy if
the tension with Alex keeps up.
The guide talks on and on about all of the upcoming dorm events
for what feels like hours while I pretend to pay attention and most
definitely don't stare at Dexter's ass in front of me. When Alex turns
around and catches me with yet another glare, I look away and try
to keep myself busy by getting a feel for where everything is located
and attempt to memorize the layout. I'd hate to be the dorky third
year with a map of her own dorm, but this building is enormous.
"What's that?" Asher speaks up, interrupting her as he points to
a set of doors. They look different from everything else here. They're
older and made of a thick metal instead of wood, a chain wrapped
tightly around the bar. The small window is shrouded, so we can't
see inside, giving no indication of what the mystery door leads to.
Everyone is attentive for the first time as we all stop and turn to face
her; she sighs as if she's frustrated at our excitement.
"It feels dark and heavy beyond there," Asher whispers, almost
too low to hear, but I'm close enough to catch it. Before I can say
anything, our RA loses her internal battle and finally answers.
"That's what some students refer to as the Doorway to Hell. It's
an old wing of the dorm that they couldn't properly remodel. It was
easier to just chain it off instead of fixing it after the old building
burnt down. Eventually, they'll have to tear it down, but for now, it's
considered stable. For those of you who didn't know, Dudley is a
partial remodel combined with a newer build. The foundation is built
on the remains of an old asylum that was once here. The building
needed a lot of work, which is how the Academy scored this land for
so cheap. They only just finished the remodeling a few years ago,"
she explained in a huff before gesturing down the hall. "Now, if you
follow me, our last destination is the game room." She ushers us
away with one final, nervous look at the offending set of doors, her
steps quicker than before, so some of the group struggles to keep
The game room is a room with a few pool tables, air hockey,
Foosball, and a big TV. I'm sure the guys will all be wanting to hang
out down here. Everyone in our group starts talking, completely
forgetting that doorway, but I can't. It's as if the darkness
surrounding it calls to me. Having second-sight is like that. I know
there's something in there, and I also know I'll eventually need to
find out exactly what. Asher's earlier comment only added to my
morbid curiosity.
When we finally get back to the suite, Alex lumbers off to their
room, slamming the door behind him. The rest of us sit in our
common room, relaxing and chatting. I'm glad it's so natural
between the rest of us, I want us all to get to know each other a bit.
Especially since we know, we'll be training and working together for
the remainder of our time with the Academy. Plus, most teams are
recruited into Rose Haven's Elite Forces afterward, so this could
likely be a forever type of deal.
"So, you guys all grew up together?" Asher asks, panning his
head to look at each of us. His eager curiosity is endearing as he
waits for us to answer.
"Yup, Dex, and I have been friends since preschool. We met
Sterling in grade school, and we've been inseparable ever since.
They're my people! Even though those awkward stages in middle
school," I joke, giving Dex a pointed look. "This ass loved to joke
about my awkward knobby knees and frizzy hair. So it was my job to
point out his braces and acne. We're sweet and wholesome friends
like that."
"They are also both creep lovers. I bet you two are practically
salivating over the 'haunted dorm'?" Sterling adds with an eye roll,
changing the subject before we can point out his middle school
flaws. Asher chuckles, thinking he's joking, but Dex's eyes light up as
he leans forward in his chair.
"Hell, yes! A haunted dorm… are you kidding? How lucky is that!
I bet we could get some good stuff from this floor alone. Lucky us,
we're only a wing away from it," he says excitedly. Dexter had made
it his life's mission since we were kids to prove that what I saw was
real. It started as a way to make me feel better when no one else
bothered to believe me, and somewhere along the line, it morphed
into a passion of his.
"Did you hear her say that our dorm is built over an old asylum?"
I ask, just as excited. I may hate it when ghosts find me and I'm
alone, but it's different with Dex by my side. I've developed a love-
hate relationship with the supernatural over the years. I hate my
nightmares, but we love to explore and creep ourselves out. Dexter
and I've delved pretty deep into our ability training, and thanks to
our link, they sync well together. Sterling is happy to wait on the
sidelines, his skill being more useful if we get hurt along the way…
which has happened more than I'd like to admit.
"On that note, I'm out. I have a Bio test to study for," Sterling
says in a dry tone, standing and kissing the top of my head before
walking to his room. Asher looks excited as he leans forward, waiting
for us to go into more detail. Just as happy to see how open he is to
my ability and ghosts, I smile and lean in too. We probably look like
we are conspiring about something, but it feels good to bond.
"My brother isn't happy about our abilities and would prefer to
act normal, but I can't wait to see what our team can accomplish!"
he says, air quoting and rolling his eyes at the word normal. "We
were recruited to Fox Hollow a little later than most families. It was
actually my grandparents that called the Academy. When we were
ten, we stayed with our grandma for a few weeks during summer
vacation. She had one of those creepy old farmhouses that creaked
all night long. One night, I went downstairs to get a drink of water
while Alex was sleeping. I even walked by my grandma's room, and
she was snoring soundly. Man… I remember it clearly because her
dog was snoring too, which I thought was funny. When I got to the
kitchen and started filling the glass with water, the window reflected
a woman's image behind me. She was wearing all white with a
shadowed face. I dropped my glass and turned, but nobody was
standing behind me. Each time I would check the window, she'd
creep a little closer. I still remember how scary it was, the cold chill
in the air and the weird prickling on the back of my neck. Eventually
I screamed, waking everyone up. I could feel the spirit and her
loneliness. Grandma thought I was sleepwalking, but I remember
everything vividly. Once she realized what I saw was real, she
phoned RHA," he concludes. His tone is nervous as if he believes
we'll laugh at him, but Dex and I are both smiling excitedly. This
kind of stuff is our thing.
"Creepy for sure. I had something like that happen, but I was
already here in Fox Hollow. Oh! Also, I should warn you. I get
nightmares, so if you hear me screaming, it's probably that," I
explain before getting nervous, not looking at my new friend.
"She has the sight and had a bad experience when she was
younger, a vision of a little boy murdered in the tub. It was
gruesome and it pops back up every few weeks. It's like a rotation of
nightmares. Thank God I'll only be next door so no more random
sneaking around," Dexter says happily. Guilt washes over me for a
minute, but he shoots me a stern look, knowing exactly where my
head is going. It's one of those moments our mental link comes in
"That sucks. I'll warn Alex," Asher promises, looking concerned
but seeming to search for a subject change. "So, how long have you
been dating?" he asks, giving us a small smile that doesn't quite
reach his eyes. I can't really tell if it's about the nightmares or the
prospect of Dex and I dating.
"Uh, since never," I say with a nervous laugh. "We're just really
close friends, and we've known each other so long - we tend to be
really familiar," I explain, not surprised by the confusion. Asher looks
oddly happy at the news, which makes me smile.
"Yeah, I mean, we've been together forever..." Dexter hesitates,
giving me a sultry look that warms me. "But her gothy ways and
dark heart keep any frisky business at bay."
"You like it," I shoot back, standing up and stretching. I'm not
sure I want this conversation to continue. It hurts for no other good
reason than I want us to be together. Planning an escape to my bed,
I yawn. "Speaking of, I have class tomorrow, and I love to sleep. But
we are going to continue the creepy encounters conversation later!
Goodnight, guys!"
With that, I wave and head off to bed. I can tell I'm going to
have a hard time sleeping. Thoughts of the Doorway to Hell and my
new team keep popping in my head. My need to know what is
lurking behind those doors keeps torturing me until I finally drift off
to sleep. Tomorrow... tomorrow, I'll find out.
"G et ready, or we'll be late," I insist, throwing a clean shirt at my
twin's head.
"Yeah, yeah," he growls, sitting up and scratching his balls. Yep,
my twin is classy as fuck. It's a wonder he doesn't have girls banging
down the door. Though, if the way he talks to our new teammate is
any indication, maybe I do know why he's single.
While he gets up and starts digging through boxes, I unlock my
phone, checking the forecast for the day. You never know what
mother nature is up to, here in Louisiana. I'm happy to see the
screen showing that the temperature will be in the low eighties and
sunny. With a yawn, I set my phone down and sit up, stretching my
back and surveying the mess around us.
I don't have a class today until noon, but we have our team
orientation meeting today. Not that Alex seems to be in a hurry to
get there. He's still dragging his feet about this team thing, but he
needs to grow up. It won't change anything. His attitude is
something that'll bite us in the ass as a team if we get selected to
join the Elite Squad.
As one would expect of twins, we've got a lot of the same
attributes. Some of our biggest differences cause huge fights
between us. Alex is a mess, and I am organized. Worse than that,
he's a total ass-munch around girls, which has created quite a few
jams I've had to clean up afterward. I don't get it; he isn't that way
around guys. Maybe it will just take the right girl to tame him. She'd
definitely need to be bold and snarky enough to put him in his place.
Shit, our new roommate would be more than a match for him. I
chuckle inwardly.
I've had a small crush on Juniper since freshman year in
beginner's art. There's just something about the clash between her
dark outer looks and the sweetness I can feel radiating from her that
gets me. I'm pumped that we're in the same class again this year,
along with landing the same team. Getting to know her better is
something I'm looking forward to for sure.
Grumpy ass over there better not ruin my chances, especially
now that I put the feelers out and found out she isn't dating either
of the other roommates. Though the connection she seems to have
with Dexter and Sterling seems more than friends. If they don't see
it through, I'll shoot my shot. Their loss.
"I'm headed to the shower," Alex sighs as he wraps a towel
around his waist and slips on his shower shoes.
"Don't forget the basket of supplies I made for you!" I laugh as I
hand him the pink basket of soap and shampoo. He grabs it with a
sneer and ambles out the door, slamming it behind him.
Shaking my head at my genius burn, I slide on a pair of shorts
over my boxers and shuffle into the shared space. I look up to see
Juniper exit her room at the same time. My abdomen tightens at the
way she moves.
"Good morning," I offer, trying not to grin like an idiot.
"Good morning, Asher!" she says as she bites her lip. Fuck!
Hasn't anyone told her how sexy that is?
"What's your schedule like today?" I ask as I pass her and grab
some cereal from the boxes of food we brought.
"Today is Friday, right?"
"Yeah," I nod as I grab milk and a bowl and start searching for a
"I purposely don't have a morning class on Fridays. But I do have
art at noon… well, WE have art at noon," she reminds me with a
grin. As if I'd forget.
"Looks like our Friday's are lined up perfectly." I perk as I finally
locate a spoon and begin to fix my breakfast. "You want some?"
"Frosted flakes? How can I say no to that?" she chirps and walks
Her hips brush against mine as she reaches for a bowl. She's still
in tiny shorts, a thin shirt, and nothing underneath from what I can
tell. I have to take a deep breath so that I don't embarrass myself by
pitching a tent in my shorts. I swear if I act all stupid right now, I'll
kick my own ass.
Play it cool, Asher.
She seems unfazed, so I take a deep breath and search for
anything to talk about. "Sooner or later, I've got to unpack our room,
if I leave it up to my brother we'd live in a trash heap," I groan as I
plop down on one of the sofas. The furniture in here isn't surprising,
but we definitely got upgraded from the other dorms. Oddly,
everything seems to be falling in place so smoothly. We scored an
excellent team, and our dorm is one of the hardest to snag a spot in.
Plus, not every team is co-ed like ours. Even if Alex doesn't
appreciate it now, it's everything we could have hoped for.
"Same here, I mean the unpacking. I thankfully don't have a
twin. One of me is enough for the world," she jokes around the bite
of cereal in her mouth.
"I don't know about that, I mean, maybe the world needs more
girls with purple hair and affinities toward the dark," I grin. I'm
trying to be courteous and not use my empath skills on her. Instead,
I look into her eyes with compassion. "How was your night? No,
She shakes her head. "No nightmares, thank goodness. Where's
your joy-filled other half?"
The door to the room slams open at that moment, and the devil
himself walks in. I raise an eyebrow as he stalks toward our room
with a scowl and wet hair. Juniper shares a look with me, then we
both burst out laughing.
"Laugh it up, assholes," he calls and flips us off over his shoulder
before he gives our room door the same treatment as the front. I
hope our doors survive his attitude.
"What crawled up his ass and died?" Juniper whispers. Without
even trying, I can feel some anxiety coming from her and curse my
twin for making her worry. He needs to grow the fuck up.
"He's… always slow to warm up to people, but he'll come
around." I hope I'm right. Sighing, I lift from the couch and walk
toward our room. "I'll be right back."
When I open the door, I get a flash of what my ass must look
like, ugh. From the giggle behind me, Juniper got the same view.
Oops! I close the door, laughing and waiting for his retaliation.
"What are you cackling about now?" Alex grouches. Thank god
he didn't notice!
"Nothing, but maybe don't point your naked ass at the door next
"Maybe don't walk through the door right after I come back from
a shower then," he snaps back. A tinge of sadness fills me. I hate
fighting with him; even if he can be an ass, he's still my brother, and
we're pretty close.
"Okay, fair enough. I'm not trying to fight with you, Alex. But can
you try to be a little less of a jerk around our new teammates? We're
stuck with them for the foreseeable future, so just try… for me?"
"What, you have the hots for Purple out there?"
"No, I mean. Maybe? Jesus, can you just be nice. Please! I never
ask you for anything, do this for me," I sit down on my bed, biting
my lip to keep from saying anything else.
"Fine. I don't know why you'd want to go there, but I'll be nice.
We aren't putting all our eggs in one basket, though. We hang with
my crowd too, capiche?"
I shrug my shoulders, "Fine. I hang with your crowd all the time,
and I make it work. You can do the same for me. I don't even get
why you're acting like such a dick, though. This is extra, even for
"Maybe because this is not the assignment we asked for!" he
"We didn't get YOUR choice because none of your asshole friends
put your name down. Add it up, Alex; I'm serious. Your friends aren't
friends at all. Fuck, half of the time you can't stand them either. Plus,
it's not like the powers that be let us really have a choice. We were
teamed up for a reason, but we'll never find it if we don't get along."
Alex loses it at that statement and chucks his towel at my head. I
take a deep breath and walk out of the room. It takes every ounce
of my self-control not to slam the door behind me.
"Everything okay?" Juniper asks.
"No, but it will be... we'll manage. My brother is just mad
because none of the people he put down as a teammate put his
name on their list. Being twins and coming as a package doesn't sit
well with a lot of people. Probably because we're so different," I
sigh. "Plus, they never would have teamed an empath with a group
of pilots. I'm useless in that field, and they don't break up twins. I
don't know why he can't comprehend that."
"I'm sorry. We're happy to have you both," Jun perks and takes
the bowl from my hand.
"Thanks, hopefully, he'll come around soon." She nods but looks
down as she rinses the bowls, her eyebrow scrunching adorably as
she thinks something over.
"What if we throw a party tonight? A little alcohol and music
always levels things out," she giggles, her eyes full of hope and
excitement. How do I say no to that? Not that I really wanted to. A
party sounded just like what we needed.
"That sounds like the perfect plan! You call a few of your friends,
and I'll make sure to invite some of his pilot friends. Keep your
boobs covered around them though, fair warning," I wink. It was a
serious warning though; they're decent guys for the most part, but
they're definitely pervs.
"Noted, thanks," she laughs as she turns off the sink, done with
the dishes. A strong urge to be close to her hits me, so I step up
next to her and start drying. She elbows me and winks, silently
thanking me for the help. I'm a goner.
A creak of a door opening catches my attention. Hoping it's not
Alex, I turn. Thankfully it's the other roommates who step out.
Dexter and Sterling look like opposites, one all laid back with a
hoodie and jeans and the other wearing a button-up with a man bag
hanging over his shoulder. Sterling has definitely embraced the nerd
look, but at least he pulls it off well.
Not long after, Alex comes striding out in his usual khaki shorts
and a polo shirt; it's like an aviation dress code or something.
Though I wish he wasn't wearing a scowl for an accessory.
"Good morning!" Juniper calls and runs over to Dexter for a hug.
Then she kisses Sterling on the cheek. My throat tightens with
jealousy, which surprises me. Usually, I'm not the jealous type, but
this girl has me in knots. I need to get my shit straight; they're
"Asher and I thought we might throw a housewarming party
tonight, are you guys okay with that?" She sings out the question,
her quirkiness on full display, now that she was getting more
"Yep, fine with me," Dexter answers as he grabs his backpack
from the floor.
"If it makes you happy, but can we not get in trouble our first
weekend in Dudley?" Sterling grouses with a slight smile. He's clearly
not new to their scheming.
"I'll keep everyone in line, cross my heart," Juniper promises as
she runs to get her phone from the coffee table. She picks it up and
starts pressing buttons furiously. The girl is on a mission.
"Okay, I'm guessing you already said yes," Alex eyes me, though
I can feel his excitement. I can read his emotions better than
anyone else. He never could hide anything from me.
"Yes, I'll invite your bro-dudes," I snigger.
"Fine, let's get this over with," my twin gives a half-smile and
walks to the door to wait for us. No sass and almost a smile, I'll take
The walk to the Leadership Building is quiet, none of us sure
what to expect. We've spent the last two years with different trainers
trying to hone our abilities. Part of me is really glad that chapter of
my life is over. It's one thing to have to deal with emotions, it's
another to have them purposefully slammed into you for a few hours
a day while you try to block them out.
Alex leads the way, stomping his feet and likely planning all the
ways he'll tell off our superiors. Though when push comes to shove,
he'll put on a show of being respectful… he always does. The rest of
us walk shoulder to shoulder, quietly. This is the first big step in our
career path, and my stomach is in knots, which isn't being helped
since my new team is all amplifying the same emotions back to me.
When we make it to the wing of commander offices, Commander
Levi is walking out. I've seen her around campus with the others,
but we've never spoken before. "Right this way," she says in a curt
tone, pointing to a nearby conference room. We all file in and sit
down, all of my team's tension making mine worse. I hope this is
"Alright, let's just get right to business. I've already had three of
these, and I have a few to go. I've looked through your files, your
team is a bit of a special case. Juniper, your ability isn't one we're
directly familiar with, so we paired abilities we feel could come in
handy with yours," she starts, pausing when Juniper makes a face.
However, I don't think she even realizes she's doing it. "I take it your
ability wasn't well-received when you got here?"
"Understatement," Jun mumbles. "I get a lot of sh-... comments
about what I can do. I'm used to it. Nobody wants to be around the
girl who talks to the dead."
"I'm sorry you've had such a bad experience with your peers, but
I can assure you I'm not afraid of your ability, nor am I going to
make fun of you for it. Our goal is to learn what we can about your
ability, test your limits, and see how it can be of use for the Elite
Forces as a whole. For us to ignore something like this, would
honestly be careless."
"Ignoring demons, spirits, or whatever else is beyond the veil
doesn't make them go away," Jun says pointedly, looking at Sterling
and Alex.
"Agreed. Which is why we put you together in Dudley Hall. We
have a feeling you'll make progress this year, and your team as a
whole will grow together. Which brings me to our next point. For the
next few weeks, we won't be having meetings. Your only tasks are
team building and your regular courses. Ability training is on hold. As
of now, you clearly aren't settled into your team. I want you to try
and spend as much time as a unit, as possible. Get to know each
other, bond, do everything you can to become cohesive. Frankly, we
won't be splitting you regardless, so make a point to do as we ask.
Consider it your first taste of how orders work in the Elites." I half
expect Alex to protest, but he's silent. His jaw is clenched, his telltale
sign of barely holding back negative energy.
"If you need me, call. Until then, you're dismissed."
In unison, we get up and hurry out, not wanting to be under her
scrutiny any longer. She wasn't harsh, just blunt, and we really don't
need her to see how unbalanced we are as a team, currently.

The party was a great idea. Juniper and I invited just the right
amount of people. Even Alex's friends seem to be having a good
time, which is excellent. The music is low enough for talking but loud
enough that you can avoid it if you want to.
I've been coasting through the small clumps of people, trying to
get Juniper's eye for most of the evening. She looks stunning with a
short black dress, thigh-high shit-kicker boots, and her hair up. She
didn't cover her boobs, and I'm not in the least bit mad about it. A
few of the aviation guys noticed her outfit too, I've seen their bold
stares. Apparently Alex warned them away because not one of them
has made a move, which is shocking.
"Hey, Asher," she eases to my side with a red solo cup in hand.
"The party worked, right?"
"Hey, Juniper! Yeah, even Alex looks relaxed, we did good," I
smile and clink my cup against hers.
"Indeed. You don't have to call me Juniper, all my close friends
call me Jun," she smiles and does a thing with her lip that makes my
cock jump.
"Okay, Jun, it is. It looks like one of your friends might be
considering taking on three of Alex's winged crusaders," I point my
cup in their direction.
She swings her head around and then back, purple hair brushing
against my face. "Oh yes, that would be Tasha, she likes to walk on
the wild side. She'll have them all in her room before you can say
threesome… yep there they go," she laughs. "You might say my
friends and I have a different view of the usual dating and hookup
customs," she whispers conspiratorially.
"Color me curious," I nudge her with my shoulder. The thought of
her being into a more open relationship gives me even more hope.
"Hey, Jun! This party is on fire, right?!" Dex winds his arm around
her shoulder. I don't miss the possessive move or the glance my
"Hey, you, yeah. It looks like some people are starting to leave,
though," she giggles, nodding toward the exiting trio.
"Oh well, maybe it's for the best. Small parties can still be fun!
Let me go say goodbye to Damon, be back in a sec!" He smiles and
walks toward another group that's heading out. A second later, he
starts pushing everyone left to the center of the room.
"Everybody gather around," Dexter shouts, his captivating voice
drawing them in like moths to a flame. "It's that time, the darkness
and booze have settled in, and the things that go bump in the night
have come out! Time for ghost stories!"
Sterling groans but sits on a sofa, the rest of the drunken crowd
finds seats on the floor or sofas surrounding Dexter. I follow Jun and
pull up two chairs behind the group.
"One cold lonely night, a little old widow sat in her cabin,
churning butter. She turned the handle around singing 'Churn butter,
churn butter who's gonna sleep with me on this cold and lonely
night.' She hears the creaking of the floorboards on the porch, stops
churning, and looks out the window." I want to roll my eyes at the
cheesy story, but the dude is so fucking good at storytelling I feel
myself getting drawn into it.
"When she doesn't see anything, she churns again. 'Churn butter,
churn butter, who's gonna sleep with me on this cold and lonely
night?' She hears a thump thump at the door. She stops and calls
out, 'Who's there?' When there is no answer, she continues churning
and singing.
She gets to the end of her line, 'who's gonna sleep with me on
this cold and lonely night?' The door slams open and her dead
husband jumps through the door, 'I will!'" Dexter jumps forward and
scares one of the girls sitting on the floor. Jun smiles behind her cup;
this must not be the first time she's heard the old school ghost story.
The room erupts in laughter as Dexter settles back into his seat.
He's definitely in his element, telling creepy stories. A few stories in,
Jun trembles beside me and I rub my hand along her back. Being an
empath makes it hard to ignore intense emotions, and she's giving
off a heady mix of them.
"You want to take a quick walk?" I ask, hoping to get her out of
her head.
"Yeah, please," she takes my hand, and I can't help but smile at
the gesture. I try not to think about how good her hand feels in
We slip away unnoticed, quietly walking to the door and then out
toward the back exit. I scoped this place out earlier. It's a perfect
getaway, not that I was planning on seducing Jun - but I had hoped
to talk to her alone.
Intertwining our fingers, I guide her to a little bench in the small
garden area where we can sit. As soon as we sit, she scoots closer,
so we're connected from shoulder to legs. The moon is full and the
little garden of roses looks bewitching in the light. Despite the
beauty around us, I can't keep my eyes off Jun. She looks gorgeous
in the moonlight.
"I thought you were into that kind of stuff? What with your
ability and all?" I ask, breaking the silence as I pull her even closer
with an arm around her waist.
"I am. But it still surprises me and gets to me now and then I
guess. I thought I saw something out of the window. It was
probably nothing, alcohol, you know," Jun says dismissively, but
from the tightness in her jaw, I know she's not convinced. My heart
aches for her. My gift can sometimes be tiring, primarily when
people get worked up. But I can't imagine having a gift dealing with
death like hers. It would be so isolating and scary at times.
"Yeah, well, I'm not complaining since I got to steal you away," I
flirt, trying to lighten the mood. I don't know her well enough to
have a perfect distraction, so until then, it's trial and error.
Her head tips up to me, eyes full of surprise shining in the
moonlight. She's so down to earth she probably doesn't see herself
the way we do, but she's quirky and gorgeous, drawing me in more
and more each day. I noticed a long time ago, and now that I have
her in my arms, there's no way I'm missing this chance.
An electric vibe shoots through the air. I want her and I can feel
how much she wants me too. I take a risk and lean my lips toward
hers, our mouths touching tentatively. A breath later they crash
together in a toe-curling kiss. Her lips are warm and soft beneath
mine, a sigh escaping as she parts her lips. A tingle of anticipation
races through me; I've wanted this for so fucking long.
Jun crawls onto my lap, running her hands through my hair. Her
lips press against mine before she begins slowly biting her way along
my chin. Chills race down my spine when she dips her tongue into
my mouth and rocks my world. The cold of her metal stud against
my tongue does something to my insides, and my cock pushes
against the zipper of my shorts.
"I know this isn't the smoothest thing to say, but I think you're
fucking hot," I sigh as I pull her ass closer and thrust my cock
against her heat. Jun throws her head back and makes the sexiest
mewl I've ever heard. Her hands tangle in my hair, pulling my head
back. She seems to have a dominant streak - something that I never
thought I'd like. With hooded eyes, she claims my mouth, roughly.
I'm losing myself in her. Every dip of her tongue and nip of her teeth
pulls me into an abyss of pleasure. I want more, so much more. I
groan and stand up with her wrapped around my waist. She's so
fucking perfect, and the feel of her in my arms is fucking heaven.
Once I find the wall of the dorm, I press her body between the
wall and mine. Her breathing becomes heavy, and her legs tighten
around me. I slide my hand under her dress and cup the bottom of
one of her breasts. She purrs, pushing her legs to the ground. Her
hands are grabbing my ass and urging me closer. I love that she's
clearly as affected as I am. Then one of her hands snakes around
and cups the rock-hard bulge in my pants.
"Mm, I'll have to take that out for a test drive soon," she drawls
against my mouth, before pulling away with a frustrated sigh. "But
for now, we have to stop, I've had too much to drink and so have
I lean my head against the wall, "You're right, Jun. But my
attraction to you didn't start tonight, just so you know. I'm sorry," I
sigh. Her words hit hard, I really shouldn't have let it get this far
after a night partying.
"There's nothing to apologize for, Ash. I just prefer to fuck when
my head is clear so I can remember all of the details," she smirks
and bites her lip.
"I am so on board with that," I respond huskily as I back up and
follow her back into the building while adjusting my dick. Hopefully,
the darkness will hide the fact that I am sporting the world's most
gigantic erection.
L oud notes of the twangiest song I've ever heard blare through
the walls. My head's not appreciative of the noise. It was
already throbbing from one too many beers last night, and the last
thing I want to do is drag my ass out there and fight with Captain
Groaning, I shrug on a shirt before walking out into the common
room. Sterling's already there, studying at the table, looking mad as
fuck. He's the quiet type who will just take it… but I'm not. Not to
mention the fact that Alex has upset Sterling this bad, doesn't sit
well with me.
Before I can even walk across the room, Jun comes out of her
bedroom, purple hair everywhere and rubbing her eyes. Man, what I
wouldn't give to wake up next to that every morning. More and
more, I realize that I want more than just friendship, but I don't
know what to do about it, she seems to change the subject every
time we approach it. It's not like I don't get why she hesitates; the
same thing worries me… especially if it would affect our trio. My
chest tightens as she flashes a smile our way before she stretches
and trains her murderous eyes on Alex's door. Here we go!
Chuckling, I lean against the wall to watch the magic happen.
Sterling looks over in time to see her stomp off. We exchange looks,
and a grin spreads across his face. We're both all too familiar with
Jun's 'take no shit' attitude and live for these moments. She may
come off as sweet and quirky, but when you piss her off, she's a
firecracker. She steps up to Alex's door and begins pounding on it
with force.
"What the fuck?" Alex yells as he flings open his door. The tune
of 'Sweet Home Alabama' even louder now that the thick door is
open. He looks equally as murderous as Jun, but I don't miss the
way his eyes roam down her body. Asshole.
"Are you fucking kidding me? It's ten in the morning on a
Saturday. You're blaring music loud enough to wake up half of
Dudley, and you're asking me, 'what the fuck'?" she screeches, and I
flinch at the venom in her voice.
"Last time I checked, it's late enough that the RA can't say shit.
Also.... it's not my fault you had too much to drink and decided to
make out with Asher instead of sleeping!" he yells back, stepping
forward. It almost seemed like an involuntary move, but using his
size to be intimidating isn't going to fly. I motion to Sterling, who
also looks ready to jump in if Jun needs us.
Hearing that Jun made out with one of the new guys leaves a
burning sensation in my chest. Setting aside my emotions for the
moment, I join Sterling behind her. Jun is ours, and no one jumps on
her like that. I don't think Alex would hit her, but we don't know this
guy well enough to risk it. Teammate or not.
"Touch me, and I promise your cock will never be the same, and
not in a good way," she hisses at him, clenching her fists at her side.
We should have known that Jun could handle it, I think, laughing to
myself. Alex's eyes flicker to us in confusion before looking back at
The blood drains from his face as he realizes he just crossed a
line by stepping into her personal space. He glances up at us, clearly
realizing why we're all riled up. I can see the guilt on his face, but he
locks it down with his usual scowl a moment later. Shaking his head,
he backs into his room and slams the door behind him. After a few
beats, the music lowers to a reasonable level, but Jun still hasn't
turned away.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Se David par cette raison
Son maistre et son seigneur l’appelle,
Conment sera la chose telle
Que son fil soit?


Ha biau filz, es tu ci endroit?

E! lasse! que nous as tu fait?
Trop nous as mis en grant dehait.
Entre Joseph, ton pere, et moy,
Nous t’avons quis trois jours par foy
De lieu en lieu, chiez noz parens.
Nous ne savions mais par quel sens
Nouvelles de toy eussions.
Je crois que touz deux mort feussions
Se nous ne t’eussions trouvé.
Nostre joie avons recouvré,
Quant te veons.


Pour quoy, mere? quelle achoisons

Vous a fait gester si voz pas?
Dites moi, ne savez vous pas
Qu’es choses qui sont de mon pere
Il esconvient que je m’apere

Certes, je ne fu onques mais
Si troublez conme j’ay esté
Pour toy, biau filz, qu’en verité
Nous te cuidions avoir perdu:
S’en estions si esperdu,
Que nous ne savions que faire
Ne ne savions quel part traire
Pour toy trouver.


Ore c’est fait; laissons ester;

Il devoit ainsi avenir.
Que pensez vous à devenir?
Nous avons assez esté ci.
Où irons nous, pour Dieu merci,
De ci endroit!


Biau filz, nous en irons tout droit

Chiez un mien ami bien prouchain,
Qui de vous veoir a grant fain
Dessus son lieu.


Seigneur, je ne tiens pas à jeu

Ce que ce garçon dit nous a:
Le peuple nous en moquera,
J’en sui certains.

Il me poise que de mes mains
Ne li ay batu le visage.
Conment l’ont fait dyable si sage,
Qu’il nous a touz quatre maté?
Par le grant Dieu, j’en ai esté
Et sui encore si plain d’ire
Qu’il me semble c’om me martire.
D’une grant masse.


Il convient que ce dueil se passe.

Que dyable y soit! Laissons ester
Ce larroncel: alons disner;
Je miex n’i voi.


Sire, de ma part je l’ottroy.

Alons touz quatre en ma maison:
Je vous donrray à grant foison
Rost et pastez, poisson, blanc pain,
Et de bon vin de Saint-Pourçain,
Trestout pour nient.


Biau filz, aler nous en convient

En Nazareth, dont nous venismes:
Car, si m’aist ly roy haultismes,
Il me tarde moult que j’y soie.
Joseph, mettons nous tost à voie,
S’il vous agrée.

Dame, mes cuers à el ne bée.
Par amours or nous en alons
Par chiez noz parens, où avons
Quis Jhesu, faire leur savoir
Que nous l’avons trouvé pour voir,
Et leur montrons.


Joseph, il me plaist bien, alons;

Aussi en seront il plus aise,
Quant nous saront hors de malaise.
Biau filz, par la main me tenez
Et avec moi vous en venez
En Nazareth.


Mère, j’ay cuer et vouloir prest

D’ensuir vous où vous irez,
Et de faire quanque direz


Biau filz, c’est bien dit; alons ment.

Que Diex noz meffaiz pardonner
Nous vueille, et en la fin donner
Des cieulx la gloire!




[Page 272]
Pierre Allart.—D’or, à trois bandes de gueules.
Guillaume Artur.—De gueules, à la coquille d’or, au chef d’argent.
Estienne Aubert.—Paslé d’argent et de gueules de six pièces, au chef
d’azur.—Devise: Stat fortuna domus.
Pierre d’Auxais.—De sable, à trois besants d’argent, posés deux et un.
Briant d’Auxais.—De sable, à trois besants d’argent, posés deux et un.
Guillaume Aux Espaules.—De gueules, à la fleur de lys d’or.—Devise:
Non potest duobus dominis servire.
Pierre Bascon.—De gueules, à six roses d’argent, posées trois, deux et
Richard de Bailleul.—Mi-parti d’hermines et de gueules.—Devise:
Tacere aut bene dicere.
Guillaume de Beauvoir.—D’azur, à trois losanges d’argent, posés deux et
Robert Bence.—De gueules, à la fasce d’argent, accompagnée de trois
molettes d’éperons d’or, posées deux et une.
Gilles Benoist.—D’argent, à l’aigle au vol abaissé de sable; becquée et
membrée de gueules.
Guillaume Benoist.—D’argent, à l’aigle au vol abaissé de sable;
becquée et membrée de gueules.
Guillaume des Biards.—D’argent, fretté de sable de six pièces.
Robert de Bordeaulx.—De gueules, au griffon d’or éployé, accompagné
de trois canettes d’argent, posées deux et une.
Guillaume de Bourguenolles.—D’azur, au lion d’argent, armé et
lampassé de gueules; accompagné de trois étoiles d’argent, posées deux et
Robert de Brecey.—Aux deux badelaires d’argent, posés en sautoir.
Thomas de Breuilly.—D’azur, au chef cousu de gueules; au lion d’or
couronné à l’antique, brochant sur le tout.—Devise: Plus valet quam lucet.
Guillaume, sire de Briqueville de Colombières.—Paslé d’or et de gueules
de six pièces.
Richard, sire de Briqueville-Bretteville.—D’argent, à six feuilles de
chesne de synople, posées trois, deux et une.
Roger, sire de Briqueville-Bretteville.—D’argent, à six feuilles de chesne
de synople, posées trois, deux et une.
Thomas de la Broïse.—D’azur, à deux fasces d’or, accompagnées de trois
molettes d’éperons du même, posées deux et une; au chevron du même
brochant sur le tout.
Jean Le Brun.—Mi-parti d’hermines et d’azur; au lion de l’un en l’autre,
couronné, tenant de ses pattes de devant une lance de gueules posée en pal.
Louis de Cantilly.—De gueules, au chevron d’or, accompagné de trois
besants d’argent, posés deux et un; au chef cousu de gueules, chargé d’une
croix d’argent.—Devise: A Cantilly, honneur y gist.
Jean de Carrouges.—De gueules, aux fleurs de lys sans nombre.
Jean de la Champaigne d’Argouges.—D’azur, à deux fasces d’or;
accompagnées de neuf merlettes d’argent, posées quatre, trois et deux.
Robert Le Charpentier.—D’argent, à trois canettes de sable, posées deux
et une.—Devise: Dieu m’aide.
Raoul Le Clere.—D’argent, à la fasce de gueules; accompagnée d’un
léopard de même, posé à la dextre de la pointe de l’écu.
Richard de Clinchamp.—D’argent, au gonfanon de gueules, frangé
d’azur, orné de trois pendants de même.—Devise: Pro Deo et rege.
De Combray (le bastard).—D’azur, à trois lionceaux d’argent, posés deux
et un.
Raoulquin de Créquy.—D’or, au Créquier de gueules.—Devise: A
Créquy, le grand baron, Créquy haut baron, haut renom.
Foulques de Creully.—D’argent, à trois lionceaux de gueules.
Jean de Criquebeuf.—D’azur, au bœuf passant, en peine d’argent.
Henri de Crux.—D’azur, à deux bandes d’or; accompagnées de sept
coquilles d’argent, posées deux senestres en chef, trois lignées entre les deux
bandes et deux destres en pointe.
Jean Drouart.—De gueules, à trois membres de griffon d’or, posés deux et
un; au chef d’or.
Louis, sire d’Estouteville, capitaine.—Burelé d’argent et de gueules de
dix pièces; au lion morné de sable brochant sur le tout.
Robert d’Estouteville, bastard d’Aussebosc.—Burelé d’argent et de
gueules de dix pièces; au lion morné surmonté d’un lambel, le tout de sable
brochant sur le tout.
Françoys Flambart.—D’azur, à la fasce cinq fois flamminée,
accompagnée en chef de deux étoiles, le tout d’or.
Richard Flambart.—D’azur, à la fasce cinq fois flamminée, accompagnée
en chef de deux étoiles, le tout d’or.
Jacques de Folligny.—Mi-parti d’argent et de gueules, à deux
quintefeuilles de gueules et d’argent mises en fasce.
Louis de Folligny.—Mi-parti d’argent et de gueules, à deux quintefeuilles
de gueules et d’argent posées en fasce.
Robert de Fontenay.—D’argent, à deux lions de sable léopardés, posés
l’un au-dessus de l’autre, armés, lampassés et couronnés de gueules.
Jean Gouhier.—De gueules, à trois roses d’argent, posées deux et une.
Jean de Grainville.—D’azur, à deux fasces d’argent, accompagnées de
six croisettes d’or, posées trois, deux et une.
Henry de Grippel.—D’azur, à un dextrochère d’argent, tenant un demi-
vol du même.
Pierre Le Grys.—D’argent, à la fasce de gueules.—Devise: Avec le
Henry Le Grys.—D’argent, à la fasce de gueules.
Thomas Guérin.—D’azur, à trois molettes d’éperons d’or, posées deux et
une; au chef d’or chargé d’un lion issant de gueules.—Devise: In trino
omnia, et uno.
Charles de Guémené.—Mi-parti, au premier de gueules, à neuf mascles
d’or; au deuxième d’hermines sans nombre.—Devise: Potius mori quam
Jean de Guiton.—D’azur, à trois angons d’argent, posés deux et un.—
Devise: Diex aïe.
Du Halay.—De sable, à deux fasces d’argent; au pal d’or brochant sur le
Guillaume Hamon.—D’azur, à trois annelets d’or, posés deux et un.—
Devise: Ha mon ami.
Olivier Hamon.—D’azur, à trois annelets d’or, posés deux et un.
Alain Hamon.—D’azur, à trois annelets d’or, posés deux et un.
Thomas Le Hartel.—D’or, à une manche mal taillée de gueules.
Guillaume Hay.—De sable, au lion morné d’argent.—Devise: A toga
nitesco et ense.
Jean de la Haye d’Aronde.—D’or, au sautoir d’azur.
Jean de la Haye, baron de Coulonces.—D’azur, à la fasce d’or,
accompagnée de trois besants du même, posés deux et un.
Colin de la Haye-Hue.—De gueules, à trois losanges d’argent, posés
deux et un.
Jean Hérault.—D’argent, à l’étoile de sable en abyme, accompagnée de
trois canettes de mêmes, posées deux et une, becquées et membrées d’or.
Michel Hérault, seigneur de Plomb.—D’argent, à l’étoile de sable posée
en abyme, accompagnée de trois canettes de mêmes, posées deux et une,
becquées et membrées d’or.
Bernard du Homme.—D’azur, au léopard d’argent, accompagné de six
besants d’or, posés trois, deux et un.
Robert du Homme.—D’azur, au léopard d’argent, accompagné de six
besants d’or, posés trois, deux et un.
Thomas Houel.—Paslé d’or et d’azur de six pièces.
Laurens des Longues.—De gueules, à l’aigle abaissée d’argent.
Alain des Longues.—De gueules, à l’aigle abaissée d’argent.
Guillaume de la Luzerne.—D’azur, à la croix ancrée d’or, chargée de
cinq coquilles de sable, posées une sur le centre du croisillon et les autres
sur le milieu de chaque branche.
Christophe de Manneville.—De sable, au lion d’argent.
Foulques de Marcilly.—D’azur, à trois merlettes d’or, posées deux et une.
Louis de la Mare.—D’argent, à la croix de gueules.
Richard de la Mare.—D’argent, à la croix de gueules.
Massire.—Cette famille était du Maine.
Olivier de Mauny, baron de Thorigny.—D’azur, au croissant de gueules.
—Devise: Haynault l’ancien. Mauny! Mauny!
Foulques du Merle.—De gueules, à trois quintefeuilles d’argent, posées
deux et une.—Devise: Spes mea sola Deus.
Henry Millart.—D’azur, au croissant d’or, accompagné de trois étoiles du
même, posées deux et une.
Radulphe de Mons.—D’argent, à l’aigle de gueules, becquée et membrée
d’or; à la bordure de sable, chargée de douce besants d’argent posés en
Thomas de Monteclerc.—De gueules, au lion d’or.—Devise: Majus inter
Charles de la Motte.—D’argent, au sanglier de sable.
Louis de la Motte.—D’argent, au sanglier de sable.
Jean de la Motte.—D’argent, au sanglier de sable.
Robert de la Motte Vigor.—D’argent, au sanglier de sable; au chef de
sable chargé d’une étoile d’argent.
Pierre du Moulin.—D’argent, à la croix de sable, chargée en son
croisillon d’une coquille d’or.
Colas des Moustiers.—D’argent, à la bande d’azur frettée d’or de huit
pièces.—Devise: Quod opto est immortale.
Antoine Néel.—D’azur, à trois mains senestres appommées d’argent,
posées deux et une; au chef d’or.
De Nocey.—D’argent, à trois fasces de sable, accompagnées de dix
merlettes de même, posées quatre, trois, deux et une.—Devise: Multa
Robert de Netret.—D’azur, au lion d’or; au chef cousu de gueules.—
Devise: Deo ac regi.
Guillaume sire de Notret.—D’azur, au lion d’or; au chef cousu de
Estienne d’Orgeval.—D’or, à deux troncs d’arbres, posés en fasces,
écotés et arrachés de sable.
Thomas de la Paluelle.—D’azur, à trois molettes d’éperons d’argent,
posées deux et une.—Devise: Mihi gloria calcar.
Guillaume des Pas.—De gueules, au lion d’or.
Jean des Pas.—De gueules, au lion d’or.
Nicole Payenel.—D’or, à deux fasces d’azur, accompagnées de neuf
merlettes de gueules, posées en orle, quatre, deux et trois.
Jean Payenel, sire de Moyon.—D’argent, à deux fasces d’azur,
accompagnées de neuf merlettes de gueules, posées en orle quatre, deux et
Thomas de Percy.—De sable, au chef denché d’or.—Devise: Espérance
en Dieu.
Jean Pigace.—D’argent, à trois comettes de gueules, posées deux et une.
André Pigace.—D’argent, à trois comettes de gueules, posées deux et
Louis Pigace (le bastard).—De gueules, à trois comettes d’argent, posées
deux et une.
Thomas Pirou.—De synople, à la bande d’argent.
Jean de Pontfoul.—D’azur, à la fasce d’argent; au chef d’or, chargé de
trois molettes d’éperons de gueules rangées en ligne.
Guillaume Le Prestel.—De gueules, à la croix ancrée d’or.
Yves Priour Vague de Mer (de Boceret Bretagne).—De gueules, à la
fasce d’argent, accompagnée de trois coquilles en chef posées en ligne, et
d’un trèfle en pointe, le tout d’argent.
André du Pys.—D’or, au lion d’azur, armé, lampassé et couronné de
Louis de Quintin.—D’argent, au chef de gueules.
Raoul de Regviers.—D’argent, à six losanges de gueules, posés trois,
deux et un.—Devise: Candore et ardore.
Robert Roussel.—Paslé d’or et d’azur de six pièces; au chef de gueules
chargé de trois merlettes d’argent, posées en ligne.
Nicolas de Rouvencestre.—D’or, au chef de gueules, chargé de trois
aiglettes d’argent posées en ligne.
Guillaume de Saint-Germain.—De gueules, à trois besants d’argent,
posés deux et un.—Devise: Deo, ecclesiæ et regi obediens et fidelis.
Samson de Saint-Germain.—De gueules, à trois besants d’argent, posés
deux et un.
Guillaume de Sainte-Marie d’Esquilly.—D’argent, à deux fasces d’azur,
accompagnées de six merlettes de gueules, posées trois, deux et une.
Jean de Sainte-Marie d’Esquilly.—D’argent, à deux fasces d’azur,
accompagnées de six merlettes de gueules, posées trois, deux et une.
Jean de Semilly.—De gueules, à l’écusson d’argent posé en abyme,
accompagné de six merlettes du même, rangées en orle.
Robert de Semilly.—De gueules, à l’écusson d’argent posé en abyme,
accompagné de six merlettes du même, rangées en orle.
Hébert Thézart.—D’or, à la fasce de sable.
De Thorigny (le bastard).—D’argent, à la croix de gueules.—Devise:
Brevior at clarior.
Jean de Tournebu. IIIᵉ du nom.—D’argent, à la bande d’azur.
Jean de Tournemine, sire de la Hunaudaye.—Écartelé d’or et d’azur.
Pierre de Tournemine.—Écartelé d’or et d’azur, à la traverse d’argent
brochant sur le tout.—Devise: Aultre n’auray.
Robert de Vair.—D’or, à deux fasces de gueules.
Jean Louvel, sire de Ver.—De gueules, au léopard d’argent.
Guillaume de Verdun.—D’or, fretté de sable de six pièces.
Girard Le Viconte.—D’azur, à trois coquilles d’or, sans oreilles, posées
deux et une.—Devise: Æternæ rerum vires.
Pierre de Viette.—D’argent, à la bande d’azur, accompagnée de six
tourteaux de gueules, posés en orle.




[Page 257]
Parmi les monnaies qui sont mention̄ ées le plus fréquem̄ ent dans les actes
et les textes du commencement du XVᵉ siècle, on peut citer les moutons
d’or[43] qui devaient leur nom à l’agneau pascal qu’ils ont pour type, et leur
grande renom̄ ée au titre excellent que saint Louis avait donné aux agnels
qu’il fit le premier fabriquer. C’est en effet le denier d’or à l’agnel de Louis
IX qui est sans cesse rappelé comme étalon dans les ordonnances de ses
successeurs. En général le titre des moutons d’or fut plus respecté par les
souverains que celui des autres monnaies, et l’on en changea la figure aussi
peu que le permirent les modifications involontaires du style de l’art. Le
nom du prince réduit à quelques lettres et relégué dans une place secondaire
permettait, à chaque nouveau règne, de produire des imitations très
approchées du type accoutumé.
Voici la description du petit mouton tel qu’il avait cours sous Charles VI;
nous prenons comme exemple une pièce de la collection de M. Rousseau,
portant un point secret indiquant le lieu où elle a été frappée.
♱ AGN: DEI: QVI: TOLL: PECAT: MVDI: MIS: NOB: Agneau nimbé
tenant une bannière à croix tréflée; sous les pieds de l’agneau K. F. RX.
Point sous l’V de mundi, vingtième lettre.
R ♱ XPC. VINCIT. XPC. REGNAT: XPC. INPERAT. Croix fleuronnée,
anglée de quatre fleurs de lys, dans un entourage composé de quatre cintres
et de quatre angles; or, poids: 2,54 grammes (Fabrication de Sainte-
Menehould, mai 1418.)
On conçoit aisément combien un pareil type était fait pour tenter les
imitateurs étrangers; aussi vit-on dans plusieurs pays circuler des
contrefaçons du petit mouton français.
[Page 264]
On était, dit M. Mantellier[44], à une époque difficile pour la monnaie; en
France, les ateliers, privés par la guerre des ressources qui les alimentent, ne
subsistaient qu’au moyen des refontes; et indépendam̄ ent de ses embarras
particuliers, le duc de Bourbon tenait aux affaires du roi par des liens trop
intimes pour ne pas ressentir en Dombes le contre-coup de cette détresse. Il
est peu étonnant, d’ailleurs, que ce prince, qui passa les premières années de
sa vie à la guerre contre les Anglais, les dernières dans les intrigues du
dauphin, et fut mêlé à tous les évènements d’alors, ait manqué de temps et
d’argent pour monnayer.
Ces détails historiques rendent compte de la rareté excessive du mouton
d’or que nous publions ici et qui constitue une importante acquisition pour la
numismatique du xvᵉ siècle.
Henri V étant mort le 31 août 1422 et Charles VI le 21 octobre suivant, le
jeune Henri VI fut proclamé roi de France le 12 novembre et le duc de
Bedford fit frapper monnaie au nom du prince anglais partout où s’étendait
son pouvoir. Cependant, en Normandie même, quelques places fortes étaient
restées fidèles au dauphin. De ce nombre était le Mont-Saint-Michel, qui ne
se rendit jamais aux troupes étrangères. L’atelier monétaire, établi en ce lieu,
continuait à frapper au nom de Charles VII, ainsi qu’on le voit par
différentes chartes[45]. Il est probable que la pièce suivante, conservée dans
la collection de M. Rousseau, a été faite au Mont-Saint-Michel.
tenant une bannière surmontée d’une croisette, sous les pieds de l’agneau: K.
F. RX; le tout dans un entourage de onze petits cintres. Point sous la dix-
huitième lettre.
R. ♱ XPC. VINCIT, etc. Croix fleuron̄ ée, anglée de quatre fleurs de lys,
dans un entourage composé de quatre cintres et de quatre angles, à
l’extérieur duquel sont placées six fleurs de lys, une croisette et un groupe de
trois points. Point sous la dix-huitième lettre. Or; poids: 2,56 grammes.
(Fabrication de mai 1423.)
Cette monnaie, dont le style est relativement récent, convient
parfaitement aux premières années du règne de Charles VII; mais, comme,
d’une part, il n’est plus question de la fabrication des moutons d’or après
l’ordonan̄ ce du 26 octobre 1428, et que, de l’autre, Charles ne rentra en
possession des villes monétaires de la Normandie qu’en 1449, la présence du
point sous la dix-huitième lettre, qui est la marque française de Saint-Lô, ne
s’expliquerait pas.
Il est assez naturel de penser que ce point secret, devenu sans emploi par
suite de la spoliation anglaise, fut attribué au lieu qui avait remplacé Saint-
Lô dans la liste des ateliers français.
Nous voyons, en effet, les officiers royaux, qui avaient exercé leurs
fonctions au Mont-Saint-Michel, réclamer, en 1453, contre la nomination de
deux gardes de la monnaie de Saint-Lô, faite le 30 juin 1450[46]. A cette
époque, cette dernière ville avait abandoné l’annelet sous la seconde lettre,
différent des Anglais, pour reprendre le point sous la dix-huitième lettre, et
le Mont-Saint-Michel cesse de figurer parmi les villes monétaires. De cette
coïncidence il paraît résulter que ces deux ateliers n’ont battu de la monnaie
française qu’à l’exclusion l’un de l’autre.
Si nos conjectures sont justes, ce mouton d’or aurait été frappé l’année
même où Louis d’Estouteville et ses cent dix-neuf gentils-homes, aidés par
les religieux de l’abbaye, repoussèrent, avec un courage resté célèbre, les
attaques désespérées des Anglais.



[Page 306]

Glorieux saint Michel archange,

A vous rens graces et louanges
De tout mon cuer, devotement,
En vous suppliant humblement,
Qu’envers Jhesu Crist, nostre pere,
Et Marie, sa fille et mere,
Fassiés que pardon me soit fait
De ce que puis avoir mefait,
Durant tout le cours de ma vie.

A jointes mains merci vous prie:

Car vous avés la cognoissance
Des bonnes ames, et puissance
Recevoir et mener en gloire.
Si vueillez avoir en memoire
Mon ame, quant l’eure viendra
Que du cors partir li fauldra:
Par vous soit conduite tout droit
En Paradis; que Dieu l’ottroit[47]!




[Page 306]
Michel ange, entend à moy:
Je veuil par toy faire messaige,
Pour subvenir au desarroy
De France, le noble heritaige.
En Barois yras en voyaige,
Et feras ce que je te dy.
Au plus près d’un petit village
Lequel est nommé Dompremy,
Qui est situé en la terre
Et seigneurie de Vaucouleur,
Là trouveras, sans plus enquerre,
Une pucelle par honneur.
En elle est toute doulceur,
Bonne, juste et innocente,
Qui m’ayme du parfont du cueur,
Honneste, sage et bien prudente.
Tu luy diras que je luy mande
Qu’en elle sera ma vertu,
Et que par elle on entende
L’orgueil des François abatu;
Et que je me suis consentu
Recouvrer le royaulme de France,
Et par elle sera debatu
Contre les Anglois par oultrance.
Premièrement, tu luy diras
Que par elle vueil qu’i soit fait,
Et de par moy luy commanderas
Qu’i soit acomply et parfait.
Sy est qu’elle voise de fait
Pour lever le siege d’Orleans,[48]
Chasser les Anglois à destroit,
S’y ne s’en vont incontinant.
Puis après, elle le menra
Le roy Charles sacrer à Rains.
De par moy elle acomplira
Et en parviendra à ces fins;
Que de ce ne se doubte point:
Ma vertu sera avec elle
Ma vertu sera avec elle,
Pour acomplir de point en point
Par icelle jeune pucelle.
Dy luy aussi pareillement
Qu’elle se veste en habit d’omme;
Je luy donray le hardiment,
Pour mieulx que le cas se consomme.
Puis elle s’en yra en somme
Devers Robert de Baudricourt,
Pour l’amener en ceste forme
Devers le Roy et en sa court.


Mon chier seigneur, en grant coraige

Acompliray vostre ordonnance
Vers la pucelle bonne et saige;
Le cas luy diray en presence,
Je y vois, sans nulle difference,
Faire vostre commandement.


Que elle aye bonne fiance,

Sans soy esbayr nullement.
Pose d’orgues.—Et vient devers la Pucelle
gardant les brebiz de son pere et
queusant[49] en linge.

Jeune pucelle bien eureuse,
Le Dieu du ciel vers vous m’envoye,
Et ne soyez de rien peureuse:
Prenez en vous parfaicte joye
Dieu vous mande, c’est chose vraye,
Que y vieult estre avecque vous,
Où vous soyez en quelque voye;
Si n’ayez point doncques de poux[50],
Sa voulenté et son plaisir
Est que vous aillez à Orleans,
Pour en faire Anglois saillir
Et lever le siège devant.
Se de vous sont contredisant,
En armes vous les convaincrez,
Ne contre vous ne seront puissans;
Mès de tout point les subjugrez.
Puis après, y vous conviendra
A Rains mener sacrer le Roy,
Que ainsi Dieu vous conduira,
Et Charles oster hors d’esmoy.
Combien qu’il ait beaucoup desroy[51]
Et pour le present fort à faire,
Dieu le fera paisible en soy,
Que il a ouy sa prière.
Et au seigneur de Baudricourt,
Vous luy direz que y vous maine
Incontinent, le chemin court,
Que il est vostre cappitaine,
Ainsi que c’est chose certaine.
Devers le Roy vous menera
En abit d’omme, toute seine,
Que Dieu toujours vous conduira.

Mon bon seigneur, que dictes vous?
Vous me faictes trop esbaye:
Cecy ne vient point à propoux,
En ce je ne sçay que je die.
Moy, povre pucelle ravye
Des nouvelles que vous me dictes,
Sachez, je ne les entend mie,
Que y me sont trop auctentiques.
Je ne vous pourroye respondre
Ainsi, moi, povre bergerete,
Vous qui cy me venez semondre.
Comme une simple pucelette,
Gardant es champs dessus l’erbete
Les povres bestes de mon pere,
Une jeune simple fillete,
Vous dis sont à mon bien contraire.


Jehanne, ne vous en esmayez;

Que Dieu l’a ainsi ordonné,
Et veut que l’onneur vous ayez
Du royaulme, present fortuné,
Qui a esté habandonné
Par pechié commis des François;
Par vous sera roy couronné
Et remis en ses nobles drois.

En armes je ne me congnois,
Ne m’appartient la congnoissance,
Ainsi que vous le povez vois;
Et en moy n’est pas la puissance,
Ne ne treuve nulle apparence
D’aller devers le cappitaine
Lui raconter vostre ordonnance:
C’est que devers le Roy me maine.


Amye, y le fault ainsi

Le faire, que Dieu le commande.
N’ayez de riens peur ne soucy,
Quand de par moy y le vous mande.


La chose, sachez, est si grande

Qu’i n’est nul qui le peust pencer,
Ne en moy n’est sens qui se tende
A savoir cecy propencer.


Fille, acomplissez la chose

Et Dieu sera avecques vous,
Qui vous gardera, comme une rose,
De polucion contre tous.
Ayez en luy ferme propoux
Et le faictes de bon coraige.
Y vous aidera, et n’ayez poux
De tout dangier et tout dommaige.

A Dieu je vouldroye obeyr
Comme je doy et est raison,
Et très humblement le servir,
A mon povoir sans mesprison;
Et tousjours, en toute saison,
Vueil estre sa povre servante,
Actendant sa vraye maison
Lassus ou ciel, où est m’entente.


A Dieu, Jehanne, vraye pucelle,

Qui est d’icelui bien aymée;
Ayez tousjours ferme pensée.
De Dieu estre sa pastorelle.


En nom Dieu, je vueil estre celle

De le servir, s’i luy agrée.


A Dieu, Jehanne, vraye pucelle,

Qui est d’icelui bien aymée.


Mon bon seigneur, vostre nouvelle

De par moy sera réclamée
Au seigneur de ceste contrée,
Par la voye que dictes telle.


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